We create our own winter wardrobe. Basic wardrobe for the winter: list, photos of things. So, what essential items should be included in your winter wardrobe?

In winter, the problem of “nothing to wear” becomes especially relevant. Many young ladies complain that there is no time for beauty in the cold: it is difficult to feel like a princess when you are dressed like a cabbage. And the prices for winter clothes and shoes bite, so not everyone can afford a variety of warm outfits. Still, let's try to solve this problem. A well-designed basic winter wardrobe lasts for several years, saves money due to the interchangeability of items and leaves room for experimentation.

This hole is then also covered with tape. How to choose bags for storing clothes? Make sure they are transparent so you always know what you put into each one. They must also be stable so that they do not break when air is extracted and good compression is achieved.

If you are looking for bags, consider the size of the suit. In some of these amounts you can store more than one set. Make sure zippers and closures are of good quality. The cold has arrived and it's time to make a new costume by creating ours. If you still don't know what the rules of this system are for dressing well with multiple outfits, you can read this post about it.

Rules for creating a basic wardrobe:

Things should be interchangeable, that is, each thing should be combined with at least two more, and preferably three or four. For example, a blouse hanging in your closet should be paired with at least one pair of trousers and a skirt, or trousers and jeans, and so on;

Basic wardrobe should be harmonious: items of clothing should be combined, and the overall style of things should depend on where you spend your time most time. It is clear that the clothes of travelers will be different from the wardrobe of a business woman or a young mother. But both the one and the other, and the third can look good and stylish even with a minimum of things;

This is probably the most difficult year. In winter we have to wear more clothes because we dress in layers. If you live in cold areas, as I do, this is even more important. Plus, the winter capsule closet coincides with Christmas, which is a time for family parties and friends getting together, so we usually need to dress up a little to be more organized. For these reasons, some people feel that 37 clothes are too few to wear throughout the entire season.

In fact, 37 pieces of clothing can provide a lot of play and give you many combinations for all your needs. Those clothes that make us feel comfortable and beautiful, the ones that we really like, are the ones that we always wear. Perhaps some clothing will inspire you to only wear clothes you love in your wardrobe. Either way, remember that it's a process and it's always best to start building your wardrobe with clothes you already own.

Color compatibility - required condition basic wardrobe. Diversify it with bright scarves, unusual jackets or other accessories you will always have time. But if your “base” contains an item that is too pretentious or does not match the rest in color, you will have to “build” all other sets around it, and this is quite expensive and impractical;

Winter capsule wardrobe outerwear

Later you will see which items you need or which ones will help you create combinations with the ones you already have. Wool sweaters are a staple in my winter capsule closet. Maybe if you live in temperate areas you can continue to wear with fall cotton sweaters, but of course I have to go for puffy wool ones. I also love that feeling of warmth and well-being that good wool sweaters give you.

They are made from 100% regenerated wool. Go to your store because you will love all of them and they are very well priced. It is made from merino wool, although it has a slight blend with polyamide. Price: € 98. 3 - Jersey Jane Goodal de Iaios.

Quality. You can buy an inexpensive blouse on sale or a cheap scarf, but the basic items in your wardrobe should be of high quality and wearable whenever possible. In this case, you can complement them with inexpensive things and still look stylish.

Basic winter wardrobe items. We won't tell you to absolutely buy a black wool skirt or cashmere coat, or to tell you that you need to have two pairs. classic trousers. Perhaps you prefer down jackets and jeans. We will describe what the “foundation” of a winter wardrobe should be - with the opportunity to individually adjust it to your lifestyle and personal preferences.

Knitted jackets are another very versatile staple because they look great with skirts, trousers and dresses. Basic shirts and shirts. Of course, you won't read many posts about winter pod closets where they include thermal shirts. Thermal shirts keep you warm on the coldest days and are the foundation on which you can layer lighter clothing to take advantage of the winter.

Business style clothing

Of course, the wearing feeling is very comfortable. You should also have a few basic cotton shirts in your wardrobe. I like it because they have special details. The gray one has an asymmetrical hem and the navy one has a knot at the front. Another staple among the basics is the white shirt.

- Two changes of outerwear. This could be, for example, a coat and a down jacket, or a coat and a sheepskin coat (fur coat), and so on. In short, you should have at least two options for outerwear - one for very coldy, the other for a milder temperature of up to -5-10 degrees. Choose them by color and style so that they match your winter shoes, trousers and skirts.

T-shirts and shirts. The easiest way to add a little joy and personality to your winter capsule wardrobe is to have a few printed shirts. The striped shirt is a classic and I love it in red. Top part The center is made by combining various fabrics from leftover stocks and serves to place or in jeans.

Winter capsule wardrobe bottoms

Price: € 65. - T-shirt Fleur Andrea Martinez. Nice jeans organic cotton will always come in handy and more if they are dark in color. You can also add trend pieces to your winter capsule closet, like this gray knit. A black skirt is another essential staple that you can use in your capsule wardrobes of all seasons.

- Shoes. Same with shoes, but ideally you need at least three pairs. One of them should warm your feet in the most severe frosts - these could be high boots or just high-quality warm boots with fur. It is better to choose shoes for extreme cold from fur or suede, because at low temperatures even the highest quality leather becomes damaged and cracks, and also gives off too much heat. The remaining two pairs can be, for example, insulated high-heeled boots and comfortable high-heeled boots. flat sole– or, conversely, high-heeled boots and boots for long walks. Combine them depending on your preferences, your task is to achieve maximum wardrobe versatility at minimal cost. If you wear tight or, on the contrary, bell-bottomed trousers, think in advance about what pair of shoes they will be combined with; decide what shoes you can wear with long skirt, a shorter skirt, a winter dress.

Winter capsule wardrobe coats and accessories

This way the dress will become a skirt. On other days, you can wear your entire dress. You will see how this is a very versatile garment. The black feather jacket is not to be missed in a winter capsule designed for cold weather. It's made from recycled fishing nets. On the other hand, feel free to introduce a color note into your coats.

Bombay coat Eliza Muresan. In your winter capsule closet, you need to have several pairs of shoes that serve a variety of occasions. Nice black boots made from vegetable tanned leather will be useful for your pants and to show off your skirts or dresses. The blue boots with a wool shearling inside feel comfortable and rugged.

If you have a modest budget, you can limit yourself to two pairs of shoes. Then choose them according to the same principle as basic outerwear: one for dry and severe frosts, the other for milder but humid weather.

- Hat, gloves and scarf will complete your look when leaving home. Choose matching sets: when you decide to buy a charming hat, remember whether it will go with your basic coat or down jacket, and whether you have a scarf and gloves that will go with it.

On the other hand, flat and male shoes will add sophistication to your relaxation or walks with friends. Remember that metallic shoes are the year to wear, and if you love this trend, you can also find it in a sustainable version. A good example are these boots with laces in bronze color.

Finally, some sneakers for those days where you'll be walking non-stop. They are great with jeans as well as skirts. The backpack is great for carrying all your belongings during the Christmas break. A chain bag perfectly complements the most elegant sets. Cold winter allows you to wear many more accessories than in any other season. Feel free to buy some of good quality like this hat and this neck are 100% wool.

- “Bottoms”: trousers, jeans, skirts. There should be three to five of them by the most conservative standards. The choice of specific items depends on your lifestyle and general style. Are you going to wear these things to the office, walk in them with your child, or go to parties in them? Consider pairing skirts and trousers with your basic outerwear and shoes.

- “Top”: cardigans, pullovers, blouses, vests, tops– are the last to be purchased. A common mistake of those who choose clothes for the winter is to immediately rush to the shelves with cozy clothes in the store. winter sweaters. In fact, these items are usually the most inexpensive of the basic wardrobe, and therefore are matched with existing “bottoms” and outerwear.

Capsule wardrobe with less than 37 pieces of clothing

You can also learn how to weave them yourself, it's a lot of fun. As you can see, with 28 you have more than enough to wear through 3 months of winter, but you still have a few pieces of clothing to get to 37, which a capsule closet usually has. Maybe you'd be better off adding more shoes. Maybe even 28 pieces of clothing is too much for you, or you need to get to them.

Focus color palette

It is important not to focus on quantity, but to be aware of our clothes, what we need and what our style is. A trick that can be very helpful when creating a winter capsule wardrobe is to think of a palette with your favorite colors. Color palette allows you to set some very useful questions when creating a cabinet for capsules.

- Warm winter dresses The good thing is that they only need to be combined with your basic outerwear and shoes. Complement them with accessories that match the style and color - and the look is ready.

- Holiday set. If your budget allows, be sure to consider one or two options for a festive winter outfit. Christmas and Valentine's Day are coming, and combinations of elegant things will come in handy. It doesn't have to be luxurious Evening Dress. Perhaps you will match your “basic” trousers beautiful top with a breathtaking neckline or complement a dress from your main wardrobe with a bright vest and pendant.

Think about your favorite colors and the ones that feel best. As important as choosing a clothing style that goes with your lifestyle, is choosing colors that cheer you up. The color palette allows you to see which colors are dominant in your current winter pod shell. When you take all the clothes out of your closet, check to see if there are still clothes in a certain color. For example, it's possible that you accumulate black clothes unconsciously when in fact you would like to add more color to your wardrobe.

What colors do I need to match my clothes?

Once you see the colors that dominate your wardrobe, you'll get a clearer idea of ​​what clothes you can buy to better match the ones you already own. Continuing with the previous example, black is a fantastic base color, but perhaps you want to give it a little joy and mix it with red or mustard.

Compiling basic wardrobe for winter for an active girl. To begin with, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the analysis of the old wardrobe and the basic wardrobe (many things from which will go into the new season).

- this is the minimum necessary clothing for maximum variations. Each basic item should be successfully combined with, if not all, then most of the items in your wardrobe.

Basic outerwear

Demi-season coat made of wool or cashmere, which can be worn comfortably down to zero degrees. When choosing a basic coat, we advise you to pay attention to its quality, silhouette and. Choose universal coat silhouettes, it could be a robe or a double-breasted pea coat. Such coats practically never go out of fashion. What to wear with fashionable coats.

Anyway, these are just examples. These types of cabinets can be equally valuable, and there are thousands of blogs where you can find inspiration for them. However, if you're looking to add a little color to your wardrobe, you'll find that you don't need to throw it into your capsule wardrobe. I hope you enjoyed this post on how to create a winter capsule wardrobe with sustainable fashion. If you like winter, the rest of the year will seem very simple.

Also approaching New Year and you have to dare with new things. So, the next mail will come as a thank you for being there, for reading these messages and for subscribing. They say that every alpha male does not have to go to the latest fashion to be irresistible to women, but has never had enough underlying commitment to this goal. While you may have a lot of clothes piling up in your closet, you may have some favorite pieces, even others that will never let go.

Winter coat made of wool lined with synthetic padding and possibly fur.

Down jacket. In winter, in most of Russia, it is quite cold and it often snows; in order not to freeze and protect your head from the cold, we buy a warm and light one with a hood, in which it is convenient to walk around the city, travel on public transport, and meet with friends.

But are the parts correct and essential? Therefore, here we present 17 basic clothing codes for each modern man. If you wear a suit every day, you should at least have two of these. Suit in dark blue or of blue color suitable for any occasion.

White shirt for formal occasions

Of course, two is not the limit, just good a starting point for creating complete wardrobe, no gaps. White shirt An absolute must when you need to look clean and polished and sometimes more formal. You have to find a shirt that works for you. Some options can be found here.

Parka with fur. The perfect outerwear for every windy and rainy day. both with jeans and dresses. In the fall, you can remove the fur lining and continue to wear it.

Fur coat / sheepskin coat. Although few modern girls now wear fur coats, pay attention to short fur coats made from goat fur, which can be combined with thick tights and boots, as well as fashion models sheepskin coat

Pale blue shirt for less formal occasions

Like the white one, this shirt is probably the combat wear that every gentleman should have in his wardrobe any day of the week. Thomas Pink brand maybe good option.

A coat to cover you in cold weather

During the colder months, a wool coat will fit perfectly into your suits.

And a raincoat for the rainiest months

When the wool is too hot, choose rain. Its good military inspiration aspect will cover you in the rainiest months with aplomb. This classic version.

Cashmere sweater for all winter occasions

This clothing is ideal for all occasions during the coldest months. Having one in a neutral color like navy would be appropriate because it goes with all your suits and shirts.

Basic winter wardrobe - outerwear in the photo

Basic clothes for winter

Wool trousers, tapered to the bottom, are not only fashionable, but also provide excellent protection from the cold. Straight trousers with or without creases will never go out of style. We wear them with wedge boots or put them on top of an ankle boot/boot. These trousers can be different colors, the most universal: gray, dark blue, black and light brown shades. Pay attention to trousers made of “winter” fabrics (tweed, wool, tweed in crow's foot and Christmas tree, etc.).

Pair of brown shoes

If cashmere isn't in your budget, a cotton-cashmere sweater is so soft you won't need more. Crew - great option. You can diversify with other colors and styles later, but this moment It is better to have a pair of brown boots as they will match your suits. The brand is a great place to start. Above with Alden and Grenson.

He also creates straps to match your brown boots. This is ideal for more formal occasions when required. This outfit might be a little controversial since many men don't wear watches these days. A well-chosen watch can complement a suit and jacket. Walking without a watch is like bringing a pair of pants without a belt.

Jeans. Having quality clothes in your wardrobe that suit your figure often solves the problem of a basic wardrobe. Ideally, you should have three pairs of jeans: skinny model, boot cut and classic straight jeans for every day.

Thick tights and leggings containing cashmere. These tights will come in handy when you want to wear a skirt with boots. Please note that boots should have wide tops, while those with narrow tops should be worn under trousers.

Basic wardrobe for winter: trousers and jeans in the photo

Blouse. A feminine blouse with fashionable draperies will identify you not only as a talented specialist, but also as a girl who follows fashion trends. Affordable in price fashionable blouses can be bought at Camaieu, Promod, Zara, Mango, Benetton, M&S.

Shirts. Every working girl should have at least 3 cotton shirts in her wardrobe. It's better to choose shirts universal colors, for example, blue, light blue, white, beige, striped or checkered.

Tops. We also recommend buying T-shirts to go with a suit and a cardigan on sale. It is advisable to have tops in white, beige, gray, black with a V-neck or U-neck. They suit almost everyone. Other options are at your request. We wear them with a jacket, cardigan, coat.

Sweatshirt. It's hard to imagine life modern girl without him. Will warm both at home and outside.

Basic wardrobe for winter - shirts and tops in the photo

Cardigan. A long cardigan can be worn with jeans, a dress, a skirt and a suit. An irreplaceable thing these days.

Jumper. A jumper is simply necessary where there is no strict dress code. A jumper with a V-neck or U-neck, just like jeans, solves 50% of your everyday wardrobe problems. If the knitwear is not too thick, it can be successfully worn over a shirt or top.

Sweater. For those whose neck gets cold in the cold, a turtleneck will be an excellent solution. We remember that now quite voluminous things that fit freely on the figure are in fashion. A turtleneck or sweater can be made of cotton, wool or cashmere. Models made from 100% synthetics look downright bad. Pay attention to the real vests that you can buy in Vonetorg stores, they are very warm and can replace your thermal underwear.

Basic winter wardrobe - sweaters and jumpers in the photo

Dress. Let it be dense in texture, a small black or gray dress that fits the figure, and has a laconic cut. This dress can be worn many times, changing only the accessories - no one will notice that you have only one. In addition, a sheath dress is ideal for work. gray shades or in a small cell. You can throw a cardigan or jacket over it.

Sweater dress. A universal item for the autumn-winter season. You can wear it equally well with elegant boots and ankle boots. cowboy style, and with boots.

Pencil skirt- the most versatile option for a slim figure.

A-line skirt. The classic silhouette suits almost everyone. For autumn, choose skirts made from thicker materials. The length can be around the knee or above. Wear with thick tights, boots and ankle boots.

Basic winter wardrobe: dresses and skirts (click to enlarge photo)

Things with a complex cut, with a complex print, richly decorated things, multi-colored, and also trendy things are not basic.

Basic shoes for winter

Boots. changes, but classic model- with a rectangular heel, just below the knee length - will always be in fashion.

Ankle boots or ankle boots. By purchasing black or brown classic leather ankle boots, you can easily wear them throughout the fall. We advise you to choose carefully to be sure of their quality. Buy ankle boots so that you can wear them with tights, trousers, jeans and everything outerwear. If most of your trousers are long and your jeans are bootcut, then choose ankle boots whose tops hug the foot or wedge boots.

Boots. Boots can be lace-up or without, with or without heels, elegant or very rough. Choose based on your overall style, and look at the photo for the most versatile option.

Shoes. For the office we need to have shoes that are stable and not very high heels made of leather or suede. It is better to choose universal or bright colors (if the rest of your wardrobe is neutral colors). When choosing shoes, consider not only the dress code, but also your own style.

Basic shoes for winter in the photo (click to enlarge)

Basic winter accessories

Bag. Pay attention to medium-sized bags (it should fit an A-4 folder or a laptop), without excessive decor and accessories. A strict and expensive leather model is what you need for successful career growth.

Belts. You should have at least two belts in your wardrobe. One of classic width and color is for jeans and trousers, the second is thin - for jumpers and cardigans.

Shawls, pashminas, scarves with wool in its composition - an indispensable attribute of the winter season.

A cap with added wool. A simple hat that can be worn with a fur coat, a coat, a parka, or under a hood.

Decorations in the office they are quite acceptable, but it is important not to overdo it. One chain and a pendant, or a ring, or is enough. We also remember that there are summer and winter decorations.

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