Is it a good life principle to be like everyone else? Why are principles of life more useful than rules? Ten non-obvious questions

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Based on my professional and life experiences, I have formulated 52 principles for a happy and successful life. Here I offer a general overview so that you have an idea of ​​​​their content.

You can read detailed comments on each of the principles in the relevant sections:

I invite those who wish to master these principles under my personal mentoring to the coaching program: .

Principles of a happy life

  • The principle of Happiness and Desire. There is no direct relationship between the desire to get what you want and happiness.
  • Principle of Attention: The quality of our lives is determined by what we pay attention to inside and outside of ourselves.
  • The Pleasure Principle. Life gives the best to those who enjoy it.
  • The principle of materialization of Beliefs. The reality in which each of us lives is a direct consequence of our beliefs about how to “should”, “should”, “can-not”, “can-cannot”. There are beliefs leading to a happy life, and vice versa ...
  • Principle of Interpretation: Our emotions are determined by how we interpret what is happening.
  • Principle of Expectation and Gratitude. Any expectations weaken the pleasure of life and achievements, but gratitude strengthens it.
  • The principle of Acceptance and Non-Resistance. What you don't accept tends to become a problem. What you fight fights back with you and takes away your strength.
  • Principle of Stability and Uncertainty. Excessive attachment to stability and lack of change leads to stagnation and a swamp. Openness to change is accepting life as it is: that is, constantly changing and unpredictable.
  • Principle of Process and Result. Happiness and everything in life is a process. The result is the outcome of an effective process.
  • Principle of Integrity. Life satisfaction is the result of a balanced sum of internal (body, feelings, thoughts, spirit, self-development) and external (relationships, work, leisure, self-realization) components.
  • The principle of clear intentions. Clear intentions and a clear division into important and unimportant relieve unnecessary stress and create the basis for a sense of integrity in your life.
  • The principle of responsibility for your condition. There is nothing and no one who could influence your condition without your desire.
  • The Principle of Service. We are happy to the extent that we devote our lives to something greater than ourselves; We strive to give more than we take.

You can read detailed comments on the principles of a happy life in this

Principles for successful action

  • The principle of Freedom of Choice. The more conscious choices you make in your life, the more master you are of your life. Conscious choice differs from unconscious choice by knowing the answer to the question “why”, why you are choosing it.
  • Principle of Circumstances. Desires are more important than circumstances. Circumstances are the material for opportunities.
  • Principle of Energy. Life is energy. By managing energy, you control life. Strong energy always defeats weaker energy. Acceleration requires effort.
  • Principle of Interest. Passion, enthusiasm, interest - have the ability not only to preserve, but also to multiply our strength. In contrast, lack of interest leads to inevitable and irreversible losses of energy and strength.
  • Principle of Cause and Effect. What goes around comes around. A good result cannot come from bad actions, and vice versa.
  • The principle of Small and Large. The small is embodied in the big, and the big in the small.
  • Principle of Relaxation. In a relaxed state, we can achieve much more than in a tense state (lethargy and relaxation are different things).
  • Principle of Concentration: Concentration is the key to the success of any action.
  • Principle of Habits. Rhythm and organization are habits that help remove unnecessary stress.
  • Principle of the Image of Result. The presence or absence of motivation is determined by the degree of attractiveness of the image of the result that we imagine at the beginning of the action.
  • The principle of Fear and Experience. Until it begins to act, difficulties may seem insurmountable and even frightening. But this dissipates with learning and experience.
  • Principle of Quantity and Quality of Actions. The richness of life is determined not so much by quality as by the quantity of real actions.
  • The principle of interaction with the outside world. The key principle of interaction with the outside world is the position of selfless giving and grateful receiving.

For detailed comments on the principles of successful action, see this.

Principles of harmonious relationships

  • The principle of the Reference Point in relationships. Happy unions are obtained not when you find that same person, but when you become that same person.
  • Principle of Idealization. An ideal is a projection in the outside world of what you lack inside.
  • Principle of Self-Sufficiency: Truly close relationships are a conscious choice, not an emotional dependence.
  • Principle of Relationship Goals: The only universal goal of relationships is to learn to love.
  • The Principle of Needs. Every person has needs that cannot be satisfied without the presence of a truly loved one. We cannot experience complete satisfaction in life without satisfying these needs.
  • Principle of Dulling of Emotions. Any initially acute emotions, sensations and feelings dull over time.
  • The principle of Giving and Receiving. Truly harmonious intimate relationships are the result of the ability and desire to give unconditionally and receive unconditionally.
  • Principle of Non-Evaluative Thinking: It is impossible to love someone you evaluate, just as it is impossible to evaluate someone you love.
  • Principle of Relying on the Best. To build harmonious relationships, you need to rely on the best in each other.
  • Principle of Mutual Understanding. It is impossible to be understood unless you first show the desire to understand.
  • Principle of Caring: Caring for a loved one means doing what is important to him, and not what seems important to you.
  • Principle of Responsibility. Responsibility is a natural feeling that arises as a result of connecting with what is important and dear to you.
  • Principle of Proximity. We experience the greatest satisfaction in relationships when we step outside of ourselves.

For detailed comments on the principles of harmonious relationships, see this

Principles of Self-Realization

  • The Principle of Fate Programming. Like other animals with a developed nervous system, man is a programmable creature. However, unlike animals, we have the ability to self-reprogram
  • Principle of Personal Development and Cognition. Personal development and learning are the only universal goals in life. Whatever happens is the material for achieving these goals.
  • The principle of the relationship between internal and external. All growth comes from within, from the fertile grain. To comply with the laws of the world order means always starting with yourself. The internal determines the external.
  • Principle of Freedom. Free, “uninhibited” behavior is always determined by the level of a person’s internal freedom. Inner freedom is the ability to be yourself.
  • The principle of Self-realization. We feel the highest satisfaction from life in a state of self-realization.
  • Principle of Self-Esteem. Correct self-esteem is taking into account all your qualities and skills, relying on the best.
  • The principle of self-irony. Self-irony, the ability to laugh at oneself, is one of the key factors of healthy self-esteem.
  • The principle of the unity of Soul and Body. The difference between a person and an animal is that his body serves the interests of the soul.
  • Principle of Learning. Any new skill seems difficult at the beginning, but as it is mastered and repeated many times it becomes familiar and natural.
  • Principle of Use. What you use develops, and vice versa - what you don’t use atrophies and degrades.
  • Principle of Effort. The ability to move towards your goals is determined by the ability to overcome inertia.
  • The Principle of Purpose. Based on the purposeful structure of nature, it is obvious that the presence of our innate abilities and inclinations has its own significance for the universe. On this basis, we can say that our task is to find and follow our destiny.
  • The principle of Co-Unity. You are what and with whom you feel united. It is in connection that the strongest influence occurs.

Life principles of Stanislav

Initially, the list of life principles that my friends and I adhere to (to varying degrees) supplemented the article “Reflections on Principles”, but then it grew and was separated into a separate page.

This list was compiled from various sources (religious, philosophical, psychological, everyday), which in some ways or in general may repeat each other, complement or even contradict each other. However, all the principles listed below are the subjective basis of my worldview and behavior, which I am not trying to impose on anyone else, but I will be glad if any of you find something useful here for yourself.

This is not a set of laws or immutable rules that everyone must follow together and strictly. Not everyone - but only those who intuitively and sincerely feel them “as their own”, corresponding to their worldview, necessary for their development. Not necessarily all together - each of the principles operates separately, but once you start following one point, you can feel that others will be easier to follow. Not necessarily strictly - this is not always or not immediately possible, but there is no limit to perfection. You decide.

Manifestations of weak will

General principles of life

From the teachings of Porfiry Ivanov “Baby”

  • Love the surrounding nature and your city, do not litter or destroy.
  • Do not spit or spit anything out of yourself.
  • Help people in any way you can, do it with joy.
  • Don't be greedy and acquisitive.
  • Don't be smug and proud.
  • Don't be afraid of anything, including death.
  • Don't be a hypocrite.
  • Trust people and love them.
  • Do not speak unfairly about people and do not take unkind opinions about them to heart.
  • Free your head from thoughts about illness, illness, death.
  • The idea cannot be separated from the action. Reading is good. But the most important thing is to do it!
  • Tell and convey the experience of your health and success, but do not boast or exalt yourself in this. Be modest.

From the system of Mirzakarim Norbekov

  • Being normal is encouraging the crowd. Become an individual!
  • A little more self-esteem today will make you a little different tomorrow, etc. Artificially increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • The formation of illogical behavior is not first what I want, and then joy about it, but vice versa.
  • Smile, externally and internally.
  • Keep your posture and muscles in good shape.

Secrets of longevity from the 100-year-old surgeon Uglov

  • Do exercises and walk. Walk as much as possible.
  • Leave the table slightly hungry. Move from the dining table to the work table, and not to the sofa.
  • Not a single glass of alcohol, no cigarettes. Otherwise, all other recommendations will be useless.
  • Do not wish evil and do good without expecting gratitude. Do good; evil, unfortunately, will happen on its own.
  • Love your homeland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
  • Love the job. And physical too.
  • Know how to control yourself. Don't lose heart under any circumstances.
  • Love your family. Know how to answer for her.
  • Maintain your normal weight, no matter the cost. Don't overeat!
  • Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places to live.
  • Don't be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
  • Spare your children from health-destroying music.
  • The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
  • Individual immortality is unattainable, but the length of your life largely depends on you.

From the book “Two Lives” by Concordia Antarova

  • Every person is your teacher. Even from your opponent or adversary there is always something to learn.
  • On your current day, you must accept all the circumstances included in it, recognize them as yours, wholly and only necessary for you. Everyone has their own path, their own tests of strength and their own rewards according to their merits.
  • Don’t present every smile as a rare kindness, but start your every day and every greeting to the person you meet with it. However, it’s better to read about this from Norbekov. :-)
  • Never listen to gossip, cut off all complaints of people who tell you evil about the people of their country, about their country itself, about their people, about their rulers. By supporting or allowing such negative conversations, you contribute to the evil and irritation of people, and the deterioration of the energy-informational atmosphere.
  • Avoid and stop cruelty. If you saw a living being being beaten and did not stand up for it, you have sinned just as much before the Eternal as the cruel one who beat it. If you heard a cruel word hitting an innocent person, and you failed to protect him, to lead him away from the evil one, you are guilty before Eternity no less than the scolder himself.
  • The superstitions of people that you encounter at every step of your life should not only not affect your perception and upset you, but your cheerfulness should increase from every meeting with a person whose superstition prevents him from opening his eyes wide to the world.
  • There is no religion higher than Truth. There is one truth, but there are many ways to it, both through religions and bypassing them (see graphic illustration).
  • Watch yourself, but watch lightly. There is no need to adopt those life principles that you cannot yet implement, for which you are not yet ready.

For more details, see Concordia Antarova’s book “Two Lives”.

From the “Memo to the Manager” by aircraft designer Ilyushin

  • Be principled. Never conform to someone else's opinion if you don't agree with it.
  • Be truthful even if it may cause you trouble.
  • Don't justify your mistakes by being too busy.
  • Never get irritated. It degrades your dignity.
  • Never give in to despondency, it undermines faith in your strength.
  • Never, under any circumstances, lose your ability to reason.
  • One of the most powerful tools in educating subordinates is your personal example in work and in life.
  • If during the day you personally have not learned anything, then consider this day lost for yourself.

From the “Code of Honor” of one knightly order

  • Keep your honor, do not encroach on someone else's.
  • Live with the desire for self-improvement, strengthen your spirit and will.
  • Try to be fair and honest with everyone, regardless of whether you are a friend or an enemy.
  • Help others whenever you can help, do not refuse the selfless help of others.
  • In your actions, be guided by the voice of your conscience.
  • Be proud, but don't let your pride turn into arrogance.
  • Don't draw conclusions until you know all sides of the issue.
  • Argue if it is justified and you are sure that you are right, and do not argue if you have even the slightest doubt.
  • Trust your heart - often the truth is hidden in it, and not in cold reasoning.
  • Having managed to rise yourself, help those who follow you.
  • Take care of the cleanliness and health of your body and thoughts.
  • Take time every day to reflect on the path you are on.
  • Don’t give a word if you’re not sure you can keep it, and once you’ve given it, don’t give it up.
  • Strive to gain new knowledge and find something useful even in failures.
  • When going towards your goal, do not forget about those who are walking next to you - together you are stronger.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, learn to admit them and forgive the mistakes of others.
  • Learn to enjoy obstacles, choose a stronger opponent and a smarter interlocutor - this is the only way you can rise higher.
  • Whenever possible, take care of the world around you in which you live.
  • Try to learn to feel oneness with everything in the world.
  • Appreciate what you have, learn to be content with little, be happy and do not envy anyone.
  • Always be ready to act - inaction weakens.
  • Don’t be killed by the imperfections of the world - change yourself, then you will change the world.
  • Having known your capabilities and abilities, use them and develop them, for the benefit of yourself and others.
  • Remember: you are not better than others, you are only striving to become better than you are now.

From Leo Tolstoy’s book “The Way of Life”

  • Greater and greater union of the human soul with other beings and God, and therefore greater and greater good of man, is achieved by freeing the soul from that which hinders love for people and the consciousness of its divinity: 1) sins, that is, indulgence in the lusts of the body, 2) temptations , that is, false ideas about the good, and 3) superstitions, that is, false teachings that justify sins and temptations.
  • The superstition of the state consists in the belief that it is necessary and beneficial for a minority of idle people to rule over the majority of the working people. The superstition of the church consists in the belief that the religious truth, which is constantly becoming clear to people, has been revealed once and for all and that famous people who have arrogated to themselves the right to teach people the true faith are in possession of a single, once forever expressed religious truth. The superstition of science consists in the belief that the single, true and necessary knowledge for the life of all people lies only in those randomly selected fragments of various, mostly unnecessary knowledge from the entire boundless field of knowledge, which at a certain time attracted the attention of a small number of those who liberated themselves from the labor of people necessary for life and therefore living an immoral and unreasonable life.
  • In order for a person to live well, he needs to know what he should and should not do. To know this requires faith. Faith is knowledge of what a person is and why he lives in the world.
  • If you doubt your faith, it is no longer faith. Faith is only faith when you have no thought that what you believe in could be untrue.
  • There are two faiths: faith in trusting what people say - this is faith in a person or in people, and there are many different such faiths, and faith in one’s dependence on the one who sent me into the world. This is faith in God, and such faith is the same for all people.
  • To believe means to trust what is revealed to us, without asking why this is so and what will come of it. This is true faith. It shows us who we are and what we should therefore do, but it tells us nothing about what will come of doing what our faith tells us to do. If I believe in God, then I have nothing to ask about what will come out of my obedience to God, because I know that God is love, and nothing but good can come out of love.
  • Love gives people good because it connects a person with God.
  • ...There can be no intermediaries between God and people... [As far as I know, one of those phrases for which Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Church - approx. creator of the site.] What is needed for life is not gifts to God, but our good deeds. This is the whole law of God.
  • When a person holds on to faith only because for the fulfillment of works of faith he expects all sorts of external benefits in the future, then this is not faith, but calculation, and the calculation is always wrong... If you serve God because of eternal bliss, then you serve yourself, and not God .
  • It is necessary not to drown out your mind in order to know the true faith, but, on the contrary, to purify and strain it in order to test with your mind what the teachers of faith teach. We do not reach faith by reason. But reason is needed in order to test the faith that is taught to us.
  • A religion is not true because it was preached by holy people, but holy people preached it because it is true.

For more details, see Leo Tolstoy’s book “The Way of Life”.

"Phrases about Life" by Gabriel García Márquez

  • Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.
  • Never stop smiling, even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile. :-)
  • You may be just a person in this world, but for someone you are the whole world.
  • Don't waste time on a person who doesn't want to spend it with you.
  • Perhaps God wants us to meet not those people before we meet that one person. So that when it happens, we will be grateful.
  • Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
  • There will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.
  • Become a better person and understand who you are before you meet someone new and hope that they will understand you.
  • Don't try so hard - the best things happen unexpectedly.

From the “Moral Code of the Builder of Communism”

  • Conscientious work for the benefit of society: he who does not work, does not eat.
  • Everyone cares about preserving and increasing the public domain.
  • High consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests.
  • Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one.
  • Humane relations and mutual respect between people: man is friend, comrade and brother to man.
  • Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and personal life.
  • Mutual respect in the family, concern for raising children.
  • Intransigence to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism, money-grubbing.
  • Friendship and brotherhood of all peoples of the [former] USSR, intolerance towards national and racial hostility.
  • Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

Bill Gates: “11 things they forgot to teach you at school”

  • It's very unlikely that you'll start getting paid $40,000 a year straight out of school. You don't become the vice president of a company, with a limousine and a personal chauffeur, until you earn it.
  • If you think your teacher is strict and demanding, wait until you meet your boss. Unlike a teacher, a boss's career depends on how well you handle your assignments.
  • Don’t rush to blame your parents for every failure. Don’t whine or fuss about your failures – learn from them.
  • Before you were born, your parents were not such boring and uninteresting people as they seem to you now. They became like this by making money for your carefree childhood, washing your clothes and listening to your endless chatter about how great you are. Therefore, before you go to save the Amazon forests from destruction by the greedy generation of your parents, try to get your room in order first.
  • Life is not divided into semesters, there are no summer holidays, and very few employers are interested in helping you find your true self. You will have to do this on your own time.
  • Don't confuse real life with what is shown on television. In life, people have to spend most of their time not in a coffee shop, but in their workplace.

Chinese list of "8 virtues and 8 vices"

  1. Love your Motherland, do not harm it.
  2. Serve the people, never betray them.
  3. Follow the science, don't be ignorant.
  4. Be diligent, not lazy.
  5. Be responsive, help everyone, don’t profit at the expense of others.
  6. Be honest and decent, do not compromise your principles for profit.
  7. Be disciplined and law-abiding, no to chaos and lawlessness.
  8. Live simply, work hard, do not wallow in luxury and pleasure.
Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. Yuri Okunev is with you.

Today we’ll talk about human life principles. What are they, do you need them, how to find them and integrate them into your self-organization system.

We have already noted that in the system of self-organization, principles play the role of boundaries within which we move towards our goal. Moreover, it is rather heaven and earth, above and below. The width of the channel is determined by the formulation and.

Principles are the rules of the game for achieving your goals.
If players start breaking the rules, the game loses its meaning. A football player who makes his way to the enemy goal using hand grenades and a Kalashnikov assault rifle is unlikely to receive a prize for winning the game.

We play exchange. The main idea of ​​this game is to provide something useful to the world.

If we destroy our planet in pursuit of success, the game will lose its meaning.
If we destroy our values ​​(family, health, friendships, etc.), victory, whatever it may be, is unlikely to make us happy.

You can give this image. Values ​​are the inner circle, our zone of happiness. What we always want to see in our lives. Principles are an outer circle, a boundary that we will not cross in our actions under any circumstances.

The latter is a vital principle. They are the ones that interest us in the first place.

How to find your principles?

The principles are formed along two vectors.

  1. Which I will not do under any circumstances.
  2. What should I do.

The method of modeling limiting situations will help us decide. We take each of our values ​​in turn. And we are looking for a boundary that we will not cross, either for the sake of the highest result, or to avoid complete failure.

For example, let's take the value - wealth, material security, money. Let's ask ourselves:

What will I not do even for a hundred million (billion) dollars?
What will I not do even if I have no livelihood left?

I must warn you that extreme situations, even imaginary ones, are always an uncomfortable zone. Don't try to avoid scary and awkward questions. They are the ones who will show where your internal boundaries lie.

The gradient might look like this:

  • For the sake of wealth, are you able to deceive a colleague or kill an animal? A person? Your child?
  • In order not to die of hunger, can you steal, rob, kill, engage in prostitution? What if your family’s life is at stake?

After the pendulum of possible situations swings in your head from one extreme to the other, you need to formulate the emerging principle in acceptable, positive form.

Positive the form implies the absence of any negatives in the text. If you come to the definition: “I will never cheat for the sake of money,” you should write down as a principle: “I conduct my affairs honestly.”

Eligibility implies that you choose a framework that makes practical sense for you to adhere to. Honesty increases your self-esteem and the trust your clients place in you. And the principle “I will not kill my children for money” is unlikely to be needed by a mentally healthy person.

Having worked through all your values ​​in this way, you will receive a basic list of your own principles.

We look at the Ten Commandments of Moses, the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, the regulative and religious principles of the Vedas, the moral code of the builder of communism, Hubbard’s “The Way to Happiness” and any other lists of life principles that are available to us.

Comparing them with the list received earlier, we supplement, expand, reduce, and arrange until we are completely satisfied - until we get those rules, following which will really make our life the way we want it to be.

Following principles is not easy

Following the principles means following the football rules in the match, even if the opponent pulls out a nuclear bomb from his wide trousers.

A truly principled person can be one for whom principle is more important than life.

At one time I was struck by an episode from the film “The Battle of the Red Cliff”.

The hero swears on his head that he will get ten thousand arrows by morning, and when the morning recount shows that there are only 9900, he is ready to accept execution without trying to justify himself.

From our point of view, what difference does it make 9900 or 10000: the task of providing the army with arrows has been completed. But for a person for whom honor is more valuable than life, it does not matter how many percent the promise is not fulfilled. Living without keeping your word is unthinkable.

  • Jesus went to the cross, affirming the principle of love for God.
  • Giordano Bruno chose a fire to prove the true structure of the solar system.
  • King Leonidas led his Spartans to the Thermopylae Gorge, following the duty of a king and a warrior.

Why do we need principles if they are so difficult to follow? What good are they? Why play by the rules when many don't follow them?

To begin with, imagine two people standing next to each other. One is principled, the other is unprincipled. Who would you like to do business with? Go on reconnaissance? To live next door?

Yes, perhaps it’s more difficult with a principled person: he will demand that you fulfill your duties precisely. But in general, living surrounded by principled people is safer than vice versa.

So, principled people stabilize society, make it safer, understandable, and predictable. Okay, but why should we be like that? Life is already not an easy thing, why complicate it further by introducing additional restrictions? I will answer.

What are you getting

The main purpose of the principles is to ensure movement towards set goals. This is insurance that prevents the climber from falling into the abyss when his fingers slip and his legs lose support. An additional guide for situations in which there are no guidelines. The basis that allows you to stay on your feet and not lose sight of your goal in a flurry of incoming life events.

Let's move on. Having principles makes a person undoubtedly more valuable to society. And if we are committed to sharing and serving, living up to the principles is a worthwhile investment of effort. Following the principles you are getting better.

Following the principles you are getting stronger.

Imagine a person who always keeps his word. He promised that such and such a project would be completed by tomorrow morning. And so he comes to you and says, “I need you to do such and such part of the project. Now".

It is likely that he will not even have to pull a bazooka out of his pocket and hit you on the head for the necessary actions to be completed. But if necessary, he will do it. His life is at stake, and often his responsibility for other people. It is impossible to refuse.

The principle in this case creates the pressure necessary to achieve the goal. Ordinary water supplied from a high-pressure unit cuts steel and concrete.

Strength is required to follow principles. It is more difficult to win with the rules than without the rules. This means that you need power more than other people. You begin to consciously develop it in yourself. The power of persuasion, the power of example, physical strength, etc.

Principles organize. Order is a necessary condition for effective activity.

By following the principles, you make your contribution to the creation of a reasonable society in which you live and your children will live.

Lack of principles may lead to short-term benefits, but is always a loss in the long term. An unprincipled person loses friends, partners, relatives, and employees. Nobody wants to work with him. And it is almost impossible to create anything noticeable in this world alone. Any big project is a team effort.

To summarize we can say:

Principles ensure that we achieve our long-term goals because they allow us to gain the support of other people and protect us from making fatal mistakes.

The place of life principles in the system of self-organization.

Let's take a table of our values ​​and key areas of activity and provide it with principles.

VALUES Key areas Operating principles
MindfulnessTMContinuously improving efficiency
HealthPhysical trainingMaintaining a daily routine
Healthy eating
Regular training
FamilyFamily (Wife, children, parents, brothers)Mutual respect
Notice the good.
Don't skip misunderstood words
Provide mass
CaseProject 1 Creation (service)
Exchange with excess
Greatest benefit for speakers
Project 2
Safety Be ready.
EarthHouse, garden, vegetable garden, field, forest, carEnvironmental friendliness
ProsperityFinanceRevenues exceed expenses
Brightness of life, hobbies.Cinema, fine literature, tourismTime for business, time for fun
SpiritualitySpiritual practiceAdvancement towards God

The principle must be defined as precisely as possible. In this tablet we have indicated the names of the principles. But we need to define for ourselves what exactly we mean by this.

For example, “Healthy eating” is understood by one as first, second, third and dessert; second, as a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates; the third considers a diet containing a lot of meat healthy, the fourth considers vegetarianism, the fifth a raw food diet. Reveal your principles, Describe them.

Operating principles
Name Description
Value - Health
Maintaining a daily routineI get up at 4:30 every day. I go to bed no later than 23:00
Regular trainingCharge every day. Evening workout at least three times a week.
Healthy eatingI do not consume: meat, fish, eggs, tea, coffee, onions, garlic.

In the morning light breakfast without grains: dairy products, sweets, fruits, dried fruits, herbal tea.

At lunch main meal: I eat as much as I want, including grains, all six tastes are welcome.

For dinner, milk with spices or buckwheat, or stewed vegetables, or fruits, or tea with dried fruits.

Snacks Avoid between meals if possible. If I really want to, I snack on fruit. I drink a lot of clean water.

Using your knowledge and common sense, describe what you understand by each principle. In the future, your understanding will definitely change, but first you need to at least look at it from the outside.

Don't try to jump over your head ahead of time. Write down what you actually observe in your life. The most hardworking ones are allowed to fantasize and further describe how it would be ideally.

That's it. A few hours of hard work and your individual system of life principles has been created. I provide a ready-made list of principles as a guide, options from world authorities and feedback on your work in the course. But the above is more than enough to obtain acceptable results.

Dare, achieve your goals, prosper and succeed.
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I’ll be happy to read the answers and make my contribution, because I once asked myself this question. The starting point is almost always the dichotomy of two positions - adapt to situations or follow your autonomy.

And here, as in many other things, you need to look for a middle path, although the advantage of following the principles is obvious to me. Simply because the principles are the internal core on which the building of your personality rests, and this is wildly important. In this sense, I can almost confidently to say, principles are always artificial and invented by us ourselves or perceived in response to life experience. But (!) at the same time, they are law for us in the sense that if we violate them, sanctions in the form of self-reproach are almost inevitable. And internal control and its sanctions are worse than any physical punishment. Some, however, manage to make a deal with their conscience and abstract themselves from self-flagellation, but another important consequence is inevitable. A person ceases to respect himself, and if he tries to “close his ears” from this, he slides into complete disorder in himself You can see such examples in all collaborators and simply those who adapt. I don’t have any examples of good people of this type.

And it is clearly like this: if you have a principle of not drinking, then it is better for you not to take a glass in your hand. But here is an important point: not because drinking is bad, but because you have antipathy in your head or any other feeling that is opposed to consumption. It turns out that objectively there is nothing bad, but internal motives will make it so that you will not get any high. Just like there is no high from breaking down and eating a cake, when you really want to lose weight and have sworn off a diet. After all, a lot still depends on strength beliefs.

Principles give the important thing - integrity of nature. If a person has the principle of doing what he likes, and he does not struggle at work, which bothers him, or, for example, he respects himself, but is insulted at work, then no exorbitant money should leave him this work. The measure is simple - check every time whether you are acting in a way that you think is correct or drowning out your inner voice with arguments that this is temporary or for the sake of a long-term goal. Remember that you will not reach that goal in this situation, or you will reach it in a wreck, which was constantly hit by the realization that he was doing things against himself. And don’t listen to phrases like “now you will feed your children with your principles.” Yes, it may be hard for a while, but I am convinced that a person with a core, but without position, will always defeat the one someone with position, but without a core.

But in conclusion, an important point - be open to new ideas. The principles should combine firmness, but also flexibility in the sense that if you realize that your principles are interfering with you or they are leading nowhere, try to deform them. After all, the same thing The principle of resistance to alcohol can be established simply by moderate consumption. In complete refusal there is a risk of relapse or torment. If this can be avoided, then why not? After all, our ultimate goal is to make ourselves better. Otherwise, the border between a principled person and a tight sheep who is himself is very ephemeral. doesn’t understand why, but he will do it. It’s not necessary. Think more about yourself and listen. Good luck to us!

A person with life principles is one who adheres to the norms and rules adopted by himself. A conscious person accepts life values ​​and principles that guide him, serve as an internal core, but do not limit him excessively.

Choice of life principles

Following life principles is the choice of strong people who are accustomed to being guided by reason, and not by feelings and habits. For religious people, the role of the main life principles is played by the commandments. Some psychological trainers, for example, refuse to work with companies that produce alcohol and tobacco, and artists often refuse to perform even for very large remuneration in countries where repressive regimes have been adopted.

In modern society, life and values ​​in reality very often turn out to be more of a fiction than a standard. In this case, a person follows life principles only when it is beneficial for him; in other cases, he changes or ignores them. So, for example, a girl may “out of principle” refuse to talk to a guy, but if her mood changes, she will very quickly forget about her decision.

To make your principles smarter, frame them as goals. For example, a girl shouldn’t rashly decide “I won’t talk on principle.” Think about whether you are ready to break off the relationship because of the conflict. If not, are you ready to continue to tolerate this kind of attitude? Make decisions based on your answers - wait for an apology, break up, or stop paying attention to the shortcomings of your gentleman.

Basic life principles of a wise person

Wise people are always guided by their experience to formulate life principles, and then apply them for the rest of their lives. One of these principles is thought control. Your actions and deeds are a continuation of your thoughts. If you create a happy life in your head, you can bring those thoughts into reality.

The next life principle of wise people is respect. You need to respect both yourself and those around you. In this case, you will be treated with understanding and attention. Respect also helps build friendship, without which it is impossible to become a happy person. To be a true friend means to support, understand, share joy and sadness.

One of the life principles of smart people is to share only good things with others. When you give something, you receive something in return. If you give joy and love, they will return to you a hundredfold.

The life principle of truly loving people is to give freedom. Do not limit the freedom of thoughts, actions, beliefs and choices of another person. And if he stays with you, this is true love.

Life principles of great people

Many people are interested in the thoughts and life principles of great people who had their own secrets of success. For example, the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy formulated his life principles already in his youth. And they are still relevant for those who want to achieve well-being and inner harmony. Here are some of these principles: