Party in cowboy style competitions. Birthday in the style of a cowboy party

This “cowboy style” birthday scenario is designed for children from 6 to 8 years old. A “cowboy” theme is more suitable for a son’s birthday than a daughter’s, but some girls will also like the scenario with “shooters” and “Indians”. According to the scenario, the holiday is held at home (in an apartment), but it can be adapted to be held in any other room or even on the street.

Preparing for a birthday

We invite guests

Having compiled a list of guests who will be invited to the celebration, you can begin making invitations, which should be given to each of them in advance.


We suggest printing out “Wanted” leaflets found on the Internet and edited using a graphic editor, which are often shown in American Westerns. It is advisable that instead of a photograph of a criminal, each sheet should depict a portrait of a guest or birthday boy in a cowboy hat. Under the image you can write the following phrase: “...(name) is wanted to participate in the cowboy’s birthday celebration!”

On the other side of the sheet you can write a few more sentences, for example: “Fast (strong, dirty, white, etc.) ... (guest's name)! On December 15, 2013 (date of celebration), you must appear at the Zharov ranch (family name) at the address: ... (address). Don't be late and don't forget to bring your gun and hat! A birthday celebration is planned for the Sharp Eye (“nickname” of the birthday boy).”

However, you can come up with other original invitations for guests, for example:

  • The text of the invitation can be written on cards shaped like a cactus, a horseshoe, a pistol or a hat.
  • You can attach decorative elements related to the “cowboy” theme to any postcard or piece of paper, for example: a toy sheriff’s badge (a plastic star), a cartridge (plastic, but resembling a real one), a feather (taken from a “killed Indian”), etc.
  • The invitation can resemble an ancient scroll that can be tied with twine and secured with a toy sheriff's badge.

Festive room decor and props for a cowboy party

Birthday organizers definitely need to decorate the room in which the party will be held in advance, because a “cowboy party” without decorations will not work.

Some tips for creating a “wild west” atmosphere:

  • If the party is held at home, then signs with inscriptions (“Saloon”, “Bank”, “Keen Eye Ranch”, “Sheriff”, “Prairie”) should be hung in the hallway. Read more about pointers below.
  • A horse is every cowboy's best friend! Therefore, you can decorate the walls, shelves, and floors of rooms with toy, painted, molded, purchased and hand-made horses. There should be as many horses in the apartment as possible so that each child can choose at least one picture with a horse or one toy horse.
  • According to the scenario, eight toy bulls will be needed (read more below).
  • To decorate the room in which the celebration will be held, almost any items that are in one way or another related to the “cowboy” theme are suitable: cacti (from balloons, real or toy), cowboy hats, horseshoes (toys), posters with images of cowboys, horses, Indians, prairies, canyons, etc.
  • A CD with country music or ethnic Indian songs.
  • Images of cacti that are drawn or printed on thick paper or cardboard. In addition to the cactus, animals should be drawn in the pictures, but not completely, but only partially (it should give the impression that this animal is hidden behind the cactus, so only its back, ears, tail, hooves, paws should be visible, but in no case not a muzzle).
  • Brown or black plastic bags (one bag per guest).
  • Scissors.
  • A plastic bucket, basin or any other large container into which you can pour water (for example, an inflatable pool for children).
  • Chocolate gold coins.
  • Eye patch made of opaque material.
  • Colander.
  • Cowboy hats and scarves (one pair per person).
  • Six bags made of opaque material. Each bag features one of the letters that together make up the word “cowboy.” In each bag you need to put a “surprise”, for example: in the bag on which the letter “k” is written, you need to put an object whose name begins with this letter (for example: a pencil, brush, candy, etc., you need to do the same with other bags) .
  • Rope or lasso.
  • A homemade “horse”, which can be made from a chair, stool or bucket: for this, a horse’s “head” made of colored cardboard, a mane and tail made of tow or artificial hair are attached to one of the above items. If the organizers of the holiday have a large toy horse (at the withers reaching the shoulder of an eight-year-old child), then it will, of course, be much more suitable for the celebration than a chair with a “mane.”
  • Toy guns (one per guest).
  • A horse's tail is a piece of oakum tied to a dart.
  • An original “portrait” of a horse, drawn on whatman paper: on the sheet you need to depict a “back view”, but without the tail.

Meeting guests and preparing for the party

The children are greeted one by one by the presenter (adult) and handed out cowboy hats and scarves. He shows how to wear these things and tells why cowboys need scarves: “Friends, I’ll now tell you why a real cowboy needs a neckerchief. The fact is that cowboys ride their horses very quickly across the prairies and canyons and hot sand pours into their faces. Neckerchiefs cover the cowboys' faces from the sand."

After all the children have put on hats and scarves, you can give them bags and invite them to make cowboy vests with fringe from them. Before the children begin making, the presenter must show the children how to make a vest from a bag.

Master class: “Cowboy vest from a package”

  1. At the bottom of the bag you need to make a slot for the head (in the center).
  2. On the sides of the bag (along the side “seams”) you need to make two holes for the hands.
  3. Next step: having decided which side the front of the vest will be on and which side the back will be on, you need to make a vertical cut to the neckline in the front so that you get two halves.
  4. The vest is almost ready and you can even try it on, but the bottom of the vest does not look attractive (especially if the bag has handles) and should be trimmed evenly. The bottom can then be decorated with fringe (by making many vertical cuts with scissors).

Advice: A vest can also be made from a paper bag. Children will love coloring these vests with felt-tip pens, pencils, or decorating them with stickers. Children will also love the idea of ​​decorating their arms and legs with temporary colored tattoos.

Then the leader leads the children, who are already “ready” for the holiday, into the living room or other room in which the table is set. Children can easily find this room themselves if they go in the direction in which the sign “Keeping Eye Ranch” is directed. At the table, children can sit on chairs “astride”.

Scenario for a children's party in a "cowboy" style

During the feast, the host addresses the children with the following words: “Dear guests! Welcome to the ranch ... (name of the birthday boy), who is also called the Sharp Eye! Today this brave cowboy and our good friend turns 8 years old! Congratulations! Oh, by the way, I have a riddle for you! This morning, Dirty Joe, a seasoned cowboy, gave eagle eye eight steers! Can anyone guess why he gave bulls to the Seeing Eye, and not elephants, for example?”

Ultimately (or thanks to the presenter’s hints), the children guess that “cow” (from English) is “cow”, and “boy” (also from English) is “boy”. If you combine two words together you get “cowboy”.

Leading: “Well done, I’m glad you finally figured it out! Unfortunately, all the bulls ran away and we can’t find them, but I hope that the brave cowboys and the best friends of Sharp Eye will help find them and return them to the ranch! Saddle up your horses! Just come up with names for your horses (he invites each guest to choose one of the toy or painted horses that decorate the apartment).”

Game: “Ride the Horse”

The presenter places chairs in the middle of the room (each participant, except one, has a chair) and invites the children to participate in an interesting game.

Rules of the game: game according to the rule of the well-known "". To the music, the guys must dance around the chairs until the music stops. As soon as this happens, all participants must quickly sit on chairs “astride”. The player who did not manage to occupy one of the chairs is eliminated. After this, the leader removes one chair and turns on the music, and the children again begin to dance in a circle until the next “musical break.” The second “round” and all subsequent ones are carried out in the same way as the first, until one participant remains, sitting “astride” on one chair. This player becomes the winner.

Having congratulated the winner, the presenter takes out and gives one toy bull to the children.

Leading: "Guys! Well done! Now, thanks to you, we have one bull, and I know where the next one is. An Indian named Sly Fox stole it and we must get the bull back. To do this, we also need to become cunning and learn to say one thing and do another: this way we will confuse the Indian, and he will return the bull to us!”

Game: "Confusion"

Leading: “It’s not at all difficult to play this game: I say what to do, and each of you does the opposite. Get in a single row and let’s begin.”

Presenter's commands:

  1. Place your hands down (children should raise their hands up).
  2. Raise your hands up (lower down).
  3. Squat down (jump up).
  4. Jump up (sit down).
  5. Extend your right leg forward (extend your left leg back).
  6. Extend your left leg forward (extend your right leg back).
  7. Extend your arms to the sides (cross your arms over your chest).
  8. Cross your arms over your chest (spread them to the sides).
  9. Press your head to your chest (throw your head back).
  10. Throw your head back (press it to your chest).
  11. Spread your fingers like a fan (clench your fists).
  12. Turn left (turn right).
  13. Turn right (turn left).

First, the leader reads the commands and tells the children what movements to make. He can perform these movements himself, or he can simply speak commands out loud. Having demonstrated all 13 movements, he forms a circle from the participants (like in a round dance) and turns on the music. He invites the children to dance, periodically following commands that he will pronounce out loud. Those players who fail to cope with the task and perform the wrong movements are eliminated. The child who doesn't make a single mistake wins.

After the game, the host turns off the music and says: “Cowboys, how well you dance! I found out that the Sly Fox hid a bull on the ranch! Can you imagine how insolent he is?! Help me find him!

The guys find a bull in the room.

Game: "Gold Diggers"

Leading: “Cowboys! Now we need to get back the third bull that the Gold Digger stole: he couldn’t get gold and decided to steal the bull. We can mine the gold ourselves and exchange it for a bull. Now we will try to learn how to mine gold.”

The presenter places a bowl of water (or a bucket) in the middle of the room, and throws chocolates in the shape of “gold coins” into it. Then he lines up the children and, in turn, blindfolds each of them and gives them a colander, with which they must try to catch as many coins as possible from a container of water. At the end of the game, the host counts the number of coins that each player got and determines the winner: the one who caught the most “coins” becomes the winner. The winner receives several dozen “coins” as a prize, and the presenter takes the rest of the candies and at the same time tells the children: “Well done, everyone managed to get at least a little gold. Now I can exchange these gold coins for a bull.”

Game: “Animal near a cactus”

The presenter returns to the children with the third bull and tells them: “The gold miner gave away the bull! Hooray! Now our path lies through the wild prairie, where cacti grow and terrible predators live. Real cowboys must know in advance that a predator is nearby, otherwise a hungry animal may eat him or his horse. Now I will show cards on which cacti will be drawn. The task of each participant in this game, which is called “Animal near the cactus,” is to see the animal that is hiding behind the cactus, determine whether it is a predator or a herbivore, and also guess what it is called.”

The presenter takes out cards with drawn cacti and shows one of them to the children. It can count (and record) the correct answers of each participant and thus determine the winner who gives the most correct answers. At the end of the game, you can give the winner some kind of prize.

What animals can hide behind cacti:

  1. Elephant.
  2. Hare.
  3. Giraffe.
  4. Deer.
  5. Crocodile.
  6. Cow.
  7. Tiger.

Leading: "Hooray! Congratulations! Everyone completed the task and will now be able to cross the prairie without endangering their lives. And here is the fourth bull, which I also found behind a cactus (shows the guys a toy)!”

Game: “Hats with Prizes”

Leading: “Now I need six volunteers. Guys (addresses the volunteers), please put your hats here (the presenter points to the floor). Imagine that while we were riding horses across the prairies, these hats were blown away by a strong wind.”

Rules of the game: The presenter tells the children that the hats contain bags with letters from the word “cowboy” written on them. Children take turns guessing what “surprises” might be hidden in them. If one of them guesses that, for example, there are glasses in the bag with the letter “o,” then he receives these glasses as a gift, and the owner of the hat takes the hat and puts it on again. In the end, all the “surprises” go to the smartest guys, and the “cowboys” who were left without hats put them on again.

Leading: “I'm glad such savvy cowboys came to the party. I found out that the fifth bull was hiding on the balcony! So we should go to the balcony and look for him there.”

The children and the leader find the fifth bull and return “to the ranch.”

Game: "Arkan"

Leading: “Friends, tell me, do you know how to use such a long rope that all real cowboys carry with them? Guess what I mean? Yes, of course, I’m talking about the lasso, which cowboys once used to immobilize an enemy or catch running cattle.”

After this, the leader shows the children how to make a lasso from a rope (or shows them a ready-made lasso) and gives the children a task: they must take turns trying to lasso a chair to which is attached a “horse” head made of cardboard, a mane and a tail made of tow (or a toy horse, if you have one). Each participant in this game has three attempts. Those who succeed in all three attempts win.

After the game, the host gives the guests another bull (the sixth) with the words: “Guys, I’m glad that everyone was able to practice catching horses with a lasso today. And while you were practicing here, I found the sixth bull: it turns out he was standing nearby and eating grass.”

Game: "Cowboy Reaction"

Leading: “We must return the last bull to the ranch - the seventh. And I know who has it - the Sheriff, who counts on the fact that brave cowboys will always come to his aid, because there are many defenseless civilians living in the area. Today I showed how to use the lasso, and I also think that everyone present knows how to run fast and shoot accurately. But how do today’s youth react to a threat to life, and how quickly can they take the necessary measures in a dangerous situation? Now we will find out. Guys, we're going to play Cowboy Reaction."

The presenter leads the children to another room, which is pointed to by a sign with the inscription “Sheriff”. There he puts on a cowboy hat and pins a sheriff's badge (a plastic toy star) on his chest. After this, he tells the children: “As everyone has already guessed: I am the Sheriff. Stand in a circle, and I will take this ball (takes the ball and shows it to the children) and stand in the center of the circle. Rules of the game “Cowboy Reaction”: I throw a ball to any of you and call out a word. If the word is associated with something dangerous, then this ball should not be caught, and if the word spoken is not associated with anything dangerous, then it should be caught. The cowboy who could not catch the ball or caught the ball when he should not have caught it is out of the game. In the end, there will only be one cowboy left who has the fastest reaction. He wins. Let's begin!

“Sheriff” can pronounce such words, for example: coyote, tribe, fire, fire, pistol, explosion, grasshopper, horse, bison, cat, virus, bandit, tank, train, wolf, plague, axe, feather, eagle, frying pan.

After the game, the host awards a small prize to the winner and gives the children a toy bull.

Leading.: “What wonderful cowboys came to your party at the ranch today, Sharp Eye (addressing the birthday boy)! Now let’s go and refresh ourselves, because we need to bring back the eighth bull, we need to gain strength!”

Game: Showdown at Noon

After the festive feast, the host invites the children to play another game in order to return the last toy to the birthday boy.

Rules of the game:

The leader forms two teams from the participants with an equal number of players and lines them up in two lines along two walls of the room parallel to each other. Then the members of both teams turn their backs to the line of the opposing team. Each child holds a toy gun in his hands.

At the leader’s signal (at the count of “five”), the participants of both teams turn around and point the muzzles of toy pistols at the children standing in the opposite line to them. Those children who are not pointed at are eliminated from the game. The winner is the team whose members (or participant) are the last ones left standing.


Players have the right, while the leader counts to five, to change places in the line of their team.

After the game, the presenter gives the eighth bull to the children.

Game: "Horse's Tail"

The presenter hangs a Whatman paper with a horse “portrait” (“rear view”) on the wall or door. After this, he explains to the guests the rules of the game: participants take turns, blindfolded, to pick up a dart with a piece of tow tied to it (the “tail” of a horse), and try to attach this “tail” so that the drawn horse finally... then acquired a real tail. The winner is the one who secures the “tail” where it is needed.

If these competitions are not enough, additional thematic games and competitions can be found in the “” scenario

Cowboy Party

In this article, we focused specifically on cowboy parties for children, but many of our ideas will certainly be useful for adult parties as well.

So, welcome to the wild, wild West!

Decor and holiday atmosphere

The ideal place for a cowboy party could be a country house, an equestrian club, a small farm or just a green lawn.

It would be great to get some straw to decorate such a holiday. It can be used for a photo zone, set up benches, and decorate tables with it.

Just write “buy straw” in the search and you will see many options for purchasing it.

The photo zone and the party area can be decorated with cowboy garlands, paper lanterns and balloons - regular or mega-popular large balloons. We recommend red and blue as the main colors of the balloons; bright accents can be added using yellow and green balloons.

Do it yourself

There are a lot of cool DIY things you can create for a cowboy themed birthday party. Invite the birthday person to take part in preparing the holiday - he or she will probably enjoy coming up with decorations together, and then watching how delighted they will be among the guests.

Carton boxes

You can make a real city out of large cardboard boxes. Cut out windows and doors in them, draw a police station, a cowboy saloon, a bank, a prison, a store.

These boxes can become a backdrop for photographs, a venue for competitions and will definitely be the most popular place at the party for all children.

You will also need cardboard to decorate the entrance to your event in the style of a real saloon. Cut out the doors from cardboard, paint them with paints and attach them to the walls, arch or other structure at the entrance to the holiday. Signs with thematic inscriptions can be glued to the doors.

“Wanted” signs can be ordered from a printing house or cut out of cardboard. You can print these signs with pictures of fictional cowboys or take photos of your guests ahead of time and decorate them in that style.

Horses on sticks

You will need a wooden stick or an old mop handle, felt, thread, foam rubber and a few buttons for the eyes.

Here is a simple photo instruction for creating such a horse. You can choose a different design, make horses of different colors - there are a lot of options here to realize your creative potential.

Dress code

Let your guests know in advance that you are planning a cowboy party. If all the boys come in jeans and plaid shirts, and the girls, for example, in fluffy skirts, shirts and denim vests, the atmosphere of the Wild West will be recreated as much as possible. You can prepare hats and cowboy bandanas for guests ahead of time to complete their look.

To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere, invite guests to come up with nicknames in the style of Westerns. Elusive Joe, Wild Bob, Brave Bunny - the options are limited only by your imagination.

Snacks and sweet table

You can feed your guests mini-burgers, fry sausages over a fire or grill, or cook boiled corn.

You can cut bright vegetables - carrots, celery, bell peppers - and serve them with light sauces.

Cookies in the shape of cowboy boots, hats, and horses will look great on a dessert table. And, of course, cowboy cake. There are many ideas for a cake: it can be a completely mastic cake in classic cowboy colors, a light cake decorated with flowers or individual figures in a holiday style.

Red and orange candies, marshmallows, summer fruits and berries will add bright color accents to your sweet table. Popcorn will look very cool - classic salty and colorful with different flavors.

Instead of the usual table, sweets and snacks can be placed on large wooden or wicker boxes or old suitcases. And instead of a tablecloth, burlap will do.

You can make old boards as a background for a sweet table (this is if you really decide to take the decor seriously), and “write” the name and age of the birthday person on them using a rope.

You can decorate a sweet table with paper figurines in holiday style.

Romantics will add fresh flowers, such as daisies and sunflowers, to the table decor.

If your cowboy party is taking place outdoors, we recommend purchasing paper tableware for such a holiday. Cowboy-style plates and cups will go well with other decorative elements. And most importantly, they are not scary to break and are easy to assemble after the end of the holiday.

What to play?

We've rounded up a few easy-to-organize but super fun games for your cowboy party. Don't forget about memorable prizes for the winners: these could be treasures in the form of chocolate coins, small figurines of cowboys or horseshoes.

Throw a lasso

The classic lasso can be unsafe at a children's party, so we recommend choosing alternatives. For example, you can take a plastic hoop. The rules can be different: you can catch a wooden horse with this hoop, catch each other, compete to see who can throw the lasso hoop further or more accurately.

Golden fever

Prepare a large container of sand. Bury treasures in it - coins, small toys. Give guests scoops and a sieve for searching. You can search for treasures together or divide the players into two teams (and prepare two boxes of sand) - who will find the treasure faster or who will collect the most gold in the allotted time. If the holiday is at home, then you can take kinetic sand - there will be no dirt from it.

Accurate shooter

Line up empty soda cans and hand out water pistols to your guests. Decide how many attempts each shooter is given. The one who knocks down the most cans wins. If there is a holiday at home, instead of pistols there may be soft balls - all fragile objects should be removed from the affected area in advance.

Horse race

This is where the horses on sticks that you made in advance will come in handy. Divide the guests into 2 teams and have a horse race. Depending on the age of the children, you can make a simple route (jump on a horse to a certain object and return to the team) or a route with obstacles that need to be avoided (these could be pillows scattered on the grass, and if there is an asphalt area, painted swamps, cacti and rivers).


Have a country dance. It will be great if mom, dad or the birthday boy himself learns a few classic movements in this style and can show them to guests so that they can repeat after them. You can also invite other guests to come up with their own movements and become leaders in this dance.

Don't forget to burn CDs with thematic music in advance.

We hope that our ideas will be useful to you. All dishes, decorations and balls for such a holiday can be purchased from us.

PS While we were preparing an article for you, we were so inspired by this topic..

Since no one on our team is going to have a birthday anytime soon, we’ll just have a Western barbecue for our friends. Do you really need a reason for a real holiday?!

Children love to play cowboys, so a birthday in the style of the Wild West will be a great success. The cowboy party scenario is best suited for children aged 6 to 11 years old.

Preparing for a cowboy party

Venue for a cowboy party. A cowboy-themed party can be held in an apartment, in a house, in a garage or on a porch, but it works best in the woods around a fire.

Cowboy Party Invitations. Invitations can be attached to small cowboy hats sold at party stores. Or you can make your own hat invitations from paper or cardboard. In the invitation, indicate the day, time and location of the party. And also invite guests to dress in a cowboy style: jeans or denim shorts, a plaid shirt, a cowboy hat, a leather jacket with fringe, boots, fake spurs.

Holiday attributes:

  1. Wild West camp with Indian wigwams made of poles and parchment paper.
  2. Hay bales, real or cardboard cacti, cart wheel, saddle, horseshoe, lasso, sheriff's badge.
  3. Each guest receives a cowboy hat, a red neckerchief and a toy revolver/pistol.
  4. Signs with the inscriptions: “Saloon”, “Bank”, “Keen Eye Ranch”, “Sheriff”, “Prairie”.
  5. Posters with images of cowboys, horses, Indians, etc.
  6. Greeting poster “Wanted” with a photo of the birthday boy in cowboy makeup.
  7. "Wanted" posters $1,000,000 Reward” with a photo hole for everyone to try out the role of a dangerous criminal.
  8. Country music.

Treat for little cowboys

  • Grilled sausages or chicken wings.
  • Potatoes baked in ash.
  • BBQ burgers, hot dogs.
  • Boiled corn.
  • Hot chocolate from tin mugs.

Suitable for dessert:

  • Cactus cupcakes, cupcakes with a figurine of a little cowboy or Indian.
  • Gingerbread cookies in the shape of a wigwam, a horse, a sheriff's star, and a boot.
  • Cowboy style cake

Fun at a cowboy party

Little Indians.
Invite the children to make their own bows from flexible branches and fishing line. You can use plastic sticks as arrows, just glue cotton balls to their ends to prevent children from damaging their eyes.

Search for gold bars.
Hide “treasures” in the sandbox and challenge little gold diggers to find them.

The most accurate.
Hold a competition for the best water pistol shooter. Place lighted candles at a distance of a meter from the shooter - and the shooter must extinguish as many of them as possible in three shots. Whoever pays off the most wins.

"Hay Bales".
Set up a game of musical saddles or hay bales while listening to country music. It is played in the same way as with chairs - the one who managed to occupy the last bale of hay wins.

"Showdown of Gangsters"​.
Everyone receives a toy revolver. Children stand in two columns facing each other. Then everyone turns away. The leader counts to five. As soon as he finishes counting, everyone turns sharply to each other and takes aim with a revolver. Whoever's aim doesn't hit anyone is out. The game continues until one person remains. He becomes the winner. From time to time, you can make changes within the team while the leader is counting, in order to confuse who is where.

"Catch the bull by the horns."
Hold a lasso throwing competition. Teach children how to make a sliding loop. Afterwards, let them practice lassoing some object, for example, a chair, an unbreakable bottle, fill it with sand to make it heavier. Now we arrange a competition, give everyone several attempts, whoever hits the target more often wins.

"Country disco!"
Dancing to typical “cowboy” music.

Stories around the campfire.
Gather the children around the campfire and tell them a story about the Wild West, which can be found in the children's library. Can you tell me this:

Horseback riding.
For a more complete immersion in the atmosphere of the Wild West, you can not only organize a party on the street, but also organize communication with real horses. Any equestrian club in the city is perfect for this. Perhaps he will be able to offer a ready-made program for the holiday. For example, he holds children’s birthday parties in the style of a cowboy quest. It includes competitions, master classes on making cowboy paraphernalia, horse riding, and much more.

Cowboy party in Yekaterinburg

Do you want to arrange a holiday for your friends with sparkle, active fun and new impressions? An unforgettable cowboy party for adults is the romance of the Wild West, a colorful rural atmosphere, fiery music and recognizable, easily recreated images. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best themes for a costume party with loved ones!


To make your guests feel like characters from a Western, invite them to your own ranch or real saloon! What to choose? Regardless of the occasion, room size or budget flexibility, either option will do. Of course, if you plan to relax outdoors, a ranch style design would be more suitable.

But it’s easy to move the cowboy farm indoors. To begin, remove all modern and inappropriate furnishings. If possible, of course. Hang saddles, guns, farm tools, hats and lassos on the walls. It is not necessary to look for real attributes; you can use props made of cardboard and foam plastic, wood and plywood, even photographs and drawings.

The furniture should be rough, very simple. Instead of chairs, it is better to put long benches, and in the relaxation areas - wicker sofas and rocking chairs. Tablecloths, pillows and curtains made from natural fabrics, checkered or cheerful rustic colors. A colorful part of the decor will be “real” cowboy clothes - leather raincoats and chaps hanging at the entrance on hooks. Use upside-down, unworn hats instead of bread bins and fruit bowls (for hygiene purposes, place a napkin inside).

Draw and cut out horses, bulls and poultry from whatman paper. Or print out suitable photos, maybe directly with landscapes against the backdrop of a pasture or prairie. Hang it on the wall somewhere away from the tables so that the barnyard seems far away. Attach a fake fence made of twigs directly on top of the pictures or photographs.

Or is it a saloon? We leave saddles, hats, lasso and guns. We will decorate the walls with trophies - fake heads of huge bison, coyote skins, stuffed falcons. Any cowboy accessories will fit into the theme - buckles, neck scarves, holsters and Colts, spurs. Somewhere along the wall there should be a bar counter with high chairs and an impressive arsenal of bottles “Fire Water”, “Poisonous Drink”, “Drunk Cactus”, “Tined Throat”. No room for a bar? Draw or print a large poster - it will make a wonderful backdrop for photo shoots.

Hang a piece of wood at the entrance, apparently torn out of an old fence, with the inscription “Saloon”. And “Wanted” posters invariably hanging near such establishments, perhaps with edited photos of friends. Place a lanky coat hanger or hang deer antlers holders near the door.

A common table does not fit well into the atmosphere of a saloon; it is better to place small round tables made of rough wood around the room. Classic double tablecloths are white with red and white checkered on top. Typical entertainment includes dartboards, card tables, and a jukebox. You can hang antique clocks and thematic paintings (prairie views, ranches, lush beauties, rodeos) in carved wooden frames on the walls.

A decent saloon always had live music, so guitars, harmonicas, mandolins, banjos and pianos would come in handy! You can make something like a stage and place an ensemble of plywood or cardboard musicians there. Hide a speaker behind the figures so that the sounds flow directly from the stage. You can dress up mannequins or invite real country singers, which will surely delight your guests!

For festive decoration of a saloon or ranch with garlands and compositions, paper Colts and holsters, figurines of spotted black and white cows, sleek mustangs and shaggy bison, spurs, and neckerchiefs are suitable. These same elements can be used as a form for an invitation card. Or choose something more recognizable - a high boot, a cowboy hat. The invitation can be placed in a pack of Marlboro (the modern design will be hidden by a paper printout of the old label) or written on the back of a cut-out paper cactus wearing a hat and scarf.


The image of a cowboy is so recognizable and colorful that the costumes will become almost the main decoration of the party! A classic checked shirt or any dark color (preferably red, blue or brown), slightly worn jeans, a leather belt with a polished buckle. On top of the shirt is a vest with many pockets. Over the jeans - leather (or something lighter if the room is hot) chaps with fringe. High boots with spurs (preferably fake ones, and certainly not sharp ones!). The outfit is completed with a holster with a revolver, a wide-brimmed hat and the indispensable neckerchief, tied “in reverse” so that you can pull it over your face during a dashing race!

Girls can completely repeat the male image or appear in a more seductive form. The same shirt, but tied in a knot and with the top button undone. Instead of jeans - short, ragged shorts or a skirt with fringe. Hat, scarf, two braids – stylish classics! The high tops of the boots are decorated with embossing, embroidery or rivets.

Alternative costumes for girls - the image of a lady from a saloon or an exemplary housewife. A bright lady, brightening up the leisure time of vacationing cowboys, is dressed in a fluffy long floor-length skirt and a corset or shirt with a wide neckline that tries to slip off her shoulders. The faithful wife's skirt is less full, in cheerful summer colors. Top – shirt or top with three-quarter sleeves. If you're unsure what to wear to fully match the theme, a safe option would be a floor-length skirt, a simple tucked-in shirt, a light vest, boots and a hat.

The host, animators and one of the guests, if desired, can choose the image of a sheriff, an Indian, a bandit and even a horse!


Meat, meat and more meat. But of course, these are cowboys! Are you walking in nature? Grill kebabs or barbecue, bake potatoes, roast whole chicken, lamb or pig on a spit! Celebrating indoors? Design the menu so that guests have plenty to choose from - stew, aspic and sausages, steaks and medallions. In addition to meat, there should be a lot of vegetables on the table. For dessert, charlotte, pancakes with syrup, homemade pies with various fillings (yes, with meat too!), chocolate and almond cookies are suitable. Drinks to suit the taste of your company, but you can’t do without beer - this is the favorite drink of cowboys (although in films they always drink whiskey, but these are films).

A little expensive, and don’t want to spend so much time in the kitchen? Set the table in a cowboy style: buy disposable plates and cups with matching designs, place miniature bouquets of spikelets and cornflowers (or cacti) on the table, sew paper figures (sheriff’s stars, hats or scarves, Colts, etc.) around the perimeter of the tablecloth. . And for treats, let there be hamburgers, nuggets, French fries, chips, popcorn and other snacks. For dessert - ice cream, donuts, fruit.


Even a simple scenario will make your holiday special and memorable, so save a little enthusiasm for planning entertainment. Don’t forget about the musical selection for dancing and competitions - country and jazz, the most catchy and fun compositions.

Right from the door, announce to your guests that the owner of the ranch (saloon) has decided to organize a competition among the most skilled cowboys for the title “Best of the Best.” The owner may be the hero of the occasion or the presenter. Divide the guests into two teams and ask them to choose captains and a name. Use the names of cowboys to make your friends fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Wild West. By the way, names in the “American style” can also be included in invitations. If the company is small, let the cowboys compete each on their own or in pairs with charming companions.

Let the competitions be held as tests of the indispensable qualities for every cowboy - agility, accuracy, reaction speed, etc. Don’t be lazy to prepare bright thematic props – this will add a recognizable flavor to the atmosphere.


Lots of options, you can use several. For example, line up empty tin cans and shoot them with plastic bullets from toy guns, or knock down the cans by throwing balls. You can extinguish candles with a jet from a water pistol. You can throw darts at a homemade target made of foam plastic and a drawing on whatman paper (buildings, bandits, sheriff, civilians - don’t miss!).

Organize races overcoming obstacles, from start to finish. Let the guys be horses, and the girls be riders. Or attach a rope with a stick at the end to the wheeled horses: standing at the finish line, cowboys must quickly wrap the rope around the stick, trying to get their horse to the finish line first. You can gallop from start to finish, riding gymnastic balls (glue a horse's head and tail made of cardboard to the balls with tape).

Speed ​​of reactions

The essence of the game is to respond correctly to the leader's command. There can be as many teams as you like, but three are enough. For example, when you hear the word “sheriff,” everyone raises their hats in a welcoming gesture. At the word “bandit,” the Colts are snatched from the holster. When they hear the word “storm,” they pull scarves over their faces. The whole action takes place to the music, the presenter speaks faster and faster, trying to confuse the participants. Wrong? You're out of the competition.


Fill the basin halfway with water, throw crumpled small pieces of silver and gold foil into the water. The participant must, with his eyes closed, scoop up water with a sieve, trying to catch as many precious nuggets as possible. Count the “nuggets”, return them to the water - now the next guest can try his luck as a gold miner.

You will not leave!

Various competitions related to lasso throwing. You can simply stick a mop into a bucket or put a toy cow. You can lasso bandits from plywood or girls who have agreed to be valuable prey.

The distance should be very small at first. And when friends get used to it, the target for the lasso should be further and further until the most dexterous and accurate cowboy is identified.


This game is more suitable for an outdoor celebration, but if desired, you can arrange a rodeo indoors. You will need two strong, heavy cabinets or two chairs (stable and strong!). And the log is smooth, polished and thick enough to sit astride on. The log must be placed on chairs (pedestals). For safety, place mats or mattresses under the log.

Players of one team sit on a log, players of the second spin the log, trying to throw off their opponents. Then the teams change places. The winner is determined by timing the time during which at least one cowboy remains astride the bull.

During periods of rest from active fun, you can play dice or cards, sing karaoke, and arrange a quiz on your knowledge of cowboy life (questions with multiple-choice answers). Please your friends with small gifts - a stylized bottle of tequila or whiskey, a horseshoe with a memorable engraving, a keychain in the shape of a spur or Colt.

Both adults and children enjoy such joyful holidays; it’s not at all difficult to create a party script. Moreover, you can hold one themed party for kids and their parents at the same time. It's just that the competitions and menus will be slightly different.

If the holiday is planned to be held in a private or country house, great opportunities open up. You can make a lot of noise, dance, fry meat on a fire, which you can’t do in an apartment. An ideal option for any company is a cowboy party! The main thing is to prepare thoroughly.

Decorating the ranch

If you have a great desire to make the party unforgettable, a little imagination - everything will turn out better than ever! You can make your own cowboy and sheriff costumes. The rest of the decorations are also easy to make using cardboard and paints! Make a stencil in the shape of large cacti and transfer it to cardboard, then paint it beautifully with gouache. There must be a barnyard and large poultry. For cattle, boxes from a refrigerator or washing machine are suitable. Place the animals behind a wicker fence; it can be made from twigs. For cool photos, you need to draw a poster with an imitation of a bar counter and strong drinks. Dress up one of the guests as a bartender. The party script needs to be thought out in detail and written down to avoid awkward moments and hiccups!

Western saloon

If the party is taking place in an apartment, then there will be no problems with the decorations either. Print posters with images of brutal cowboys, views of ranches and Wild West nature. Treat your guests to a truly exciting Western. Fun competitions and a variety of drinks at the bar accompanied by freshly prepared meat are exactly what you need this evening. In front of the entrance to the apartment, attach a piece of wood on which photos of guests with the title Wanted are hung.

Complimentary ticket

Now let's move on to the invitations. The easiest way is to print ready-made templates and enter names. But you can make beautiful cards yourself. You will need rough paper and pieces of leather or substitute. The paper can be aged a little with a solution of strong tea; after drying, it will be yellowish and uneven; make a fringe out of leather and attach it to each invitation along the edge. You can use charcoal to write the time and place where the cowboy-themed party will be held. Delivering such a treasured ticket also needs to be unusual. For example, dressed up in a cowboy costume, play the role of a postman and hand it personally to each guest. Or use the services of real mail and send by registered mail.

Start notifying your family about the party one or two weeks in advance, because they will need to prepare costumes! The party invitation should look intriguing so that your friends will want to quickly plunge into the life of the Wild West. Make it in the shape of a cactus, a cowboy hat, or a bottle of saloon whiskey. Print the invitation cards, paint them with acrylic paints and stick them on cardboard. If all this is done a little sloppy and roughly, it doesn’t matter. A cowboy themed party means a little casualness.

Music has tied us

Cowboys love good music. Therefore, musical instruments will come in handy. Harmonicas, piano, mandolin, guitar will complement the interior and add color to the atmosphere. A country-style cardboard ensemble will delight your guests, but if this is not possible, cut out musicians from cardboard and place them on stage. Makes a great background for a keepsake photo. But what will be played throughout the evening is a matter of taste for the host and guests. You can include several cowboy tunes in your playlist, but you shouldn’t get carried away with this genre. Choose incendiary, dance tracks so that no one invited gets bored! After all, a cowboy party is constant fun, laughter and active competitions.

Costumes and paraphernalia

You can make all the accessories for the party yourself. But it is better to indicate on the invitation card what kind of clothing each person should wear. Worn old jeans, checkered shirts, scarves and hats, leather jackets and high boots - there is at least something in any wardrobe. Maybe one of the guests has a wide belt with a huge plaque. Girls can create a more elegant look: denim shorts, skirts with fringe to the toes, a shirt tied with a knot at the waist. When entering the house, give each guest a bright bandana or hat; you can prepare a sheriff's badge for each. Be sure to come up with new cowboy names for your guests, it will be even more interesting to plunge into this world full of adventures and dangers!

The host of the holiday must have a real cowboy costume. You can purchase a ready-made outfit for him. It could be an Indian, a sheriff, or even a cowboy's faithful horse! The more comical the presenter's outfit, the better. After all, he will always be the center of attention and set the tone for the party. Don’t forget about small gifts for guests who will begin to actively participate in competitions.


To prevent your guests from getting bored from eating meat and strong drinks, give them a good shake-up. Party competitions need to be thought out in advance and paraphernalia prepared.

Let's check which of the guests has every chance of becoming an oligarch. To do this, we take water into a large basin and throw into it a lot of pieces of gold foil rolled into a ball. Now everyone can feel like a gold digger. With their eyes closed, the participant must use a sieve to catch as many nuggets as possible! After the calculations, award the winner a chocolate gold medal.

Agility and Stamina

A cowboy party is not a place to sit quietly and make small talk. This is where real adventures begin, in which you can show your skills and strength.

Organize a horse race for your guests. Glue the mane and muzzle of a horse onto two huge inflated balls - these will be the faithful mounts of cowboys! Gymnastic balls with handles or ears that you can easily move around on are best. Now divide the guests into two teams and those who complete the relay will be the first to receive a prize!


Well, what cowboy doesn't know how to use a lasso? You definitely need to check how accurate and dexterous your city representatives are. Tie a tight rope and make a ring. You can lasso anything: a magnificent beauty, a cow, and even a chair. With each stage the target moves further and further, identify the most accurate winner!

Contests for the party should be both active and calm, so that guests can relax a little. A quiz with tricky questions will also come in handy.

Try to check the reaction of all invitees. The presenter says the word and shows what movement needs to be done, everyone repeats after him. With every word he tries to confuse the participants. When you hear the word “sheriff,” you need to grab the pistol from the holster; when you hear the word “storm,” you need to cover your face with a handkerchief. Come up with several interesting movements and repeat them one by one; inattentive participants will get confused and quickly leave the game. The most attentive of the guests will remain!

Bull by the horns

Parties for adults are usually very fun and lively. Give your friends a real rodeo. To do this you will need to make an angry bull. Place a log or thick board on the chairs along the edges. Lay a blanket in the middle to form a seat. Divide the players into two teams. The first one sits on a log and holds on to it with all parts of the body as tightly as possible. But the second team begins to swing the log, trying to throw off their opponents! It will be a very fun competition, but such activities are best done outdoors. Then the teams switch places and the fun begins again.

Water procedures

If the cowboy party takes place outside during the hot season, you can arrange water fights. Buy several toy water guns and have clean, large containers ready. Fill buckets or tanks with clean water and you can start shelling. Players will be divided into two teams and will remember their childhood while having fun frolicking in the fresh air. The driest team will win.

If dousing is not to your liking, you can shoot at the cans with a water gun. Make the scenery for a real cowboy shooting gallery; you can stick photos of criminals on the cans, and the shooter will imagine himself as a formidable sheriff.

Like it or not

At a party where close friends are present, you can hold an interesting competition - “like it or not.” The host asks each guest in a circle what he likes about his neighbor at the table. When everyone has expressed their views, the presenter offers to kiss the place that the neighbor likes. And then, on the contrary, bite what you don’t like! It will turn out to be a lot of fun, but it is better to carry out such an action at the very end of the feast, when all the embarrassment has disappeared from the guests and the team has rallied.

Fun milking

Cowboys are great cattle breeders. Invite them to milk a cow, let them show their abilities in handling their horned friends. Take three rubber gloves and poke holes in each finger. Fill the glove with water and distribute it to the participants. The one who milks the most water is the winner. You can give him a liter of milk as a gift! The more participants, the more interesting it is to watch them. Especially if the milkers are men. For a comical touch, tie them bright scarves and put on aprons. This competition can be held both indoors and outdoors.

Have fun! To make the party memorable and bright, just put in a little effort. Select costumes and paraphernalia in advance, send invitations to friends. Prepare gifts for the winners, even if the budget does not allow you to buy something worthwhile, lollipops and chocolate medals will do! Competitions, quizzes, delicious meat over the fire and a lot of positive emotions - this is the motto of a cowboy party! Enjoy the holidays like children and create a cheerful atmosphere at your celebration.