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Modern developments and technologies in the field of interior decoration allow designers to build unique interior concepts and implement original ideas and create an exclusive living space. Innovative products on the market building materials are always in constant demand and reflect the latest fashion trends in the field of interior design.

Unique offers

It is important for every person to create an organic living environment in their home, in which it is pleasant to rest, unwind, and spend time with loved ones and friends. In search of individual comfort, we are looking for new space design solutions that satisfy our personal ideas about aesthetics and comfort.

Today, when choosing finishing materials, preference is given to the latest environmentally friendly products, which, in addition to high quality parameters, have unique properties. Tiles made from sea salt crystals ionize the air in the room, maintaining an optimal level of humidity. Wallpaper with added silver particles prevents the formation of fungus and has bactericidal properties.

Innovative materials are used for exclusive home decor. Thus, decorating walls with wallpaper with a 3D effect allows you to create the complete illusion of a panoramic stereo space. And cotton wall coverings, applied with a spray gun, are ideal when it is necessary to create complex textures of various patterns.

Fans of classics in the interior will undoubtedly appreciate the advantages of lithoceramics, which reveals all the luxury of natural marble. At the same time, thanks to a two-layer coating, where the base is ceramics, it was possible to achieve an optimal price-quality ratio with the versatility of this material.

In the field of flooring there is also whole line exclusive offers. Firstly, these are self-leveling floors, which have proven themselves in industrial construction and are now actively used in the design of private interiors. A novelty among floor coverings is “living tiles,” filled inside with a special gel and changing the pattern when you press on it while walking. These tiles can also be used to decorate bar counters in cafes or restaurants.

Glass-ceramic IR panels fully comply with high energy efficiency standards. Thanks to innovative technology The transformation of electromagnetic waves into heat flows ensures a comfortable microclimate. At the same time, the room maintains a natural level of humidity, which is especially important for allergy sufferers and small children.

Integration of unique technologies and use modern developments new generation in the field of interior decoration contribute to the formation of individual comfort in everyday life.

More recently, imported materials used in apartment decoration, such as wallpaper, bright colors or beautiful tiles were the height of dreams Russian citizens. Today, among the general abundance, they look like something outdated, but buyers head goes surrounded by goods nesting on the shelves.

A savvy consumer today looks not only at the beautiful appearance and price; first of all, he is interested in the safety and production qualities of the material. It should not emit harmful substances, and its application should be simple and accessible to anyone. Modern technologies and tools allow you to do many construction jobs yourself with only basic skills.

It’s surprising that just recently no one had heard such a word as drywall (gypsum board), the walls were leveled with ordinary cement-sand plaster and it was quite difficult to do this without construction experience. Now there are so many new finishing materials in any hardware store that it is sometimes difficult to navigate. Let's try to understand the new products offered by manufacturers.

Finishing materials are classified according to the method of application:

  • coating,
  • masonry,
  • mounted

Coating materials

These include paints, plaster, enamel and mixtures for primers, putty and impregnation. These are the oldest and most inexpensive materials. They can be applied with a brush or spray, covering the surface with a dense layer. Their peculiarity is the limitation of work deadlines summer season, since the process uses a large number of water. New coating materials have properties such as moisture resistance and thermal insulation. Moreover, their service life can last up to 10 years (for mineral plasters).

Manufacturers pay special attention to waterproofing coating materials. Water repellents- a relatively new type of waterproofing materials. A surface treated with a water-repellent agent acquires pronounced water-repellent properties - water simply rolls off without leaving a mark.

Liquid wallpaper is an environmentally friendly material based on natural cellulose or cotton fibers. They protect against the appearance of fungus or mold, and dust does not stick to them. Most importantly, such wallpapers do not require careful preparation of the base, like ordinary ones, but on the contrary, they will mask minor irregularities, making the wall neater. If the wall is damaged, it is easy to fix the problem - you just need to cover the dent or scratch with material.

Hanging materials

The name of this group speaks for itself. In order to attach this material to the wall, you must first build a base grid and aluminum or steel profiles. The cladding is already attached directly to this grille, usually using self-tapping screws. In this case, the edges of the parts are tightly adjusted to each other or snapped into a lock. As a result, a ventilation gap appears between the wall and the finish, which helps solve the problem of getting wet. Mounted materials include: lining, corrugated sheeting, block house, siding and others.

Such materials are most often used to decorate facades and other external surfaces. This ceramic granite, composite aluminum panels(they can be of different colors and any curved shape), cassettes made of galvanized steel and sheet aluminum With various types coatings, ceramics And fiber cement boards. The outer cladding of ventilated facades not only decorative role, but also protects the wall structure from precipitation and mechanical influences.

IN last years are gaining popularity plastic panels. They are durable, easy to clean, and most importantly, they help hide the imperfections of the walls, of which there are many in our homes. The range of such panels has virtually no restrictions. Materials are produced stylized as tiles, bricks, marble, wood, natural stone or any other designs, styles and textures. You can apply anything from imitation wood to a painting by a famous artist.

Masonry materials.

This group of materials is attached to the wall using glue or cement mortar. Masonry materials are highly wear-resistant, non-flammable, increase the thermal insulation of the wall, and mostly consist of natural materials. These include natural and artificial stone, facing bricks, porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles.

The latest achievement in this group of materials is flexible stone. This is a thin layer of sandstone, bonded with polymer materials on a fabric basis. It is produced in the form of tiles and wallpaper and combines the advantages of natural stone and wallpaper. In addition, it goes well with almost all types of finishes, and the price of this product is gradually falling, which gives hope to domestic buyers.

Technologies do not stand still: what just recently seemed the height of perfection will already become hopelessly outdated tomorrow.

This statement is also true for many finishing materials: oil enamels, paper-based wallpaper and the so-called “rolls” are now perceived as something archaic, left in the irrevocable past. In return, manufacturers offer new options, the aesthetic qualities and performance properties of which significantly exceed the characteristics of the finishing materials used in the past.

"Capital Master" prepared short review modern finishing materials successfully used by our company in the renovation of apartments and offices. We hope this article will inspire you to new ideas and bold interior achievements.


"Flexible Stone"

Roll material, one of the varieties of wallpaper, the front surface of which imitates the color and texture of stone (for example, light sandstone). Strips of flexible stone are applied to walls treated with adhesives, after which the joints are rubbed until smooth. Even after many decades, flexible stone will not change its original properties: this material is resistant to fading and abrasion.


The use of new technologies for the renovation of apartments and houses greatly simplifies and speeds up this process. Besides, modern materials and innovations make it possible to turn routine work into a real creative process.

When designing a building, developers always think about its durability. After all, no one wants to spend money on reconstruction later. Dutch researchers have found a solution to this problem. They developed a unique invention - white cement, which spontaneously recovers with the help of calcium lactic acid and certain bacteria.

The latter absorb calcium and produce limestone, which repairs microscopic damage. Scientists specifically chose for these purposes rod-shaped bacteria that can survive for several decades without oxygen and food.

With the help of innovations in the construction of private houses, it is possible to build inexpensive, light and warm walls. Warm polystyrene foam is used to make permanent formwork. The main advantage of the method is the high speed of the work process. Using such slabs, big house can be erected in a couple of weeks. This applies even to houses with complex layouts.

Also, the use of permanent formwork allows you to save on insulation, because the slabs and blocks are already equipped with a layer of heat-insulating material. The main disadvantage of the technology is that the concrete must be homogeneous.

This is a Russian invention, suitable for building a private house with your own hands. The use of technology is advisable for the construction of columnar and pile foundations. At the end of the pile there is a dome-shaped thickening. Thanks to this form, it is possible to use pile foundations on heaving soils.

The main working tool will be a drill with an adjustable opening blade on a long pole. It was developed by specialists specifically for this method.

Hollow blocks are formed at the construction site, from which the foundation walls are erected. For these purposes, formwork modules are needed. They should be periodically rearranged and fixed where the walls are planned to be installed. The next step is to load the solution into the module and wait for it to dry. Next, the modules must be dismantled and moved to another area.

Advantages of the technology:

  • reduction in the volume of land work;
  • it is possible to design houses from different materials;
  • low financial costs;
  • reducing the risk of uneven drawdowns.

This is one of the most current areas that is of interest to construction organizations and major manufacturers. Its concept is to maximize the optimization of living space in terms of energy efficiency and ease of use.

The “heart” of the system is the electronic device that controls the entire household. Innovations are used to form a unified structure that includes elements of comfort and functionality:

  • electrical devices (load distribution and voltage changes in the network);
  • lighting devices (timely switching off of devices);
  • monitoring and security systems ( Fire safety, burglary protection, video surveillance);
  • communication systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).

“Smart home” has every prospect of becoming a standard for human housing. On this moment Fully autonomous houses are being developed without the need for human maintenance.

Facade finishing

All kinds of new products regularly replenish the ranks of finishing materials. If facade finishing is required, you can find very interesting solutions for cladding the external walls of a building.

They are made from non-woven fabric and polypropylene. This is a kind of system that includes two components: the wallpaper itself and a special dispersion glue. They are durable, wear-resistant, and do not contain harmful substances. If you need to repair small cracks or hide external defects on the walls, then this great option.

Construction mixtures

Using acrylic mixtures and calcite and marble fillers to make decorative plaster, you can do the following:

  • change the color and texture of the walls;
  • form the desired surface relief;
  • imitate natural stone.

Such coatings are durable, are not afraid of moisture and do not fade in the sun.

Only a highly qualified specialist who knows how to shape the texture of walls and is able to do some of the work manually should work with plastering materials.

The construction market offers water-soluble acrylic, water-based and water-dispersed paints with a huge palette of colors and shades.

Hanging decor

Frame finishing technologies allow you to radically change the appearance of buildings. For example, thermal panels with imitation of natural stone can simply transform an old cinder-cloud building. It takes on the appearance of antique masonry made of natural stone. Also, for an original design you can use other options:

  • porcelain stoneware tiles;
  • plastic siding panels;
  • wooden cladding panels.

Wall decoration

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the walls in rooms should be covered with wallpaper or painted. But thanks to new technologies in repair and decoration, many alternative methods have appeared.

They are made from environmentally friendly material based on natural fibers cotton and cellulose. Crushed tree bark, dry seaweed or various dyes are sometimes added as additional components.

This is a great option for people with allergies. Liquid wallpaper coverings are not afraid of mold, fungi and bacteria.

Careful preparation of the walls is not required, which is also their advantage. On the contrary, they are able to disguise small irregularities, making the walls more neat. Once applied to the wall, liquid wallpaper resembles fine-grained hard foam. The universal building material is used for finishing in hotels, offices, administrative and residential buildings. Its service life is about 30 years.

Bamboo wallpaper

They are made of completely natural material (narrow slats of exotic grains are glued onto rice paper). They are used to decorate a variety of rooms: living rooms and bathrooms, loggias, balconies.

They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • environmental friendliness.

Bamboo wallpaper is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes. You can choose the color to your taste: vanilla, pistachio, chocolate, green, tortoiseshell, wenge.

Thermal wallpaper (blooming)

Such wallpapers have the ability to respond to changes in air temperature in the room. They contain thermal paint, which is responsible for the visual effect - manifestation additional details drawing. The canvases usually depict plants that begin to bloom as the temperature rises (first turning into buds and then into flowers). This is an original and unusual option that creates the effect of “living walls”. Since “blooming” usually occurs at high temperatures (25-30 degrees), it is better not to cover the entire room, but to focus on one wall (the sunny one).

Floor materials

Gender is important element interior design, so you should take a responsible approach to its choice. The latest technologies in renovation have also affected the materials used to finish the floor. Manufacturers offer the following options:

  1. . This is a mixture of polymer water-soluble resin and mineral filler. The technology for making such a coating is very simple. The main costs required to carry out preparatory work(a solid and level base is required). The low-viscosity and fast-hardening mixture allows you to create a perfectly smooth floor. Then you can put a parquet board or laminate on it. There are many design options, including those with original patterns and designs.
  2. Cork by l. This young type of flooring has already become widespread. It is environmentally friendly, moisture resistant, easy to maintain, and retains noise and heat well. In addition, the cork looks beautiful, is soft and pleasant to the touch. The disadvantages are the high price and the wearing off of the protective layer over time. It is also easy to damage when moving furniture. It is worth refusing to use the coating if you have pets, as it can be damaged by claws.
  3. Heavy-duty multi-layer linoleum. The new material has an additional polyurethane coating, which significantly increases the service life of the product (up to 15 years). Additional advantages of such linoleum are high noise and heat insulation.
  4. Parquet flooring made from tongue-and-groove boards. This type The finishing material is collected from parquet boards, but it is much easier to lay it. The advantages of this coating are long service life and increased strength.
  5. Glass floor. It is made of several layers of tempered glass, between which you can optionally place photographs or color film. Sometimes glass niches are equipped with lighting for a more impressive effect. Laying such a floor is not cheap, but there is a budget alternative - glazing only certain areas. Glass floors are usually laid only in in public places(for example, in entertainment centers).
  6. . This fashionable covering gives the room uniqueness and sophistication. It has many advantages: antistatic properties, moisture resistance, wear resistance. Among the disadvantages are the appearance of scratches from sharp objects and the claws of pets.

New technologies in repair and construction are radically changing the idea of ​​functional, safe and comfortable housing. Development concerns all existing niches: from foundation laying methods and power tools to finishing materials.

The development of modern building materials technology makes it possible to build cheaper and faster. Frame-panel and monolithic houses, buildings made of foam concrete and wood concrete, which until recently were perceived as exotic, are now becoming classics of the genre.

Oddly enough, the closest attention of potential developers is focused not on construction technologies, but on new materials for home finishing. And this is understandable, for the vast majority it is not enough to build the box of a building; you also need to be able to present the goods face-to-face or make a very precise and expressive decoration of the house.

The most popular new finishing methods

Traditionally, a wide range of materials for finishing a newly built building is divided into several large groups:

  • Decorative materials for interior finishing work. This also includes floor and ceiling coverings, wall finishing materials for auxiliary premises;
  • Facing and protective coatings used in finishing the facade of a building;
  • Coverings for bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • Universal materials based on ceramics, composites and plastics.

For your information! Most new materials and coatings represent further technological developments of traditional finishing methods.

Most manufacturers follow this approach to developing new materials for two reasons. Firstly, it’s easier and faster to overcome psychological barrier person in the perception of new materials. Secondly, a modified product is much easier to sell than a completely new product.

Traditionally, the development of new materials coming in three directions:

  • Getting a new look. For example, most of today's new wallpapers have such a range of paints, patterns and colors that were previously simply technically unavailable for production;
  • Improvement of old finishing characteristics. With the introduction of new technologies for the production of ceramics and porcelain stoneware, the design, quality and durability of floor and wall tiles have increased by an order of magnitude;
  • Improving the safety and environmental friendliness of coatings, especially for children and people with allergies and intolerances separate groups chemical compounds. Demand for new, safer finishing options is growing much faster than for coatings with unusual appearance.

The bulk of new finishing materials have emerged through the widespread use of gypsum mixtures, acrylic and polyurethane resins, and the production of updated types of ceramics and compounds. Greatest development received technologies that produce materials for exterior decoration of the house.

New technologies and materials for facade finishing.

Truly innovative in the cladding of facades and external walls was the emergence of new building mixtures for producing decorative plaster and the introduction of a new principle of surface-mounted finishing.

New plaster and paint coatings

Decorative plaster based on acrylic resins and many different marble or calcite fillers made it possible not only to change the color and texture of the walls, but also to give them a new look by simulating natural stone or forming a certain surface relief. This coating practically does not fade in the sun, is not afraid of rain and frost, and if the application technology is followed, it can stay on the walls for more than ten years.

The disadvantages of plastering materials include the high dependence of the quality of new coatings on the qualifications of the plasterer; in addition, most work has to be done manually, especially at the stage of forming the texture of the walls.

Important! A real discovery in the field of finishing facade walls was the emergence of new water-soluble acrylic, water-based and water-dispersed paints, which have a colossal number of new shades and colors.

With their appearance, the outer walls and facade of the house can be painted in the most exquisite tones and colors. In the vast majority of cases, new paint and varnish materials for the exterior of the house made it possible to give old and gray concrete buildings a fresh, updated look with minimal effort.

Decorating external walls with hanging decor

With the introduction of frame finishing technologies, it became possible to radically change the appearance of buildings, giving the walls a completely new look. For example, using thermal panels with glued porcelain stoneware tiles or imitation natural stone for finishing makes it possible to give an old cinder block building the appearance of ancient masonry made of natural stone, facing brick, or even very accurately imitate wooden walls made of timber or rounded logs.

Similar results in finishing can be achieved by cladding building facades with more durable panels of plastic and metal-plastic siding, a wooden block house, and even new modified lining. Unlike thermal panels, new plastic and wooden cladding panels are easier and cheaper to install, therefore they are most often used in combination with new thermal insulation coatings.

In addition to hanging decor, new ceramic facing materials are increasingly being used to decorate walls - bricks and tiles made of porcelain stoneware and hyper-pressed mixtures. The new kind finishing is cheaper than traditional facing bricks, and is not inferior to it in durability and appearance.

Most of the new technologies are, in fact, universal and are used in the development of new materials for interior decoration.

What's new in home interior decoration

Most of the innovations in interior decoration concerned the development and use of new finishing mixtures, the use of plasterboard and MDF panels for wall repairs, the use of porcelain tiles for floor finishing and the installation of self-leveling floors. In fact, most new products are adapted for interior work already known materials for exterior finishing.

A real discovery in the matter of interior decoration was the emergence of hand painting and new environmentally friendly natural materials.

Relief and graphics

Application graphic images on the walls of an apartment or house cannot be considered a truly new type of decor. Wall painting has been known for several thousand years. But with the advent of high-quality gypsum and decorative plasters, it became possible to create an ideal background or base for applying a picture.

Hand painting instantly turned into an exclusive type of decoration, along with photo wallpaper and 3D decor.

Graphic images have become fashionable, especially in thematically oriented design of rooms using natural materials, specially made interior items and design.

The new 3D photo wallpapers and tiles with a printed photo are considered very interesting. After the room, the perception of space and perspective completely changes. A simple technique allows you to visually increase the spatial perception of small rooms, for example, a bathroom and a bedroom.

Natural materials

Traditionally, finishing from natural materials was limited to laying wooden parquet and gluing standard paper wallpaper using adhesive solutions based on modified cellulose. Modern interpretation environmentally friendly premises are increasingly forcing homeowners to abandon vinyl or non-woven wallpaper in favor of more exotic trellises made of cork, reed or woven bamboo fiber.

It is no secret that even new gypsum plaster mixtures contain surfactants, polymer plasticizers and dyes, so composite plaster materials based on finely ground silicon and lime are increasingly used to decorate the most important rooms in the house. An absolute novelty is the use natural species plasters, for example, Moroccan tadelakt - a waterproof coating without dyes and synthetic binders.

The most expensive type of finishing is considered to be the use genuine leather and fabrics made of cotton, linen and jute.

New panel materials for finishing walls and ceilings

The advent of frame finishing of interior spaces has made it possible to solve the issue of repairing old rooms with crooked walls at a completely new level. Instead of throwing tens of kilograms of cement-sand mass, relatively simple technology laying flat, glass-like gypsum boards on a pre-assembled steel profile frame. With the help of new technology, it turned out to be possible to level and cover walls even with extremely curvature of the surface.

Along with plasterboard for finishing work, MDF boards made from pressed cellulose fibers began to be used. The outer surface of this material is covered with a laminated layer that imitates wood, stone, or tile. The new, lightweight and flexible material can be used to decorate ceilings and walls, simulating cladding made from expensive types of wood or natural stone.

Relatively new technology finishing of ceilings is the use of heat-shrinkable polyvinyl chloride membranes. To decorate the ceiling surface, it is enough to stretch a thin polymer sheet onto a pre-assembled frame and heat the surface with a heat gun. As a result of shrinkage, the membrane is leveled to a mirror state, hiding defects and problem areas of the ceiling.

New floor materials

Among the new materials used for floor finishing, we can mention the appearance of self-leveling floors, the use of heavy-duty multi-layer linoleum and the creation of parquet flooring from tongue-and-groove boards.

The self-leveling floor is a mixture of mineral filler and water-soluble polymer resin. Using a low-viscosity but fast-hardening mixture, you can make a perfectly flat floor, which is subsequently covered with laminate or parquet boards. It is almost impossible to achieve such a surface quality by grinding or pouring concrete screed.

Commercial brands of linoleum of classes 33 and 34 can rightfully be considered a new finishing material. Unlike house brands of 21 and 23 classes, new material has an additional polyurethane coating, ensuring a service life of one and a half decades. Home linoleum will have to be replaced at least once every 5 years.

One of the most successful new materials for floor finishing is considered to be a coating made from parquet boards, like laminate. Simplicity of assembly and installation is combined with high strength and durability of the material.


New materials for finishing premises and the facade of a house not only simplify the work, but in some cases also make it possible to do it yourself, which means the cost of finishing operations is reduced by 20-30%. In addition to their attractive appearance, decorative coatings become safer and at the same time more durable.