We are different, we are together and the world around us. A story on the topic “we are citizens of the Russian Federation”

Nikita Tugushev, 5th grade student

I am a citizen of my country, albeit a small one, and I strive to make my small contribution. I study diligently, strive for achievements in sports, and actively participate in the social life of the school and class. And I would really like that in the future not only I would be proud of my country, but also the country would be proud of me!



MBOU "Tengushevskaya secondary school"

Story on the topic:

“We are citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Completed by: student of class 5 “A”

Tugushev Nikita

Head – history teacher

Tugusheva M.A.



  1. Introduction.
  2. Citizen and Motherland.
  3. Loyalty to one's country using examples from history.

a) monument to Minin and Pozharsky;

b) Patriotic War of 1812;

c) the war of 1941-1945;

d) heroes of modern Russia

4. My small homeland is Mordovia.

5. Conclusion

Light of goodness, greatness and strength
Through the centuries Rus' carried to the peoples
My life, my love, Russia!
I'm proud of your destiny!

Every person has a homeland - big and small. The small one is the house, street, city where a person was born, and the big homeland is his country.

The homeland always occupies an honorable and important place in the life of a person - a citizen. Especially when she is nearby, when you breathe her, drink water from her springs, touch and feel her beauty, breathe her air every day, hear your native speech. But as soon as you find yourself away from her for a while, you see her in a dream, remember all the good and even bad that was connected with her. When thinking about our homeland, we think about the great, beautiful country in which we were born, we connect the concept of homeland with the complex and interesting, rich and sometimes tragic history of our native land. We feel proud to be part of this country, part of this big world. Love for our homeland is instilled in us from childhood - by parents, educators, teachers.

Stories about the most important events, outstanding personalities, their exploits and great deeds are passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, when thinking about our homeland, we think about the heroes of the past and present, and about famous writers, poets, musicians, and artists. All this is our history, all this is our homeland.

Is it easy to live without a homeland? There is only one answer to this question - difficult. Someone may answer negatively: no, it’s easy. What does this depend on? It depends on many things and, first of all, on what kind of citizens of our Motherland we are, how much we love and value it.

I am a citizen of my country, albeit a small one, and I strive to make my small contribution. I study diligently, strive for achievements in sports, and actively participate in the social life of the school and class. And I would really like that in the future not only I would be proud of my country, but also the country would be proud of me!

I understand well that the revival of Russia and its future depend on our generation. I promise that through my diligent study, my work and my deeds I will strengthen the authority and good name of my school and my native village.

I will try to be worthy of the memory of those people who gave their lives for the honor and independence of the Motherland. I will devote all my knowledge, all my work and all my strength to being a true owner of the Russian land and to contribute in every possible way to the revival of great Russia.

Russia... How many difficult trials befell our people! The Tatar-Mongols, the French, and the Nazis suffered death, but the Russian people, showing amazing resilience, were able to be reborn after such cruel and lengthy wars.

Russia erects monuments to its best citizens.

This summer my parents and I visited Red Square in Moscow. Here I first saw a monument to Minin and Pozharsky with the inscription “Grateful Russia - Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky.” These people interested me. From the stories of my parents, I learned that back in 1612, thanks to Minin and Pozharsky, Russia was able to get rid of the dominance of the Poles, and now on November 4 we celebrate the Day of National Unity.

After reading the book “Borodino” by Lermontov, I learned that inIn 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte, having conquered almost all of Europe, began a war with Russia. Military operations continued on Russian soil for five and a half months, but it seemed that the suffering and heroism of the people surpassed all imaginable measures. The unheard of invasion was destroyed by the “club of the people’s war” raised by the Russian man. The names of M.I. Kutuzov, P.I. Bagration, M.B. Barclay de Tolly, D. Davydov and other officers are known to many. But there was also Gerasim Kurin, who assembled a peasant detachment that gave the French several battles. Praskovya the lacemaker from the Smolensk province killed a French colonel with a pitchfork, and put 7 soldiers to flight; Later, in a colonel's uniform, she took part in battles at the head of a partisan detachment. There are a huge number of such examples. It’s not for nothing that we call this war the Patriotic War. In memory of all these people, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was erected in Moscow. This is the people's memory of the true patriots of the Russian land.

I learned about the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War from the stories of my grandfather. A terrible, cruel, heroic war against the fascist invaders. There is a saying: “There are no children in war.” Those who ended up in the war had to part with childhood in the usual, peaceful sense of the word. The war tested them for loyalty and dedication, honesty and nobility, courage and fearlessness. None of the guys then knew whether they would live to see tomorrow, whether they would see the dawn, whether they would see the blue sky, whether they would hear birds singing, whether they were destined to go through the entire war and return home. But courage and bravery did not leave them. The thought that they were loved and waited for at home warmed them and gave them the determination to go into battle, defending their Motherland. Let us remember the names of the pioneer heroes, my peers: Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik, Lenya Golikov, as well as Komsomol members: Sasha Matrosova, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

She said quietly: “Get up to help...”, Motherland
Nobody asked you for fame, Motherland.
Everyone simply had a choice:
Me or the Motherland.

I believe that these people are true citizens of their Motherland. I really want to be like them.

Quite recently, during class, we talked about Leonid Roshal, a pediatric surgeon, chairman of the Committee for Assistance to Children of the World Victims of Wars and Disasters. The whole world followed with bated breath the events surrounding the terrorist takeover of the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow in October 2002. In the first hours of the crisis, the main task was to get children out of harm's way. The tragic events in Moscow showed Russia its real heroes. These are not only special forces soldiers, but also those who saved people’s lives. The famous children's doctor Leonid Roshal treated people in the besieged building for two days. In one day, he took 8 children out of the building.

After Nord-Ost, Roshal was awarded the National Hero Award. World-famous Dr. Roshal performed about 20 thousand operations on children during his life. The international ambulance team he created flew out dozens of times to save children in different parts of the world. Dr. Roshal says about himself: “I am not a hero, there are hundreds like me.”

Unfortunately, there were many tragic moments in the history of our country. And every time the entire people stood up to defend their native land, showing miracles of courage and heroism.

And every person on the planet has a country that he considers his homeland. My homeland is Russia, I am a Russian and I am proud of it. Russia is a strong, independent power with centuries-old traditions that is admired by the world. Every citizen must know his past. I am sure that without the past there is no present, and without the present there is no future. And my Motherland is a power with a long history.

But each of us has our own native corner - our own little homeland. This is the city, town or village, that street and that house where we were born, where we took our first steps, said our first word, learned our first joys and first grievances.

Mordovia is a small part of Russia, the homeland of my parents. The places where they were born are infinitely dear to me. We often go as a family to the village where my mother spent her childhood. There's a completely different atmosphere there. Silence and tranquility are preserved by the walls of the house, as if inviting you to listen to some story, to touch some secret. My grandmother often tells me about the old days, and I imagine my mother as a little girl happily playing with the neighbor kids. In these places, even the birds sing in a special way, their songs are close, familiar and understandable. And it seems, sometimes, that they also want to tell us people something. Birds could probably tell a lot of interesting things about this region! Once when I was a child, my grandmother brought me a handful of strawberries that she had just picked from the garden. I still feel this unforgettable taste of fresh berries - you can’t buy these in a store or at the market. After all, they are from our native places, from our small homeland.

In the summer, my class and I went on an excursion to the Sanaksarsky monastery, in the Temnikovsky district. There I learned about Ushakov, the famous naval commander of whom my Mordovia is proud. The teacher said that we should not forget the names of people - natives of Mordovia, who glorified great Russia with their exploits.

It is difficult to say which homeland is more valuable to a person - a small one or a large one. It seems to me that both big and small homelands are equally important and I love them. Moreover, it is an inextricable whole. The whole world around us - the whole Motherland

I am proud that I live in the country in which M.V. Lomonosov, A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky, D.I. Mendeleev, S.P. Korolev, Yu.A. Gagarin were born... Huge and immense the expanses of my homeland. Is there another country in the world where there are so many majestic forests, huge fields, rivers, lakes, seas? And this also makes me feel proud. And the treasure of my country is its people! Hardworking, hospitable, talented, generous. I really want to see Italy and France. I want to go to Greece and America - in general, I dream of traveling. But I am sure that from any country in the world, no matter how good it is, I will return home to Russia. They're waiting for me here. My whole life is here. I don't need another homeland.

Take care of Russia with all your life.
From sworn enemies, from unfaithful friends.
Take care of Russia, we can’t live without it!
Take care of it so that it may last forever!
Be immortal in strength, you are my hope,
If there is Russia, then I will be there too!

https://pandia.ru/text/78/547/images/image002_6.png" width="758" height="1075">On August 22, 1991, an emergency session of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR decided to consider the tricolor the official symbol of Russia. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01/01/01, the Regulations on the State Flag of the Russian Federation were approved, and the decree dated 01/01/01 established that the State Flag is permanently displayed on buildings housing the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, other federal government bodies, bodies state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (together with the flags of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). In August 1994, the President signed a Decree, which states: "In connection with the restoration on August 22, 1991 of the historical Russian tricolor state flag, covered with the glory of many generations of Russians, and for the purpose of educating present and future generations of Russian citizens respectful of state symbols, I decree: Establish a holiday - the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and celebrate it on August 22."

In addition to the official symbols of Russia, there are also a number of unofficial symbols, these are Moscow, the Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, a bear, a matryoshka doll, a birch tree, and we also remember them when talking about Russia.

All of us, as citizens of Russia, must exalt the symbols of our state, honor them and not allow others to humiliate them, only then can we consider ourselves a patriot of Russia and its true citizen. Sometimes I think, am I a real patriot of my country? Although I am still young, I love my homeland and will be proud that I grew up and live in this wonderful country, Russia. But do you love your homeland? You'll probably say yes. It doesn’t matter where you live, but what matters is your attitude towards your country - do you love your homeland, are you proud of it and will you defend it?

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, a country with a rich and interesting history. My task is to study, take an active life position, and make my contribution to the history of the school, the Astrakhan region and the whole country.

Anastasia Khramova
Project “We are different, but we are together”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 28"


"We different but we together

Made up:

teacher Khramova A. O

G. Arzamas, 2015


The project organized within the framework of multicultural education of preschool children, which has recently acquired particular relevance.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, our multinational, multicultural state split into several parts and many formerly union republics began to show outright hostility. Many years of friendly, intercultural ties have been disrupted. National hostility began to grow. As a consequence of such events, the communication skills of modern children are impaired. Modern children have difficulty communicating due to the increased level of danger from the social environment. The modern world can be dangerous for a child; cases of violence have become more frequent. Decent parents do not let their children go out without supervision. The formation of a children's micro-community, which in the past was in every yard, is being disrupted. We often hear the phrase from parents: “Don’t be friends with this child...”.

Children often show cruelty towards each other, towards disabled people, towards people of other nationalities, towards poorly dressed people. Children lose empathy, mutual understanding, and mutual assistance.

Multicultural education of children in a pedagogical sense is presented as a purposeful educational process, a process of creating conditions for the formation of a child’s multiculturalism, as a component of the process of socialization of the child’s personality - a future citizen, who is the key to a prosperous spiritually developed society. Cultivate tolerance, respect for other people, mutual understanding, develop skills in conducting constructive dialogue, and the ability to resolve conflicts without violence. It is more effective to begin cultivating these qualities from preschool age, when the process of personality formation has just begun.

The relevance of the issue is also due to a specific group of children. The team in our group is not united. Children are friends in micro-groups, many parents have conflicts and this is reflected in the children’s relationships. There is a need to unite the group's staff. It was decided to correct the situation by means project activities. And so it appeared project"We different but we together» .

Target: To develop the skills of communicative interpersonal and intercultural interaction of preschool children, to contribute to the formation of personality in the spirit of tolerance and peacefulness.


Expand students’ understanding of the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries;

Update family values ​​and traditions;

Develop communication skills for interacting in society;

Foster mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity, promote the development of a sense of spirituality

Participants project: pupils (second youngest - preparatory group for school, parents of pupils, teachers, music director.

Age of pupils: to the beginning project activities 3-4 years

Duration project: 4 years (2012-2013 y. - 2016-2017 y.)

Type project: cognitive-creative

Expected results:

Students’ understanding of the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries will expand;

Updating family values ​​and family traditions;

Initial communication skills for interaction in children's groups and society will be developed;

Pupils will develop feelings of mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity, and tolerance.

Implementation stages project

STAGE 1: 2013-2014 year "Preparatory"

Goal setting

Solving organizational issues

Studying methodological literature

Selection of didactic material.

STAGE 2: 2014-2017 "Implementation"


1. 2014 – 2015 G. (average age)

Getting to know the traditions of the group, family and kindergarten.

Events held:

For 2014-2015. was delivered target: acquaintance with the traditions of the group, family and kindergarten. These topics fit organically into the long-term planning of preschool educational institutions. Traditional topics for middle age "Friendship", "My family", "My kindergarten" will be filled with additional content.

Work on multicultural education began with the introduction to family values, as the smallest unit of society. In recent years, there has been a problem of a decline in the level of moral culture of the majority of modern parents, the loss of the family function of transmitting significant cultural and life values ​​to children. The current situation is a consequence of changes that have occurred in society and public consciousness.

Parents of the students were asked to draw up family trees and write short stories about family traditions. While organizing the work, it was noted that many parents did not even think about whether their family had traditions. Some, having drawn up a family tree, brought it to kindergarten without introducing the child to it.

To solve the problem, it was decided to hold a parent meeting and explain to parents the relevance and importance of this issue.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of a home, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Family and everyday traditions and customs must be preserved and improved, because they largely express the folk ideal of those human qualities, the formation and presence of which predetermines family happiness, a favorable family microclimate and human well-being in general. Each nation has its own traditions and customs.

After the work was done, the situation improved. We made a presentation as a group "My Family Tree". It was nice to see that the children were happy to talk about their family; many families approached the task creatively. I will show you the best presentation of family tradition.

I would like to emphasize that family traditions and relationships leave an imprint on the formation of a child’s moral qualities. No wonder folk wisdom reads: “A child learns from what he sees in his home. His parents are an example to him.”.

A parent meeting dedicated to family traditions is planned for the second half of the year, using active forms of interaction with parents. The goal of which will be to create conditions for the exchange of experience in the formation of family traditions between parents of pupils.

It was decided to begin work on uniting the children's team and developing communication skills by using collective forms of work. In the summer of 2014, the group organized project"Little gardeners". The guys enjoyed working out joint activities. We studied, in addition to the main tasks project, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, empathy for the positive result of a common cause.

When organizing creative activities, we try to use collective forms, collective creative work. We learn to give in to each other, help, not interfere, and contribute to the success of all team members.

One of the brightest collective works is "Garland of Friendship", for which the guys and I made dolls with our own hands. With this work, we participated in an international peacekeeping campaign on the MAAM website. The action is taking place in the name of peace on the planet. The guys and I got to know what a kuvadka doll is. We learned that this is a traditional Russian amulet, talked about how important it is to be friends and resolve conflicts without violence, and what consequences conflicts can lead to. And that children, as future adult members of society, should always remember this.

Also, the group’s pupils participated in general kindergarten collective creative events, which are also a tradition of our kindergarten. Our kindergarten holds a holiday every year "Old Person's Day", to which older employees are invited, both those who work in kindergarten and those who have retired. Many of them earned the title of labor veteran within the walls of the d/s; we have 17 of them and this is a special pride of the institution. The pupils took part in a festive concert; in the group we learned in detail about the history of the kindergarten and discussed why this event is of particular importance.

The guys and I also came up with a tradition groups: celebrating the birthday person's day. In our group, the children’s birthdays were selected so that most birthdays fell in October, March and June. We are holding a celebration for all the kids whose birthday is coming up.

2. 2015 – 2016 G. (older age)

Getting to know the culture and traditions of the region and Russia

Planned events:

Visit to the historical and art museum of Arzamas, getting acquainted with the history of the city

Visit to the Museum of Applied Arts. Outcall

City sightseeing tour

Virtual tour of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Nizhny Novgorod fair, acquaintance with the crafts of the region

Exhibitions of children's creativity based on regional crafts

Introduction to literary works

Dramatization of Russian folk tales

Entertainment dedicated to traditional Russian national holidays "Christmas", "Maslenitsa", "Easter"

Parent meeting “We introduce children to the historical and cultural heritage”

3. 2016 – 2017 G. (school preparatory group)

Getting to know the culture and traditions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Planned events:

Series of classes "We different but we together» dedicated to the study of the culture of the peoples of Russia

Traditional holidays of the peoples of Russia

Family creativity competition for dolls in national costumes

Reading fairy tales of the peoples of the world

Inclusion of national outdoor games in the educational process

A joint event with parents "Friendship of Peoples", with the invitation of relatives of students to talk about national traditions

Final event "Festival of National Cultures"

As a result of the work done, it is planned that from an early age the students will develop knowledge about the diversity and richness of the national cultures of not only the Russian people, but also other peoples. This will help children in the future to show tolerance and tolerance towards others. Children will not limit themselves in communication with prejudices and will not show national intolerance. After all, preschool childhood is an important stage in the formation of a person’s appearance, a period of active knowledge of the world and human relationships, the accumulation of moral experience, and the formation of personality.

The few events that we have already held indicate that we can count on success; we will be able to unite the parent and child team.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

municipal formation "Koshekhablsky district"

"Secondary school No. 5"

Republican competition “Young Peacemaker”

“We are different, but we are together!”

9th grade student

MBOU Secondary School No. 5 a. Blechepsin

Kazarova Dana


Primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 5 a. Blechepsin

Muratova Zhanna Ramazanovna

We are too different, but

for some reason together.

We speak different languages.

You are afraid of everything - that

what will happen if...?

But I don’t know this strange fear.

You are counting countries, oceans,

And I enjoy their beauty.

I love the gray fog

And you just say that it is “thick”.

I only like to be

and not to seem.

I like it, keep quiet

and not to lie.

But you, on the contrary, it’s more important for you to become.

But I don’t dare blame you.

We are different, like heaven and earth.

We are made from different types of dough.

We are two masts of one ship.

We are different, but still, we are together!

We all live in a society. There are thousands, billions of people around us. Every day we see many new, unfamiliar faces. We notice some in the crowd, but not others. We don’t think that each of us is unique; no two people are absolutely alike. Even twins usually have very different personalities. What can we say about other people?! Each of us has our own interests, principles, desires, goals. Each of us looks different, dresses differently, talks differently. Everyone has something of their own, unique.

The beauty of the modern world lies in its diversity and versatility. Not everyone can understand and accept this.

Well, would you really uproot beautiful yellow tulips from your garden just because most of the flowers in the garden are red?! No. Likewise, in the modern world one cannot strive to destroy anything.

Nowadays, a significant task of society has become the unification of various individuals into a common humanity that understands each other. In order to unite all together, we need to show respect for things, cultures, customs, traditions that are alien to ourselves, we must learn to listen to the opinions of others and admit our mistakes.

All this is a manifestation of tolerance. In its broad sense, the word “tolerance” means tolerance for other people’s opinions and actions, the ability to relate to them without irritation. In this sense, tolerance is a rare character trait. A tolerant person respects the beliefs of others without trying to prove that he is exceptionally right.

Each person is a separate world, with their own feelings and emotions, ups and downs. Of course, it would be ideal if all people were more tolerant of each other. Tolerance, as one of the personality traits, is necessary for a modern child to further successfully adapt to the world around him. A person never lives alone. He is always surrounded by many people, different in age, appearance, character, acquaintances and strangers. We are all different. But is it so easy to understand and accept another person who is different from you?

I believe that tolerance manifests itself in the most ordinary situations, for example, taking our class. Each of us has our own interests, our own hobbies, our own friends, our own company. But we still make up one whole. Most of us grew up together, from the age of three, when we went to the same kindergarten group. It’s scary to even think how many years we’ve been together?

During this time, the guys have become closer, we know each other's strengths and weaknesses. We sometimes quarrel and argue, but if necessary, we will unite and support all our classmates.

I hope that as we grow older, we will not stop communicating. I think that the friendship that began at school will remain forever. We may all be different, but we have feelings, a heart! And if a “wall of misunderstanding” suddenly appears, you just need to smile and be polite. I am sure that the response will be the same, because we are all inhabitants of the same planet. Thanks to tolerance, there will be peace on earth, which means there will be no war, which means we will all be happy. Everything depends on us and our behavior and only the person himself can correct it!

I would like to end my essay with an old parable about a father who once called his sons to him, gave them each a thin twig and offered to break them. They broke easily. And then the father put the same twigs together and invited his sons to break the resulting broom. Nothing came of it. Thus, the father wanted to show his sons that only together they are invincible, only together they can avoid dangers and achieve success.

This parable once again proves that despite the fact that we are all different, together we are invincible.