Hairstyles with bangs. Stylish hairstyles with bangs for girls

Every mother strives to make her daughter the most beautiful. From a very young age, she instills in young beauties a love of cleanliness, neatness and attractiveness. This applies not only to well-groomed and beautiful things, jewelry and makeup, but also, of course, hair!

Short hairstyles for little girls

Today, most people think that a braid is a hairstyle that a little girl should rock, however, despite this, short hairstyles for little girls are gaining immense popularity.

After all, hairstyles made from short hair, unlike long ones, are not as likely to become disheveled at the end of the day and short hair is much easier to care for. You need to choose short hairstyles for little girls just as carefully as for a mature girl.

In this case, you should pay attention to the type and shape of the face, as well as the behavior of the young beauty.

There are a huge number of types of short haircuts for girls, but the most popular of them is considered to be a bob.

This type of hairstyle for girls in kindergarten is also perfect. Many may think that this haircut has gone out of fashion a long time ago and is covered with dust, but the same bob can look completely different. This and different angle cuts, various"legs" asymmetry and so on. Each option gives mom the opportunity to give her fashionista an individual hairstyle.

Medium Length Hairstyles for Girls

There are also many hairstyles you can choose for girls with medium length hair. Most of hairstyles that are designed for medium hair length contain elements like ponytails, plaits and braids.

In order not to harm children's thin hair, give preference to simple hairstyles that are fixed using various ribbons, hairpins and terry elastic bands. Also, in order to hide excess curls, you can use bobby pins.

Most often, the most popular hairstyles for medium-length hair are ponytails and all kinds of braids. This is very convenient, since your child’s hair will not develop during active recreation and thereby disturb the girl by getting into her eyes.

For hair middle length You can perform several haircuts.

Here is, for example, a simple haircut for a girl, shoulder length.

This haircut is more complicated - with uneven and milled strands.

When a girl has curvy Wavy hair, you can make such a voluminous haircut.

Hairstyles for girls with bangs

Hairstyles for girls with bangs are very popular. This is not surprising, because bangs make it possible to modify the hairstyle as a whole in different ways without the need for a haircut itself. Over time, new types of hairstyles with bangs appear that suit everyone individually, regardless of age.

Hairstyles with bangs can be chosen for any hair length. Hairstyles in the form of ponytails, braids or some kind look neat with bangs."malvinki" which can be used not only in Everyday life child, but also for any events.

If your daughter wants to grow bangs, then depending on their length, you can also combine different kinds hairstyles at the same time"grabbing" bangs with all kinds of hairpins or bobby pins.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for girls

Ever since ancient Greece hairstyles with elastic bands were popular among the Greeks. They braided their braids around their heads, securing them with elastic bands of those times in the right places. The result was wonderful images that were suitable for both those with perfectly straight hair and curly-haired ladies.

Such hairstyles with elastic bands are great for little girls, since the hair is in this case will be attached as closely as possible to the head, which prevents them from becoming disheveled during the child’s active rest.

Most often, young girls have at least medium hair length, which allows them to create and experiment with the child’s images and the shape of the hairstyle itself.

Hairstyles with elastic bands are made as simply as possible; they also contain a large number of hair styling options to achieve one or another look and result. These can be braided braids, ponytails or individual curls of the desired length.

Ponytail Hairstyles for Girls

Most often, girls from a young age and older, day after day, make boring tails out of their hair that have long been boring to everyone. In order to somehow diversify your appearance, you can make hairstyles from the same ponytails, but different ones.

After all, by adding a little imagination, you can get real original hairstyles from ordinary ponytails. These are very simple hairstyles for girls, and in order to do it, it is not at all necessary to have professional hairdressing experience, just a rich imagination and imagination is enough.

You can make your ponytail more festive by using some beautiful bow or a hairpin or curling your hair.

If you want something interesting and varied, then you can make a kind of binding from several tails. Such hairstyles are very suitable for girls in kindergarten because of their simplicity, because even dad can tie ponytails.

In preparing this article, materials from Yulia Viktorovna Poroshenko’s book “Children’s hairstyles in 5 minutes” were used.

Hairstyles with bangs allow you to create the most different images. When planning any haircut, it is important to carefully consider its styling. Beautiful hairstyles with bangs have always been in demand, so any girl has the opportunity to have a special appearance. Now do right choice A suitable hairstyle will not be difficult for every owner of a short haircut.

What bangs are popular?

Sometimes, to refresh your look, it’s enough to think about how to remove your bangs or cut them. Today, any girl can choose different types of beautiful bangs to suit her taste. Coloring allows you to provide a special emphasis on this fashionable element. One should not underestimate its importance, since various colors and styling greatly transform the appearance of girls.

Hairstyles with bangs are selected based on the length of the hair, its thickness, taking into account the shape of the oval face. The following are the fashionable bangs used most often:

  1. Straight ones are considered the most popular if the hair is thick.
  2. Torn, suitable for cascading (torn) haircuts, for example, gavroche or graduated bob.
  3. Oblique or asymmetrical, bringing harmony to the created look and hiding disproportionate facial features.
  4. In the form of a triangle emanating from one point located on the top of the head.

The listed types have their own characteristics, for example, straight bangs go with haircuts for long hair, processed with an even cut. The classic bob, which includes bangs, does not leave many women indifferent. The option from the crown assumes that it contains 1/3 of the total hair density.

The use of torn bangs will give appearance mischievous image. Beautiful hairstyles can be done by thinning the strands. To draw attention to the eyes, hairstyles are usually chosen with smooth lines. If you don’t want to spend a long time choosing the type of bangs Thin hair, you can make it asymmetrical, suitable for any women's haircut. Women's hairstyles for medium hair are considered popular - pageboy, bob, bob, sesson.

How to do everyday hair styling

When choosing hairstyles with bangs for short hair, girls usually focus on fashionable women's haircuts: pixie, bob, bob, garcon, asymmetrical hairstyles with bangs. Styling with protruding strands in to a greater extent suitable for short hair, the curls in the front are directed forward or to the side, which makes the whole look quite original.

To remove beautiful curls, you will need to use hair accessories. For everyday styling, use a brush and a hairdryer.

Elastic Greek bandage or rubber band - best accessory for growing bangs.

Studs and elastic bands act as additional accessories for fixation. After carefully styling your hair, you can pin up the wave-shaped strands collected at the front with bobby pins. The stylish styling, which is done every day, also looks original, with a backcomb placed high above the forehead.

Medium hair, as well as short hair, can be styled with protruding strands. Voluminous hairstyles done slightly carelessly are considered popular. Backcombing is quite popular, as is straightened or curled hair. For pinning, hairpins with flowers and beautiful invisible pins are often used. The styling will be quite beautiful if you weave the existing bangs into braids on medium hair. With a bob haircut, a triangular one will look good, which should be carefully styled every day


The most popular are hairstyles with bangs for long hair, which require an even cut, a cascade and a ladder. The strands can be left loose or curled, pinned to one side with a stylish hairpin.

To create extravagant hairstyles with the effect wet hair The bangs are sharpened with gel and laid to one side. A hairstyle created in this style gives your appearance a rather daring and stylish look.

Girls often think about how to remove bangs if they have long hair. There are plenty of installation methods. Long bangs based on classic styling mean that you can blow the strands down with a hairdryer. A round brushing comb will allow you to comb your strands beautifully.

For cutting long hair in a cascade or ladder, styling up is also suitable. Before removing the strands, they are combed and then pinned back. You can use the boho braid option, which involves a change in the image when the strands above the forehead are woven into the braid.

How to choose stylish hairstyles

Hairstyle options for long hair with torn bangs provide great opportunities for experimentation. Leaving the existing length of curls at the back, a torn cap is made on the top of the head. To create an extraordinary style, use a torn effect on the strands.

When thinking about creating a bangs hairstyle, you should pay attention to the length of the hair. If they are short, then it is better not to trim the part of the top of the head in front, but to straighten only the back part, top part heads and temples.

Hairstyles with bangs are suitable for long-haired people and involve thick, oblique bangs. Before making a bangs hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the hair, since a good half of the entire hair should not be left on the bangs, otherwise the appearance as a whole will be comical. This situation requires cutting all the hair quite short, focusing on the bangs. Her choice of face shape takes into account the following nuances:

  1. Oblique fashionable bangs suit an oval face shape; straight bangs are cut to the eyebrow line or below, but not too short.
  2. Straight, like multi-layered, will help narrow the face visually if its shape is elongated into an oval.
  3. A wide, thick hairstyle, combined with straight hair, will visually expand a narrow face if it is cut from one ear to the other.
  4. An oblique will allow you to “break the corners” of a square face if you make it elongated or reaching the level of the eyebrows.
  5. For chubby ladies, high hairstyles can be complemented by side bangs, combined with strands falling on the face, which can be achieved by lifting the haircut with a ladder.

So you can choose hairstyles with bangs in large numbers and variety to suit any face shape, taking into account the health and structure of the hair. Popular are elements shortened by a few centimeters or colored elements that make an accent by coloring the ends of the strands, painted in a different tone or bright shade, creating volume.


By putting bangs into your hair using different accessories, you will transform yourself every day, easily changing your appearance, mood and style. Fashionable bangs below or above the eyebrow line look beautiful. Hairstyles with different hair lengths can be created based on torn or short haircuts. Whether it's a Chelsea hairstyle or a ladder cut, a girl with colored feathers on her bangs can never go unnoticed. In this case, the strands can be dyed the same way or each strand can be dyed a separate color.

Hairstyles with bangs are at the peak of popularity today. Of course, this is not surprising, because bangs help every girl look special. Any girl, even with a short haircut, can choose the right bangs for her.

Today, a wide variety of bangs are popular - straight, short and long, multi-layered and torn, oblique and asymmetrical. Girls, in order to add some zest to their image, put emphasis on their bangs - they color them, do an unusual coloring of their bangs. Bangs are styled in a variety of ways, thanks to this, many look unusual and very attractive.

Types of bangs:
Hairstyles with straight bangs. Straight bangs can be thick. It was these bangs that were very popular among girls until recently. Straight bangs are often used in haircuts for long hair with an even cut or a classic bob.

Hairstyles with straight and thick bangs

Semicircular bangs and hairstyles with bangs that smoothly turn into strands. These types of hairstyles with bangs include crotch and sesson haircuts.

Hairstyles with semi-circular bangs, sesson and page haircuts

Torn bangs. Torn bangs are suitable for torn and cascading haircuts. Frequently, torn bangs are used in pixie and garwash haircuts, as well as graduated bobs. Chopped bangs create an ozonic look. Torn bangs are suitable for those who want to put emphasis on their hair. If you want to attract all the attention to your eyes, choose bangs with smooth lines. Hairstyles with torn bangs are made by thinning.

Asymmetrical and oblique bangs. Asymmetrical bangs can decorate any haircut. Such bangs will help hide the asymmetry of the face and bring harmony to the image. Asymmetrical bangs go well with all haircuts.

Hairstyles with bangs from the crown. You can often find haircuts where the bangs have the shape of a triangle emerging from one point on the top of the head. Such bangs are quite thick, since they contain a third of the thickness of all hair.

Bang length. Bangs can be of different lengths. Short bangs a few centimeters long are often in demand. These bangs look great with short and choppy haircuts. It is also common to see bangs below the eyebrow line. These hairstyles with bangs are not for everyone. The ideal length of bangs is considered to be bangs slightly above the eyebrow line.

Hairstyles with short bangs

Colored bangs. If you want to make an unusual hairstyle or focus on bangs, we will help you interesting technique coloring the ends of the hair. The ends of the bangs must be painted in a different tone or bright color. This effect will create volume. You definitely won't go unnoticed.

Hairstyles with colored bangs

How to choose bangs according to your face shape.
1. Oval face. An oval face is the shape that many people dream of. After all, with this face shape you can afford many beautiful hairstyles. Although, of course, when choosing a hairstyle, you need to take into account the structure of the hair and its condition. It is also necessary to take into account facial features in order to present advantages in a favorable light, and correct disadvantages. If we talk about bangs, then the best option for you will be straight bangs to the eyebrow line, maybe even a little lower. The currently popular side bangs will also look great. Oblique bangs can be short or long. In general, almost any bangs, except ultra short ones, are suitable for an oval face shape.
2. Long face. An elongated, straight bang will help visually narrow an elongated, oval-shaped face. Multi-layered graduated bangs will also suit you.
3. Narrow face. You need to visually expand your face. Wide thick bangs combined with straight hair will help here. This type of bangs is cut from one ear to the other.
4. Square face. Your main task is to soften your facial features and “break the corners.” Oblique bangs will help you with this. It can be elongated or reach the eyebrow line.
5. Round face. You need to hide the fullness of your face, bring your face closer to an oval shape. Oblique bangs will help you with this. Combine it with a hairstyle and strands falling on the face. Also a haircut will do ladder with smooth transition in the strands from the bangs.
6. Triangular face. An arc-shaped bang will suit you. Choose a thinned one thick bangs, she is for you fits better Total.

What else should you consider when choosing a hairstyle with bangs?
1. It is difficult to care for bangs on curly hair, so give them up or be prepared to style them every day using a straightening iron.
2. Lay your bangs like this: wash, dry with a hairdryer, slightly curling inward. Many people have bangs that fit well even without styling.
3. There is no need to comb your bangs and create a roll with your forehead; the fashion for such hairstyles is long gone.
4. If your hair is oily, take good care of your bangs. A hairstyle with unkempt bangs just looks terrible.

Hairstyles with bangs for short hair.
Most Popular short haircuts with bangs: garcon, pixie, short bob, bob. Asymmetrical hairstyles.
It is very fashionable now to do short hair hairstyles with side bangs laid on one side. Moreover, the bangs can be short or long - up to the level of the chin.
They also make straight, sparse bangs, thinned out, asymmetrical.
Everyday styling is done by simply styling your bangs with a hairdryer and brush. On short hair, try a style with protruding strands, the bangs are directed forward or to the side, it looks very original. By carefully styling your hair and pinning your bangs with bobby pins in the shape of a wave, you will get a stylish retro hairstyle. Try a stylish hairstyle with long bangs- placing it high above the forehead, making a backcomb. It looks very original.

Hairstyles with bangs for medium hair.
The most popular haircuts with bangs for medium hair are bob, bob, pageboy, and sesson.
Any bangs will suit you - straight, oblique. Triangle-shaped bangs look great with a bob haircut.
Do your hair everyday with neatly styled bangs. You can do a hairstyle with strands sticking out, just like with short hair. Slightly messy hairstyles are very popular today. On medium hair, you can make bangs, straighten your hair with an iron or curl it. It is very fashionable now to pin up bangs with stylish bobby pins and flower clips. Bangs are often woven into braids. For example, a boho braid with bangs looks great on medium hair.
Evening hairstyles in the babette style can also be done by neatly placing bangs or tucking them into your hair.

Hairstyles with bangs for long hair.
The most popular haircuts with bangs for long hair are straight cut, ladder cut and cascade.
On long hair you can do any hairstyle; bangs will suit anywhere.
Loose, straightened or curled hair with a flower clip neatly styled or pinned to the side is a great hairstyle option.
If you make an extravagant hairstyle with the effect of wet hair, you can sharpen your bangs with gel and lay them slightly to one side. You will get a very daring stylish hairstyle.
In combination with a voluminous, loosely braided braid, asymmetrical bangs laid to one side look great. Evening hairstyles look good - babette, shell, bun with neat straight or oblique bangs.

Ways to style bangs

Ways to style hairstyles with bangs. Long bangs can be easily styled in several ways. Firstly, classic bangs styling. It involves slightly laying the strands down. This can be easily done with a hair dryer and a round brush. You can read how to lay straight bangs step by step with your own hands in the article ““. Secondly, the bangs can be laid up. This styling is suitable for a cascade or ladder with bangs. Thirdly, the bangs can be combed and pinned back or put into a boho braid. This option is suitable for those who like to change frequently and prefer hairstyles with or without bangs.

Bangs are a fashionable hairstyle element. Thanks to proper styling, you can create any look with it. If you haven't decided on cutting your bangs yet, be sure to think about it.

Haircuts with bangs include whole line very beautiful and stylish hairstyles, from which any of you can choose the appropriate option.

Short hairstyles with bangs

Bangs in a duet with short strands open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities. This is the length you can do greatest number beautiful and stylish haircuts. Choose according to your taste!


A short bob with bangs is one of the most popular and favorite options. And it's not just about external beauty this hairstyle, but also in various styles that can be done.

For girls with straight hair, a bob with geometric or oval lines is ideal. The bangs should be thick - this is the main requirement. But its length depends only on your preferences. Owners of wavy strands can do retro styling in the style of the 60s. In this case, the ends are curled with an iron into elastic curls or a large wave, and the roots and bangs are left straight.

Layered haircut

Layered short cascade is perfect way give thin hair thickness or volume. The main advantage of layered haircuts is their versatility. In addition, they can be complemented with fashionable and beautiful bangs– straight, oblique, profiled or ultra short.

Short punk hairstyles

Do you want to catch interested glances every now and then? Then a punk haircut is just what you need! The technology of its implementation almost completely opens the back of the head and temples - the strands are cut under a clipper (you can shave only one temple). As for the crown, the hair in this area must be given the shape of a wave or mohawk. To focus attention on the elongated bangs, they are painted in a contrasting shade and styled in an intricate way.


This is one of the most fashionable haircuts last decade. It was introduced into use by Audrey Hepburn herself, appearing in the film “Roman Holiday” in a completely new look. The advantages of a pixie include styling - simple and varied. Sometimes it is enough to comb the strands with your hands to get a stylish and incredibly beautiful image! A pixie goes best with long side bangs, but a very short version is also appropriate.

What do you think of this option with long bangs?

Haircuts with bangs in grunge style

This season's fashion trends offer a touch of bold newness to your look. Grunge hairstyles will sparkle in a new way if styled using styling products. You can do any styling - a slight mess, deliberate negligence or daring tousle. A light perm is also suitable for this haircut. It will lift the hair at the roots and make the grunge look truly voluminous and sophisticated.

Cap or page

Another greeting from the past, which does not lose its popularity even in the 21st century. It is recommended to wear a hat on straight and fairly thick hair. Its outlines can be either smooth or completely sloppy. There are also no very strict requirements for bangs. If previously it was extremely thick, reaching to the eyebrows, now you can increasingly see an asymmetrical version.


Bob is another favorite of the 2016 season. Working with this hairstyle will not take much time - in just 5 minutes you can create either a neat styling or a creative mess. The bob goes well with long oblique bangs. Its length often reaches the level of the chin and smoothly merges with the overall mass of hair. The flowing strands beautifully frame the outline and create a romantic and incredibly gentle image. If desired, you can also have textured bangs. It looks good on any strand structure.

Bangs for medium hair

Owners of medium hair can also take a closer look at various haircuts with bangs. They will be able to emphasize your femininity and softness.

Long bob

This is a classic of the genre that has remained popular for several seasons now. The bob goes well with straight or side-swept bangs. A real masterpiece will be the combination of perfectly straight bangs with curly hair.


Mireille Mathieu brought fashion to this hairstyle. Although many years have passed, the popularity of this haircut is only growing and growing. The main requirement for creating a page is the presence of straight and thick hair. A good stylist can spice up the classic shape by adding choppy edges or short, step-cut strands.

Torn haircuts with bangs

Perhaps they are the most rated. When creating such hairstyles, the ends of the strands are cut with a razor. It seems as if they were deliberately cut off! True, for thin hair this option will be unsuccessful. A torn haircut with textured bangs, which can be emphasized by highlighting, is suitable only for those with a thick head of hair. By the way, for round face It’s better to make an oblique bang – it will cover your cheeks.


Ladder hairstyle is a universal hairstyle that suits all face shapes. It smooths out the angularity of features, lengthens the face and makes it thinner, draws all attention to the eyes, and gives volume to thin strands.

Hair with a ladder has different lengths, but the difference between them is not significant. Depending on the bangs, this haircut can have a completely different look:

  • Straight bangs are the most popular type, they cover a large forehead, visually narrow wide cheekbones, and hide wrinkles;
  • Oblique bangs – a ladder with oblique bangs will be a real salvation for women with thin strands;
  • Torn bangs will complement torn hair and will emphasize a stylish youth look;
  • Curly bangs – the ends are curled with a curling iron, which makes the whole look very delicate and soft.


Women's cascading haircuts with bangs is a win-win option for any type of face. If you have an oval face, opt for side-swept bangs that fall to one side and completely reveal the other. Another acceptable option is triangular bangs. For girls with a long face, we recommend cutting straight and long bangs. If you have a rectangular or square face with high cheekbones, we recommend giving preference to thick bangs combed to the side. Both of them should take a closer look at coloring or highlighting on the face.

It is very important to know which bang shape is right for you. Do not know? Watch the video:

Option for long hair

It is not at all necessary to have bangs on long hair, but if you really want to change something about yourself, look at these photos and choose your haircut option.

In this case, you need to stick to the classic straight bangs. But even with long bangs on the side, smoothly blending into the main body of the hair, this hairstyle will look no worse.


The brightest trend of the season is the cap haircut. This is a two-level hairstyle, the top layer of which is cut according to the principle of a bob, bob or torn graduation. The transition from one layer to the second can be either abrupt or smooth.

The cap is ideal for thin strands, as it makes long hairstyle more voluminous. It looks great on both straight and curly hair. The main thing is that they are shiny and healthy. The face shape also does not have special significance. If you want to maintain the length, make thick bangs, cut the temple areas with a cap, and cut the strands on the sides and back in steps. Here’s another extravagant option: add a cap to your bangs, which then go into a line just below your ears. Only the strands at the back of the head will remain long. A torn cap will be obtained by processing its ends with a razor. Thick and straight bangs harmonize with it.


This model is often chosen by girls with triangular, round and square face shapes, because the ladder allows you to hide all the flaws in your appearance. It will smooth out sharp corners, cover wide cheekbones and an overly high forehead, and add good volume. The bangs can be anything - it just depends on your tastes.


Cascading haircut with bangs for long hair is now at the height of fashion. The choice of bangs in this case is quite large - it all depends on the thickness and structure of the strands, as well as on the shape of the face. So, we advise chubby girls to opt for a cascade with side bangs. It will smooth out excess roundness and make the face more elongated. For a rectangular shape, you need straight bangs - thick or profiled. Short asymmetrical bangs focus attention on the eyes and eyebrows, and triangular bangs on the bridge of the nose. The cascade allows you to trim split ends while maintaining the desired length of hair. In addition, it relieves the weight that long hair brings. The layering of this haircut gives heavy strands lightness and liveliness.

Asymmetrical haircuts

Asymmetrical hairstyles with bangs are a dream come true! You can limit yourself to asymmetry in upper area head, when the left side is longer than the right, or you can continue it along the entire length. Will dilute fashionable image bangs that suit your style and face type. Asymmetry allows any experimentation, so you can create unique image, relying on your tastes and feelings. Will help enhance the effect interesting coloring. The only requirement is that the strands for asymmetry must be perfectly even.

View all 358 photos "Hairstyles with bangs"

Every girl treats her appearance with trepidation, because everyone wants to look great. Beauty consists of several factors, one of which is, of course, hairstyle. Every year new trends appear, more and more fashionable and daring experiments, previously popular hairstyles become a thing of the past, and are replaced by even more beautiful and attractive options. What always remains in fashion is, of course, bangs, since they can highlight the beauty of the face and hide possible flaws.

Today there is a huge selection of bangs: straight, oblique, long, short, torn and multi-layered. Thanks to them, girls can significantly change their appearance and make it brighter.

Possible hairstyles with bangs

Hairstyles with straight straight bangs

Thick straight bangs can hide an overly large and protruding forehead in such a way that the face takes on a completely different shape. For those with thick hair, such bangs are a real delight, as with their help you will once again emphasize your luxurious hair. For those girls whose hair is less thick, this type of bangs is also suitable. Just make it less curvy so that your forehead shows through. These bangs are very popular. Most often, such haircuts are done on long hair or bob.

Torn bangs

These bangs are suitable for cascading, layered hairstyles. If you like a graduated haircut, then choppy bangs will be a great addition. She focuses all the attention on her face and, accordingly, on her hair. If you want to highlight your eyes, then it is better to use smooth bangs. Torn bangs are made by thinning. To make you look great, turn to the experts. You should not take risks and cut such bangs yourself at home.

Oblique and asymmetrical bangs

These types of bangs can decorate absolutely any hairstyle. Moreover, they can hide facial asymmetry and give it a different, more beautiful shape. In addition, a haircut with side bangs can rejuvenate you and give you mystery and coquetry. Don't be afraid to experiment, because the result will exceed all expectations.

Hairstyles with very large even bangs

You can often find girls with triangle-shaped bangs that start evenly from the crown to the eyebrows. These bangs are mostly very thick, as they require almost a third of all hair. They are not suitable for thin and short hair. Keep this in mind before deciding on this hairstyle. But the girls with long and thick hair can afford such beauty. Just remember that you will lose a third of your luxurious hair. In addition, they are very difficult to lay, as they must be perfectly even. This way, you will spend at least half an hour every day restoring your bangs.

Similar bangs - great option for informal people and simply for those who like to experiment. In this way, you will place the main emphasis on your face and, certainly, no one will leave you unnoticed. For this kind of bangs, a coloring technique is used, which consists of lightening or, conversely, darkening the ends of the bangs. You can also dye your bangs a different color. Hairstyles with such bangs add glamor and unusualness.

Short bangs

At one time, these bangs were extremely popular. Every third girl wore it. Today, their popularity has diminished, as they have been replaced by more fashionable torn and oblique bangs. This doesn't mean you should give up on them. If you are a fan of short bangs, then you can continue wearing them with confidence. These bangs are best suited for short and choppy haircuts.

How to choose the right bangs for your face shape

  • Long face. Long, straight bangs will help narrow a long, oval-shaped face. Graduated and layered bangs are also suitable for this shape. You should not have short bangs, as they will visually elongate your face.
  • Oval face. This is exactly the shape that many girls dream of and which is considered ideal. To the owners oval face very lucky as they can use almost all variations of bangs. But we must not forget that we should also think about the proportions of the face and hair structure. Oblique or torn, straight or multi-layered bangs - choose any one. Avoid using bangs that are too short.
  • Narrow face. Best option– thick, even bangs with straight hair, which can visually expand the face.
  • Square face. The main task for you is to soften the too sharp and harsh angles of the face. Oblique bangs will become your assistant. It can be elongated or reach the eyebrow area.
  • Round face. You should narrow your face and bring it closer to an oval shape. In this case, oblique bangs will help. Combined with beautiful curls falling in your face, you will be irresistible. The ladder hairstyle is also suitable for round faces.
  • Triangular face. Arc-shaped bangs are your option. Make long, but not thick bangs. It will hide the disproportionate shape of the face and even it out.

What should you consider when choosing bangs?

  • If you decide to get bangs, be prepared to take care of them every day.
  • Girls with very curly hair may face some problems since you will have to start with a straightener every morning.
  • You should not comb your bangs and create a roller, because the fashion for such hairstyles is long gone.
  • Rules for styling bangs: wash, dry with a hairdryer, place in the desired direction using a comb. Many girls have bangs that lie beautifully even without styling.
  • Avoid greasy bangs. Always keep your hair clean, especially your bangs. Believe me, dirty bangs are a real horror.

Hairstyles with bangs for short hair

The most popular bangs for short hair are: bob, bob, garcon and asymmetrical haircuts. Short hairstyles with side bangs are very popular. In this case, the bangs can be long, up to the level of the chin, or short. In any case, you will look impressive. Straight, thin bangs, as well as profiled ones, will look good on short hair. The shorter the hair, the less problems. To style bangs for this length of hair, you just need to wash, blow dry your hair and style your bangs with a comb.

Bob, bob and bob are the most fashionable hairstyles for medium hair. You can experiment with straight and oblique bangs. To look charming, style your hair every day using a hairdryer and special combs. Slightly messy hairstyles are also popular. If you are a lover of braids, you can make a boho braid, which also includes bangs. Medium hair is a universal length, so you can curl or, conversely, straighten your hair.

Haircuts such as the cut, cascade and ladder are at the peak of popularity. Long hair– real luxury, because you can do a wide variety of hairstyles and use all kinds of bangs. Loose curled or straight hair with side bangs will be a wonderful highlight of any girl. If you like extravagance, then create a wet hair effect and sharpen your bangs a little to the side using hair gel. Bold and Fancy Hairstyle provided for you. Asymmetrical bangs with a slightly braided braid look very beautiful and gentle.

Let's consider options on how to hide bangs

If for some reason you are tired of bangs, but you don’t want to get rid of them completely, then we will offer you good ways hide it. You probably know that when you decide to have bangs, you are taking a certain risk, since it is almost impossible to remove them right away. For example, if you have a very short bangs, then by no means will it be cleaned in a day or two. You need to wait a while for your hair to grow back. We bring to your attention some ways to hide bangs:

1. Make a braid and weave bangs into it. The spikelet will look very tempting, and plus, you will remove your already unloved bangs.

2. Hide the bangs under the headband. Great amount beautiful hoops will be able to remove bangs. You just need to fix it so that the bangs remain behind it.

3. A headband in the form of a thin, delicate strap or scarf. This option is not suitable for everyone, but if you are a hippie style lover, then this is exactly what you were looking for.

4. Backcombed bangs. The original bouffant, secured at the back with bobby pins, will look very sexy. Its size will depend on the length and thickness of the bangs.

5. Invisible hairpins and all kinds of hairpins. Every girl has bobby pins on hand, with the help of which it is possible to pin up her hair in a variety of ways.
Well maintained and beautiful hair- the key to your success. Experiment and you will definitely find yours perfect image. A detailed description of each bang will help you make your choice.

Even more photos on the topic " Hairstyles with bangs".

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