Kate Moss style: fashionable street and casual looks. Style by Kate Moss.

“Everything she wears turns to gold,” one fashion critic once said about Kate Moss. Having risen to the top of the fashion Olympus, Kate has firmly taken her place “under the sun”. Scandalous novels, provocative behavior and drugs are not able to affect the popularity of the British top model.

Her career began at the age of 14, when she was noticed by the director of the Storm modeling agency, Sarah Douglas. After some time, she appeared on the cover of the popular Face magazine, and after a while she signed a contract with the Calvin Klein brand, becoming the face eau de toilette CK One. After this, the model's career skyrocketed.

Kate Moss is the face of CK One eau de toilette

Over the course of her career, Kate has developed her own “fashion rules.” Hippie style, punk, glam rock, 1960s, ingenue, 1920s - Moss easily tries on a variety of images. By her own admission, she perceives experiments with clothes more as a masquerade. “Clothes go in and out of fashion, but style always remains. The style should be classic,” says Kate Moss herself.

Hippie style, punk, glam rock, 1960s, ingenue, 1920s - Moss easily tries on a variety of images. By her own admission, she perceives experiments with clothes more as a masquerade. “Clothes go in and out of fashion, but style always remains. The style should be classic,” says Kate Moss herself.

Perhaps, at first glance, the style of the model itself can hardly be called classic. Especially considering that Kate skillfully combines things that at first glance do not suit each other at all - a Victorian-style lace cape and classic jeans; boots with punk style from Dr. Martins and a sequined cocktail dress; graduation dress with leopard print coat. If you carefully study photographs of Kate Moss, it becomes clear that Kate's style is a violation of all fashion rules and covenants.

Despite the bold ensembles and unusual duos, Kate's wardrobe consists mainly of black and gray shades, which she skillfully dilutes with bright elements and accessories. "If you find something that suits you, stick with it," says Kate Moss. And, indeed, despite the fact that Kate Moss’s style sometimes looks more than unusual, she tries to stick to proven options.

One of the most favorite things in Kate Moss's wardrobe are jeans. It doesn’t matter what model it is, what brand - Kate has proven that jeans are versatile and suitable for both a formal event and a party with friends. Jackets also take up last place in the casual style of a British celebrity. Nice jacket, just like the small one black dress, a must have in every girl’s wardrobe, the model believes. It is relevant both at official events and at work, and, most importantly, it always adds elegance to the image.

When it comes to accessories and jewelry, Kate Moss's style is characterized by hats and sunglasses. Kate Moss especially loves fedoras. In her wardrobe, this model is presented in all possible colors and materials. But Kate Moss is indifferent to jewelry. "Decorations? Hmm, I don’t think it’s really something you can’t do without,” says the model.

Modern fashion is not only changeable, but also multifaceted. Her images, sometimes capricious and arrogant, sometimes light and cheerful, like a silent summer breeze, are often reflected in the faces of models who faithfully and devotedly serve their mistress. And often these most beautiful servants become a real personification of their fickle mistress.

This is what happened with the extravagant and extraordinary Kate Moss, whose images graced the covers of the most fashionable, popular and expensive magazines. , this supermodel with the face of a gentle cat and the soul of a daring Amazon, became the prototype for famous fashion designers, film directors, socialites and millions of ordinary girls.

Kate Moss - fashion's magical weather vane

England, this country of magical druids and proud knights, this legislator of classical foundations and moral rules, more than once gave birth to people who later became famous. Here in the London suburbs and Kate born (1974). Not particularly distinguished in her comprehension of abstruse sciences, at school the girl achieved noticeable results only in physical education lessons.

A serene childhood ended at the age of 13, when Kate's parents decided to live separately. However was out of character for the young tigress melancholy and despondency. Already in next year her fragile figure catches the eye of Sarah Doukas, admiring the ephemerality and transparency of the girl.

Having received an invitation to the casting, Miss Moss immediately agrees.

The 90s bring fame, success, recognition and crazy fees. The type of busty beauties is becoming a relic of the bygone 80s, and the road to fame is cleared for the fragile Kate, transparent figure and whose doe eyes were liked by leading designers. The girl shows off her lingerie and poses semi-nude and nude. Rushing on the wings of deafening fame, the supermodel forgets about prudence and decency.

Kate's style is beginning to be identified with "heroin chic", and the hungry sharks of the pen immediately compare her with the image of a “hungry street child.”

The next 5 years pass in a haze of money, fame and drugs. The result of a stormy and violent affair with Johnny Depp was dozens of destroyed hotel rooms, hundreds of scandals caused by Moss’s unbridled revelations, and, as a natural consequence, - rehabilitation clinic, in which the girl spends a considerable period of expensive time.

Kate Moss's style caused a lot of confusion in: she was predicted to fall soon, live forever in drug treatment clinic or a madhouse. Yes, this lady is not particularly modest, she is friends with “ bad boys"and tramples public opinion. However, these riots did not stop her from becoming one of the most influential people in current fashion, launching her own line of clothing and perfume, and receiving recognition in the form of a statue cast from the purest gold called “ Aphrodite of our time".

For more than 20 years, the name Kate Moss has been on the covers, and her amazing flair for all the verticals and spirals of fashion became the basis for receiving the nickname “fashion’s magic weather vane”,

Teen style

Kate Moss has no special secrets to success. According to the megastar, she lives as if she were only 17. Rock and roll has remained the basis of her soul, actions and life. This is probably what it is that amazing highlight, with the help of which Kate Moss's style became incredibly popular.

So, for all the ladies whose idol is the eccentric and inimitable Kate, there is some of her extraordinary style.

Kate Moss style rules:

1. Down with complexes!

Kate justified this motto 200%. Remembering her own number of these psychoproblems that interfere with enjoying a hectic life, the megamodel calls herself the most notorious psychopath. Small breasts, awkward figure ( Moss has small hands), unnatural thinness ( her weight is less than 50 kg), drug addiction... The list can be continued for another 2 sheets. However The main thing is not an existence, but a solution to each of these problems, and Miss Moss can teach this to everyone.

2. We turn disadvantages into bright advantages.

Small ( flat, ugly) breast? But such a figure will attract more attention than a lady with size 5. Thin? No need to sit on endless . Every girl can find a flaw in herself, but only a few manage to turn it into an irrefutable advantage. Kate did it, how about you?

3. “The Look of the She-Wolf.”

Kate's style is inseparable from her amazing, magical, “cat-like” look. The appearance can be anything, but in a woman's gaze stars should fade and oceans should be born.

4. Incompatibility is the basis of individuality.

One of the highlights of this model’s style is devil-may-care attitude to brands, trends and marks. In her opinion, you should choose a thing quickly and without much care. If you like things, but do not combine - this will only express individuality.

5. Don't live up to other people's expectations.

Are you expected to behave like a good girl? Has your husband decided that you need to go to his mother’s house in a dress? Must be worn to a fashionable party ripped jeans? Never! Only in case of unconditional correspondence of your own feelings and desires and manner of dressing can you create your own unique and irresistible.

These are the only canons that exist for Kate. full of contradictions, individuality, self-expression and protest to everything and everyone. No pretentiousness, careful styling and tons of makeup, no constricting and boring clothes - this is all Kate, living in complete harmony with herself.

It's easy to be stylish!— Site for women.

The content of the article

Kate Moss- a clear example of the relativity and impermanence of the laws of beauty. She never adjusted her individuality to the generally accepted framework, which is why she owes her own success. Kate Moss gave a reason to change opinions about appearance; she herself dictates the style of modernity. The star is a recognized trendsetter.

External data of Kate Moss

The external data of the model are excellent, although many attribute anorexia (painful malnutrition syndrome). Kate has a rather graceful figure, reminiscent of a still developing teenage figure. But the model looks the way she herself admitted, because she adheres to proper nutrition and does physical exercise.

Kate Moss diet

The model's diet is based on low-calorie foods with low level fat content This is meat low-fat varieties; vegetables and fruits; low-fat dairy and fermented milk products; fresh herbs; bread and flour products made from whole grain flour, with the addition of bran.

In addition, Kate Moss's diet involves drinking a lot of water (1.5-2 liters per day) and fasting days (2-3 times a month).

Kate Moss clothes

Street style is Kate Moss's preference. She doesn't follow fashionable news and advice from designers, but is guided by his own taste. Star clothes - good combination two styles - grunge and vintage. This always gives you a feeling of exceptional comfort. According to the star, you should not closely monitor. The main thing in the image, the model believes, is a sense of comfort and emphasized individuality.

Even the choice of evening dresses is based on own opinion Kate Moss. Most often these are vintage floor-length outfits. Eg, Wedding Dress model from Galliano, which perfectly emphasized the elegance of the model. The dress was made in a simple loose fit in the style of the 30s, and the translucent fabric was embroidered with sequins. All this added mystery and magic to Kate’s image.

Kate Moss Jewelry

The supermodel created her own collection jewelry, which has become one of the most interesting projects stars. The prototype of the collection's products are tattoos of Kate Moss, several small drawings on the body (a star on the right ankle, hearts on both hands, an anchor on right hand, crown on the left shoulder, birds on the back).

The amazing collection consists of 22 pieces of jewelry in the shape of Kate's tattoos. Each piece of jewelry is encrusted with precious stones.

Kate Moss hair

Kate Moss prefers the same style in her hair as in her clothes. The model now prefers loose hair (cut in a cascade) without special styling, or soft curls that fall freely onto the shoulders.

Thanks to Kate Moss, the grunge bob haircut with side bangs successfully came into fashion (2001). This styling suited the British model no less successfully.

She changed the point of view of modeling agencies by introducing the androgynous body, freckles and asymmetrical facial features into the trend. For the first time after Elle Macpherson's luxurious parameters, which were elevated to a cult, an angular girl with a memorable appearance and a unique sense of style rose to the podium. As a style icon, Kate Moss sets the tone for world fashion.

Kate Moss images

The girl was only fourteen when she was noticed by aspiring photographer Nick Logan. The first photo shoot was successful, and model Kate Moss made herself known to the whole world by signing a contract with Calvin Klein. Like bait on a hook, her childishly naive androgyny, sharp knees, modest breasts and confused look were swallowed up by the titans of the fashion industry. Kate, who grew up in a poor suburb of London, showed how you can successfully combine branded clothing with frankly cheap ones. Her images gave rise to a new style, called, and the model herself is considered the queen of grunge.

Kate Moss's style in everyday life

Having developed a unique style, Kate easily combines elements of retro, punk, classic and ingénue, creating extraordinary looks. Creative Casual style Kate Moss is a masterful combination of textures, colors and eras. Giving preference to black and gray shades, she skillfully dilutes them with accessories. Go to category must have she relates:

  • jeans that he considers appropriate in any setting;
  • jackets that add elegance and restraint to the look;
  • translucent shirt blouses that go perfectly with skirts, shorts and trousers;
  • short black dresses;
  • suede boots with a high top.

Allowing herself to break the time-tested laws of fashion, Kate demonstrates impeccable mixes of incompatible things. The boldness and unusualness of the outfits border on carelessness, but Moss rises to the occasion! Who else can come to a party in youth jeans and a lace cape? victorian era, wear a silk dress with a fur coat and boots?

Kate Moss street style

The supermodel, whose fees amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars, does not chase brands. Her wardrobe contains a lot of clothes purchased in regular stores. Kate does not disdain second-hand items, looking for vintage items at flea markets. She is sure that the basis of style is exquisite accessories. Some ideas from Moss are worth borrowing.

  1. Short dress and short fur coat. The model often creates looks based on a laconic dress and an original outerwear made of fur. By the way, the girl wears exclusively faux fur, preferring long pile, dyed in unusual colors.
  2. Leopard print. Animalistic motifs attract attention, but fashion is merciless towards them, either elevating them to a trend or consigning them to oblivion. Moss does not follow rules, so her wardrobe contains many clothes and accessories decorated with.
  3. Hats and scarves. Whether Kate Moss is wearing a suit, jeans or a dress, she will not fail to complete a street look with a fedora, neckerchief or voluminous scarf.

The forty-two-year-old model loves shoes made of suede. According to Kate, clothes can be inexpensive, but boots, shoes or boots simply must be of high quality. To create images in street style she often wears practical flat boots or block heel boots.

Boho style Kate Moss

The British model is considered a popularizer. Kate Moss's bohemian looks include bright printed loose-fitting dresses, multi-colored skirts, leather vests, and embroidered blouses. She manages to harmoniously complement looks with shapeless capes and ponchos, densely decorated with fringe or metal elements. Fringe is also present on the shoes of world catwalk stars, be it boots or open sandals. Kate is partial to bags made in boho style, as well as those typical of this direction headdresses.

Kate Moss dresses

A public lifestyle obliges the model to wear appropriate outfits, but casual and evening dresses Kate Moss doesn't like. She has never been on the list of stars who chose the most feminine outfits to attend any important event. And those dresses that Kate occasionally wore turned out to be too simple for her:

  • various variations on the theme of the little black dress;
  • tight-fitting floor-length models, made mainly from translucent or shiny fabrics;
  • dresses of a straight silhouette, richly decorated with flounces, ruffles, sequins, fringe;
  • models in the style of the twenties;
  • laconic dresses in linen style.

Dislike for the most important subject women's wardrobe Moss does not hide it, explaining this as an internal protest. Noisy parties, where you can come in jeans and a leather jacket, are much closer to her than social events filled with hypocrisy and stiffness, but dresses suit the owner of a figure worthy of admiration!

Makeup Kate Moss

There are many pages in the life of a successful model that she would like to turn over and forget. Problems are also reflected on the face, so Kate Moss looks somewhat pale without makeup. The catwalk star has beauty tricks that allow her to shine in front of the camera lenses.

  1. Perfect tone. Many celebrities have been caught with unsuccessful application of foundation, and in Moss’s photographs it is impossible to see either wrinkles or bags under the eyes. She uses BB cream from Rimmel.
  2. Skin glow. This effect can be achieved using highlighters or powder with shimmer, which should be used very carefully so that the skin does not look shiny.
  3. Expressive look. Smoky makeup done soft pencil and dark shadows, several layers of mascara, and Kate looks stunning!
  4. Classic red lipstick. This model is used when it is necessary to create a spectacular evening look under time-limited conditions.
  5. Highlighted cheekbones. Moss has them well defined, but with the help of blush and bronzer she visually elongates her round face.

The model looks very natural. Kate prefers nude shades of eyeshadow and transparent lip gloss. If possible, do not use decorative cosmetics, she will definitely use it! A confident woman is of little interest to the opinions of others.

Kate Moss haircut

Length just below the shoulders, side bangs, warm wheat blonde - Kate remains true to her usual image. It seems like she never has time to do her hair, but this carelessness has become part of her. corporate identity. Fans remember Kate Moss with short hair, which gave the girl a daring look. She even decided to dye her hair in dark color, but soon returned to her adored blonde.