Is a hoop effective in the fight for a wasp waist and a beautiful belly? Does a hoop help remove belly fat?

Hello dear readers! Do you know what kind of exercise machine everyone can afford? No, these are not expensive treadmills or an exercise bike. This is an ordinary gymnastic hoop that is completely inexpensive and works real miracles. If you start using it, you will easily get rid of excess weight in the side area. We will tell you how to remove your belly fat using a hoop.

If you have tried a lot of exercises, went to the gym, but nothing helps you, or the weight is gaining too quickly, then you should consult a doctor, there may be problems in your condition. But still, often it is just a problem of uncontrolled eating and poor lifestyle, which we may not even notice. It’s easy to fix this, because the hula hoop, a special training hoop that needs to be twisted around the waist, will help you see the real result. It’s even better if you make it up.

Many people immediately ask the question: is it really possible to remove the sides and stomach with a hoop? We will not answer directly “Yes”, because you need evidence. And this is as easy as shelling pears, because it’s enough to understand how it works.

When you start using such a tool, you should consider its weight. It's light, but it's enough to apply some pressure to the muscle area. In addition, it uses muscles:

  • Belly
  • Backs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Abdominal muscles – oblique and rectus

Thanks to this, you not only remove excess fat by applying pressure to certain points and burning calories, but also build your body in the right proportion. It would seem such a simple tool, but it works wonders.

By pressing on fatty tissues, it forces the body to “move” them, press them and work faster. Because of this, metabolism increases in this particular area, which is quite problematic, by the way, and the weight goes off. Therefore, answering the question whether it is possible to remove the belly with a hoop, we answer - yes, and this can be done quickly.

Types and types of tools

Hula hoop has several types and types. They all differ in parameters, area of ​​influence, and price. But which option should you choose? Now we will tell you.

There are several types of patterns that affect our body differently:

  1. Massage. This is the most expensive model, but the most effective. It not only removes fat, but also improves blood circulation and gives results much faster. Unfortunately, it is also the most expensive.
  2. Hoop with balls . You've probably come across these, they are interesting, effective models, a budget version of the previous type. Everyone can afford it.
  3. Standard . This model is familiar to all of us since childhood. It is made of metal, hollow inside, and its price is quite low.
  4. Weighted . This model usually weighs 2-3 kg, has a strong effect on the body, but not everyone can do it.
  5. Folding. This model is easily assembled into a small suitcase or bag, does not take up much space, but also breaks much more often than others.

But which hoop is better to remove your belly? If you have just started practicing, you can take a simple hula hoop and use it. Once you see results, which will happen in about 3 weeks, following the training schedule, you will want a different model.

Then you can think about the ball version. This is the most optimal hoop that will suit any body type. It is versatile, comfortable, and easy to use.

You can consider the remaining options for yourself individually.

How to do exercises correctly to have a perfect stomach

So, we come to the most interesting part. But before the complex, we immediately want to note the importance of preparation, otherwise, your entire waist will be bruised, it will hurt, and you will not get a flat stomach, but pain and unpleasant memories. First prepare:

  • Be sure to drink water half an hour before starting
  • Do a light warm up in general.
  • Pay special attention to the plasticity of the waist. Do bends, bends, twists
  • It would be nice to jump rope for 5 minutes before the start

Such simple preparation will improve your health and prepare you for a heavy load.

Now let's see how to remove belly fat with a hoop:

  1. Rule one: you need to train every day. The first month the training time will be only 10-15 minutes, no more. Then increase it to the maximum value - 45 minutes.
  2. Learn to rotate it correctly. Many people spin the hula hoop, moving back and forth, but they need to go clockwise, in a circle. You don't have to catch it falling, learn to do it correctly. A good result is 15 minutes without a break.
  3. For the first time, you will need protection - a special rubber belt, which is sold in any sports store. Otherwise, the bruises will not give you peace. This is especially true for large training or heavy models. You can use an elastic bandage.
  4. If your legs stand together, your abdominal muscles will be used as much as possible, but it’s difficult to twist like that. However, learn.
  5. The standard stance is with your feet shoulder-width apart, maybe a little narrower, and your hands behind your head. To improve the effectiveness of the exercise, rotate the hoop to the right, and turn yourself slightly until you make a circle, and then do the same in the other direction.

Now you know whether a hoop helps to remove belly fat, and what you need to do for this. Remember that only regular training will give results. If you want to speed it up, study " biolifting of the abdomen"- a technique that will help you become even slimmer and get a magnificent figure like Alina Kabaeva. Watch her amazing performance.

Recently, hoops have become extremely popular among those losing weight. Hula Hup. There are many controversies and opposing opinions regarding its use to achieve slimness.

Some talk about its undeniable effectiveness, others note its uselessness and even harm. Does a hoop help remove belly fat? Does this remedy really work? Or is hula hoop useless in the fight for slimness? Let's figure it out.

Hoop for weight loss: clear advantages and contraindications

Let's clarify first. Hoop and hula hoop: what's the difference?

Not with anything. These are two names for one thing. The first one is more familiar to us. The second appeared relatively recently, but has not yet taken root.

In Soviet times, only two types of hoop were produced: plastic and aluminum. The only difference between them was the material. Both were light in weight and had a smooth surface.

Modern manufacturers have significantly expanded the line of hula hoops. They have different weights. Massage models with balls and bulges appeared. Folding and iron options. Such diversity also increased the possibilities of gymnastic devices. Here are just some of the benefits of hula hoop training:

  • the vestibular apparatus, respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained;
  • intestinal motility improves;
  • the skin is tightened due to the massage effect;
  • the waist is formed;
  • strengthens the back and abdominal muscles;
  • the spine is trained.

By the way, the hula hoop is an excellent exercise machine for the abdominal press.

But what about the claims of nihilists that this exercise machine does not help you lose weight and get rid of your tummy? Of course it doesn't help if

  • use the hula hoop irregularly;
  • twist it two to three minutes a day;
  • eat buns and sweets.

Nothing will help with this approach.

Hoop training has contraindications:

  • You should not use the gymnastic device on a full stomach or during menstruation;
  • Hula hoop exercises are not recommended for older people;
  • the hoop should not be twisted immediately after childbirth and during pregnancy;
  • If you have problems with the spine or diseases of the pelvic organs, you should consult a doctor before classes.

Does a hoop help to remove belly fat: instructions for action

How to tighten the skin on your stomach and remove excess fat using a hoop? The secret to being slim is in proper use. So, recommendations for using the hula hoop:

  1. The range of movement of the waist should be minimal.
  2. The simulator needs to be turned on an empty stomach. In addition, after class, do not eat anything for two hours.
  3. The hula hoop spins as follows: legs stand together, hands behind the head, back straight.
  4. The hoop is rotated using circular movements (clockwise). There is no need to move your body back and forth.
  5. Movements should be rhythmic and calm. You cannot twist too sharply: it is dangerous for an unprepared back.
  6. You need to twist the hula hoop using your waist. And only the waist. Train yourself not to help with your breasts and buttocks.
  7. Before exercising with a gymnastic ring, experts recommend doing breathing exercises. You can use this simple exercise: exhale deeply through your mouth, completely pushing out all the air (as if you were inflating a balloon). Then inhale through your nose, filling your stomach with air as much as possible. Exhale again. Repeat four times.

Be prepared for bruises to appear on your stomach and sides after the first classes. This is fine. The skin and muscles are not accustomed to the load. The phenomenon is temporary. So don't be scared and don't quit. Be patient. The bruises will go away, and classes will bring joy. To alleviate suffering, you can take a relaxing bath and soften the skin of your abdomen with cream.

How long does it take to spin the hoop to achieve the effect? The minimum is fifteen minutes, the maximum is thirty. Spinning less is useless, spinning more is harmful.

Which exercise machine should I use? To lose belly fat you need a special hoop. It should have bulges or massage balls. The optimal weight of a hula hoop is one to two kilograms. Light models give practically no results. And more difficult ones will become torture for beginners.

What to do if you don't know how to spin a hoop? Study. Try again and again. Keep pushing despite setbacks. In time everything will work out.

What interesting things await you in the article?

Hoop and hula hoop are an excellent means of losing weight and effectively getting rid of fat on the stomach and sides, which will help even those whose diets are unsuccessful. Regular exercises with a hoop (hula hoop) will help you quickly get rid of your belly and sides, and also reduce cellulite.

The advantages of practicing with a hoop are obvious - you can spin it while standing in front of the TV while watching your favorite TV show or series. So to speak, combine business and pleasure. In addition, the hoop strengthens the cardiovascular system, trains breathing and the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, improves posture, tightens the legs, back and abdomen, and helps the functioning of internal organs.

It is known that with the simplest spinning of a hoop for 30 minutes, which is exactly the same as an episode of your favorite TV series, you will burn up to 200 calories, and if you choose a more difficult exercise, then all 300.

How to choose the right hoop to reduce your belly and remove your sides?

If you have just started working on your figure and are going to buy your first hoop, then it is better to stop at the simplest metal or plastic hoop weighing up to 1 kg, without any bells and whistles. You should start small so as not to knock off the sides and internal organs.

But if you already have some experience in training with a hoop, then you can choose something heavier, up to 2 kg, and even with some additional features, such as rubber suction cups, which will additionally massage the skin, which helps eliminate cellulite.

Which hoop and hula hoop is better to choose?

Types of Hula Hoops

Regular hoop

The simplest hoop is either iron or plastic, hollow inside. The very first hoops that began to be produced. They are recommended to be used for training by beginners, so as not to immediately create a high load on an untrained body and not put stress on the spine.

Folding hoop

It is similar to a regular one, but the main difference is that it can be folded into two or even four times. This hoop is an ideal option for those who want to save space in the apartment, because a hoop is a very bulky piece of equipment. Some models of such hoops allow you to change their weight if you reduce the number of removable sections. Reducing the number of sections will reduce the weight of the hoop and therefore the load.

These hoops are very convenient to transport. When purchasing such a hoop, be sure to pay attention to the diameter with all sections and without one or two. Since, if you reduce the diameter, it may turn out that the hoop will become too small for you.

Weighted hoop for weight loss

This hoop is good for those for whom a simple hoop seems too light and does not provide the proper load. The weight of such a hoop varies from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Such a hoop will give faster and more visible results and will correct the lines of the hips and waist.

Hoop with massaging elements

Massaging elements include small suction cups, which are located on the inner side of the hoop adjacent to the body. Every time they touch the skin, they stick and then come off. Such hoops are good not only for reducing volume, but also for anti-cellulite massage of the hips and abdomen.

Except with suction cups, and also hoops with balls, which can be made of rubber or plastic. Such hoops have a mechanical effect on problem areas, which promotes the process of destruction of fat deposits.

If you are choosing between plastic and rubber balls, we recommend taking rubber ones. They are less harsh and safer, strengthen muscles better and improve skin tone, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, improve blood circulation and overall well-being.

It will also be better if the massage balls are removable. This way you can regulate the load yourself.

Hoop with magnets

Hoops with magnets are considered the most effective.

Magnetic elements supply the skin with oxygen and improve blood flow. The magnetic field of the elements affects the body as a whole and awakens electromotive force in the blood and lymph. Because of this, weak currents arise directly in the human body, which helps improve the metabolic process throughout the body.

How long do you need to twist the hula hoop and hoop to remove your stomach and sides?

Many girls and women ask how long they need to hula hoop or hula hoop to get rid of their belly and make it flat in a week. In fact, in a week it’s unrealistic. After all, the fat has been accumulating for months or years, and now you need to try to get rid of it. But if you exercise correctly and regularly, don’t skip workouts, in addition to this, eat right and follow the rules, include them in your workouts, then you can achieve results quite quickly.

To make the result noticeable, start with small loads, and then gradually increase them. If you spin the hoop every day, then in about a month you will already notice results. During the first couple of days, you may experience some bruising. To protect the skin, you can use some kind of thick belt during the first training sessions, but after a few training sessions you will already need to spin the hula hoop without it.

  • Before training, you need to perform several breathing exercises. This is done in order to expel excess air from the abdomen, then the muscles will work at full strength. The simplest exercise is to take a deep breath, inflating your stomach, followed by a sharp exhalation. This exercise should be repeated 5 times, and then do the same, but inhale while inflating the chest;
  • Spin the hoop on an empty stomach;
  • The amplitude of the waist should be as small as possible, and the hips and shoulders should remain completely motionless;
  • Eating after a workout should be no earlier than an hour and a half later, because the muscles continue to work, therefore calories are burned, and as soon as you eat, this process will slow down;
  • You should be in tension throughout and you should feel them;
  • Use a thermal belt during exercise, firstly, it will protect the skin from bruising, and secondly, it will increase the number of calories burned;
  • Stick to proper nutrition, then the centimeters will not only not return, but will also go away faster.

How many minutes do you need to hula hoop and hula hoop to lose weight?

During the first workout When you spin a hula hoop or hoop to remove your stomach and sides, 5 minutes will be enough to get used to the load. Then every day you should add at least one minute.

When you can hula hoop for 20-30 minutes at a time, you will begin to lose weight. Remember that the longer the workout, the more calories you will say goodbye to.

When you get used to such a load, feel free to increase the time to 45 minutes, and to lose weight even faster, use any of the heavy hoops at this stage, preferably with massage elements.

Exercises with a hoop for losing weight on the stomach and sides

  1. Warm-up

You can use a hoop as a warm-up. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, grab the hoop with your hands so that there is 25-30 cm between them. Perform several lifts of the hoop above your head. After this, bend to the sides and forward, continuing to hold the hoop. Then you should perform several turns in different directions.

  1. "Rotation of the Planets"

A simple but very effective exercise that will increase your load. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Spin the hoop to the right, and slowly rotate to the right as well. Make 10 revolutions around your axis. When you finish rotating to the right, do the same exercise, only with a hoop and you should rotate to the left.

  1. We fight with “ears” on the hips

In this exercise, the hoop should rotate at hip level. It is quite difficult to hold the hoop in this position, so it is better to break it up into several approaches of 30 seconds each.

  1. Rotation of the hoop in static conditions

The exercise is very effective, but difficult. During this exercise, your legs should stand together and not move at all. The exercise gives a good load specifically to the abdominal muscles. Place your hands behind your head and rotate the hoop for 5 minutes in each direction.

How to properly twist a hula hoop to remove your stomach and sides video:

How to properly twist a hoop to remove belly and sides video:

It turns out that to correct imperfections in the figure, you only need one inexpensive and practical projectile. If you do not know how to remove the belly and sides with a hoop, then please read these instructions. Physiologically, it is so arranged that a large belly and sides of men can be smoothed out faster and easier; for this you need to adhere to a diet and live in a regime of suitable physical activity. Fat on the sides and abdomen in women can also be removed, but it is more difficult for us; sometimes the chosen set of exercises and well-thought-out diets do not give normal results. Now let's try to attack and destroy excess fat deposits with simple and enjoyable home exercises with a hula hoop.

Types and effectiveness of hoops

Weighted hoop


  • working with a weighted hoop requires significant effort, so you can expect excellent results from training;
  • this effective projectile burns a large number of calories;
  • when rotating such a hoop, many muscle groups are involved;
  • Exercises with a heavy hoop are not suitable for beginners, non-athletic people who have just started physical activity, do not know about their endurance potential and do not yet have trained muscles.

Aluminum hoop


  • Before us is the least effective type of hoop;
  • It is not recommended to use such a hoop if the goal is weight loss and figure correction;
  • When this projectile rotates, the waist area, as well as our hips and buttocks, although they come into contact with it, do not receive enough impact to change the silhouette of the body.

Steel hoop


  • with constant training with a steel hoop, we get loads sufficient for weight loss;
  • problem areas of the body are qualitatively worked out from the influence of the steel body;
  • the correct approach to training with such a projectile provides a quick and lasting effect of dissolving fat layers on the stomach and sides;
  • Let's name one feature that can be considered more of a disadvantage: slight deformation of the hoop from use.

Massage hoop


  • the inner surface of this object is not smooth, but embossed;
  • when working with a hoop, areas with excess fat are well worked out;
  • this hoop is wider than the standard one;
  • reviews of the use of massage hoops indicate rapid and relatively easy burning of fat on the sides and abdomen;
  • We also note that this projectile is considered dangerous; too intense exercise can leave hematomas and bruises on an unprepared body.
Hoop: helps to correct the figure, in particular to remove the stomach and sides

Rules for body correction using a hoop

Adequate training frequency

We are telling you how to remove your belly and sides with a hoop so that our country has more stunningly beautiful girls with good health. It is better to draw up a training plan in advance and systematically practice such a schedule, working out exactly every other day. This approach will allow you to fully load and unload the tissues and muscles worked by hula hoop.

Proper nutrition

It is necessary to adhere to a diet with sufficient amounts of vitamins; the diet should not contain harmful substances. It is optimal to spin the hoop on an empty stomach. If you take food, then you need a two-hour break before training. It must be borne in mind that the result of weight loss and reduction of fat on the sides and abdomen cannot be achieved without proper nutrition. If your diet contains a large number of high-calorie, high-fat foods, the effect of exercise will be weak.

Slow load buildup

Starting with light loads, you need to safely and smoothly increase the intensity of exercise. At first we practice for 5-7 minutes. If you notice slight hyperemia of the skin, that is, slight redness, you need to stop. Each time we increase the time of rotation of the hoop, reaching the limit of 30-40 minutes.

Hula hoop is not for everyone

The hoop should not be used during pregnancy. You will have to stop spinning the hula hoop for a year after abdominal surgery, for example, this includes a caesarean section. If there are gynecological pathologies, it is necessary to coordinate the exercises with your doctor.

Breath setting

Usually, before a hoop session, useful breathing exercises are performed. We take a deep, slow breath, then hold our breath for 3-5 seconds, and finally exhale slowly.

Don't throw the hoop

If there are no medical contraindications to using a hoop, then you definitely need to spin it constantly. Once you start exercising, you don’t need to stop halfway and stop training. With regular sessions at home with a hoop, you can notice not only an improvement in your figure due to burning calories. Overall health will improve, the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems will improve. The condition of the skin will return to normal and its tone will increase. Due to good peristalsis of the intestinal system, metabolism will accelerate, which is beneficial for those losing weight. Our vestibular apparatus receives training, so coordination of movements also improves.

To get the best results, we recommend a massage hoop equipped with removable parts. Using such a projectile at home, you can adjust its appearance yourself by removing or, on the contrary, increasing the necessary structural elements. If you have already figured out how to remove your stomach and sides with a hoop, then it’s time to start regular training. We need to be persistent and introduce feasible exercises with a hoop into our regime, then we will definitely get the desired flat stomach, beautiful butt, graceful hips and wasp waist.

To get rid of belly fat and burn extra pounds, you have many options in your arsenal: sports equipment and bulky exercise equipment, exhausting diets and sets of exercises. But the simplest and most effective method is to spin a hula hoop for weight loss; this sports hoop is a universal way to lose weight, tighten your figure and remove your belly.

Next, we will look in detail at which hulakup is best for weight loss, what exercises will help tighten problem areas in the hips, abdomen, and arms, and how to exercise correctly to achieve an elegant, thin waist and slender figure.

Getting to know the simulator

How to choose a hula hoop for weight loss? Let's look at the main types:

  • Regular metal hoop, known since the days of school physical education, almost every girl had one. You can write your own reviews about the hula hoop; it helps very well for weight loss, removes fat, especially if you do it for a few minutes every day.
  • Folding hula hoop for weight loss– compact, convenient, for studying not only at home, but also on business trips.
  • Weighted hoop for gymnastics, some types weigh almost 2 kg - this is significant physical activity on problem areas, provides effective muscle pumping, weight loss, and removes the belly.

A weighted model will help tighten your muscles

  • Hula hoop with massaging effect- a popular type of hoop. There are rubber pimples on the inside, it is believed that they break up cellulite and fat deposits more intensively, helping to lose weight, remove the belly and sculpt the figure in a short time.
  • Hula hoop with built-in calorie sensor. This is a “smart” simulator, it counts the number of revolutions, calorie consumption, and even calculates the load for each day. The reviews are only positive, the hoop with a sensor takes into account physical fitness and individual characteristics, it is not just equipment, but a real assistant in weight loss.
  • Inflatable hula hoop– modern sports development for intensive weight loss. Made from durable rubber, its design features help to work out important muscle groups, adjust the waist, and remove the belly.

All hula hoops effectively promote weight loss and correct your figure: the model with spikes breaks down cellulite more intensively and removes excess from the sides and abdomen

Before choosing a hula hoop, you need to meticulously identify your problem areas, clearly set goals, and only then make a purchase.

Consultants from sports and online stores will help you choose the right equipment. The cost of a high-quality model starts from $20, you must admit, this is quite a pittance to remove belly fat, get rid of fat and cellulite. And of course, do not forget about proper nutrition; even the most exhausting exercises will only give visible weight loss results in combination with a diet.

Special exercises for weight loss

How to use a hula hoop to remove such problem areas as the stomach and sides? The answer is clear - it helps and is very effective. But the “look closely” method - you lie on the couch and meditate on a hula hoop with the thought of losing weight - will not work here. A whole set of daily exercises is needed, aimed at different problem areas. Next, in detail about how to exercise at home to remove belly fat and lose weight.

The assembled hula hoop is easy to store and move

Independent studies

Hula hoop is an inexpensive and accessible sports equipment that helps to lose extra pounds, it develops plasticity, is a good cardio trainer, stimulates intestinal motility, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, breaks up orange peel, removes belly fat, improves coordination of movements, tightens muscles and has a positive effect on health.

The exercises do not require a lot of space and skills; in order to lose weight and remove excess fat from your figure, you just need to learn how to smoothly move your body from side to side. Do not be alarmed if bruises appear on your stomach and waist after the first exercises; they will disappear if weight loss exercises are systematic.

The optimal diameter of the hoop is 900-1200 mm; place the hula hoop next to you, the top point should be 30-50 mm above the waist.


Hula hoop for weight loss is suitable for most women, but according to doctors, it is contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy and in the first months after, if a caesarean section was performed.
  • Gynecological diseases: uterine fibroids, retroflexion.
  • Inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, liver.
  • Spinal injuries, hernia, disc displacement.

If you have no contraindications, but during training you experience pain in the side of your abdomen, you should stop weight loss exercises. This indicates that the hula hoop was chosen incorrectly. A lighter hula hoop is recommended for petite ladies, while larger ladies can use a 2kg weight loss hoop.

Classic hula hoop exercise technique

Correct position

The position is stable, the back is straight, the rotations are energetic, the circle should not hang or dangle on the stomach. To monitor your well-being, it is useful to buy a heart rate monitor. Workouts should take place on an empty stomach; the most effective time to remove belly fat and lose weight is an hour after breakfast.

To stimulate metabolic processes during exercises with hulakup, you need to drink water without gases.

Losing weight with a hula hoop, photo example of figure correction

How much do you need to turn?

The minimum time is 10-15 minutes, this will help maintain an already trained figure to normal. To effectively lose weight and remove belly fat, you should follow the following rules:

  • 1 day - 30 minutes, plus pump the abs 30 times and bend forward the same number of times.
  • We do rotations for 2 – 20 minutes to remove the belly, adding: squats, push-ups, leg raises – 30 times each.
  • Days 3 and 5 – half-hour training, we perform the recommended complex.
  • 4 and 6 – we do 3 sets of 10 minutes, after each we do push-ups and pump up the abs.
  • From day 7 we repeat the program.

Examples of weight loss programs

To lose weight and get rid of your belly, you need to do very simple exercises every day for half an hour:

  • Classic hoop twisting, according to reviews, helps you lose weight and get rid of your belly. Feet wider than shoulders, hips moving from side to side, increasing intensity with each turn.
  • Let’s complicate the task, now we move our hips forward/backward, help with our knees, bending them alternately. Holding the hula hoop will be difficult at first, but over time you will master the technique.
  • Feet together, hula hoop at the waist. We rotate and at the same time lean forward, transferring the weight from the full foot to the toes.
  • The position is the same, we extend the arm perpendicular to the body, put the hoop on the wrist, begin to twist, gradually moving the projectile, to the upper part of the shoulder.
  • Starting position – back straight, legs together. We start twisting according to the classical principle, from the waist and gradually lower the circle to the knees, help with the hips and legs, remove the belly and lose weight.
  • Thigh rotation is an effective way to sculpt and tighten the loin, break up cellulite deposits and remove belly and fat.

To consolidate the results, we offer video tips and explanations on how to lose excess weight using a hula hoop for weight loss.

How many calories are burned?

It is impossible to predict exactly how many calories are burned; for this you will need to take into account many factors: how the training goes, the number of approaches, the intensity of the twist. We offer you a table with average statistical data:

Photo example, before and after home workouts

Examples of before and after results

Is the result shown not a hoax? To find an answer to this question, we went to sports and women's forums, where the reviews are sometimes the most radical. If the reviews in online stores are increasingly positive, sort of like advertising, then women share their impressions openly among themselves.

Those ladies who really set out to bring their figure back to normal are not lazy, do a set of exercises with a hula hoop to lose weight, eat right, and say in reviews that hula hoop is very effective for losing weight and helps to lose belly fat. There are also those who seem to be working out, but are lazy: sometimes they don’t have time, sometimes they want to eat; for those, the results are more modest, but they are there! And collectors, this category has all types of hula hoops: regular, spiked, folding, but according to reviews, there is no result in losing weight. To the negative reviews, we will answer: even with a simple hoop you can remove your belly and lose weight if you practice constantly, but if you store equipment and wipe off dust from time to time, then losing weight is problematic.

Example before and after photo