Different haircuts for boys 15 years old. Fashionable and unusual haircuts for teenage boys

The period of life of men from 13 to 16 years is characterized as adolescence. This is a time of character revelation, active development, and most importantly, self-expression of a teenager. Great importance is attached to appearance, image and the reaction of others to it. That's why right choice hairstyles for teenage boys of this age can hardly be overestimated.

Selection rules

First of all, a competent choice of haircut should be based on the following nuances and rules:

  • Whatever haircut a boy chooses, he must wash his hair regularly and constantly take care of his hair in order to be always appreciated. The possibility of regular care is an important selection criterion.
  • Hairstyle must be consistent age category. For example, a mohawk haircut is not particularly suitable for a 13-year-old boy.
  • You need to select the styling based on the length. For example, it will be difficult to create a cascade hairstyle on shortened hair.
  • Certainly, the most important rule is to take into account the type of person. This allows you to emphasize its advantages and hide its shortcomings. It also provides greatest effect hairstyles, her style and image decoration in general.
  • An important nuance is the teenager’s independence in choosing a haircut. After all, who, no matter how he himself knows, how he wants to position himself and what image to acquire. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all how old he is - what matters is his desire to express himself, to open up.

Teenage haircut options for boys have a wide range. They are divided depending on the length of the hair: short, medium and long.

Short variations

Of course, medium-length haircuts require much more careful care and styling. However, such care pays off with interest...

  1. Bob is a haircut with medium length hair. Does not require regular care. Only periodic trimming of the ends is required - once every 1-2 months.
  2. Kare – stylish hairstyle for teenagers to express themselves. It is usually preferred by boys aged 10 - 14 years. Ideal for curly and thick hair. Can be done edges or cascade. No special care required.
  3. Cascade – fashionable option for boys. Performed in the form of layers with different styling. Quite stylish and interesting hairstyle, because It has fashionable look and leaves a lot of room for creative fantasies. For example, it is possible to lay bangs on one side with asymmetrical strands.

Long options

Haircuts with really long hair have always been relevant and in demand. Undoubtedly, they require special care and special careful styling. However, their style and charm justify any difficulties and worries.

  • Many people are attracted to the option of wearing braids with various decorations or dyeing individual strands in different color shades. This is a whole field for creative inspiration and imagination. You can experiment with partings, the length and color of individual strands, styling methods and other attributes of long hair.
  • Long hair with dreadlocks is at the peak of popularity today. This hairstyle was born among representatives of American hip-hop culture and quickly spread throughout the world. And this is not surprising! A haircut carries a charge of a special style and charges others with it. This hairstyle is an ideal option for self-expression of a teenage boy, full disclosure of his inner world, emotional and creativity. It is important that parents do not interfere with such a choice of a teenager, trying to dissuade him in every possible way. It must be remembered that many adults today wear dreadlocks, for example - famous football player David Beckham.

When choosing a hairstyle for a teenage boy, it is important to take into account not only the basic rules and nuances of selection, but also his opinion and preferences. Only with this approach can one achieve complete harmony hairstyles with image, inner world a teenager and worthy of being appreciated by others.

As you know, teenage boys tend to want to stand out. They try to realize this desire in almost everything: in behavior, clothing style, and, of course, hairstyle. And therefore, the latter should correspond as much as possible to the teenage period of life. It is important that the haircut does not look too childish, but that it is not done in such a way that it would look good on a grown man rather than on a boy. Let's consider the basic rules regarding the correct choice of haircut, as well as the most fashionable variations.


If you want the boy to like his haircut and not go against the reaction of others, you should pay attention to these tips:

  1. Choose a hairstyle according to with hair type and length teenager and his facial features. It should hide flaws and highlight advantages.
  2. The haircut should be harmoniously combined with the boy’s image as a whole, and also look acceptable in any situation: it can be worn to school, to a party, or to a special event.
  3. An important point is also ease of care. You should choose the option that does not require a lot of time and effort during installation.
  4. In order for the haircut to have a neat and dignified appearance, the hair must wash regularly. If a guy wants to have stylishly styled hair, let him know that he will have to take a responsible approach to hair care.
  5. Pay attention to child's age. For example, a 13-14 year old boy will find it inconvenient to care for long curls, and besides, they can interfere during study or outdoor games, so in this case it is better to abandon this idea and consider other options.

Hairstyles for teenage boys

There are many various options hair design. They can be divided into several subspecies depending on the length of the boy's hair.

For short hair

Classic haircuts for those who don’t want to spend too much time on daily styling. As a rule, in these cases, the strands are shortened by 1 to 3 centimeters, and on the temporal parts they may be slightly longer. Options are available with or without bangs.

cap. This hairstyle also managed to become a classic. Its main advantage is that it will fit for any hair type: for both straight and curly hair, both thin and thick. The cap assumes very short strands at the back of the head and elongated ones at the top. The transition between lengths can be either smooth or obvious, standing out.

A very original haircut, which, however, is not suitable for boys younger. It is usually worn by guys aged 15-16 years, since it requires daily styling and care, and sometimes looks very provocative. Mohawk provides shaving hair at the temples, in this case only a strip remains, starting at the forehead and ending at the back of the head. The length and width of the strip can be any.

You can style this hairstyle in different ways. For example, using a gel or mousse, you can make the strands stick up, or you can gently comb it back.

For medium length

Caring for medium hair will be more of a hassle than caring for short strands, but neat and properly styled hairstyles look beautiful and attractive.

Bean. A stylish and fashionable haircut that probably any boy will like. It is implemented as follows: the hair on the temporal and occipital parts is cut short or shaved, and elongated strands remain on the top of the head. The latter can be left freely flowing, or you can comb it back, as if it were a long bang.

Bob perfectly highlights cheekbones and prominent facial features. However, boys with chubby cheeks are better off abandoning this haircut in favor of options that will not accentuate facial imperfections.

No special care is required, except that it may be necessary to trim the ends 1-2 times a month.

Another universal option: it looks good on both curly and straight hair. The haircut can be done in a cascade or with straight edges. The presence of bangs is at the discretion of the teenager. In order for your haircut to look neat, you just need to wash your hair regularly and then dry it with a hairdryer.

For long hair

Long curls have long ceased to be exclusively a girl’s prerogative. Today, even guys can boast of luxurious hair. Here, of course, the child will be required to be more responsible in relation to his hair than in previous options. Long hair is more difficult to care for, but the effort spent is well compensated increased attention those around you.

Long bob or long hair. In general, from the classical performance this option The only difference is the length of the strands. They can go down to the shoulders or even lower. Long curly locks look good: they visually make a teenager look a little older, although a bob looks no less beautiful on straight strands.

Beautiful hairstyles have always been the prerogative of women, however, men's fashion I also tried to keep up. Over the 20th and 21st centuries, men's hairstyles have undergone many changes. What was relevant at the beginning and middle of the 20th century suddenly returned to us with minor metamorphoses.

Currently the retro style is in men's haircuts and styling is closely intertwined with modernity. There are more different options than ever, each at its peak.

Modern men, guys and boys watching fashion trends, try to wear stylish haircuts to make the look complete. let's consider current trends in haircuts and hairstyles for teenagers.

Haircuts for teenage boys 12-14 years old

Boys of average school age usually try to stand out among their peers. Adolescence makes children more critical of their appearance, which contributes to their interest in unusual things and hairstyles.

In addition to the desire to express their individuality, at the age of 12-14, teenagers try to appear as adults, doing this, among other things, by changing their wardrobe, cutting their hair, and so on.

However school teachers oppose too bright appearance. It is traditionally believed that such manifestations destroy discipline and distract children from the main purpose of coming to school. educational institution- the acquisition of knowledge.

A compromise between the desires of the child and the teachers can be found by offering your son a stylish and fashionable haircut. In addition to the fact that modern hairstyles look very beautiful and youthful, they are easy to care for and easy to style. These haircuts look great with casual clothes, and with business suit, and with school uniform, if provided. Let's look at some possible options.

  1. For hooligans and tomboys, boxing and semi-boxing haircuts are perfect. The difference in hairstyles lies in the top part, which is cut to different degrees. A boxing haircut is quite short all over the head, shorter at the back of the head, and the top is made slightly longer. The half-box has a less cropped nape and more hair on the top. This haircut does not interfere, does not distract attention, is easy to style in the morning and looks neat. At the same time, you can style your bangs the way you want: playfully lifting them up, smoothing them to one side, or leaving them to lie freely. This haircut is especially good for teenagers with curly hair, who are often unhappy with them.
  2. A classic short haircut is the so-called “Canadian”, which became popular in the Soviet Union thanks to Canadian hockey players who wore this hairstyle. The essence of the haircut is that the lower part and the back of the head are cut short, after which it is done smooth transition to the top. The top hair is made longer. This haircut looks mature and stylish, however, it requires some attention when styling. Hair can be combed back or styled in another way. A boy with this hairstyle will look like a true gentleman.
  3. Those who love long hair might like a graduated bob, which will look very creative. This haircut can be a compromise solution for a child who wants to wear longer hair and school restrictions.

Stylish haircuts for teenage boys 15-16 years old

Senior school age boys think about their appearance Often. They begin to pay more attention to their clothes, try to impress and look good. To complete the look, all you need is a fashionable hairstyle that will highlight mature facial features and a stylish look.

Adult children can choose almost any hairstyle, unless, of course, there are some strict frameworks and boundaries at school. Among the fashionable haircuts there are several great options, which will appeal to both rebels and excellent students, and will also not bother teachers.

Trends in modern men's haircuts are such that all hairstyles are suitable for different ages, emphasizing the advantages. Therefore, the haircuts listed above for 12 and 14-year-old teenagers can also suit older children, and will also look appropriate on adult men.

Here are some more youthful options for high school students:

  1. One of the most stylish haircuts, which is currently very popular among young people, is undoubtedly “Undercut”. This is very beautiful haircut, which especially suits guys with the correct face shape and straight head. The hairstyle is visually divided into two parts: the bottom and back of the head are cut very short with a clipper, and the top and bangs are left long. This haircut is especially effective middle length, so it’s best to grow a few centimeters before going to the hairdresser. Also, choosing this hairstyle can serve as a convenient and neat alternative to long hair. When laying the top, you can experiment by smoothing your bangs back, to the side or making a tuft. For rebels, such a haircut also opens up the possibility of styling their hair in the form of a mohawk if desired.
  2. The Canadian haircut described above can be styled very beautifully, which will look great at special occasions or in Everyday life. We're talking about the idea of ​​a side parting. The head is divided in half, the side with the parting is visually divided again, and a division is made along this side using a comb. The strands are combed to the sides of the parting. In the 60s, when this hairstyle was especially popular, men used grease for hold and shine. Now, to keep your hair in the desired position, you can use gel or wax.
  3. The haircut, which was worn during the time of Elvis, does not lose its popularity among the younger generation. Is it possible that now they don’t make hair so voluminous and don’t use so many styling products? To achieve the desired effect, the side hair is combed and fixed with styling gel or mousse, while the top is left free. A lush head of straight or curly hair is impressive in itself, but styled in this way, it will also be convenient in everyday life.

Teenage haircuts for boys for medium and long hair

Basically, parents tend to choose for their child short haircuts. If a boy grows long hair, relatives and teachers begin to resist and force the child to cut his hair. However, not everyone knows that there are many different styles and ways of wearing long hair that will be acceptable.

Society always imposes certain norms on people. Once upon a time, long hair was common for men, but then everything changed. This happens all the time. There is no point in preventing a child from expressing his individuality through his hairstyle. Even if you are categorically against the length, try to find some solution that will suit everyone, and don’t just insist on your own.

Let's consider several styling options for medium and longer lengths:

  1. A bob with milled ends is a great hairstyle for both younger and older kids. This haircut beautifully highlights facial features and hides imperfections. Unruly hair can be combed behind the ears, secured with a headband and tucked into a small ponytail. The above-mentioned bob, especially its elongated version, is worn in a similar way.
  2. Long hair to shoulder length and below usually poses difficulties. Traditionally, they are worn in a ponytail, but can also be tied only top part, leaving the bottom loose. Long hair can be cut straight, in a cascade, or in a ladder. There may be no bangs, or they may be oblique or straight, which looks good on younger guys.
  3. For the high school student's long hair, there's another one. interesting option, which is cut like an “Undercut” hairstyle. The lower part or temples are shaved, leaving the length only at the top. Long hair is pulled into a ponytail, worn loose, or made into a bun - as you like.

Fashionable and unusual haircuts for teenage boys

Nowadays fashion is so diverse that everyone can choose a haircut to their liking and be in trend. All of the above haircuts and styles are suitable for all ages and suit many people. However, based on some of them you can make unusual styling or haircuts.

For example, the trend of artistic cutting, which was current in the 90s, has become popular again. This is a great way to make more or less traditional haircuts bold and hooligan. They cut out anything: be it stripes, ornaments or complex patterns and inscriptions.

Unusual hairstyle long hair there may be the above-mentioned haircut, with bare temples, as well as an elongated “Undercut”, styled in the form of a mohawk. The most striking way to stand out is, undoubtedly, coloring, but because of this, the child may have some difficulties in school.

When choosing a hairstyle for a young man, it is important to consider the type of face and hair. For example, options with shortened hair at the bottom and lengthened at the top make the head visually more elongated. The bob helps smooth out rough features and a disproportionate face. A side parting distracts attention from slight asymmetry.

In addition, it is important not to forget about external circumstances, and also remember that the hairstyle should be easy to care for and style, so that the hair looks good and beautiful every day.

It's great if the haircut decorates and goes well with different types clothes.

Another haircut option for a boy is in the next video.

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