How to relieve lack of money with the help of White magic: conspiracies, prayers, ceremonies, rituals. How to learn to earn more? How long does the effect last, and how often should the casting from money negativity be repeated? Ritual to determine damage

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what home conspiracies to read to get out of poverty and get rid of chronic lack of money. The problem of money is relevant for everyone, without exception. People have different approaches to solving this problem. But only people who practice magic wonder how to use simple spells to get rid of poverty and lack of money. But it can be done. You just have to work competently, efficiently and safely. It’s not difficult if you know in what order and what home conspiracies to cure poverty to read. In addition, you need to have an idea of ​​how exactly what you made works, and what result you should expect.

Wax spell against poverty and lack of money - the strongest home ritual

If you want to get a good, stable result, you always need to work comprehensively, and, of course, count on your strengths. So, having set the goal of getting rid of poverty, create those independent conspiracies that practicing magicians recommend for work, and those that you can carry out cleanly, without mistakes.
In this material I want to offer you a strong ritual to get rid of poverty and lack of money– a wax casting of financial negativity. Castings can be used to remove negatives of various types. Cast on wax:

  • damage to health,
  • remove loneliness
  • and failures in relationships,
  • save a person from bad luck,
  • break various locks,
  • and do a lot more.

Wax is a unique material. In the magical rituals of casting a person with wax, the main thing is to clearly state what you want to get rid of.

So, if your life paths have been blocked by witchcraft, you can make a wax casting yourself, read a conspiracy against poverty and to open roads:

“I pour what was blocking the way to happiness into my home, and open the way to happiness and good luck into my home. I will never return everything that is superficial, brought, lining and whispered to my doorstep, to my home I will open the way to happiness and good luck. Truly spoken."

There are also slightly more complex wax works. However, they can be used independently at home. Here is material for beginner magicians to familiarize themselves with and practice - an effective ritual for driving out poverty and getting rid of financial failures.

A strong spell against poverty for the waning moon - a wax casting of poverty

This is a proven and effective ritual for cleaning the money channel. An independent ritual of white magic, it has successfully proven itself in independent work. The method is easy to perform and is suitable for those who do not yet have experience working with wax. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this method in combination with annealing the money channel with the Krada rune - the sixth rune of the Slavic (Vendish) runic series.

For an independent ritual to get rid of poverty and lack of money with conspiracies, prepare:

  • your photo or photo of the target
  • deep bowl
  • cold water
  • natural beeswax
  • wax container

The photograph is placed under a bowl of cold water. If you have a transparent bowl, that's great, use it. Melt the wax in a water bath, using a container of wax counterclockwise, making circular movements over the bowl of water. At this time, read the words of the conspiracy once. Then slowly pour the wax into the water, reading a conspiracy to get rid of poverty and poverty, 2 more times. In total, the money spell must be cast three times.

“I pour wax, cast it, I remove the lack of money and poverty from myself (name) with wax, everything that interferes with my monetary profit, takes away my wealth and well-being, any attachments, bindings, marks, bends, and other adversities I remove from myself with wax. “Everything that blocks the way to the influx of money, removes luck and profit from me, I cast off myself and lock it in wax.”

Then, on the wax that hardens in water, the text of a home plot to get out of poverty is read 3 times:

“Just as hot wax cools in water, so the thing that deprives me of prosperity and good luck in money hardens in the wax, the wax locks poverty in itself, and removes the lack of money from me. I have spoken, what has been spoken will come true. Let it be so. Amen".

Do this effective ritual of getting rid of poverty 3 days in a row. They make 3 castings per day. In total, in 3 days of work you should get 9 castings. For each casting, new wax is taken. After casting, the used wax should not be kept at home, but should be taken away to a cemetery crossroads and buried at midnight, you can leave a ransom. In difficult cases, it is better to transfer the item or money and leave it at the crossroads.

How to make a strong conspiracy against poverty - rules for wax castings

Many novice magicians ask the same question: is it possible to use paraffin in magical castings for poverty and lack of money? No, you can't do this. In witchcraft castings for money damage and bad luck, only natural beeswax is used, since it has the property of absorbing both someone else’s and your own. This happens due to the natural ability of this material to receive and retain information. This amazing receptivity of wax is taken as the basis in all witchcraft rituals with it - in rites of love magic, in magical rituals against poverty in money magic, and in other sections of black magic. For the same reason, wax is widely used in traditional medicine recipes.

Wax not only reads information from a person’s biofield, it draws out all the negativity onto itself, like a sponge. Therefore, it is impossible to replace natural wax, artificial paraffin, stearin and other substances in magical castings to banish poverty. An independent ritual of casting a person out of poverty, with the given material, will not give the desired effect.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Another fairly common question for newcomers to magic is whether it is possible to use the remnants of wax candles previously used in other rituals in castings for poverty and poverty, when a strong spell is being read. Absolutely not. This cannot be done, because such wax carries side effects. For castings you need to buy pure natural wax that has not been used. You can buy such wax from familiar beekeepers, or in specialized stores, or order it on the Internet from those who sell beekeeping products. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, do not recommend ordering from magic online stores, you need natural wax, not a fake. You can also melt new wax church candles. Using such wax to pay off poverty is permissible if castings are made using a Christian egregor, and you are prone to white magic.

Should you read conspiracies on a waxing or waning moon to get rid of poverty and lack of money?

In the practices of black magic, rituals of expelling poverty and misery, i.e. cleansing, if planned, is done during the waning phase of the moon. For the money channel, work proceeds steadily like this: on the waning moon, cleansing takes place, on the waxing moon, the money channel is filled. Without taking into account the lunar phases, only emergency cleanings are done. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this way of working.

How long does the effect last, and how often should the casting from money negativity be repeated?

An effective ritual of wax casting with a strong conspiracy against poverty on the waning moon - the essence of cleansing, the elimination of negative programs, cutting off the stealers of good luck. The effect is quite persistent and will persist until the following occur on your money channel:

  • evil eyes,
  • new damage,
  • luck stealers,
  • self-damage,
  • the results of unsuccessful magical rituals,
  • and other magical negativity.

The algorithm for a magician’s practical work should be like this:

  • castings were made
  • then they made a diagnosis.
  • if there is a need to clean it again, you can apply the same cleaning again, or use other methods.
  • after which they fill the money channel, placing rituals for wealth and money luck on an open field.
  • then they put up protection.

This, I repeat, is truly magical, complex work that helps. It is very effective to alternate poverty castings with other home cleaning methods, such as salt. At the same time, you need to check with diagnostics what suits you, and what home rituals for poverty do not give results.

And finally, a question that does not leave indifferent not only those who begin their magical practice, but also those who have been consciously practicing for a long time. Will wax casting remove the protection? Wax also has side effects. It not only draws out the negative and removes what the magician stipulates, but can also influence positive witchcraft. For example, it can really weaken a person’s magical defenses. Weak protection with effective ritual to banish poverty and may completely demolish it. After several castings, it would be a good idea to check the condition of your protection using diagnostics. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise using magical protections of the protective plan, scientific protective magic and daily recitations during the casting process to get rid of poverty.

Read the plot against poverty on the waning moon

Independent conspiracies and rituals to get rid of poverty and lack of money can be done in different ways, using a variety of objects that symbolize either the wealth that you attract or the poverty that you are getting rid of. This is, for example, a strong ritual of paying off poverty with shoes, when they get rid of charmed shoes. By analogy, rituals for lack of money with an old wallet, glass or coin work.

For example, with the help of this independent wallet spell, you can get rid of poverty.

This is a strong ritual of transferring your failure and bad luck with money. Of course, the money channel cannot be filled with this, and the stealers cannot be cut off, but part of the negative impact on well-being can be eliminated. On the waning moon, 9 coins of the same denomination are placed in an old wallet. They throw it in the center of the intersection and read the words of the spell to get rid of poverty three times:

“Whoever picks it up will take away my poverty. Let it be so".

Here is another example of how to make an effective ritual for getting rid of poverty. They do it on the waning moon. The coin is slandered 9 times:

“I don’t value poverty, I save everything on a coin. Whoever takes the coin will take my poverty for himself.”

Find a way to give this coin to any person. At the same time, you need to say to yourself: “What was mine is now yours” A magical conspiracy to send poverty and ruin to the enemy

You can also make a ritual so that your enemy has poverty. This can be achieved through rituals of transferring your lack of money. Or you can make a deliberate damage to poverty, to the complete ruin of the enemy.

How can you use magic to destroy an enemy yourself?

There are witchcraft rituals for the poverty of a bad person, and there are many of them. Here's one of them. In the dead of midnight you need to go to the crossroads of three roads. Light 3 wax candles and read the magic conspiracy to make the enemy poor. You need to read until the candles burn out completely, and then leave without turning around.

“I will walk along the black path, I will stand in the middle of three roads, bow to the four sides, and call upon the angry winds. You fly, the winds to the house of the slave (name of the enemy), fly into doors and cracks, all his goods, scatter what you have acquired throughout the world. A hole full of holes, rotten trash, an empty void, a thick darkness, let everything be as it was sentenced. Amen".

This is an effective ritual for the poverty of an ill-wisher, which, in general, does not fail. It's unlikely to give a kickback. In my practice, that of the magician Sergei Artgrom, for example, there has never been a rollback. Despite the fact that the ritual is performed at a crossroads, it is not a demonic ritual, but an appeal to the wind. This can be done at U-shaped and T-shaped intersections. You can pay for the flour by scattering it in the wind.

No money. You live from paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes you borrow from friends, sometimes you take out a loan. How else? After all, you want to live beautifully! Buy a new gadget, have a delicious meal in a restaurant, go to the sea...

This is a familiar situation for many. It seems like you’re making money, you’re trying to follow the advice of financial gurus, you’re trying to keep a budget, but at some point your wallet becomes empty and there’s not enough money even for basic things.

But there is a way out! By applying a few financial and spiritual principles, you will come to complete monetary freedom and joy! I'm sharing with you!)

Prioritize your finances (budget)

Take some time today, grab a notepad and pen, and honestly describe your financial situation. Not imaginary, but real.

Reveal all debts. If you have a loan, find out how much you still owe the bank at the moment. Then write down all the most important budget items that you can’t get around. For example, rent and travel are important. But a new blouse or headphones can wait.

Then add up all your important expenses per month (travel, credit, rent, food (minimum take 1-2 dollars per day per person), necessary household items) and write down this figure. This will be your starting point in your new budget life :)

Live within your means

Calculate your monthly income. Subtract from it the amount from the previous point. Now subtract another 10% from your total income - this is the amount you will start saving starting this month. You want financial peace of mind, right?

Whatever remains after spending and saving can be spent. But the excess balance cannot be touched - UNDER ANY PRECASE! Lacks? Nothing, but there will be no unnecessary expenses. Better set a goal - to earn more! :)

Change the "beggar" mindset

Get rid of the phrase “It’s expensive!” and “I can’t afford it” from your head.

Well, yes, of course, you say, I now need to save every penny, live more modestly, and then also remove the thoughts that now arise every time I go to the store.

But listen, it all starts with thoughts. When you allow negative thoughts into your mind, you block future opportunities. Remember: you CAN afford EVERYTHING you want. It's a matter of time and your faith in it.

There is no concept of “expensive” and “cheap”. There is a concept - whether you need it or not. And if you need it, you will definitely have it!

Don't borrow anymore

If you currently have debts, get out of them by any means. This is extremely important! In the proverbs of Solomon it is written that “the debtor becomes the slave of the lender.” Debt deprives you of a certain freedom and fullness in life that you would have without financial slavery.

Whatever the temptation, try to run away from debt and not get into this hole. Don't deprive yourself of freedom!

Change the words-attitudes

What is in your heart comes out of your lips. Pay special attention to WHAT you say about your finances. “I always don’t have enough money...”, “I’ll never get out of this hole...”, “You can’t earn all the money,” “You want a lot, but you get a little,” etc.

Start speaking consciously and positively! “I have as much money as I need. I don't need anything. I don’t serve money, money serves me and my needs.” Believe me, the situation around will begin to change. With your words you shape your reality, especially financial.

Give to God - God's (charity)

There is a spiritual principle: to give to God what is God’s, and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.

Even in ancient times, God commanded his people Israel to bring a tenth to His work - maintaining the temple and providing for the priests. God is not changed yesterday or today. If earlier He considered this the main thing, then today this has not changed. And those who give to His cause are blessed and successful as before.

Give money for spiritual things, help people in need, don't be greedy and thank God for everything you have. A tenth of any income belongs to God, as He commanded. The fact that people can use the remaining 90% is already a huge privilege! This is a spiritual law that works whether you believe in it or not.

Spiritual cleansing

The existence of curses is not a fairy tale. Sometimes you do everything right, but it's as if there is an invisible barrier on the path to your financial success. It’s as if something is stopping you from breaking out of the circle of debt and gaining complete financial freedom.

I sincerely believe that Easter, which you and most of your friends and relatives celebrate, carries much more than painted eggs and lush Easter cakes. She brings power and miracles.

The purpose of the death and resurrection of Christ was the destruction of everything devilish in man: illness, curses, failure, depression, death... Now in His name all evil is destroyed. Only evil will not go away on its own, evil must be commanded to go away in the name of Jesus. And it must obey. Verified. Try it!

There have been and are many supernatural miracles in my life that I received in this way. I believe that you can do it too! Build a new relationship with money, get rid of debt, get rich and always have faith in God and your success!

Lack of finance is one of the global problems of humanity. This streak of bad luck especially concerns families raising their children. Often, lack of money leads to the point that there is not enough money even for the most important things and items. A conspiracy against lack of money will help you to overcome such a problem and stabilize your financial situation. In this article we will look at all types of conspiracies against poverty and poverty, as well as what prayers help attract money and good luck.

Damage is one of the reasons for lack of money

A situation familiar to many is when everything is fine in the family - idyll, prosperity and financial well-being. And suddenly, suddenly, you begin to have serious bad luck in money matters, which leads to complete poverty. Most likely, someone has put the evil eye on you or you have an inveterate envy. But it’s much worse if a bad person cast a spell on you or wished you ruin.

In this situation, there is simply no point in casting conspiracies to attract money. First you need to remove the damage. But before you remove it, you need to determine whether it really exists.

The main signs of the damage caused to poverty:

  • loss of source of funds;
  • unsuccessful employment for a long time;
  • you are “up to your ears” in debt and can’t say goodbye to them;
  • you regularly lose money, your wallet is another sign that you have been damaged;
  • poverty, which is difficult to escape.

To determine the evil eye or damage, you need to visit a church, buy a candle and light it at home at midnight. Next to the candle, place any item related to work - a notepad, work clothes, pen, etc. Move the burning candle over the work item. If the candle goes out, it means there is damage to you. Conspiracies to remove damage to poverty should be read by an experienced magician, since getting rid of such an act of dark forces on your own is very difficult, but possible. There are several conspiracies to get rid of lack of money. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Conspiracy on banknotes

The following ritual will help you get rid of bad luck in money matters and damage caused. To perform such a ritual, you will need any banknote that you don’t mind spoiling, since you won’t be able to use it in the future. On the waxing moon, use a pen with black ink to cross out the inscriptions with the denomination of the banknote and fold it four times. Sew a package with white thread to the inner pocket of the coat or jacket that you wear most often. Then say the following text:

“After happiness comes happiness, money multiplies money. And may all failures and misfortune pass me by. Amen".

Ritual for the waning moon

There is another way to get rid of lack of money, debts and eradicate poverty. For this ritual you will need one bill, a black felt-tip pen and a black thread with a needle. Draw on the banknote all the numbers indicating its denomination. Then fold the money four times and sew at the corners with black thread.

“I am sewing up failure, lack of money and poverty, all financial problems and debts. May luck always accompany me. Amen".

After the bill is charmed, it must be taken outside the residential area and thrown into a pond or buried in a secluded place. You can remove damage, the main thing is that no one sees you during the ritual.

Conspiracy on coins

How to get rid of lack of money, “drive out” poverty for the poor in this way? To remove the spell of lack of money and failure in financial matters, you will need a bag made of thick paper or fabric, which you can sew yourself. When the 16th day of the current month arrives, you will need to fill the bag with metallic money. Take the coin in your right palm and transfer it to the bag, and continue to repeat until it is completely filled.

You need to make such a conspiracy against poverty early in the morning. And when dusk comes, open the window. Take out the bag of coins and spray it with sacred church water three times. At this time you need to read the following text:

“Holy water, cleanse me from sorrows, adversities and failures associated with financial matters. Let the damage caused go away and never bother me again. Amen".

After this, you need to go to the crossroads, dig a hole and bury the money in it along with the bag, saying the words:

“Let the water flow and take the failure with it. As soon as the damage goes away, the money will come to me. Amen".

At the place where the money will be buried, you need to make a note for yourself so that tomorrow you can return and repeat the conspiracy against lack of money and poverty. Rituals of this type must be read every day for a week in order to completely banish the power of black magic and attract good luck in financial matters. . Such conspiracies for poverty are read secretly, otherwise they will not work.

On the eighth day after completing the ritual, you will need to come to the crossroads at dawn. The money charmed from poverty and problems should be transferred to your wallet, and the bag should be burned somewhere away from a public place.

An effective and very powerful money ritual

This money ritual, which will help you avoid poverty and remove damage, must be carried out completely alone.

Getting rid of financial problems and poverty is carried out as follows:

  • take a crust of rye bread, rub it well with peeled garlic cloves and salt;
  • from a satin ribbon, preferably green, you need to weave an infinity symbol on the floor or any other flat surface;
  • At the intersection of the ribbon strips, place a candle of the same color and light it;
  • sprinkle the ribbon generously with ground cinnamon;
  • take the bread in your hand and read the words of the conspiracy:

    “God, protect me from bad weather, let all failures and poverty be erased with salt and garlic. Let the damage leave my soul and body. Amen".

  • The burnt out candle and ribbon should be hidden well, and the bread should be given to the poor.

Getting rid of poverty through prayers

In order for financial affairs to improve, you first need to get rid of the damage that has been brought upon you. But if you have determined that there is no damage and you are confident that you have not committed any evil deeds, prayers will help you attract good luck and money. This method is much more effective, because after all, you directly address the Shrine.

Prayers are the safest and most harmless way that will only help people who believe in God.

There are several prayers that you can read when turning to God:

  1. Prayer is protection from poverty. You need to read the following words:

    “Holy Father, we do not strive for money and gain on this earth. We rejoice and enjoy your blessings and bounties, which we cannot receive from this world. For your sake we renounce everything and will be your slaves forever and ever. Amen".

  2. Reading a prayer to the angel who protects you. You need to read the following words:

    “Angel of Christ, protect and protect me. For I am not a sinner and will not sin. I am a clean and hardworking person. So let my work be rewarded. I will fulfill the will of the Almighty, grant me Divine bounties. Amen".

You need to read prayers sincerely, completely alone and every day until luck comes to you. It is especially good to read such prayers on major holidays, for example on Easter Eve on Maundy Thursday or before Christmas.

We talk money at the cemetery

This magical ritual should be performed on the full moon. Take a wallet containing bills or coins. You will need it in order to make a monetary payoff to the “owner” of the cemetery.

At midnight, come to the cemetery, find any branch and old tree, knock the branch on the tree three times, without letting go of your wallet. In this case, you need to recite the following text:

“The dead will never rise from their graves, and money will never leave me. Amen".

After this, you need to throw away the stick and leave the burial place of the dead without looking back.

Bread plot

To drive out poverty you will need a slice of rye bread and morning water from the well, which needs to be blessed. After the ritual, the bread should be eaten and washed down with water.

Conspiracy words:

“The holy truth says - the Holy Father gave five loaves, and Jesus is the son of God. Lord have mercy and bless. Turn luck to the doors of my house. Banish all anger and failure. There will be no account for my money and wealth. Amen".

Escape poverty with old shoes

Like the previous ritual, this ritual must be performed on the waning moon. This is exactly when old shoes will come in handy. Place your shoes on a clean white sheet of paper and light the candle you brought from church. While it burns, you need to read the prayer we all know - Our Father.

Use the tip of a sharp knife to cross the shoes. First the left shoe, moving in the direction from toe to heel, then the right one in the same way. Place a lit candle between your shoes. Read the following words:

“Let all the poverty and hunger that followed me take this shoe and leave me forever with it. Oh, merciful Lord, show the unclean the way and turn away from me. Amen".

Place a few drops of wax into your shoes and cut the shoes into pieces. Place the burnt candle, paper and damaged shoes in a black cloth bag or black plastic bag.

In the evening, when it gets dark, take the bag and take it to the intersection and throw it away. While walking to the intersection and back home, it is very important not to talk to anyone. Well, if someone calls you, roll a “dula” in your pocket. If you talk to a person, your conspiracies will not work, and money will flow out of your home even more.

Vanga's money conspiracies

Vanga, whose entire life was spent in poverty and lack of money, assigned a great role to conspiracies that brought good luck and money. Some very powerful rituals of the Great Vanga will certainly help you acquire wealth, get rid of debts and bring success in money matters.

Conspiracy to get rich instantly

If you urgently need a certain amount of money or you have a large debt that urgently needs to be repaid, this conspiracy is just what you need. The money ritual should be carried out from Friday to Saturday. Before going to bed, turn off all devices that prevent you from concentrating on the necessary thoughts. Imagine that you have a large amount of money, what you would do with it, what you would spend it on. After drawing a clear picture, say the words three times:

“My desire is pure, sincere and strong. Let it be as I want. Let my thoughts come true."

“A special ritual for attracting money” - clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva, TV channel “Mir”

It is worth remembering that the money that will soon come to you will have to be spent on exactly what you had in mind. If they go for other purposes, you will be haunted by poverty and bad luck. This ritual can be repeated after three months.

Church conspiracy

To carry it out, you will have to go to church and bless the water. It is held the next day after the consecration of the water. Before the ritual, you must refrain from eating and drinking.

Cut the rye bread into slices and take the larger one and place it on a plate. Pour a glass of sacred water. Sit down at the table and say:

“The Holy Father fed everyone with bread and will not leave my family hungry. Let there be no need for anything in our home. May it be full of food and prosperity. Lord God show me the way to wealth. I promise to spend your generosity wisely.”

Say these words three times. After the ceremony, you need to drink some water, and cut the bread into pieces and distribute it to all family members. For such a sacrament to come true, do not tell any of your relatives about it.

Such a conspiracy helps the poor from poverty and those who want stability in financial affairs.


The above conspiracies and prayers really help many people attract money and get rid of financial problems. But it is worth remembering that such strong rituals cannot be carried out unnecessarily. Such actions can anger God and turn out badly for you.

How to use magic to get rid of lack of money is the main topic of this material. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about this today. The magical problem of lack of money and poverty, and how to get rid of it? This is the most burning question of our compatriots, who came to the need for witchcraft rituals with the motivation to improve their lives.

What to do if you are tired of lack of money?

The cause of poverty and financial failure should not always be sought in induced damage or other magical effects on poverty. However, this problem does exist. And any witchcraft, as you know, can be removed by a real magician. Magical cleansing from damage to poverty, and then strong conspiracies against lack of money will help you change your own life, or the lives of people close to you.

But what to do if failures are not related to the damage caused to a person due to lack of money?

These could be some personal characteristics:

  • drunkenness,
  • uncertainty,
  • idleness,
  • banal laziness and so on.

These aspects can also be influenced through magical rituals. There are independent conspiracies,

  • to make a slacker work,
  • free an alcoholic from addiction,
  • With the help of magic you can strengthen your character,
  • remove complexities,
  • drive away the "cockroaches".

This is a complex work that may include magical rituals to relieve lack of money per person, for the influx of money, stabilization of financial situation and attract good luck.

You can try to correct an undesirable situation with the help of prayer for lack of money and debts if a person has a connection with, or if he is simply afraid to turn to the egregors of black magic. In real witchcraft there are always a lot of options. And, be that as it may, practical magic has been and remains a powerful tool for influencing the world around the individual, and the situations in which he (the individual) finds himself. Here is a good, in my opinion, ritual for constant lack of money, a working one that has positive reviews.

Independent ritual against bad luck and lack of money in the cemetery

The ritual to overcome complete lack of money in the family should be done on the full moon. On the night of the full moon, go to the cemetery. Take your wallet with money with you. You need to find a stick in the cemetery and approach the old tree. Hit the tree trunk three times with this stick, hold the wallet in your hand, and read the words of the conspiracy against lack of money and poverty:

“The dead will not rise from the grave, and money will not leave me forever, but just as the graveyard is filled with the dead, so my wallet is replenished with money. Yes, everything will come true, as long as everything is not forgotten on Judgment Day. Amen".

When independent conspiracy against failure and lack of money was read, throw the stick and leave without looking back. Perform a magical ritual according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft. It doesn’t matter which tree you choose for the ritual to get rid of debts and lack of money. But before carrying out the conspiracy, you should make a purchase to the owner of the cemetery. In this case, make a cash purchase.

How to relieve yourself of lack of money and attract good luck

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, has already repeatedly said what to do if you are tired of lack of money, clarification of the situation begins with diagnosis. First, the causes of the problem are identified, after which the practicing magician selects rituals to eliminate the causes of lack of money and bad luck. Ritual magical cleansing is done - warlock or runic. It is possible to combine the witchcraft rituals of these two ancient magical traditions, since the Dark Forces, the egregor of the world of the dead and the Runes do not conflict with each other.

If you turn to black magic, you should know what the powerful do rituals for lack of money on the waning moon, while runic rituals do not depend on the state of the moon. In black magic, work is also tied to lunar energy. This is not the case in Runes; there are other energy sources.
If a person and his family live for a long time in lack of money and poverty, barely making ends meet, people must be checked for the presence of. In this case, the algorithm of work is clear: a series of purges from damage caused by bad luck, strong protections, magical work with a person, rituals to attract money and good luck. But the problem of constant lack of money and bad luck may turn out to be more serious. An old ancestral curse of poverty with deep, strong roots may come to light.

One of the signs of the damage caused by poverty and bad luck can be considered: financial failures, lack of money, material dependence of several families and generations related by family. Ordinary conspiracies against lack of money and poverty are unlikely to help here. What to do in this case? There are strong rituals of black magic that allow you to overcome complete lack of money. First of all, you need to remove the damage, cleanse the entire family from the damage to poverty and failure. This is serious work that requires time and effort. But, it's worth it. But first you need to unwind everything, and think about how best to do it.

There may be another problem of constant lack of money, but also related to relatives. It happens that people do not practice witchcraft, do not cast spells on poverty, but they have such destructive energy that any negative wishes are immediately realized. And first of all, this affects the family’s finances. These people are real black holes where light drowns, where well-being and joy disappear. Such energetically vampire channels need to be cut off and magical protection installed. As long as there are such people next to you, poverty will not go away from your life, neither Orthodox prayer for lack of money, nor black conspiracies for bad luck and poverty will give the desired result.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money - onion spell

An independent ritual to remove lack of money is done on the personal strength of the performer. In powerful black magic rituals there are many transfers of personal power that work great. Obviously, a powerful, old curse on debts and constant lack of money cannot be removed using a proven ritual, but in the complex, transferring one’s poverty works well. The independent ritual is simple and schematically correct: shabby clothes symbolize what the performer is suffering from, and the bow symbolizes tears, poverty, problems. Problems are drowned in water, and old clothes, or a scrap from them, are used here as a binding. So, the accents are placed correctly. The principle of magically transferring your lack of money is one and universal.

So, here is a magical ritual on how to get rid of poverty and lack of money.

To make a transfer you must have:

  • any worn out clothes
  • onion

Take the clothes with which you will make this transfer. A scrap from it will also do.
Wrap the onion in a rag, wrap the bundle three times, and throw it into the river.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Here are the words of an independent conspiracy for the waning moon from lack of money:

“Dashing beggar, don’t touch me, witch (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t invite me with you. Lie under the snag, don’t hold me, hold the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags, don’t be poor forever, don’t shed tears, don’t eat bitter onions, don’t count every penny and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. Key, tongue, lock. Amen, amen, amen."

This real ritual, like other home spells of magical translation, is not just a theoretical recommendation on how to get rid of failures and lack of money. This is a practical work ritual, a real opportunity to remove negativity.

An ordinary miracle - the power of magic to get rid of lack of money

Unlike the previous ritual for getting rid of lack of money, which is done on the waning moon, in this independent ritual the moon is not important. The conspiracy against poverty and poverty is good, despite its simplicity. Do not throw away the cup after the ceremony, but leave it for subsequent manipulations of the result. There is nothing wrong with this, because you are not dumping negativity on the cup. This is a simple conspiracy against lack of money, so that there is always prosperity and joy in the house. I will not say that this is a strong rite of passage from constant lack of money. Rather, it is like a talisman for the home against poverty and misery. The ritual is effective, without a doubt, despite its apparent simplicity.
“Malanya went out to the outskirts early in the morning, cried and sobbed, did not know how to calm down, spoke in all directions, made complaints. I give her my troubles, I don’t want to bear them anymore. Let her carry my troubles far, far, across the ocean, beyond, to the very ends of the earth. Let my house be full; there will be bread and porridge in it. Everyone in the house, nothing out. I, the witch (name), am the mistress of this house, and it cannot be any other way. There are locks on all my words. Let it be so".

After this, take the cup with your right hand and drink the contents down to a drop.

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