How to determine which hairstyle is suitable. What hairstyle suits me

“Which hairstyle will suit me?” is a question that women constantly ask both their hairdresser and their friends. How to choose the right hairstyle for your face largely depends on your face shape. “What about fashion?” you ask. However, a trend in something like hairstyles almost always affects factors such as shape and silhouette. This allows you to understand how to choose the right hairstyle, no matter what type of face you have. Here everything depends on the details and other nuances: bangs, asymmetry, openness of the ears. You can alternate and shuffle parts depending on what the fashion requires of you. this moment. Where to choose a hairstyle? You can do this at the hairdresser, or you can get the answer to this question using our online test.

How to choose a hairstyle? According to the shape of the face. The “Choose a Hairstyle” program is designed for the fact that there are only five face types. What are these types? We will talk about hairstyles for oval, square, rectangular, triangular and round face shapes.

Oval face: how to choose the right hairstyle?

An oval face poses virtually no problem. What makes an oval face different? With this face shape, the forehead imperceptibly goes into the cheekbones, then into the chin. “What hairstyle suits me if I have an oval face” - if this question interests you, take the test and you will understand it. We will help you understand how to choose the right hairstyle online, for free (no registration or SMS).

Which hairstyle is best for a triangular face?

How can you tell if you have a triangular face? This facial structure suggests that the chin narrows and the cheekbones protrude widely. The forehead may also be somewhat less wide. Slavic type Faces are most often triangular in shape. Our test will tell you how to choose the right hairstyle for triangular face- it's not as simple as it seems.

How to choose the right hairstyle for a round face?

What hairstyles suit a round face? A round face is when the chin very gently “flows” into the line of the cheekbones, and then reaches the frontal lobe. Unfortunately, advice does not always take into account the fact that others perceive such a face as flat and “flattened”. If you understand how to choose the right hairstyle for round face, she will be able to visually “stretch” him. And then it will look more like an oval face.

Which hairstyle is best for a rectangular face?

What is the difference between a rectangular face type? The chin is long and the forehead is high. These factors make a rectangular face appear angular. How to choose the right hairstyle for this face: do everything to give it extra width and roundness. Here, as they say, “options are possible,” and you will find out about them by taking our hairstyle test.

It is worth noting that the “Hairstyle Selection” test is suitable not only for girls and women. With its help you can choose a hairstyle for men and women. Just answer the questions provided to choose a hairstyle based on your face type. And you will know for sure the answer to main question: "Which hairstyle suits me?"

It’s no secret, but all women, without exception, want to look beautiful and original - for this they have to master many subtleties of applying makeup, choosing clothes and, of course, choosing a hairstyle, without which creating an image is simply impossible. It is the hairstyle that emphasizes the beauty of the face and the brightness of the eyes, creating the overall mood. Therefore, you need to know exactly which hairstyle will suit you.

Choosing a hairstyle is undoubtedly the main and very important step, in which it is necessary to take into account not only the occasion for which the hairstyle is done, but also what the personality traits and face shape. It is often very difficult to combine hairstyle and fashion trends, And own characteristics. Let's take a thorough look at what you need to pay attention to when choosing a hairstyle.

The first condition for successfully choosing a hairstyle is the length of the hair. Let us note that long hair suits all women without exception, as it gives them romance and femininity. The main thing for those who choose long hair is to choose the right hairstyle that allows you to hide small unwanted details and highlight everything that is already great.

At long hair First of all, you should take into account the shape of the face and the shape of the nose and chin: if the face is long and thin, then long fluffy bangs are required, round and full - on the contrary, an open forehead and curls flowing down the cheekbones. If the nose is sharp and long, then curls on the sides of the face are contraindicated; it is better to distract the eye with flirty curly bangs. If the nose is short, then you need to emphasize it with small curls at the level of the eyebrows and cheekbones.

Which hairstyle will suit me? Choose according to face shape

The most important condition for choosing a hairstyle is considered to be in accordance with the type of face: which is different for all people and can be oval, round, or generally triangular, as well as square and rectangular. There are generally pear-shaped or diamond-shaped shapes.

The quality of hair also plays a big role in choosing a hairstyle - for those with thick and coarse hair, one hairstyle suits, and for those with thin and fluffy hair, completely different ones. For unruly, frizzy hair, it is better to choose haircuts middle length.

If the eyes are very wide-set, then it is best to choose hairstyles with long asymmetrical bangs - if the eyes are close, on the contrary, lift the hair up, giving the hair fullness at the temples and along the cheeks.

Hairstyles for Round Faces

Hairstyles for Square Faces

Hairstyles for oval faces

  • What hairstyle suits you if your neck is disproportionately long? In this case, hairstyles for long hair or hair that reaches the shoulders and covers the neck are best. For a short neck, it is better to choose a hairstyle that completely reveals it, if short haircut, then with a triangle-shaped edging going down to the neck.
  • Protruding and large ears are best covered long curls: a bob, a graduated haircut of the “cascade” type, is suitable.
  • At tall Lush hairstyles look very good on medium-length hair - they harmonize head size and height.
  • The oval face shape is considered an ideal that does not need adjustment - literally all hairstyles suit it.
  • For a round face, it is best to give preference to hairstyles with the most volume above the ears. This form of hairstyle lengthens the face, making it thinner and more harmonious. Asymmetrical long bangs look very good.
  • For a square face, choose asymmetrical hairstyles that lengthen the forehead line - wavy styles, side partings and slightly open ears are good.
  • For a triangular-shaped face, the hairstyle should be such that its maximum volume falls at the level of the cheekbones or earlobes. This balances the heaviness of the jawline.
  • For those with a rectangular face, hairstyles that cover the cheeks and frame the face with curls suit them. Bangs reaching to the eyebrows are very good, which noticeably shorten a long face.

Knowing which hairstyle will suit you, it’s easy to create your own image, thought out in every detail and therefore irresistible and attractive!

“- this is the question every girl asks herself, standing in front of the mirror in the morning with a mop of unstyled hair. How to find out if there is no one to tell you? Today we will tell you how to choose a hairstyle for round, oval and other face types - so as to highlight your advantages, hide your flaws, and, as usual, look great!

We have already talked more than once about choosing a fashionable and stylish everyday hairstyle - for example, one that can be created in a few minutes, that is easy to care for, that looks stylish and original, but at the same time is accessible even to completely unsophisticated “home hairdressers.” But, in our opinion, we paid too little attention to the issue of choosing a hairstyle taking into account the type of appearance - and this is a key question, it is almost impossible to make the right decision without an answer. Yes, sometimes you can find this answer intuitively. But, you see, it wouldn’t hurt to back up your intuition with factual knowledge.

What are the different face shapes?

We will not only look at the typical classification - we will tell you how to correctly determine the shape of your face. And although this may seem obvious, there is actually a problem. You will see this when you begin to delve into the question. But we will not let this problem become yours, and we will solve it at the root.

So, stylists and other appearance specialists identify the following face shapes:

  • Round

The width of such a face is almost equal to its length, that is, the shape of the face approaches an ideal circle.

  • Oval

The forehead is not much wider than the chin, the face narrows downwards, and the whining protrudes - usually not very much.

  • Square

The width of the forehead, cheekbones and jawline are almost the same.

  • Heart-shaped

The cheekbones and forehead are almost equal in width, the chin is sharp and elongated.

  • Diamond-shaped

The forehead and chin are quite narrow, their width differs slightly from each other, while the cheekbones protrude significantly against the background of the forehead.

  • Oblong

The forehead, jawline and cheekbones are the same or almost the same width.

Well, were you able to correctly determine your face shape? Doing this correctly on the first try can be difficult, as we wrote above. But - again, as we promised earlier - we will simplify this task for you.

In order to accurately determine the shape of your face, just take a simple four-step test:

Step one: We stand in front of the mirror and turn it on bright light and comb your hair back. It is better to collect them in a ponytail at the back of the head or on the top of the head (if the length of the hair allows) so that they do not bother you. Alternatively, you can wet your hair, especially if it is short.

Step two: For this we need a ruler, and a fairly long one. If you don’t have a ruler at hand, you can take an A4 sheet of paper and a pen/pencil to mark it. Your task is to measure the length of your face, from the roots of the hair (on the forehead) to the tip of the chin.

Step three: The resulting length must be divided by three. If you measured your face with a ruler, there will be no difficulties. If using a sheet, fold it in three, and exactly a third of your face will be on the fold. We will conventionally designate this result as “result A”.

Step four: Now we measure the distance from the base of the nose (bridge) to the tip of the chin. Let us conditionally designate this length as “result B”.

When all four steps are successfully completed, determining your face shape is quite simple:

1. If result A is greater than result B, the face shape is either oblong or square.

2. If result A is less than result B, the face shape is either round or diamond-shaped.

3. If result A is equal to result B, the face shape is either oval or heart-shaped.

Next - follow the criteria from the description various forms faces, and you can easily determine what shape your face has. And we will tell you how to choose the right hairstyle for each shape in order to look irresistible - after all, a bad hairstyle, even a very stylish and chic one, can ruin your appearance.

Choosing hairstyles for your face type

If your face is round, it may look plump even though you don't have an ounce. excess weight. And if there is, then... well, you understand.

Therefore, the main task of a hairstyle for a round face is to lengthen it by any available means.

  • Perm – it widens the face too much
  • Lush hairstyles - the reason is the same
  • Hair combed back gives the face excessive roundness
  • Short haircuts - especially for very tall girls, they will make you look excessively thin and your head will appear too small
  • High hairstyles - although they lengthen the shape of the face, they also lengthen the neck, and it will appear unnaturally long

A definite yes:

  • Multi-layered haircuts, in which each layer has a different length
  • Large waves
  • Long hairstyles below the chin
  • Bob haircut, in which the front curls are longer than the back ones
  • Long, tousled hairstyle - the effect of lack of styling, disorder

This form is considered ideal, so when choosing a hairstyle for oval face There shouldn't be any particular difficulties. If your face is oval, almost any haircut or styling will suit you. However, it is worth paying attention to some points:

  • If you have Thin hair, give preference to medium length haircuts
  • If your hair is thick and thick, you will look great with a long haircut.
  • Haircuts with any bangs will suit you, as well as without bangs - but still pay attention not only to the shape, but also to the facial features

Hairstyles suitable for square faces

This is one of the most difficult shapes because it makes your face look more masculine than feminine; overly athletic and overweight. However, with the help of a successful hairstyle for a square face, you can adjust its shape and become a true goddess.

What will help correct the situation:

  • Thin layered bangs combed to the side
  • Asymmetrical hairstyle with side parting
  • Wavy hair below shoulder length
  • Ladder haircut
  • Updo

Under no circumstances do this:

  • Short haircut
  • Lush styling
  • Symmetrical hairstyle with a middle parting
  • Thick straight bangs

Hairstyles for Heart Shaped Faces

This face shape is not very flattering, but can be easily corrected with the right hairstyle for a heart-shaped face.

Here's what will help give your face a better look:

  • Parted bangs that reveal part of the forehead in the center
  • Medium length haircut - shoulder length
  • Smooth, straight hair and a little volume in the cheekbones

What hairstyles suit a diamond-shaped face?

Many of the rules for correcting this shape with a successful hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face will coincide with the previous recommendations - those that we gave to girls with a heart-shaped face. Additionally, it's worth trying the following:

  • Very long bangs(to the eyebrows or even longer), lush and voluminous
  • Hairstyles without clear lines
  • Hairstyles with hair corners curled inward

Hairstyles for oblong faces

This face is very similar to an oval one, and therefore again almost ideal. A slight correction is enough to remove the word “practically” from its description:

  • Your haircut should not be too long. Optimal - length no more than shoulder length, shorter is better
  • Curled hair ends, bob or bob haircut
  • Voluminous hairstyles with loose curls that visually expand the face
  • Straight, long and voluminous bangs
  • Asymmetrical haircuts and styling

Well, are you armed with our parting words? Toga be bolder, adjust the shape of your face so that it doesn’t even occur to anyone that she is not ideal!