What science studies first and last names? Onomastics - what kind of science is this? Features of studying proper names

Onomastics is a word that has Greek origin. Translated from of this language it means "name". It is not difficult to guess that onomastics as a science studies names own people. However, not only them. She is also interested in the names of peoples, animals, and geographical objects. In addition, the part of onomastics that studies the names of mountains, rivers, settlements and other things. It's called toponymy.

Onomastics in different senses

Today proper names are studied by representatives of various sciences (geographers, historians, ethnographers, linguists, literary scholars, psychologists). However, they are primarily studied by linguists. Onomastics is a branch of linguistics. It studies the history of the emergence and transformation of names as a result of their use for a long time in the source language or due to their borrowing from other languages. However, onomastics is a concept that can be considered not only as a science. In more in the narrow sense they are simply different types of proper names. Otherwise they are called onomastic vocabulary.

Features of studying proper names

A significant part human life covers such a concept as proper names. There are numerous examples of them. They are given to everything that people create, as well as geographical objects, including those located outside of our planet. The origin of names can be considered comprehensively - from the point of view of logic and etymology.

Studying proper names, you can notice specific features their transmission and preservation. Thanks to this, their research is of scientific interest. The origin of certain names may be forgotten, and they themselves may not have any connection with other words of a given language. However, even in this case the proper name retains social significance, that is, it is a clear indication of a particular object.

Often proper names are very stable. They are often not affected by the revolutionary changes occurring in the language, and even the disappearance of a language and its replacement by another does not lead to the cessation of their use. For example, today in Russian there are still names such as Don or Volga, which have no meaning in it. However, having carried out an etymological analysis, one can see that they are of Scythian origin. Such studies provide an opportunity to restore the nature of the language that prevailed during the creation of a particular name and to clarify many aspects associated with it.

Onomastics and history

Zoonymics, as you probably guessed, deals with the nicknames and proper names of animals (Buckingham, Arnold, Besya, Britney, Murka, Sharik).


Chrematonymy is also interested in proper names. Examples of what falls within her field of study are numerous. Chrematonymics is interested in those names that belong to objects of material culture (the Gamayun cannon, the Durandal sword, the Orlov diamond). We know that proper names are often used to designate sports societies, stadiums, individual parties ("Immortal Party", "Evergreen Party"), holidays (Geologist's Day, May Day), military units, as well as individual battles (Battle of Kulikovo, Borodino battle). Businesses identify their services or goods using trademarks, which are also proper names. In addition, chrematonymy is interested in the names of books, works of art, and individual poems.

This section of onomastics is not only of academic interest. In Western countries, for example, there are often lawsuits related to the use of the name trademark, similar to the name of another, owned by a company that produces a competing product. The decision as to whether such names can be considered similar can only be made using scientific analysis.


Karabonimika studies the proper names of boats, vessels and ships (“Varyag”, “Aurora”, “Memory of Mercury”, “Borodino”). Note that this term was proposed by the Russian scientist Aleksushin instead of the terms “caronymy” and “nautonymy”, which were used earlier.


Ergonymics studies the names of various business associations of people. For example, firmonyms are the names of companies, and emporonyms are words denoting the names of stores. Ergonyms are interested in the names of cafes, bars, trade unions, billiard clubs, hairdressers, etc.


Pragmonymics is a direction within which the names of types of goods are studied. Perfunonyms, for example, are the names of fragrances, perfume products (Lauren, Chanel), chocononyms indicate the names of chocolate products ("Metelitsa", "Kara-Kum").


Theonymics deals with the study of the names of gods, spirits, demons, characters of legends and myths. It shows how common nouns - names of fire, wind, thunder, thunderstorms and other natural phenomena - turned into proper names.

Questions of onomastics are very interesting, aren’t they? It should be noted that sections of this science are directly related to practice. Therefore, onomastics cannot be considered only as an activity of “eccentric” scientists. Proper names (we have given examples of some) are studied by science, which is closely connected with our lives.

from Greek onoma - name, title) - proper names in their totality, as well as the science that deals with the study of proper names: personal names (this branch of O. is called anthroponymy, or O. in the narrow sense of the word), geographical. names (see Toponymy) and names of tribes and peoples (see Ethnonymy). O. (in the narrow sense of the word). Already the first written monuments of various peoples record the existence of personal and generic names in ancient times. B is gradually being created. or m. stable (but changing with the development of society) system of bearing names (different among different nations). So, for example, in Dr. In Rome, a citizen had a personal name (praenomen), a family name (nomen) and a nickname (cognomen); basic and the family name remained unchanged. In Dr. In Greece, citizens added their father's name to their personal name (for example, Pericles, son of Xanthippus). The names had a class-estate character. Thus, in Rome, the generic name of the patron (patron) appeared as the generic name of incomplete citizens and dependent persons; slaves did not have a firm name (the name was often given by the slave’s master); their names were often formed from ethnonyms (“Syrian”, “Scythian”, etc. .d.). Names (and surnames that arose later) usually go back to words denoting: natural phenomena, objects of material culture and everyday phenomena, household items. life, professions, socio-political phenomena. life, geographical names, individual characteristics of this or that person, the concept of beliefs, cult and ideology, etc. Among the slavs. and german tribes with the adoption of Christianity, names borrowed from the Gospels, as well as from the names of Greek, Lat., became widespread. and local saints; a certain number of ancient German names continued to be retained. and others - glory. origin. Modern The method of naming (personal name, patronymic, surname) was established in Russia only gradually, from the 16th to the 18th centuries. (previously for boyars, then for nobles and merchants, townspeople; the surnames of serfs were first recorded by the 10th revision of 1858, but even there the main mass of serfs did not yet have surnames). In Japan, until the Meiji Revolution (1867-68), only nobles and a small number of other privileged people had the right to bear surnames; in plural In Eastern countries there are no surnames. The history of names and surnames, closely connected with the history of the people (reflects tribal relations, the decomposition of tribal ties, family relationships, expansion of public relations, social class. structure of society, change and development of societies. institutions, culture, etc.), can be used by a historian-researcher as a supplement. source for the reconstruction of certain sources. phenomena and processes, especially those ist. periods (in particular, antiquity, early Middle Ages), from which scanty sources have been preserved. sources. Thus, linguistics, being a branch of linguistics, also plays the role of auxiliary history. disciplines. O.'s data is involved, for example, when resolving the issue of ethnicity. belonging to ancient peoples, in the study of migrants. processes, determining the role of local and alien elements in history. development of k.-l. district; O. provides some material for resolving the issue of the sources of slavery (ethnicity of Roman slaves by their names) and many others. etc. However, in all cases, O.’s data serve only as auxiliary material and are considered in conjunction with data from other sources. Lit.: Barseghyan O. Kh., Own name. Theoretical and descriptive essay, Yerevan, 1964 (in Armenian); Superanskaya A.V., What is your name? Where do you live?, M., 1964; Witkowski T., Grundbegriffe der Namenkunde, V., 1964; Chichagov V.K., From the history of Russian. names, patronymics and surnames (issues of Russian history of onomastics of the 15th-17th centuries), M., 1959; Tupikov N. M., Dictionary of Old Russian personal names, St. Petersburg, 1903; Holma N., Die assirisch-babylonischen Personennamen..., Hels., 1914; Zgusta L., Die Personennamen griechischer St?dte der n?rdlichen Schwarzmeerk?ste, Praha, 1955; Schulze W., Zur Geschichte lateinischer Eigennamen, V., 1904; Trombetti A., Saggio di antica onomastica mediterranea, 2 ed., Firenze, 1941; Bach A., Deutsche Namenkunde, Bd 1-3, Hdlb., 1952-56; Miklosich F., Die Bildung der slavischen Personen- und Ortsnamen, Hdlb., 1927; Onomastica slavogermanica, hrsg. von R. Fischer, Bd 1, V., 1965; Caetani L., Gabrieli G., Onomasticon Arabicum, v. 1-2, Roma, 1915; Japanese dictionary. names and surnames, 2nd ed., M., 1958 (with article: Kapul N.P., Japanese names and surnames as a phenomenon of language and writing); Taszycki W., Bibliografia onomastyki polskiej.., Kr., 1960; Wegweiser zur Namenforschung, Halle, 1962; Smith E., Personal names. A bibliography, N. Y., 1952. L. E.


Communal Government agency

"General education high school No. 32"

Scientific - research project

The secret of the surname will tell a lot...

Section: Linguistics

Head: teacher primary classes

Korshikova Natalya Lvovna

G. Temirtau


Target: familiarization with the history of the origin of surnames and their interpretation for general analysis surnames in my class and environment.


Research the origins of my classmates' surnames.

Find out the meaning of surnames derived from given names and nicknames.

Make a table of classification of these surnames.

Tell us about your findings.


Research stages:

    Get acquainted with the history of the origin of surnames;

    Conducting a sociological survey among school students;

    Study the origin and formation of Russian surnames;

    Collecting data on the origin of my classmates' surnames;

    Analysis of the names of students and teachers of our school;

    Reflection of results in tables and graphs:

    Creation of a “Dictionary of Cool Surnames”.

Research methods:



    method of analysis andgeneralizations


Work results:

    Accumulation of knowledge about the history and origin of surnames;

    Involvement in research and search activities;

    Theoretical use of results: continued study of the problem.

Practical use of the results:

    Speech to school students with a presentation of the project;

    Creation of a “Dictionary of Cool Surnames”;

    Classification of surnames of school students by their origin.

1.Introduction_____________________________________________pages 2-3

2. Main part________________________________________page. 4-11

2.1. The science that studies surnames ___________________ page 4

2.2. The meaning of the word “surname” __________________ pp. 4-5

2.3. History of the origin of surnames ______________ pp. 5-7

2.4. Surnames in my environment and class ___________ pp. 7-10

2.5. Non-standard surnames ______________________________ pp. 10-11

3. Conclusion___________________________________________ p. 12

4. Literature used_______________________________________page. 13

5. Applications__________________________________________


The secret of the surname will tell a lot,

He will certainly tell someone’s fate

You need to know the meaning of surnames for a long time

No one can hide a secret!

Last name, first name, patronymic... Every day we call the last names of our friends, mention the last names of famous and little-known people. Every day we have to hear our last name. And being far from home and accidentally hearing your last name addressed to some to a stranger, probably everyone wondered if this was a relative.

Each of us has a different attitude towards our surname: someone rushes to replace it with a more sonorous one, someone finds a great person in their pedigree and takes his surname. There are also those who are proud of the fact that they are Ivanov or Petrov. How much do we know about our last name? They don’t talk about this in class, and specialized literature is not available to everyone. Last name is hereditary name family, kind of living history. So it turns out that most of us are “Ivans who do not remember kinship.” Is it really destined to be only a set of pleasant or alien sounds, a piece of the history of our families, villages and even provinces? And I wondered if the meaning of surnames is interesting to my peers, students of our school in general?

It was these questions that laid the foundation for my work. It turned out that without special knowledge, the sound of many surnames did not evoke any associations. I wondered how many people in our school knew about the origin of their last name.

Target: familiarization with the history of the origin of surnames and their

interpretation for a general analysis of surnames in my class and environment.


1. Research the origin of my classmates' surnames.

2. Find out the meaning of surnames derived from given names and nicknames.

3. Make a table of classification of these surnames.

4. Talk about your findings.

Relevance :

Now it has become fashionable to be interested in your ancestors and create a family (genealogical) tree.After all, it is so important for everyone to feel that they are not a separate person whose life is short.og, but part of a whole family, a link in chains up to the knees. I decided to find out the history of the origin of the surnames of my classmates, as well as some of our school’s students and teachers.


I think that the history of surnames is closely connected with the history of the people and their language, and I assume that most of the surnames of my classmates are formed from proper names.

Object of study: anthroponymy: Russian surnames, literature on surnames, Internet data

Subject of study: surnames of 5th grade students at secondary school No. 32, origin and meaning of surnames.

Research methods:



    method of analysis and generalization


2. Main part

2.1.Science studying surnames

Anthroponymy is a section of onomastics that studies the names of people and their individual components (personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames), their origin, patterns and functioning. Anthroponymy emerged from onomastics in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century.

Scientists-anthroponymists emphasize that the study of the origin of surnames can give useful information both for historians and for researchers of the Russian language, because some words that have disappeared from modern language, could remain in the surname. By restoring such words, we can restore some details of the life of our ancestors.

Russian anthroponymic researchers have been studying Russian surnames relatively recently; among the works devoted to this topic, one can name the dictionary by Yu. A. Fedosyuk “Russian surnames”, the collection of V. A. Nikonov “Name and Society”, “Onomasticon” by S. B. Veselovsky From these works I was able to learn that the first Russian surnames are found in ancient Russian documents that have come down to us from the 15th century, but they could have existed earlier. In the 19th century, almost every Russian already had a surname. But they received strict heredity and legal status in 1930.

2.2.The meaning of the word “surname”

The history of the word “surname” itself is interesting. It is Latin in origin and translated means- family.

Russian meaning – “family name ", this is a hereditary family name used together with a personal name. That is, it is passed down from generation to generation, from older family members to younger ones.

Appeared in Rus' in the 16th-17th centuries after the decrees of PeterI.

And only in the 19th century the word surname in the Russian language gradually acquired its second meaning, which then became the main one.

2.3. History of the origin of surnames.

Accordingly, in order to find out what the meaning and secret of a surname is, you need to turn to its origins, understand what their history and origin are. The surname is a very valuable material for research in different areas knowledge.

Representatives of the nobility were the first to receive surnamesXIV- XVcenturies - princes, boyars. The largest part of the Russian population - the peasantry - did not have surnames untilXIXcentury, and some received surnames only in the 30sXXcentury in connection with obtaining passports.

Before this, the following names of persons could be found in documents: Ivan Elizariev, the son of the younger one. Here we see an indication of the name (Ivan), patronymic (Elizariev), but there is no surname. One can understand that Elizarius is the son of the lesser one. Of course, a single three-member system of names (first name, patronymic and last name) is convenient, but it was created on for four centuries.

The vast majority of Russian surnames come from the temporary surname of the father (the current patronymic), that is, the name of the grandfather, securing the hereditary name in the third generation. If the grandfather, whose name formed the basis of the surname, had two names - one baptismal, the other everyday (more often it was a nickname), then the surname was formed from the second, since baptismal names did not differ in variety.

This means that the first person to receive the surname Nikiforov was the son of Nikifor, Petrov was the son of Peter, etc.

What to do with Sobakin? Blokhin? Sobakin was the son of a man nicknamed Dog, Blokhin was the son of Flea.

Surnames could also be formed from the name of the place of residence or place of birth. An example of this is the well-known surnames: Sibiryakov, Volgin, Onegin, Pechorin.

By their surnames you can determine what they did and who our ancestors were. Goncharov, Kuznetsov, Plotnikov, Lekar, Shaposhnikov are surnames indicating the type of activity.

However, surnames such as Boyarsky, Knyazev, Popov could indicate not only the father’s occupation or his social status, and also on belonging to this person. To the question “Whose are you?” addressed to the peasants, it was possible to receive the answer “We are boyar (priest) people.”

Surnames were also formed from ethnonyms, that is, they indicated belonging to a nationality: Greeks, Lyakhovs, Frenchmen, Tatarins.

There is also information that many Russian surnames-nouns are pagan names, denoting specific objects, names of body parts, names of birds, animals, insects, plants: Kvasha, Vine, Fur Coat, Hump, Beard, Sparrow, Eagle, Nightingale, Beetle.

“Guba Mikiforov son of Crooked Cheeks, landowner”, “Danilo Soplya, peasant”, “Efimko Sparrow, peasant” - entries in documents of the 16th century explaining the origin of some of our surnames.

It is also interesting that in Ancient Rus' It was customary to call babies with protective names - amulets - names with negative content - for protection, scaring away evil forces, or for the reverse effect of the name. This is how it is still customary to scold those taking an exam or wish “no feathers or feathers.” It was believed that Dur would grow up smart, Nekras would grow up beautiful, and Hunger would always be well-fed. Protective names existed until the end of the 19th century along with baptismal names, and they gave birth to such surnames as Durnov, Durov, Nekrasov.

Not every specialist will immediately answer from what words the surnames Likharev, Maklakov, Taxpayers, Ryakhin, Suslov, Shvetsov, Shlykov came from. The base words of these surnames have died. In some cases, the objects and activities they designated disappeared (they stopped wearingshlyk , ceased to existMaklaki And tax farmers ), in others - words were replaced (Swedish now they calltailor, A rumble - neat, although the antonym remainsslut ).

Sometimes the simplicity of a surname is deceptive, because a homonym, or one of the meanings of a modern word, is lost. Babkin, for example, is the same as “midwife”. But Karpov is not at all connected with fish. The name Karp, not uncommon at the beginning of the last century, has fallen out of use and is now forgotten.

Surprisingly, the first census in 1897 showed that up to 75% of the population did not have a surname. Finally, the entire population of the USSR began to have surnames only in the 30s of the 20th century. This means that the path of many of our great-grandfathers to the surname was long.

2.4 Surnames in my environment and class.

Study No. 1.

I decided to ask the school students if they knew:

    • How were the surnames formed?

      What do they mean?

To do this, I conducted a sociological survey among students of our school,

where did I ask next questions:

    Do you know in what century in Rus' people began to have surnames?

    Do you know how the surnames of Russian people were formed?

    Do you know what your last name means?

    Do you want to know about the origin of Russian surnames?

I reflected the results of this survey in a graph.(Appendix No. 1)

Conclusion: Most of the students in our school, just like us, do not

they know when and how Russian people got surnames, but they would like to know about it.

I studied the origin of Russian surnames and learned that surnames can be of foreign origin, derived from names, geographical names, animal and flora, depending on the type of activity and artificial.(Appendix No. 2)

As we see, economic activity and our spiritual life

ancestors, man himself and environment, names of professions, tools and objects of labor, names of places on earth - all this was reflected in the foundations of Russian surnames.

As for the formation of surnames, thenmost often Russians

surnames were formed from personal names through possessive adjectives. The bulk of Russian surnames have the suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in- and answer the question “whose?” Also, surnames are formed using the suffixes -ets, -ovets, -ich, -ko and -o answer the question who are you? There are also surnames with the suffixes – skoy, -skiy and answer the question what kind of person are you?(Appendix No. 3)

Study No. 2.

What is the origin of the surnames of the guys in my class?

An analysis of the surnames of the children in our class gave following results:

Most of my classmates have standard surnames,

formed from:

    • family names – Dyusembayev, Kusainov

      Worldly nicknames - Kayryak, Metelina, Popova, Chistyakova, Shumilova, Tomilov, Gruzdov

      words denoting the type of activity - Barannikov

And also foreign-language surnames:

    • Demeshchenko, Reich

There are no non-standard surnames in our class.

I was very interested in the origin of Kazakh surnames.

Interesting stories my classmates told me about their surnames

Dyusembayev Ayan and Kusainov Arman.(Appendix No. 4).

The basis of my surname was the secular name Pop. The surname Popov goes back to the personal name Pop, which was very common among worldly people. Religious parents willingly named their children such names. Pop, over time received the surname Popov.

One of our most common surnames, included in the top ten. There are many fairy tales, proverbs and jokes about priests: “The priest and the rooster crow without eating,” “You will carry the priest in a sieve in the next world,” “Look for the brave in prison, the stupid in the priests.”

I also analyzed some of the names of students and teachers of our school andI came to the conclusion that in our school:

    • Students with foreign-language surnames study the most(46)

      and surnames formed from calendar names and worldly nicknames(35)

      there are also many surnames derived from the names of professions(18),

      denoting the animal world(16)

      single surnames denote the character traits of a person, the means of transportation and the nationality of the students.

Of the 199 surnames of students and teachers analyzed

(many of whom are relatives) I did not find out the meaning of 23 surnames.

Based on the results of the research, I compiled a table of classification of surnames by their origin.(Appendix No. 5)

Study No. 3.

How do we feel about our last name?

During this study, I conducted a survey.


    Write the names you like. Why?

    Do you like your last name? Why?

    Have you wanted to change your last name?

I asked my classmates to write down the last names they like and why?

After analyzing this task, I found out:

When compiling a list of surnames they liked, the guys relied not on the sound or meaning of the surnames, but on the specific bearers of the surnames. They chose the names of the people they liked: friends, relatives, famous people. Very rarely were they euphonious, interesting surnames. Six people added their names to the list.

The second question was direct: “Do you like your last name?” All students answered in the affirmative. Then the students answered, “Why?” 17 answers were of the same nature: “I like the surname because it is mine; it belongs to my family; it can tell about my family, clan; it is rare; it has interesting meaning etc.” And only one person noted that they liked the sound of the surname.

Task 3 was provocative in nature - the children were offered a situation where they could change their last name on their own. 3 people wanted to do this. The change of surname was as follows - change your surname to the surname of your mother or relatives.


5th grade students know what a surname is, are faithful to their family surname and rarely pay attention to the euphony of the surname. They respect their last name and the last names of their classmates.

2.5. Non-standard surnames.

Surnames that are not formalized with the suffixes -ov (-ev), -in (-yn), -sky (-tsky), -skoy (-tskoy) are usually called non-standard. Among them, surnames in foreign languages ​​can be distinguished, as well as surnames that are clearly Russian (or, in any case, clearly Slavic), but which, for a number of reasons, have not received a standard suffix design. For example, Genza, Noga, Fly.

Just open the telephone directory to find unusual surnames. Here are some of them: Ollo, Sichkar, Reva, Khmara.

These names belong to the students our school.


Studying surnames is an interesting business, but by no means simple.

By preserving knowledge about our surnames, we preserve the memory of our native language, about the history of our families, about the traditions and beliefs of the Russian people.


Each surname is a riddle that can be solved if you are very attentive to the word;a unique and inimitable phenomenon of our culture, living history.I assumed that most of my classmates’ surnames were formed from personal names and nicknames, and as a result of the research, I came to the conclusion that my hypothesis was confirmed. Surnames formed from given names are -75% .

this work can be continued in several directions, you can significantly expand the list of studied surnames, you can create a more accurate classification of surnames, you can find out the meanings of those surnames that I could not determine within the framework of this work, for this you will need additional dictionaries. I think this work is very interesting and exciting.

Research convinced me that surnames can be most interesting source for research, since they reflect time and man - his social status and spiritual world.


    Lvova S.I. Let me invite you...or Speech etiquette. Moscow, Bustard, 2006.

    Uspensky L.I. You and your name. Moscow, Avanta+, 2008.

    Fedosyuk Yu. History of the Russian surname, Moscow, Russian Dictionaries, 1996.

    Nikonov V. A., Dictionary of Russian surnames. - Moscow, School – Press, 1993

    Polyakova E.N. From the history of Russian names and surnames - M., education, 1975 - 160 pages.

    Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A.V., Modern Russian surnames. - Moscow, Science, 1981.

    Internet sites: http: // direct. yandekx. ru

    www. ufolog. ru

    www. family. info

Onomastics - what kind of science is this?

If you have ever studied surnames, given names, or wanted to find information about your own surname, you have probably encountered an incomprehensible term - onomastics. So, onomastics - what kind of science is it?

Translated from Greek language, onomastics means the art of giving names. Speaking in dry scientific language, onomastics is a specialized branch of linguistics that studies proper names, the history of the origin of names, their transformation during prolonged use in the source language or when borrowed from another language. In a narrower sense, onomastics is the study of proper names various types, onomastic vocabulary. Now you already have some idea what onomastics is - what kind of science is it? Let's look at what directions onomastics has. Onomastics includes the following sections: anthroponymics, astronomy, toponymy, zoonymics, cosmonymy, chrematonymy, pragmonymy, carabonymy, theonymy. Let's look at each in more detail.

Anthroponymy is a specialized section that studies the proper names and surnames of people (anthroponyms), the origin of surnames and given names, their changes and transformations in the process of long-term use, their geographical distribution, social function, development and general structure of anthroponymic systems. An anthroponym is understood as any proper name (Andrey, Natalya, etc.), patronymic (Nikolaevich, Ivanovna, etc.), surname (Vorotyntsev, Savelyeva, etc.), pseudonym (Soviet writer Arkady Golikov - Arkady Gaidai, etc.), nickname (Slant, Evil, etc.), nicknames (Lantern, Spring, etc.).

Astronomy deals with the study of the names of all celestial objects or individual names celestial bodies(Moon, Sun, stars, comets, etc.).

Cosmonymics deals exclusively with the study of the names of objects outer space, for example: scientific and popular names galaxies, constellations, etc.

Toponymy studies the proper names of any geographical objects and formations (both scientific and folk). For example: Volga River, Russia, Mount Everest, etc.

The section of onomastics, called zoonymics, deals with the study of proper names and nicknames of animals (Squirrel, Sharik, Tuzik, etc.).

Chrematonymy. The object of study of chrematonymy is the names of objects related to material culture humanity (the Durandal sword, the Orlov diamond, etc.).

Karabonimika studies the proper names of various boats, ships, and other vessels (Titanic, Aurora, etc.).

Theonymy is a section of onomastics that studies the proper names of various deities and gods of any culture (Poseidon, Zeus, Thor, etc.).

Pragmonymics is responsible for the study of names different goods. For example, chokonyms are chocolate products (“Chamomile”, “Red Poppy”, etc.).

Probably, now the answer to the question is “onomastics - what kind of science is this?” almost completely open. It remains only to dwell on the functions of onomastics. Why is it needed at all?

The main essence of onomastic research is to identify and understand the migration routes of all peoples, study cultural contacts and the associated mixture of languages. Onomastics also deals with the study of ancient dialects and the original state of languages ​​of different nationalities. Highest value in onomastics there is anthroponymy. Onomastic studies have various aspects. Here are the main ones: descriptive onomastics (general philological and linguistic analysis), theoretical ( general laws and principles of functioning of all onomastic systems), applied onomastics (assignment and function of names), onomastics works of art(cultural aspect), historical onomastics (history of names), ethnic (the emergence, characteristics and function of all ethnic groups).

Proper names react acutely to any changes that have occurred and are occurring in society, cultures and nature. Therefore, with the help of onomastic research it is possible to trace many important historical events that happened to humanity. All the enormous diversity of our world of things, real, invented and only hypothetical, is the primary basis of common nouns, which generalize similar facts, and proper names, which distinguish individual objects from a number of those named using common nouns. Just as things with names are located in terrestrial and extraterrestrial space, the words that name them are located in the minds of the people who use them, so to speak, they have a spatial location (onomastic space) in human consciousness, different for residents different regions of our planet. Similar spatial distribution is typical for residents of the same area, people from the same region. Onomastic space can be described as a nominal continuum that exists in the minds of people and in every different culture, the time period of history it differs. In the consciousness of each individual person, the onomastic space is present in a fragmentary composition. It seems possible to fully identify it only with specialized research.

If you believe the religions of many peoples, then the first names had heavenly bodies, animals, places on earth (known at that time), and the people themselves. Only this limited number of objects and objects filled the onomastic space of consciousness of ancient people. As time passed, expanding the boundaries of knowledge, man began to thereby expand the boundaries of onomastic space. Everything that humanity has known, discovered, invented and created now has its own names and fills the truly enormous onomastic space of all humanity. Also, according to religions, using onomastics, one can come to the conclusion that all the most ancient cultures (standing at the origins of humanity) had approximately the same onomastic space.

Popularizers of physics often draw scary picture a world where there is no friction. Well, what if proper names disappeared in the world - the names of people, nations, domestic animals, names of streets, houses, cities, rivers, stars, planets, books, ships, brand names and trademarks, scientific articles and monographs, musical works, paintings, sculptures, museums, sports societies, holidays, institutions, etc., etc.?

Not far from this full list It is clear how diverse proper names are, how many living beings and inanimate objects they have been assigned. And it is also clear from this list that chaos would reign on our planet no less than that which should have reigned if the friction force had disappeared.

A special science, onomastics, studies, systematizes, and explains this myriad of proper names. So,

Onomastics is a science that studies...

proper names in all their diversity.

Onomastics How science that studies proper names is a rich branch of linguistics. Onomastics studies the history of the emergence of proper names, their types, transformation as a result of their long-term use.

Proper names are all around us. We all have a first name, a patronymic, a surname - these are proper names. The name of the nationality is another proper name. Place of birth - republic, region, district, city or village - a few more proper names. Our address - more names.

There are many more proper names than there are stars in the sky. After all, every star has a name - and besides the stars? In Switzerland alone, it is estimated that there are about 12,000,000 place names - worldwide there are at least a thousand times more! What about the names of books, paintings, symphonies, articles, poems?

What do the sections of onomastics study?

  1. Ethnonymy: Every people, tribe, nation, clan has its own names - ethnonyms. For a long time, people have been interested in why they are called this way and not otherwise, what the word Slav, Russian, Evenk, Tuvan, etc. means. Guesses, conjectures and inventions, false philosophies and serious research gave rise to attempts to explain the origin of ethnonyms. Currently, they are dealt with by a special branch of onomastics - ethnonymy.
  2. Theonymics studies the names of gods, demons, spirits, characters in myths and legends about the creation of the world, people, things, animals. It shows how common nouns - the names of wind, fire, thunderstorm, thunder and other natural phenomena - were transformed into proper names.
  3. Chrematonyms- this is how some scientists propose to name the names of the most various items and phenomena to which, for some reason, people assign their own names. We know that stadiums and sports societies, chess openings and even individual games (“Evergreen Party”, “Immortal Party”), holidays (May Day, Geologist’s Day), military units and individual battles (Battle of Borodino, Battle of Kulikovo) have such names ). Enterprises designate and label their goods or services using trademarks. These are proper names, and their number is very large. Proper names- these are also the names of works of art, books, individual poems. Chrematonymy is not only of purely academic interest. For example, in Western countries, lawsuits arise every now and then due to the fact that the name of a trademark of one company is similar to the name of a product produced by a competing company. The decision as to whether such names are truly similar can only be made through scientific analysis.

And all other sections of onomastics are directly related to practice: one only has to mention the recording of names and surnames in the registry office, the transcription of geographical names, the names of new objects on Earth and the newly discovered relief of other planets. That's why the science of names - onomastics- this is not the occupation of individual “eccentric” scientists, but a science that is most closely connected with life.