Design and research activities of students in literature lessons. Research project on literature Project research work on literature

The article talks about the advantages of design and research activities in literature lessons, provides examples of the study of literary works or episodes in grades 5, 9, 11. The results and productivity of design and research activities are clearly shown.



Project and research activities in literature lessons.

Project and research activities in literature lessons are one of the priorities of modern education. Developmental teaching methods, seminars, and elective exploratory courses make it possible to better take into account the personal inclinations of students, which contributes to the formation of their active and independent position in learning and readiness for self-development. Both methods (project and search) not only form skills, but competencies, that is, skills associated with practical activities.

Project-based research activities of students contribute to true learning, as they

Personality oriented.

It is characterized by an increase in interest and involvement in the work as it is completed.

Allows you to realize pedagogical goals at all stages.

Allows you to learn from experience.

Brings satisfaction to students who see the product of their own labor.

Forming the research position of students is not an easy task. Children need to be prepared for search activities for years, taught to think.

I have been doing research for three years, mainly relying on the magazine “Literature at School”, the book “The Path to Co-Creation” by G.S. Merkin, and using the Internet.

I believe that the basis of a literature lesson should be the educational and cognitive activity of students, aimed at stimulating the personal perception of literature, where each student, reading a work, sees in it not only a means for obtaining a grade or enriching his vocabulary, but finds food in it for thoughts and deep experiences.

It all starts with creating a problem situation in the classroom. Pedagogical situations contribute to the development of students’ research skills. Therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary to use situations in which the student must defend his opinion, give arguments, evidence, facts, ask questions to the teacher, friends, find out what is not clear, and delve into the understanding of knowledge.

Situations of this kind include reviewing classmates’ answers, essays, etc., something that is associated with expertise, advice, and an active search for something new.

Research can be organized at all stages of teaching literature; schoolchildren should master some elements of the research approach already in middle school.

In the 5th grade, I conducted a game lesson with elements of research. The lesson was called “Penetrating into the secrets of design.” I conducted it after reading and discussing poems about nature in class. It is based on the material of three poems: I. S. Nikitin “Withered Birch”, “Oak” and “Silently the Night Lays Down”. It is difficult to explain to fifth-graders that everything in poetry is interconnected, that each image of the poet is internally conditioned. How can you visibly make sure of this? Of course, by coming into contact with the creative process. Each student in the process of work receives the necessary text of the poem, in which the missing places (word, phrase) are indicated. I tell the children that an evil wizard secretly took away very important words from the poet’s poem, and it fell apart and ceased to be a work of art. We need to find these words and put them in their place. The guys brought an envelope and chips. One chip is given for each interesting proposal, and 2 chips for an original word.

Quietly the night falls

To the tops of the mountains,

And the moon looks

IN …………. Ozer.

The word search begins. Children offer words: in the depths of the lakes, in the blue of the lakes, then in the mirrors of the lakes. They explain that the verb “looks” helped them find the right word. In the next stanza, a three-syllable word was also missing; the number three was written in pencil. Children characterize the space as “above the wide”; We try to characterize the state, the sound. The word “silent” appears, but it is not yet the author’s word, so we select a synonym for it. This is how you find the right word “deaf” and so on. When the work on the poem is finished, we answer the question: “What is the role of the final stanza? What new does she bring to the poem? Then, using the same principle, we work with I. S. Nikitin’s poem “Oak.” The children learn to read carefully, listen carefully, peer into the lines, and guess the author’s mood. And most importantly, in their creative search they begin to think. So, for example, in the poem “Oak”, when the search for words and images was completed, the children saw that the author meant not only an old lonely tree - he was talking about a person, about loneliness, about how difficult it is. Thus, the lesson in the development of creative imagination also became a lesson in morality and aesthetic insight.

In the 11th grade, I and the guys conducted group research work on A. Akhmatova’s poem “Requiem”. In order to arouse the children’s interest in facts, to come closer to understanding Akhmatova’s creative path, I used the article by Evgenia Semyonovna Abelyuk “Reader’s comment: plan and implementation.”

Students had to learn to navigate the literature (fiction, bibliographic, memoir, historical, literary criticism), compare different comments to the same work, and study the comments of professional literary scholars. As a result of in-depth commented reading, the children learned a lot about the life and work of A. Akhmatova, about the era that the poetess showed in the poem. Creative groups conducted research in the following areas:

The meaning of the word "requiem"

The terrible years of the Yezhovshchina

Arrest of son, seventeen months in prison queues.

Biblical motifs in the poem.

Comparison of the poem with the poems of A. S. Pushkin, with the Decembrists (“convict holes”).

The magic of color and numbers.

Mandelstam in the fate of Akhmatova.

Anna Akhmatova and Tsarskoe Selo.

As a result of such enormous creative work, the guys were imbued with respect for the lyrical heroine of the poem, for the difficulties that she experienced; they read other works by Akhmatova with interest, enjoyed writing essays and memorizing passages they liked.

With students in grades 5–9 we had to examine literature more than once with other types of art: music, painting. The children are faced with questions: how, with the help of linguistic means, an artist of words describes some phenomenon of reality, conveys his feelings and impressions; and how the same phenomena and inner experiences are revealed in the works of the painter and composer.

In the 11th grade, while studying Kuprin’s story “The Pomegranate Bracelet,” students listened to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata,” which helped to more deeply reveal the characters’ feelings and experiences. In the 9th grade, while studying A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” in the lesson “Fruits of Heartfullness” (the images of Lensky, Tatyana and Olga are considered), I pose a problematic question to the students: “Why did Olga forget Lensky sooner than Tatyana?” The resolution of the problematic issue leads to a comparison of the Larin sisters. First, students tell with the help of oral verbal drawing how they imagine the appearance of Tatyana and Olga, then we turn to portraits of Pushkin’s heroines in Rudakov’s illustrations. By drawing almost the same face, Rudakov very subtly emphasizes the dissimilarity of the sisters. Olga's portrait is designed in pink and gold tones. She looks at the viewer slyly and cheerfully, raising her head slightly, clearly pleased with the impression she makes. Tatyana's head is slightly lowered, her eyes are thoughtfully averted to the side. She is busy with her feelings, and not with the world around her. Her sadness is enhanced by the bluish-lilac tone of the portrait. The artist is right. Pushkin notes the pallor of Tatyana's face. This pallor, a sign of strong feelings, suffering and inner concentration, distinguishes Tatyana from the blooming and frivolous Olga.

Depending on the object of research, student work can be divided into the following types:

Works in which the text of a work of art is analyzed in order to identify its artistic originality, features of the author's style, the skill of the writer, and the typology of images. For example, methods of creating images - characters in the stories of A.P. Chekhov.

Works in which the solution to the problem posed is carried out on the basis of a comparison of two or more works. For example, in 8th grade, when studying “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” we compared the ancient Russian text and its translations (by Likhachev, Zhukovsky, Zabolotsky).

Works offering an integration of literature and history, philosophy, linguistics.

Works devoted to the study of the life and work of writers whose destinies are connected with the history of the city and region (literary local history). Students can, based on the analysis of works, the study of memoirs, and critical articles, create a moral and psychological portrait of the writer, reflecting their perception of his personality in the form of an artistic and journalistic essay.

Whatever the object of study, the main thing is that the problem posed allows the student, independently or with the help of a teacher, to determine the path of research, choose the methods necessary to work with a work of art, and apply existing skills in analyzing the text. I noticed that students engaged in research activities feel more confident in the classroom, became more active, learned to ask questions competently, and most importantly, the quality of knowledge increased.

Research project

on literature



(based on the works of V.G. Rasputin)

Author of the project:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Lisovsky branch of MBOU "Polevskoy Lyceum"

Kursk district, Kursk region

Maltseva Yu.V.

year 2013

  1. Goals, objectives, problems of the project; solutions; Expected results………..

    Practical, theoretical cognitive significance of the results…………. Activities of students……………………………………………………… Stages of project activities……………………………………………………….
1.1. Choosing a project themeA) defining the problem and objectives of the study;B) putting forward a hypothesis for their solution;C) discussion of research methods.1.2. Identification of subtopics1.4. Preparation of materials: formulation of questions1.5. Determining forms of expressing project results2.Project development . 3. Presentation of results A) registration of final results;B) analysis of the data obtained;4. Presentation and defense of the project A) summing up, data correction, conclusions;B) creative reports from students, creation and viewing of the “Reader's Diary” presentation.5. Reflection 5. Literature…………………………………………………………………………………6. Application……………………………………………………………………………


Research project, school education, literature, V.G. Rasputin, morality.

Brief summary of the project

Goals, objectives, problems of the project; solutions; Expected results.

Creative (working) name of the project: Lightweight morality - what is it?

The project can be carried out in pairs (in a small school), individually and in a group.Object of study: this project is aimed at instilling interest in the work of the writer V.G. Rasputin, who writes a lot and interestingly about the village and village culture. The main problematic issue, which the ninth-graders participating in the project will have to think about - What is the main tragedy of the heroes of V.G. Rasputin’s books (about morality and its “lite” analogue) and how this project can help them, teenagers, in understanding the surrounding reality and their own personal development ? The main goal of this project is the desire to attract the attention of teenagers to the work of the writer V.G. Rasputin and the philosophy of the heroes of his books, comparison and understanding of this philosophy with their own personal position. Tasks: to help students look closely at “Rasputin’s” heroes who find themselves in borderline situations - dissolute or who have found their own way, who do not hear God or believe in him, to reflect with the author of the books about man’s responsibility before life and God, before himself and before nature. To attract the attention of teenagers to reading through the use both by the librarian and by them of modern Internet technologies. To give the concept of “copyright”. Among the technologies used- a thematic group (pair) on Google for collective discussion of what has been read; to present research results in groups (pairs), services are used that help create various types of reports: electronic presentation, blog.

Problematic issue of the project

What is the main tragedy of the heroes of V.G. Rasputin’s books?

Age of students participating in the project

9th grade students. Work is carried out in groups or pairs (for small schools) The librarian (the work is carried out in close collaboration with the school librarian) and the author and coordinator of the project (teacher) will also build communication with groups of children using new Internet capabilities - in the thematic group “Readers of V.G. Rasputin” created in Google. Individual consultations will be provided to high school students in person in the library (classroom) and via email or personal page on social networks. Upon completion of the project, it is possible to “protect” research on the project by groups of schoolchildren using Internet correspondence, blogs (if O If possible, other schools may use Skype chat or video conference). Practical, theoretical cognitive significance of the results. Expected results:
    Develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge from various sources (I.I. Strelkova V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work: A textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. - 3rd ed. .-M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008.-112 p.); with electronic and reference resources; To develop the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive problems assigned to students. To comprehend the process of working on works and manuals on the topic, to teach students to “live” with them specific situations described in the literature, to identify them, and to transfer them to real life. To involve students in penetrating “deeply” into the works of V. Rasputin and the phenomena described in them (the works). To teach students to manage the research process independently, to independently construct new research objects.
6.P attract the attention of teenagers to the work of the writer V.G. Rasputin and the philosophy of the heroes of his books, comparison and understanding of this philosophy with their own personal position.7. To help students look closely at “Rasputin’s” heroes who find themselves in borderline situations - dissolute or who have found their own way, who do not hear God or believe in him, to reflect with the author of the books about man’s responsibility before life and God, before himself and before nature.8. To attract the attention of teenagers to reading through the use both by the librarian and by them of modern Internet technologies. 9. Obtain the concept of “copyright.” 10. To develop students’ communication skills, the ability to work in pairs (groups for a larger number of children in the class), to develop research skills (the ability to identify a problem, the ability to collect information, the ability to observe, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize (synthesize), systematize and process the findings data, ability to draw conclusions, etc.
  1. The result of the work of a group of high school students will be a brainstorming session to discuss the problem and the work of high school students on the questionnaire “Can we distinguish true from secondary values?” The result of the group’s work will be the work on a Timeline of the fates of three generations with comments. The result of the work of this group may be work on an essay on the topic and “publication” of it in the form of a presentation book (“Reader’s Diary”).
Activities of students: choose a topic, discuss and make a general decision on the topic, choose a pair (group) coordinator, expert, observer, etc. (depending on the number of people in the class), a thematic group (pair individually) is created on Google for a collective discussion of what has been read, to present research results in groups (pairs), services are used that help create various types of reports: electronic presentation, blog.

(For more details on student activities, see the table)

Stages of project activities.


1.4. Preparation of materials: formulation of questions: What, according to the heroes, are the true and secondary values? "Why does a person without memory and feelings of guilt become a tumbleweed?" "What does the destruction of a person's memory lead to?", tasks for couples and selection of literature: (I. I. Strelkova

V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work: A textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. - 3rd ed. - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS" ,2008.-112 p.) with other electronic and reference resources;

Brief description of the project stages

Epigraph to the beginning of the lesson

The soul does not demand from anyone as severely as from a Russian person.


We are posting a mini-questionnaire on copyright for children readers

The tasks of the coordinator (librarian) and the author of the project (the teacher works in collaboration with the school library) include the task of advising students on the correct use of sources and resources in their research; it is expected that before starting work on the project, lesson on copyright law, for which you can prepare not only a presentation, but also conduct a warm-up with the guys “What do we know about the concept of copyright”

Teacher: What kind of work on books and reading goes without asking questions? By asking and answering, we reflect on the problems brought to us by the author of the work... Brief information about the writer’s works (you can make a reference to Wikipedia : Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich (b. 1937) - Russian writer, publicist. 1987 - Hero of Socialist Labor. Among the works are “Money for Maria” (1967), “Deadline” (1970), “Farewell to Matera” (1976), “Live a Century, Love a Century” (1982), “Fire” (1985).

Task to create your own profile

  1. Come up with questions for an online survey of your reading friends based on a book read by V. Rasputin or literary characters from his books (work is expected on the works: “French Lessons” (a story studied in the 6th grade, “Live and Remember,” “Deadline” etc.) Create your profile in Google and post it on your page on social networks on the Internet, blog, forum (optional).

Teacher: The main problematic question that you have to think about is what is the main tragedy of the heroes of V.G. Rasputin’s books (about morality and its “lite” analogue) and how this project can help you, teenagers, in understanding the surrounding reality and their own personal development ? Working pairs (groups) of schoolchildren will explore this problem in different ways:
      First working couple (group) reading book "Deadline" , will try to answer the question“What do the heroes think are the true and secondary values?” The result of the work pairs (groups) of ninth graders will brainstorm to discuss the problem and the senior students will work on the Questionnaire Can we distinguish true from secondary values?
    Second couple (group) reading "Live and Remember", is looking for an answer to the question “Why does a person without memory become a tumbleweed?” The result of the group’s work will be a collective work on the Timeline of the destinies of three generations with comments. The third group reading a book by the same author "Fire", explores the question “What does the destruction of human memory lead to?”. The result of the work of this group may be collective work on an essay on the topic and “publication” of it in the form of a book-electronic presentation (reader’s diary)

Keywords (on the board)

    10 words that characterize the content of the book Strelkova I.I. V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work about the writer of Siberia:
      Siberia Matera Village Old Woman Memory True and secondary values ​​Tumbleweed Farewell God Conscience

Independent research by students as part of an educational project

1. Topic: True and secondary in the works of V. Rasputin (1 pair) (group)

Research Question:
    “What do the heroes think are the true and secondary values?”
Purpose of the study:
    read V. G. Rasputin’s book “The Deadline” understand what true and secondary values ​​are, understand what “lite morality” is, and how this concept is formulated by V. Rasputin in the book
The result of the work Pairs (groups) of ninth graders will work on a Questionnaire created in Google (social networks, forum, blog) on ​​the topic Can we distinguish true values ​​from secondary ones? and “brainstorming” in the library on the topic Can we distinguish true values ​​from secondary ones?


Beginning of the form

love for a loved one slyness desire for power envy love of money kindness duty feeling of compassion pity success other

End of form

2. Topic: How can we understand each other (2 pairs) (group)

Research Question:
    "Why does a person without memory become a tumbleweed?"
Purpose of the study:
    read V. G. Rasputin’s book “Live and Remember”, understand the tragedy of three generations of the book’s heroes, understand what “lite morality” is, and how this concept is formulated by V. Rasputin in the book
The result of the work couples (groups) will work on a Time Tape, representing the destinies of three generations with comments

3. Topic: Let’s preserve the memory of our land (3 pairs) (group)

Research Question:
    "What does the destruction of a person's memory lead to?"
Purpose of the study:
    read V. G. Rasputin’s book “Fire”, “French Lessons” try to understand why people stopped being the masters of their land, their village, why people stopped compassion and lost their self-esteem understand what “lite morality” is and how this concept is formulated by V. Rasputin in his books
The result of the work This pair (group) of high school students can work on an essay on the topic (reader’s diary) and “publish” it in the form of a presentation book

Duration of work on the project October-December 2012

Stage 1: Find information about the writer V.G. Rasputin on Wikipedia, place links in Bookmarks, place found photographs of the writer and illustrations for the book chosen for reading, select videos from YouTube on the plots of the chosen book of the writer Stage 2: Read the book (each pair (group) has their own), answer questions about understanding the content of the book asked by the librarian on the Internet (in the appropriate Facebook group or VKontakte, etc., maybe in the created forum, by email) Stage 3: Collective discussion on the Internet (forum) of the philosophical background of the author’s books Stage 4: Develop a presentation of the research in the chosen form - Timeline with comments, Questionnaire for presentation-book (essay, reading diary). Post them on the Internet. Stage 5: Presentation of research in the library. Rewarding the best.

Criteria for assessing student work

    Formulation of the answer to the question: What is the concept of “lite morality” and how is it formulated in the books of V. Rasputin and the literature studied on the topic? the ability to reason on the topic of V.G. Rasputin’s books (including online discussions, posted comments, formulated questions and answers in questionnaires and essays); accuracy and aesthetics of the research presented by a group of ninth-graders; literacy, etc.

Results (Reflection)
    In the study I was interested in... In the study I did... In the study I was surprised... In the study it was difficult... In the study I learned... In the study I liked ...


    Davydenko T.V., Tonkov E.V. Design of an educational lesson. Belgorod. Belgorod State University. 2002. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of educational programs. M.: Publishing house of scientific research institute. technologies, 2005. Strelkova I.I. V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work: A textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. - 3rd ed. - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS" ,2008.-112 pp.; with electronic and reference resources;

Links to Internet resources on the project topic

Appendix No. 1.
Reader's diary (example, necessarily in the form of a presentation book) V. Rasputin “French Lessons”.
The hero of the work is an eleven-year-old boy who lived and studied in the village. He was considered “brainy” because he was literate, and people often came to him with bonds: it was believed that he had a lucky eye. But in the village where our hero lived, there was only an elementary school and therefore, in order to continue studying, he had to go to the regional center. In this difficult post-war time, during the period of devastation and hunger, his mother, in spite of all misfortunes, gathered and sent her son to study. In the city he felt even more hungry, because in the countryside it is easier to get food, but in the city everything needs to be bought. The boy had to live with Aunt Nadya. He suffered from anemia, so every day he bought a glass of milk for a ruble.
At school he studied well, with only A's, except for French, he was not good at pronunciation. Lydia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, listening to him, winced helplessly and closed her eyes. One day our hero finds out that he can earn money by playing "chika", and he starts playing this game with other boys. However, he did not allow himself to get too carried away by the game and left as soon as he won a ruble. But one day the other guys didn’t let him leave with the ruble, but forced him to continue playing. Vadik, the best chica player, provoked a fight. The next day, the unfortunate village boy comes to school all beaten up and Lydia Mikhailovna is told what happened. When the teacher found out that the boy was playing for money, she called him for a conversation, thinking that he was spending the money on sweets, but in fact he was buying milk for treatment. Her attitude towards him immediately changed, and she decided to study French with him separately. The teacher invited him to her home and treated him to dinner, but the boy did not eat out of pride and embarrassment.. Lidia Mikhailovna, a fairly wealthy woman, she really sympathized with the guy and wanted to surround him with at least a little attention and care, knowing that he was starving. But he did not accept the help of the kind teacher. She tried to send him a parcel of food, but he gave it back. Then Lidia Mikhailovna, in order to give the boy a chance to have money, comes up with a game of “measuring”. And he, thinking that this method would be “honest,” agrees and wins. The school director considered playing with a student a crime, seduction, but he never really figured out what made the teacher do it. The woman is leaving for her home in Kuban, but she has not forgotten the boy and sent him a parcel with food and even apples, which the boy had never tried, but had only seen in pictures. Lidia Mikhailovna is a kind and selfless person. Even after losing her job, she does not blame the boy for anything and does not forget about him. The problem of memory, dignity, compassion, warmth and participation.

Appendix No. 2.
Essay “What is “morality lite?”

The problem of morality has become especially relevant in our time. In our society, there is a need to talk and think about the changing human psychology, about the relationships between people, about the meaning of life that the heroes and heroines of novels and short stories so tirelessly and so painfully comprehend. Now at every step we encounter the loss of human qualities: conscience, duty, mercy, goodness, or a qualitative substitution of them - the so-called “light version of morality.”
In Rasputin's works we find situations close to modern life, and they help us understand the complexity of this problem. The works of V. Rasputin consist of “living thoughts”, and we must be able to understand them, if only because for us it is more important than for the writer himself, because the future of society and each individual depends on us.
The story “The Last Term,” which V. Rasputin himself called the main one of his books, touched on many moral problems and exposed the vices of society. In the work, V. Rasputin showed relationships within the family, raised the problem of respect for parents, which is very relevant in our time, revealed and showed the main wound of our time - alcoholism, raised the question of conscience and honor, which affected every hero of the story. In this story, Rasputin very well showed the relationships of a modern family and their shortcomings, which clearly manifest themselves at critical moments, revealed the moral problems of society, showed the callousness and selfishness of people, their loss of all respect and ordinary feelings of love for each other. They, dear people, are mired in anger and envy. They care only about their interests, problems, only their own affairs. They don’t even find time for their loved ones. They didn’t find time for their mother, the dearest person. For them, “I” comes first, and then everything else. Rasputin showed the impoverishment of morality of modern people and its consequences.

Appendix No. 3.

Questionnaire: What do we know about the definitions and concepts of copyright?

Copyright is __________________________________________

Copyright infringement is punishable by ______________________________

How to prevent copyright infringement?___________________________

What cases of copyright infringement are you aware of?______________________

Measures to create copyright_______________

We create questionnaires for schoolchildren based on the books they have read.

Appendix No. 4

Example of a literary questionnaire

Do you know what morality is?

Is morality an eternal concept?

How is the problem of moral and immoral human behavior solved in V. Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember” (“French Lessons”, “Deadline”, “Fire”, etc.)? What moral categories does the writer raise in his works?How do its heroes and the author relate to actions that devalue morality?

Appendix No. 5.
Old generation, heroes

Appendix No. 6


Beginning of the form

Select from the list of names of values ​​those that you would classify as true: Kindness wisdom truth beauty love of people and nature love of money love of power desire for power passion envy civic responsibility success mercy compassion other. Select from the list the name of the values ​​that you would classify as secondary love for a loved one slyness desire for power envy love of money kindness duty feeling of compassion pity success other

This page offers literature research topics for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 with the goal of developing creative abilities in literature, conducting exciting research and writing their own individual research project, and developing skills in conducting research work.

A correctly chosen topic for a literature project in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades of school, corresponding to the level of training and knowledge of the student, his interests and hobbies, contributes to truly informative and interesting work on it.

The following literature project topics are exemplary and very interesting in terms of research, study, collection and search for information for the implementation of an individual project on them. These topics of research projects on literature show literature not only as a subject, but also as a connecting link in various spheres and branches of human activity.

Any topic of research work on literature for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 can be selected from the list of topics for an older class, if the student’s level of knowledge allows this and there is a desire to study deeper and more interesting material.

Below on the page, the topics of research works and projects on Russian and foreign literature are distributed in accordance with the sections Russian literature, Classical literature, Modern literature, it is planned to add a section of foreign literature.

Literature Project Topics

Sample topics for student research projects in Russian literature:
Author's literary translation of three poems and their comparative analysis.
Good and evil in Russian literature.
Studying physics based on the works of Russian classics.
Depiction of love as one of the main human values ​​(using the example of a story).
Portrayal of national character in folk tales.

The art of creating a book.
Weather calendar in sayings and proverbs of the Russian people.
Cat in world literature.
Linguistic stylization and parody.
My name is in literature.

The image of a bird: from myth to poetry.
The image of a cat in Russian folklore.
Problems of youth in modern Russian literature.
Bird names in literature.
Russian writers are Nobel Prize laureates.
Comparative analysis of Spanish and Russian translations of Ovid's elegy.
The symbolic meaning of the image of the moon in the works of Russian classical literature.
Dreams and dreams in Russian literature.
The theme of the monument in Russian literature.
Theme of prophecy in Russian lyrics.
The theme of family in proverbs and sayings.
The theme of good and evil in literature.
Censorship and literature: freedom of creativity and state supervision.

Literature Research Paper Topics

Sample topics for research papers on classical literature:
“I love, where there is an opportunity, to pinch vices...” (Features of the fable as a literary genre).
The image of a falcon and its symbolism in the monuments of ancient Russian literature.
Your choice: life or... (the problem of drug addiction in the works of M. Bulgakov “Morphine” and Ch. Aitmatov “The Scaffold”).
Sonya... the eternal Sonechka (based on works of classical and modern literature).
“Coming from childhood” (Based on the works of V.P. Astafiev).

Color designations in I. Severyanin’s lyrics: psychological aspect.

Only this life has a price (according to L. Tolstoy’s diary entries and J. Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye”).
Servants and gentlemen (based on the works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol).

The concept of home, family, homeland in the works of V. Rasputin, A. Solzhenitsyn, L. Ulitskaya.
Artistic techniques and features of Boris Akunin’s novels “Azazel”, “The Turkish Gambit”, “State Councilor”, “The Death of Achilles”, “Leviathan”, and “Coronation”.
Peculiarities of perception of A. Akhmatova’s lyrics through artistic images.
The image of a woman in literature of different eras.

Topics of projects on modern literature

Example topics for research papers on modern literature:

Bard song today.
The influence of literature containing elements of mysticism on the worldview of the modern reader.
Genre and language of I. Huberman's poems.
The life of a literary work in art and time.
Using a modern bestseller in the study of classical literature.
How does the Internet affect language?
Youth slang. Its origin and functioning.
Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren.
Trash advertising language.
Features of the stylistic system of poetry by K.K. Sluchevsky.
Features of the language of SMS messages..
Reflection of stereotypes in John Tolkien's fairy tale "The Hobbit".
Pushkin's motifs in modern poetry by Svetlana Sirneva.
A. Bitov’s story “Young Odoevtsev, hero of the novel” as a work of the postmodern era.
The journey of the word “cheat sheet” from one language to another (history of language borrowing).
Speech portrait of DONKEY in the cartoon "Shrek".
Rock - revolution in Russia: mutual influence of rock poetry and Russian history.
Russian rock: the idea of ​​protest and its linguistic embodiment.
The originality of the style of satirical stories by Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

The originality of Viktor Tsoi's poetry.
Modern bestsellers are genuine literature or a tribute to fashion.
SMS as a modern epistolary genre.
Ways to update a newspaper headline.
Methods of creating the image of the heroine in V. Pelevin’s story “Nika”.
The texts of modern songs are poetry and anti-poetry.
Toponyms around us (meaning, origin).
The tragedy of time (based on the novel by F. Abramov “Brothers and Sisters”).
Traditions and innovation in the depiction of St. Petersburg in the stories of T. Tolstoy.
Phraselogisms in advertising.
Color designations in I. Severyanin’s lyrics: psychological aspect.
Reading dossier of my class.
What is our generation reading?



Prepared by the student

PE41 group

Bakhareva Anna

Project Manager

teacher of special disciplines

Orlikova E.V.

Turmasovo village 2018

1 slide

Good afternoon, dear members of the commission! We present to your attention a course work on manicure technology “Helium technologies (mixed techniques)»

prepared by student of group PE21 Bakhareva Anna.

2 slide

A person has always wanted to have beautiful and well-groomed not only hands, but also nails, to decorate himself thereby, to stand out among the diverse crowd. The history of manicure goes back to the distant past.

The color scheme of the nails was used for hierarchical highlighting. Pharaohs and other nobles grew long nails, painted in bright and catchy colors, mostly red and terracotta shades, when as slaves pale and discreet colors were allowed on short-cut nails. In turn, oriental women injected plant dyes into the growth zone of the nail (matrix), torturing themselves daily with a painful and dangerous procedure. Then for a long time, painted and long nails were considered bad manners. And painted nails were the mark of fallen women, actresses, demimonde ladies and courtesans.

Relevance: A neat and stylish manicure complements the overall look and gives self-confidence. A convenient, universal gel polish coating is rapidly developing and in demand in the manicure services market due to its versatility, durability, ease of application, as well as a wide variety of possible design options.

Target my course work is the formation of professional competencies in the implementation of technological processes of mixed-technique manicure services.The objectives of the course work are presented on the slide.

3 slide

The basis for performing mixed techniques is a classic manicure, for which I need to organize a workplace, which includes a master’s table, a master’s and a client’s chair. A table lamp occupies a special place on the master’s table to illuminate the work area. After work, I take care of metal instruments using a sterilizer. A sterilizer is equipment that kills microorganisms.

Gel polish technology, which occupies a special place in my work, is a component of mixed techniques. Having studied this technology, I came to the conclusion that the number of materials used in it is very diverse. To select the necessary consumables for performing mixed media, I completed a work in which the drawing was acrylic paints and the applique was glitter. The main equipment is a UV lamp, which ensures the hardening of the gel base, color and topcoat. I will present materials for mixed media later in my presentation.

4 slide

The slide shows photographs of the stages of a classic manicure, which is edged. The technology of classic manicure consists in the following, in my opinion, the stage of preparing the nail plate - creating the shape, which I consider the most difficult, since creating the same shape on 10 fingers is quite difficult and painstaking.

I draw your attention to 1 photo, which shows the creation of shape and length using a file for natural nails. In photo 2 - softening the cuticle; for this I will need a bath with warm water and liquid soap. Photo 3 shows cuticle removal using nippers. To carry out this stage, you need to know certain rules for positioning the master’s hand and the direction of movement of the tool – the nippers, since the condition of the cuticle after the procedure depends on the professionalism of the master.

5 slide

The slide shows photographs documenting the main stages of gel polish technology, which is as follows: in photo 1 you see how I apply the base coat to the nail plate. Photo 2 shows the application of color coating in 2 layers. Gel polish coating is a universal basis for further creativity. In photo 3, I made an applique in the form of sparkles.

6 slide

Work on the project took several months, during which I learned a huge amount of information about manicure. I got acquainted with the history of the origin of manicure, studied the types and technology of some of them, and learned how to beautifully and accurately perform gel polish technology. This turned out to be not as easy as it seems at first glance. I was so fascinated by the process of nail design.While performing a classic manicure, I came to the conclusion that this procedure is very simple and can be done quite quickly, and it is also the only acceptable method if your hands are very shabby. I would also like to note some disadvantages of a classic manicure - when performing it, there is a high probability of injury to the cuticle and, therefore, of some kind of infection; perhaps, if not performed very skillfully, the appearance of hangnails after the procedure is not excluded.

In conclusion, I would like to note the positive characteristics of gel polish. By covering the nails, it makes their surface durable and resistant to external influences, thereby maintaining the integrity of the nail plate and achieving its desired length; gel polish takes care not only of beauty, but also of the health of nails.

The art of decorating the nail plate has taken a special place among other professional aesthetic disciplines. Thanks to gel polish technology and mixed techniques, I can show my individuality and the ability to convey an artistic concept. In my course work, I used many technologies for decorating the nail plate, especially mixed techniques: photo 1 shows the implementation of gel polish technology, painting with acrylic paint; in photo 2 - gel polish, applique - rhinestones; in photo 3 - the design was made using acrylic powder, applique - rhinestones; in photo 4 - acrylic paint, applique - glitter; in photo 5 - design using acrylic powder; photo 6 - painting with acrylic paint.


Slide captions:

Gel technologies (mixed techniques) Prepared by 2nd year student of group PE-21 Bakhareva Anna TOGBPOU MICHURINSKY AGRARIAN TECHNIQUE

Relevance: a neat and stylish manicure complements the overall image and gives self-confidence. A convenient, universal gel polish coating is rapidly developing and in demand in the manicure services market due to its versatility, durability, ease of application, as well as a wide variety of possible design options. Purpose of the work: development of professional competencies of mixed techniques based on classic manicure. The following tasks follow from the goal: - to explore the history of manicure; -consider the main types of design; -perform classic manicure technology; -perform mixed techniques based on classic manicure.

Organization of a classic manicure workplace Photo 1 Classic manicure Photo 2 Gel-la k

Classic manicure technology Photo 1 Design of the nail plate Photo 2 Softening the cuticle Photo 3 Removing the cuticle using nippers

Gel polish technology Photo 1 Base coat Photo 2 Color coating Photo 3 Applying glitter to the design

The results of my work Photo 1 Photo 4 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 5 Photo 6

Thank you for attention!


Tambov regional state budgetary

Professional educational institution

"Michurinsky Agrarian College"

(TOGBPOI "Michurinsky Agrarian College")




Prepared by the student

PE21 groups

Rodyukova Anna

Project Manager

teacher of special disciplines

Orlikova E.V.

Turmasovo village 2017

1 Slide. Good afternoon, dear members of the commission, my name is Rodyukova Anna, and today I would like to present to your attention my course project on the topic “Nail art as a way to correct the nail plate”

2 Slide. Relevance: love for your image is, first of all, respect for your own body. After all, a manicure is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a sign that a girl takes care of her appearance, as well as her nails, because it is her hands that are a girl’s calling card.

Target - study and test nail art technologies on the nail plate


  • study the technology of classic manicure;
  • get acquainted with the history of nail art;
  • work out a classic manicure in general and step by step;
  • practice modern nail art technologies;
  • study safety precautions when performing manicure services;
  • organize the workplace of a manicurist.

3 Slide. I carried out my work based on a classic manicure; the slide shows what is required for the work. I want to tell you a little about classic manicure. Where did the first manicure appear? Manicure appeared in the Ancient World. For example, in 1964, mummies were found in Egypt, which, as it turned out, were the nail artists of the pharaoh himself. Perhaps the Egyptians stood out most of all for their love of manicure.

4 Slide. The slide shows what is needed for gel polish technology, as well as for nail art. Let's go back a little to the Ancient World; the color of nails was also a kind of measure of social status. Red colors meant belonging to the pharaoh's family, nobility and priests. Pale colors were found exclusively among the poor. Now every girl can choose any color for herself, despite her social status. After all, today there is a huge selection of both regular varnishes and gel varnishes, we will talk about them today. There is a whole branch of art called “nail art”, which is essentially the art of decorative manicure and nail painting. In addition, this is a whole science consisting of knowledge about how to prepare a nail for work, select the right tools, and create the necessary background for the drawing. As in any art, there are fashionable and classic trends in nail art.

5 Slide. This slide shows the main stages of a classic manicure, Photo 1 examining the client's hands for any diseases. Photo2 Place your hands in a bath of water and liquid soap to soften the cuticle for 3-5 minutes. Photo 3 Remove the cuticle with nippers (start with the ring finger of your right hand)

Photo 4 shows the result of a classic manicure.

6 Slide. This slide shows the main stages of gel polish technology, as well as nail art. On Photo 1 treatment of the nail plate with a buff is shown. Photo 2 degreasing the nail plate. Photo 3 Application of colored gel polish (2 layers). On Photo4 shows a lamp in which each layer of gel polish hardens. In a UV lamp for 2 minutes, in an LED lamp for 1 minute. On Photo 5 shows the result of working with gel polish, as well as nail art on the index finger. Among hundreds of various options for artistic decoration of nails today, several main directions of nail art can be distinguished:

  • Classic nail designs: This nail art variation is created using a set of nail polishes in several different shades
  • Rhinestone Nail Art: Mini sparkling rhinestones or glitter make the perfect addition to any nail polish or nail design.
  • Daring art. If you are a rebel at heart, love rock and dress unusually, then a bright manicure with spikes and metal studs will suit you. They look ideal on black, blue and red nails. With this design you will not go unnoticed.

7 Slide. While completing my coursework, I set several tasks that I practiced in practical classes. I got acquainted with different nail art technologies, which inspired me to create my own collection, which I want to demonstrate in my application, because girls get tired of wearing a single-color manicure every day. To complete the work, I needed to learn several modern techniques for decorating the nail plate. I came to the conclusion that the most universal platform for expressing my creativity is gel polish technology, which allows me to practice various techniques based on it, namely: French manicure Photo1 , made with gel polish, drawings made with gel polish Photo2 and acrylic paints as well as 3D gel Photo 3 milky shade in manicure, The delicate and refined shade of baked milk will perfectly complement your stylish and feminine look.

8 Slide. The application is very good on the gel polish base. Photo 4 , made with rhinestones and bouillons and sliders. light coral shade in manicure. Lightweight and light shades of coral color will harmonize well with slightly tanned body skin. And also gel polish is the basis for 3D gel (sculpting) Photo 5 . And also 3D design can be done using acrylic powder, as in Photo 6 , a light blue shade in manicure, a noble, delicate, but at the same time cool shade of varnish will become the most fashionable shade of summer among lovers of non-standard manicure. I used the presented color scheme in my work, which proves that it is modern, relevant, complete, and most importantly, it does not require much labor, which can be the beginning of the development of artistic creativity of any girl.

9 Slide. That's all! Thank you for your attention!


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Slide captions:

Tambov Regional State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Michurinsky Agrarian College" (TOGBPOU "Michurinsky Agrarian College") Prepared by: 2nd year student of group PE21 Rodyukova Anna "Nail art as a way to correct the shape of the nail plate based on classic manicure" Coursework

Relevance: love for your image is, first of all, respect for your own body. After all, a manicure is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a sign that a girl takes care of her appearance, as well as her nails, because it is her hands that are a girl’s calling card. The goal is to study and test nail art technologies on the nail plate. Objectives: to study the technology of classic manicure; get acquainted with the history of nail art; work out a classic manicure in general and step by step; practice modern nail art technologies; study safety precautions when performing manicure services; organize the workplace of a manicurist.

Organization of the workplace according to the technology of classic manicure Ottoman Towel Trash Can Bath Antiseptic Hydrogen peroxide Degreaser Nippers Pusher Dexterity File for natural nails (abrasive 180)

Trash Can Ottoman UV lamp, LED lamp Degreaser Antiseptic Baffic Lint-free wipes Gel polish Brush Organization of the workplace for gel polish technology

Classic manicure technology Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4

Gel polish technology Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5


Tambov regional state budgetary

Professional educational institution

"Michurinsky Agrarian College"

(TOGBPOI "Michurinsky Agrarian College")

The influence of length and shape on artistic nail plate design


Prepared by the student

PE21 groups

Stoyakina Maria

Project Manager

teacher of special disciplines

Orlikova E.V.

village Turmasovo

1 Slide

Good afternoon, dear members of the commission! We present to your attention a course work on manicure technology “The influence of length and shape on the artistic design of the nail plate»

prepared by student of group PE21 Stoyakina Maria.

2 Slide

Hands are one of the main female assets, which often attracts the attention of the opposite sex. It is impossible to be elegant and stylish without neglecting your nails. Types of manicure change as often as other fashion trends, but nails must be harmoniously combined with the chosen style, and the style must be in harmony with the shape of the nail plate.

Relevance: Today, the most popular services in beauty salons are manicures. However, if earlier this was considered an exclusively hygienic procedure, now the nail plate is the canvas of an artist who reproduces masterpieces regardless of the length and shape of the nail plate.

The purpose of my work isformation of professional competencies in the artistic design of the nail plate based on classic manicure, regardless of length and shape.

To achieve the goal of my course work, it is necessary to solve the following problems, which are presented on the slide.

3 slide.

To achieve the goal of the course work, I need to perform a classic manicure; the organization of the workplace for this technology is presented on the slide.

4 slide.

The slide shows the organization of a workplace for carrying out gel polish technology. A detailed description of the organization of a manicurist’s workplace for performing classic manicure and gel polish technology can be found on page 15 of my course work.

5 slide

Before you start performing any manicure, in my case a classic one, you need to get acquainted with the anatomy of the nail plate. The slide shows a diagram of the structure of the nail plate. From anatomy we know that the shape of the nail plate is inherited. The nail plate does not always represent a ready-made aesthetic form, and then the master is faced with the task of correcting the nail plate using the right manicure and artistic design.

5 slide

The slide shows the technology of classic manicure

Step 1 - give the free edge of the natural nail the required shape (disposable file, abrasive-180). The procedure should not be carried out on wet nails, as this can lead to their delamination.

Step 2 - starting with your left hand, lower it into a container with warm water and soap for 3-5 minutes.

Step 3 - starting with the ring finger, left hand, push back the cuticle using a pusher. Do not put strong pressure on the pusher, as this can damage the delicate cells and matrix.

Step 4 - using dexterity, I carefully remove the pterygium from the surface of the natural plate. Pay special attention to the zones of transition of the cuticle to the lateral ridges, where the pterygium always grows in large quantities.

Step 5 - remove hangnails and cuticles using nippers. Start working from the area of ​​the lateral sinuses. Hold the nippers at an angle of 45 degrees.

7 slide

The slide shows gel polish technology

Step 1 of this technology is grinding, when the top layer of the nail is polished using a buff with a high abrasiveness coefficient.

Step 2 – remove the glossy layer with a degreaser, then the polymer coating will retain its beautiful appearance for a long time.

Step 3 - for better adhesion of the nail plate to the gel polish, apply a primer. A weakened nail plate after polishing becomes weak and soft, so it becomes necessary to use a primer as a means to strengthen the natural nail.

Step 4 - apply the base coat in a thin layer and place your hands in a UV lamp to harden the base coat.

Step 5 - then apply 2 layers of colored varnish and also place your hands in a UV lamp.

Step 6 - we complete the technology by applying a finishing coat without a sticky layer and also place our hands in a UV lamp.

The result of the implemented technology is presented on the slide.

8 slide

A special place in my work is occupied by the following types of design (stencil, artistic, stamping, gradient manicure. The slide shows the results of my work in the stencil design technique, which includes the famous French or French manicure (photo 1).In addition to it, there is also a well-known representative of this design - moon manicure, or the so-called reverse French (photo 2.) This design involves leaving not the edge of the nail white, but rather the hole near the base of the cuticle.This also includes various strips and stencils, with which you can depict a certain geometric pattern on your nails (photo 3).

In artistic design, a master's best friend is a brush and the ability to wield it. Different patterns are drawn on a specially prepared nail using water-acrylic paints, colored varnishes, and gels. Such a design is limited by the talent and imagination of the one who makes it (Photo 4.). This also includes the so-called volumetric design, where volumetric particles are used, from which the whole composition is assembled; in my work, this is acrylic powder (photo 5.).

Slide 9

In conclusion of my report I would like to say thatoriginal and stylish masterpieces are now depicted not only in paintings. Each person’s fingernails can be decorated with various materials, a huge variety of which are offered by manufacturers. In addition to planar and volumetric design, painting on nails, compositions of jewelry and appliqués, modern technologies make it possible to perform graphic and fantasy works of varying degrees of complexity. Before you begin to implement your ideas, you need to decide on the length and shape of the client’s nail plate, as this is a very important factor for the master. The selection of artistic design for the nail plate depends entirely on its size. In my opinion, it is impossible to remain indifferent to gel polish technology, which allows you to realize all the master’s ideas in artistic design, both on the long free edge of the nail plate and on short nails. Gel polish is an exceptional basis for applying design materials. I want to say that modern nail design opens up truly limitless scope for the artist’s imagination, which I tried to realize in my works.

10 slide Thank you for attention!


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Slide captions:

Tambov Regional State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Michurinsky Agrarian College" Topic: The influence of length and shape on the artistic design of the nail plate Completed by: student of group PE 21 Stoyakina Maria

table lamp Trash Can Antiseptic hydrogen peroxide Ottoman Towel Bath Buff file (abrasive 180) Nippers Pusher dextertity Preparing the workplace for classic manicure technology

Organization of the workplace for gel polish technology. LED lamp Gel polishes Trash Can Degreaser Buff Brushes Ottoman Towel Table lamp

Anatomy and physiology of the nail

Classic manicure Shape the free edge. Place your hand in a container with warm water and soap for 3-5 minutes Pull back the cuticle, starting with the ring finger, using a pusher Remove the pterygium using dexterity Result of the work performed

My works Photo 1. Photo 2. Photo 1. Photo 3. Photo 4. Photo 5. Photo 1. Photo 5. Photo 4.


Tambov regional state budgetary

Professional educational institution

"Michurinsky Agrarian College"

(TOGBPOI "Michurinsky Agrarian College")




Prepared by the student

PE41 group

Sazykina Maria

Project Manager

teacher of special disciplines

Orlikova E.V.

village Turmasovo

Slide 1
Good afternoon, dear members of the certification commission. I present to your attention the thesis on the topic “Image Stylistics (spectacular hairstyle, fantasy makeup)” by Maria Sazykina, a 4th year student in the specialty Applied Aesthetics.

Slide 2

Over three years of professional educational process, I realized how multifaceted the concepts, terms and techniques for performing certain procedures are in those areas of activity that I had to learn within the walls of our educational institution, namely: “manicure and pedicure”, “Makeup and face-art” ", "hairdressing", "massage and dietetics". The work I provided is just a drop in the ocean of the areas of activity that I studied. In my work, I pay attention to procedures and techniques for performing these same procedures that are more interesting to me, to more interesting areas of activity, which I focus on in my thesis.

Avant-garde, or avant-garde style, is a fashion trend that originates in the work of avant-garde artists. It involves the use of unusual shapes and bright accessories, merging into a single concept.
The avant-garde style is characterized by exoticism and extravagance.
The basic rule: the avant-garde should not be excessive, otherwise the created image will become simply ridiculous and will only cause criticism and grins from the people around.

Initially, the avant-garde strived for social and political opposition; people who worked in this style rejected certain values ​​and traditions of culture, and asserted their own system of norms. Over the years, avant-gardeism began to become part of popular culture, losing that rebellious spirit, and giving birth to completely new creative directions. It was then that the avant-garde appeared in fashion. Many masters tried to introduce the spirit of the avant-garde into their works, creating exclusive collections of clothing, hairstyles and makeup in this style. Critics and reviewers of these creations were sometimes completely horrified by what they saw, but thisstyle continues to exist to this day, each time surprising with something new.

Relevance of the work:Modern fashion quite often resorts to the avant-garde. Due to its popularity, this style has been included in the list of subjects studied at the San Francisco School of Fashion, which is one of the important educational institutions for designers around the world. Fantasy makeup is a bright and creative art, the creation of which, of course, requires some skill.

Goal of the work: creating an avant-garde image.

Slide 3

Workplace safety for hairdressers and makeup artists.

1. These instructions establish occupational safety requirements for a hairdresser (hairdresser-make-up artist).

2. To work in the profession of hairdresser (hairdresser-make-up artist) (hereinafter referred to as hairdresser), only persons who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner and have passed the sanitary minimum, who have the appropriate qualifications, who have been trained in safe labor methods and techniques, who have studied labor protection instructions and who have been instructed in issues of labor protection and fire safety, with the electrical safety group.

3. The hairdresser/makeup artist is obliged to:

comply with internal labor regulations;

perform only the work that is assigned to him;

comply with work technology, apply methods that ensure labor safety;

comply with labor protection and fire safety requirements, know fire warning signals, procedures for action in case of fire, locations of primary fire extinguishing equipment and be able to use them;

notify your immediate supervisor, and in his absence, another official of the organization about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurred at work, noticed malfunctions of equipment, tools, about a deterioration in your health, including manifestation of signs of acute illness;

strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, wear clean work clothes, special shoes, correctly use personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) in accordance with the conditions and nature of the work performed;

know the techniques of providing first aid to victims of accidents.

4. The hairdresser/makeup artist is not allowed to:

be intoxicated or in a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, drink alcohol, use narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances at the workplace or during working hours, smoke in undesignated places;

perform work without using the required PPE and work clothes.

5. A hairdresser/makeup artist may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors during work:

exposure to electric current;

sharp edges of cutting tools;

exposure to hot liquids;

exposure to cauterizing liquids

chemical harmful substances in the air of the work area (hair dyes, varnish, detergents, disinfectants and others).

6. Hairdressers/makeup artists are provided with personal protective equipment free of charge in accordance with the Standard Issue Standards.

7. A hairdresser/make-up artist who does not comply with labor protection requirements will be held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Slide 4
Required tools and material to create this spectacular hairstyle.

  • Hair fixation spray
  • Elastic band and bobby pins
  • Comb-tail
  • Skeleton comb
  • Hair curling iron
  • Hair clips
  • Decoration

Slide 5

Required materials and tools to create this fantasy makeup.

  • Eyeshadow Palette
  • Set of brushes
  • Powder
  • Concealer
  • Concealer
  • Base cream
  • White pencil
  • Black pencil
  • Sponge
  • Cotton pads
  • Cotton buds

Slide 6

Step-by-step creation of a spectacular hairstyle.
photo 5: preparing hair to create a hairstyle.
photo6: creating curls using a curling iron.
Photo 7: securing part of the hair in the central part of the head and creating a light braid in the center, then we secure the rest of the curls to the created center with bobby pins, leaving a small curl on the side, popularly called “Zavlekashka”.

Slide 7

photo 8: fix the finished result with hairspray and attach a themed decoration to the center.
photo9: finished result, top view.
photo 10: finished result, side view.

Slide 8
Step-by-step creation of fantasy makeup.
photo 11: preparing facial skin for makeup.
photo 12: applying the first layer (with a white pencil) under the base of the planned drawing.
photo 13: applying a second layer (with a black pencil) on a light base, thus creating a three-dimensional shadow of the picture.
photo 14: shading the borders using an eyeshadow brush and dark brown eyeshadow itself.
photo 15: finished result.

Slide 9

The avant-garde look in the style of medieval England is complete.
The hairstyle is reminiscent of the famous character created by Arthur Conan Doyle "Irene Adler".
The makeup style is reminiscent of the famous London “Big Ban”.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that my work and the technologies of various procedures described and demonstrated by me from different fields of activity that I study are just a small part of the diversity, the versatility that the topics I have touched on contain. Moreover, progress does not stand still and I am more than confident that in the future new, more advanced technologies will appear and there will be no end to innovations in such areas of activity!

My work presents only the main, basic technologies that every highly qualified specialist must possess.

Fantasy style hair and makeup is perfect for a theme party or just to surprise your friends and have fun. This is especially true for stage plays, etc.

You just need to remember one rule: avoid a too flashy, vulgar style. Avant-garde is shocking and independent, but it attracts people with the harmony of the incongruous. An important condition is the presence of a non-standard taste!

Slide 10, 11, 12.

The huge variety of this style is mind-boggling! No matter how capable and talented a person is in this craft, he will never be able to fully understand the avant-garde. Well, that’s why it’s avant-garde, unattainable, beautiful and at the same time frightening, but so interesting.
There are a huge number of works in this style in the world and each is interesting in its own way and attracts attention in its own way. This is just a small part of what I would like to strive for.

Workplace safety for hairdressers and makeup artists. Photo 1 photo 2

Required materials and tools to create this spectacular hairstyle Hairspray Elastic band and bobby pins Ponytail comb Skeleton comb Curling iron Hair clips Decoration Photo 3

Required materials and tools to create this fantasy makeup Eyeshadow palette Set of brushes Powder Foundation Concealer Base cream White pencil Black pencil Sponge Cotton pads Cotton swabs Photo 4

Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7

Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 10

Photo 15 Photo 14 Photo 11 Photo 12 Photo 13


Tambov regional state budgetary

Professional educational institution

"Michurinsky Agrarian College"

(TOGBPOI "Michurinsky Agrarian College")





Prepared by the student

PE41 group

Kulakova Daria

Project Manager

teacher of special disciplines

Orlikova E.V.

Turmasovo village 2018

Slad 1

Good afternoon, dear members of the state examination commission. We present to your attention the Diploma work “Image stylistics “Evening hairstyle on long hair, evening makeup” by 4th year student Daria Kulakova.

Slide 2

The origins of hairdressing go back to ancient times. It is known that already 2-3 thousand years before the new era, our ancestors tended to decorate their appearance with hairstyles. Centuries passed, and gradually man introduced into the objects he created, including hairstyles, his idea of ​​beauty, which reflects both his individual taste and the general aesthetic ideal inherent in a particular era. But clothing and hairstyle also turn out to be utilitarian and social. Different peoples have developed their own style and certain traditions associated with the natural conditions of the country and the position of a person in society.

The history of cosmetics begins in ancient times, when primitive people began to wash themselves, cleanse and soften their skin, protect it from the sun, wind, rain, snow, and tried to make their appearance more attractive. Many tribes had and still have special war paint. Signs applied to the body and face symbolize belonging to the clan and compliance with the accepted standard of beauty, are used in magical rituals, and raise the morale of warriors and hunters

Slide 3

I consider the relevance of my work to be the fact that girls and women should be beautiful and well-groomed at any age. Good and high-quality makeup emphasizes the individual beauty of each girl, and the hairstyle should be comfortable to wear and neatly styled.

The goal of the diploma project is to develop and implement a sample evening hairstyle for long hair and evening makeup.

The tasks are presented on the slide and in my thesis on pp. 4-5.

Slide 4

To complete the technological process of evening hairstyle and evening makeup, I need to organize a workplace for a hairdresser and makeup artist.

To organize a workplace, there must be a room with a separate entrance, equipped with a high-quality ventilation system, water supply and drainage. Room temperature up to 22ºС. The room should be well lit from natural sources, but artificial sources were also used. The master must have a chair for the client, a mirror, preferably with lighting, and a dressing table. It is necessary to provide a special washbasin in the salon for washing your hair. There should be a free space of 90 cm around the chair intended for the client. According to the standards, at least 4.5 m2 should be provided in the working room for one employee of the hairdressing salon.

The slide shows workplaces for performing evening hairstyle and evening makeup technology

Slide 5

When starting to model a hairstyle, in addition to the external data and condition of the hair, I must also take into account the personal characteristics of the person.

There are several main styles of hairstyles: classic, historical, elegant, sporty, extravagant, avant-garde, for this model I used a romantic style, these are hairstyles of semi-long and long hair with soft wavy lines, curls, ringlets.

When creating a hairstyle, I must take into account the composition, shape, silhouette, and purpose. In my case, the hairstyle was done for a bridesmaid.

Evening hairstyle - characterized by volume and ease of shape, complex unexpected lines, a combination of straight and curly elements, and includes decorative ornaments. This hairstyle charmed those around with its romance. You can see the technological process of doing a hairstyle on the slide. To do it, I used a comb, hairpins, bobby pins, hairspray, the main equipment - hair curlers, which I used to create the front curls, as well as a decorative decoration, which you can see in photo 7 - the finished result.

Slide 6

It is generally accepted that there are four color styles, differing in warmth and color saturation. Styles are named according to the seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter. A woman's color style is determined by the combination of her natural hair color with her skin tone and eye color. Appearance color types are one of those parameters that makes us unique.

My model has light brown hair, gray-blue eyes, a warm skin tone and all these signs indicate that my model is a spring woman, for whom I selected the color scheme of evening makeup taking into account the color of the evening dress.

There are different types and styles in makeup: simple makeup, complex makeup, daytime, natural, emergency, competition, carnival, theatrical and evening makeup - more intense and bright makeup that attracts attention. You can see the technological process and the result on the slide and in my thesis on page 35.

Slide 7

Based on the economic component of the technological processes of the services of a stylist at the Atmosphere of Beauty salon, we can conclude that these technologies are beneficial for sale on the market for aesthetic services; the results of the costs and cost of services for evening hairstyle and evening makeup are presented on the slide.

Slide 8

The face and hair are a calling card, which is emphasized by makeup and hairstyle. A woman receives comfort and pleasure, first of all, from the level of her appearance, which is created by makeup and hairstyle. When the style matches the inner “I” and mood of a woman, it makes her more attractive.

Image styling is one of the oldest crafts that humanity knows. Many recipes and hair care methods that are still used today have a centuries-old history. Despite the use of science and technology in the work of a modern hairdresser, stylistics still remains an art - just like painting and sculpture.