“The power of tradition and the power of creativity in their combination is the life-giving source of any culture. Interesting things in the world What is the strength of Russian traditions

The strength of the spirit of the Russian people

“Russia is a depth, the measure of which
no one has yet been able to determine
hence the legend about the mysterious Russian
soul, whose movements can be modeled
no one can.”

Difficult times have come for our country again. America, Great Britain and the “highly civilized” countries of Europe, accustomed to living stably and comfortably at the expense of the resources of dependent donor states, are currently faced with a large-scale economic crisis. Their leaders began to look for new victims in order to continue their comfortable existence in the future. In this regard, the enormous natural wealth of Russia has always been a tasty morsel for conquerors at all times.

Russia has survived many wars, but it was never the first to attack, but only fought back with dignity. Hidden enemies tried to destroy it from the inside. In every possible way, Western countries tried to impose consumer consciousness and introduce into the minds of Russian people unusual thoughts about worthlessness and self-abasement. All this was done so that we would forget about the soul and God, and thus break the Russian spirit. But this scenario did not work. And now, again, an aggressive attempt is being made by countries with a colonial mindset to start another war and crush Russia. All unimaginable methods are used. A stream of outright lies, falsifications and dirty accusations from all media has fallen on our country, and no explanation or even evidence can stop it. Russia and its president have been slandered and crucified with obvious pleasure, blaming them for all the sins and troubles of the whole world. Just recently it was difficult to believe in this, but now this is our reality, and the time has come to unite in spirit and protect our Motherland, as our ancestors did in the days of hard times.

From history we know many amazing examples of the manifestation of fortitude and resilience of Russian people at the limit of human capabilities.

The catchphrase “Russians don’t give up” appeared during the First World War. In the Book of S.A. Khmelkov’s “Struggle for Osovets” is described as"V In 1915, a Russian garrison defended the small fortress of Osovets, located on the territory of present-day Belarus. As a last resort to break the Russians, the enemy decided to use a gas attack. To do this, the Germans deployed 30 gas batteries. A dark green mist of a mixture of chlorine and bromine flowed into the fortress. The defenders of the fortress did not have gas masks. All living things around were poisoned. About seven thousand infantrymen moved to storm the Russian fortress. But as the German chains approached the trenches, counterattacking Russian infantry fell upon them from the thick green chlorine fog. The sight was terrifying: the soldiers walked into the bayonet area with their faces wrapped in rags, shaking with a terrible cough, literally spitting out pieces of their lungs onto their bloody tunics. These were the remnants of the 13th company of the 226th Zemlyansky infantry regiment, a little more than 60 people. But they plunged the enemy into such horror that the German infantrymen, not accepting the battle, rushed back, trampling each other and hanging on their own barbed wire barriers. World military art knew nothing like this. This battle will go down in history as the “attack of the dead.”

The glory of Russian weapons knows no bounds. The Russian soldier endured what the soldiers of the armies of other countries never endured and will never endure. This is evidenced by letters from the front of Wehrmacht soldiers and officers, in which they admired the courage of Russian soldiers during the Second World War. ANDfrom a letter from Third Reich soldier Erich Ott senthome from Stalingrad October 14, 1942:« Russians are not like people, they are made of iron, they do not know fatigue, they do not know fear. Sailors, in the bitter cold, go on the attack in vests. Physically and spiritually, one Russian soldier is stronger than our entire company.”

From the book by Robert Kershaw “1941 through the eyes of the Germans. Birch crosses instead of iron ones":“During the attack, we came across a light Russian T-26 tank, we immediately shot it straight from the 37mm. When we began to approach, a Russian leaned out waist-high from the tower hatch and opened fire on us with a pistol. It soon became clear that he had no legs; they were torn off when the tank was hit. And, despite this, he fired at us with a pistol!”

Strength of spirit was manifested not only in battles. During the siege of Leningrad, in severe frosts down to 50 degrees, our heroic compatriots paved the “Road of Life” across Lake Ladoga, which became a salvation for thousands of Leningraders dying of hunger. After visiting the Road of Life museum, a photograph of a man walking knee-deep in water with a bag over his shoulders remained in my memory. This was the first spring of the siege of Leningrad. The ice on Ladoga began to melt, cars stalled, horses refused to go into the icy water. But it was vital to deliver 4.5 tons of onions to the besieged city. What horses could not do, people did. Thirty volunteers carried the precious cargo for 44 km. In total, 65 tons of food were transported on foot across Ladoga.

And this is only a tiny part of the feat of the Russian people, who, not sparing their lives in the name of victory, defended the Motherland from foreign invaders.What is the secret of the unbending will, perseverance and courage of Russians?

The ancestral home of Russia is Hyperborea, a highly spiritual legendary civilization that, according to scientists, existed several tens of thousands of years ago in the Arctic. Artifacts of this ancient country were discovered by archaeologists on the Kola Peninsula. The very name of the Kola Peninsula and the Kola River contains the rootnamed after the ancient Slavic god Kolo-Kolyada. When the Earth's poles changed, fleeing the cold, our ancestors, the Dews or Rus, as they were also called, moved to the territory of today's Russia from ancient Hyperborea. Confirmation can be found in predictionsNostradamus, whocalled the Russians “the Hyperborean people.”Having moved to Russia, the dews were saturated with its codes, and a sprout of the power of the spirit of the Russian land broke through in their souls. Russia is a special country, it is a stronghold of the Light forces, the Spirit of the Earth is concentrated here. According to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the word“Russia” stands for “increasing light.”"Ros" – growth, increase;"siya" - radiance, light. That is, Russia is initially a source of spiritual light, hence the name Holy Rus'. Our earth is luminous in its essence, it carries maternal feminine energies. It is no coincidence that we are the only ones who have the concept of “Motherland”. Therefore, it is a great sin to criticize Russia, no matter what decline the country is in. This is the same as insulting your exhausted, sick mother, who gave all her strength to savechildren. It is difficult for foreigners to understand why Russians are always so desperate to defend their land from invaders. And the answer is simple - they protect the most sacred thing - their mother, and this is inherent in the Russians at the genetic level.

Even in fairy tales, any evil spirits cannot stand the Russian spirit and sense it from a distance. Our land is famous for the military exploits of Russian heroes. Their names and deeds for the glory of the Fatherland were passed down from mouth to mouth of their ancestors, and have survived to this day in epics and legends. You need to study and remember the history of your country. The connection between generations strengthens the roots of the spirit and gives stability and inflexibility in any of the most difficult trials. A person without a clan or tribe is like a “tumbleweed,” pliable even to the slightest pressure of the wind and is an easy prey for any enemy.

Image of Russia - This is the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, a symbol of immortality. From our rich history we know many facts when it seemed to the enemies that Russia was completely destroyed and fell at the feet of the conquerors. Here are just some examples: the surrender of Moscow to Napoleon during the Patriotic War of 1812; siege of Leningrad, battles for Moscow during the Second World War; naxithe flattering imposition of atheism in Soviet times; perestroika of the 90s and orientation towards Western consumer values. But every time, contrary to all analysts’ forecasts, Russiawas reborn from devastation and poverty, like the Phoenix bird, and again gained strength and power, causing bewilderment to observers from the outside. What is happening now. Let us recall the recent events in March, whenRussia's position at the UN meeting on the referendum in Crimea caused an inadequate reaction from US Permanent Representative Samantha Power. She expressed it in a hysterical mannerpermanent representativeRF VitalyChurkinall she thinks about our country: “Russia does not haveright to forget that she is not a winner, butdefeated" All-powerful America cannot believe and accept that Russia is again on the horse.

The Russian soul is deep, and there is a lot of unknown and unpredictable things in it, its patience is great, which misleads many and gives rise to thoughts about impunity for criminals. In fact, they are given a chance to come to their senses and not commit a sin. Russia endures to the limit and waits for repentance, the spring compresses more and more and the moment comes when it shoots out with enormous force. And the enemy will be able to fully experience on his own skin the full power of the Russian spirit. As said“Iron Chancellor” Otto von Bismarck: “I know many ways to drive a Russian bear out of its den, but not one how to drive it back.”The lessons of history are quickly forgotten, Russia's long-suffering is again mistaken for weakness, and again there are self-confident conquerors eager to acquire the riches of the Russian land.

In the EXODUS books it is written that p Russian people don’t even suspect what kind of fortitude lies within them, these roots of strength and spirituality It was originally laid down by the Lord himself. And yet the final decision remains with the people themselves.Finding himself in the face of death, he makes a choice either to preserve his honor and conscience by losing his life or to continue to live without honor and conscience. The Russian land gave birth to a large number of Saints. They raised the spirit of the people in the most difficult times by their example of life and true faith in God. The blessing of the Great Saint Sergius of Radonezh for the Battle of Kulikovo was an unconditional guarantee of victory over Mamai. The feat of selfless service to God of the Saints of the Russian land erected pillars of the spirit that kept and are holding the souls of people from the final fall in the most difficult years of unbelief and atheism.

Throughout the history of mankind, Western consumer civilization has felt the “otherness” of Russia. The sacrifice and breadth of the Russian soul still remains a mystery to her. The spiritual potential of Russia, the desire for unification is not understood and not accepted in Western countries, and the alien and incomprehensible always causes fear and suspicion.German philosopher Walter Schubart tried to find an answer to this question:“Russia does not seek either to conquer the West or to enrich itself at its expense - it wants to save it. The Russian soul feels happiest in a state of dedication and sacrifice. She strives for universal integrity, for the living embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200buniversity. It overflows - to the West. Because she wants integrity. She does not look for an addition to herself in him, but squanders herself; she intends not to take, but to give. She is messianic-minded." . Russia has always been self-sufficient and has not laid claim to other people's territories.Western countries do not believe in this idea of ​​Russia and do not want to believe. But such a critical moment is coming in their destinies that they will be forced to overcome their arrogance. And a turning point will come in “enlightened” minds, when they will see the light and see in Russia a spiritual leader, Mother, the savior and protector of the whole world.

Now, during the Transition of humanity to a new level of consciousness, when the struggle between the forces of Light and darkness has reached its maximum, the Lord is banking on the revival of the Russian spirit. To the above we can add the words of Lord El Morya from book 5.3 of the series EXODUS : “Russian people are amazing in their desire for knowledge, for service, when they want it with all their hearts, with all their soul. Therefore, indeed, Russia will be the first. The Russian spirit is strong. You really can't kill him. But if everyone united, everyone showed spirit, what strength there would be, what a breakthrough, what progress. Then in one fell swoop you could put an end to all the negatives, all the darkness that surrounds you... How long, how painfully the Russians have suffered and are suffering! But why? For the sake of the future, or maybe as payment for the past? No and no again. For the sake of the future they accept torment. For what needs to happen to happen. Then Rus' will rise up and lead behind it other countries and peoples, in whom the spirit is not so strong and patient, in whom there is little holiness, in whom faith in God is not enough.”

Ostrer Elena and Romanova Lyudmila

Love for the Fatherland

My eyes look at people with anger,
On those who sow lies, cynicism, poison and cowardice
Insidious enemies came to Russian land,
To cultivate depravity and indifference in the hearts

They managed to inspire us with vicious words
And they taught not to love their native people,
Having managed to cover and defile with shame
The once sacred word “patriot”

But a Russian cannot help but love
Without beauty and kindness there is emptiness in the heart
Desecrated honor and justice gnaws at the soul
She needs love and purity like air

Love for the native land is sung in Russian songs,
It is in our blood and in our souls and in our hearts
And we have a lot to return in battles,
And make clear what was only in dreams

I believe that that long-awaited hour will come,
When love for the Fatherland awakens again
And the Russian Spirit will fill us with power,
And Mother - Holy Rus' will be reborn forever!

Marat Nasybulin. October, 2014

A word to those who personify our essence - the elite of the Spirit

(These words reveal their true essence, and left a bright mark on the history of mankind)

Prince Alexander Nevskysaid before the battle with the Swedes:“God is not in power, but in righteousness!”

In all centuries, Russians believed in the same thing - above all standstruth, truth, GOD , and only with this yardstick can you measure both your life and the life of your people. For Russians, no material force - be it the force of weapons, money or an unjust law - is higher than the truth: and this is the most important difference between Russian civilization and modern Western civilization. All our troubles occurred due to evasion of truth and justice - and then Russia collapsed from within or lost to an external enemy. But in the Ukrainian crisis, everyone understands that our cause is just - that’s why V. Putin talks about our strength:

“We’re just stronger... Everyone. Because we are right. Power is in the truth. When a Russian person feels right, he is invincible.” .

“The simpler a person is and the closer to the earth, the more responsibility he has for his homeland. I'll even tell you why. He has no other homeland, he won’t get on a plane, a train or a horse and leave, he won’t get away from here. He knows that he will remain to live here, on this earth, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be here. He must take care of them. If he doesn't do it himself, no one will. This is the basis of statehood and patriotism of the ordinary Russian person. And a person of any nationality living here... “There is strength in unification!” this inner patriotism of an ordinary Russian citizen is very strong...”

“Look at our thousand-year history. As soon as we get up, we immediately need to move Russia a little, put it in place, slow it down. The deterrence theory, how many years has it been around? It seems to have originated in Soviet times, although it is hundreds of years old. But we should not force it, dramatize it. You have to understand: this is how the world works.”

http://vz.ru/politics/2014/11/24/716863.html - « Truth and love of Vladimir Putin"

Many Rulers often recite with pathos the great words: “God is with us!”

But people know that the cosmic Themis will judge them not by words, but by deeds.

Has GOD directed the actions of American presidents from Truman to the present day, who have left an obvious bloody planetary trail in history for the GLORY of America (“American interests”) and so-called “American democracy”? Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, carpet bombings of Dresden, Vietnam, the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, the plunge into chaos of the fratricidal war of Afghanistan and Iraq, ... Orange revolutions in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Georgia and Ukraine ... And everywhere - chaos, genocide of civilians, destruction of life support infrastructure and economic potential! And everywhere – the bringing to power of the most fanatical radical forces, including the Nazis. Now, under American control, the Kiev Junta, for the GLORY of Ukraine, is carrying out a punitive operation, genocide against the people of their country, who dared to declare the right to their own point of view on life. But GOD is their judge!

The spiritual leader of Russia V. Putin never utters such lofty words from the rostrum, but the constant presence of God is felt in his soul and heart. Therefore, he speaks very frankly, directly and openly, without lies or falsehood. And one feels his responsibility for every word and decision made.

And the Highest GODS highlighted this most important facet of him, as a servant of Russia, the planet and GOD, giving us the words of a prayer in which all the points are dotted i:

A prayer is heard in the blue sky


She calls upon the stars that have fallen down,

Let the hearts of the presidents tremble with love,

Calling for them to unite around Russia,

Having united in thought with Avatar Thoth,

Who teamed up with Putin

As with your own material body.

The President of Russia will show others the way

Towards Truth and Light.

In its prayer, Heaven praises the earthly son, -

The embodiment of fidelity, love and wisdom.

To unite everyone is his task,

Connecting the links of the entire planet

And become a star of Space and Heaven.

And She turns to him:

“Hallowed be your name, my son.

You are the main warrior bearing the cross

For the entire planet and for all people.

May everything I say come true.


Now every person, in his right mind and judgment, can unambiguously determine who to follow and how, in other words, which God he serves.

This is a positive psto. If there is something unpleasant in it, it is not swearing or Russophobia, but simply a statement with the aim of solving problems.

1. We cannot now boast of total fortitude.

Because the strength of the spirit of the people rests on strong Faith and confidence in the Leader. Be it the Tsar or the General Secretary.

Indeed, representatives of the two highest “varnas”, namely the Priests and Knights, no longer need external Faith or Leadership. And therefore their power of the Spirit is unshakable. However, those who belong to the varnas of “weight” and “smerda” - the most numerous part of our people cannot gain Strength relying only on the inner, Higher Self, and need Temples, Faith and Management.

Our “faith” - “traditional” Orthodoxy, which was practiced for only about 1000 years - has been discredited by the Russian Orthodox Church. I mean, if we consider Christianity, and specifically Orthodoxy, as a Moral and Ethical Law, then how to combine this with morally corrupt and greedy priests?
And if we consider Christianity as a philosophical concept and description of the world in which we live, it does not withstand any criticism and contradicts the laws of nature discovered by science.

You know what our leader is like now. About two heads.

Trust Mendel? Who would leave their child with such a babysitter?

Who would trust Crabe and his buddies with their money?

That is, the best part of our people, unfortunately small in number, retains the Power of the Spirit. But the majority of the people are wandering in the dark and have been tempted.

2. We cannot now boast of skillful, prudent management. We have nothing that we could sell to other nations. And we even give away the natural resources of our land for free. This, of course, is the result of “managing” a country in which there was plenty of everything - technicians, labor, raw materials, land and money. But now we have almost nothing left.

However, since agricultural land cannot be confiscated, or at least it is difficult to do so, in principle we can produce products.

3. Our people are small in number. Given the size of the country and the level of our technological development, it is necessary to double, if not double, the population.

It was in the large number of people that our strength lay.
The wars waged by the Russian Empire, and then by the USSR, were always won at the expense of (including) huge, sorry, human resources. (We are not necessarily talking about throwing corpses at the enemy, but, say, a large people can do much more in terms of accumulating resources for war).

The large number of people is the main factor that ensured our independence.

Therefore, we will have to start with this problem.

Now the main thing is to give birth and raise children, to protect the family, and not to run to “protests” organized by the Fridenzons against the Rosenbergs. Protect under any circumstances and by any means. Anything that interferes with the development of the family, the birth of children and their upbringing is directly in the firebox.

Every family should have a Saiga carbine, a supply of ammunition, a house in the village, a supply of stew, medicine, good books and the Internet. There is no more important task than raising children. Career, place of residence, entertainment, partying - all this is secondary.

And everyone who is involved in taking children away from normal parents or in general spreading rot on a family or children should be included in memorial books along with their deeds, even earlier than the “usurers” and tax collectors.

The time will come, these books will come in handy.


The interview of the writer Andrei Khvalin with Vladyka Veniamin was first published in full in the magazine “Far East” No. 1, 1995. But it has not lost its significance even today. Many pressing issues of that time receive additional coverage in historical retrospect.

- Your Eminence, despite the fact that over the past few years the Russian Orthodox Church has widely opened the gates of temples and churches to the people, has accepted into its fold hundreds and hundreds of thousands of converts who have believed in the Lord, and we are talking about the beginning of a new revival of Russia, for the mass public consciousness and even for baptized, but not church people, it remains a kind of mystery, causing perplexed curiosity, HOW and WHY a person takes upon himself the priesthood and decides to devote himself entirely to serving God. Vladyka, your “road to the Temple” was paved long before the current external relaxations, during the times of open state suppression of the Orthodox faith. How did your path to God begin? And how, in the end, did you end up here, on the edge of the Russian land?

I myself am from this edge of the Russian land. Born in the Khorolsky district of Primorye, he lived there until he was five years old, and then the family moved to Vladivostok. My grandmother and mother were strict believers, but my father rarely went to church. I was baptized already at a “conscious” age - at seven years old. When my mother told me about Christ, the child’s heart was filled with love for Him and felt sorry for the Crucified One who suffered from human malice. Thus, from childhood, the fear of God and reverence for Christ arose in my heart.

Outwardly, I lived, like everyone else, in an atheistic sauce: atheism at school, on the streets, on radio and television. Atheism poured into the hearts of people in a wide stream. I often heard ungodly statements on the radio and at school.

I remember in the second grade, during an arithmetic lesson, one girl said to the teacher: “Konstantin Fedorovich, but Lena’s grandmother is a believer and says that there is a God.” The stunned teacher ran to the table, took the piece of paper and turned to us: “Children, here I am throwing the piece of paper down,” indeed, the piece of paper was falling down.

How can God sit up there? - asked the poor teacher and made a thoughtful conclusion: “If a piece of paper falls down, then God cannot sit up there, and he simply does not exist, so do not believe any grandmothers.”

Then, rejecting the true God, he told us: “Children, Stalin is our wise father. Here we are sitting here, and he is there day and night thinking about us. Therefore, when you go to bed, read the anthem of the Soviet Union.” Soon our teacher was given the Order of Lenin. Standing on the school line, we congratulated him, he cried.

Of course, carrying Christ in our hearts, we understood what was happening in Russia. In our family there was no particular hostility either towards people like that teacher or towards the state. Mom just tried to make us closer to God, who is Love.

Our distant relative, my father’s godmother, told me about bishops and priests. About how the Council of Bishops opened during the war and the Orthodox Church, having blessed the people for the sacred battle, received some official recognition and relief. But 1943 was declared the end of the “godless” five-year plan, when not a single Orthodox priest should have remained in Russia. She also told me about the theological seminary and academy. My heart burned to go there.

After graduating from school, the question arose about future life. I was not accepted into the army due to illness. We must decide: to go right or left. There was an Orthodox church on Pervaya Rechka, where I went to services on Sundays. Having come to the priest, he outlined his desire to follow the spiritual path. He gave his blessing, and I began to serve at the altar, become a sexton, and prepare to enter the seminary.

Since I sent the documents by mail, they found out about it. Party and Komsomol people came to “work on me.” However, they did not have time to “work” with all their might - the ticket had already been purchased, and I went to the seminary. I safely reached the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, with God's help, passed the exams and began to study. The year was 1959 - the time of the so-called Khrushchev “thaw”, which turned into a new severe persecution of the faith of Christ and the Russian Orthodox Church.

At the seminary we lived in an atmosphere of a terrible attack of atheism on religion. Since 1961, many, under pressure, began to refuse and leave the seminary, and “refusal” articles appeared in newspapers. Even Osipov, a professor at the Leningrad Theological Academy, refused. Not only prohibitions and persecution were used, but slander and lies were used. One of our seminarians went into the army, and then in the newspaper we read a “refusal” article signed by him. Later during the course we receive a letter from him: “Don’t believe this article, I didn’t write it, but for me...”

The attack on the faith of Christ was on a broad front. Seminaries were closed in Kyiv, Stavropol, Saratov, Zhitomir... We lived under constant fear that our seminary would be closed. One of the teachers, apparently one of the supporters of the dispersal, said directly: “What, brothers, are you not happy with cabbage? Look, tomorrow we’ll put a lock on the seminary and you’ll go to all four directions.” There were all kinds of people.

The years of studying at the seminary flew by quickly. I really loved the department of basic theology, i.e. apologetics. Having heard attacks on religion since childhood, I could not then find arguments to refute the claims of the atheists. Now such an opportunity presented itself, and the heartfelt feeling for God was reinforced by logical arguments and historical facts.

The fundamental question of all religion, all philosophy, all sciences: was Christ resurrected? For only the God-man could be resurrected. Therefore, the question of the Resurrection is the question of whether there is a God? Atheists, distorting the truth and falsifying facts, answer it negatively. What is the truth?

Our atheist-materialists should be reminded that none other than one of their idols, Friedrich Engels, after the most important discoveries, towards the end of his life, recognized the fact of the Resurrection of Christ. It is in the article about Strauss for the republication of his works that he writes: “The newest Cappodacian discoveries oblige us to change our view on some few, but the most important (issues) of world history. And what previously seemed worthy of the attention of only mythologists should now attract the attention of historians. New documents, conquering skeptics with their persuasiveness, speak in favor of the greatest of the miracles of history - the return to life of the One who was deprived of it on Golgotha.

“These lines by Engels,” writes academician A.I. Beletsky, “remained unknown to us because they were never translated into Russian in the publications of Marx and Engels.”

One of the greatest experts on antiquity, Academician V.P. Buzeskul said: “The resurrection of Christ is confirmed by historical documents and archaeological finds with the same certainty as the existence of Ivan the Terrible or Peter the Great.”

We find evidence of the Resurrection of Christ in Jewish writers of that time, although it is quite clear that Jews who did not join Christianity would rather hush up the fact of the Resurrection than write about it. Meanwhile, among the major writers of that time who directly spoke about the Resurrection, we find such Jewish authors as Urista the Galilean, Hanno of Mesopotamia, Shabrum the Father, Fernando of Sarentha, Navin, Antioch, Maferkant.

According to the calculations of the greatest expert on Roman literature, Academician Netushid, the number of completely reliable evidence of the Resurrection exceeds two hundred and ten. Academician Beletsky brings them to 230, adding newly discovered historical monuments to the first list.

The trouble is that the research not of these great scientists has been available to the people in Russia for the last seventy years, but the false “works” of our notorious atheists: Gubelman under the pseudonym of Yaroslavsky, Schneider under the pseudonym of Rumyantsev, Friedman under the pseudonym of Kandidov, Edelshtein under the pseudonym of Zakharov, Rakovich, Shakhovich, Skvortsov-Stepanov... - their names are legion.

Now, thank God, truthful Orthodox literature is published, although not in such volumes as we would like, but still a heart thirsting for truth can satisfy its spiritual hunger. The trouble is that the tares sown in the souls of people by atheistic propaganda have sprouted their poisonous shoots and are preventing many good, secularly educated intellectuals from abandoning false dogmas and falling to the source of Eternal Life.

So, having successfully completed the seminary, I continued my studies at the Theological Academy, comprehending the subjects in more depth. The result of my academic studies was work in my favorite department of basic theology on the topic “Proofs of the existence of God and the immortality of the soul in the philosophical system of Emmanuel Kant and their analysis on the basis of the Christian worldview.”

The Lord blessed me, and I was left at the academy, first as a fellow, and then, from 1968, as a teacher. I taught a course in biblical history, basic theology with a philosophical bent, and formal (Aristotelian) logic. Most of my time was spent studying with seminarians and self-education, creating slide films on the holy places of Palestine and on gospel themes.

I was not particularly involved in the administration. The assistant inspector was not promoted again. At that time, you had to be different from what I was. They didn’t send people abroad, but then certain people traveled all the time. But I was not particularly worried, considering that our land, Rus', is not inferior to other countries. In 1976, I was awarded the title of associate professor in the department of logic. And I was already thinking about remaining an academic teacher until the end of my days. But the Lord judged differently.

Saint John Chrysostom in his “Sermon on the Priesthood” speaks of the height and purity necessary for the priesthood in order to stand before the Throne of God. If you approach us sinners with such strict standards, then we are all unworthy of such great service. Considering himself unworthy in the first place, he kept putting off taking ordination. But the fathers who were more spiritually experienced in Orthodox work encouraged those who doubted, like me, to accept the priesthood, saying that it is impossible to achieve perfection right away - one must accept the burden of priestly service and at the same time grow in spirit.

By the providence of God, in 1988, when external easing began, I saw the Holy Land for the first time - Palestine, which I talked about for many years in my slide films. Then I was taken not so much for a pilgrimage, but to prepare an anniversary exhibition for the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus'.

This trip became fateful: while praying on the ground on which Christ walked, I felt in my heart that He was blessing me for priestly service. Returning home, he filed a petition. A few months later, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, I was ordained a deacon, and a little more than a week later, on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, I was ordained a priest. Others were surprised: after all, I was ordained at the age of forty-nine. But this is the will of God.

My teaching work continued. I took the topic of my master's thesis - “Evgeniy Nikolaevich Trubetskoy and his religious and philosophical views”, wrote several chapters. Another four years passed in the usual work and worries. There was no sign of change. That year I was planning to go with my brother, who had arrived from Primorye, on a pilgrimage to the monasteries and holy places of Rus'.

Suddenly, like thunder from a clear sky, a seminarian boy comes to me and brings the news: they are summoning him to His Holiness the Patriarch - my heart aches...

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' said that the Holy Synod intends to send me to further service in the east of the country - either to the Kuril Islands, or to Magadan, or to Vladivostok - it has not yet been decided. I had to convince His Holiness that I had no intention of leaving the academy, I had no pastoral practice, so I asked to stay at the Lavra. The issue was to be resolved at a meeting of the Synod.

The meeting took place on August 12-13, 1992, on the eve of the celebration of the memory of the Holy Martyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, who was shot in 1922 by atheists. I also asked the synodals to leave me in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, but I did not express disobedience. The Synod had a judgment on occupying the episcopal see in Vladivostok and decided to send me there. As soon as the decision was made, the pain in my heart disappeared and the despondency receded. I understood that this was God’s will.

I was tonsured a monk and, apparently, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, I was given the name Veniamin. And on September 20, in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral, the naming of

Bishop of Vladivostok and Primorsky. A day later, on September 21, on the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God and the next anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo, I was consecrated (ordained) to the rank of bishop.

His Holiness the Patriarch asked me to stay. Then the 600th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh, abbot of the Russian Land, was celebrated. We served our first services in the Kremlin. For the first time I had a chance to see the Royal Chambers, now occupied by others. I saw Yeltsin in them...

Two seminarian students agreed to go with me - Sergius and Nikolai. Taking up all the free space in the compartment with books, we set off from Moscow to Vladivostok across all of Mother Russia. Seven days later, Cossacks, among others, met us at the railway station. And my life as a bishop began, which was not at all sweet, if you really get down to it.

- Vladyka, in the life of the Vladivostok-Primorsky diocese, like a drop of water, the general alarming situation of the Russian Orthodox Church is reflected: the offensive of schismatics and heretics, representatives of other faiths, “Christianizing” the Holy thousand-year-old Rus', and outright servants of evil. At the same time, the power of God, manifested in human weakness, tramples the devil’s machinations: old parishes are revived and new ones are opened, new priests are ordained instead of monks and apostates, churches and monasteries are built and repaired. Is it possible to talk about the strengthening of Orthodoxy in the region over the few years that you have been here?

I don’t see any merit of my own - God arranges everything. You just have to work, work and work, tirelessly. As soon as you begin to rely only on weak human strength, wanting to do everything at once, nothing happens, only all sorts of worries and heartbreak. When you place yourself completely at the will of God, you see that everything is being built little by little.

There had never really been a bishop in Primorye before me. Vladyka Gabriel, while in Khabarovsk, paid more attention to that region. The first Primorsky bishop proper, Vladyka Nikolai, did not stay here long and, having fallen ill, left for the west. Therefore, there is no need to compare with anyone.

I would like to direct my gaze forward: let new Orthodox churches be built. But the main thing is for people’s hearts to turn to God. If Christ dwells in the human soul, then stones will be collected and the walls of temples will be erected. Just like in Rus' in its early years, when Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir affirmed Christianity. Rus' fell in love with Christ, reached out to Him - and churches were built very quickly. They were cut down everywhere - in small towns, in graveyards, and on trade routes (especially from the Varangians to the Greeks). At the core is the Holy Spirit. This is what the coastal land needs for people to live religiously. And this is oh so difficult. For seventy years, people's hearts were poisoned by godlessness and lies.

Today, our earthly life can settle and flourish only when we ourselves live according to God, fulfilling His commandments. After the next invasion or captivity of non-believers, Rus' always began to come to life, rebuilding itself with a temple, with a monastery. Then, next to them, the worldly people quickly improved their lives. This is the strength and “secret” of Holy Rus' and the immortality of the Russian people. He who trusts in God will not be put to shame. One who puts only the “belly” at the forefront, material wealth, is like a watered (decorated) coffin, doomed to death, for even what he has will be taken away from him.

The state, which has been destroying churches for decades, must take upon itself their restoration. But, alas, they destroyed, but they were in no hurry to repay the debts. Churches are handed over to believers in such a condition that God forbid. What a beautiful Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God was on Uglovaya, near Artyom. Now we are trying to repair it. But what can one priest do? He is there, poor thing, struggling and struggling... But I believe: with God’s help everything will be restored, as long as the fire burns in a person’s soul, the fire of faith and love for the Lord.

We are reviving a convent near Ussuriysk. God grant that the Shmakovsky monastery develops. Although the military that occupied it does not even give us the temple buildings, they organize dances and movies there. Continuing such blasphemy, they refer to the fact that, they say, there is nowhere for poor officers to maintain their combat effectiveness. Now, if the temples are given away, their combat effectiveness will supposedly decrease. It is still difficult for the hearts of many to change for the better.

However, there are also well-wishers who help the Church. I wish there were more of them. Today, when it is difficult for everyone, the Orthodox Church, together with all the people, is especially experiencing these difficulties. So they decided to build a cathedral in the center of Vladivostok in Pokrovsky Park on the site of the previous one that was destroyed. How much effort you need to put in! Things are moving, albeit slowly. The reason is still the same: the level of spirituality remains low. The main temple is an indicator of the spiritual life of the city. Just as a body without a soul is a corpse, so a city without a church dies.

Thank God, they returned the consistory building to us. Its repair and maintenance requires significant finances, and the diocese does not have enough of them. It must be said that the administration is meeting us halfway. Sometimes he helps with words, consolation, sometimes with little money.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, people are drawn to God. Temples are opened, new communities are created. When the diocese was formed, there were five or six of them. Now there are about forty. But not everyone even has houses of worship. Before the revolution, there were over 140 temples and churches throughout Primorye. Orthodoxy began to take hold here in the 19th century and did not have time to take deep roots. During Soviet times, literally all one hundred and forty churches were destroyed or rebuilt. Disastrous picture!

From time immemorial, the Russian Orthodox Church created the great Russian State. She was the soul of Russia, its guardian angel. Faith inspired the Russian people to exploits and victories. In critical times, the Church called on the people to defend the Orthodox Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. IN ORTHODOXY THE STRENGTH OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. The enemies of Russia and our state knew about this. Therefore, they tried to destroy him at all costs. When the revolution took place and the Tsar, the Anointed of God, the external bishop and defender of the Church, was killed, its destruction began, the murder of the Russian soul. For more than seven decades of Soviet power, state atheism systematically destroyed the Orthodox soul of the Russian people.

Now state atheism has faded into the background. People's first priority is money. It would seem that we need to help Russia, repent and return to the Russian Orthodox Church what was taken from it. No. The democratic constitution equates the Orthodox Church with Baptists, Subbotniks, Jehovah's Witnesses and others like them - their name is legion! They forget that the Orthodox Church created a powerful, united and indivisible Russia. The forces of evil certainly control the life of the Russian Orthodox Church. But now other methods and methods are used.

Foreign missionaries with big money come to Orthodox Rus', as if we did not have a 1000-year history of Christianity, and speak with “angelic” voices. And many are meeting them halfway. Especially administrators in the cultural sector. By providing them with theaters, pop-up venues, and stadiums, they don’t think about the fact that these people have come to disfigure our people. After all, we have already been divided along artificial borders into sovereign states. They cut me alive, everything is bleeding.

Now they are trying to divide us into many parties along political lines, and, worst of all, according to religious denominations, so that in every Russian city, say, for one hundred thousand Orthodox Christians there must be one hundred thousand Baptists, one hundred thousand Adventists, one hundred thousand Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.

I once read that a theological seminary was opened in Khabarovsk. I became interested: I thought that Vladyka Innokenty had opened it. It turned out that this was a Protestant, Baptist seminary. Who preaches in it? People from America, Australia... Where do they get money? There - abroad. In a word, real spiritual aggression is coming to Rus'.

This is being done deliberately for the final murder of the Russian Orthodox soul. So that we, a single people, do not find a common language, so that in Russia - the House of the Most Holy Theotokos - we create a kind of Babylon, pandemonium. And if the satanic forces achieve their goal - they destroy Orthodoxy in Holy Rus', then Russia will perish along with it. And if Rus' perishes, then the world cannot resist, which means the end is near.

Let us ask ourselves the question: why do the forces of evil succeed in our society? Why do we retreat before him? Because people are losing the Spirit of Christ, they are losing the Spirit of Truth. We believe lies more, we love all kinds of dirt and debauchery more, we sink spiritually and morally. And the forces of evil succeed. If we want the victory of spiritual forces, the victory of Christ, we must live according to the requirements of this Truth. The power of Truth is in the purity of soul and body, in the purity of Orthodoxy.

Let us remember that if we do not revive spirituality, if each of us does not begin to correct our own hearts, then we will not be able to do anything for personal salvation, for the salvation of Orthodox Rus' - the forces of evil are coming against us.

- Your Eminence, at the height of the October Moscow Troubles of 1993, the Russian Orthodox Church took a clear peacekeeping position. Was the echo of the capital’s events felt in Primorye and did you feel it yourself as the head of one of the large Far Eastern dioceses?

Needless to say: the event is sad. I felt in my heart that shooting at the White House was shooting at Rus', at the Russian soul. That was my perception. The official information was one-sided, and it was difficult to judge objectively what was happening there. Then we were happy to learn that His Holiness the Patriarch took a peacemaking position and wanted to reconcile the two warring parties. Unfortunately, there was no reconciliation.

After October 1993, the “democrats” immediately became quiet. After all, it turned out that in order to resolve disputes, they fired from tanks at the so-called “Partocrats”. A terrible bitterness occurred in the souls of people. And then everyone fell silent, as if nothing had happened. This sad event had to be thoroughly discussed and repented. Here I am not justifying either side, I am not making an assessment. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg. One thing is clear: it is necessary to find a common language, to consult more, and not to shoot.

- Your Eminence, as you know, Vladivostok was the last stronghold of Russian life on Russian soil and the first city where the remembrance of the people took place. Here, for the first time, a repentant step was taken: the murder of the entire Royal Family was officially announced. This was done by the head of the investigative commission, Lieutenant General M.K. Diterichs at the Amur Zemsky Council in 1922 in Vladivostok. The Council, held under the honorary chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow and All Rus', restored the Romanov Dynasty to the Russian Throne. Many consider this the first step towards the repentance of the Russian people for the sin of murdering the Anointed One of God and the return of the Fatherland to the historical path of Christ.

In the summer of 1993, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church brought repentance for this terrible sin. Tsar-Martyr Nicholas is revered as a locally revered saint in the Ekaterinburg diocese - the place where he and his August Family suffered a martyr's death. In many corners of Russia, including Vladivostok, Orthodox brotherhoods, foundations, and associations have now arisen professing the New Martyrs of Russia, led by the Royal Family.

Vladyka, you - an archpastor and a Russian person - how do you feel about the upcoming canonization by the entire Church of the Passion-Bearer Tsar Nicholas, His August Family with Their servants faithful to death?

I am familiar with this message of repentance, signed by members of the Synod headed by His Holiness the Patriarch. In my opinion, it was necessary to arrange the act of repentance in an appropriate way: to prepare the appropriate order of worship, to bring repentance publicly, throughout the church.

As for the canonization of the Royal Family, then, of course, they are martyrs for Christ, for Holy Rus', worthy of glorification. The point is not how the Tsar personally lived. He laid down his soul for Russia, for Orthodoxy, for the people. During his lifetime and after the villainous murder of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich and His August Family, our enemies tried in every possible way to slander and denigrate. This is the essence of any revolutions: both past and “continuing”. Without such satanic lies against the Royal Family, the February revolt would not have been possible. I think that if the last Tsar had personal sins (and there are spots on the sun), then his martyrdom speaks for itself. Therefore, I am for the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II and His entire August Family to be canonized (glorified) as martyrs, as passion-bearers. This is my point of view.

- Vladyka, with a group of Primorye pilgrims you once again visited Palestine. Before the current “Babylonian” captivity, a deep river of Russian pilgrims flowed there. Spiritually feeling themselves to be the heirs of the old Jerusalem (the New Jerusalem - an exact copy of those places - was created near Moscow by Patriarch Nikon), Orthodox Rus', in contact with the earth where Christ set foot, turned its gaze to the future heavenly Jerusalem. Has this connection been interrupted today? What is it for today's Russia, gripped by yet another rampage of unrest, to touch the Holy Land?

The Holy Land is a topic of themes. There is a lot to be said about her. Happy is the person who visits the Holy Land. On the land where the patriarchs lived - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, where the Jewish people were born, who were supposed to prepare the coming of Christ the Savior into the world. However, the Jewish people, who had been waiting for Christ for so many centuries, did not recognize Him when He came into the world. This people had long fallen in love with another Christ and were waiting for a militant earthly king, so that, following him, they would conquer other peoples and countries with fire and sword. Therefore, the hard-hearted Jews crucified the Savior who interfered with them, turning from God's chosen people into a damned people. Through the voluntary death and resurrection of Christ, victory over the forces of evil and the salvation of mankind came to the world. This is how Christianity arose.

Palestine is a land of three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism. It is dear to us Orthodox because Christ walked along it, His miracles were performed here, and from here His divine teaching - the Gospel - was preached.

Nowadays it is difficult to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Civilization has embraced the State of Israel. We must detach ourselves from the modern situation and plunge our hearts into Gospel times. This is the difficulty for many pilgrims. Let’s say you are walking along the “via dolarosa” - the road of Christ’s suffering - and you need to feel in your heart: here he fell, here the Mother of God met Him, and there - Veronica... Everywhere along these narrow streets there is a bustling market: Arabs are briskly selling meat, nuts, all sorts of sweets, clothes.

However, there are also such blessed places where you can contemplate and touch with your soul the events of the Gospel - the Mount of Olives, the Kidron Stream, the Garden of Gethsemane. The ancient city itself is surrounded by walls, restored in the 15th century using the old foundations of the walls from the time of the Maccabees. On the site of the Temple of Solomon (the amazing words of Christ about its destruction for the wickedness of the people were fulfilled) now there are two mosques - Omar and El Aksa. Only a small part of the western wall made of huge blocks has survived from the temple. The tenth Roman legion of Titus left them as a warning to the whole world, so that no one would dare to resist Great Rome. Now this wall is called the “Wailing Wall,” and Jews come to it to pray and cry, remembering the destruction of Jerusalem.

The city lies in front of you: the Arab sector, the Jewish sector, in the distance you can see the Church of Christ the Savior - the Resurrection, there is Golgotha, there is the stone of anointing, there is the tomb of Christ, about which it is said (the only one in the world): “He is not here. He has risen..." All this can only be perceived by a believing heart. Otherwise, you will remain just a tourist: you look, you spend money, and that’s it.

Russian people have long loved to make pilgrimages to the Holy Land. With great labors and hardships they achieved their goal. Returning to their native places, they were welcome guests of every Orthodox family. Rus' loved the Holy Land. But let those who have not visited the Holy Land not be sad. After all, it is called Holy because the Lord Himself sanctified it with His presence. But the risen and ascended Christ is now glorified everywhere - both in Rus' and in our hearts. Where the Lord is, there is the Holy Land. Therefore, first of all, let us turn our heart into the Holy Land - that will be our greatest joy.

For several decades, Alexey Andreev studied with old Mazyks from the Ivanovo region, who managed to preserve the ancient knowledge of Russian priest-peddlers - ofeni. The author presented his experience and knowledge gained during training in several books. One of them, dedicated to the traditions of doing “business” in Rus', is brought to your attention.
In this book, Alexey Andreev tells us what is the strength of the Russian person, his national character - what are the features of Russian folk psychology and how this can be applied to successful business, effective work in an enterprise. The author says that proper business management is impossible without self-knowledge and deep internal changes, because the success of a started business is a reflection of peace, order and harmony within the Master, the owner of the enterprise. If the Owner does not have agreement in his soul, then his enterprise will not “survive” in the cruel world of business.
If we return to our roots and understand how the laws of business management were built in Rus', we will be able to create an effective enterprise and acquire the necessary qualities in order to be a successful businessman and at the same time a harmonious and holistic person.

What is this book about
In this book, Alexey Andreev writes about the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people, paying great attention to how Russian people conducted “business”, managed the enterprise and controlled the conduct of affairs in the family.
The author is sure that in Rus' they knew a lot about successful entrepreneurship and running a “business” - this knowledge was initially inherent in every Russian person, it’s just that over time we lost it, focusing on European models. The author explains what is important to remember when starting a business, how a successful entrepreneur should think, and how to properly organize production so that it generates income.
We warn you that on the pages of this book you will not find instructions for attracting wealth, special conspiracies that guarantee victory over competitors, signs and symbols that attract good luck in business. Instead, the author invites each of us to look at ourselves from the point of view of self-knowledge, the ability to get along with ourselves and others, to be the Master of our own life, and, therefore, of our business. After all, order and harmony in the Master’s consciousness are the key to his prosperity in this world.

Why the book is worth reading
Thanks to this book:
? you will learn interesting facts about life, worldview and lifestyle in Rus';
? you will understand what is the secret of successfully running a “business” in Rus' and why this knowledge remains relevant today;
? you will learn how Russian people successfully combined generosity, hospitality, generosity of nature and a strict, demanding, sometimes cruel attitude towards subordinates and doing business;
? you will be able to change your ideas about effective business management and enterprise management, imposed by modern society;
? you will learn to think the way “businessmen” did in Rus', and apply the secrets that Russian people have long used in the modern world.

Who is this book for?
The book is intended for everyone who is interested in Russian traditions, including in the field of running their own business, and is looking for practical and wise advice in solving problems that arise in the process of production management.

Why did you decide to publish
We are sure that any Russian person will be interested in reading about the peculiarities of the psychology of their people, and therefore get to know themselves better.

Author information
A. Andreev is an ethnographer and psychologist, author of a series of books about Russian psychology. He is one of the founders of the Educational Center for Traditional Russian Culture.
A. Andreev began his own commercial activity under Soviet rule. He was the creator of the first cooperative in his area, when the law on cooperation was passed, he worked as a master specialist, chief accountant, and manager. A few years later, he left management positions to study national culture. He went into the forest to learn to survive the way the Russian people knew how.
Now he is the author of several books about Russian culture and folk traditions.

Key Concepts
Rus', people, Master, management, structure, psychotechnics, leader, accounting, way of life, management, enterprise, mazen, Russian spirit

George Friedman found out what the strength of the Russians is

“The strength of the Russians is that they can withstand what would break other nations,” wrote George Friedman, a renowned analyst and head of the private intelligence center Stratfor, upon returning from Moscow. The author’s conclusions are devoid of the anti-Russian propaganda heard in Moscow, because in his homeland he had to support the brand of the “shadow CIA.”
All intelligence activity is based on forecasting, whether you need data to find out what the US President will say next week or to know the future of your country. The essence of intelligence is obtaining knowledge about what will happen in the future, Friedman said at a lecture at MGIMO on December 9. So what is Friedman's prediction for the future of Russia?
George Friedman writes about this in an article entitled “A Look at Russia from the Inside.” Noticing Moscow’s “endless renewal” on the way from Domodedovo airport, Friedman is amazed: where are the actions of Western sanctions? Friedman notes that the owner of the apartment where he is staying is “much more familiar with the nuances of American life than I am with the Russians.”
In Moscow, George Friedman spoke with MGIMO students—“experts on most regions of the world,” as well as with those whom “I took to be ordinary citizens.” Let us emphasize that the audience of the communication is Russian youth, who, it would seem, should be imbued with sympathy for “Western values.”

Friedman writes after the introduction that, contrary to his expectations, economic problems did not bother the interlocutors much. “The fall of the ruble, oil prices, the general decline in economic growth, as well as the effect of Western sanctions - all this, as it seems to the West, is destroying the Russian economy. However, this is not what we were talking about,” Friedman is surprised.
Friedman explains to the Americans that this is because for Russia “economic ruin” is a normal periodic phenomenon, and “prosperity” is exceptional. Russians always consider the option of "returning to poverty," and today the Russian government warns of difficulties ahead. He says that 10 years of prosperity are over. And the expert notes that “this is not a bluff.”
But no matter who Friedman spoke to, when it came to sanctions, the main message was always that the West would not be able to force Russia to change its policy towards Ukraine through sanctions. “The strength of the Russians is that they can withstand what would break other nations,” the expert notes.
When the external threat is real, Russians will support any government “regardless of its competence.” The Russians are determined and with a decisive response, which, “I assume, will mean a seizure of the assets of Western companies in Russia and a reduction in agricultural imports from Europe. But no one talked about stopping gas supplies to Europe,” Friedman is surprised for the third time. Note that the gas baton is one of the main Russian horror stories in the West.

One of the most important lessons for the author is that Russians have a much higher pain threshold for economic pressure than any country in the West, or even none at all. If this is so, then the US and EU are mistaken about the effects of sanctions, the expert concludes.
The second conclusion is that the feeling of patriotism is very strong in Russia. For the Russians, the events in Ukraine were a historical turning point. There is also “resentment” towards the Obama administration, which, according to the prevailing opinion in Russia, is waging a propaganda campaign trying to portray Russia as an aggressor.

Friedman explains to Western readers the Russian arguments for action in Crimea and Ukraine. For Russians, Crimea is a historical part of Russia, and the army was stationed there under a corresponding agreement. Therefore, there was no invasion, but only a statement of the real state of affairs. As for the east of Ukraine, it is populated by ethnic Russians, and they should be given autonomy in a Ukrainian-speaking state.
“One scholar pointed me to the Canadian model and Quebec to show that the West usually has no problem with ethnic regional autonomy but is somehow shocked when the Russians want it,” Friedman writes. He recognizes the persuasiveness of the argument for Russian autonomy in Ukraine.

George Friedman further argues that the Kosovo precedent is extremely important for the Russians. “The Russians claim that the borders there were redrawn, although there was no danger to Kosovo. Russia did not want this to happen, but the West did it by force. According to Russia, having redrawn the map of Serbia, the West has no right to object to the redrawing of the map of Ukraine.” .
Friedman admits that he expressed to audiences and in private conversations the American point of view on events in Ukraine. It is expressed in the fact that the United States must prevent the rise of any hegemon in the world. There is fear of a resurgent Russia and memories of the Cold War with the USSR are alive.
If Russia succeeds in restoring its power in Ukraine, what will happen next? However, this argument seemed far-fetched to “a high-ranking official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.” "He told me he had no idea what I was talking about. For the Russians, their actions in Ukraine were defensive, not offensive," Friedman writes.
What will happen next, the expert asks? Will the Ukrainian crisis spread to the Baltic countries, Moldova or the Caucasus? An official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that it will not. “I think he was sincere. The Russians cannot act broadly. They must cope with existing sanctions and economic problems. The West has the resources to cope with several crises. Russia only with the crisis in Ukraine,” the expert concludes.

For Friedman, it is obvious that “there is nothing more dangerous than injuring a bear.” "It's better to kill him, but killing Russia has never been easy." Friedman is convinced that Russia is not planning aggression, but he is concerned that the West is not sure of this.
This situation can lead to unpredictable actions fraught with the most dire consequences. The West needs to understand Russia's concerns. The history of Russia is the history of wars that Russia won thanks to buffer states. It is very important for Russia to have Ukraine as a strategic buffer against possible invasions, such as those of Napoleon and Hitler, and Russia wants to have guarantees that leave Ukraine at least a neutral state. Russians, in turn, need to understand that in the United States, their “rising country” causes fear of repeating the century and a half history of the Cold War, fraught with the conquest of Europe.
"The US and Europe have problems understanding Russia's concerns. Russia also has problems understanding, especially American fears. The concerns are real and legitimate. This is not a matter of misunderstanding between countries, but of incompatible imperatives." And yet we must mutually try to understand them if it is impossible to calm them down, concludes George Friedman.

Information: George Friedman was born in 1949 in Budapest into a Jewish family that survived the Holocaust. In 1949, the Friedman family moved to Austria, and a few years later to the USA. There, Friedman earned degrees in political science from the City College of New York and in government from Cornell University. Since 1974, for 20 years, he taught political science at a private college in Pennsylvania. During this time, he regularly advised senior U.S. Army commanders at the NATO Headquarters Technical Center, the U.S. Army War College, the National Defense University, and the RAND Corporation on security and national defense issues.
He studied the theory of Marxism, international conflictology, focusing on the military aspects of relations between the USSR and the USA, the USA and Japan. Author or co-author of popular books: The Coming War with Japan, Future Wars, The Next 100 Years, Frontline Intelligence, and America's Secret War.
In 1996, George Friedman founded STRATFOR, a private intelligence and analysis company based in Austin, Texas. The company is recruited by the CIA to develop plans for “color revolutions” and political forecasting.