Asian traditions. Countries of Southeast Asia - traditions, customs and mores

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of area and population. More than 4 billion people live on its territory, this amount is about 60% of the total population of our planet. The borders of Asia accommodate many states, so the population here is the most diverse. Each nation has its own history and cultural heritage, which, together with others, creates a rich flavor for this part of the world.

In order to better study Asia and learn the traditions and customs of other peoples, we will analyze the population step by step, dividing it into five geographical areas.

Peoples of Central Asia

(Peoples of the Far East in national costumes)

Territory Central Asia(or Central Asia) was not conducive to favorable farming, so the steppe nomads became the predominant representative of the ethnic group here.

The first to think about creating a nomadic state were the Scythians. The Scythians were an ancient Iranian-speaking people who did not have a written language and had an unknown language (it is assumed that their language was transformed into modern Ossetian). However, due to fragmentation, the Scythians failed to create a powerful unified empire, so the Huns organized the first state for nomadic peoples ( ancient people, living in China).

Along with them, other peoples settled on the territory of Central Asia - the Mongols, Uighurs, Basmals and Ongunts, the peoples of the Turkic language group, Karluks. A notable feature for the peoples of Central Asia was the rejection of Chinese values, most of them had their own ideological system or aligned themselves with others, and Chinese ideology was never able to move beyond the borders of the Great Wall of China.

Already during its existence Soviet Union deportations to Central Asia took place. Most of those deported are Chechens, Ingush, Tatars, Karachais, Kalmyks. During the war, Germans and Finns were sent to Asia.

If we talk about cultural heritage, then in the Middle Ages the peoples of Central Asia created a hotbed of Enlightenment. Here the scientific research area developed, medicine was studied, astrology was comprehended, and a large number of sculptors, artists and architects.

IN early periods peoples leaned towards paganism - they made sacrifices, prayed for protection, asked for a good harvest and fertile soil. A little later, the population adopted other religions, for example, the Karluks began to profess Islam, and the Tibetans converted to Buddhism.

Peoples of Western Asia

(Nowruz holiday among Iraqi Kurds)

The first in Western Asia (or Western Asia) to create a state were the Sumerians - the ancient population of Southern Mesopotamia, who had own language and stood at the origins of the civilization of the Tigris and Euphrates. Together with him, Semitic peoples, who were the ancestors of the Arabs, Maltese and Jews, lived on the territory of Western Asia. Big influence for the formation modern peoples resettlement had a positive impact Turkic peoples from Central Asia, thanks to them the Turks and Azerbaijanis appeared. Nomadic peoples were also present, for example, the Amorites, who are descendants of the forefather Seth.

Predominant in Western Asia Agriculture, and the industrial component began to develop only during the existence of the USSR. In Asian countries I cultivate various agricultural crops - they plant wheat, grow apples and grapes, grow citrus fruits and dates, plant tobacco and poppy plantations. Cattle breeding is also present - domestic animals are bred to produce milk. Wool and meat, mainly goats, cows, sheep, birds. Due to religious reasons, pigs are practically not bred in Western Asia.

If speak about cultural values within family relationships, then most of peoples adheres to religious norms. Business as usual is polygamy, but in practice in modern world it is present only among the Old Believers. The tradition of marriage with the payment of dowry is widespread; among nomads there is a ban on marriage outside the tribe.

U nomadic peoples developed oral creativity, including a large number of folklore trends (fairy tales, epics, tales, stories about the creation of tribes). ethnoscience represented by a complex of many years of healing and use natural resources, a small part of peoples bring into medicine and magical beliefs with established superstitions.

Peoples of South Asia

(Sinhala dance, Sri Lanka)

TO ancient population South Asia includes the Veddas ( indigenous people islands of Sri Lanka) and the Andamanese (indigenous inhabitants of the islands of the same name). The first civilization was created by the Dravidians, who are the population of South India. The Dravidians were divided into northern, central and southern, each branch of the classification being subdivided into several peoples. Northern Dravidians - Oraons, Brahuis, Maltos; southern - Telugu, Tamil, Kannara; central - pengo, good, koya. In the 17th century South Asia colonizers came in flocks, so the list of peoples was replenished with the British, Dutch, French and Portuguese.

Currently, the population of South Asia includes more than 200 peoples, most of them are small in number (up to 10 thousand people). Most peoples are engaged in agriculture, a minority live in cities, investing in industry and the service sector. Some tribal groups are even engaged in a primitive productive economy; in the mountainous areas, groups with a backward form of culture and economy have been preserved.

The peoples of South Asia honor centuries-old traditions, ethnic works are widespread - they are read, performances are staged, and they are presented to the public. Popular puppet theaters. Most tribes believe in magic and transmigration of souls, and make totems and amulets for protection. Traditional medicine mainly consists of magical beliefs and the use of medicinal herbs, and the practice of yoga is widespread.

Peoples of Southeast Asia

(Visit to the Thai Monastery)

Initially on the territory South East Asia Bataks, Niassans and Mentaweans lived, but the settlers mixed with the ancient population, bringing in new peoples. Later, a second wave of settlers formed, bringing the Malays and Javanese to the list of ethnic groups. The peoples of the Thai language group - the Siamese (Thais) and the Lao - moved to Thailand before the beginning of our era. The Viets and Chams lived on the territory of Vietnam.

The main groups of people living in Southeast Asia: Filipinos, Malays, Thais, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Punans, Cubans.

Previously, the main occupation of the population of Southeast Asia was plow farming and rice cultivation; now everything more peoples gives preference to the development of modern sectors of the economy and industry.

On family relationships The religious component was strongly influenced; polygamy came to this territory with Islam. Many tribes for a long time preserved the traditions of tribal communities, but now most of them gave preference to the usual monogamous marriages.

The cultural heritage here is widely developed in theatrical productions: theater of puppets, shadows, gestures, marionettes, made-up actors. The following are successful: ballet, plays on an ethnic theme, productions based on Indian works.

The religion is different - from Islam to Buddhism, some tribes still retain remnants of Hindu beliefs with faith in the elements, the transmigration of souls and gods. Previously, even sacrifices were made using magic spells.

Peoples of East Asia

(Dragon Festival on the streets of China)

The most large people East Asia is the Han (or Chinese), and there are also Koreans, Tibetans, Japanese peoples, and Thai peoples. The most numerous peoples are Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

Agriculture, livestock farming and mining are common in most countries. Some peoples are engaged in textile production and mechanical engineering.

The cultural heritage was formed under the influence of religious teachings; in East Asia, the most widespread are Buddhism, Confucianism and Shinto, and a less widespread religion is Christianity.

Distinctive feature cultural heritage in East Asia is mythology, many myths reflect the formation of ancient civilizations, former customs, the formation of tribes, the origin folk groups. Another feature is the long existence of writing, which originated at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The most ancient system there was a hieroglyph that still exists in China and Japan, having gone through some modifications.

East Asia (East)– Adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in temperate, subtropical and tropical zones. The relief is characterized by a complex combination of mountains and plains. A significant part of East Asia is located in the Western Pacific geosynclinal belt. Volcanism and significant seismic activity are inherent.

The climate is monsoonal, seasonally humid, typhoons and floods are frequent.

Natural vegetation is represented mainly by forests, in the northern part the forests are predominantly mixed and taiga, in the south - broad-leaved subtropical and tropical. In areas with low humidity forest-steppe and steppe.

The plains are cultivated and densely populated.

The East Asia region includes Far East Russia, China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, Republic of Korea and Mongolia.

The East is fraught with mystery and mystery. The culture of eastern countries has evolved over thousands of years; it is rich, diverse, sophisticated and attractive. The art of the East plays special role, it is not like the art of other countries in the world.

In the East people went through their long haul development, original and self-sufficient, based on their religious beliefs and wise philosophical teachings. In the East, any action turns into art. For them, art is not only architecture, literature, music, dancing and painting, but also tea ceremonies, martial arts, based on observations of the movements of wild animals, special gymnastics, the art of yoga, leading to the harmonious existence of the human soul and body, they even turned their lifestyle into art.

The East has been developing steadily and continuously for thousands of years; all the new trends that came did not cause the destruction of established values, but rather organically fit into the already established way of life and became part of it. The main feature of the East is that various religions and religious and philosophical movements have always coexisted peacefully here. People in these parts have not lost touch with nature, so all their actions are aimed primarily at improving the soul and body, at achieving harmony between man and the world around him. This is what they teach eastern religions. First improve yourself, and then the world around you.

In the East important role play traditions and rituals, the violation of which is condemned by society. Traditions are preserved in art, even many literary works and poems are still written in compliance with the meters that were used before our era, and the same melodies are used in music. For Eastern people, life is seen as a closed chain of events, each of which has already happened and will happen again. Everything new must be supported by experience from the past.

In the East, everything is subject to order, here every person has his own duties and must strictly fulfill them. Duty comes first. If anything was destroyed as a result of any natural disasters, then it is necessary to restore it in the form in which it existed before. Art in the East also reflects this order, since it is a means of maintaining the universe, implementing law and order.

IN ancient world art conveyed the lives of gods and rulers, so works of art mostly depicted figures of gods and ritual poses. Central big figure There was always a deity or ruler, and people were depicted as small figures. Divine power extended from the king to the people. This concept left its mark on modern Art East, thereby bringing specific features, which distinguishes it from Western art. In general, in the East, culture and art mean things that can decorate a person and make his life more beautiful.

All oriental works of art have a hidden meaning. This approach has been used since ancient times, when cruel foreign rulers dominated the East. In those days, artists and poets, when creating their masterpieces, put into them messages that they wanted to convey to the people. They often contained elements that embodied the interaction of two forces: active - male and passive - female. This approach has been preserved in oriental art in our time. A man in the East never takes central place, he is usually portrayed as a bystander. In this regard, in Eastern art there is no gap between realism and formalism, rational and expressive sensual principles, “ideological” and “ideologicalless” creativity.

Knowledge in the East is a means of moral improvement, and the main issue reflected in art is the relationship between good and evil. Despite the fact that we extend the concept of “East” to a whole group of countries, such as China, Japan, India, Iran and others, the culture of each of them is significantly different. In all eastern countries have their own special cultural customs and values. For example, the art of painting in China is closely intertwined with poetic art, as evidenced by hieroglyphic inscriptions on paintings depicting landscapes. These texts explain the essence of the picture. And Japan has its own special poetic genre Hoku, which cannot be found in any other culture.

Eastern countries for centuries-old history have accumulated not only many attractions, rich culture, history, its own cuisine, not similar to others, but also customs local residents, which often cause shock among foreigners. Gastronomic customs Lunch break is sacred. In Malaysia, residents are not in a hurry, so drivers, for example, of buses, can interrupt the route for a few minutes to have a snack. And for the Malays this does not seem bad manners, because the driver is also a person, and he has the right to eat. Students in Indonesia and Malaysia do not consider it shameful to open a box of food during a lecture and eat with appetite. The most surprising thing is that this is not because of hunger, but because listening to the teacher and chewing at the same time is much more fun. Another amazing feature of Asians is something that no sane European would even think of touching. The bravest cook the deadly poisonous fugu fish. And many restaurants serve dishes made from dog and cat meat. And what about snacks and delicacies made from something that recently flew and crawled? Fried mice with sauce, live lobsters, ant eggs in banana leaves, scorpion with vegetables, fish genitals, fly larvae - this is a small part of the unusual dishes that are part of the oriental national cuisine. Eat to your health, slurp loudly and don’t be shy about belching - after all, it is a sign that the guest has eaten well and tasty.
Etiquette in oriental culture As guests, be respectful of Asian traditions by taking off your shoes when entering their home, and avoid wearing revealing clothing in temples. When greeting each other, Asians raise their hand as a sign of friendship or nod their heads - this is enough for a polite sign of attention. When meeting people, it is customary to call proper name and surname, and after that repeat the surname and first name of the new acquaintance several times. This is done in order to remember difficult to pronounce oriental words and address the person correctly. Although in Thailand it is customary to address a person by his nickname, which he received in childhood, for example “Noah” or “Dang”. You need to be very careful about postures and gestures; they may be interpreted incorrectly. For example, by placing their fists on their sides, they show that they are aggressive and unfriendly. Politeness and smiles are a sign of a positive attitude towards life. It is better to smile than to make a scandal, be rude and cause inconvenience to others. Smiling is a sign of gratitude, a way to avoid conflict, a common convention, and also a way to apologize.
Decorating your home and forgetting about everything else, such as dirty streets or crooked houses, is the norm. And foreigners will be misunderstood if they try to point out such a disorder. You should apologize if, during a friendly fight with a new acquaintance, by accident or as a joke, you hit him with your foot or touched his head. This is considered very impolite and is allowed only to the closest people; the head is an inviolable part of the body. It is considered normal to ask unmarried girl, when she plans to end her relationship with her boyfriend. But such a question to a married couple is extremely inappropriate. If you want to please the Malay family, give each of its members a separate gift as a gesture of respect for the hospitality provided. Superstitions and religious traditions The most common religions in Southeast Asia are Buddhism and Islam. And traditions associated with religion are observed very strictly. You should not drink alcohol during the holy months or eat near someone who is fasting. Those who come to the temple, in addition to wearing modest clothing, are required to take off their shoes and walk around the shrine clockwise. Just like the area around the temples. Women are not allowed to touch monks. And everyone, without exception, is prohibited from taking pictures near Buddha statues in an indecent pose or hugging a statue. It is prohibited to raise your voice or shout inside shrines.
In Vietnam, it is customary to hang a mirror on the outside of the door. They firmly believe that evil spirit or the dragon, coming into the house, will be afraid of its reflection and leave. The lunar calendar introduced its own oddities into the habits of Asians. When setting the table, you are not supposed to place cutlery for only one person. During certain phases of the moon, people do not eat certain foods and do not begin important tasks. Traditions regarding appearance One of the traditions that has come down from the past is growing long nail on the little finger of the hand. This meant belonging to the aristocracy, but now it is simply an expression of image and personal style. But this is not as wild as the tradition of one of the Thai tribes of putting brass rings around women’s necks. In a civilized society appearance regulated by religion. Women in many countries decorate themselves with jewelry and talismans. Men often wear business suit. But different nationalities also have different attire, often unusual for Europeans.
Outside the territory of hotels where people stay en masse Foreign tourists and in which one can find neither traditions nor local customs, there is a special life that can only be seen by talking with the indigenous people. They will tell visitors a lot of interesting things, surprising them with their oddities, oriental flavor, extraordinary life and food. If you respect the culture of the local residents of the country in which you are visiting, your memories of your vacation and communication will remain vivid and unique. Politeness and courtesy are the main guarantee of Asians' goodwill towards you.


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In search of the very best, go to Italy: the most affectionate sun, the most cheerful people, the most tasty food, the most fashionable stores. Italians firmly believe in the exclusivity of their country and successfully convince everyone around them. Excellent beaches surrounded by luxurious nature, quality service at thermal resorts, rich excursion program, an unprecedented variety of landscapes, ski resorts, diving, gourmet cuisine, friendly residents. Yes, Italians have every reason to consider their country exceptional.


Mysterious, unpredictable and invariably attractive - that’s exactly how she is, beautiful France. Have the most romantic date of your life while walking along the Champs Elysees, or go to an amusing trip to the castles of the Loire? Smell lavender from endless blue fields or taste wine while at one of the famous vineyards? Finally, to see with my own eyes all those unique historical monuments and architectural masterpieces, which are familiar to us from films?

Eastern outfit.
Life in Central Asia has not changed much over the past few centuries. Most men still wear traditional Asian clothing: wide linen trousers and a jacket stuffed with cotton wool. They usually wear sandals made of leather, and sometimes even made of a car tire! Many women wrap themselves in veils from head to toe. The fabric covering the face at eye level is very thin and transparent. This was done so that you could see through it where to go.

Friendly family.
Many young people in Central Asia live with their parents even after they start their own families and have children. They like to organize large family celebrations here. On the holiday they eat kebab (meat cutlets on sticks), pilaf made from rice, lamb and raisins, bread, fruit and drink kumiss. On family holidays children take hard-boiled eggs and smash them together. The winner of the game is the one whose egg remains intact.

Capturing a goat.
The game "capture the goat" is one of the national species sports in Afghanistan. Dozens of horsemen (and sometimes several hundred!) gallop across the field, trying to grab the goat carcass from each other and take it to the gate.

Tireless workers.
Asian people work hard. Men living in rural areas tend flocks of sheep and goats and grow crops, which is very difficult in such a dry area. Women cook, clean the house, and weave wool and silk carpets. Turkmen women even carry silkworm larvae in cloth wrapped around their necks: here they are warm enough to be born.

Lecture No. 11 (2 hours) Asian continent: regional division. Races and ethnicities. The role of Confucianism and Shintoism in the formation of economic activity, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Life and family. Rituals, customs, traditions. Modern centers of international tourism. Requirements for the behavior of tourists in China and Japan.

Seminar lesson No. 11 (2 hours) China and Japan: territory, modern population. Races. Ethnic history. Material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Rituals, customs, traditions in public and family life. Influence modern processes globalization on traditional world peoples of China and Japan.

Independent work (4 hours) Using the recommended sources, make a summary, reflecting the following questions: Asian continent: regional division. Races and ethnicities. The role of Confucianism and Shintoism in the formation of economic activity, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Life and family. Rituals, customs, traditions. Modern centers of international tourism. Requirements for the behavior of tourists in the countries of Asia, China and Japan. China and Japan: territory, modern population. Ethnic history. Material and spiritual culture of the peoples of China and Japan. Rituals, customs, traditions in public and family life. The influence of modern globalization processes on the traditional world of the peoples of China and Japan.

Topic 6.2 Buddhism in the customs and traditions of the peoples of Asia.

Lecture No. 12 (2 hours)

Directions, traditions and schools of Buddhism. Short review history of Buddhism. Buddhist picture of the world. Buddhist monasticism as “leaving home,” breaking ties with family, leaving the mundane social framework. Monastic names. Donations to churches from the laity: food, clothing and utensils, land. Temple farms. Patronage of temples to various worldly communities: artisans, sailors, etc. Buddhist holidays. Pilgrimages to Buddhist shrines. Requirements for the behavior of tourists in Asian countries.

Seminar lesson No. 12 (2 hours)

The question of the laity's membership in the Buddhist community. Offerings to the Three Treasures. Orders for rituals. Training with monastic mentors. Rituals performed mainly by lay people.

Independent work (4 hours) Using the recommended sources, make a note, reflecting the following questions: Directions, traditions and schools of Buddhism. A brief overview of the history of Buddhism. Buddhist picture of the world. Buddhist monasticism as “leaving home,” breaking ties with family, leaving the mundane social framework. Monastic names. The question of the laity's membership in the Buddhist community. Offerings to the Three Treasures. Orders for rituals. Training with monastic mentors. Rituals performed mainly by lay people.

Form of control: survey during a seminar lesson, preparation of abstracts.

Section 7. Problems of preserving traditions and interethnic conflicts in the modern world

Topic 7.1 The problem of preserving the customs and traditions of modern peoples of the world in the process of globalization

Seminar lesson No. 13 (2 hours)

Globalization and the problem of preserving the customs and traditions of modern peoples of the world. Intercultural interaction and cultural tolerance.

Independent work (2 hours)

Prepare an abstract on the proposed topic.

Form of control: preparation of abstracts.