Scenario of the excursion and game program “towards the museum night”. An open system for creating museum games and quests Quest game in a museum examples

Museum Quest is a real-time adventure game in which you have to solve many logical riddles and complete exciting tasks. The peculiarity of the quest is that you will study the most famous masterpieces and exhibits in a playful way, learn new facts and legends.

Quest description:

Only a few pages of the diary are all that remains of this mysterious man. There are different legends - some say that he was crazy, others say that he was completely sane and lived a rather interesting and eventful life.

The fire destroyed all traces, and, most likely, we will never know who he was chasing, what he was hiding, and for whom he so diligently kept his mysterious diary, but one thing is clear - the traces lead to the Russian Museum...

Availability: The quest is available during museum opening hours.
Location: the main building of the Russian Museum (entrance from Arts Square). During the quest you will walk through the first and second floors and see key paintings of Russian painting.
Duration: 2 hours, but it is better to arrive no later than 3 hours before closing to play at a comfortable pace.
Price: 590 rubles (price does not depend on the number of participants) + entrance tickets for each participant.

How is the game going?

  • After payment on the website you will receive a link to the game.
  • To play, you only need a phone with internet and good company.
  • At a time convenient for you, come to the museum, open the link in your smartphone’s browser and click “start game.”
  • You will receive your first task. Having solved it, you will get the following, etc.
  • In each task you need to find, solve or see something in one of the halls.
  • After each task, an interesting fact, story or legend awaits you!
  • Tired? Want to stay longer at the exhibit? The quest can be interrupted at any time. When you are ready, continue!
  • When you solve all the tasks, we will show you the results!


Do you want to play with a large group or celebrate a birthday? Is a group of schoolchildren or tourists coming? Are you preparing a corporate event?

Our presenters will conduct this or any of our other quests for you at a time convenient for you in a traditional format - with props, additional tasks, stations and prizes at the end! At your request, we will add a treasure hunt to the quest and invite a photographer!

Contact us or leave a request and we will call you back!


Question: What other quests do you have?

We have developed more than ten routes around the city, suburbs and museums, and are constantly creating new ones! The city center and the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Russian Museum and the Hermitage, Tsarskoye Selo and Peterhof, quiet areas of the center and other museums - they are all available on our website.

Question: Do I need to download an application?

No, you don't need to download anything. All you need is a phone with internet, at least one for your company. After registering and paying, you will receive a regular link, open it and understand everything.

Question: This must be difficult?

No, you don’t need any special knowledge or skills to play. Most of the tasks are about attentiveness and logic. If you still encounter difficulties, it is possible to activate hints that will greatly simplify the passage.

Question: who is this quest suitable for?

Everyone. You can play the game alone, with friends, a significant other or family. The quest is also suitable for children, but persons under 16 years of age must be accompanied by their parents. To make it interesting for everyone, we recommend taking the quest in a group of 2-5 people. The link to the game can be opened from any number of smartphones, and everything will work correctly. If you have a large company, contact us and we will arrange a small competition for you - you will divide into teams, we will create a game for you per team, and at the end we will automatically determine the winners!

Question: can I buy the quest in advance?

Certainly! The link to the game is valid for three months, so the quest can be purchased in a day or, for example, on weekdays - and go on the weekend. If for some reason you decide to interrupt the quest, then nothing will happen to it and you can continue at any time from where you left off.

Forward to fresh emotions, knowledge and adventures!


One of the main directions in the development of modern additional education lies in solving the problem of personality-oriented education - an education in which the focus of the teacher’s attention should be on the student’s personality.

In gaming technology, the main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results are the means that activate the activities of students. In it, a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task, and educational material is used as its means. An element of competition is introduced into excursion activities, which transforms the didactic task into a game one. The game does not completely replace traditional forms and methods of museum pedagogy; it rationally complements them, allowing you to more effectively achieve the goal and objectives of a particular lesson and the entire excursion process. At the same time, the game increases students’ interest in historical concepts, stimulates the growth of cognitive activity, this allows students to receive and assimilate more information, contributes to the acquisition of skills in making natural decisions in a variety of situations, and forms the experience of moral choice. The game improves the relationship between its participants and teachers, since game interactions provide for informal communication and allow both to reveal their personal qualities, the best sides of their character; it increases the self-esteem of the participants in the game, since they also have the opportunity to move from words to action to test their abilities. The game changes the attitude of its participants to the surrounding reality, removes the fear of the unknown. It simultaneously places the student in several positions. The personality is simultaneously in two planes - real and conditional (game).

Specialists in active methods have different assessments of the effectiveness of games in mastering material. If during an excursion, using lecture presentation of the material, no more than 20% of the information is absorbed, then in a game - up to 90%, which is why the authors of various gaming methodological developments insist on their use. This is one of the reasons why a museum quest or another form of interactive lesson in a museum is more effective for the development of universal learning activities than a traditional excursion - lecture.

Conducting a game lesson in a museum is a pedagogical innovation of recent decades. Today this is a common practice: each museum creates its own excursion programs of an educational and playful nature for children, quests sometimes go beyond the buildings and cover urban space, including orientation elements. A modern teacher should not only include visiting museums in the educational process, but also be able to create quests himself in order to lead students to results that correspond to this stage of studying the history of their hometown, country, and significant events.

However, there is little methodological literature on creating museum quests as educational technologies. Basically, modern methodological developments are devoted to the description of web-quests. Based on this concept, let’s try to determine the main features of a museum quest.

Webquest as a learning technology- a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used. The webquest was first used in 1995 by Bernie Dodge. A Web quest is a project in which all materials presented to students come from the Internet. The design of a webquest involves rational planning of students' time, focused not on searching for information, but on using it.

In this case we can determinemuseum quest as a project, in which the resource space is the museum. Why do web-quests stand out as an educational technology? To conduct a quest, you need an educational environment rich in information. Such a medium in web quests is the Internet. The museum quest also has this important quality - the presence of a rich information field.

The idea and general logic of the quest is for participants to overcome the quest route and at the same time gain new knowledge. The path of the route is initially unknown and participants need to gradually discover it. To do this, you need to solve riddles and find the necessary objects in the museum space. The found object contains a new riddle to solve, etc. Guessing sequentially moves participants along the path to the final point of the route, and incorrect solutions do not allow participants to move further until the correct answer appears. All quest tasks are thematic.

A museum quest is a wonderful way to combine an interesting holiday with an educational process. For very young participants, a museum quest is a way to introduce a child to the world of museums. After all, an uninteresting, monotonous excursion can discourage a child from going to museums for a long time, and an excursion in the playful form of a museum quest will help you easily remember interesting facts. Mastering the play space and being in a free search, teenagers find sources of information, comprehend and process it, accumulating knowledge, learning to apply it in non-standard situations.

Algorithm for conducting a quest game

Stage I:

  1. Information and introduction to the game
  • determining the time to prepare for the game;
  • determining the number of participants;
  • determination of the venue.
  1. Creation of a Legend
  • formation of the text of the Legend (drawing up riddles, tasks).
  1. Familiarization of participants with the Legend from individual passages
  • completing the task – collecting individual passages into a single text.

Stage II:

Familiarization with the rules of the game and getting used to the environment

  • distribution of roles;
  • use of appropriate costumes and museum exhibits;
  • informing about search directions through hints (notes, problem solving, etc.).

Stage III:

Main part of the game

  • search for Key Item;
  • solving easy problems - hints by putting together puzzles, making drawings, composing a short text;
  • each successfully completed task is rewarded with notes - hints about the Key Subject;
  • compiling the received answers into a single whole - texts - tips;
  • message about the location of the Key Item.

Stage IV:


  • creating obstacles to obtaining a Key Item;
  • setting control questions to master the material.

Stage V:


  • summarizing the knowledge gained, summing up the results, rewarding the winners of the game.

Let's look at the stages of work on a project to create a quest using the example of a museum quest while studying the topic “Guerrilla movement of Makeyevka.”

  1. Choosing a theme and museum, setting goals and objectives.

Studying the topic “The partisan movement of Makeyevka in 1941-1945. Goal: to form an idea about Makeyevka in wartime, about the partisan movement, about young Makeyevka underground fighters. For clarity, you can organize a trip to the city local history museum and school museums in the city.

Expected result:

1) get acquainted with the history of your hometown through museum exhibits and historical documents; 2) realize the role of cultural and aesthetic values ​​in shaping the appearance of a Makeyevka resident; 3) realize the role of the Great Patriotic War for the residents of Makeyevka.

  1. Creating a quest.The teacher develops a system of tasks and questions and writes a quest script. The central task should be clear, interesting and feasible. The teacher must visit the museum in advance and think through the details of the route. It is important to indicate in which room the solution to the problem can be found (the room number can be encrypted in the form of a riddle, but it must be indicated, otherwise time will be wasted searching for the right room).
  2. Selection of resources. Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can compose them yourself - believe me, it’s not at all difficult, since they don’t have to correspond to poetic canons at all.
  3. Preparation for the implementation of the quest.Preparing students: reading the history of their hometown, getting acquainted with significant events and memorable dates. It is recommended to conduct a quest at the end of studying a topic, but be sure to leave one lesson for reflection. Before going to the museum, a conversation is held about the rules of behavior in public places, the rules of the game, the time, and the place of gathering are discussed. A team of 4-5 people, within which roles are distributed: a captain coordinating the team’s actions, ordinary seekers, a correspondent (who will then prepare a report on the completion of the quest for a reflection lesson). Materials are being prepared: maps, route sheets, instructions.

V. Conducting a quest.

Game - quest

"Partisan paths"

in the exemplary museum of military glory “About feat, about valor, about glory”

The game is designed for students in grades 7-9, the number of players is 5-6 people. The goal of the game is to find the key to the safe house of the underground partisans.

The first task is sent by email.

Task No. 1. In what year was Makeyevka liberated from the Nazi invaders? Substitute this number as an example, solve it and find out the number of the office in the city Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after V.G. Dzharta, where the next task awaits you.


Task No. 2. The second task in the form of a riddle is attached to the museum door.

I'll let you into anyone's house,

If you knock, I'm glad to knock.

But I won’t forgive one thing -

If you don't give me your hand. (Door)

The guys enter the museum, look around, approach the Makeevka Underground Movement stand, meanwhile the guide begins to talk.

On October 22, Makeevka was occupied by fascist troops. Terrible times have begun. In the occupied territory, the Nazis abused civilians and prisoners of war. They massacred residents of cities and villages, sparing neither the old nor the young, subjected captured soldiers and officers, partisans, underground fighters, thousands of able-bodied citizens to inhuman torture, forced them to do hard labor in Germany, destroyed monuments of national culture, residential buildings, enterprises, plundered citizens' property and national values.

Despite the black death cloud hanging over the city, despite the occupiers’ attempts to turn Makeyevka residents into obedient, uncomplaining slaves, they failed to break them. The Nazis are enemies, and the enemy must be fought. And they fought. Back on July 18, 1941, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks issued a resolution “On the organization of the struggle in the rear of German troops.” In accordance with it, 180 partisan detachments and sabotage groups were created in 37 districts of the Stalin region, including several of them in Makeevka.

Partisans and underground fighters helped the front beat the fascists in any way they could. They organized the collapse of military trains, destroyed locomotives, wagons, cars, fascist soldiers and officers, tons of fuel, various aircraft devices, hundreds of artillery weapons, food, and contributed to the release of hundreds of prisoners of war from concentration camps. Thanks rDuring the work of the underground workers, leaflets with messages from the Sovinformburo appeared on the streets every now and then, with a call not to bow one’s head before the enemy, to do everything so that the earth burns under his feet. No, the city did not bow down, did not submit. He was simply temporarily occupied by the enemy.

The goal of our game today is to find the key to the partisan safe house. To do this, you have to complete several tasks, two of which you have successfully completed.

Task No. 3. In front of you are two glass shelves in which exhibits are stored. The partisans, in order to confuse the enemy, mixed up all the signs. To get the first fragment of the map, you need to place all the signs in their places.

After completing the task correctly, the guide gives the first fragment of the map (a photo of the museum printed on a sheet and divided into four parts) with the next task written on the back.

Task No. 4. You need to solve the riddle.

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see many lines there,

In the lines - news from the whole world

What kind of leaf is this? (Newspaper)

The guys find a newspaper with the fifth task in it.

Task No. 5. From the letters highlighted in the newspaper, you need to make a word. (TV)

Behind the TV is the second fragment of the map and the sixth task.

Task No. 6. You need to solve the riddle.

I have legs, but I don’t walk,

I'm with my back, but I'm not lying,

You sit down - and I stand. (Chair)

The guys look through all the chairs and find under one of them the third fragment of the map with the task.

Task No. 7. You need to solve the riddle.

Reveal your secrets

Ready for anyone

But you are from her

You won't hear a word. (Book)

In the book “History of the City of Makeyevka” the guys find the fourth fragment of the map with the final task.

Task No. 8. You have passed all the tests and are at the final point of the chain. You need to take a blank A4 sheet, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross. You need to glue the map fragments onto a sheet of paper, put it in the file - and see where the key is.

After completing the task, the guys find the hidden key.

The Nazis believed that Donbass had been captured forever. Following the troops, representatives of German companies moved to the Donbass, wishing to include coal and metallurgical enterprises in their structure. But it soon became clear that this would not be easy. Residents of Donbass were supposed to become uncomplaining slaves of the fascist invaders. But they didn’t want to become one.

We didn’t even imagine that September 1943 would come. And he came. The cannonade of Soviet artillery could already be heard in the distance. Having broken through the Mius front, covering itself with glory during the assault on Saur-Mogila, the native army brought liberation to Donetsk cities and villages. Many Makeyevka boys, who became young men during the years of occupation, without waiting for the arrival of the liberators, made their way towards them in order to take part in the battles for their hometown with them.

After all, you and I are responsible for everything that happens here and today! The main thing to remember is that you are the heirs of the winners.

The guide thanks you for participating in the game and awards the team with a certificate of honor.


An excursion in the form of a quest is a unique combination of a game and an educational process, during which one gets acquainted with the features, historical facts and other basics of one’s hometown. Participants do not receive most of the information on the chosen topic from a guide in the form of a lecture, but rather obtain it on their own. Thus, the motivation of the participants increases; due to the competitive form of the game, excitement is added, which allows, along with the amazing views of the museum’s exhibitions, to get an unforgettable and vivid emotional experience from participating in a real detective story.

Thus, the use of a student-centered approach in museum classes makes it possible to develop and improve students’ individual cognitive strategies, providing a noticeable increase in learning efficiency. And the inclusion of a quest as an active gaming technology in the process has a positive effect on the intellectual, emotional and value spheres of children. Its use gives the teacher the opportunity to take an unconventional approach to extracurricular activities and transform the educational process - from a boring, monotonous one to a joyful one, willingly carried out.


Excursion and game program


Purpose of the program: create conditions for immersing participants in the atmosphere of the onset of the holiday - International Museum Day and promote the popularization of the international event "Night of Museums".

Tasks: a) introduce different types of museums, broaden your horizons; b) instill a culture of familiarization with museum exhibits; c) develop interest in studying the objective world of past eras through interactive forms of museum work; d) contribute to the formation of a sustainable desire to continue acquaintance with the museums of the city of Novosibirsk.

Short description: The program involves pupils of children's associations (from 6 to 12 years old) with their parents, additional education teachers, heads of structural divisions of the Kirovsky Children's Art House in Novosibirsk. The total duration of the program is approximately 1 hour. 15-20 min.


Stage I.

Foyer House of children's creativity "Kirovsky". Duration 10 min. ( See photo No. 1,2.)

At demonstration stands reproductions of paintings and photos of museum objects from the Louvre, British Museum, Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery. Quiet calm music sounds.

“An imaginary tour” through the halls of the best museums in the world. Conversation, viewing photographs and reproductions.

Good evening, dear guests,lovers of antiquity and simply curious people! We welcome you to the opening of the program dedicated to International Museum Day, which is celebrated annually on May 18! And on the eve of this day, the “Night of Museums” event is held in many cities around the world. In the city of Novosibirsk this year, as many as 25 museums will be open to visitors all night.

Who can say what a MUSEUM is? Yes, that’s right, but how should you behave in this amazing place that stores works of art and antiquities? Now that we have collectively remembered the rules of conduct in a museum, we begin our “museum evening” with an imaginary walk through the best museums in the world.

We're in The British Museum, famous for the world's greatest collection of archaeological finds. Look at the photographs of its halls, what objects does this museum store? Yes, this is mainly sculpture and works of applied art. Who knows what countries these works are from? That's right, these sculptures are from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these itemsfrom Ancient Egypt, Africa.

Among the most mysterious exhibits of this museumthe so-called "Lindous man". This photograph shows the remains of a young man, about 25 years old, found in August 1984 in the marshes of north-west England. His height was 168 cm, and his weight was 65 kg. The acidic swamp environment preserved the corpse perfectly: when the mummy was found, they even thought that this person had become the victim of a recent crime. An examination showed that the man died about 2,000 years ago. He appears to have been the victim of a ritual murder by the Druids (who knows who the Druids are?). Yes, that's right, these are the priests of the ancient European people called the Celts. The young man was hit on the head with an ax and his throat was cut, and the young man was not an ordinary one: he still had remnants of his manicure, and his mustache and beard were carefully trimmed.

Now let's continue our imaginary journey and move to the world's most famous museum in Paris - the Louvre. The pearl of the Louvre is considered to be a painting by the famous Italian artist and inventor - Mona Lisa, aka Gioconda " Do you know why this painting has two titles? Because the full name isPortrait of Madame Lisa del Giocondo. This is the first and last name of a young woman, wife of the merchant Francesco del Giocondo.

Now I will tell you a fascinating story that made this portrait world famous.More than a hundred years agothe painting was stolen by a Louvre employee, an Italian mirror maker. The painting was found only two years later in Italy - and the culprit was the thief himself, who responded to an advertisement in the newspaper and offered to sell “Gioconda” to the director of one of the galleries. Perugia was sentenced to a short prison term. During this period, the Mona Lisa was on the covers of newspapers and magazines around the world, as well as postcards, so it is not surprising that the Mona Lisa was copied more often than any other painting. The painting became an object of worship and an example of mystery. The girl’s smile gives the human eye the impression that the heroine’s facial expression is changing. Depending on where our gaze focuses, we perceive Gioconda's face differently. If you look into her eyes, she smiles a little, but if you look down at her lips, the smile disappears.

Now try to guessWhich museum, located in St. Petersburg, contains 3 million museum objects and the largest collection of paintings in the world? That's right, this is the Hermitage. Here is a photo of this famous museum. Among the variety of its exhibits, I would like to draw your attention to aces "Peacock" manufactured in English masters. How did the watch get to Russia? In 1777, a famous politician, favorite of the Empress prince , decided to purchase one of James Cox's products as a gift for the empress.The outlandish machine gun arrived in Russia disassembled. Potemkin instructed the talented Russian mechanic Ivan Kulibin to put this clock in order. Since some parts of the watch were lost, Kulibin had to go through the entire mechanism, make the missing parts, reassemble everything and gild it. All this took two whole years, but Prince Potemkinnever saw my gift collected, as he died in 1791. The uniqueness of this watch is that it is still in working condition (the watch works, and the Peacock itself is wound every Wednesday at 19:00), and this is the only all over the world, a large automatic machine from the 18th century, which has survived to this day unchanged.

And now I invite you to get acquainted with another type of museum, in which you can not only see all the exhibits, but also touch some of them, work on ancient machines and mechanisms. This amazing museum is located in our children's art house and is called the “Workshop of Ancestors”. I give the floor to the head of this museum.

Stage II

Showroom House of children's creativity. Duration 10 min.

(See photo No. 3,4)

Props, exhibits, equipment: Exhibits from the paleontological collection (fragments of bones, teeth and mammoth tusks) and the anthropological collection of the children's museum.

Forms and methods, types of activities: Demonstration of exhibits, conversation with elements of problematic dialogue.

Hello, guys and dear adults! We will get into the workshop of our children's archaeological and local history museum a little later, after the game program. In the meantime, I invite you to take a closer look at some of the exhibits. You know that museums store not only paintings and works of decorative and applied art. What objects do you see here? What animals do you think these huge bones could have belonged to?

Of course, these are mammoths, the largest mammals on the planet. The individuals to whom these remains belong roamed the territory of the Novosibirsk region approximately 34 thousand years ago. Handle these fragments to each other carefully, they are quite heavy and fragile. Look how huge this fragment of mammoth tusk is. But it belonged to a little mammoth! Why do you think a mammoth needs such huge tusks? (usual answers: defend against enemies ). And which of the animals of the Pleistocene fauna could be the enemy of the mammoth? Could wolves really bite through a thick skin covered with a layer of thick matted hair? Would a cave bear, three times smaller than a mammoth, dare to attack him, especially since there is smaller prey around? So why then did these giants, who roamed the vast snow-covered plains, have such large, rounded tusks?..

Well done for guessing! Of course, to get food. Mammoths were herbivores. With these tusks, the animals raked layers of snow in search of grass and small bushes.

Who knows to what age mammoths lived?No, they didn’t live to be 300 years old, but on average, to be 70-80 years old, just like people. Throughout its life, a mammoth has replaced its teeth several times. Look at their layered structure, because they gradually grew not from below or above, like in humans, but from the back wall of the jaw. How many teeth did the mammoth have? No, only four teeth, but each of them weighed at least a kilogram!

A contemporary of the mammoth was a primitive man who built his own dwellings from the bones and tusks of the mammoth, and made warm clothes from the skins. We invite you to walk “in the shoes of an ancient man.” Please go to the gaming room.

Stage III

Game room. Duration- 20 min .(See photo No. 5-10)

Props, exhibits, equipment: Illustrations depicting primitive people, ancient animals. Theatrical props: stylized “primitive” costumes and accessories, “spears”, “darts”. Working models of disk and bow drills, devices for making fire, stones, branches.

Forms and methods, types of activities: Theatrical play program. Completing competitive tasks, team competitions in “making fire”, javelin throwing, etc.

It was a long time ago. Our distant ancestor lived on our green and blooming planet. Look. What he looked like. The man had neither sharp teeth nor claws, he could not fly, although he was fast, dexterous and smart. Look what the ancient man was wearing? And who can guess why he needs the skin? How did primitive man escape the cold? You guessed it, well done! And now you and I will turn into primitive people and go on an exciting journey...(Participants change clothes)

At the head of the primitive people was a leader, he was helped by eldersold wise men who taught the young how to make weapons, gather fruits and much more. Now I will turn into the elder of our primitive collective, take my staff and we will begin our journey into the past.I am Elder Wise Raven. Let each of you come up with a name for yourself. It could be a “keen eye”, “fluffy tail”, “hurry-up” or something else. The one I touch with the rod must say his name in front of the whole tribe. So... (The presenter touches, the participants call names.)

How do you think primitive people could communicate? Our man is about to go hunting, how can we invite others? That's right, you can call with gestures. Can you show me how to call with facial expressions? Yes, you can use your voice, but at first ancient people communicated only with sounds, and only centuries later they came up with a language and different words. What words do you know related to antiquity? We'll play with you now. I throw the ball as if it were a hot potato, it must be immediately thrown back to me, calling out a word from ancient times.(Game “Hot Potato”)

What smart and dexterous people are in our tribe! Let's make weapons and go hunting! What can weapons be made from? No, iron appeared later, and primitive people only had access to wood, bone and stone. Ancient people learned to make knives, darts, spearheads, and ax blades from stone; and from wood - the spear shaft itself and the ax handle. They tied the stone point to the shaft with the help of flexible plants - vines, like this. Let's try to make a spear of a primitive man. Make yourself comfortable. You need to take the tip, attach it to the shaft and wrap it tightly with a rope. Parents can help their children. Yes, difficult times. And you have to save yourself from predatory animals, and get food for everyone.

(Participants are divided into three teams, each team receives three darts. Each team “hunts” its own animal)

We had the most accurate hunters... I declare them the best hunters of the tribe and reward them with amulets!(“fang” on a string of salt dough).

Our wonderful catch must be cooked, because the meat cannot be eaten raw, it is tough. That's right, we'll roast it over the fire! What do you need for a fire? We collect sticks and fallen trees and put them here. Here we will make a fire. Now we sit down around our future fire. Take two of these stones, which are called flint and a smooth stick, with their help you can make fire. Try hitting rocks against rocks to get sparks to fall on pieces of bark and moss! Yes, it’s difficult, do you feel the stones getting hot and smelling of sulfur?

Now try to make fire using these devices that primitive people came up with. We call them bow and disc drills. Yes, it's not easy to make fire. You need to train for a long time.

What are we going to cook our meat in? No, you forgot that primitive people could not buy a ready-made pan. And you will have to make the dishes yourself! Head to our Ancestors Workshop.

Stage IV

Children's Archaeological and Local Lore Museum "Ancestors' Workshop". Duration - 30 min. (See photo No. 11-13)

Props, exhibits, equipment: Reconstructed costumes. Clay raw materials, bone tools, stamps for decorating vessels.

Forms and methods, types of activities: Interactive tour. Making and decorating clay vessels.

Hello, members of the primitive tribe! I learned from the elder that you need to learn how to make dishes. Do you know what materials dishes were made from in ancient times? That's right, from wood, from stone, from clay.

I’ll tell you one secret: not any clay is suitable for making dishes, but only very plastic one. How do you understand this property? Yes, this is the one that easily takes any shape, like plasticine. And if the clay crumbles like sand, it is called lean and organic substances are added to it. And if it is too oily and sticks too much to your hands, on the contrary, it is thinned out with the help of sand.

Clay suitable for modeling is mined along the banks of rivers and ravines; ancient masters called these places “Kopans” and kept them secret. Before sculpting, the clay must be sifted, cleaned of debris and soaked in water for several hours. Well-kneaded clay does not stick to your hands and easily changes shape.

Take a piece of clay each and try to mash it! First, we roll a ball out of it, with our thumb we begin to make an indentation in the center of the ball, while simultaneously pulling out the resulting walls. Well, how does it turn out to be a bowl? It can be increased in size by applying flagella like these in a spiral and sticking them well. You can also flatten the ball between your palms, pinch the edges with your fingers, pulling it slightly upward - you get a blank to which you can stick a thin sausage - a handle, and you get a cup. Feel free to try different ways of making tableware, and with the help of these bone stamps you can decorate your products with intricate patterns!

When your dishes are ready, do you think you can start cooking in them right away? Yes, of course, you need to dry it thoroughly first.

And if you pour water into a clay cup, what happens to it? That's right, it will absorb water and get wet. What to do? Already in the new Stone Age (in the Neolithic), people learned to burn clay products in special pits or even ovens. Then they became more durable. What is the name of baked clay? Yes, it's ceramic the first artificial material in human history.

What beautiful, convenient dishes you have made! Well done boys!

Come to our museum more often, you can learn how to make threads from nettles, weave cloth on these ancient weaving mills, process bone and stone, make amulets and arrows. And today our journey comes to an end, return to the gaming room.

Stage V

Game room. Duration - 5 min. (See photo No. 14-15).

Well, did you enjoy your trip to antiquity? What do you remember about the life of an ancient man? I will ask questions, whoever knows the answer will put his hands on his head, like this. Those who don’t know the answer hide their hands behind their backs, like this. Only the one I touch with the spear can answer. If the answer is correct, I give a chip. Whoever collects the most chips becomes the leader of our tribe. Ready?

1. How did primitive man make fire?

2. What was he wearing?

3. What was primitive man armed with?

4. What did he make his weapons from?

5. What animals did primitive people hunt?

6. Where did primitive man live?

7. What is the name of dishes made of baked clay?

8. What is the name of the institution in which ancient objects and remains of ancient animals are stored?

9. What was the name of the most important person in the tribe?

(Counting chips, rewarding the winner, declaring him the leader of the tribe.)

This is where our primeval adventure ends. Now the lights will go out, and when they come back on, we will again become boys and girls living in our world. ( Music. The light goes off and on. The presenter helps the children remove their “skins”)

And now we will stand in a circle. Here is a beautiful flower that grew in our field. Let us pass it around in a circle. Everyone will say their real name and say what they liked and remembered about our journey through the museums. (Game reflection is carried out)


Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Photo 8

Photo 9

Photo 10

Photo 11

Photo 12

Photo 13

Photo 14

Photo 15

MKOU secondary school in Sosnovka, Vyatskopolyansky district, Kirov region

District competition

"School Museum: New Opportunities"

Quest (travel game)

"The fascinating world of the museum"

Contest participant:

head of the museum Sannikova V.V.


In order to spend our time interestingly and with benefit for ourselves and for our friends, We don’t need to choose a place for a long time - We go to the museum together!

Invitation to participate in the game.

The museum invites students to take part in a thematic travel game, which is based on completing exciting thematic routes around the museum, independent research and finding answers to route sheet tasks. Route sheets are distinguished by a variety of contents. Along with the story about the museum exhibits, they contain materials that create a certain historical context and foster museum culture. Almost all worksheets contain creative tasks.

Three main types of tasks:

Research. The player must search for information. Competitive. The participant is obliged to complete the task as quickly as possible. Crosswords. Puzzles. Quizzes and other tasks with questions and answers.

After completing all stages of the game, you will become real experts. You can play as a team or individually, competing with each other. Play at a time convenient for you and absolutely independently.

Purpose of the game:

Teaching children the ability to perceive the objective world of culture, developing in them a value-based attitude towards the world around them, the ability to take care of cultural heritage, nurturing aesthetic and moral ideals, patriotism and museum culture.

Game objectives:

Increasing motivation for cognitive activity;  Activating students’ interest in Russian history;  Formation of the skill of searching for the necessary information;

Development of intellectual abilities and stimulation of creative initiative: acquaintance with the historical and cultural environment of the school museum

Game location: school museum.

Lesson form: museum-pedagogical lesson in the form of a game - traveling around the museum

Participants: 5-6 grades.

Game route:

1. “From the past to the present”;

2. “Wonderful city, ancient city...”;

3. “Objects of distant antiquity”;

4. “Folk crafts.”

Game conditions:

Participants of the event are given route sheets, independently completing the tasks of the game, players will go on a journey through the main exhibition of the museum. At each station, the children answer intellectual quiz questions, find museum exhibits based on descriptions, solve riddles and reveal the secrets of the museum. You can tell your friends about your discoveries.

Route sheet

"From the Past to the Present"

"My little homeland"

"Objects of Distant Antiquity"

"Folk Crafts".

Evaluation criteria:

Number of routes traveled;

Correctness and completeness of answers;

The results of the game are summed up by the jury, which includes members of the school museum council. For the most points in the travel game “Museum Secrets”, the winning classes will be awarded Certificates.

Route No. 1 “From the past to the present”

Exercise 1. A crossword puzzle is made from the clue words; at the intersection of the lines there is a keyword that will indicate the topic of your task.

Solve the crossword puzzle. Guess the key by entering the answers horizontally, and the answer can be found in the highlighted squares vertically.

I’m lying in my school bag, I’ll tell you how you study. (diary)

2 . There is, friends, such a bird, if it lands on the page, then you return home with your head bowed. (two)

3. The colorful sisters got bored without water; and with water they will draw a big house. (paints)

4. There is a wonderful bench, it leads both of us from year to year, from class to class.. (desk)

5. He will tell and show everything, he will prove the theorem to everyone, he will lead you into the world of poetry, even though he is silent from year to year. (book)

6. There is a sea - you can’t swim, there are roads - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow. What is this? (map)

7 . The little mischief-maker suddenly sat down on the page. (blot)

8. You can find these beds in every book and notebook. (lines)

9. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (chalk)

10. There is a house, whoever enters it will acquire intelligence. (school)

11. Either in a square, or in a line, be able to write on it. (notebook)

Keyword - Educator

Task 2.

Using materials from the museum's section on the history of the school, fill in the missing words in the following text:

School No. ... was put into operation on __________ 19.. This is the first secondary school in Sosnovka. The first director of the school was _________________. The first graduation of the 10th grade took place in 19....year. The pioneer squad bore the name of the pioneer hero ____________________ and the first pioneer leader was ____________________. In 20... the school was transformed into a basic secondary school.

Route No. 2 “Wonderful city, ancient city...”

Exercise 1.

Quiz “Do you know your hometown?”

1. In what year was Sosnovka first mentioned in the chronicle? (1699).

2. In what year was the village of Sosnovka renamed into a city (1962)

3.When I was in the cityopenshipyard (1924) 4. Name our fellow countryman, the legendary Vyatka hero. (Vasily Babushkin)

5. Our fellow countryman, Honored Master of Sports in skiing, champion of the 1980 Olympic Games. (Belyaev E.P.)

Task 2. “Streets of our city”

1. The first streets appeared along the roads that led to other cities and villages. Before the revolution, there were only three streets in the city. Which? ( Mitrovka, Zakutum and Village.)

2. Explain the name of the street “Uchitelskaya”.

3. Former DOK street. What do you know about the feat of the man in whose honor this street was renamed?

( The street is named after a remarkable citizen of the Soviet Union, police major, P.V. Kuimov. Even before Kuimov’s death, the street was called DOK street, since it was identified from the tree - a processing plant. But in 1967 the street was named after Kuimov, in honor of the fact that he lived on this street)

Route No. 3 “Distant Antiquities”

Exercise 1. Participants in the game receive the texts of the riddles. They guess the objects and find them among the museum exhibits.

1.From a Russian oven

Get the porridge.

Cast iron is very happy,

What grabbed him... (grab)

2.Narrow at the bottom, wide at the top,

Not a saucepan... (cast iron)

3.If you tie it, they’ll go,

If you untie it, they will remain (bast shoes)

Task 2. What is a towel? Where in the museum do you see towels? How towels were used.

(A towel is a towel among the Eastern Slavs, usually with an embroidered or woven pattern.

Towels are used to clean the red corner of a hut or hut, shrines, door and window openings, and also decorate the walls.  A special role belonged to the towel in the wedding ceremony. According to legend, embroidery on towels was supposed to protect newlyweds from damage and the evil eye. Towels were used to decorate the wedding train of horses, harnesses, and clothes of the guests.  The bride and groom stood on the towel during the wedding.  The towel was an element of rituals.  To this day, the custom of greeting guests with bread and salt on a towel has been preserved)

Route No. 4 “Folk Crafts”

Exercise 1. Using the code, determine the topic of the task:

(Vyatka folk crafts)

Where does the name come from: “Dymkovo toy”.

( The world-famous Dymkovo toy was first born in the settlement of Dymkovo, which is located in the trans-river part of the city of Kirov. This area has long been home to rich deposits of high-quality red clay and sand, which local craftsmen mixed to create excellent material for making Dymkovo toys.)

Find similar toys among museum exhibits .

Task 2. From the industries listed below, select the industries for which the Kirov region is famous:

A) Dymkovo toy;

B) Khokhloma painting;

B) Gzhel painting;

D) processing of burl and caporoot;

D) Pavlovo Posad shawls;

E) wood carving;

G) weaving from wicker.

Find, if any, these items in the museum . (A, G, E, G)

(K2Splitter) An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and outside. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists. Game "Local History Orienteering" Game "Secrets of Museum Objects" id=org.suai.karmus6 Museum quest Online game "Attractions on the map" Online game "One Word"

(K2Splitter) An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and outside. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists. Game "Local History Orienteering" Game "Secrets of Museum Objects" id=org.suai.karmus6 Museum quest Online game "Attractions on the map" Online game "One Word"

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An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and outside. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists.

Game "Local Orienteering"

Game "Secrets of Museum Objects"

Online game "Attractions on the map"

Authors' team:
Alexandrov Alexey Vitalievich - service design. Balandin Sergey Igorevich - development of service architecture. Balandina Ekaterina Alekseevna - programming. Vasiliev Andrey Mikhailovich - programming. Zharinov Roman Feliksovich - programming. Morozov Alexey Borisovich - idea, scripts “In a word” and “Attractions on the map.” Petrova Natalya Yuryevna - idea, scenarios of museum games “The Mystery of Museum Objects” and “Museum Quest”. Paramonov Ilya Vyacheslavovich - programming. Trifonova Yulia Viktorovna - visual design of the service.

Year of release of the program: 2014