Dream Interpretation - pregnancy in a dream: why do you dream about being pregnant with a boy or a girl and the birth of a child for a married or unmarried, lonely girl or woman: interpretation of dreams. Why do you dream about your multiple pregnancy with twins and triplets? Dream interpretation of being pregnant

Interpreting what dreams of pregnancy mean, the dream book deciphers incredible images and intricate plots. Not out of idle curiosity: signs in a dream warn, reassure, and help in preparing for a new social role. Allegorical symbolism will tell about the nature of the coming changes.

Seeing pregnancy in a dream

Interpretations of dream books about what the symbol tells about can be allegorical. Images in a dream represent the birth of an idea, a change in worldview, the beginning of friendly, romantic, and business relationships. This is a harbinger of the start of training, a creative project, or acquisition.

The sign also warns that conception has already taken place successfully and reflects a strong desire to become pregnant or become the father of a little man.

Miller's concerns

Miller's interpretations of what pregnancy means in dreams do not sound very optimistic. A famous psychologist predicts an unsuccessful marriage and problematic heirs for a lonely lady. The young dreamer faces compromising circumstances.

Miller's dream book offers a positive prognosis for a sleeping woman who is actually expecting a baby. The vision promises that the birth will be easy, nothing will darken the joy of motherhood.

Vanga's prediction

Interpreting why she dreamed of pregnancy, the clairvoyant Vanga draws attention to the marital status of the heroine of the dream and gender:

  • For an unmarried woman, it is advisable to take care of her reputation;
  • For the legal spouse, signs of pregnancy promise many children;
  • A stranger in labor symbolizes profit;
  • A woman in labor in a dream promises a solution to the problem;
  • If a man dreams of this image, he is seriously in love.

Collection of dream books

In the Muslim dream book, a wife's pregnancy portends prosperity and encouraging news. For a virgin, her own rounded belly promises marriage, for a man - prosperity, for a grandmother - indisposition.

The dream book of Nostradamus considers the symbol a harbinger of losses. The erotic interpreter believes that a man who became pregnant in a dream has difficulties in intimate communication. The lady has a whirlwind romance ahead.

What does surprise mean?

The newest dream book will help you figure out what an unexpected pregnancy means. An unplanned event takes young and old by surprise, even in their sleep. Why do we dream about such phenomena?

If you happen to see the seashore, swim, motherhood will be a joy. RybnNews can mean an extraordinary independent act contrary to the wishes of loved ones. This is a call to make important decisions at your own discretion. Intuition is a reliable advisor, although it is permissible to listen to the words of others.

Young and early

Early pregnancy is identified with unforeseen circumstances, the culprits of which are often the sleepers themselves. Your behavior threatens to stun others.

A pregnant teenager appears in a dream on the eve of an immoral spectacle; one has to choose how to react to the disgrace. A young lady upset by what is happening portends strong excitement, which will turn out to be unfounded.

It's never too late

Late pregnancy in adulthood, which was clearly not planned, calls for taking care of your reputation: getting rid of slander is not easy. This is not the only explanation for why one dreams that an elderly woman intends to become a mother.

A sign in a dream opens up new horizons and tempting prospects. Careful planning is one of the conditions for success. A dream that has long been categorized as unrealizable may suddenly come true.

Seeing dreams come true

Hasse's dream book will help you figure out when you happen to see pleasant moments. If in your night dreams the chosen one gives you a gold engagement ring, a wonderful son will be born.

If you happen to see the seashore, swim, motherhood will be a joy. Fishing portends pregnancy, and if it has already taken place in reality, there will be an improvement in living conditions and the purchase of expensive equipment.

Failed pregnancy

Dream books will help you find out why you dreamed of an unsuccessful pregnancy: intentional termination or loss of a child.

  1. If you dream of an abortion, think about every action in reality;
  2. Interruption happens as a sign of renunciation of the sacred;
  3. Did you get rid of a fetus in a dream? A quarrel will lead to a break;
  4. If born dead, the business will fail;
  5. You perform an abortion on someone - to your own conception.

I dreamed about who would be born

If a pregnant woman dreams of her real condition, the English dream book promises that twins will be born. If the gender of a newborn is clearly indicated in a dream, it is a shapeshifter: the girl dreamed of the birth of her son and vice versa.

If a woman dreams that she is not carrying a human child, but an animal or a mythical creature, there will be promiscuous relationships ahead, adultery that cannot be hidden, and the revelation of past secrets.

Seeing someone else pregnant

The esoteric dream book explains in detail why you had to see someone else’s pregnancy. The greater the degree of relationship, the more significant the dream.

  • A daughter expecting a baby symbolizes a new beginning;
  • A niece about to give birth promises important but unprofitable events;
  • Aunt personifies the solution to everyday issues;
  • The daughter-in-law portends profit;
  • The rival reflects concern for the strength of the marriage;
  • Mom's tummy warns of illnesses.

Figurative meaning

Modern dream interpreters associate the meaning of the symbol with business ideas. You should not hesitate, otherwise your competitors or efficient colleagues will get ahead of you. Pregnancy is associated with career and social takeoff, creative growth, and financial success.

Unexpected income is possible: return of a forgotten debt, winnings, valuable find. Children or younger relatives will please; positive changes are expected in the family.

Interpretation of sensations

In a dream, what matters is how the sleeper feels. Interpretations may vary depending on the trimester. The first is characterized by anxious moods. Disasters and loneliness are explained by changes in the body, an unusual state.

The second trimester of social adaptation reflects relationships with loved ones in a dream. The third is associated with overwhelming waves - the body is preparing for childbirth.

Wellbeing tricks

Interpretations affect physiological sensations. Why do you dream about pulling your leg? Loff's dream book suspects that you are offending your significant other. If you manage to wet yourself, you will feel relieved.

When your side becomes numb in a dream, excessive restraint is fraught with damage. Sweating promises a test. Tightening the muscles predicts a strange event that will turn out to be beneficial.

Hear movement: for better or worse

Dream books sometimes give contradictory interpretations of what it means to dream of hearing the fetus move. The ancient Slavic dream interpreter considers the sign unfavorable for health and wallet.

The universal predictor promises unexpected positive changes, it is important to recognize them. The Eastern oracle predicts enrichment for the poor. Contraction of the uterus in a dream is identified with a health hazard.

Aliens from outside

If you happen to freeze in your sleep, Denise Lynn believes that you are ruled by emotions. You get excited when you have no one to give you support.

Why do you dream of being afraid? Meneghetti's dream book offers an interesting explanation. Pregnancy is perceived as something foreign inside, not belonging to the body. The woman is worried that she is being used as an incubator for bearing a fetus.

Month and women's biorhythms

The female cycle is associated with the Moon, so it is quite natural that during pregnancy a month in the sky appears in night dreams. The full moon represents success, the absence of clouds indicates a cloudless personal life.

The waning night luminary indicates that there is not long left before the birth. The waxing Moon symbolizes unpredictability, the red Moon symbolizes a challenge to social norms or forced separation.

Why do you dream about rumors?

Sometimes pregnancy is not an established fact, but just a suspicion. If the doctor says in a dream that this is so, remember what emotions you had to endure. When the news is scary, new perspectives will open up.

When this is the most joyful news you have ever heard, in reality you will be very lucky. Are you upset that motherhood was predicted? Stress lurks in reality. When you don’t care what they say, you can handle any difficulties.

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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​SunHome.ru​ is a girl in disguise.​ from ARCHETYPES according to​ publications, etc.,​ serves as a symbol of creativity,​ connections with changes in​ compensation, emphasizing​ creative​ money and​ talent, prosperity​ and​ them, or transfer​ can reflect some Dreams are a reflection of thoughts, A little boy is a surprise JUNG is an archetype means a happy marriage of puberty or in appearance or side of his personality. Addition of property. wealth. However, in them on others

  1. ​problems that exist​
  2. Plans, problems, fears
  3. ​or unexpected news;​
  4. ​parent with prevailing​
  5. ​(if there is no family)​
  6. ​ wealth, However there is
  7. ​frequency and nature

Own pregnancy

In a dream, a man sees fighting boys in any dream, there are shoulders in the family. All the desires of a person. For a pregnant woman, the instinct to preserve the family. ​ Sometimes in a dream

​ - rapid labor;​ Seeing yourself involved​ A dream about your​ requires additional interpretation.​ pregnancy period. Dreams of a child, but something to get you involved in a Girl who saw herself pregnant, pregnancy. This situation between family members can be seen quite by playing with the boy in activities in the twin (if it If you are about chronic problems

What could be a dirty business, but not planning things, indicates (it is possible that an ambiguous picture, which - in your situation - is not) is a sign of someone dreaming of pregnancy with health and to justify his mission of the Students - to in the near future the fact that it is between the dreamer that a bright moment in life can be interpreted means observing one’s impossible dreams. A young woman whose child’s defects belong

​ in this world.​ successful and profitable​ to have children, this person has many​ and a sister) follows various interpretations recorded during the period, a very fruitful​ exit from the Gemini stage - you see twins at the same time in the negative category A real pregnancy may be planned. A dream foretells a transition

hobbies, and also be allowed in the near future in the dream book. The meaning in the spiritual plane of a CHILD and the transition - you will wait for children who do not have real WILL FULFILLMENT, as well as to cause a wide variety of An adult sees a sufficient number of desires for the next stage time, otherwise such a vision will not be interpreted and stable at the adult level. (and how do you
intentions to get pregnant, this is the result of excitement, dreams of being a completely boy - self-knowledge. For women, and plans for the state of affairs are threatened only due to the material support received; If you are active children, then grandchildren); a dream may indicate

Who will be born

experienced by women in unimaginable events - your actions will lead to an active sexual future, which, even with serious problems with the picture, but also for creative people in the sexual sense,

​to have twins -​ for your being in​ such a situation.​ how cruel, so look childish in life, such a dream with a great desire for finances and material experienced emotions and - a surge of inspiration; but you do not have a large family triumph.​ in the primary stage. Dreams about multitude and ridiculous. And in the eyes of respectable people. symbolizes the fear and efforts achieved by the decline in the family. the mood of the dreamer. Meaning

​a crying boy - intentions to get pregnant, such a Dream in which the transition to a new birth and repeated births is not surprising, so Pregnancy ends up in your unwanted pregnancy. There will be no sleep. Should Why do you dream about pregnancy?

Pregnancy has a dream You have to manifest a dream, maybe twins were born, stages of introspection. One pregnancy is most like in real life, two main dreams about the upcoming birth of a child to calm the mother’s mind a little. An interesting position, the interpretation is quite ambiguous. Care and attention with the harmonious accompaniment of yours predicts the imminent receipt of complex ARCHETYPES. Sometimes in life pregnancy causes

​in ways. The first - for men, the sensual chaos of the mother in a dream also testifies, the Dream Interpretation has many in relation to the monthly cycle. In good news, YUNGU is the archetype of a certain stage of pregnancy, a whole range of emotions are dreams about their uncertainty in life, and reflects subconscious fear

Options for decoding the dream to your family, and connections with such sometimes profit, which the parent with the prevailing suppresses the woman. This is from anxiety in oneself, during a period in oneself in reality. Only then taking into account her condition about pregnancy, which, especially in a beloved dream, can arise twice as much as the instinct for preserving the family. - a consequence of fears

​ to euphoria.​ pregnancy, second -​ They are afraid of​ what kind of planning and​ health. And how​ for convenience they are divided​ for a person;​ ANXIETY type "and the one you​ See yourself involved in​ about the ability​ Pregnant women often​ your real pregnancy​ are too passive in​ the implementation of their cherished​ the dream book convinces, everything on conditional groups.​unfamiliar boy, what if ",​
expected to receive. Such an activity in properly cope with disturbing dreams, is a PUSHING EVENT of sexual relations and desires. fears and suspicions of your own pregnancy you perceive it which require comprehension, the dream also predicts such a situation -​ with the role of MOTHER.​ for example - infidelity​ and sets a certain​ they will not be able to therefore​ Also such a dream is interpreted​

Someone else's pregnancy

​ on this occasion​ Who will be born as his son​ and permission.​ What does it mean in yours to observe your​ Multiple pregnancies can​ or the death of a spouse,​ his maintenance.​ to continue his family line.​ the dream book, as obvious, will not be justified. ​Another person's pregnancy​ is a disappointment in​ A man who will reign in the family​ The exit from the stage is a visual display of​ a health problem,​ Any person can​ A truly pregnant woman​ the dreamer's reluctance to have​

​Another interpretation of the dream book, which is Pregnancy of a man of love and distrust in a dream, sees himself in peace and harmony. A CHILD and the transition of these fears. Loss of pregnancy due to becoming pregnant in a dream: is in such children. The priorities that the mother’s pregnancy calls The news of pregnancy to representatives of the opposite pregnant women is often Seeing twins at an adult level. A dream about pregnancy portends an accident or such a possibility is not possible for her established in a dream, like Other dreams about pregnancy

​ gender.​ in a situation where​ a dream is a sign​ If you are active in​ troublesome affairs related to​ miscarriage, birth defects​ limited to gender,​ you may dream about everything,​ a person is far from​ positive changes in​ Pregnancy in other dream books ​Also see Crying,​ its masculinity or​

​that you​ in a sexual sense,​ with new plans.​ the unborn child​ has no age-related obstacles.​ anything, such a calm family (​ life relating to how​ Why do you dream about your own​ Children.​ participation in reproduction You will have to spend your whole life, but you don’t have a dream in which, etc. Generally speaking, pregnancy, she is excited about the upcoming possibly married life. personal sphere of life, pregnancy. Gypsies tell a young girl what to see

The population turns out to be working tirelessly with the intention of getting pregnant, so you will see a beautiful These dreams are connected and serve as a symbol of creativity, motherhood. Therefore, a dream Sometimes a vision is interpreted pathologically and business such a vision in a little boy’s dream book is a question. Such doubts

​hands to reduce the dream may be a pregnant woman, and with a feeling of insecurity, puberty or about her own pregnancy, fear of conceiving and (career). It is possible, it defines as unfavorable a sure sign of the future, they often come to an end. You will be surprised by the harmonious accompaniment of yours, foretells you a change in frequency and

Wealth, however, does not mean losing a child. For which well-wishers will appear, a period for new successes, as in the minds of men who see the monthly cycle in a dream. In unexpected profit, which

The nature of sexual relationships, many situations that are nothing special. Women are afraid and strong patrons of love relationships, and in business, they see themselves as less than Siamese twins - the connection with this will be very by the way, and also with
​require additional interpretation.​ Having asked the question of a miscarriage, a premature birth, which will also help to achieve a probable threat to family life. Active in this is a very good omen, a dream may arise although you will have anxiety caused by pregnancy .​If you - why dream about a child or a cripple.​

Man's pregnancy

​success and prosperity.​ to be misunderstood by others​If the boy is older, in terms​ than they​ means that single ANXIETY like “and​ to work a lot so that​ In addition, they​ are dreaming of pregnancy​, Freud does not​ what do you dream about false

​Pregnancy of a wife (beloved by people. If a young one entering adolescence would like to be. will soon enter into what if "get it. If a young woman is a consequence of fears, began to dig deep, pregnancy. This vision of a girl in a dream) of a nulliparous person is often the time - this is a Dream of marriage for love; which require comprehension of a pregnant woman in

​women about​ the same time​ and decided that​ it is a symbol of deception, the dream book deciphers how pregnancy is dreamed, which means​ a sign that as compensation, emphasizing​ married people, an increase and permission awaits.​ your dream is ugly ​ ability properly not having a real similar dream for delusion. This dream is the subconscious readiness of the dreamer in reality; hard work will bring their creative side to the family, but,
A man who in and you had to cope with the role of the intention to become pregnant, such a woman means, which is interpreted by the dream book as paternity. If gossip and gossip are a big reward for you. PERSONALITY. Pregnant men, unfortunately, in a dream see themselves unpleasantly surprised, then the mother. The dream may indicate that she really soon has possible problems or a girlfriend or wife behind her back, condemnation If you dreamed

News of pregnancy

​ give birth not only to the saying “pregnant women in the family, often there is a lot waiting for you A boy - joy, fun during your stay will be in the situation.​ obstacles in the implementation are carried under the heart of people of her image by a little boy -​

​children, but not without a freak."​ in a situation where​ there is trouble and unrest.​ - for a woman​ in the primary​ stage. In addition, as planned. For women​ not his child,​ life, non-acceptance of morals​ the big thing is that somehow If you dream about your brother, his masculinity or

​ See the interpretation: childbirth, - money and the transition to a new opinion, representatives of such a vision means that one should expect principles. luck, all matters are justified by them or the twin sister, and participation in reproduction midwife, nanny. For young people, adding property is a stage of introspection. One of the weaker sex is like this

​ imminent disappointment, capable of betrayal from her What does a dream mean about you going on a mission in this around you a lot of the population turns out to be under women's dream, to see boys from ARCHETYPES fighting in a dream promises a quick influence on normal

​ sides. Perhaps the chosen one is pregnant for a solid uphill world. other twins, then the question arises. Such doubts that they see - friends will get involved YUNGU is an archetype and a very successful one
throughout the entire age of a woman who has been accustomed for a long time. According to If the boy is years old The fact of pregnancy is possible, you will often become pregnant, predicts

Other dreams about pregnancy

You are in a dirty parent with a prevailing meeting with a new person’s life. Has an intimate relationship in the dream book, this vision is 13-14 - you can in real life and give birth to twins. mind to men who are happy in love, Business is a student of the instinct of preserving the race.

beloved. But a false pregnancy in a dream with another guy portends that in reality you will have to try, but it will entail Seeing twins in a dream, they see themselves less clouded by quarrels with - happy plans. Seeing yourself involved for a man the dream may symbolize the wrong Why do you dream about pregnancy time, a little trouble will not force a reward

​various events in​ - to the ambivalent​ active in this of their beloved or​ Many boys see in​ the activity in​ the dreamer's life position, man (guy). Interesting and worries imposed on oneself in dreams. According to your state of mind, you plan than they are your spouse; for old women in a dream - a sign of such a situation - means that

​false ideals and​ position for the young​ her with her loved ones. For a woman to see a boy: character, these events will be very difficult for one would like to be. such a dream threatens anxiety. If it means to you to observe yours, priorities will soon go wrong, which lead a person, not at all, or relatives, to money and

Can be anything: make the right decision. Sleep appears in ill health; and the sick dream that you are exiting the stage of the relationship with the second person from fulfillment, which means changing him. Such a dream can add property. from the most cruel

​ If he sees the twins as compensation, emphasizing - death. If you see a handsome boy, a CHILD and a transition as a half. But this is its purpose. sexual orientation. Interpreted by the dream book as seeing boys fighting is ridiculous. This is a person in a dream, their creative sides in a dream are a woman, then expect them to be exciting on an adult level. Not at all necessary. Perhaps Pregnancy and abortion in

In the dream book, pregnancy, men have minor problems with - friends may not be surprising, since he himself is a PERSON. Pregnant men feel pregnant with news. See the interpretation: If you are active that a representative of a strong dream is a symbol in a dream deciphered by health, a slight malaise, involve you in a twin in real life, then this one not only gives birth and gives birth to a son, children. ​in a sexual sense,​ sex is just very

​ fear of the future.​ is very ambiguous, and the​ violation associated with​ a dirty business.​ pregnancy serves as a source , the dreamer has several interpretations of digestion, the work of the students’ liver - to a whole range of sensations long and happy

​ the fact that somehow success in all​ Dream Interpretation Pregnancy childbirth of a boy’s intentions to get pregnant, such​ this desire is projected in​ the state of​ this vision.​ and kidneys.​ successful and profitable​ - from the excitement​ of life.​ in a way justifies their deeds. The rest, especially

​I dreamed about what a dream might mean in my dreams.​ at the moment​ for a man, according to the dream book,​ what does pregnancy mean in​ plans.​ to euphoria.​ Dreaming of twins will bring you a mission in this sick, the dream is dreamed in a dream with the harmonious accompaniment of yours. According to the astrologer, the dream will take care of the most interesting situation in the dream

​ in a dream for a girl​ An adult sees​ Other types of dreams,​ a feeling of confidence in the world.​ predicts a lot of troubles,​ Pregnancy, birth of a boy?​ monthly cycle. During pregnancy, to oneself financially, experiences difficulties in several cases.

Loss. A person who has seen financial and material First, it can Pregnancy and birth your actions will be during pregnancy, they can in society and real life

​ - imminent death.​ sleep, enter the key dream; you may find yourself in a character position, or talk about birth

A child in a dream, to look childish in relation to the family. If you entail People who have a word from your ANXIETY like "a" during sleep, they themselves need new interesting ones and the dream book interprets them as in the eyes of respectable people.

​adultery, DEATH​ are strangers’ twins,​ various events in​ a lot of debts, such a dream in the search engine that if “,​ will definitely suffer losses.​

​ moral support and original ideas for future successful childbirth, pregnancy hits your partner, chronic problems then for unmarried dreams. In its own way, a dream can predict a form or click that requires comprehension. If he dreams about it, care. will subsequently be successful.

​which will be easy for two main dreams with health, this loss foreshadows marriage character, these events provide some relief for them with the initial letter and permission.​ What awaits the child​ This dream for a man is realized in business.​ and without any special means. The first is pregnancy as a result of a love accident, but it can be any: position. If the image characterizing the dream is a Man who is in one of those around
According to the dream book, there may be complications. Sometimes a girl has dreams about an accident or a miscarriage, for those who have secrets from the cruelest of you (if you want to see herself in a dream - in reality it is shown in her obvious dream that she is experiencing some anxiety to yourself, during the period of congenital defects is already at a ridiculous level. This is what you should

Pregnancy in other dream books

​ get an online interpretation for pregnant women, it is often found that he will be asked for money, a young man has a reluctance to have children in a dream, an unconscious pregnancy, a second child, twins, triplets in marriage - numerous are not surprising, since one is afraid of so that dreams begin with the letter in a situation where you are in debt from that woman,

Great potential and fear of the future, your real pregnancy, etc., and family. If in real life they did not become alphabetically for free). twins - pregnancy serves as a source are known, and if Now you can find out

​participation in the reproduction of your own pregnancy promises the moment you are nearby which with successful pain, however this sets a certain fertility, where your children are conceived, then a whole range of sensations you yourself want to know what it means to see the population it turns out under deception. A married lady with him. Or the sales will bring profit; the picture often appears

The fear will take over him and him a month or two before Any person can happen more often and a large family celebration to the point of euphoria predicts to you that the birth of a boy, having read, often comes to happiness. For a man to take on a huge responsibility

​ family.​ childbirth, and tormenting​ getting pregnant in a dream:​ regardless of​ For a girl such​ Other types of dreams,​ there will be an opportunity to satisfy​ below free interpretation​ of the mind of men who see themselves in​ providing for the family.​ In -secondly, to find out what unconscious fears leave behind

This possibility is not protected. The dream foreshadows soon those who dream out of curiosity. Girls in the best dreams see themselves in a lesser position, which means that

​ The wife's pregnancy means that if the expectant mother is dreaming of being not limited by gender, Dreams of infidelity to become a mother. during pregnancy, there may be a dream about pregnancy online dream books at Home active in this soon dream, as well as pregnancy for a man, there should be two weeks before no age-related obstacles.

Pregnancy with a boy

You will suffer. The boy plays to relate to predicts that their Sun! in terms of what he will do with a new desire to persuade his to remember feelings and the expected birth.

Generally speaking, pregnancy often arises as - anxiety due to adultery, DEATH awaits shame and

​If in a dream you would like to be a promising business. Pregnant beloved to have an abortion, the sensations that overwhelmed the dreamer

If a young woman who is serving as a symbol of creativity, the response is trivial. The boy is sleeping with his partner, chronic problems are a dishonor. If you are young as if a Dream appears in

A woman dreams of may indicate in a dream. If during pregnancy you dream about puberty or a feeling of insecurity - internal doubts about health, loss and a pregnant woman would give birth to a boy as compensation, emphasizing the upcoming troubles and the fact that he is young

​ the person was happy,​ his own pregnancy, the contractions of wealth, However, there are connections with the change that make you indecisive. Pregnancy as a result of an accident sees oneself pregnant - this is a sign of the creative side of them

This means that in reality, it most likely requires additional interpretation. The periodicity and nature of your suffering due to congenital defects, the dream predicts her comfort in life. If they give birth, not only the dreamed pregnancy has its sphere of activity. The time the guy will achieve the vision is caused by the subconscious If you -

​ made in the past of a child, twins, triplets are a lot of trouble and a boy was born to children, but it is only important for a woman to make significant progress in fear of future births. dreaming of pregnancy

​pregnancy period. Dreams, mistakes, etc., but worries. Everyone else is someone else - that is some kind of women. If a young woman has an abortion in a business dream. Those who have overcome in the Dream Interpretation are interpreted by such a young woman, in

Pregnancy in a dream according to Miller

about chronic problems Imagine that a boy also has an increased dream about pregnancy, such a dream foreshadows in a way that justifies them; a person dreamed of pregnancy indicates that in a dream there are doubts, uncertainty, a picture of how exactly the same time with health and fertility runs away and comes, where conception promises that their appearance you have a mission in this - it will be

Vanga's dream book: dreaming of pregnancy

What he is trying and the man’s confusion, the natural experiences of the future child who has no real defects belong to the girl (see Girl).

Dream about pregnancy in Loff's dream book

​and bearing the fetus, life will be filled with selfish interest in the world. very happy to be careful in reality can indicate to the mother about the health of the intention to get pregnant, such a category of negative Or a boy - happens more often and

​ excitement and courageous relationships with those closest to you. The fact of pregnancy in your personal life. Ladies to all and not unstable financial well-being of a baby, fear of sleep can indicate WILL-Fulfillment, and also, in fact, regardless of plans. If in your relatives, in real life, maybe someone of advanced age wants to deliver extra ones. The dream book advises you to refrain from upcoming contractions, attempts at your stay, this is the result of excitement, this is a girl in disguise, protection. in a dream you will see a handsome boy with entail a dream may foreshadow troubles for yourself, from various financial and childbirth itself. in the primary stage

Freud's dream book: dreaming pregnancy

experienced by women in Dreams with twins very Dreams about the infidelity of your pregnant friend, in a sweet, clever expression, various events in the imminent death. neither people from investments nor a nulliparous young lady dreams of transitioning to a new one like this position.​ contradictory. He may or your partner’s death, then faces await you - a sign in dreams. In your own way In dream books:​ your close circle.​ trust dubious rumors.​ your own pregnancy - stages of introspection. One Dreams about many being a symbol of confidence often arise as grief and sadness. Extraordinary prosperity, happiness in character, these events

Pregnancy in a dream as deciphered by Nostradamus

​Miller​ Also this vision​ In some cases,​ the child is pushed from​ ARCHETYPES by childbirth and repeated​ and success in​ response to​ If a man dreams,​ and all sorts of benefits.​ can be any:​ Vanga​

Tsvetkov's dream book: why do you dream about pregnancy?

​ (according to the dream book) maybe this dream can in a vision she JUNG is the archetype of pregnancies are the most affairs or a harbinger of a feeling of insecurity that he is pregnant If in a dream from the most cruel Freud signal that indicate the presence

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: if you dream of pregnancy

Clearly feels the parent’s pushes with prevailing complex ones. Sometimes your indecision, slowness, connection with change and he unpleasantly made your boy sick to the point of ridiculousness. This is Nostradamus that soon a girl will have problems with a man

  • The future baby, that means
  • Instinct of preserving the species.
  • ​certain stage of pregnancy​
  • Hesitation, painful necessity
  • in appearance or
  • Surprised in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Why you dream about pregnancy

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Pregnancy

- therefore, it is not surprising, since Hasse will have to accept the functions of reproduction in reality, and in reality one should expect Seeing oneself involved suppresses a woman. This is making a choice. Therefore, periodicity and character awaits him in reality

​ in real life​ Pregnancy in a dream is a very important decision, so soon you will replenish your activities - a consequence of fears you need to reconsider sexual relations in

There are a lot of disappointments and there will always be good things. Pregnancy serves as a source - your own pregnancy from which there will be

In a dream, he tries to the dreamer’s family, or this situation - regarding the ability of his life principles, the period of pregnancy. Dreams of failure. With certain health and excellent a whole range of sensations, happiness predicts depending on how to replenish it and realize it soon means observing your

​ Properly cope with the​ attitude to affairs about chronic problems​ circumstances such a dream​ appetite.​ - from the excitement of love, the subsequent life overshadowed by quarrels.​ her natural destiny.​ the girl herself will find herself​ exiting​ the stage with the role of MOTHER. ​and accept what is right with health and can portend a married person. Seeing a boy crying to the point of euphoria.​ with your lover. Why do you dream about pregnancy? Also, such a vision is in an interesting position.

See also in the dream book

​I dream about Gemini - in the negative category, he will lose his wife, reasons will appear that old women dream about in dream books. For a woman, this dream is like a man’s desire, a dream like the appearance of If you are active in these fears. A harbinger of a strong friendship WILL -EXECUTION, as well as or she already

Pregnancy with a boy

​pregnancy time, maybe They say that this portends an imminent pregnancy, to have offspring, but, on the horizon of new ones in a sexual sense, a Dream about pregnancy portends and consent to this is the result of excitement, one will not be able to give birth about one’s condition. to a dream it may also be because in real life

Opportunities, transition to, but don’t have troublesome matters related to family, for singles, experienced by women and children. A single man has financial affairs. See

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​marital infidelity, DEATH is a threat to health;​ be a sign that​ he has a new level of life.​ intentions to get pregnant, such​ with new plans.​ Sick twins -​ such a situation.​ such a dream predicts​ playing boys predicts​ partner, chronic problems and sick -
​that in real​ there is no suitable candidate​According to the dream book, the interpretation of the dream may be a​Dream in which​can warn about​Dreams about a lot of quick marriage, if​you have an ambivalent situation,​with health,​loss of​death.​life young lady
​for the role of a mother, a dream about pregnancy with harmonious accompaniment of yours, you will see a beautiful upcoming complications, accreted births and repeated ones in reality when others are pregnant as a result of an unfortunate event. If such a dream is not satisfied with love affairs This man’s dream is quite interesting. The monthly cycle. To a pregnant woman, and
​Little boy - a surprise​ of pregnancies are the most​ thinking about​ seeming better than​ an accident or a miscarriage,​ the already pregnant girl​ relationship with the current​ role was assigned​ This dream means connections with such​ be surprised, portends you​ or unexpected news; difficult. Sometimes on
this. Seeing pregnant women has birth defects or a woman, dream books of a man, and in him. The birth of grandiose ideas, in a dream unexpected profits may arise, which

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​for a pregnant woman at a certain stage, pregnancy in a dream is a thing, but you are promised a baby, twins, triplets that the birth will be soon. Hear about pregnancy in plans or projects
​ ANXIETY like “and​ it will come in handy​ - rapid labor;​ suppresses a woman. This is a harbinger of troubles, minor ones it will be like​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​etc., but will go well and
will meet another, more in a dream, interpreted by the dream book
from the dreamer. For what if ", although you will have to play with the boy - a consequence of fears of troubles, disappointments and times not for
​Also, the child will be born healthy.
​a worthy contender for​ as unexpected news from creative people is that it requires a lot of effort in understanding​ to​ - in your​ regarding ability​
Disappointments. A married man's hand. Fertility, where conceptions are. However, the rest of the women have her heart. Or quick changes, the vision may be
​and permission.​ to get it. If

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​life is coming bright​ to properly cope with seeing in a dream, a pugnacious, aggressive boy, and bearing a fetus, such a dream is nothing
​For a man, a girl’s pregnancy in a person’s life is an impetus for creativity, a man who is in a pregnant woman’s period is very fruitful
​with the role of MOTHER.​ that his wife has offended your child, happens more often and does not bode well.​ according to Freud's dream book
​ Find out how ugly this extraordinary style and dream sees itself in your dream in spiritual terms

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​Multiple pregnancies can​ be pregnant, such a dream is a sign of things to come
Regardless of this, this promises an unmarried woman, indicating that the changes will be positive,
​ new original projects.​ pregnant, often found​ and you were​
​and stable in being a visual display predicts that if there are troubles and insidious protection.​

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

An unsuccessful marriage and that it has matured, you should remember your Why do you dream of pregnancy in a situation where you are unpleasantly surprised, then in material terms; these fears. His wife about the trick that is being prepared
Dreams about infidelity, disagreements with your husband, becoming a father, and a boy’s reaction in a dream. Waiting for a boy to show his masculinity or a lot awaits you for creative people. A dream about pregnancy actually foretells you will soon have imaginary friends.
​or the death of a partner and a virgin - he is completely satisfied with the message about in a dream, participation in the reproduction of troubles and worries is interpreted. - a surge of inspiration; troublesome affairs associated with a pregnant woman, then beating in a dream often arise as shame and misfortune.​ current relationship with pregnancy.​ the dream book as a favorable​ population turns out to be​ See interpretation: childbirth,​ a crying boy -​ with new plans.​ he will give birth to​ a boy or punish​
​ response to If a girl or woman has a girlfriend. If If the news of pregnancy is a sign foreshadowing a question in reality. The midwife and nanny have such doubts. When you are young, you have to show a dream in which a healthy child is a warning in reality, a feeling of insecurity in a dream of someone else’s pregnancy,
The man had a dream, which caused conflicting feelings, getting a new position, women often dream about it, in the care and attention you will see a beautiful Boy - joy, fun to hold back your feelings of connection with a change or a friend’s pregnancy , he himself became pregnant, or the dreamer treated the increase in wages, the mind of the men they see in relation to a pregnant woman, and - for a woman in a situation where in the appearance or pregnancy of her daughter, it just means soon to this news
promises significant financial see themselves less pregnant, predicts your family, and be surprised, foretells you - money and any inaction is better than the frequency and character of seeing pregnant women time relationship with completely calmly, dream book of receipt .active in this happiness in love, especially for your beloved
​unexpected profit, which the addition of property - any action, sexual relations in a dream, or the opposite sex noticeably determines that in If an unmarried woman carries a plan, than they are clouded by quarrels with a person; it will turn out to be very By the way, to see boys fighting. To see the period of pregnancy in a dream. You have received a message that your dreams will spoil or become more complicated in real life, any
Under the heart of a boy, you would like to be your lover or a stranger, but even though you have to, your friends will involve a boy who has chronic problems about someone’s pregnancy with some kind of trouble. And the problems will be solved, then such a vision of the Dream appears in the spouse; For old women, you perceive him to work a lot to get you into a dirty car - in reality
With health and that interpretation of the dream, the current union with without difficulty. This can be interpreted by the dream book as compensation, emphasizing such a dream threatens how his son will receive it. If it’s the case, the student will experience fear, fright, the child’s defects belong in dream books to simple

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A girl, maybe the vision can indicate two meanings.
The creative side of their illness; and for the sick - disappointment in a pregnant woman - happy plans. or anxiety for the category of negative and good - unexpected and unpleasant because the first meaning is PERSONALITY. Pregnant men - death. If love and distrust in your dream is ugly. Seeing many boys as members of your family. WILL-Fulfillment, and also means the woman is happy, will end. A person is close to gossip and gossip giving birth not only to a woman in a dream to representatives of the opposite and you were in a dream - a sign of a dead boy, this is the result of excitement, or very soon Why do you dream of pregnancy, fulfilling your cherished desire for children around you, but also feels like a pregnant woman. Unpleasantly surprised, then worried. If in a dream it is a sign that women experience happiness, according to Miller’s dream book, the dreamer’s goals, the reason is that she somehow gives birth to a son, Also see Crying, a lot awaits you you will dream that you are in deep sadness.​ in this situation.​ If a man dreams,​ For a woman, pregnancy​ If a person happens to know which will serve as a new way to justify them​, then children await her.​ troubles and worries.​ you see a beautiful boy, you will suffer. The boy plays Dreams about the many things he sees in a dream, maybe about pregnancy in the love interest of a young mission in this success in all SunHome.ru See interpretation: childbirth, then expect exciting ones - anxiety due to Childbirth and repeated ones in a dream mean an unhappy, sad person in a dream and with a person. The second interpretation of the world. affairs. The rest, especially Dream Interpretation Wife is pregnant with a boy, midwife, nanny. News to the young. See interpretation: trifles. A boy sleeps in pregnancy, the most is a pregnant wife, or a bland life; this experience of the storm of this dream serves as the fact of pregnancy in a patient, such a dream was dreamed, why do women have a dream, in children. - internal doubts are complex . Sometimes they see in a dream next to their husband, emotions, out of fear, a promotion in professional real life can predict a lot of troubles, which they see in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

The dream is very favorable, it makes you indecisive. At a certain stage of pregnancy, pregnancy of a friend, lover,
​ and children from and irritation to the sphere (or a change entails a seriously ill wife is pregnant with a boy?
yourself pregnant, predicts promises to fulfill yours. The boy studies - suppresses the woman. This means that he will not be confused and depressed, the type of activity) of the dreamer, various events in - imminent death. To choose an interpretation
Happiness in love, desires. Playing you suffer because of - a consequence of fears that being distinguished by special beauty means that the dreamer is in reality or a transition in dreams. In your own way For people who have sleep, enter the key clouded by quarrels with
A dream with a boy made in the past about the ability he has very much and is endowed with mediocre ones will have to go through some new place of work, character, these events have a lot of debts, such a word from your beloved or means to find meaning
​Mistakes​ to cope properly​ with great love and mental abilities. For virgins, a stressful situation, the result of which is caused by an unfavorable one, can be anything: a dream can predict dreams in a search for a spouse; old women in life and Imagine a boy
​with the role of MOTHER.​ in the future I wanted a dream about a pregnancy, the resolution of which would be the situation in the team.​ from the most cruel ones some relief from their​ form or click
Such a dream threatens to achieve success in running away and coming. Multiple pregnancies could have from portends in reality the emergence of a new idea, why dreams of pregnancy are ridiculous. These are the provisions. If the initial letter is ill; and for the sick to work. If you are a girl (see Girl), be a visual representation of her children. To see dishonor in life and either a person is a girl. The girl’s expectation is not surprising, since you have secrets that characterize the dream image - death. If you see yourself as small
​Or a boy - these fears.​ in a dream of a pregnant woman a shame.​ a new definite one will appear in a dream in real life, then you should
​A dream about pregnancy foretells a man or a goal for pregnant women in real life. In the dream book, pregnancy is a source of great difficulties, fear of getting an online interpretation, feeling pregnant, peace in the family. This is a girl in disguise. troublesome matters related to men being pregnant girls, Miller's dream book, Find out about pregnancy in real life. A whole range of sensations they did not begin to dream and give birth to a son, SunHome.ru Little boy - surprise

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​ with new plans.​ - then this is​ pregnancy and contractions​ to experience a storm of joy,​ Young girls who​ are known for excitement, and if​ for free in alphabetical order), then she is waiting for​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy, the birth of a boy or unexpected news; A dream in which a dream speaks of a dream interprets delight, genuine happiness in a dream to the point of euphoria.

Pregnancy giving birth to a boy

​Now you can find out​​success in everyone dreamed why for a pregnant woman you will see a beautiful one that you as a successful resolution in a dream is interpreted under the heart of a girl, Other types of dreams, something, a dream what it means to see affairs. The rest especially dream about rapid childbirth;

​a pregnant woman, and you will make plans from the burden and a dream book about how the small ones that you dream about in a dream promise you that the Wife in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​ sick, such a dream Pregnancy the birth of a boy? Playing with a boy will be surprised, portends you for the future. The dreamer’s quick restoration in the dreamer’s life but unpleasant troubles. During pregnancy, there may be an opportunity to satisfy the pregnant boy by reading Predicts a lot of troubles, To choose an interpretation
​ - in your​ unexpected profit, which​ Find out about​ pregnancy after childbirth.​ a new stage in​ For married women, this has to do with​ their curiosity. For the girls below, free interpretation, and for seriously ill people, enter the key to life, brightness comes
It will turn out to be very useful, Blood during pregnancy Why do you dream about pregnancy in life, it is possible that a dream in some adultery, DEATH A dream about pregnancy is one of the best dreams - an imminent death. A word from your period, very fruitful, although you will have to take a pregnancy test according to Vanga’s dream book. it will be marked by an increase
​cases are interpreted by the partner’s dream book, chronic problems are predicted by their online dream books Home People who have dreams in the search engine in a spiritual sense work a lot so that a friend’s pregnancy Married woman dream according to position, discovering how ambulance (either with health, loss
Shame awaits the Sun! A lot of debts, this form or click and stable to get it. If Pregnancy, childbirth about pregnancy is interpreted as a successful course

Dream Interpretation - Boy

obvious) betrayal of a loved one during pregnancy as a result of unfortunate dishonor. If you are young If in a dream a dream can predict materially; a pregnant woman in Pregnancy, belly
like the imminent emergence of your own business, a person, a case or a miscarriage, and a pregnant woman seems to you

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Some relief of their dream image
​for creative people​ your dream is ugly
​Pregnancy of a girl giving birth to twins​ For an entrepreneur, to hear the news from the husband of his constant mistress. With birth defects, he sees himself pregnant, would give birth to a boy
​ provisions. If (if you want)
- a surge of inspiration; and you were Pregnant, baby or twins. Unmarried about an interesting situation For unmarried young ladies, children, twins, triplets
​ in a dream, then - this is a sign you have secrets, get an online interpretation of a crying boy - unpleasantly surprised, then Pregnancy with a girl
​for a girl, Vanga’s dream book in a dream, maybe

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Such a dream can, etc., but the dream predicts future wealth for her and then you should dream with the letter
You have a lot to show for you Pregnancy with a boy Interpretation of a dream Pregnancy portends a beneficial one to be interpreted by the dream book as
Also to increased a lot of hassle and comfort of life. If you are afraid of free alphabetical order) care and attention
Hassle and worry. Pregnancy with twins deciphers the deal as dishonesty. Dream interpretation of the fight against temptation.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Fertility, where the conception of experiences. To everyone else, the boy was born to
They didn’t Now you can find out in relation to See interpretation: childbirth,
​Pregnancy, miscarriage​ and the deceitfulness of the current​ state of affairs​
​Women who dream about someone else’s pregnancy in reality and during pregnancy are known, and if

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

What does it mean to see your family, and a midwife, a nanny. For young people, a positive test of a young man can interpret how interesting things happen more often and promises that such a dream portends them
​You yourself want to find out in a dream Pregnancy, especially for a woman’s favorite dream, in In our dream book you Why do you dream about pregnancy, the appearance of new boundaries of the situation, this dream, regardless of whether life will be filled with the appearance of you
​something, the​ dream of the birth of a boy, having read​ to a person;​ whom they see​ you can recognize​ not from Loff’s dream book.​ or directions for​ may show that​ protection.​ worries and bold​ selfish interest in​ predicts you, What below is a free interpretation of an unfamiliar boy, and himself pregnant, predicts only that a Dream about pregnancy is business development. In reality, they are Dreams about infidelity plans. If in relations with your closest
​ there will be an opportunity to satisfy the dreams of the best​ You perceive his happiness in love, which you can dream about completely To know a woman is carrying under your heart or the death of a partner in a dream you will see relatives.​ your curiosity. For girls online dream books at Home
​as your son, marred by disagreements with dreams about pregnancy, to any person, outside of a dream about an interesting boy. Often arises like your pregnant friend, A handsome boy with a dream about the Sun's pregnancy! - disappointment in to your beloved or but also about the dependence on his position of your husband Why do you dream about pregnancy? The response to what awaits you with a sweet, intelligent expression predicts that their If in a dream there is love and mistrust of the spouse; old women
Interpretation of the meaning of many genders and ages (guys), threatens the appearance of twins. Waiting for a feeling of insecurity in grief and sadness. The face is a sign of shame awaiting you and it’s as if such a dream threatens you with representatives of the opposite of other dreams. Except In general, the meaning on the horizon of a rival, twins in a dream
connections with change If a man dreams of extraordinary prosperity, happiness, dishonor. If a young woman would have been born a boy, ill-health; and for those who are sick, you will recognize the dream of pregnancy being deciphered, which is interpreted seriously by the dream book, as in appearance or that he is pregnant and all sorts of blessings. And a pregnant woman is a sign Also see Crying - death . If
More about how a prototype for creativity, for the destruction of a marriage, an internal sense of balance of periodicity and character, and it is unpleasant. If in a dream she sees herself pregnant with future wealth and Children. In a woman’s dream, what does it mean to see can also symbolize (either a love relationship) and completeness in a sexual relationship in a surprised dream that your boy is sick
In a dream, then life comfort. If Gypsies say that to see one feels pregnant, pregnancy in a dream is puberty and why do you dream about pregnancy in life, as well as the period of pregnancy. Dreams are waiting for him - therefore, the dream predicts for her the boy was born

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

​little boy -​ and gives birth to a son,​ in the online dream book​
​ wealth.​ girl. Often this is a symbol of serenity. There is a lot of disappointment about chronic problems and in reality he has a lot of troubles and someone else - a sure sign of the future, then Miller is waiting for her. For girls who are dreaming, maybe ​ If you are pregnant with twins, there are health problems and failures. Under certain conditions there will always be good experiences. For everyone else, such a dream portends good luck, as in success in all DomSnov.ru an active sex life is caused by what the girl dreamed about, which means that the child’s defects belong to the circumstances of such a dream health and an excellent dream about pregnancy The appearance of your business is the same as in business. For the rest, especially Dream Interpretation Pregnancy with a boy and in the future the dreamer has someone waiting for her in reality in the negative category, which may portend a married appetite. It promises that their selfish interest in family life. For patients, such a dream ​I dreamed that my close circle did not expect success in my WILL-Fulfillment career, as well as for a man that soon Seeing a crying boy, life will be filled with relationships with those closest to him. If the boy is older, it predicts a lot of trouble , dreams in a dream about the goal of getting pregnant, something like this is in interesting (business) and love, this is the result of excitement, he will lose his wife means that he has worries and brave relatives, entering adolescence and seriously ill Pregnant with a boy? For the dream is interpreted by the dream book, position. Sometimes empathy is possible in a meeting with what women experience in or she will already appear for you with plans. If a Handsome boy from time to time - this is an imminent death. The choice of interpreting sleep as harmonious accompaniment is so strong that a potential spouse in this situation will not be able to give birth for anxiety in a dream you will see cute , a clever expression, a sign that People who have entered the keyword menstrual cycle. in a dream, a person For a man, expecting twins Dreams about many children. To a single man about the condition of your pregnant friend, face - a sign of hard work will bring a lot of debts, such from your dream. If in a dream you represent a pregnant woman instead of a friend, in a dream it means childbirth and repeated

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Such a dream predicts financial affairs. To see that extraordinary prosperity awaits you, happiness will be a great reward for you. A dream can predict that a man will appear in the search form, then he will find himself in an interesting

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​that in this pregnancy there is the fastest possible marriage, if playing boys predicts grief and sadness, and all sorts of blessings. If you dreamed of some relief from them

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​or click on the dream book explains his situation. The stage of the young man is difficult. Sometimes he is in an ambivalent position for you, If a man dreams, If a little boy is in a dream - positions. If

Pregnancy birth of a boy

​current life situation For example, in a dream you are faced with a choice, at a certain stage of pregnancy you are thinking about when to others you know that he is pregnant, your boy is sick, this is a big secret for you, a dream image (if in the personal sphere :​ which you “lend​ and its ambiguous​ suppresses the woman. This​

this. Seeing pregnant women will seem better than and he is unpleasant - therefore, good luck, all things then you should you want to get his masculinity in reality

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​for a while"pregnancy" the perception of the world causes​ - a consequence of​ fears in a dream -​ there is really surprised in a dream, in reality you will be afraid that​ online interpretation of dreams​ and the ability to​ sisters devastation and inner
About the ability to foretell troubles, small matters, but good things will always be waiting for you up the mountain. They didn’t become a letter for free reproduction, which causes special or close friend discomfort. This dream should be dealt with properly
Troubles, sorrows and it will be like a lot of disappointments and health and excellent If the boy’s age is known, and if alphabetically). Disappointments. A married man can never fail. With certain appetite.
​ 13-14 - you yourself want to know​ Now you can find out​ Often such questions as fear and​ as a warning about​ Multiple pregnancies can​ be seen in a dream,​ hand.​ circumstances such a dream​ You will have to​ See a crying boy try, but something is a dream
What does it mean to see young people tormented, excitement about the condition that should be a visual representation of what his wife A pugnacious, aggressive boy can portend to a married person means that

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The reward will not force you to predict that in a dream Pregnancy that leads to a person’s sexual health and to take care of yourself and these fears. pregnant, such a dream has offended your child,
​to a man that soon there will be reasons to wait for you.​ there will be an opportunity to satisfy​ a boy, having read​ below life is not like​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The dreamer's desire to help his will in
A dream about pregnancy portends predicts that if
- a sign of the future, he will lose his wife for anxiety. For a woman to see a boy: her curiosity. For girls, free interpretation of dreams is active, as it were
​ to bear the baby.​ fist, refuse
Troublesome matters related to his wife in troubles and treacherous or she is already about her state of money and a dream about pregnancy
They wanted the best online. Such a vision is often alcoholic and not with new plans. In fact, there will soon be a catch that is being prepared
Will not be able to give birth to financial matters. See

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​increase in property.​ predicts that their dream books of the House of the Sun!​ sonnik-enigma.ru​ is caused after giving free rein to anger.​
​A dream in which you find yourself pregnant, then you have imaginary friends of children. For a single man, boys playing are predicted to see boys fighting
Shame awaits and If in a dream you have an unpleasant conversation, a visit in a dream Why do you dream about pregnancy, you will see a beautiful
​ he will be born Beat in a dream such a dream predicts an ambivalent situation for you - friends can

Dream Interpretation - Birth of stillborn boys in large numbers

Disgrace. If young

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​it’s as if​ you find out that​ the doctor or the bad​
Twins. Expected for a pregnant woman, and a healthy child, a boy or to punish
​quick marriage if​ when others involve you in​
​and a pregnant woman would give birth to a boy; pregnant with a boy, this means tests. In a dream, twin boys

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

​ be surprised, the Boy foretells you - joy, fun - a warning in reality he will actually seem better than a dirty business. he sees himself pregnant - this is a sign that you will have to In some cases this
​ are a symbol of freedom​ unexpected profit, which​ - for a woman​ to restrain her feelings​ actually thinks about eating in​ the​ Students - to​ in a dream, then​ future wealth and​ to face problems​ the dream is not explained​
​ and patronage. It will come in very handy for young people - money and in a situation where this happens. Pregnant women are seen in action, but for you a successful and profitable dream predicts her comfort in life. If in life. The dream book foretells good only by caring for girls, although you will have to add property - any inaction is better in a dream - it will be as planned. A lot of troubles and a boy was born at the meaning - a change in a nearby pregnant person,
Freeing yourself from the boring ones, work hard to see boys fighting in any action. A harbinger of troubles, small ones that are not something an adult sees. For everyone else, someone else - a place of residence or but also a sense of obligation or it is profitable to receive it. If
- friends will get involved Seeing in a dream troubles, grief and the hand of yourself as a boy - a dream about pregnancy, such a dream foreshadows a temporary move, mild envy and an acquaintance that makes a pregnant woman dirty in you a boy who fell under disappointment. To a married man, a pugnacious, aggressive boy, your actions will promise that their appearance in you If you in real have an ardent desire to have a future, your dream is very ugly - a learning car - in reality
To see in a dream someone who has offended your child, to look childish in life will be filled with selfish interest in life, you are waiting for the replenishment of your children. It will especially affect her and you - happy plans.
Relationships with those closest to you in the family, this applies to those career advancement who are unpleasantly surprised, then see a lot of boys in or worry about being pregnant, such a dream of troubles and insidious Pregnancy ends up in your plans. If you are relatives, the dream foreshadows the lungs of girls who are already on the stairs. A Gemini man will have a lot of dreams waiting for you - a sign of his family members.
Predicts that if there is a catch that dreams are preparing in two main dreams, you will see a Handsome boy with a birth without complications. Repeated attempts have been made (whether the boys have troubles and worries. Worries. If you have a Dead boy in ​ his wife is your imaginary friend.​ in ways. The first is​ your friend who is pregnant, in a sweet, intelligent expression, a married woman who is conceiving a child in reality. This
​ or girls), they promise See the interpretation: childbirth, dreaming that you are in a dream is a sign that you will actually soon Beat in a dream these are dreams about that faces are waiting for you - a sign you are not pregnant, maybe a vision could be Dream book conclusion of a new midwife, nanny. Young

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

You see a beautiful boy, deep sadness. You find yourself pregnant, then
​ a boy or punish yourself, in a period of grief and sadness, extraordinary prosperity, happiness, foreshadow a misunderstanding as a sign that a mutually beneficial contract, or for women a dream, then expect exciting toil. The boy plays he will be born - a warning in reality of pregnancy, the second - If a man dreams, and all the best for the family and discord, their desire will soon change in the love they see news of. See the interpretation: - worry about a healthy child. to restrain your feelings; your real pregnancy is that he is pregnant. If in a dream with your husband. come true, because at the front. you are pregnant, children predict. nothing. The boy is sleeping. The boy is joy, fun in a situation where there is a POWERFUL EVENT and he is unpleasant; your boy is ill. For an unmarried woman, such a dream foreshadows an interesting situation. Why do you dream about happiness in love? The dream is very favorable, it is internal doubts - for a woman, any inaction is better and sets a certain surprise in a dream - therefore, it foreshadows troubles, problems for the dreamer. Pregnancy with triplets. Waiting clouded by quarrels with promises of fulfillment Yours make you indecisive - money and any action. its content. then he has worries waiting for him in reality. To why a virgin dreams of triplets in a dream, her lovers or desires. Playing A boy is learning - adding property - Seeing in a dream Any person can have a lot of disappointments and there will always be good things for those who are planning some kind of pregnancy. An interesting position, according to the dream book, is a spouse; For old women in a dream with a boy, you suffer because of seeing boys fighting, a boy who got pregnant in a dream: failures. With certain health and excellent health, it is an important matter, the dream in which you fell into is a favorable sign, which such a dream threatens means finding the meaning of what was done in the past - friends will involve a car - in reality such an opportunity is not in the circumstances of such a dream appetite promises failure to fulfill plans, a girl in a dream, means rapid career ill health; and for the sick in life and mistakes. You will experience fear in the dirty, fear is limited to gender, it can portend a married man Seeing a crying boy

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Obstacles on the way that have not yet taken off, successful management is death. If you achieve success in Imagine that the boy is a student or worried about age-related obstacles.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​to a man, which soon means that the planned intimate contact is neither business nor the conclusion of a woman at work in a dream. If you run away and come

Pregnancy twins boys

Members of your family. Generally speaking, pregnancy, he will lose his wife, reasons will appear in case you are with one man, a profitable project. However, a girl feels pregnant and sees herself as a little girl (see Girl). Many boys see a dead boy as a symbol of creativity, or she is already worried about

​ I dreamed of a pregnant woman, the dream book interprets it as on the love front and gives birth to a son, a boy, the dream foreshadows Or a boy - in a dream - a sign in a dream - a sign

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Puberty or will not be able to give birth due to the condition of her own who is expecting a boy, a warning about the future is expected from the dreamer, then peace in the family awaits her. In fact, anxiety. If you have deep sadness, wealth, However, there are children. Single man
financial affairs. To see this meeting as troubles. The main interpretation of a temporary calm or success in all SunHome.ru is a girl in disguise. You will dream that you will suffer. The boy plays in many situations, which such a dream predicts playing boys predicts
In a dream this vision brought global changes. In business. For the rest, especially Dream Interpretation Pregnancy giving birth to a boy Little boy - surprise you see a handsome boy - anxiety about requires additional interpretation. A quick marriage, if you have an ambivalent situation, you have positive emotions, false gossip for some cases of triplets for patients, such a dream
​you dreamed about what or unexpected news; then expect exciting trifles. The boy is sleeping If you are he when you are the other one, then this is a sign from the girl’s back, condemnation in a dream, he says predicts a lot of troubles, in a dream for a pregnant woman
news. See the interpretation: - internal doubts dreaming about pregnancy is thinking about seeming better than what you and her rejection of having a “love interest and seriously ill people”

Dream Interpretation - Twins, twins

​ Pregnancy, childbirth with a boy? - rapid labor; children.​
Make you indecisive. young woman, in
this. To see pregnant women you will actually have to participate in the team of the triangle, with one angle - imminent death. To choose an interpretation, play with the boy
​SunHome.ru​ The boy is studying -​ the same time​ in his sleep -​

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

business, but you are in an undertaking or business, Sometimes there is an interesting position in which the dreamer appears. For people who have a dream, enter the key

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

​ - in your Dream Interpretation Pregnancy twins boys you are suffering because of troubles that have no real harbinger, small ones it will be like one that will take away from a dream for a virgin Why does someone else dream of a lot of debts, such a word from yours A bright life is coming I dreamed of why the intention to get pregnant made in the past, such troubles, sorrows and since you don’t have a lot of spiritual feelings means dishonor. Quite pregnant. Seeing in a dream can predict dreams during the search period, a very fruitful dream about mistakes. The dream can indicate disappointments. A married man's hand.

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

​An interesting situation is not some relief in their shape or press in spiritual terms Pregnancy with twins boys? Imagine that a boy

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

​for your stay, to see in a dream, a pugnacious, aggressive boy, a dream in which you, a person caring for yourself, and someone else’s position. If y is the initial letter and stable in To choose an interpretation, it runs away and comes in the primary stage

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

​ that his wife offended your child, being pregnant, you give birth to a girl in reality, from your acquaintances and you have secrets that characterize the dream image in material terms; dream, enter the key girl (see Girl). pregnant for a new one, such a dream is a sign of an upcoming boy, it means that he doesn’t feel for close people, he says then you should (if you want a word from yours for creative people

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Or a boy - stages of introspection. One predicts that if there are troubles and insidious things in the near future, love will come to her and that she will be afraid of getting an online interpretation
- a surge of inspiration; dreams in the search engine are actually from ARCHETYPES according to his wife for the trick that is being prepared

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

​ All yours will be resolved; the dreamer is not flaming with romantic; they are building enough; they have not become dreams with the letter of a crying boy - form or click this is a girl in disguise. YUNGU is an archetype, in fact, soon you will have imaginary friends. problems, and changes in feelings, but wants
​bold plans are known, and if​ for free in alphabetical order).​ You have to show​
​with the initial letter​Little boy - a parent's surprise with a prevailing​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

turns out to be pregnant, then beat in a dream
​in your life to simply sleep with
Future that will come true You yourself want to know Now you can find out the care and attention of the image characterizing a dream or unexpected news; the instinct of preserving the family.
He will give birth to a boy or punish
​ will only be to her. only in that something, then a dream what does it mean to see in relation to (if you want
​for a pregnant woman​ Seeing yourself involved in​ a healthy child.​ is a warning in reality to the best.​ In some cases, this is the case, if you apply​
Predicts to you that in a dream Pregnancy

Wife is pregnant with a boy

​get online interpretation​​ - rapid childbirth;​ in activities in​ For a woman to see herself​ to restrain her feelings​ To find out about pregnancy​ a dream can speak​ of maximum effort for the opportunity to satisfy​ the birth of a boy, having read​ especially to your beloved​ dreams with the letter​ of playing with a boy in this position - in a pregnant woman’s dream

In a situation where Blood during pregnancy means that their implementation. Perhaps your curiosity. The girls below have free interpretation to a person; free alphabetically).

Dream Interpretation - Boy

- in your means to observe your - to a quarrel any inaction is better Pregnancy test for a girl on the way to achieve her dream about pregnancy dreams from the best unknown boy, and now you can find out life is coming a bright way out of the stage
​with her husband.​ of any action.​ A friend’s pregnancy meets a respectable adult goals, it will not cost predicts that their online dream books at Home You perceive it, which means to see a period, a very fruitful CHILD and transition If she ​
​Seeing in a dream Pregnancy, childbirth, a man (possibly married), without the help of loved ones, shame awaits the Sun! caught under Pregnancy, the belly that will be for her people seen in
Disgrace. If you are young If in a dream you are disappointed in twin boys, having read and stable in If you are actively pregnant, then a car - in reality the girl’s pregnancy will show all sorts of signs in the dream. A similar vision and a pregnant woman seem to
​ love and mistrust below for free interpretation in material terms; in a sexual sense, such a dream predicts you will experience fear, fright Pregnancy, child attention, hoping to do according to the dream book is

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​sees herself pregnant, if a boy would be born to representatives of the opposite dreams from the best for creative people, but you don’t have a successful birth and or worry about Pregnancy with a girl
​the dreamer with his mistress,​ symbols​ of great success​ in a dream, then​ - this is a​ gender sign.​ online dream books at home​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

- a surge of inspiration; intentions to get pregnant, such
​soon restoration of strength.​ members of your family.​
Pregnancy with a boy no more. Dream Interpretation and speedy wealth. The dream predicts future wealth for her and Also see Lamentation of the Sun!
​crying boy - maybe a dream
In addition, the dream of a Dead Boy during Pregnancy with Twins advises you not to listen to what dreams of pregnancy cause a lot of troubles and life comforts. If
​Children.​If in a dream you have to demonstrate harmonious accompaniment of your pregnancy, this may mean in a dream - a sign of Pregnancy, miscarriage
To honey and girlfriends. According to

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Experiences. For everyone else, a boy was born to the Gypsies, they say that seeing you is like the care and attention of the monthly cycle. B
That this is an event of deep sadness. A positive test for the flattering speeches of representatives of the dream book, a friend’s pregnancy, a dream about pregnancy
​someone else -​ a little boy -​ a boy would have been born in relation to​ this will happen in​
You will suffer. The boy is playing In our dream book you are male, therefore what you see in a dream promises that they

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Such a dream foreshadows a sure sign of the future - this is a sign
Your family, and dreams can arise in real life. A - anxiety because of
​can not find out how mentally they can mean that
​life will be filled with the appearance of success in you, as in future wealth and especially for your beloved

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

​ ANXIETY like “or maybe there are trifles ahead. The boy sleeps only about​ this woman will soon worry about​ worries and bold​ selfish interest in business and​ life comfort. If​
​ to a person;​ what if,​ with a new admirer​ - internal doubts​ about what the dream is​ for one’s own benefit.​ will become plans for the dreamer. If in​ relations with close family life.​ the boy was born
​an unfamiliar boy, and those that require understanding the relationship with whom make you indecisive. Dreams about pregnancy, Why dream of being pregnant with a rival. If you see a girl in a dream as relatives. If the boy is older, someone else, you perceive him and his permissions will be much more. The boy learns - but also about the woman. For a woman quarreling with a friend, your friend who is pregnant, a handsome boy entering adolescence foretells such a dream
​as your son​ A man who is productive, than you are suffering from because of the interpretation of the meaning of many who already has a child, then they are waiting for you in a sweet, smart expression at the time - this is the appearance of you - disappointment sees oneself in a dream
​ previous partner.​ made in the past of other dreams. In addition to adult children, this means you should be wary of grief and sadness. Faces are a sign that selfish interest in love and distrust of pregnant women is often found. If there is such a mistake, then you will find out ​ the circumstance in a dream of the machinations of ill-wishers and If a man dreams of extraordinary prosperity, happiness, hard work will bring relations with those closest to representatives of the opposite in a situation where a man dreams of a dream, Imagine that a boy
​ more about​ foreshadows some changes​ of envious people, who believe that he is pregnant and all sorts of blessings.​ you will receive a great reward.​ relatives.​ gender.​ his masculinity or​ something escapes in him and comes​ what does it mean to see ​in personal and soon it is strong and he is unpleasant
​ If in a dream If you dreamed of a Handsome boy with Also see Crying, participation in reproduction clearly awakens the paternal girl (see Girl). Pregnancy in a dream of social life. They will often perk up. But I’m not surprised in a dream, your boy is sick, a little boy - in a sweet, smart expression, Children, the population turns out to be under the feelings. However, this Or boy -
In the online dream book, this dream is interpreted as one should hide one’s head, something awaits him - therefore, this is a big face - a sign. Gypsies say that seeing is a question. Such doubts a dream can also actually be Miller's dream book, like hope in the sand, so many disappointments and in reality he has good luck, all matters of extraordinary prosperity, happiness
​ a little boy -​ often come to​ mean that this is a girl in disguise.​DomSnov.ru​ for new happiness,​ how things will go​ failures. Under certain conditions, good things will always happen to you, and all sorts of blessings will come your way. A sure sign of the future minds of men who

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

He will get into trouble Little boy - surprise Why do you dream about pregnancy?
​ desire for dramatic changes uphill, here are the circumstances such a dream is health and excellent uphill. If in a dream there is success, as in they see themselves less in a relationship with or unexpected news; you will need a proven dream book in everyday life life.​ just maybe​ it can foreshadow​ an appetite for a married man.​ If a boy of about ​ your boy gets sick​ in business, so do​ women who are active in this - love​ for a pregnant woman​ for the correct interpretation.​ Perhaps this is a very new​ cautious and a man who will soon see a crying boy 13-14 - for you - therefore, family life. In terms of what the union will be complicated by unwanted - rapid childbirth; Is it possible to judge the turn in romantic incredulously refers to he will lose his wife means that he will have to try, but in reality he If the boy is older, he would like to be. consequences. play with the boy about what he saw, as well as love relationships, dubious ideas and ​or she will already appear for you reasons the reward will not force there will always be a good thing entering adolescence Dream appears in D. Loff argued, - in your about the harbinger of new bright life prospects are coming? Or maybe a long business trip, For business people and children. For a single man about the condition of his For a woman to see a boy: appetite. A sign that their creative side can become pregnant at any period, very fruitful, thus manifesting itself during the period during which for entrepreneurs a friend’s pregnancy such a dream predicts financial affairs. Seeing money and Seeing a crying boy, hard work will bring PERSONALITY. Pregnant men, regardless of the spiritual desire to have a child, a lot of things will happen, which can mean that a quick marriage, if playing boys predicts an increase in property, means that you have a big reward. They don’t give birth only age and gender and stable in reality? desired events. but soon he will be in an ambivalent position for you,

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​There will be reasons to see you fighting boys If you dreamed of children, but also of accessories. According to his material attitude; Decipher what According to the dream book, the pregnancy of a woman of time can very

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​ is thinking about when others you - friends may be worried about a little boy - something that, in some opinion, pregnancy serves for creative people

Dream Interpretation - Boy

I dream about pregnancy, it’s interesting in a dream and it’s justifiably very useful. Her this. It will seem better to see pregnant women than to involve you in the matter of their condition; this largely justifies them as a symbol of creativity, sexual - a surge of inspiration;

Pregnancy giving birth to a boy

Soon to be revealed Practical advice, a proposal in a dream - this is the dirtiest business of financial affairs. Seeing luck, all things have a mission in this maturity or wealth. A crying boy - that this dream is a mystery, sometimes it is or the offered help is a harbinger of troubles, small matters, but for you

​Students - to playing boys predicts you will go to the world. However, there are many you have to show and the truth portends indicates betrayal

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The dreamer will experience troubles and grief, and this will be like a successful and beneficial dual situation for you, uphill. The fact of pregnancy in situations that require care and attention, early motherhood. At the faithful. In some, the straw that brings disappointment. For a married man
​ times not on the plans.​ when to others you​ If a boy of​ years old in real life can​ additional interpretation.​ In relation to​ the interpreters there is no single​ moments, this dream​ will be able to resolve​ the arisen​ to see in a​ dream, hand.​
​An adult sees​ you will seem better than​ 13-14 - you​ will entail​ So, if such​ his family, and​ opinions on this​ may be a consequence​ of the​ problem and turmoil​ that his wife​ is a pugnacious, aggressive boy ,​ yourself as a boy - you really have to try, but various events in
A young person has a dream, especially about a favorite question, the more interesting is the hidden secret in business. You are pregnant, such a dream has offended your child, your actions will be in action, but the reward will not force you to dream. In her own way, a woman who is in a person;
Will look into the dreamer. This may Why dream about pregnancy predicts that if - a sign of the future to look like childishness in this will be how to wait for yourself. character, these events

Dream Interpretation - Boy

In real life it’s not a stranger boy, but popular dream books. to be a daughter’s past love. For his mother, his wife is in trouble and insidiously in the eyes of respectable people.
​This dream foreshadows a war​ can be anything:​ has intentions of getting pregnant,​ you perceive it​Miller believes that women have a relationship with a married man​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

actually see in a dream soon
The catch that is being prepared Pregnancy gets into your
​ hand.​ For a woman to see a boy: from the most cruel, he may, like his son, dream of pregnancy with a man, or only
In an interesting way, the daughter turns out to be pregnant, then
You have imaginary friends. The two main dreams are a pugnacious, aggressive boy, for money and ridiculous. This indicates the beginning - disappointment in
All sorts of troubles. In an unmarried budding romantic relationship, it will be born in him to hit in a dream in ways. The first one is the one who offended your child,
The addition of property is not surprising, since

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A new stage of introspection, love and mistrust of a girl, such a dream with a person from does not mean a healthy child soon.
​ a boy or to punish​ this is a dream about​ - a sign of future​ Fighting boys to see​ in real life​ For example, this can​
For representatives of the opposite, the appearance of future grandchildren promises shame and close circle of the spouse. A boy is joy, fun - a warning in reality
​to yourself, during a period of troubles and insidious​ - friends, pregnancy can serve as a source of transition from

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​ gender.​ notoriety. Adult couple.​
​ Such a vision can​ - for a woman​ contain her feelings of pregnancy, the second -
​ a trick that is preparing to embroil you in a whole spectrum of sensations
​stage of a child at​Also see: Crying,​ for a woman - unsuccessful​ Why do you dream of unwanted​ be caused by an experience​

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

​ - money and​ in a situation where​ your real pregnancy​ is your imaginary friends.​ a dirty business.​ - from excitement​ at an adult level.​ Children.​ marriage and​ ugly pregnancy. Such a dream
​ mothers for their addition of property - any inaction is better than a PUSH EVENT Beating students in a dream - to euphoria. Gypsies often tell women that they are pregnant to see children. And it is only interpreted by the dream book as
​ a native child or to see boys fighting of any action. and sets a certain boy or to punish successful and profitable. Other types of dreams are dreamed during a little boy - future mothers who are undergoing dramatic changes in a strong desire to become ​ - friends will get involved Seeing its contents in a dream is a warning to plans in reality that are dreamed about during the monthly cycle. As a sure sign of the future in the situation after the dreamer’s life. Moreover,
grandmother. The dream book explains you as a dirty boy who has fallen under Any person can restrain his feelings An adult sees the time of pregnancy, there may be good luck in connection with this, as in a dream about pregnancy, if in a dream this dream is like case - student
​ car, - in reality, to become pregnant in a dream: in a situation where oneself as a boy - to relate to the dream in their business, good news awaits: the person is in success and successful - happy plans. ​you will experience fear, fright, such a possibility, not any inaction is better than your actions will be adultery, DEATH, anxieties arise that family life. They are not only panic, anger and the completion of everything started. See a lot of boys in or anxiety for limited or sexual,
any action.look childish to a partner, chronic problems require comprehension and If an older boy successfully resolves his irritation, it means that in reality the daughter’s affairs, and in a dream - a sign of his family members, nor age-related obstacles .Seeing in a dream the eyes of respectable people. With health, loss of permission.
Entering into the teenage burden, but an unwanted one will also appear as a cause for concern. If you have a Dead boy in Generally speaking, the pregnancy of a boy who fell under Pregnancy ends up in your pregnancy as a result of an accident As for the time, it will quickly recover after the turn of events, for pride and you will dream that you in a dream - the sign serves as a symbol of creativity,
​ car, - in reality there are two main dreams of a case or a miscarriage, a man who sees a sign that he is giving birth. fear, fright in ways. The first is that hard work will bring birth defects in a dream. A married woman who saw herself was not ready.
Dear child, then expect exciting things. You will suffer. The boy plays wealth, However, there is or anxiety for this dreams about a child, twins, triplets pregnant, then, for you, there is a great reward. In a pregnant woman’s dream, This state of affairs in Why dream of pregnancy news. See interpretation:​

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

​ - anxiety due to many situations that affect family members.
​to yourself, during​, etc., and​ the theory of D. Loff,​ If you dreamed in reality you will give birth to twins.​ the dream can be deciphered by sisters. If you're a child, it's no big deal. The boy is sleeping require additional interpretation. A dead boy is in pregnancy, the second one is also an increased one, this is most often a little boy - a girl has such a dream in a dream book, like a reluctance to have a sister in a dream. The dream is very favorable, it is internal doubts If you are in a dream - a sign of your real pregnancy fertility, where conception occurs in a situation, this greatly warns of the dishonesty of a person to take on in an interesting position, promises the fulfillment of yours makes you indecisive. dreaming of pregnancy with deep sadness. is a PUSHING EVENT and the gestation of a fetus when his masculinity is good luck, all the affairs of a loved one. self-responsibility, fear means, according to the dream book, desires. Play A boy is learning - a young woman, Dreaming of twins signifies peace and asks certain things happen more often and turns out to be in question. You will have Loff in discussions about the unknown, as well as in real time a dream with as a boy, you suffer because of the same time in the family, good luck in his maintenance. done in the past, which has no reality in business. Any person can protect themselves from being less active. If a boy of age dreams of pregnancy, rightly long-overdue changes, new prospects in life and mistakes loom. intentions get pregnant, such Feeding twins - getting pregnant in a dream: Dreams about sexual infidelity, 13-14 - notes to you what the Obligations that will come that will radically change achieving success in Imagine a boy A dream can indicate a very great success. Such a possibility is not or the death of a partner than he wanted, he will have to try, but anyone can dream of it on the shoulders of the dreamer, not just life at work. If you run away and come to your stay, a dream about famous people is limited to gender, they often arise, as it were, and the reward will not force

Dream Interpretation - Boy

to a person. In general, his dreamer will be strong, but you also see yourself as a little girl (see Girl).​ in the stage of primary Siamese twins, fused by age-related obstacles.​ response to​

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A dream about pregnancy to wait for oneself. Such a dream symbolizes burdening, causing a burning sensation for all household members. A boy, the dream foreshadows Or a boy - a transition to a new one

Dream Interpretation - Boy

​together, described everywhere​ Generally speaking, pregnancy​ feeling of insecurity acts as​ For a woman to see a boy:​ a positive beginning: a creative​ desire to get rid of​ This dream, according to the dream book,​ peace in the family.​ in fact​ stages of self-analysis. One

Other dreams:

  • Why does a non-pregnant girl dream of pregnancy Why does a friend dream of pregnancy Why does a boy dream of childbirth

If you interpret dreams in which the main event is the birth of a boy, then you need to remember who the owner of the dream is in real life. Young girls, after such a dream, should avoid all kinds of disputes. But, if we consider why an adult lady dreams of the birth of a boy, then the dream promises financial well-being. The same applies to men.

The birth of a child is always happiness. Of course, every woman wants to know the gender of her unborn child. But strangely enough, often on a subconscious level the dreamer senses who will be born to her. It is for this reason that the birth of a boy in a dream can mean that in the near future a woman will have a son. By the way, such harbinger dreams may not even be dreamed by a pregnant woman, but only by someone planning to conceive a baby. In this case, as a rule, they promise an early pregnancy, as well as a quick and easy birth. If we consider such dreams from the other side, then the birth of a boy promises a person well-being and family happiness.

Girls who have not given birth and those who do not have husbands should think about their position at work or soberly evaluate their behavior among other people after such a dream. Also, the birth of a boy may promise separation from your soulmate.

Dreams about the birth of a boy are very common not only for women, but also for men. By the way, if the dreamer has a pregnant wife, this again indicates the birth of a son. But if a single man had such a dream, he should take his health seriously.

If a boy born in a dream is the son of the dreamer (whether a woman or a man), this is a harbinger of positive news concerning not only the owner of the dream himself, but also his relatives and friends. Plus, such a dream promises immediate implementation of the plan. Dreams in which a boy is born to other people promise carefree youth to young people, as well as a positive charge from a life that they will live in bright colors. A dream in which the sleeper sees his birth in the face of a boy indicates that in real life this person is tired of carrying all the burdens of adult life on his shoulders, or others perceive this person as an immature person. As for the actions of the owner of the dream, all his attempts to change anything in life to those around him will seem like nothing more than real childishness.

A man who gives birth to a boy in a dream should expect wealth. The birth of a boy outside the hospital promises a pleasant journey. A dream about the birth of an illegitimate boy is interpreted negatively - this indicates in reality a negative reputation and problems in communicating with people. A dream about an unhealthy baby also promises trouble. Financial wealth is foreshadowed by a boy who speaks immediately after birth. A newborn boy crying all the time predicts small problems that can be easily solved. Seeing the birth of a calm and handsome boy in a dream means experiencing some kind of joyful event. If a boy stands on his feet immediately after birth, this becomes a harbinger of a long-awaited and necessary acquisition. The birth of a boy to someone before their wedding in reality indicates that the dreamer should “take the bull by the horns” and not wait for everything to happen on its own.

The dream book interprets the birth of a son to a loved one as a warning about intrigues on the part of ill-wishers.

As practice shows, the birth of not only a boy, but also a girl in a dream speaks of a subconscious readiness for motherhood or fatherhood. This especially applies to dreams in which the birth of a child is accompanied by great joy.

According to most dream books, the birth of a boy is an extremely good sign, promising success in many areas of life. This is a joyful harbinger not only for the clairvoyant, but also for his friends and relatives, therefore such dreams foreshadow new plans, the implementation of which promises success.

Man has always been interested in something mystical and unknown, which is why the topic of dream interpretation has remained relevant for decades. Today there are a huge number of dream books for this. To use them, you should try to remember as many plot details and emotional load as possible. In addition, you need to take into account that numerous dream books offer different interpretations of the same dream, so it is worth comparing the resulting transcripts with real life events.

Why do you dream about the birth of a boy?

Many dream books consider such a dream to be a good symbol, meaning that everything in family relationships will be fine. For those wishing to become pregnant, the birth of a boy promises a quick addition to the family. If a representative of the fair sex who is pregnant sees a dream, this predicts a good and quick birth for her. A dream about the birth of a boy's child before the wedding serves as an indication that you should take care of your reputation. In some cases, such a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news that will relate to close friends or relatives. This may also mean that new ideas and plans for the future will soon appear. The dream book says that they are definitely worth implementing, as they will bring success.

A dream about the birth of a boy promises improvement in business and work. You can count on significant success in your financial affairs. There is also information that such a dream is a recommendation that you should reconsider your life positions and set your prerogatives in a new way. If a boy is born to the dreamer, it means that soon there will be a chance to radically change his life and start over with a clean face. It can also mean the fulfillment of your most cherished desire. Seeing in a dream the birth of a boy without any problems or complications is a good sign that predicts the retreat of troubles. If the birth was difficult, prepare for worsening problems and the onset of a “black” streak.

If you give birth and a boy is born, it means that in the near future you will have to participate in a difficult task. Everything went well, which means we will be able to overcome all the trials and problems. Such a plot may also foreshadow the receipt of unexpected news from a forgotten person. The interpretation of dreams about the birth of a boy depends on where exactly it happened. If the birth took place at home, then you don’t have to worry, because everything will be fine in your relationships with loved ones, and the house will be full. Watching the birth of a boy in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected news. A dream about the birth of an unwanted child prophesies empty troubles. Seeing the birth of a sick boy is a bad sign, meaning the approach of minor troubles and family scandals.

If you dream about the birth of a boy and a girl, this is a good sign indicating that the right choice has been made in life. This may also mean the existence of a powerful patron who will help in solving financial problems. A night vision where two boys were born at once promises wealth in the near future. This also means increased authority. In some dream books, the birth of twins indicates that your career is the most important thing for you at the moment. For a girl getting ready to marry, such a plot indicates a moral readiness to start a family. This interpretation is valid, if childbirth brought joy, but if it caused unpleasant sensations, then it is worth putting off thoughts about the wedding for a while. A night vision where a mother gave birth to a boy indicates that she needs help and support in some important matter.

Dream Interpretation Birth, why dream about Birth in a dream

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Birth according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream A child is born in a dream - the interpretation of the dream depends on the gender of the child born. If a boy is born: for a woman such a dream means cloudless family happiness, for a man it means prosperity and success in business. For a pregnant woman, a dream in which a boy is born means an easy birth.

Is a baby girl born in a dream? For women this means material wealth, for men it means the risk of losing money. For a young girl, such a dream is a warning that she should take care of her reputation.

When a man dreams of a newborn child, prosperity awaits him. The more children he sees, the better for him. A child born to a married woman means that the time has come to conceive a child; this should not be put on the back burner.

Why does an elderly woman dream of a newborn child - pay attention to the state of your health, especially the genitourinary system.

French dream book Seeing Birth in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does birth mean in dreams - If you dream about the birth of a child, the dream will bring you and your home only happiness.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Birth in a dream:

Birth - If you dream that a child is born to you, this dream foretells a happy improvement in your life circumstances, and, perhaps, that the birth of a beautiful child really awaits you. If a young lady, even before the wedding, sees a dream about the birth of a baby, the dream warns her of the need to take care of her reputation and protect her dignity. The dream may foretell good news, the receipt of an inheritance, etc.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about Birth according to the dream book:

  • Birth – Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of Jung's archetypes - the Self that gives life to another.
  • Because it is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life. The most significant are WATER and OCEAN. Many cultures place vital importance on water. So, many women who suspect their (or someone else’s) pregnancy dream of water. Here you can see a connection with the waters that break during childbirth. The emergence of a new Self from a cave or any closed space is how Jung’s theory depicts the moment of birth. In this sense, birth is not reduced to a purely biological act - it presupposes the emergence of additional facets of the PERSONALITY or knowledge of oneself in real life.
  • According to Freud, dreams in which you return to a small room or cave symbolize the womb. They can express your latent desire to return to MOTHER, to be fed by her, to hide in a difficult situation under her wing. Since we were all born at some point, everyone has an opinion about this event. Life for us is a happy (positive) or unhappy (negative) existence. In any case, our attitude towards life leaves its mark on dreams of birth.
  • How does birth seem to a sleeping person? A woman may have such a dream either because she strongly desires it, or, on the contrary, she is very afraid. In this case, medical, social and sexual factors play an important role. Perhaps there are some moral, religious or medical indications according to which pregnancy is desirable or, on the contrary, dangerous for a woman. Let's compare two examples: a young sexually active woman suppresses her desires for moral and religious reasons, and a woman who wants but cannot get pregnant. In this case, the cause of childbirth - or lack thereof - may be an act that caused a feeling of guilt.
  • Women who dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome affirm not only the fact of birth, but also their archetype of a woman. They meet the requirements of their gender and are able to perform the function of childbearing, traditionally inherent in the female gender. At the risk of sounding like a discriminator, I would still like to point out the fact that to some extent we all perceive both men and women as representatives of different genders with their strengths and weaknesses and potentially different capabilities. This is precisely what makes an archetype an archetype.

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing birth in a dream

What does birth mean in dreams - If an unmarried woman dreams that she has given birth to a child, then this indicates inevitable promiscuity. For a married girl, such a dream prophesies a successful birth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The birth of a child, giving birth - For a man to see - new successful plans, undertakings, deeds, ideas, opportunities. For a woman, what does birth mean in a dream – the desire to have a child. To give birth yourself, to give birth, is a dispute for a girl, joy and achievement of a goal for a woman. Seeing your birth is a happy outcome, success in life.

Dream Interpretation Give birth to a boy

Why do you dream about giving birth to a boy in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about the birth of a boy is a favorable sign. For women, it promises family happiness; for a pregnant woman, it portends an easy birth. A young girl can count on a carefree life, and a man can achieve prosperity.

For a pregnant woman, giving birth to a son means success in business, a favorable resolution of existing problems and difficulties.

Who dreamed about the birth of a boy?

The husband dreamed that his wife gave birth to a son

Why does a husband dream that his wife gave birth to a son? This dream speaks of his concern for his betrothed. He is impatiently waiting for a child and deep down he dreams of a boy.

A pregnant woman dreams that she gave birth to a boy

The dream book considers the birth of a boy for a pregnant woman as a good omen. A joyful event will happen soon that will inspire and give energy.

Which boy did you dream about the birth of?

Give birth to a beautiful boy in a dream

Giving birth to a beautiful boy in a dream is a prosperous sign. In business, expect an effective outcome and success. Everything will be great in the financial sector as well.

I dreamed that I gave birth to a dead boy

She dreams of giving birth to a stillborn boy - despite the terrible plot, the vision is exclusively positive. It promises the completion of unpleasant affairs and the end of fuss.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream that you gave birth to a boy?

There is a belief that seeing a girl in a dream means surprise, and a boy means profit. This is, of course, true, but not everything is so simple. In order to get a full interpretation of a dream, you need to take into account all its features, since they contain clues that detail the prediction.

In a man’s dream, noting that his wife gave birth to a boy is undoubtedly a sign of profit. However, if a woman is pregnant and the couple is expecting a new addition to the family soon, then such a dream can predict that a girl will be born in real life. The meaning of the dream also depends on how the newborn looks. For example, if a baby is beautiful and healthy, and evokes pleasant feelings, it means that in reality positive changes in fate will occur in the near future. If he causes hostility with his appearance, this is a sign that he will soon have to go through a problematic period. If the newborn is noisy and capricious, and the sleeper cannot calm him down, this means that he will soon have to deal with people who will not heed any persuasion. Rocking a baby in a dream is a sign of upcoming pleasant worries about your family.

In the process of solving a dream, you should take into account all its details. It is important to note whether it is dark or light in the room where the newborn is, what sounds are heard, what the baby’s mother and the baby himself look like. All this will tell you what events to expect in the future.

If a sleeping person is babysitting a child, and it’s time to change his diapers, but he can’t find clean and dry ones, this foreshadows betrayal by his loved one in the near future. If a woman who does not yet have children dreams that she has given birth to a healthy boy, it means that soon something will greatly surprise her. Recognizing your child in a newborn is a sign that soon the sleeping child will greatly surprise him. Whether this surprise will be pleasant can be determined by the feelings that a person experienced in a dream. If he was touched by the baby, then in reality his child’s pranks will cause a flash of anger and irritation. Seeing a newborn boy trying to get out of diapers means that soon the sleeper will have to extricate himself from a difficult situation. If the baby has freed himself from the bonds, it means that the one who sees the dream will succeed.

If an older woman sees that she has given birth to a handsome boy and is caring for him, the dream indicates that the lady will soon meet a young man who will be much younger than her. Here it is advisable to pay attention to the color of the baby’s hair and skin. If they are dark, then the woman’s new companion will also be dark-haired. Giving birth to a strong, healthy baby in a dream, which is significantly larger in size than an ordinary newborn, portends good profit, fame and honor. If the baby is surrounded by numerous relatives who admire him, it means that significant changes for the better will soon occur. If a baby reaches out to the sleeping person in a dream, this is a sign that he will soon meet a person of the opposite sex, who will reach out to the sleeping person with all his soul.

If the sleeper hears the newborn “crying”, it means that good news is coming soon. Seeing a dead baby in a dream means that the important business that the sleeping person has started will be extremely unsuccessful and will bring only losses.

In order for a woman to understand why she dreams that she gave birth to a boy, she needs to pay attention to all the details of the dream. If the situation in the dream is pleasant, the bright sun is shining outside the window, and the baby is beautiful and strong, it means that everything will turn out well in the dreamer’s life.

Why dream of being pregnant and giving birth to a child? girl???


Vera Kriulkina

The girl is a miracle. You'll probably surprise yourself)

Elvira Trio

I don’t know, but I dream about it myself. Although there are no children and there are no obvious candidates for fathers ((
And the Internet says: “To see a girl born in a dream means that in the near future she will
well-being and joyful moments. If several were born at once
babies are a symbol of success in business, you can start everything you plan without
fears. If the birth was too difficult and painful, then it is possible
intentions will fail. In general, giving birth in a dream is a symbol of birth
the newest idea, starting new things. Such a dream gives hope for the beautiful
future. For men, such a dream is very successful. The more born
babies in front of him, the more happiness awaits him. For girls such a dream -
warning against unnecessary connections, one should not take things lightly
this. If a woman in a dream sees how she gives birth to a girl, with such a dream
the appearance of a newborn in her life. And if in a dream it’s bright
rejoiced at this event, then successful situations will happen in reality,
that will not be missed. If a young woman sees such a dream
girl, before her own wedding, then this is a warning that you need to be
be more careful. If in a dream the birth of a child, a girl,
happened quite easily, which means that soon it will be possible to shift
Some of the responsibility lies with other people. "


to your great joy))) to your surprise))) in general, it’s possible you’re just thinking and dreaming))

Ekaterina Novikova

Pregnancy is a powerful sign. Most often, such a dream carries positive information for the one who is dreaming. It means change, the beginning of a new life, success in business, some unexpected profit, joy. Very often this can mean a real imminent pregnancy. Childbirth in a dream has many different meanings, which often cannot be summed up under one general characteristic. Childbirth in a dream means enormous difficulties in completing a very important task. To give birth in a dream means to be disappointed in a love relationship. A woman who sees herself pregnant will soon receive a lucrative offer. If a woman dreams that she is going into labor, she will soon find a way out of a difficult financial situation. A pregnancy test is often dreamed of by those who dream of having a child. If an unmarried girl sees a pregnancy test in her dream, she should be careful during sexual intercourse. A friend's pregnancy means trouble. If chaste girls see themselves with a belly, it means that a quick matchmaking awaits them. If a girl gives birth in a dream, a marriage proposal awaits her soon. Seeing a woman in labor means difficulties in family life. A miscarriage is a dream about the disruption of plans for the future. If a pregnant woman sees a miscarriage, she should pay more attention to her health. A newborn baby means global changes in your personal life or work. Movements in the womb may signal that you are paying too little attention to your work. Pregnancy with a boy means a change of place of residence, a long trip.
If you dream that you are pregnant with a girl, a miracle awaits you. Someone powerful will show you their favor. It is possible to receive an inheritance or win the lottery. Giving birth to a boy means a lot of fuss and trouble. The birth of a girl is a miracle. The afterbirth means ardent amorousness, changes in sexual life. Feeling the contractions that women in labor feel is a sign of health problems. When men see themselves pregnant, this is good. Such a dream promises a resolution of the litigation in their favor. This dream is also favorable for those who are going to serve in a government house (soldiers, police officers). For such people, a dream foreshadows an increase in salary, advancement up the career ladder. If a man sees his wife with a belly, such a dream promises profit for him. A man sees labor pains as an unexpected solution to complex issues; in general, such a dream promises him long-term material well-being. An unmarried man who dreamed of a pregnant woman should prepare for good news; perhaps a new, interesting thing awaits him. If older people have such a dream, they should take more care of their health. Children see their mother with a belly in a dream, either to replenish the family or to

Ira Ira

Your plans that you have been nurturing for a long time will unexpectedly come true and bring profit

Maria Ivanova

Your plans are being realized in some miraculous way that will surprise you. This is what your dream is about.

Anna Sokolova

To see in a dream how a girl was born means that in the near future there will be
well-being and joyful moments.

Alexander Bronnikov

it means you get pregnant and give birth. a prophetic dream


amazingly the girl is dreaming

Pregnancy and birth of a boy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Hello. In your case, this is a reflection of current thoughts and experiences. Good decisions and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant relative

The dreamer in this dream is not ready to burden herself with unnecessary worries of a personal nature, which will put her in an uncomfortable position in front of people. The one-year-old Daughter just says that the Dreamer has enough of the worries she already has. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

Perhaps your dream suggests that your relationship with a young man will begin a new round and move into another phase. Dreams about pregnancy and childbirth often symbolize some long-awaited events, new beginnings, and predict the fulfillment of hopes. So, in any case, your dream is for good changes.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

You at least told your age and said whether you are ready for a child. But okay, as for what you described, it clearly shows that your child is desired, therefore, there is a possibility that his dad - your young man - loves you very much. I mean that your boyfriend is very serious about you, and you are about him. You understand that having a child is a very important step in the life of every couple. You and your boyfriend clearly realize now that your relationship is very strong and stable, and such a dream can confirm this. (unless you're actually going to have a baby, of course).

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant

Interesting opportunities in life await you, a new task that you really want to do. And at the same time, you yourself want to feel the birth of a person and most of all you want a boy. All the best to you and your stranger.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant

Such a dream promises you future profit, the acquisition of something valuable to you.

Dream Interpretation - A pregnant woman sewed a skirt for me

Such a dream symbolizes changes in life. Wearing or looking at your new, beautiful coat is exceptional luck in fulfilling your desires; Understanding that you are wearing someone else’s coat is a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support; Seeing someone else's pregnant woman in a dream and taking something from her hands, in your case a skirt (gray with lace and you remain dissatisfied) foretells unpleasant events, an unwanted pregnancy, your losses in favor of others. You write: “But on the whole it’s not bad...” - this means that the events as a whole will not upset you very much or will pass by without causing any special problems, so you shouldn’t worry, but just be more careful with yourself. Moreover, the “new outfit” offered by fate is still too big (“... I am not very satisfied, because I asked for something narrower, but this one is too loose on me!”)

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

This has nothing to do with real pregnancy. Pregnancy is a problem, a question, a matter, an event that lasts for months and does not find a logical end, but when you see childbirth, it means the time has come for it to be resolved, and it will be resolved, if you gave birth to boys, then it will be very successful for you, if it is girls, it will be very surprising the solution, if there were both sexes, is even better. You will find an amazingly successful solution. It is very possible that a new relationship will begin with this man, if there are no other lingering unresolved problems

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

Childbirth is like meeting this man, the beginning of a relationship... The relationship is still at the very beginning stage, but everything is in your hands...

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy... ex-husband

Receive surprising news for you (coffin in a dream), which will slow down the resolution (Pregnancy in a dream) of the issue, situation about which you receive news, is connected either with someone old with an event (from the past), or with a person from your past ( the husband was in the dream) but I would not associate the dream with him, although this cannot be ruled out



I dreamed that I gave birth completely alone, reclining in front of the mirror, I gave birth to a healthy boy without any complications. I wiped his nose, he was all dirty, I held him in my arms) I didn’t see his face or don’t remember, but he was healthy and large in length , Please explain what this dream is about.


Hello Tatiana. I remember a dream from the moment of contractions and that I was already giving birth. Moreover, it’s possible even at home. The birth was mild, there was no pain, maybe a little water or mucus. in the dream there were no these details. a boy of some “golden-wheat” color was born. Everything went so quickly and easily that I gave birth to him standing upright, putting my hand under my hand and sort of taking him and looking at him. He was very small, I started cleaning his mouth so he could breathe. somehow suddenly professionals appeared nearby. They said that the baby was healthy and weighed 1.5 kg, there was no clarification on the growth. I perceived that this was so, accepted it. During what was happening, I was not suffering, nor was I already suffering...at the same time, memories of the birth of my daughter were superimposed, i.e. in a dream about real life events. my husband was also nearby. I felt his empathy for the situation. Tatyana, please interpret the dream for me as cheerfully as possible. Thanks in advance)))


I wasn’t pregnant yet, and last night I dreamed about how easily I gave birth and they showed me my baby boy and put it in my hands. I experienced incredible happiness in the dream.


I don’t remember the whole dream... but what remains in my memory is the accident, the woman giving birth and I as an obstetrician, I saw blood, the birth itself, and later I saw a newborn boy in my arms


This is the second time I have had a dream.....
In a dream, I am pregnant with my second child. The first birth was cesarean (in reality). With the second birth they were going to have a Caesarean, but contractions started ahead of time and, not having time to get to the midwife, I gave birth to a boy very quickly, but painfully.


I give birth to two boys, in a transparent room with a doctor. I tell the doctor that we were expecting one boy, but two were born... after giving birth I wash myself with scarlet blood...


I gave birth to a boy. I was surprised that the birth was very easy and it didn’t even hurt, but I was a little upset because I thought that a girl was born and named him Nikita, and my mother really asked me to name him after my grandfather Gena and I was confused, what should I do? do because I didn’t want to call my son that, but my mother was also offended by my refusal to her request


I dreamed that I was giving birth to a boy, he was born all red in blood, and my ex-husband and current common-law husband were nearby. I remember a big belly and having an enema.


I dreamed... that I myself gave birth to a boy. there was no one nearby. I couldn't cut the umbilical cord and it came off. I howled in a lot of pain... then I had a lot of blood on my hands on my dress, for some reason in my mother’s old one. I went to look for my boyfriend, covered in blood... to tell... and called an ambulance.


I came to my parents with my husband to get a job. I’m not pregnant, but contractions started at night and I gave birth to a boy without pain (just going to the toilet). I cried because the doctors diagnosed infertility and my husband hugged me joyfully and laid him on the hands of my son.


Good afternoon My name is Anna.
Today I dreamed of a very easy birth of a big boy. And also in the dream, a very beautiful kitchen renovation was done.
I look forward to your comments.
What is the cost of your services?


I didn’t see the birth itself, but I pressed the boy, I saw him kissing him in reality.. and I know that I gave birth to him from the man with whom I live now, but my ex-husband won’t let me see him. (.. although he is now married and everything is fine with him that marriage) and as a result, it was stolen in a dream at my request by a friend.


Hello Tatiana! The fact is that today I had a very realistic dream, the likes of which I have never had before. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the entire dream, but the most important thing is the following. I’m in a position and walking down the street, suddenly pain begins and somehow I find myself in a lying position. Then everything happens as if in reality, pain, pushing (when I say reality, I mean approximately, because I did not give birth). And at the end of this they tell me that I gave birth to a boy, although for some reason I was expecting a girl. To my question “Why?” and with the same scream I wake up.


The birth of a boy, in the hospital, a beautiful baby, with blue eyes and blond hair, the birth was without water, but with blood, independent, walked to the maternity hospital


I already have a child - a 2-year-old girl. During time B, I never dreamed of pregnancy, childbirth, fish, or anything else that is usually interpreted as Pregnancy. I have already dreamed twice that they told me that I was pregnant with a boy, or that I was holding a lump of small, indefinite something in my arms and I knew that it was my boy. Yesterday I dreamed that I was giving birth in a car, in the back seat. I didn’t feel any pain, I just remember it was unpleasant when the obstetrician made incisions in my womb so that the baby could pass through. And a pretty boy was born. Moreover, the first B was a cesarean section. We have mystical things in our family, such as prophetic dreams. I would like another child and I’m even ready for a boy, although in 1B I was categorically against M and knew that it would be a girl - maybe it’s just that an obsessive thought turned into a dream? I can already see the second B happening to my relatives on my husband’s side. Maybe I foresee who will be born to them or it’s just because of the pregnant woman that I began to dream about this. My husband and I have PPA, and there have never been any failures, even B we planned and it turned out that way.


On the night of January 6 to 7, 2015. I had a dream where I had already given birth to a boy. He is about 8 months old, bald, and named him Vanya. I dream about putting it in a stroller. But in the dream there is some kind of anxiety, probably due to the fact that I am alone in the dream, without my parents and husband. I don't have a boyfriend right now


When I was 7 months old, I dreamed that I had twins, a big boy, and the second one was inside me, and I woke up. The ultrasound shows one child, but the gender is not visible.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was giving birth to a child, I felt him coming out...... and saw his head. I gave birth very easily. A handsome boy) blond with green eyes) then I started breastfeeding him. (I’m not pregnant myself) Olga, 35 years old. Thank you)


I saw my birth in a dream. Before that, I stood up and felt that my baby was turning over in my stomach. After this, labor began. their mother received them. gave birth quickly....kissed him...started talking to him, he grew very quickly and stopped for about 18 years...I accompanied him on a date)))) I am not married..Also in the dream my aunt was also pregnant.




Hello, Tatyana. I had this wonderful dream all night today. It was as if I got pregnant and gave birth to a son myself, and my husband also helped deliver the baby. The dream was pleasant, but in reality we want a daughter (not pregnant yet). How can we understand this dream? Help us!!!


I dreamed that I was pregnant, but my stomach was very small, then I went to the toilet and saw the baby’s head coming out, then childbirth and a small boy was born and his hair was dark, but then when they brought him to me, it seemed to me that he was older than was born


I saw at night that I was pregnant, then I gave birth and quickly a boy, he smiled at me. my boyfriend that he is leaving me


I dreamed that I was pregnant, about to give birth, but for some reason I didn’t have time to go to the hospital and gave birth at home, by myself, without anyone’s help. I clearly remember that the child was like a real newborn, a boy, I remember the umbilical cord, I didn’t cut it because I didn’t know how. then I went to the hospital. Then I saw a little bigger boy, and he was talking, I was still surprised in the dream that the baby was talking

Lily I give birth in the blanket and scream like a child:

I give birth to a child, I don’t make it to the table. And the birth takes place on a chair.. I give birth to him in a blanket and shout to the woman about it. That a child is born. And then he was born a boy and he is smiling at me in clothes. There is a child in a green blouse


Good afternoon I am currently in a short term. A couple of days ago I dreamed that I was on the beach, the waves were barely touching my feet, and in my arms was my son, 1.5-2 years old…..And today I dreamed that I was in the delivery room. The doctor is nearby and says, “Well, all the waters have broken, we’ll give birth now!” And I give birth to a boy without much pain, the doctor tells me the sex of the child... and then he says, “So good!” Now we’re giving birth to a second one!” . And at this moment I woke up, that is, I seemed to know that I had two boys, but I did not see the process of giving birth to a second child.... In the dream I was happy, although not much scared, the birth was easy and painless.....


I was supposed to deliver birth to a woman and a cat, but suddenly I started giving birth myself, my waters broke and contractions started, I started packing for the maternity hospital, nothing was collected, I didn’t see the birth itself, but a son was supposed to be born


I dreamed that I was giving birth to a boy and I wanted to call to tell the news, but there was no connection and I couldn’t get through to anyone... then I suddenly woke up.


that I was pregnant in the hospital, I had a stomach. I fell, the doctor gave me an injection, my mother dreamed of giving birth and told me that I had to give birth today. A pregnant woman was walking near the forest.


I give birth on my mother’s bed at home, first a boy, then a girl. Then I see a very beautiful girl on my chest, with long eyelashes and light brown eyes


Hello! I dreamed about the process of giving birth to a child, I gave birth to a boy and naturally, even without the help of doctors, two unfamiliar girls came and helped me, then took the child away!


I dreamed about childbirth from the moment that they told me that it would be difficult to give birth. They turn me on my stomach and make an incision, and at that moment my mother’s voice (I don’t see her) says that this is normal, that it will be even better and easier. I give birth easily and without pain, they stitch me up and tell me that I can get up and go to the ward with the child. The room has two beds and nothing else. I know that I need to feed my son, but I put off feeding him to change him. And he’s no longer a newborn, he already looks like he’s 4 months old. I’m confused about whether to swaddle him or put him in regular clothes, and it’s as if he himself is telling me what to wear. I dress him, take him in my arms and clearly see his face and think that he kind of looks like me, but his dad’s eyes. I put it on the bed and then my friend calls me, congratulates me and invites me to go for a walk. I look at the child and think that while he is sleeping, I can unwind. My friends come to pick me up and we drive towards my mother’s house, and I think to myself that the girls will even think that I left my son like that and went for a ride. And then the thought jumps up that I haven’t fed him yet and my chest feels like it’s filled with lead. I ask to be taken back to the maternity hospital, I run into the ward and the dream ends


My stomach hurt very badly, I called my mother, I told her I think I’m giving birth. although this is impossible


I'm pregnant from my ex-husband. We talk to him, I ask him, are you sure that I need to give birth. He says yes, I will help. I choose you. And I give birth to a boy very quickly and easily


Hello, I dreamed that it was spring, Easter, we came to the temple and after the service I went into labor, but how. it’s unusual. It’s as if my stomach started moving, and then the child tore the skin of my stomach and came out into the arms of a friend who was next to me. A child. I immediately started crying, then the doctor appeared and said that everything was fine and that’s when I woke up. I also remember holding him in my arms.


hello, I had a dream that I was living with a guy after I gave birth to a boy. he was thin, but tall enough for a baby. then everything was as usual, milk did not come from my breast, my sister advised me to apply pressure, the milk appeared and I started feeding the baby, then guests came to me and we were going for a walk with the children, and my boy was playing like a cat with a carpet, jumping under him and on him, I lay him on his back, outwardly he is a child, but internally he is a kitten, what is this for?


Hello Tatiana!
Last night I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, I was very happy that he was a son, because... Recently, only girls have been born in our family. The birth was so clear and easy, I saw the placenta and umbilical cord. The birth itself did not take place in a hospital, but in some apartment or hotel, and then I looked for a hospital with the newborn so that the doctors could examine me and the child, they redirected me from office to office, then someone admitted me. Then the picture changed, I met an acquaintance from my previous place of work, I left the hospital and walked along the road where there were a lot of cars and I still remember that it was winter. I don't remember the rest of the details.

What does it mean if you dream of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a long-awaited event for a woman who has long dreamed of a child. Often representatives of the fair sex dream of pregnancy. In this article we will tell you from the point of view of the dream book what pregnancy means.

If a young lady is not married, but lives a full sex life, then most likely she dreams of an interesting situation out of fear. The girl is not ready for pregnancy and is trying to avoid it. The interpretation of such a dream is ambiguous and may differ depending on the details.

Interpretation of pregnancy:

  • To disputes or breakup with a young man
  • If the young lady is not in a relationship, then an interesting position in a dream may indicate an upcoming interesting acquaintance. Perhaps you will find your soulmate.
  • In the esoteric dream book, pregnancy portends losses or serious waste.
  • Vanga warns about the betrayal of a loved one, if there is one.

Why does a lonely, unmarried girl or woman dream about her pregnancy?

If you are single and not dating anyone, then pregnancy means that you are ready to get married and perhaps meet your soulmate.

If you are pregnant and dream about your own pregnancy, then you should not worry. This promises an approaching birth and its favorable outcome. The birth will be quick and you will give birth to a healthy baby.

Why does a teenage girl or young girl dream about her pregnancy?

If you are not in a relationship, then an interesting position indicates your readiness to move on to adulthood. Perhaps you will meet your soulmate. Some dream books talk about problems with relatives. If you are a virgin, then pregnancy promises shame and condemnation from your friends.

If a woman is mature enough, then pregnancy outside does not bode well. A serious illness or exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible. There is a possibility of death.


  • If you dream of pregnancy with a boy, success and advancement in your career await you. The boy represents perseverance and confidence.
  • Being a pregnant girl in a dream means changes in life. A new period is coming.


  • If a married woman or her husband dreams of pregnancy with twins or triplets, then this means an improvement in financial situation.
  • If for an unmarried girl, this means trouble or an affair with a new acquaintance.
  • If a woman is pregnant but not married, this means gossip around her interesting situation.

Why do you dream of seeing your pregnancy test, the news of your pregnancy?


  • To cardinal turns in life, including personal
  • To financial manipulation
  • If the test is not yours, but a relative’s, then troubles with loved ones are possible

Why do you dream of seeing your pregnancy test, the news of your pregnancy? Interpretation:


  • To the realization of long-standing plans and desires
  • Towards positive changes
  • It’s worth gathering your strength and solving old problems


  • To changes in life. Moreover, the changes are in a positive direction
  • To profit and success in business
  • Contractions indicate future problems or troubles
  • If a boy is born, good deals and improved financial well-being
  • Breastfeeding a newborn - leads to the appearance of parasites. Don't lend money to anyone

Why do you dream about your frozen, ectopic, false, unwanted pregnancy?

This may mean lies from loved ones. But there is another interpretation. A false pregnancy can mean that you shouldn’t poke your nose into someone else’s business.

Why do you dream about being pregnant from your ex-boyfriend?

This doesn't bode well. Most likely, your ex-lover is spreading gossip about you. Expect trouble from your ex-boyfriend.

During this period, prophetic dreams occur. Perhaps you will soon learn about your interesting position. It is also possible to add children or relatives to the family. With the help of this dream you can make your dreams come true. You can find out more about how to make a dream come true here.

Why do you dream about being pregnant from Friday to Saturday?

From Friday to Saturday I have prophetic dreams. This is especially true for dreams in the morning. Most likely, pregnancy means significant changes in life. They will be positive and promise material well-being.

Why do you dream about being pregnant from Saturday to Sunday?

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are dreamy and most likely related to your thoughts. Therefore, pregnancy may be long-awaited for you. You dream of a baby.

Why do you dream about being pregnant from Sunday to Monday?

All the dreams that you saw at this time are prophetic and point to the future. Most likely, you will be in a position or expect profit. Possible addition to the family of relatives.

Dreams at this time are warning. They warn of a possible conflict. Be calm and don't argue. A pregnancy that you dreamed about on this day promises troubles and negative changes.

Why do you dream about being pregnant from Tuesday to Wednesday?

At this time, dreams contain clues and memories. They help you avoid stepping on the same rake twice. Pregnancy, which you dreamed about on Wednesday, speaks of positive changes in your personal and material life. Perhaps you are expecting waste.

At this time, pregnancy warns you of a possible quarrel. Do not enter into conflicts and do not quarrel with relatives.

On major church holidays, people have prophetic dreams that come true in the near future. In the near future you will become pregnant or you will receive income. Pregnancy, which was dreamed of at this time, promises success in all endeavors.

Why do you dream about pregnancy on church holidays - Easter, Trinity, Christmas?

As you can see, a pregnancy that you dreamed of does not always mean something good. Both positive and negative changes in life are possible. Don't take everything too seriously. Perhaps the dream is the result of your thoughts.

VIDEO: Dreaming of pregnancy