Test on Eugene Onegin 25 questions. Test tasks based on A. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

And literature

second qualification category

Municipal educational institution "Rozhdestvenskaya Secondary School"
With. Rozhdestveno

Kalininsky district, Tver region

With. Rozhdestveno

1. The relationships of which characters in the novel form the basis of the plot?

2) Onegin and Tatiana

3) Onegin and Lensky

4) Onegin and Olga

2. Where does the novel “Eugene Onegin” begin?

1) From a description of nature

2) Lyrical digression

3) Portrait of the main character

4) Internal monologue of the main character.

3. The climax of the novel is:

1) Duel of Onegin and Lensky

2) Tatyana’s declaration of love to Onegin

3) Ball at the Larins’ house.

4) Explanation of Evgeny and Tatiana at the ball in the prince’s house

*4. How many plot lines are there in the novel?

5. How many chapters are there in the novel?

1) 8; 2) 7, 3) 6, 4) 5

6. According to its generic affiliation, the genre of “novel in verse”:

1) Lyrical

2) Epic

3) Lyric-epic

4) Dramatic

1) Narrative

2) Lyrical hero

3) Bystander

4) Hero of the novel

*8. A novel in verse differs from a poem:

1) the presence of lyrical deviations from the main storyline;

2) broader issues with a flexible plot and compositional structure;

3) the presence of a plot, a system of characters;

*9. The character of the main character in the novel:

1) is given in development, formed before the eyes of the reader;

2) shown as established and gradually revealed to the reader;

3) not disclosed, since this is only possible in a prose work

10. What is “Onegin storofa”?

1) a stanza of 14 verses of iambic tetrameter, 3 quatrains and the end of 2 lines with cross rhyme;

2) a stanza of 8 verses, where the first 6 rhyme with each other, and 2 are connected by paired rhyme;

3) hexameter

11. In what size is Onegin’s stanza written?

1) Free iambic

2) Iambic tetrameter

3) Iambic pentameter

4) Alexandrian verse

12. How many lines are there in Onegin’s stanza?

1) 4; 2) 6; 3) 14;

13. In what poetic meter is the novel “Eugene Onegin” written?

1) Anapest

3) Dactyl

*14. In the Onegin stanza the cross rhyme method is used:

1) twice

2) three times

3) once

4) four times

15. About which of the heroes of the novel “Eugene Onegin” does Pushkin write:

He fell in love with dense groves,

Solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars and the moon...

2) Lensky

4) Monsieur Triquet

16. From which episode of the novel are these lines taken:

I'm afraid: in my humble prayer

Your stern gaze will see

The undertakings of despicable cunning -

And I hear your angry reproach?

1) From Tatiana’s letter to Onegin

2) From Onegin’s letter to Tatyana

3) From Onegin’s Explanation with Tatyana

4) From Tatiana’s Explanation with Onegin

17. What is Tatyana Larina’s middle name:

1) Ivanovna

2) Dmitrievna

3) Vladimirovna

4) Nikolaevna

18. Which of the novel’s heroes corresponds to the following characteristic:

“He was a simple and kind gentleman...”

1) D. Larin

3) Lensky

19. About whom did Pushkin say: “Take any novel and you will find, right, her portrait”?

1) Wife of D. Larin

2) Tatiana

4) Nanny Filipevna

*20. Identify the characters by their reading range.

1) “By candlelight, Schiller opened...”

2) “Scolded Homer, Theocritus,

3) "She read Richardson,

Not because I read it, I read it,

Not because Grandison

She preferred Lovlace...”

4) “I saw no harm in books;

He never reads

He considered them an empty toy..."

5) “Now... an idol or a brooding Vampire,

Or Melmont or Corsair, or the mysterious Sbogar.”

"Lord Byron, by a lucky whim

clothed in sad romanticism.”

A. Onegin

V. Tatyana

G. Lensky

D. Mother of Olga and Tatiana

21. What is the middle name of the main character of the novel?

1) Ivanovich

2) Nikolaevich

3) Mikhailovich

4) Middle name is not mentioned

22. Which of the novel’s heroes could not distinguish an iambic from a trochee?

1) Lensky

2) Cylinder

4) Bolivar

*24. Characteristics that do not apply to Eugene Onegin:

1) “fun and luxury child”,

2) “uncorrected eccentric”,

“my companion is strange.”

3) “the spirit is ardent and rather strange”,

"Kant's admirer"

25. Interior details not related to Onegin’s village office:

1) “Lord Byron portrait”

2) “a column with a cast iron doll”

*26. Match the objects and the characters to whom they belong:

1) Olga Larina

2) Onegin's uncle

4) Tatyana Larina

5) Aunt of the Larin sisters, Princess Elena

A. “tulle cap”

B. Martyn Zadeki's dream book

V. “perfume in cut crystal”

D. expense notebook

D. "district lady's album"

2) they prevent Tatiana from doing more useful things, for example, needlework and preparing for marriage;

3) instill in a girl with a rich imagination an idea of ​​people that is far from reality

1) Virgil

*29. Pushkin compares Onegin, who returned from his trip, with Chatsky, since

1) the “smoke of the fatherland” is also sweet to him,

2) he will also not be understood in society;

3) he also returns with the thought of a girl, whose love for whom has grown stronger during the separation

*thirty. Onegin's Journey in the final edition of the novel:

1) its route resembles Childe Harold’s pilgrimage;

2) reproduces in general terms Pushkin’s movements during his southern exile;

3) only referred to as wandering without a destination

*31. Indicate the time boundaries of the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

32. How old was Tatyana’s nanny when she was matched?

1) 13; 2) 15; 3) 17; 4) 19

33. What comparison did not Pushkin use when contrasting Onegin and Lensky?

1) wave and stone

2) poetry and prose

3) ice and fire

4) earth and sky

*34. In what language did Tatyana Larina write her letter to Onegin?

1) in Russian

2) in English

3) in French

4) in Latin

35. Insert the missing word into Pushkin’s lines from the novel:

(...) There is so much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!

*36. Who is this about?

"Heavy gossip, old rogue,

1) Retired adviser Flyanov

2) D. Larin

4) Kharlikov

37. Who did Onegin choose as his seconds?

1) best friend

2) friend

*38. What is the epigraph to the novel?

1) excerpt from a private letter

2) an excerpt from Byron's poem

3) Russian proverb

4) excerpt from a poem by V. Zhukovsky

4) does not use pronouns

40. In what country was Vladimir Lensky educated?

2) France

3) Germany

41. Which heroine did you remember when Tatyana was telling fortunes at baptism?

1) Naina from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

2) Baba Yaga - the heroine of folk tales

3) Svetlana from the poem of the same name by V. Zhukovsky

4) Snow Maiden, heroine of folklore

42. What animal did Tatyana see in her dream?

2) bear

43. Who left Onegin a rich inheritance?

4) Grandmother

44. To whom does Pushkin refer the words:

You can be a smart person

And think about the beauty of your nails... ?

1) Onegin

2) Lensky

3) Prince, Tatiana’s husband

45. Insert the necessary adjective denoting color into the line from the novel:

“Tell me, prince, don’t you know

Who is that there in (...) take..."

1) Sirenev

2) Light green

3) Coral

4) Malinov

46. ​​Which critic claimed that the novel “Eugene Onegin” “is Pushkin’s most sincere work, the most beloved child of his fantasy”?

47. Which of the characteristics does not apply to the novel “Eugene Onegin”?

1) “Encyclopedia of Russian life”

2) “Collection of motley chapters”

3) “History of the Russian State”

4) "Free Romance"

*48. To which literary figure does the following characterization of the hero belong:

“Onegin is an extra person in the environment where he is, not possessing the necessary strength of character to break out of it.”

*49. Which great Russian composer wrote an opera based on the plot of the novel “Eugene Onegin”?

3) -Korsakov

*50. About whom A. Herzen rightly remarks: “...smart uselessness.” “He never takes the side of the government... and he is never able to take the side of the people.”

1) Lensky

3) A. Pushkin

4) D. Larin.


1.Literature: tests. 9-11 grades: Educational and methodological manual/Auth.-comp. .-M.: Bustard, 2002.

2. Shcherbina in literature lessons. 10-11 grades: methodological manual. - M.: Bustard, 2008.

3. . Eugene Onegin.

9th grade 2nd quarter - -

"Eugene Onegin" chapters 3 - 4

1. In what language was Tatyana’s letter written:

and in Russian

b) in French

c) in German

d) in Latin

a) the rules of the epistolary genre were not followed;

b) it was written in a fit of emotion, without taking into account the moral standards accepted in society;

c) it is devoid of logic.

3. In lines:

Shining eyes, Evgeniy

Stands like a menacing shadow...

a) comparison;

b) hyperbole;

c) personification.

4. Meeting in Tatiana’s garden with Onegin:

a) left bright impressions in Tatiana’s life;

b) the most difficult moment in Tatyana’s life;

c) Onegin felt rejected.

5. Onegin’s refusal to share the feelings of Tatyana, who is in love with him, is explained:

a) his depressed mood due to the death of his uncle;

b) frequent love failures that are fresh in his memory;

c) the desire for peace, the hero’s reluctance to deceive the innocent soul of the girl.

6. What signs did Tatyana write on the glass?

a) O yes E b) T yes E c) O yes T

7. In what literary direction did Lensky, the poet, work:

a) realism; b) classicism; c) sentimentalism; d) romanticism

8.What is Eugene Onegin’s attitude towards Vladimir Lensky?

a) friendly;

b) friendly, sympathetic, understanding;

c) patronizing.

9.What game did Onegin play in his village?

a) cards b) dominoes c) billiards

10.What day of the week was Tatyana’s name day?

a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday

Sample answers

"Eugene Onegin" chapters 3 - 4

Questions about the content of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

1. What family does E.O come from?

2. What kind of education did he receive?

3. How did the world receive him?

4. Attitude to literature.

5. What is E.O. well versed in what he was a “true genius”?

6. E.O. Day

7. Description of the office of E.O.

8. Attitude towards balls. Was E.O. happy in St. Petersburg?

9. What Pushkin valued in his hero

10. Why E.O. didn’t go on a trip with the poet?

eleven . What did E.O. see? upon arrival to your uncle?

12.What impression did the nature of the village make on him?

    Description of an office in the village.

    What changes did E.O. make? in the life of peasants?

    How did his neighbors react to this?

    Which neighbor became friends with E.O.?

    Find a description of the poet in the text?

    Was Lensky as cold and dispassionate as E.O?

    Why did they start communicating?

    How did Lensky's neighbors treat him? Why?

    How does Pushkin characterize their friendship?

    How E.O. related to Lensky?

    What secret of the heart did Lensky tell his friend?

    Tell us about the history of the development of relations with Olga

    Description of Olga

    Description of Tatiana

    Tatyana's character, her childhood

    The story of Tatyana's mother.

    Lensky family.

    Where does Lensky spend all his evenings?

    Dialogue with E.O. Invitation to an evening with the Larins.

    How E.O. described the Larin sisters?

    What impression did the arrival of E.O. make? at the Larins'?

    How did Tatyana react to E.O.? Why him?

    How does Pushkin respond to this feeling of Tatyana?

    Dialogue with the nanny. Nanny's story.

    How does Pushkin comment on her letter?

    How does her letter characterize Tatiana?

    How does Tatyana react to Lensky’s message that E.O. will he come to them in the evening? ON the arrival of E.O. in 2 days?

    What were the maids doing in the garden?

    Aphorism at the beginning of the chapter

    What is the reason for E.O.’s disappointment in love?

    How did he react to Tatyana’s letter?

    Tatiana's rebuke. Analysis.

    Tatyana's first reaction to these words.

    How does Pushkin feel about this act?

    “What was the consequence of the date...?”

    Vladimir and Olga. Development of a relationship.

    What is Onegin doing at this time? What do you do in winter?

    To what event did Lensky invite Onegin to the Larins?

    What did Lensky promise Onegin?

    What event was supposed to take place 2 weeks after Tatyana’s name day? What condition was Lensky in?

1.Reference to the exact date of the events taking place.

2. How did Tatyana feel about winter?

3. How Tatyana’s character is revealed in chapter 5 (stanzas 4-9)

4. Tatiana's dream.

5. Tatiana’s name day. How did Tatyana react to E.O.’s arrival?

6. Why on E.O.’s name day? were you angry? What was he up to?

7. How E.O. congratulated Tatyana on her birthday?

8. How did E.O. begin to behave? at the ball?

9. Lensky’s reaction to his friend’s behavior. What was the result of this behavior of E.O.?

    How did Onegin react to Lensky's departure? And Olga?

    How does Tatyana feel after her birthday?

    Who is Zaretsky? How did he distinguish himself in the war? His character?

    What role did Pushkin assign to him?

    How did Onegin react to the challenge?

    Were you happy with your reaction?

    How is Lensky waiting for an answer? How did you react to the agreement?

    What does Lensky do with his time before the duel?

    How is Olga characterized by her behavior?

    Did Lensky regret the challenge? How did he calm himself down?

    The night before the duel. Lensky and E.O. Compare behavior.

    Duel. Lensky and Onegin. The behavior of the heroes.

    Onegin's reaction to murder.

    2 possible fates of Lensky.

    What happened to Olga after the death of the Groom?

    What is Tatyana doing at this time?

    What helped Tatyana understand Onegin better?

    What did Tatiana's mother and neighbor agree on?

    What does Tatyana do in Moscow upon her arrival?

    How does Tatyana react to secular gossip?

    Did Tatyana like high society and balls?

    On what victory does Pushkin congratulate Tatyana?

    Analysis of lyrical digressions. Transformation of the muse of the lyrical hero.

    What did Evgeniy do after the duel? (13th stanza)

    Tatyana is a society lady. Find description.

    Meeting of heroes. Tatiana's reaction.

    How does Evgeny react to such a bold and cold reception?

    Second meeting. The behavior of the heroes.

    What is E.O. doing at the evening?

    How E.O. takes care of Tatyana?

    How does Tatyana react to these advances?

    Letter from Evgeny to Tatiana.

    Tatyana's reaction to the letter.

    What is Evgeniy doing until spring?

    Last date. Images of heroes.

    Reply to Onegin.

    Evgeniy's reaction.

    In the third chapter of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin,” Tatyana Larina falls in love with Onegin and writes him a letter in which she confesses her feelings. But Onegin is in no hurry to answer the message of the girl in love...

    Quiz on chapter 3 of the novel “Eugene Onegin” contains 20 questions. All questions have been answered.

    1. In what time period did A.S. Pushkin write the third chapter of the novel “Eugene Onegin”?
    Answer: from February 8, 1824 to October 2, 1824

    2. In what country did the poet Malfilatr live, lines from whose poem were used by Pushkin as an epigraph to the third chapter of the novel?
    Answer: in France

    3. What sweet delicacy did the Larin family attract Lensky to their house?
    Answer: jam

    4. How did Onegin meet the Larin family?
    Answer: Onegin was recommended by Lensky

    5. What is “eclogue” (the word appears in stanza II of chapter 3)?
    Answer: a work praising rural life

    6. “And silent, like Svetlana...” Who is Svetlana with whom Lensky compares Tatyana?
    Answer: Svetlana is the heroine of the ballad of the same name by V.A. Zhukovsky

    7. Which of the two Larin sisters, according to Onegin, looked like the “stupid moon”?
    Answer: Olga

    8. Who did Tatyana Larina love?
    Answer: to Onegin

    11. With whom did Tatyana talk about antiquity?
    Answer: with a nanny

    12. To whom did Tatyana first tell about her feelings for Onegin?
    Answer: old lady nanny

    13. How did Tatyana tell Onegin about her love?
    Answer: wrote a letter

    14. “Singer of Feasts and languid sadness...” Which poet are we talking about in this line?
    Answer: about Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky, the author of the comic poem “Feasts”

    15. Who gave Onegin a love letter from Tatyana?
    Answer: grandson of the nanny

    16. Did Tatyana wait for a response letter from Onegin?
    Answer: no, I didn’t wait

    17. Who served cream during tea drinking in the Larins’ house?
    Answer: boy

    18. Who was the song of the girls that was included in the third chapter of the novel about?
    Answer: oh well done

    20. How did the dialogue between Tatyana and Evgeny end in the last stanza of the third chapter?
    Answer: the author promised to report the content of the dialogue later