The main idea of ​​the work is dead souls. The concept of the poem Dead Souls of Gogol

In May 1842, the first volume of Gogol's Dead Souls was published. The work was conceived by the author while he was working on The Inspector General. In Dead Souls, Gogol addresses the main theme of his work: the ruling classes of Russian society. The writer himself said: “My creation is huge and great, and its end will not come soon.” Indeed, “Dead Souls” is an outstanding phenomenon in the history of Russian and world satire.

"Dead Souls" - a satire on serfdom

“Dead Souls” - a work In this Gogol is a successor Pushkin's prose. He himself speaks about this on the pages of the poem in a lyrical digression about two types of writers (Chapter VII).

Here the peculiarity of Gogol's realism is revealed: the ability to expose and show close-up all the flaws human nature, which are not always obvious. “Dead Souls” reflected the basic principles of realism:

  1. Historicism. The work is written about modern writer time - the turn of the 20-30s of the 19th century - then serfdom experienced a serious crisis.
  2. Typical character and circumstances. Landowners and officials are depicted satirically with a clearly expressed critical focus, the main social types. Special attention Gogol pays attention to details.
  3. Satirical typification. It is achieved author's description characters, comic situations, appeal to the past of heroes, hyperbolization, use of proverbs in speech.

Meaning of the name: literal and metaphorical

Gogol planned to write a work in three volumes. He took Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy” as a basis. Likewise, Dead Souls was supposed to consist of three parts. Even the title of the poem refers the reader to Christian principles.

Why "Dead Souls"? The name itself is an oxymoron, a juxtaposition of the incomparable. The soul is a substance that is inherent in the living, but not in the dead. Using this technique, Gogol gives hope that not all is lost, that the positive principle in the crippled souls of landowners and officials can be reborn. This is what the second volume should have been about.

The meaning of the title of the poem “Dead Souls” lies on several levels. On the very surface there is a literal meaning, because dead peasants were called dead souls in bureaucratic documents. Actually, this is the essence of Chichikov’s fraud: to buy dead serfs and take money as collateral. The main characters are shown in the circumstances of the sale of peasants. “Dead souls” are the landowners and officials themselves that Chichikov encounters, because there is nothing human or living left in them. They are ruled by the thirst for profit (officials), feeble-mindedness (Korobochka), cruelty (Nozdryov) and rudeness (Sobakevich).

The deep meaning of the name

All new aspects are revealed as you read the poem “Dead Souls”. The meaning of the title, hidden in the depths of the work, makes us think about the fact that any person, a simple layman, can eventually turn into Manilov or Nozdryov. It is enough for one small passion to settle in his heart. And he will not notice how vice will grow there. To this end, in Chapter XI, Gogol calls on the reader to look deep into his soul and check: “Is there some part of Chichikov in me too?”

Gogol laid down in the poem “Dead Souls” a multifaceted meaning of the title, which is revealed to the reader not immediately, but in the process of comprehending the work.

Genre originality

When analyzing “Dead Souls,” another question arises: “Why does Gogol position the work as a poem?” Really, genre originality creations are unique. In the process of working on the work, Gogol shared his creative discoveries with friends in letters, calling “Dead Souls” both a poem and a novel.

About the second volume of "Dead Souls"

In a state of deep creative crisis Over the course of ten years, Gogol wrote the second volume of Dead Souls. In correspondence, he often complains to friends that things are going very slowly and are not particularly satisfying.

Gogol turns to the harmonious, positive image landowner Kostanzhoglo: judicious, responsible, using scientific knowledge in the structure of the estate. Under its influence, Chichikov reconsiders his attitude to reality and changes for the better.

Seeing “life’s lies” in the poem, Gogol burned the second volume of “Dead Souls.”

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most mysterious writers 19th century. His life and work are full of mysticism and secrets. Our article will help you prepare qualitatively for a literature lesson, for the Unified State Exam, test tasks, creative works according to the poem. When analyzing Gogol’s work “Dead Souls” in grade 9, it is important to rely on additional material to get acquainted with the history of creation, issues, understand what artistic media used by the author. In “Dead Souls” the analysis is specific due to its substantive scope and compositional features works.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1835 -1842 The first volume was published in 1842.

History of creation– the idea for the plot was suggested to Gogol by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The author worked on the poem for about 17 years.

Subject– morals and life of landowners in Rus' in the 30s of the 19th century, gallery human vices.

Composition– 11 chapters of the first volume, united by the image of the main character – Chichikov. Several chapters of the second volume that survived and were found and published.

Direction– realism. The poem also contains romantic traits, but they are secondary.

History of creation

Nikolai Vasilyevich wrote his immortal brainchild for about 17 years. He considered this work the most important mission in his life. The history of the creation of “Dead Souls” is full of gaps and mysteries, as well as mystical coincidences. While working on the work, the author became seriously ill, being on the verge of death, but he was suddenly miraculously healed. Gogol took this fact as a sign from above, which gave him the chance to complete his main work.

The idea of ​​“Dead Souls” and the very fact of their existence as social phenomenon Pushkin suggested to Gogol. It was Alexander Sergeevich, according to the author, who gave him the idea to write a large-scale work capable of revealing the entire essence of the Russian soul. The poem was conceived as a work in three volumes. The first volume (published in 1842) was conceived as a collection of human vices, the second gave the characters the opportunity to realize their mistakes, and in the third volume they change and find the path to the right life.

While in work, the work was edited by the author many times, its main idea, characters, plot changed, but only the essence was preserved: the problems and plan of the work. Gogol finished the second volume of “Dead Souls” shortly before his death, but according to some information, he himself destroyed this book. According to other sources, it was given by the author to Tolstoy or one of his close friends, and then lost. There is an opinion that this manuscript is still kept by descendants high society Gogol's environment and will someday be found. The author did not have time to write the third volume, but there is information about its intended content from reliable sources, the future book, its idea and general characteristics, were discussed in literary circles.


Meaning of the name“Dead Souls” is twofold: this phenomenon itself - the sale of dead serf souls, rewriting them and transferring them to another owner and the image of people like Plyushkin, Manilov, Sobakevich - their souls are dead, the heroes are deeply unspiritual, vulgar and immoral.

main topic“Dead Souls” - the vices and morals of society, the life of a Russian person in the 1830s of the 19th century. The problems that the author raises in the poem are as old as the world, but they are shown and revealed in the way that is characteristic of a researcher of human characters and souls: subtly and on a large scale.

Main character- Chichikov buys from landowners long-dead, but still registered serfs, whom he needs only on paper. Thus, he plans to get rich by receiving payment for them from the board of guardians. Chichikov’s interaction and collaboration with scammers and charlatans like himself becomes central theme poems. The desire to get rich in every possible way is characteristic not only of Chichikov, but also of many of the heroes of the poem - this is the disease of the century. What Gogol’s poem teaches is between the lines of the book - Russian people are characterized by adventurism and a craving for “easy bread.”

The conclusion is clear: the most the right way- live according to the laws, in harmony with conscience and heart.


The poem consists of the complete first volume and several surviving chapters of the second volume. The composition is subordinated to the main goal - to reveal a picture of Russian life, contemporary to the author, to create a gallery of typical characters. The poem consists of 11 chapters, full of lyrical digressions, philosophical discussions and wonderful descriptions of nature.

All this breaks through the main plot from time to time and gives the work a unique lyricism. The work ends with a colorful lyrical reflection about the future of Russia, its strength and power.

The book was originally intended to be satirical work, this affected general composition. In the first chapter, the author introduces the reader to the residents of the city, to the main character - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. From the second to the sixth chapters, the author gives a portrait of the landowners, their unique way of life, a kaleidoscope of quirks and morals. The next four chapters describe the life of bureaucrats: bribery, arbitrariness and tyranny, gossip, the way of life of a typical Russian city.

Main characters


To determine the genre of “Dead Souls”, it is necessary to turn to history. Gogol himself defined it as a “poem,” although the structure and scale of the narrative are close to the story and novel. Prose work called a poem due to its lyricism: large quantity lyrical digressions, remarks and comments of the author. It is also worth considering that Gogol drew a parallel between his brainchild and Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin”: the latter is considered a novel in verse, and “Dead Souls” is, on the contrary, a poem in prose.

The author emphasizes the equivalence of the epic and the lyrical in his work. Criticism has a different opinion about genre features poems. For example, V. G. Belinsky called the work a novel, and this opinion is usually taken into account, since it is completely justified. But according to tradition Gogol's work called a poem.

Gogol's question. "Dead Souls" What the main problem works. What is the main theme of the work? And what were the relationships given by the author Nikita Buryan the best answer is According to Gogol, the essence of the first volume of Dead Souls
is to show the shortcomings,
vices and weaknesses of the Russian person:
"...The book...depicts a man taken from our own
state... It was taken more to show
the shortcomings and vices of the Russian person, not his
dignity and virtue, and all people who
surround him, also taken to show
our weaknesses and shortcomings; the best people and
the characters will be in other parts..."
(N.V. Gogol, “To the Reader from the Author”,
preface to the second edition of the first volume of "Dead Souls")
The main problem of the poem is spiritual death and
spiritual rebirth of man.
The author explores the causes of moral degradation
landowners, officials, Chichikov, reveals depressing
consequences of this process.
At the same time, Gogol, a writer with a Christian worldview,
does not lose hope for the spiritual awakening of his heroes.
About the spiritual resurrection of Chichikov and Plyushkin Gogol
was going to write in the second and third volumes of his
works, but this plan was not destined
was to come true.
Source: in detail

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
at Chichikov's with the landowners - did I understand you correctly?

Answer from Crooked[active]
Topics and problems. In accordance with the main idea of ​​the work - to show the path to achieving a spiritual ideal, on the basis of which the writer imagines the possibility of transformation as state system Russia, its social order, and all social strata and each individual person- the main themes and problems posed in the poem “Dead Souls” are determined. Being an opponent of any political and social upheavals, especially revolutionary ones, the Christian writer believes that the negative phenomena that characterize the state of contemporary Russia can be overcome through moral self-improvement not only of the Russian person himself, but also of the entire structure of society and the state. Moreover, such changes, from Gogol’s point of view, should not be external, but internal, that is, we are talking about the fact that all state and social structures, and especially their leaders, in their activities should be guided by moral laws, postulates of Christian ethics. So, the eternal Russian misfortune - bad roads- can be overcome, according to Gogol, not by changing bosses or tightening laws and control over their implementation. To do this, it is necessary that each of the participants in this matter, first of all the leader, remember that he is responsible not to a higher official, but to God. Gogol called on every Russian person in his place, in his position, to do things as the highest - Heavenly - law commands.
That is why the themes and problems of Gogol’s poem turned out to be so broad and comprehensive. In its first volume, the emphasis is placed on all those negative phenomena in the life of the country that need to be corrected. But the main evil for a writer is not social problems as such, but for the reason for which they arise: the spiritual impoverishment of contemporary man. That is why the problem of the death of the soul becomes central in the 1st volume of the poem. All other themes and problems of the work are grouped around it. “Be not dead, but living souls!” - the writer calls, convincingly demonstrating the abyss into which one who has lost his living soul falls. But what is meant by this strange oxymoron - “dead soul”, which gives the title to the whole work? Of course, not only a purely bureaucratic term used in Russia XIX century. Often " dead soul“They call a person mired in worries about vanity. The gallery of landowners and officials, shown in the 1st volume of the poem, presents the reader with such “ dead Souls“, since all of them are characterized by lack of spirituality, selfish interests, empty extravagance or soul-consuming stinginess. From this point of view, the “dead souls” shown in Volume 1 can only be resisted by “ alive soul» of the people, appearing in the author's lyrical digressions. But, of course, the oxymoron “dead soul” is interpreted by the Christian writer in a religious and philosophical sense. The very word “soul” indicates the immortality of the individual in its Christian understanding. From this point of view, the symbolism of the definition “dead souls” contains the opposition of the dead (inert, frozen, spiritless) principle and the living (spiritualized, high, light). The uniqueness of Gogol's position lies in the fact that he not only contrasts these two principles, but points out the possibility of awakening the living in the dead. So the poem includes the theme of the resurrection of the soul, the theme of the path to its revival. It is known that Gogol intended to show the path of revival of two heroes from the 1st volume - Chichikov and Plyushkin. The author dreams that the “dead souls” of Russian reality will be reborn, turning into truly “living” souls.
But in the contemporary world, the death of the soul affected literally everyone and affected the most different sides life.

The artistic depth and scale of the work “Dead Souls” indicate that it can well be considered the main one in creative biography Nikolai Gogol. The author worked long and painstakingly on its creation, starting with the understanding that, first of all, the writer has all the problems and storyline, as well as the character of the heroes, should be passed through yourself. Let's analyze the analysis of "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol.

The humble beginning of a great poem

We will begin our analysis of the poem “Dead Souls” by Gogol with the fact that in the first volume of the work the author outlined only general features and called it “ pale beginning". How did Gogol come up with the idea for the plot, because in order to think through such a thing in detail serious thing, do you need an appropriate approach and a solid foundation?

It turns out that the idea to take up new poem It was given to Gogol by none other than Alexander Pushkin. The poet said that he had a plot in his outline that he himself would like to use, but recommended that Nikolai Vasilyevich do it. But it is important to remember that the most important thing: Pushkin “suggested” the leading idea of ​​the poem, and he outlined the plot in general outline. Gogol himself perfectly developed the storyline, because he knew a lot real stories, which were based on various scams involving “dead souls.”

For example, let’s include in the analysis of the poem “Dead Souls” one such incident from Gogol’s life. When he was still a very young man and lived in Mirgorod, he heard in sufficient detail a similar story- some serfs who had already died would be advantageous to count as alive, at least until the upcoming audit. This practice spread throughout Russia, and on official papers only after an audit such peasants began to be considered dead. In view of this, until the so-called “revision fairy tale,” landowners had to continue paying taxes in the form of a poll tax.

What is the essence of the “dead souls” scam?

When a peasant remained “alive” only on official papers, he could be given away, sold or mortgaged, which was beneficial in some fraudulent scams. The landowner could be tempted by the fact that the serf did not bring more income, but this way you could get some money for him. There was a buyer who, if the transaction was completed, began to own a very real fortune.

Initially, Gogol, taking into account this basis of the scam, defined for his work such a genre as an adventurous picaresque novel. Some authors of that time already wrote in this spirit, and their novels were widely used great success, although the artistic level was not so high. In the course of his work, Gogol modified the genre, and this important detail in the analysis of the poem "Dead Souls". After the general idea of ​​the work became clear and the idea was clearly formed, Gogol himself designated the genre - poem. Therefore, from an adventurous picaresque novel, it turned into a poem.

Analysis of the poem "Dead Souls" - features of the work

If we talk about the scale of Gogol’s idea in relation to the poem “Dead Souls,” then one can see how it grew, because initially the author wanted to reflect only “one side” of Russia, and later with his thesis Gogol showed that he had revised not only genre model, but also the richness of the idea. The essence of his thesis lies in the thought: “all Rus'” should be reflected in the poem. New idea was so broad and rich that it was practically impossible to realize it within the narrow confines of an adventurous picaresque novel. Therefore, this genre began to play the role of a shell, but lost main role.

Let's talk a little about the main character of the poem, Chichikov. His origins are shrouded in mystery, and this is the very technique that Gogol used to fully reveal his image. Analyzing the poem "Dead Souls", it becomes quite obvious that Chichikov is a man in the middle. He doesn’t have a bad appearance, that is, you can’t call him handsome, and he’s not ugly. He is not thick, and not thin. The age is also unclear - not young, but at the same time not old. As readers, we do not know Chichikov's life story until we reach the last chapter.

In the eleventh chapter, the vulgar nature of this man becomes visible. His origins are again said very vaguely, again it is emphasized that he is not vile, but also not of a heroic type. Chichikov's main quality is that he is an “acquirer”. One can draw conclusions from the way Gogol calls him an “average” person. This means that he is not particularly different from everyone else, but in his character the trait inherent in many is strengthened - Chichikov is ready to make money, to chase beautiful life and yet he has almost no deep goals in life, and he is spiritually empty.



2. The meaning of the name “Dead Souls”

3. Genre and essence of the poem

4. Heroes and images

5. Composition of the work

6. Conclusion

In May 1842 it was published printed edition"", the author of which is Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. From the very first days of its existence, the work interested readers, being not just a poem, but a reflection of all of Russia. Although initially the author wanted to show the country only “from one side.” After writing the first volume, Gogol had a desire to further and deeper reveal the essence of the work, but, unfortunately, the second volume was partially burned, and the third was not written at all. The idea of ​​creating a poem came to Nikolai Vasilyevich after a conversation with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin on the topic of fraud with dead souls somewhere in Pskov. Initially, I wanted to take up the work myself, but I “gave” the idea to a young talent.

The meaning of the name “Dead Souls” is multifaceted and multi-level. As you delve further into the reading, the author’s intention becomes clear. When serfdom existed, dead peasants were “excluded from the list of the living” only once every four years when carrying out an audit. Until this moment, they were listed as alive and unscrupulous owners or other officials took advantage of this, selling or buying them for their own selfish purposes. It is these peasants who are the “dead souls” in the first chapters. Next, the author introduces us to the officials and landowners who are precisely responsible for the movement of non-existent serfs. Their greed, inhumanity and thirst for profit speak of the callousness of their soul, or its absence altogether. This is who the real “dead souls” are.

The literary genre of this unique work is also not so simple. Before starting to write Dead Souls, he positioned the work as adventurous - picaresque or social novel. But in the process of work, a lot changed, and the writer realized that love affair not at all what he wanted to show to his contemporaries and descendants. During the publication of the first volume, the author insisted that the work be framed as a poem. Nikolai Vasilyevich’s desire was completely justified.

Firstly, it was planned to write two more volumes, in which the topic of the work would be revealed from a different angle. And secondly, multiple digressions of a lyrical nature also indicate this literary genre. Gogol himself explained this by saying that the events in the poem unfold around one main character, on whose path he encounters various difficulties and events that reflect the essence of a given time.

This poem is based on the brainchild of Dante Alighieri “ The Divine Comedy" The main path actor Chichikova had to go through hell, purgatory and heaven, growing new shoots in his mutilated soul good man. Social system and way of life folk life plays a significant role in the development of the personality of each individual hero. The situation in the country as a whole, in a particular city or estate, and a person’s attitude towards this social life are an expression of the vicious sides of the individual. It is not for nothing that the author believed that the soul dies mainly from circumstances and living conditions.

Earlier in his works, Gogol revealed the life of the Russian people only in one specific area. In “Dead Souls” the entire Russian land and the life of various segments of the population are covered - from serfs to the prosecutor. From the provinces to the capital, the problems that worried the people were closely interconnected and clearly, but rather sharply outlined by the author. Unpunished corruption, theft, cruelty and destruction were the main problems. But, despite all this, the Russian people did not stop believing in a bright future, standing out against the gray background with their sublimity and nobility of purpose. This is probably why the poem acquired such significance and popularity, which has survived to this day.

The positive characters of “Dead Souls” can be counted on one hand. This is the writer and landowner Kostanzhoglo himself. Having scientific knowledge, the landowner differed from other heroes of the poem in his prudence, responsibility, and the logic of his deeds. Having fallen precisely under his influence, Chichikov begins to take a closer look at his actions, comprehend them and take the first steps towards positive correction. The image of the writer himself, as the hero of the work, is presented by a man tragically rooting for his country.

Corruption and unrest reigning everywhere mercilessly wound him to the very heart and involuntarily make him deeply feel responsibility for the wrongdoings committed by others. The images of the remaining characters are negative and appear in the plot as they decline morally. All officials and landowners belong to negative personalities. They are driven by the thirst for profit. All their actions and thoughts are justified only by absurdity and madness, and are absolutely beyond logical explanation.

The author draws attention to the fact that each specific hero describes not the person himself, but the human type, in general. For example, about Korobochka the author writes “ of those...”. She is someone collectively, symbolizing the box as a vessel full of thirst for profit and accumulation of other people's goods. And about Manilov it is said that he “...belongs to so-so people...”.

In each chapter Gogol devotes special meaning not only dialogues, but also colorful descriptions village landscapes, furnishings of houses and estates as well as portrait characteristics hero. The image of Stepan Plyushkin turned out to be especially vivid and memorable. “...Oh, woman! Oh, No!...". First impressions of this landowner did not give a clear answer to what gender he was, “... the dress she was wearing was completely vague, very similar to a woman’s hood, on her head was a cap worn by village courtyard women...”. The landowner's character was quite bright, despite his stinginess, greed and sloppiness. People around him described him as a miser, a swindler, a dog, in which “... human feelings, which were not deep in him anyway, became shallow every minute...” Despite the fact that Plyushkin manifests himself in the highest degree of degradation and sloppiness, and Chichikov is full of absurd greed, the author presents them to us as people capable of better changes.

Despite high level of literary significance, the plot of the work is quite simple. This is the use of those very dead peasants shower for their own ignoble purposes. For example, the visiting official Chichikov bought them in order to pawn non-existent workers and get a considerable amount for them. The composition of the poem is divided into three parts, each of which contains a certain number of chapters. The first compositional part of “Dead Souls” shows the landowner types that existed during the work of N. Gogol. Their images include Manilov, Nozdryov, Korobochka, Sobakevich and Plyushkin.

The appearance of Chichikov in the city and his trips to the estates are also described in detail. The first link at first seems like empty movements of the protagonist from one estate to another. But in fact, this is a kind of peculiar preparation of the reader for the denouement of the poem. Further in the plot follow more energetic and interesting events. Making “purchases” of souls and talking about the cases carried out by Chichikov and the prosecutor. Besides main character finds time to become infatuated with the governor's daughter. At the end of this link, death awaits the prosecutor, since he cannot withstand the reproach of his conscience in front of his actions.

The last chapter of the first volume is the last link and the beginning of the writer’s next work. In the part of the second volume that has reached us, deeper and more tragic feelings about the resale of the unfortunate souls of dead peasants are revealed. The plot can still be called unexpected and completely incomprehensible. The appearance of the main character comes out of nowhere and he also leaves for nowhere. The ambiguity of his actions points more to the theme of character than to the country's widespread misfortune.

With his poem, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol not only exposes officials, showing us their callousness, rottenness and hypocrisy, but also draws attention to the fact that each of us can grow a seed of cruelty and indifference in our souls. “Isn’t there some part of Chichikov in me?...” With these words, the author warns the reader, forcing him to listen to his inner world and eradicate existing depravity in him.

The author in his work devoted considerable importance to the theme of love for one’s Motherland, respect for work, humanity, both in general and for each individual. The volumes of Dead Souls were supposed to identify the past, present and future of the country. But unfortunately, the third volume was not written. Perhaps, in this way, the writer gives a chance to create the future on his own?