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For national history Malyuta Skuratov is an odious person and in some ways even a household name. He is the image of a villain and executioner selflessly devoted to his king. However, many historians believe that his cruelty was clearly exaggerated.

His real name was Grigory Skuratov-Belsky. Unfortunately, historians have not been able to determine when he was born. His place of birth is also unknown. And they nicknamed him “Malyuta” because of his short stature.

His ancestors came from a very small noble family and were considered slaves of the Russian autocrats. Skuratov climbed for a very long time career ladder and for a long time was on minor roles. Only a few years before his death he became one of those closest to him.

His name was first mentioned in the chronicles of the 60s XVI century. And this is connected with the era. Let us remember that the king decided to create a special detective service. His oprichnina department became a powerful unit. According to modern standards, it was a secret police that acted in the interests of state security. At the same time, Skuratov himself did not take any part in it. He was a simple member of the oprichnina, but it was there that he achieved a high position.

He had to conduct inquiries. It was on his instructions that the boyars and nobles were executed. At the same time, their land plots went to the autocrat, but their property went to Skuratov. The era of the oprichnina ended in 1572. But the closeness of the court spy to the king remained.

A special place in Malyuta’s “exploits” is occupied by the murder of Metropolitan Philip, who exposed the tsar’s atrocities.

At the same time, Skuratov was not only the main guardsman, but also a military leader. He sometimes had to participate in hostilities. So, when it was going on, Malyuta led his army units and took part in campaigns. He also had the opportunity to negotiate with representatives of such states as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Crimean Khanate.

There are very few facts about Malyuta Skuratov’s personal life. By official information, the chief guardsman had one and only wife, Marya. The couple had three daughters. All of them married more than successfully at one time. Yes, husband eldest daughter was cousin autocrat. The middle daughter became the wife of the future. Well, the youngest decided to marry, who later ruled the country in Time of Troubles. According to sources, there were no sons in Malyuta’s family, so his family was interrupted...

In 1573, the former chief guardsman died a heroic death. He stormed the Weissenstein fortress in Germany. During the collision he was mortally wounded. Malyuta’s body was brought to one of the monasteries. He was buried there.

By order of Ivan the Terrible, the widow of the guardsman began to receive a lifelong pension. By the way, in those days such an order was considered a truly amazing precedent.

The country's history is considered the bloodiest. Ivan the Fourth led the country back in childhood. In those days, issues of government were decided by the almighty, which consisted of well-born boyars and appanage princes. Wanting to gain undivided power, in 1565 Tsar Ivan founded the oprichnina. An army was created, consisting of common nobles, designed to fight the boyars and princes. For impoverished nobles, service in the oprichnina was a good career prospect. Among them was Skuratov-Belsky, who received the nickname Malyuta for his nickname.

The ambitious and cruel Malyuta Skuratov, whose biography is covered in myths and legends, tried in every possible way to break into and obtain a high position under royal court. With the advent of the oprichnina, a series of bloody executions began in Moscow. Many boyars and princes were deprived of their lands and sent into exile. In executions brutal torture, as well as the expulsion of boyars disliked by Ivan Active participation hosted by Malyuta Skuratov. The biography of this man, according to historians,

Ivan the Terrible noticed the zeal of his guardsman. After some time, the detective work in the oprichnina was headed by Malyuta Skuratov. After the brutal reprisal against the princes, Tsar Ivan began to fight the boyars and nobles. As a result of this war, a wave of new wave trials and executions. Some were killed on the spot without bringing the case to trial. As before, this name could not be avoided here - Malyuta Skuratov. The executioner's biography is complete scary stories about torture and abuse of people. The brutal reprisals led by this man led to the death of 150 major boyars and hereditary nobles. 300 servants died with them. Active activity Malyuta was highly appreciated by the tsar, after which the executioner began to quickly move up the ranks of the oprichnina.

In 1569, Malyuta Skuratov received a royal order to arrest his cousin, Prince Staritsky, and to destroy the defeated Metropolitan Philip. Malyuta completed both of these tasks in full and with his own hands.

In 1570, he became a Duma nobleman and came as close as possible to the Tsar. Malyuta constantly increased his influence and as a result received unlimited powers. He began to command and control everything that happened at the court of the sovereign. In addition, he also conducted diplomatic negotiations.

Malyuta Skuratov, whose biography was such that those around him (as well as himself) called him “ the sovereign's dog", demonstrated his slavish devotion to the king. However, bloody service was not a burden for him. He enjoyed the torture he inflicted on his victims. You can see a portrait of Malyuta Skuratov in this article.

The cruel royal executioner died during the storming of the Livonian fortress. As the legend says, on his deathbed he deeply repented of his sins, and the inconsolable Ivan ordered to burn alive all those captured.

Despite the cruelty of the oprichnik, the history of Russia will forever remember his image - after all, in fact, he ruled the country for several years.

Until now, researchers and experts on old Moscow are arguing about where Malyuta Skuratov’s house was located in Moscow - “Malyutinsky Chambers”. But, unfortunately, there is no accurate and scientifically confirmed information on this issue.

Name Malyuta Skuratova has become a household name among the people. There were legends about the cruelty of the “faithful dog of the sovereign.” How did a person from an impoverished noble family become the main guardsman and murderer of Ivan the Terrible - further in the review.

The guardsman's real name is Grigory Lukyanovich Skuratov-Belsky. He received the nickname “Malyuta” for his short stature. Later, this is what people called executioners and murderers. Information about when and where the future guardsman was born has not been preserved. It is only known that Malyuta Skuratov came from an impoverished noble family, and he climbed the career ladder for a very long time. He became one of the main guardsmen closer to the end of the bloody policies of Ivan the Terrible.

During times Livonian War Skuratov was accepted to the position of centurion in the oprichnina army. He demonstrated his “abilities” during the investigation into the zemstvo conspiracy in 1567. In one of the estates, in search of conspirators, Malyuta Skuratov tortured 39 people, but still received the necessary information. Torture has always been considered the most effective forms of interrogation.

Two years later, Malyuta Skuratov moved up the ranks and headed the “high police for treason.” Ivan the Terrible, seeing conspiracies everywhere, instructed his “ to the faithful dog» deal with his cousin, Prince of Novgorod Vladimir Staritsky, since he was the only competitor of the tsar for the throne. When Malyuta Skuratov got down to business, the culprits and evidence were immediately “found.” The Tsar's cook Molyava and his sons were accused of attempting to poison Ivan the Terrible. They say that when they went to Novgorod for white fish, Prince Vladimir gave them poison for the king. The prince was executed.

After this, Ivan the Terrible conceived a campaign against Novgorod. The chronicles preserved a report on the actions of the oprichnik: “In the Novgorod parcel, Malyuta trimmed 1,490 people (by manual truncation), and 15 people were trimmed from the pike.” That is, Skuratov personally killed and shot so many people. After the Novgorod defeat, sayings appeared among the people: “On those streets where Malyuta rode, no chicken drank” (that is, there was nothing alive left), “The king is not as terrible as his Malyuta.”

While Malyuta Skuratov was in the service of the sovereign and tortured people he disliked, he did not forget about the well-being of his family. All three of his daughters were successfully married. One daughter went to Dmitry Shuisky, the second to Prince Glinsky, and the third became the wife of Boris Godunov, the future tsar.

In 1571, as a result of a raid Crimean Tatars Moscow was burned by Khan Davlet-Girey. The guardsmen were unable to prevent him from destroying the capital. This event greatly angered Ivan the Terrible, and some of the governors' heads rolled. Malyuta Skuratov was spared execution, but in the next campaign he no longer got the place of courtyard governor. During the storming of the Weisenstein fortress in the war with the Swedes, the guardsman found himself on the front line and was shot by the enemies.

By order of the Tsar, Malyuta Skuratov was buried in the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery. Ivan the Terrible donated 150 rubles for his commemoration. This amount was much larger than the donations to the king's brother and his wife Martha.
The name of Malyuta Skuratov became synonymous with mercilessness and cruelty due to his savage torture. Ivan the Terrible also loved to watch