Bold and the Beautiful: Adele starred in a photo shoot for Time Magazine and gave a candid interview. Category "Health" and proper nutrition

Date of Birth: May 5, 1988
Place of Birth: Tottenham, London, UK
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 90 kg

Biography of Adele

On May 5, 1988, in the heart of England - London, 18-year-old Englishwoman Penny Adkins gave birth to a girl. The baby was named Adele Laurie Blue Adkins. She grew up in single-parent family, her father Mark Evans left when Adele was only 3 years old. He did not participate in raising his daughter, and having appeared in her life only when she became a star, he began to speak negatively about his daughter, to which he received a harsh reaction from the girl, who said that a person who abandoned his child has no right to teach her life now. But she maintains a warm relationship with her mother, Penny Adkins, and even got a tattoo in her honor.

Sing future star loved it since childhood. Her first performance was back in school, where she performed the song Rise from Gabrielle's repertoire. Despite the fact that her performance was successful and aroused admiration, which is not surprising, because the girl has really very powerful vocals, Adele never believed that she could conquer musical Olympus. She believed that the girl was from poor family and without connections he will never be able to achieve success. In addition, the girl was very complex due to the fact that her appearance was far from recognized standards of beauty, because Adele was always too plump.

However, at the age of 13, the girl changed her mind, and this was influenced by the work of the legendary Ella Fitzgerald. Inspired by her example, she realized that appearance is not always decisive, and that with talent and hard work you can achieve a lot. Then she went to audition for brit school, which she successfully passed and became a student at one of the most prestigious schools.

The star's first demo recordings were made as musical task, while studying at school. However, they made a huge impression on her friends, and without her knowledge, they decided to post them on the my spice network. These recordings were noticed by the recording company XL Recordings and they offered to collaborate with them. From that moment on, the singer’s star journey began.

The premiere of the first song “Hometown Glory” took place in October 2007 and its circulation was limited, but a year later the single was re-released and nominated for a Grammy Award.

The next work, “Chasing Pavements,” simply blew up all the charts. Two weeks after the single's premiere, the album "19" was released, which turned out to be incredibly successful and was released with a circulation of 500,000, making it platinum.

After incredible success album and tour in Canada and the USA, the star signs a contract with Columbia Records.

The next album, “21,” was released in January 2011 and turned out to be even more successful than the previous one, collecting an incredible number of awards and prizes. In 2012, the single “Skyfall” was released, which became the soundtrack to the film “007: Spectre”.

On November 20, 2015, after a career break due to the birth of a child, she saw the light of day new record“25”, which was already the third in the singer’s career. In support of the album, a video for the song Hello was shot. The work was done in a retro style, and the director was Cannes Film Festival winner Xavier Dolan. The clip collected more than 23 million views in just one day, breaking all records on YouTube.

Despite the fact that the singer tries not to advertise her personal life, it is known that it is also developing very successfully. She met her boyfriend, major businessman Simon Kanneki, in 2011. The girl is 14 years younger than Simon, but the age difference does not bother the couple. In 2012, the lovers had a boy. There are rumors about the couple getting married, however official statement this hasn't been mentioned yet.

Photo Adele

Famous British singer Adele became the main character December issue of Time Magazine, on the pages of which she appeared in a decisive and bright image.

The 27-year-old British star, who is only two days old, pleases us with new photos: she starred for a cover story for the authoritative publication Time Magazine. In front of the lens of Eric Madigan Heck, the singer appeared in a bright and... rather bold, even decisive image: the usual natural makeup was replaced by rich eyeliner and red lips, black dress- screaming scarlet oversized coat. The star's hair is casually pulled back: sometimes it's in a relaxed bun, sometimes it just falls over her shoulders, but in both cases Adele looks great.

In an interview Time Magazine the singer spoke about her attitude to social networks: “Yes, my life has changed a lot, very much, but I always wrote only sincere songs - as best I could. They are part of me. How can I write new song, if I sit and wait for 500 likes on some damn photo? No, this is not for me, it’s not real.”

As for the family Adele, husband Simon Konecki and son Angelo, the singer is categorical here: no star apartments, car park or other frills, they live like an ordinary English family in London:

« If I’m not posing in front of the lens, my life can be called the most ordinary: me, my beloved and our child. If someone tries to get into my family, I fight like a lioness. It seems unfair to me that people are trying to get into my home, into my personal life. We are not a brand like some celebrities. If it makes them happy, that's their right, but I don't want anyone poking their nose into my window."- says the singer.

According to the star, her 3-year-old son Angelo, for whom she took a career break, gave her a feeling of need, inner harmony and calm:

“I don’t have time for myself at all, because everything free time I spend with him. Over time, I realized that it was my son who helped me stay calm and not worry about little things. I always liked myself, but I was never as proud of myself as I am now. I'm so proud to have given birth to him! This is a real little man who is already walking and even minding his own business. I can't wait to find out who will be his best friend, girl or guy, what kind of movie will he love...Whoever my Angelo becomes, I will support him in everything!”, shared Adele.

Celebrity biographies


05.05.15 11:26

At the age of 25, receiving an Order of the British Empire is a great achievement! There are already a lot of similar ones in Adele’s biography. What are ten Grammys or an Oscar and a Golden Globe worth? But she has released only three studio albums so far.

Biography of Adele

In love with soul

Textured appearance (more likely to be possessed by opera primas or African-American jazz divas), soulful deep vocals, extraordinary charm and gift for composition allowed Adele Laurie Blue Adkins to become one of the most respected and revered British stars.

She was born in London on May 5, 1988, and from childhood she listened to her favorite compositions of pop singer Dusty Springfield and blues queen Etta James (a strange choice for modern teenager, Truth?). For the first time she saw these names on old vinyl records, tried to play and was mesmerized by their voices. Then Adele decided that she also wanted to conquer the British stage!

The singer herself explains her interest in soul and blues simply: she grew up in a not very prestigious area of ​​the British capital, and in her class there were only dark-skinned people. The girl's parents did not register the marriage, and when she was 3 years old, they separated.

It all started with social networks

Adele Adkins debut took place at school. She took a risk, choosing for her performance an old hit by the Englishwoman Gabrielle (released in the late 1990s, “Rise”). But unexpectedly, picky teenagers of the same age liked both the song and the singer, and for the first time the future star heard an ovation addressed to her. Since then, Adele's biography has been determined!

After graduating from school, the girl quite easily became a student at the London School of Performing Arts (once it was the alma mater of Leona Lewis and Amy Winehouse). Immediately after graduation, Adele posted two songs own composition to one of the online art sites. Later, she introduced Internet users to new compositions through social network MySpace. The number of fans of the young singer grew, she soon signed her first contract, and in October 2007 Adele made her debut with the single “Hometown Glory” (a few months later it was used in the cult youth show Skins, and it entered the UK Top 40).

Success of the first album

The first award in Adele’s biography was the “Brit Awards Critics" Choice Award given to newcomers (who did not have time to release an album). But the album was not slow to appear. Named very unsurprisingly (“19”), the disc went on sale in early 2008, immediately began to lead in the national tops and a month later it turned out to be platinum.

In the spring, the British woman had her first very successful tour of Canada and the States, and at the beginning of the summer, Adele’s album in the United States managed to reach 10th place in the American hit parade.

Repeated the Beatles' record

Three years after the first, the second album of the composer and performer, “21,” was released. For more than a month, he held a leading position in the top not only in Adele’s homeland, but also in Austria, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, Holland, and Switzerland. In the spring of 2011, the disc became the leader of the Billboard 200.

The singles "Rolling in the Deep" and "Someone Like You" also reached No. 1 in the UK. Thus, Adele, with her two discs and two singles topping the national charts, repeated the record “ The Beatles", staged by the Fab Four in 1964.

Victorious "Skyfall"

At the end of 2011, the star underwent surgery on her vocal cords, but returned to action in the early spring of 2012. The main achievement of this year was the writing of the composition “Skyfall” for the next Bond series. Sam Mendes' film Skyfall became the most successful film of fifty years. extra years existence of the franchise, and an Oscar appeared in Adele’s biography.

The composer (who, of course, performed the song herself) shared an Academy Award with her co-author (Paul Epworth), and also won a Golden Globe and a Grammy.

In 2014, the Queen awarded the charismatic performer the Order of the British Empire. And in 2015, Adele released the long-awaited third disc. As you already understood, its name is also a number indicating the age of the singer at which she worked on recording the album (“25”). In 2017, Adele managed to win five Grammy awards out of five nominations. What a triumph!

Personal life of Adele

Seductive chick

When the tabloids began to discuss Adele’s personal life, the first thing everyone was worried about was: why doesn’t this obstinate woman want to acquire an elegant figure? She herself stated that she is comfortable in her body, so she does not consider it advisable to change anything about herself.

It was just such a “chubby little thing” that businessman Simon Konecki fell in love with her. He deals with the problems of Third World countries (in particular, he manages geological exploration and the supply of drinking water). The boyfriend is 14 years older than his lover. They met in 2011, and at the end of that year they began to live together.

The couple's son, Angelo James, was born on October 19, 2012. There were rumors that his parents got married secretly. But Adele herself does not comment on her personal life. Moreover, she vehemently protests when her loved ones (especially her son) are photographed by the paparazzi.

Adele – a beautiful woman and an excellent singer, she writes songs and performs on various radio stations around the world, invariably causing enthusiastic applause.

The girl’s home country is Great Britain, but her work is known far beyond home country, as all her fans adore her unforgettable voice.

At the same time, Adele was a child prodigy, whose perseverance and work helped the beauty become rich, famous and self-confident. By the way, the woman realized herself not only as a singer and author of numerous hits, but also as a happy and beloved wife, and also as a caring mother.

Fans of the young and independent singer strive to clarify the singer’s parameters such as height, weight, age. How old is Singer Adele? This is the second most popular query on the Internet, since the woman looks incredibly young and confident beauty.

It is worth noting that the singer Adele: the photos in her youth and now are almost identical, since the woman was born in 1988, which means she was barely twenty-nine years old. Adele received the sign of an ambitious, stable, strong, bright, persistent, talented Taurus.

The eastern horoscope gave her the character traits of the Dragon, namely, caution, wisdom, brightness, prudence, dignity, and inner peace.

The height of the singer Adele was one meter and seventy-five centimeters, and she weighs no less than ninety kilograms, although excess weight has never bothered the woman, since she considers it her highlight.

Biography of Singer Adele

The biography of Singer Adele is the story of one child who was a genius, no matter what. A baby with the name Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born in the capital of Great Britain, but in its most disadvantaged area, and her parents had nothing to do with the world of cinema or show business.

His father, Mark Evans, who worked as a plumber, and his mother, Penny Adkins, were far from the richest people who did not live together for long.

The baby was talented, because already at the age of four she sang with all her might for the family, and at primary school performed Gabriel's hit at a school concert. By the way, Adele graduated from the School of Performing Arts and Technology hometown, and in 2006 managed to publish two songs in the online magazine

In 2007, a buxom girl who pulled out the most high notes, offered her first contract, she released three albums and even won a Grammy Award.

To the very famous hits Adele can be credited with “Hello”, “Someone Like You”, “Skyfall”, “Rolling In The Deep”, “Set Fire To The Rain”, as they were constantly nominated for awards and ranked first in chats.

Personal life of Singer Adele

The personal life of Singer Adele was a secret, shrouded in darkness, because the girl did not want to wash dirty linen in public. That is why one could only guess about her numerous novels.

Adele was credited with having an affair with DJ Mark Ronson, as he became her first producer who was ready to support talented girl, which was no different unearthly beauty. However, the singer does not comment on this gossip, and Mark says that he simply physically could not start a relationship with his ward. The fact is that in 2008 Ronson managed to meet model Lowe, drummer, actress Josephine de la Baume.

Another potential partner for Adele is James Corden, who became famous as a talented comedian, but he denies this relationship, saying that the love of his life is Julia Carey.

After Adele appeared in public with Klaxons lead singer Jamie Reynolds in 2008, they started talking about the guys dating, although the guy said he didn’t fit the singer’s ideal, and they only hung out once.

Adele was also credited with a relationship with bassist and womanizer Slinky Sunbeam, with whom they often walked around Soho, but broke up due to the man’s love of love and outrageousness, and also because of his statement that he loves skinny girls.

By the way, the girl recently admitted that her first boyfriend and real love turned out to be a latent bisexual, he left an eighteen-year-old shy girl for a guy. Adele abused alcohol and was in depressed state, during which she even wrote her first album. Ex-boyfriend turned out to be so terrible that he demanded compensation for the suffering he caused as the basis for debut album, brought profit.

Singer Adele's Family

Singer Adele’s family was incomplete, since her father left his wife when the baby was two years old, so she doesn’t remember him. All the time she was raised by her mother and grandmother, who transported her around London to find good school and give a calm life.

It was the grandparents who were the first listeners of little Adele, who did everything to ensure that the girl developed her talent. The girl admits that she erased her father from her life for a long time, since he never helped her, and appeared in her life only when the baby became famous.

He was an alcoholic, constantly spent money in pubs, and then gave paid and far from truthful interviews about his daughter. At the same time, Adele admits that she hates her father and would gladly spit in his face if she met him on the street.

Children of Singer Adele

She has children of Singer Adele, but only in small numbers, since she recently gave birth to a long-awaited baby from her beloved man. She said that after the birth of the boy she fell into postpartum depression, and even said that she regretted having a child.

The fact is that Adele had to leave the stage, she was so tired that she took it out on the baby and even refused to be alone with him so as not to harm his health.

Everything was resolved in one moment, when the singer decided to cry to her only true friend, who had recently become a mother. The fact is that the girl only cried in response and said that she felt the same. Adele realized that she was not alone and began to look only for the positive aspects of motherhood and stopped drinking and smoking.

By the way, Adele is raising the baby in a democratic style; when he wanted to dress like Anna in the cartoon “Frozen,” the woman helped him, which greatly surprised Disneyland visitors.

Son of Singer Adele - Angelo James Konecki

The son of Singer Adele, Angelo James Konecki, was born in 2012, his father was Simon Konecki. The baby was born out of wedlock because the guy was in no hurry to propose to the mother of his child.

At the same time, Adele did not disclose the name of her newborn son for almost a year, repeating that family members call the baby nothing more than “our little nut.” Then the singer finally decided to tell reporters about the name of her first-born, but she did it in an interesting way, since she began wearing a medallion with the name Angelo.

The blond baby is incredibly similar to his mother, this could be seen in the first photo posted on the singer’s Instagram in 2013. Now Angelo goes to a private kindergarten, he sings, dances and draws.

Singer Adele's husband - Simon Konecki

Singer Adele's husband, Simon Konecki, is thirteen years older than his chosen one; he owns an investment holding company. The young people dated for five years, they had a son, but they were in no hurry to get married because they wanted to get to know each other better.

Simon and Adele got engaged in 2016, and the same year the couple secretly got married, as evidenced by the ring on ring finger. Adele officially announced that this event did happen only a year later at a concert in Australia.

Currently, the guys are raising a son and live in a cottage located in West Sussex.

Instagram and Wikipedia Singer Adele

Instagram and Wikipedia Singer Adele are quite official, they contain reliable and up-to-date information. From the Wikipedia article you can learn about childhood, parents, education, her creative path and history of appearance music albums. The fact is that very little data is available about personal and family life singer, but you can actually read about each released album in separate Wikipedia blocks.

Adele’s Instagram is followed by no less than 32,400,000 people who can rate and comment on the singer’s posts. At the same time, photos and videos from concerts or home archives appear on the page with enviable frequency, which makes all fans incredibly happy.

June 2013. Los Angeles

Adele slowly rolled the stroller along the embankment along the beach. The wide brim of the hat covered his face from the sun and too close gazes, the ocean breeze played with the folds of the spacious colorful kimono, and son Angelo slept peacefully under a bright sheet. Passers-by did not bother her: the camouflage method discovered several years ago worked flawlessly. “Once in London I was late for a meeting,” Adele recalled. “I was working the day before, overslept, and jumped out in my pajamas: the bottoms were in flowers, the tops were green with pink speckles.” In a panic, she grabbed the umbrella for some reason. On the way, I had to cross Trafalgar Square - the most tourist place in the city. I was shaking that they would recognize me and start pestering me, but no one even turned their heads. People probably thought: “No, this is not Adele. Adele always dresses in black. Why would she be happy to run around in pajamas and with an umbrella? Trafalgar Square in the middle of the day?"

Walking under the palm trees, the singer tried to wrap her head around the official letter that had recently arrived from England conferring on her the Order of the British Empire. It may be the smallest of the seven degrees, but still there is something to think about. “You had to get yourself into such a mess! - Adele thought. “I just wanted to write songs, sing them and get enough money to live in peace.” I don’t need any orders!”

It's not that the honor seems undeserved to her, it's just that she is generally suspicious of awards. "When I received the first music award“, I almost hanged myself from boredom,” the singer said. — I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy the Grammy, but I wouldn’t give it for the first album. It’s as if they give you an advance without asking, which you need to work off, and then they wait for masterpieces under pressure. Young artist it’s easy to convince him that he owes something to someone.”

Contrary to the reasonable assertion that musical world producers and other moneyed people are in charge, Adele immediately made it clear that she does not intend to be anyone’s slave or puppet. A few years ago, she postponed her American tour by three months the day before it began. “Well, I had financial troubles because of this,” she explained. - And remorse too - people bought tickets, waited for the concerts... But, on the other hand, what benefit can the audience receive from a tortured artist who does not enjoy what he does? Mom taught: “Do what seems right to you, and not to someone else.” I am a person, not a commodity, and I have the right to manage myself, to rest when I need it. I worked a lot, I missed my friends, my family, my life. That’s why I told my managers: “Not a word about work for the next three months—not by phone, not by fax, not by e-mail.”

Another artist would probably have been lynched for such an outburst—at least, he would have been subjected to the old Hollywood curse: “You will never work in this city again!” But Adele was only asked to continue to warn about holidays in advance. The producer's instinct suggested: this girl turns into gold everything she touches of her own free will. She cannot be intimidated by penalties, she will not do what she does not like, but she will reward you for your patience and understanding.

For example, the producers of the film 007: Skyfall almost had a collective heart attack when Adele announced that she had to read the script to write the title song. Typically, Bond plots are kept so secret that even the actors have little idea big picture. But an exception was made for Adele; the script was brought to her home. She is not a bookish young lady, she read for a long time, thought a lot, everyone waited patiently - and they waited for the megahit “Skyfall”.

And now Adele came to the USA not to walk along the embankments, but to record new album. In theory, she should have been sitting in a stuffy studio, abandoning baby Angelo to nannies, and squeezing creativity out of herself drop by drop. The very thought of such work was disgusting to her. Fortunately, no one rushed her, no one stopped her from wandering along the ocean for hours in the hope of hearing in the sound of the waves the answer to the question of where to get about half of the future album.

She had several songs ready, written one and a half to two years ago, when she was experiencing the fear of losing her voice and the betrayal of her own father. Anger, pain, resentment, disappointment - this is what has so far fueled Adele’s talent and given blood and flesh to her music. She was not shy to admit that, in fact, she was trading in deeply personal experiences - mostly with a minus sign, because negative emotions always the strongest and most multifaceted,” she called music her therapy. The grace that came on all fronts was unnerving and confusing. “I can’t make music when I’m happy,” the singer admitted at the beginning of her career. “If my life becomes so cloudless that I can’t write, I’ll ruin everything myself just to get my inspiration back.”

Goodbye boys

2006 London

Adele, with some difficulty, squeezed between the party guests to the table with alcoholic drinks. This was not the first approach, she was noticeably swaying, but she needed more to gain courage. The young man to whom she was about to confess her love was not left alone for a second, he was always chatting with someone, laughing, dancing...

Adele looked gloomily into the golden depths of the glass, envying the girls who could ask for a dance. How is it that she has a sense of rhythm in her head, enough to professional occupations music, but the body has no body at all, as if at birth she was mistakenly given two left legs?

That is OK. A couple more glasses and her own clumsiness will stop bothering her. She will reach the point where she can do anything: be the first to invite a guy, dance anything on her two left legs, even a striptease, and confess her love in front of all honest people.

Fortunately, it didn’t come to that: the whirlpool of the party threw Adele’s chosen one almost into her arms, and he allowed the girl to drag him into the kitchen. There she told him bluntly about her feelings and stared at him with a cat's gaze, waiting for a reaction.

“I really like you too,” the chosen one answered after thinking. - I want to date you. But you know that I'm bisexual.

The end of the sentence hung in the air. Adele shrugged under her loose black jumper. What difference does it make to her who he loved before her, since now they are together? With all the maximalism of her 18 years, the girl believed that this was the one great love, about which she had heard so much. When Adele looked at this guy, it was difficult for her to breathe, her heart was pounding like crazy, and her stomach was getting hot. And when I didn’t see him, the world around me gradually lost its colors, I wanted to cry and write songs. All the symptoms were there: she loved - as much as never before.

- Don't you care? - he clarified.

“Not a bit,” Adele answered, freezing in anticipation of the kiss that would seal their union forever.

Adele cried all night from resentment and humiliation, and by the morning she decided that she would not give up her happiness without a fight. The girl read few books, and preferred gangster movies, but wherever love was mentioned, even casually, she had to fight and suffer for it.

The young man was returned, but he stubbornly continued to equate bisexuality with permissiveness. Adele’s determination lasted four months: “I couldn’t fight off both girls and boys.”

Locked at home, she poured out her soul into music notebooks. A little later, when the depression lifted and it became less embarrassing to remember the collapse of my first love, I recorded several songs during recording classes at the School of Performing Arts and Technology.

“Woe is grief, but it turned out well - let’s not let the goodness go to waste,” Adele thought as she posted her opuses on the Internet. And then, I really wanted to teach the bastard who broke her heart a lesson. She may not have called him by name anywhere, but he will understand that she is talking about him!

December 2011. Surrey, UK

Wrapping herself in a shawl, Adele went to the bedroom window and looked at how beautifully the early twilight fell on a real English park with lawns and topiary bushes. It still seemed strange to her that she could take off this luxury mansion, live in it as long as you want.

After the success of the first album “19”, Adele received money rain, but the aspiring singer was wary of the sudden enrichment. She told her mother: “Devil knows how long this will last, it’s better to save the money” - and stayed with her in a small apartment above the department store. But the warm reception that critics and the public gave to the second album “21” convinced the singer that it was time to afford something. Space. Privacy. Pool. Personal park...

— Will you look at the other nine bedrooms? - asked the realtor.

- What do I need them for? - Adele responded absentmindedly. - Look, maybe Louis will take a look.

The singer sighed. Not so long ago I dreamed of choosing a new home with my loved one, but as a result I was forced to rely on the opinion of my tiny dachshund named Louis Armstrong. But, on the other hand, if her beloved had remained with her, she would not have written an album...

"These are my most serious relationship until now,” Adele recalled the novel ending in tears. — Intense, extreme, from the “all or nothing” cycle. Already adults, but teenage in intensity of emotions. In some songs I paint my man only with black paint and generally look like a complete bitch, but in the future I hope to meet someone like him, because it will be difficult to find a better guy. There is a song about this too, and now that the anger has subsided, I would like him to hear just that one and understand how much I really loved him.”

As in the case of the young man who inspired Adele to create the first disc, the name of the inspirer of the second remained a secret to everyone. “You know, I would die of shame if one of my exes wrote a song about me,” says the singer. “I don’t know and don’t want to know how they reacted to my work.” I can’t part ways peacefully and remain friends. But somehow it turned out that the bottom line was that I used them in to a greater extent than they do me. So I think it’s fair not to mention their names.”

Mr Adele

January 2012. Florida, USA

- Do you like it here? - Simon asked, looking at his companion with concern. — Maybe we should order something else?

Adele picked at some unidentifiable green stalks on her plate with her fork. Perhaps it’s time to say that all these prestigious restaurants are bullshit and a waste of money for who knows what?

She regretted that she could not change places with her mother. Who would love both the obscure delicacies on the menu and the show business stars at the neighboring tables! “My mom insists that I have everything a celebrity should have,” Adele says. “She became pregnant when she was about to apply to university, but chose in favor of a child whom she had to raise and raise alone. And she never took it as a credit to herself, or as a reproach to me. If my going to restaurants and trying on designers makes her happy, then so be it.”

Plus, she, usually so frank, didn’t want to offend Simon. “I have a stupid habit of barking at men I like,” the singer admitted. “I remember when I first met Justin Timberlake, I wanted more than anything to throw myself on his neck and say: “Let’s quickly get married and have children,” but instead I was rude to him.”

Adele met businessman Simon Konecki when he invited her to become the face of his charitable foundation. But the singer had no time for funds: all of her further career was under threat. After the release of the album “21”, Adele performed so often and so much that vocal cords couldn't stand it. Hematomas formed on them - the doctors prescribed several weeks of silence, but warned: if this continues, they will have to undergo surgery.

Frightened and confused, the last thing Adele thought about was searching new love. It would never have occurred to her to flirt with someone so far from her in upbringing, wealth and social status. She grew up in a semi-poor area of ​​London, was the only white student in her school and had a strong tendency to be reclusive. Simon came from a wealthy, influential business family, studied at Eton and was active in high society two continents.

Adele was amazed that he gently, but still insisted on continuing the acquaintance. The suspicion was creeping in that he was courting her...

“Let's go somewhere that serves Malaysian food,” she suggested. — And they pour unfiltered beer.

- Beer? - Simon was surprised, paying for the untouched delicacies. “Haven’t you been put on a diet yet?”

- Why on earth?

“My mother and I have 33 close relatives, all plump and, in my opinion, very beautiful,” Adele replies to FAQ O overweight. “But I don’t see much attractiveness in thin women.” Maybe that’s why I never suffered from complexes about my appearance. Although I like to dress beautifully, comfort is more important to me than fashion, so size is not an issue either. And if so, I’d rather sit with friends in a cafe than go sweat in Gym. But if my husband calls me fat, I will most likely kill him.”

“You can’t conquer America with thinness alone,” Adele said thoughtfully as they walked along the evening streets. “You can be any beauty you want and achieve nothing, but I can go on stage in a garbage bag - they will still listen to me.”

- And what is your secret?

- In songs. I don’t write something aesthetic or show-offy, but I talk about love - honestly, without pretense or drooling. Every fool knows how bad you feel when your heart is broken.

- If you were my girlfriend, I would take care your heart, like your own.

- Yes? “Adele glared at him with the angry eyes of a street cat. - Do you know that I take such statements very seriously and do not forgive traitors?

She did not even forgive her own father, who only gave a repentant interview about her childhood years and the breakup of the family. He said that Adele inherited her voice and love of music from him and that he lost sight of her for a long time only because he did not want the daughter of his drunkard father. Nothing criminal. But the fact itself outraged the singer so much that she broke all ties with him and declared that when they met, she would “spit in his face.”

“I won’t betray you,” Simon promised.

“We’ll see,” Adele said sternly, but still took his hand.

June 2013. Los Angeles

Adele's thoughts turned to Simon, who remained in London. While he was holding given word. Although he was unpleasant that Adele did not want to appear with him in public, did not allow him even in general outline talk about her, about their son and life together.

“If you believe the press, we are getting married for the third time,” he said. “Isn’t it better to say everything straight?”

- Okay, I’ll say that I’m not married.

“Adele, you can’t be a celebrity and a recluse at the same time.”

- Listen, when I started, I let a lot of things into my life. extra people. Now I want to cut them off.

“Sometimes it seems to me that you want to cut me off too.” Don't you really want anything from me except a child?

“Why am I really trying to bring misfortune upon myself? - thought Adele, pulling the wheel out of the crack between the tiles. “I doubt that the father of my child is exactly the man and the love that I was waiting for.” I’m bored because everything is so quiet and civilized here, it’s unpleasant that Simon changed his life and habits for me, that he, damn him, so resignedly agrees to live in my shadow. Would it really be easier if he tried to trample me?”

“Then you would have something to write about,” remarked sarcastically inner voice. “So you provoke him.”

Adele shuddered. Yes, she is already starting to get nervous when she is asked questions about the future album. David Bowie asked: “How is the music doing?” - and heard in response: “Fuck off.” But is this a reason to panic, break up a family, or lose a husband?

I didn’t even want to think about the various stimulants of creative potency, so popular among many stars. “I easily get addicted,” said the singer. - I can not stop. If you drank, you didn’t fall out of your chair; if you smoked, you did 30 cigarettes a day. And in America, cocaine is sold on every corner. The temptation to try is great, but there has already been death in our family due to drugs, fear is still keeping me in check.”

You have to be a completely brainless chicken to become depressed and start to fear happiness!

“No,” Adele decided, turning the stroller towards the pier. “I’m not going to force anything.” Every time I jerk, everything comes out in one place. You just need to learn to feed from happiness as well as from grief. And the music will come."

Full name: Adele Laurie Blue Adkins

Family: mother - Penny Adkins (43 years old); common law husband— Simon Konecki (39 years old); son - Angelo James (8 months)

Education: Graduated from the School of Performing Arts and Technology in London

Career: received her first professional contract by posting her songs on the Internet. She released two albums - “19” (2008) and “21” (2011). Main hits: “Hometown Glory”, “Rolling in the Deep”, “Someone Like You”, “Set Fire to the Rain” and “Skyfall”. Winner of nine Grammy awards, as well as Oscar and Golden Globe awards for the soundtrack to the film 007: Skyfall. Included in Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Her money

$47 million - the singer’s total wealth

$49.3 thousand- Adele earned so much per day last year thanks to sales of the album “21” and the song “Skyfall” - musical theme from the Bond film she wrote and performs. Her annual income was $18 million


$942 thousand— the cost of the apartment in London, purchased by the singer for her mother

$34.8 thousand— that’s how much the campervan cost Adele — a gift for her grandmother Doreen

$22.7 thousand- monthly rent for the ten-bedroom mansion with two swimming pools that Adele rented before moving to her boyfriend Simon Konecki in Sussex