Assignments on musical literature. System of creative tasks for lessons in listening to music and musical literature - methodological page - assol

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1 The snowman is visiting the guys. New Year's scenario for children 2 junior group. Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus. Songs: 1. “We came to the holiday” 2. “Let’s all stand by the Christmas tree” 3. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Dances: 1. “Snowflakes” 2. “Dance of the animals” 3. “Winter dance” Games: 1. “ With a Christmas tree" 2. "Snowballs" 3. "Let's go, let's go" 4. "I'll freeze it" 5. "We won't let it out" Under cheerful music children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree. Presenter: Guys, the Christmas tree has come to us for the holiday in kindergarten. There are so many lights and toys! How beautiful is her outfit! Happy New Year, may joy come to you! I wish happiness and joy to all the children and guests! Children: 1. With stumps and laughter, we ran into the hall and everyone saw the forest guest. 2. Tall, beautiful, green, slender, with different lights, she glows

2 3. The green tree came to visit us, and brought a cheerful holiday to our garden. 4. Hello, dear Christmas tree, You are our guest again, The lights will light up soon on your forest branches. 5. Our Christmas tree is big, Our Christmas tree is tall Higher than dad, taller than mom, Reaches to the ceiling. The song “We came to the holiday” is performed (After the song the Christmas tree is lit) Presenter: Guys, look at the Christmas tree, the lights are lit. Do you want to play with her? Yes! Guys, let's blow on the lights really, really hard. (The lights go out). Now guys, let's stomp, clap harder, harder. (The lights light up) The game is played 3-4 times. After the game, the children sit down and the Snow Maiden enters the hall. Snow Maiden: I send winter greetings to everyone, Adults and children, Fathers, mothers, grandmothers, Girls and boys. I came to your holiday and brought my girlfriends with me - snowflakes. Well, come out, snowflakes, and show off your dance! Snowflakes: 1. The yellow moon floats across the sky like a boat. Ice stars dance in a circle. 2. Ice stars Everyone is flying, flying... Ice stars It's snowfall.

3 3. Stars - lanterns In the sky here and there All the little snowflakes are called Sisters. 4. They will spin with the breeze and shine brightly. They make friends with the Christmas tree and sleep on the branches. The dance "Snow Maidens and Snowflakes" is performed. Snow Maiden: I know that children love skis, sleds and skates, And, of course, everyone in the world loves to play snowballs. Game of "Snowballs" I will throw the snowballs high, the snowballs will fly far, and the kids will collect them and bring them to me in a basket. (The game is played 2-3 times). And now we will quickly collect our snowball in a bag. The snowballs are collected in a bag and taken away. Presenter: And now we all stand in a circle. Let’s dance and sing together! Round dance “Favorite Christmas tree” (After the round dance, the children sit on chairs). Snow Maiden: Then listen to the riddle: My assistant is snow-white From head to toe. He looks like a snow ball, There are black coals in his eyes. Instead of a nose, he very cleverly carries a sweet carrot and he is not used to being bored. He is white... (Snowman). The music is playing and the Snowman comes into the hall, very sad, covering his nose with his mittens.

4 Presenter: Wow! The snowman came to us himself! Hello, Snowman! Why are you so sad? After all, today is a holiday - New Year! Snowman: I'm in trouble, look - you'll understand for yourself! (The snowman removes his mittens from his face and everyone sees that he has no nose). Snow Maiden: Snowman, you seem to have lost your nose! (The snowman sighs bitterly and wipes away his tears) Presenter: Don’t be upset, the guys and I will help you, we’ll find your nose! Snow Maiden: Guys, look, maybe someone has a Snowman’s nose in their pocket? And under the chairs. Snow Maiden: We need to help the Snowman! Let's go into the forest, guys, and look, maybe the Snowman lost his nose there. Hurry up and get on our magic train. (Children become a chain in a circle and “ride” around the hall to the music). We're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're coming to visit now. Who lives under the tree here? (a monkey jumps out) Presenter: We'll ask her together: Children: Please give us a nose! Monkey: I love eating bananas on the palm tree early in the morning! (The monkey holds out a banana, the Snowman tries it on) Snowman: I'm not used to this! This nose is not for me! Presenter: We are moving on, friends! Let's sit together on the plane Let's go on a flight! (They fly on the plane to the music, in a circle) Snow Maiden: We fly, fly, fly We want to find our nose as soon as possible! (Bear appears) Who is this coming to us? The bear is inviting us to visit us! Presenter: Together we will ask him: Children: Please give us a nose! Bear: I love to eat honey, I’ll give you a pot! Presenter: Well, try on the Snowman! Snowman: I'm not used to this. This nose is not for me!

5 Presenter: Let's move on, friends! We are walking through the snow, looking for the Snowman's nose. (Children walk cheerfully to the music). Snow Maiden: Who is this coming to us? The squirrel is calling us to visit! Presenter: Together we will ask her: Children: Please give us a nose! Squirrel: I love pine cones very much, and I save them for the winter! (Holds out the cone). Presenter: Well, try on the Snowman! Snowman: I'm not used to this! Doesn't fit! My nose was better! (Starts crying again) Snow Maiden: I know who will help you. The animals are very clever. They will help you bring carrots. Let the animals come to you and bring you carrots. Presenter: True! Thank you Snow Maiden! Come on, little animals, come out and dance merrily together! Boys' dance (After the dance, the Bunny gives the carrot to the Snow Maiden). Snow Maiden: Here comes the carrot! Hold your nose, Snowman! Snowman: Thank you, Snow Maiden! Thanks to you animals too! What a beautiful nose I have now! I immediately wanted to have fun. "Winter Dance" is performed. (Santa Claus enters to the music) Santa Claus: Hello, my dears, I congratulate both small and large Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy. Look: the Christmas tree is a marvel! And everything around is so beautiful! Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day, we'll start a round dance! The round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed. Santa Claus: And now it’s time for us to play, kids. Game: “I’ll freeze”, “We won’t let go.”

6 Santa Claus: Where is the Snow Maiden? (The ringing of bells is heard behind the door) I know this is the Snow Maiden with gifts. I'll go help her! He comes to the door, helps carry the sled and gives out gifts. Snow Maiden: We had fun at your holiday. But it’s a pity the time has come for us to part. Santa Claus: We congratulate you on the New Year and from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all to do only good deeds, so that good luck comes to your home! Get up together in a round dance, Now the New Year is coming! Children and parents walk around the Christmas tree to the song “New Year”.

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1. A little white snow fell on a clearing, on a meadow. They put on their felt boots, sang a song: La-la-la, la-la-la, sang a song. 2. Winter has come to us again, Snow is falling on the houses, We took the shovels, collected the mountain!

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New Year's scenario for the younger group "The Adventure of the Gnome" 2014 Characters: Adults: Host Winter Santa Claus Snow Maiden Children: Hare Bear Fox Christmas trees Gnome Snowflakes Children sing and enter the hall, stand up

Scenario " Christmas story» Characters: Winter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Leshy, Baba Yaga, Masha, snowman. Winter - E.A. Leshy-E.V. Baba Yaga - T.V. Masha - Manzhos A. Snow Maiden - Andrievskaya A. Father Frost


New Year's performance

"Snowman and Kikimora visiting the guys"

For children early childhood development department

2014-2015 (Year of the Goat)

(children age 4-6 years)

Developed by: Irina Nikolaevna Kedrovskaya - teacher of the MBUDO "Troitsk Children's Art School" Troitsky village, Gubkinsky district, Belgorod region.

Actors and characters:

Presenter - Snowman

Santa Claus (DM) - Goat

Snow Maiden (SN) - Little goats


(Background New Year's music sounds. Children enter the hall, make a circle, showing off costumes and looking at the Christmas tree)

VED: Greetings kids! Greetings to you, adults!

With blizzard, wind and frost

Winter holiday came to us.

And also our Santa Claus

Us I brought gifts for everyone!

Tell me guys

What kind of holiday is coming up?

We all answer loudly

Comes to us...

Children: New Year!

VED: Wider the circle guys, quickly, quickly!

Well hello, green friend!

We need to hold hands

And shout to everyone: “The Christmas tree is on fire!”

Come on, hurry up the Christmas tree

Shine with the light of joy!

(“Lighting up the New Year’s lights.” Children must repeat the words, and the Christmas tree lights up for the children to look at it.)

VED: Come closer, closer,

Look higher, higher!

How lovely and slender!

She came from the forest!

Come on, kids, one after another

Be bolder around the Christmas tree,

We will look at all the toys

What they show off on it!

1st child: We have a wonderful holiday

Winter has brought

And the Christmas tree is green

I came to the matinee.

2nd child: Come very, very close to the Christmas tree,

Look up and down

For this green coat

How many toys are there on her?

Cones and candy crackers.

3rd child: Today at the Christmas tree

Stylish outfit,

Multi-colored lights,

How the stars shine.

4th child: We love you, beautiful

Together we will surround

About you funny

Let's say a poem.

5th child:Let's near our

Green, bright Christmas tree

Let's arrange a round dance,

And let everyone sing to her!

ROUND DANCE LEAD BY CHILDREN “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

VED: Oh guys, what am I hearing?

Looks like they're coming here!

Well, let's shout more cheerfully,

Let them find us soon!

(Music sounds. Snow Maiden comes out)

Segurochka: Oh, so many kids -

Both girls and kids!


Children: Hello!

VED: What kind of guest is with us?

How did you find the way to us?

It's cold and frosty outside

And it’s already dark......

Snow Maiden:I'm not afraid of the winter threat,

I'm not afraid of the cold either!

Granddaughter of Santa Claus

I'm called Snegurochka!

Wow, the Christmas tree is wonderful!

How elegant, how slim!

Christmas tree is a beauty...

Do you children like the Christmas tree?

Does the Christmas tree have prickly needles?

Children: Yes!

VED: Children, let's sing a song for our guest about our green Christmas tree

SONG “THE FIRST RING” junior gr.

VED: Dear Snow Maiden, We are very glad that you came to visit us. After all, today is the brightest holiday for the guys. We will sing, and have fun, and have a round dance!

Snow Maiden:I wonder, do the kids know what this holiday is called?

Children: New Year!

Snow Maiden:Where is the New Year coming from?

And where will he go then?

I really want to know,

What is New Year?

Leading:But our kids will now tell you everything.

SONG “What is New Year?” st. gr.

Snow Maiden:Hmmm... let's play with our Christmas tree.

Little children decided to joke

And turn off the bright lights on the Christmas tree!

Our Christmas tree is beautiful

Everything is on fire.

And the heels will trample -

And the lights will go out.

(children stomp and the lights on the tree go out)

Our Christmas tree is beautiful

There are no lights.

Clap, clap and shout:

“Our Christmas tree, burn!”

(children clap, the tree lights up)

Lanterns on the Christmas tree make kids happy!

And now there's a blizzard

Bring all the kids to their chairs!

(Children sit in their seats.)

VED: Dear Snow Maiden, we have come to the Christmas tree

The guests are here too, but...

Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: (surprised) Oh, dear..wait...

He was delayed on the way!

Grandfather Frost, A-oooo!

Do you hear me calling you!

(Music plays and the Snowman comes out).

Sn-k: Aw! Aw! I'll come now!

Look, look at them, they're making noise.

Look, look at them, they started shouting!

Snegurpoints: What's happened? What kind of miracle? Who will you be and where will you come from?

Sn-k: Who am I? ... Snowman! I'm not small, but I'm not big either!

Hi all! I heard

Why did you light the Christmas tree?

The lanterns lit up

Everyone was invited to the celebration! (Speaks offended)

Well, have you forgotten about me?

I'm offended, gentlemen!

I'm angry with you! Yes! Yes!

VED: Snowman, don't be angry!

Better just look around!

The kids here are just a treasure,

Everyone is happy to see you!

Sn-k: Why are they sitting and being sad...mmm? Guys?!

Are you frozen?

Snow Maiden:And you warm up, warm up a little

Sn-k: No problem! I'm glad to play. I have a game: “What happens in the New Year” If so, answer loudly: "Yes", And if not: "No". Be very careful... Ready friends?

Is Santa Claus a cheerful grandfather? - Yes.

Loves jokes and success? - Yes.

Knows songs and riddles? - Yes.

Will he eat all your chocolates? - No.

Does Grandfather have a bicycle? - No.

Does the Snow Maiden have skis? - No.

Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? - Yes.

Cookies and sweets on New Year's Day? - Yes.

Sn-k: Hey! what do we have on the Christmas tree here? How do they decorate it?

Sounding firecracker - Yes

Beautiful toy- Yes

Dried frogs - No

Leeches soaked - No

White snowflakes - Yes

Vivid pictures- Yes

Salty toadstools - No

Cans - No

Goldfish - Yes

Precise balls - Yes

Well, that’s enough, it’s not interesting, they know everything in the world.....I want...I want something...

VED: Hey snowman, would you like the children to play your instruments?

Sn-k: Well, of course I want to, still asking?


Sn-k: Well done guys... played from the heart.

Snow Maiden:Well, our dear snowman, aren’t you angry like an old man anymore?

Sn-k: No! Let's continue the celebration! I suggest…………

VED (interrupts the snowman): Dance! For the snowman...Snow Maiden, come on, where are your assistant snowflakes?

DANCE "Snowflakes"

VED: To the clearing, to the meadow

A snowball is falling quietly.

He fell for a long time,

The kids are not missing!

Wow! How happy the children were: they could play in the snow, otherwise the snowman was getting hot!

SONG "Snowballs"

Game "SNOWBALLS - 1" - everyone plays

Sn-k: Now let’s clean up the clearing and clear it of snow...

VED: Well done guys, we had fun and had a good workout.

Sn-g: Do you want to play more snowballs?

Snow Maiden:Let's throw them in baskets...


Sn-k: Thank you friends for the games, fun and great mood. It’s just that I’m really hot, I’m afraid of melting. I don’t want to say goodbye, but I need to get back quickly. Goodbye, guys! See you again, friends!

(The snowman runs away to cheerful music)

(Music for kikimora exit)

Snow Maiden: Oh guys, shhh...I hear something strange!

Someone is running towards us quickly

Someone is rushing here to us!

(The lights go out. The music sounds louder, the vile Kikimora appears).

Kikimora: Finally I have arrived! Finally I found you!

Well hello!

VED: What kind of yudo is this? What this a miracle? (surprised)

Snow Maiden: I’m looking at you for something, but I don’t recognize it!

Kikimora: God! I ask you all! I'm a kikimora "shu-shu"

I love scaring everyone!

But this time, don’t be afraid of me, kids, I won’t offend you!

I dressed up today

And cut my hair a little

I dance and laugh

I want to spin everyone around in a dance!

VED: Wait Kikimora, but we already have the Snow Maiden at the holiday. The real one! And we all really like it! Really, guys?

Kikimora: Is this your Snow Maiden? (Looks around) Well, we were surprised! Well, they killed me! This is no Snow Maiden! Just think, she put on a kokoshnik, a beautiful and sparkling fur coat...

And what about my outfit? Why is it worse? A? And I can also do magic! Don't believe me? Now I will prove it to you! (Scares children).

I will enchant your Christmas tree and blow on its lights!

(Kikimora runs around the tree, blows on it, the tree goes out).

Snow Maiden: What have you done? Why did you enchant the lights? We urgently need to call Santa Claus!

Kikimora: Ohohohoho! Oh well done! I bewitched your Santa Claus! So much so that it will be made of snowdrifts whole year get out and you won't see the New Year!

(He walks around the tree, rubbing his hands, goes behind the tree and lingers there.)

Snow Maiden: Guys! Let's cheer up Kikimora. Then her witchcraft will disappear, and Santa Claus will get out of the snowdrifts and come to us!

VED:And not only Grandfather Frost!

Snow Maiden: Who else?

VED:Here's a riddle for you...

Two horns, hooves, udder,

Everyone knows her name.

A bucket gives milk,

And not just milk!

From fresh milk

The benefits are very great!

There is not a drop of evil in living creatures -

Breadwinner for everyone... (goat)

Snow Maiden:That's right goat...

VED:We invited her too, because she is very friendly to us.

(Suddenly, kids run out. Seven kids.)

Goats:Be-Be-Be!!! Trouble! Trouble!

No more milk for us!
She stole our mother

This …. (point to Kikimora)
Ved: Is your mother a goat by any chance?
Goats: Yes! She!

Yah-oh-oh! You shouldn't have come here! You can't save the Goat! And New Year You can't see Santa Claus without him!

Goats: Give us our mother!
Otherwise we will gore you with our horns!
Kikimora (mockingly): Oooh, I’m already afraid, and I’m shaking all over with fear!
The Goat is hidden very well, just like your nasty Grandfather...and no one will ever find them!

(The kids are crying. The Snow Maiden hugs them and feels sorry for them)

Snow Maiden: Oh, this is really a problem!
Without her, the new year will not begin.

Oh, how will all this turn out for us?!

Leading: Snow Maiden, don’t worry so much,
We will rescue Santa Claus and the goat - just know that!
Right guys?

Children: Yes Yes!

VED: Well, friends, are you ready? ( whispers with the kids and the Snow Maiden)

We all know the watchful dance. Now we’ll invite Kikimora to dance and she’ll become kinder. Where is she?

All: Kikimora!

Kikimora: What's happened? What's happened? (running out from behind the tree).

Snow Maiden: Come on, dance cheerful dance with kids

Kikimora: Oh, come on - it’s as easy as shelling pears, one or two and you’re done!

Snegurpoints: Hey, guys, make the circle wider, let's start three, four!

Dance. "Little Ducklings"

(Kikimora. Grabbing her lower back, she grunts. )

Kikimora: Oh, I can't take it anymore! Stop, I beg you!
Stop your music!
I will give both the dereza goat and Grandfather,
Stop, I can't take it anymore!

Goat comes out: My kids!
(hugs the kids and addresses the children) Thank you guys.
Children, do you understand where our heroes come from?

Take a closer look at them,
And name a fairy tale.
Children:"A goat and seven kids."
Goat: That's right friends!
And the source of fresh milk is me!
And because you saved me,
This year you will be the happiest!

And now it's time

Break up, kids!

We are running home, in a hurry!

Goats: We will decorate the Christmas tree at home.

See you soon!

Snow Maiden:Well, Kikimora, didn’t you miss our fairy tale?

Kikimora: (cracking) I had a lot of fun with you!

(scared). Yes, I forgot about witchcraft!

(Music of D. Moroz’s exit sounds quietly)

Grandfather. M: (backstage) A-uuuuuuuu! A-uuuuuuuuuuu!

Kikimora: Grandfather The frost is coming, hurry up! I'm running as fast as I can!

Grandfather. M: Hey Snow Maiden, where are you? I'll come to you now!

Kikimora: Not a word about me! Tsits! I won't do any more harm! I’ll take away all the bad stuff and grab the bag! (Runs away).

(Music sounds, meanwhile Santa Claus enters).

D.M: It's me Grandfather Frost

From the deep dense thicket,

Where the Christmas trees stand in the snowdrifts,

Where are the snowstorms and blizzards.

Where the forests are dense and the snow is pouring!

Hello my dears!

I was in a hurry, but Kikimora bound me in the snow!

And fell into a ravine,

But! I showed up just in time to visit!

Snow Maiden: We've been waiting for you today Grandpa!

How excited everyone is for this New Year’s meeting!

We'll start a round dance and take you with us!

ROUND DANCE “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

D.M: And now, the time has come let us kids play!

VED: Santa Claus, wait... look at the Christmas tree!

She stands sad and doesn’t have any lights!

D.M: We can easily fix this and make the lights burn.

Let's shout together:

“Christmas tree, smile! And light up your lights!”

(The Christmas tree lights up)

It was not in vain that we tried,

After all, the tree lit up with lights!

Now it's time to play a little with Grandfather!

Snow Maiden:Grandpa, is this your mitten?

GAME "Mitten"

D.M. Oh, how great they played! Show off your dexterity!

D.M: Now, let me see who will sing a song about me. Who am i?

Children:1.Who is Santa Claus?

Let's answer the question!

2. This grandfather is funny

With a long, snowy beard.

3.Keeps up with a lot of cool jokes

Knows a lot of jokes.

4.And also grandpa’s nose

Very resistant as frost.

5.He’s so kind

Our grandfather is modest!

SONG “Who is Santa Claus”

D.M:Well done guys!

VED:We can also play for you in the orchestra!

ORCHESTRA “Singing bells”

VED:Grandfather, this is not the end, let us dance for you...

DANCE "Metelitsa" st. gr.

Snegurpoints: Grandfather is tired, tired

How playfully he played.

Let him rest by the Christmas tree

Who will read him a poem!


D.M: I'm grandpa, my name is Frost! And I brought you gifts!

Where's my bag? Well done...

There is no right and no left, right?

And not on the Christmas tree? And under it too?

This is not good at all!

Snegurpoints: The evil Kikimora took away your bag! She cast a spell so that you would fall into a snowdrift, and stole the goat from the kids, and put out all the lights on the tree and ran away!

D.M. Now she will have witchcraft! (D.M. begins to recite the spell. Music. Kikimora with a bag goes out into the hall. Starts to spin in place.)

Kikimora: Your charms are powerless Santa Claus! I won't return your gifts!

D.M: Then dance!

(Music. Kikimora starts dancing and drops a bag of gifts).

Kikimora: I can't dance! Enough! Will not happen again! Sorry!

D.M: Come on, we’ll all clap together! Let's stomp our feet!

Let's all blow on her! And let's send Kikimora home!

(Kikimora runs away).

VED: Well, that's all... you need to say goodbye,

Congratulations to everyone!

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids!

D.M: Happy New Year, happy new happiness!
I wish you joy and success!

Snow Maiden: May all your dreams come true,
And let your home be filled with happiness!

ALL: Goodbye friends!

D.M: Now, guys, don’t yawn and take apart your gifts!

(D.M. and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to all children).

Winter fun on the street “Visiting the Snowman”

Target : create favorable emotional condition, increase interest in physical culture, continue to introducewinter fun. In a playful waydevelopmain qualities - strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements.

Tasks :

1. Form muscle-motor skills.

2. Foster a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to help others.

3. Intensify motor activity.

Children and their teacher go for a walk.

TEACHER : Oh, and it’s cold today, so as not to get sick. Let's start with a littlelet's warm up :

One-hand, two-hand,

We sculptSnowman.

Three-four, three-four

Let's draw the mouth wider

Five - let's find a carrot for the nose

Let's find coals for the eyes

Six - let's put our hat on askew,

Let him laugh with us.

(Perform movements according to the text)

TEACHER : Guys, let's go toguests to the Snowman!

"Obstacle Course"



I guysSnowman.

Ksnow, I'm used to the cold.

You blinded me cleverly :

Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

They gave me a broom in my hands -

But this is of little use!

I have to admit, I'm tired of it

Stand alone with nothing to do.

I'm not an ordinary snowman,

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what guys

They do it in winter.

Children's answers(What games can you play in winter on street .)

SNOWMAN: You can also play snowballs! Let's play?

(Snowball game)


Hey guys, everyone get up,

Start exercising for your legs,

So that your legs don't get tired,

So that they don't freeze in winter.

Oh, you want to play

We will all freeze!

Game “Freeze”

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

Shaking our heads

We raise our hands

Then we lower them

We raise our hands

And we run around.

One two Three!

Snow figure - freeze!

( Snowmanand the teacher try to guess what figure the children have drawn)

SNOWMAN: Guys, let's go towinter fishing?

A game "Winter fishing"

In a large basin there are flat multi-colored fish. The number of fish is 1 less than the number of players. Each fish has a ribbon attached to it. Playing children run around a basin with fish. At the teacher’s signal, each child must “catch” – take 1 fish by the ribbon. The one who does not have enough fish is eliminated from the game. The number of fish decreases by 1.

SNOWMAN: Oh, how clever you are. And I want to know how fast you are. Let's play catch up!

Game “Catch up withSnowman"

The children stand aroundSnowman in the center of the circle. The children's movements correspond to the words. At the end of the text the children run away,The snowman is trying to catch them.

We created this miracle in 5 minutes.

What is the name of such a miracle, what is the name?

TOWe are close to the snowman, let's come close,

handWe'll shake the snowman.

We will laugh at him - “Ha ha ha!”

One two Three -

us, youSnowman, catch it!

SNOWMAN: Yes, you are fast and agile guys.

Do you know how to play hockey? Let's check it out.

A game"Who will move the puck faster"

Children are divided into two teams. You need to move the puck between the chips with a hockey stick. The team that completes the task faster wins.

TEACHER : Snowman, let's ride with us on a reindeer sleigh!

Relay race"Reindeer Sleds"

The children stand in two columns. The first participants are deer. They have a hoop in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the reindeer begin to transport each participant in turn to the appointed place. The team that completes the task first wins.

SNOWMAN: Guys, I know a game called"Snowflakes - fluff" , shall we play?

"Snowflakes - fluff"

All participants stand in a circle and join hands. On signalteacher : “The fluffy snowflakes flew to the right” - run to the right. On signalpresenter : “The fluffy snowflakes flew to the left” - run to the left. Then the teacherpronounces :

Fluffy snowflakes

Tired on the fly.

Stopped spinning

We sat down to rest.

The participants in the game stop, lower their hands, and squat. The game repeats itself again.

SNOWMAN: Guys, you are so great! They completed all the tasks and showed agility, speed and endurance. I want youserve edible snowballs.

TEACHER : Aisn't itAre there edible snowballs? We know with the guys thatYou can't eat snow. Really, guys?(Yes)

SNOWMAN: Right,You can't eat snow. Come on, help me. Make a snowball each.

/Ifsnow sticky, children make snowballs and put them in a bag. Ifpowdery snow, you can simply putsnow in a bag. Snowman casts a spell, covers the snowballs with a blanket white, a bag of marshmallows lined inside, says:

Whitefluffy snow,

Turn into a sweet one!

(repeats several times) . He takes out a bag of marshmallows and gives it to the teacher.

SNOWMAN:It's time for us to part. Goodbye, kids!


Snow Maiden


Father Frost

Children enter the hall to the music and are greeted by the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Hello, bunnies

Squirrels and bears

Tigers, foxes, wolves

Everyone came to the Christmas tree

Look how beautiful (the Snow Maiden shows the decoration of the hall)

Everyone came to us for the holiday

Now sing a song

We are forest kids

Song “Beads Shine on the Christmas Tree”

Children sit on chairs

Snow Maiden: I'm not visiting you alone

A child was walking through the forest

My grandfather was with me

Has he really forgotten?

Why did we go to the guys?

Tell me kids!

Did your grandfather forget that he was coming to your party?

(children answer)

And I think so, probably something happened, maybe he got lost?

Let's call Grandfather Frost, he will hear us calling him and will come to us.


Snow Maiden: Louder guys!

(There is a noise of stomping outside the door)

Snowman runs in with a suitcase

Snowman: Oh, where did I end up?

After all, I was running through the forest

Suddenly I heard screams

And who is this kid?

(walks along the chairs and examines the children)

Snow Maiden: You came to us for a holiday

How did you find the way?

Snowman: I heard your songs

And cheerful children's laughter

Let me stay

Happy holiday to everyone

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, let's let the Snowman stay with us for the holiday?

Children answer...

Snowman: Thank you ! (puts the suitcase by the Christmas tree)

Oh yes beautiful Christmas tree

I also came to you for the holiday

Tell me, do you like her?

Children: YES!!!

Let's dance near the Christmas tree


Snowman: Well done, you dance very well, but can you play? after all, I am a Snowman, made from large lumps of snow, and small lumps of snow from which you can make a big lump are called snowballs and that is why my favorite game is snowballs

(takes his suitcase, opens it, and there are snowballs. He throws the snowballs on the floor. Everyone plays snowballs together with the Snow Maiden and throws the Snowman)

Snowman: Oh, I give up, I give up, I give up

Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid.

The snowman shakes himself off as if covered in snow, collects snowballs in a suitcase.

Snowman: Yes guys, well done, played great

Snow Maiden: It's fun with you, yeah

But we weren't waiting for you

Snowman: Who are you guys?

Lost yet?

Snow Maiden: My grandfather walked with me

Apparently he got lost

What should the Snowman do?

Snowman: I'll find it for you in no time (leaves the hall)

Snow Maiden: Let's help the Snowman, shout loudly, call Grandfather Frost, he will hear us and come

Children call Santa Claus loudly

Santa Claus enters to the music, followed by the Snowman.

Father Frost: I hear you, I hear you friends

I was in too much of a hurry

To come to you on holiday

And bring gifts

Yes, I mixed up the paths

Well, I won't tell you

Where did I go where did I wander

Hello my friends

Glad to see you guys!

Snow Maiden: How glad we are to see you, Grandfather!

Snowman: Let's sing a happy New Year's song to Grandfather Frost.

Song " "

Father Frost: I'm getting old guys

I haven't sung or danced for a long time

I'll sit for a while

I'll look at you all

You will amuse me

And tell me your poems


Father Frost: What wonderful poems.

Now everyone stand in a circle

Let's dance together!


Snow Maiden: Where are our gifts, grandfather?

Father Frost:

Yes, I dragged them behind me in a bag through the snow, but where are they?

Snowman: I know, I know where your gifts are ( rolls out a snowball from under the tree)

While you were dragging the bag behind you through the snow, it turned into a snowball, and I’m a Snowman, only I can handle it snowball. Because you allowed me to stay with you during the holiday, I will help you and free your gifts. (opens the snowball and takes out gifts)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden thank the Snowman and give gifts to the children.

Snow Maiden: This holiday is New Year's

It's time for us to finish

Snowman: Health, happiness and good luck

We wish you children

Father Frost: We will come to you again in a year

And you didn’t know that there were worries

In a wonderful new year

New Year is so joyful and so magical! This is the time when everyone gathers at one common table, both adults and children, because the holiday is usually celebrated in the circle of family and friends with a magnificent feast and round dances around a decorated Christmas tree.

Many parents wonder how to explain to very young children that the New Year is a time of miracles? Very simple! Give them a fairy tale: tell them about winter, New Year celebrations, play with giving gifts through small performance or just a surprise moment.

Children aged 1-3 years are likely to be scared of Santa Claus. Instead, the kids can come with the Snow Maiden or the Snowman, toys - a fox, a bunny, a bear, etc. (soft or bi-ba-bo). For example, here is the script family holiday"Snowman visiting the guys." You can use the entire script, or you can take only part of it. Imagine for children and with children! Create your own extraordinary New Year's atmosphere.


The role of the Snowman can be played by an adult or a Snowman doll (behind an improvised screen).

You will need: Snowman, bunny hats, raindrops - snowflakes, snowballs (foam balls or wads of cotton wool, wrapped in a napkin), bucket, sprinkler, transparent tulle, musical instruments or rattles.

Mom draws the children's attention to the bell, ringing it quietly.

Mother: The bell sang its song,

He wanted to invite us to a New Year's fairy tale!

OH! Guys, come and look at the Christmas tree -

How many toys, balls, firecrackers are there!

The Christmas tree is big and so slender!

Let's go around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the Christmas tree.

(if the children are small, they dance in their mother’s arms; older children walk, holding hands, examining the Christmas tree, and perform movements according to the text during the chorus)

Mother: How beautifully we danced around the Christmas tree.

Only the Christmas tree is sad and doesn’t light up with lights!

Dear Christmas tree, look at us!

We all ask you: Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat, the Christmas tree does not light up the lights.

Mother: Our Christmas tree doesn't wake up. What should we do, what should we do, how should we wake up the Christmas tree?

(Draws attention to the box with musical instruments or rattles)

Mother: There is a box under the Christmas tree, we will open the lid deftly,

And in the box for the kids there are tools (rattles)!

We will also take tools (rattles) for the New Year tree,

Let's start playing together!

(Mom gives the children musical instruments or rattles)

4) Playing with tools

(During the singing - children walk, when any musical instrument starts playing, the child holding it imitates the game)

5) Dance with rattles

Mother: Let's give our musical instruments to the Christmas tree.

(children leave tools under the Christmas tree)

Dear Christmas tree, look at us! We all ask you: Christmas tree, burn!

Children: Shine Christmas tree!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit. Children clap their hands.

Mother: Guys, make yourself comfortable... I hear the snowball creaking - it’s someone in a hurry!

6) To the music. “Oh, you canopy,” the Snowman appears.

Snowman: And I am Snego-snego-vik!

I've gotten used to Winter a long time ago!

I will hurry to the kids and bring them gifts!

I'm the Snowman guys!

I'm used to the snow and the cold!

You cleverly blinded me: instead of a nose - a carrot!

And there’s a bucket on my head, it’s not full of holes!

I am not a simple snowman, but a cheerful, mischievous one!

Game with Snowman.

Snowman: I'll freeze your hands!

Mother: And we will clap!

The children clap together.

Snowman: I'll freeze your legs!

Mother: And we will begin to stomp.

The children stomp together.

Snowman: I'll blow hard, maybe I'll blow you away.

Mother: And we’ll wag our fingers, we don’t tell you to do that!

The children shake their fingers together.

Snowman: If you're not afraid of freezing, spin around in a round dance!

Snowman: Oh, I see someone sitting under the Christmas tree, someone trembling!

It's a ball of fluff, a long ear.

He jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Have you guessed who it is?

Children: Bunny!

Snowman: Let's play with the bunny, let's dance with the bunny!

You were kids, now you will become bunnies.

(Kids can wear hats with ears)

8) Dance of the bunnies.

Snowman: Oh, and I’m getting hot, I’m afraid I’ll melt!

Mother: And we will read winter poems to you.

(If the children know winter and New Year poems, you can read them to the Snowman or just skip this moment and go straight to the snowflakes.)

Mother: And we’ll call the snowflakes and breathe cold air on you!

Hey, snowflakes come and cool the Snowman!

9) Dance - game “Snowflakes”.

Mother: Well, Snowman, are you not hot yet?

Snowman: Oh, the snowflakes didn't help me! I'll go get some cold water. And don’t be bored without me.

(The snowman takes a bucket, there are snowballs inside)

Mother: And we will hide. Let's play hide and seek with the Snowman.

(Mom covers the children with white tulle. The snowman appears with a bucket.)

Game "Hide and Seek".

Snowman: The children were running, playing and suddenly disappeared somewhere. I'll go around the room and find all the kids!

Mother: Look, Snowman! Look and look for the guys!

Snowman: Oh! And what kind of snowdrift is this!

Mother: And these are dogs!

Children bark: Woof woof woof!

Snowman: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of dogs!

(The snowman runs away from the “snowdrift” and approaches it from the other side.)

Snowman: What kind of snowdrift is this, who is voting there?

Mother: These are frogs (kittens, foals)

Snowman: Oh, I'm afraid - I'm afraid! Come on, guests, mothers, grandmothers, help us out, help us find the kids!

Guests: 1,2,3 - find the guys!

(Mom removes the tulle.)

Snowman: Oh, where are you? For having fun playing with me, I'll show you a trick! Here I have a bucket of cold water.

(The snowman shows a bucket with snowballs and a sprinkler inside, Splashes on the children so that they do not notice the sprinklers.)

Snowman: Tap water, cold, cold! Don't be angry with the guys, but you'll turn into snowballs!

(The snowman throws snowballs out of a bucket and invites the children to play with them.)

10) Playing snowballs (to cheerful music).

Snowman: Oh, how well they played! Thank you guys! Now let’s go for a walk and collect all the snowballs.

(Children collect snowballs.)

Snowman: Oh, the snowball is calling me!

(The Snowman pushes one snowball in the direction where the gifts lie.)

Oh! Yes, there is a bag here!

I will untie the knot and give you gifts from Santa Claus!

(Music sounds. Mom and the Snowman hand out gifts to the children and guests, at the end they take a bell out of the bag.)

Snowman: Here's a magic bell

Santa Claus told you,

So that desire is desire,

Everyone here has named their own.

The bell will ring

Everything, everything, everything will come true.

Well, it’s time for me, goodbye, friends!

(The snowman says goodbye.)

The snowman leaves, and mothers and children dance. Mom holds a bell, invites everyone to stand in a circle, says a wish and passes the bell around the circle.


Sokolova Maria Vladimirovna, methodologist of the Games and Toys Center, candidate psychological sciences talks about what parents should pay attention to when choosing Vehicle. How many cars a child should have, what type of cars they should be, watch in our video tutorial.

Elena Olegovna Smirnova, founder and director of the “Games and Toys” center at Moscow State University of Pedagogical University, professor, doctor of psychological sciences, talks about what toys a child needs in the third year of life. During this period, toys of the second year of life remain relevant, but they become more complex, and new ones appear to develop children’s experimentation and the emergence of play.

Elena Olegovna Smirnova, founder and director of the “Games and Toys” center at Moscow State University of Pedagogical University, professor, doctor of psychological sciences, talks about what toys a child between 6 and 12 months needs from the point of view of their developmental effect.