Summary of drawing nodes in a mixed-age group (2nd junior and middle group) topic: “leaf fall. Summary of a lesson in a mixed-age group on non-traditional drawing in the second junior and middle groups

Software tasks:
Jr. gr. - Expand children's understanding of natural phenomenon leaf fall.
Learn to identify yellow, green, red colors, draw leaves using the brush method, evenly placing the drawing over the entire surface of the sheet of paper. Form an active and passive vocabulary for children. Develop brush skills. Develop aesthetic perception; Creative skills.
Wed. gr. - Teach children to depict autumn. Practice the ability to draw a tree, correctly conveying its structure, with multi-colored foliage, using three colors - red, green and yellow; make additions to the drawing that enrich its content. Clarify children's knowledge about the landscape. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.
Bouquet of fallen leaves different trees; gouache paints green, red, yellow flowers, brushes No. 4, album sheets (for the youngest group with images of trees). Flannelograph, pictures for flannelgraph (leaves), easel, multi-colored paper leaves, hoops (red, yellow, green), napkins; music “Autumn” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Methodical instructions.
I. Part.
Invite the children to go for a walk in the park.
Educator: “Guys, I suggest you go to the city park, and we’ll go on bicycles.” Children lie on their backs and perform the “bicycle” exercise to the song from “I’m Spinning, I’m Spinning, I’m Spinning the Pedals.”
-So you and I arrived at the park. Look how beautiful he is!
Viewing autumn illustrations accompanied by music (an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons” - “Autumn” is played).
- Guys, what time of year is it? (Autumn).
- Guys, what signs of autumn do you know? (In autumn it blows cold wind, it is raining, the leaves are turning yellow, the leaves are falling, the birds are flying south).
Children are offered pictures with signs of autumn and one picture with snowfall (rain, wind, leaf fall, snowfall).
- Guys, choose the sign that does not relate to autumn. (It's snowing.)
- You're right, but these paintings have common feature- these are landscapes. A painting that depicts nature is a landscape. (Children repeat).
-What can you say about autumn? What is she like? (Autumn is beautiful, autumn is sad, etc.)
- How beautiful the trees are in their golden and crimson robe! See how colorful leaves, quietly spinning, fall to the ground. There are so many of them on the ground, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet.
Didactic game “Colorful leaves”.
- On our walk, we saw beautiful colorful leaves. What color are they? (Children's answers.) We have green, red, and yellow leaves (shows pictures for the flannelgraph - multi-colored leaves).
The teacher lays out pictures of leaves on the table and suggests first choosing and attaching green, then red and yellow leaves to the flannelgraph.
Autumn leaves are so beautiful that you feel very sorry for them, because they quickly dry out and crumble. How can we save the leaves? We can draw them. To do this you need to choose a paint. Here I have a box of paints. Who can help me choose green, red and yellow paints? (Children choose.)
Physical education minute.
We are autumn leaves.
They sat on the branches,
The wind blew and they flew.
They flew, flew and landed on the ground.
The wind came again
And I picked up all the leaves,
Twisted them, twisted them
And he lowered it to the ground.
Children perform actions (squat, spin) in accordance with the text.
II. Part.
Educator: - Today we will draw a lot of beautiful leaves, creating from them the same carpet that lies on the ground. To paint, we need a brush, which we must first wet in a glass of water. Then you need to put a little paint on the bristles of the brush and remove the excess on the edge of the jar. Now I can draw the first leaf (draws a leaf using the luring method), then another leaf. To paint a leaf of a different color, I need to rinse the brush well in a glass of water and only then pick up the paint of the desired color. (The teacher draws several leaves different color.) I need help. We need to draw a lot of leaves to make a carpet. Can you help? (2-3 children draw on the teacher’s sheet). “But to make it work beautiful landscape autumn forest, there should be a lot of trees. See if there are images of bare trees in the group? (Children find) You will become wizards and turn these boring trees into an autumn landscape."
During the drawing process, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the leaves should be located over the entire surface of the sheet of paper. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn".
At the end of the work, the teacher reminds that the brush will last a long time if, after painting, it is thoroughly washed and dried.
Wed. gr. - Exercises, mobile-didactic game “Find your color.”
The teacher gives the children pieces of paper of different colors (red, yellow, green) and invites the children, on command, to run to the hoop of the corresponding color. During the game, the teacher stimulates the children’s actions with words, for example: “Now the fastest is the team of green leaves. But the red and yellow leaf teams will come together even faster.”
III. Part.
- Look at the wonderful drawings we made - these are also landscapes! Why? (Trees and nature are depicted). Multi-colored leaves decorated our bare trees. This is how we all together depicted the leaf fall that would decorate our group.
Outside the window the autumn leaf has turned yellow,
He broke away, spun, and flew.
The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,
Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.
And when cheerful wind flew away
A yellow leaf on the asphalt, bored.
I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,
I brought it home and gave it to my mother.
O. Chusovitina

Connection with other activities. Learning poems about autumn and leaf fall. When walking, pay attention to how they fall autumn leaves. On their colorfulness, variety of colors. Invite children to collect leaves and pretend that leaves are falling, tossing the leaves up, and run through the fallen leaves.
Then the children choose one sheet they like.

Summary of entertainment in visual arts in the preparatory group

Subject: “Journey to the country of Risovandia”.

Program content:

  • secure technical skills children received during the year in classes, call positive emotions, improve children's mood;
  • strengthen children’s ability to work in extreme conditions and draw with one line;
  • cultivate the ability to empathize, worry about comrades, desire to help each other, rejoice at the overall result.

Progress:music sounds, children walk by and sit on chairs.

Hello guys! Do you know why we came here? No? Do you want me to tell you? Today he came to us very interesting hero. Now I'll show it to you. Here he is ( showing a toy Pencil). Who do you think this is? That's right, Pencil. This Pencil came to us from the country of Risovandia. But what is he like? Funny? No. He is sad because he left his country and now cannot find his way back. He's lost! What do you think we should do now? Right! We need to help him. But the path to the country of Risovandia is very difficult. You and I will have to overcome many obstacles before we get to this country. And two rescue teams will go to this country along two different roads. Team No. 7, called “Paints,” will go one way, and team No. 5, called “Brushes,” will go another. And then we will see whose team can help Pencil faster, and therefore become the winner of our game. Each team has assistants - fans. They should encourage the participants, and in some competitions they will be able to help the team score points.

Well, that's it! There are teams! All the guys are dexterous, brave, strong, and are not afraid of any obstacles. You can go on a trip to the unknown country “Risovandia”.

Suddenly appears new hero- Blot “K.”.

K. - Where are you going? To the country of Risovandia? For what?

Ved. – Help Pencil find his home.

K. - A pencil? You don't have the courage! You won't even get past the first obstacle!

Ved. – And who are you, anyway! She came in, didn’t introduce herself, you don’t know us, and yet you’re saying that we won’t be able to overcome the obstacles?

K. – Yes, if you want to know, I am Blob! I also live in the country of Risovandia!

Ved. - Oh, you Blob! Then come in, sit down and see that our children can overcome all obstacles and help Pencil. Really, guys?

The Blob walks by, takes the chair from the child, and sits down.

Ved. - Blob! Well, what are you doing?

K. - Like what! I need to sit down too!

Ved. - Well, look, we’ve even set up a chair for you.

K. – Okay then, I’ll go and sit down. But you will still never get to the country of Risovandia!

Ved. - We won’t make any guesses! Let's invite teams to overcome the first obstacle, a strip of mountains and bumps. The “Paints” team will overcome the mountains, and the “Brushes” team will overcome the bumps. Listen carefully to the task. You need to connect all the mountains and all the bumps with one line. Each participant, running, can connect only two mountains or hummocks, return to the place and pass the baton to another participant. Reade set Go!

At the end of the competition, we award one point to the winning team.

1 competition: Together with Klyaksa, we call one player from each team. We invite them to complete the figures.

2 competition: We invite the children to take turns drawing little people performing different movements. The condition of the competition is that movements should not be repeated. The team that draws the most moves gets a point. Fans can help teams.

3 competition: We call the team captains and offer to draw a portrait of the Blob.

4 competition: The Blob offers the “Paint” team a painted cloud, and the “Brush” team the sun. You need to paint drops of rain or rays of the sun. Fans can help teams.

Ved. - Here we are in the country of Risovandia! It's time to count the points and determine the winner.

After summing up, the Blob enters the conversation.

K. – Well done! These are the children! I didn’t even think you could do everything!

Ved. - Just wait! After all, we haven’t given a gift to the winners yet! They get our Pencil! Now he will live in their group. Take care of him!

K. - Yes, yes! But I didn’t come empty-handed either, I brought each one a pencil.

He takes out pencils cut out of paper, each of which has a sweet prize attached - a candy.

Ved. – Let’s thank our Blob for the gifts and invite her to our group to drink tea with sweets.

Summary of a subject lesson on painting with paints in the preparatory group

Subject: “Wonderful book” (with paints).

Program content:

  • teach children to reflect the plot of an episode from a fairy tale, passing it on characteristics: heroes, their appearance, emotions correspondence of the plot to the text of the fairy tale;
  • learn to compose a composition, use different image plans;
  • teach to select color scheme, if necessary, mix paints to obtain the desired shade;
  • bring up creative activity, the ability to show your attitude towards the hero through a drawing.

Progress:- Guys, look, I brought you such a book today. It's so bright, the illustrations are so colorful! Here she is! Look at her cover. And on it is written “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” Have you read such a fairy tale? Do you know who wrote it? Right! A. S. Pushkin. Let's quickly look at the illustrations that the artist drew for this fairy tale.

I open a book without illustrations.

Oh guys! And the illustrations have disappeared somewhere! Yesterday I looked, they were all there, but now only the text remains! Some villain must have enchanted them to make the book ugly and throw it away. What do we do? Maybe, you know? Right! Let's draw the illustrations ourselves and then paste them into the book. We will do even better. Well, shall we try?

I distribute the stories among the children.

And in order for the drawings to turn out fabulous, we need to visit the fairy tale ourselves. Sit all comfortably, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes.

I turn on the music.

You heard magical fairy-tale music and immediately found yourself in an unknown land where the castle of Tsar Saltan is located. And now each of you has seen the plot that he will draw. Remember the traits of your heroes, see what is around them. Look at everything in detail so you can go back and draw what you saw.

Now the music gets quieter and it’s time for us to return. Now you will open your eyes and find yourself in kindergarten again.

Now you can pick up your brushes and start working like real illustrators. Just, to begin with, sit correctly, place your feet exactly under the table so that it is comfortable to draw.

Independent work of children.

Partial demonstration of drawing techniques;

Approval, praise, verbal encouragement;

If necessary, I use the technique of drawing with a child’s hand on a draft;

I automate the technical skills of each child: the ability to hold a brush correctly, paint with the end of the bristles and the entire surface, and convey perspective in a drawing.

I warn the children about the end of work five minutes in advance.

I analyze children's works:

Now Karina will be our editor-in-chief at the publishing house and will choose the best, in her opinion, plot for the text “Three girls under the window...” Why did you choose this plot? Why did you like him? Is everything drawn here correctly? Guys, let's take this story into our book?

Taking turns, I invite the children to be the editors-in-chief and choose the next illustration for the book.

After all the pages are filled with drawings, I summarize the lesson:

This is a wonderful book we have illustrated. Now she is again very bright, colorful, and now she is not afraid of any villain, right? Well, those guys whose drawings were not chosen for the book, don’t be upset. We will design these drawings, make frames and take them to the exhibition.

Summary of a lesson on visual arts in the middle group

Subject: “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak” (thread painting, drawing with a glue brush, foam rubber).

Program content:

  • teach children to draw the plot of a fairy tale following the example of a teacher in unconventional technology: perform an oak trunk using the stuffing technique glue brush using a stencil, a tree crown using the thread painting technique, a cat using a template and a glue brush;
  • learn to regulate the pressure of a simple pencil when tracing a cat template, draw with the end of the pile and the entire surface;
  • develop memory;
  • cultivate a desire to use it in work different techniques drawing.

Previous work: reading an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, a complex thematic lesson.

Progress: Guys, now I’ll read an excerpt to you, and you listen carefully and tell me from which work I took it. Agreed?

I’m reading an excerpt from the poem “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” accompanied by quiet, calm music.

Is this work familiar to you? What is it called? Right! Do you remember how you and I read it, and even visited such a country for a lesson? Do you want us to make Lukomorye ourselves today? Then watch how I will do it. I'll take a blank sheet of paper and put a stencil of an oak trunk on top of it. Then, I’ll take the foam rubber, put brown paint on it and start applying it from top to bottom, tightly filling the entire surface of the barrel with paint. When the trunk is ready, you can begin to crown the tree. To do this, you need to take a glue brush and spread glue over the entire crown. Then take green threads and glue them. So it turned out to be real green oak. All that remains is to make the cat itself. There are different cat templates on the table: the cat lies, sits, stretches. You need to choose one that you like best, and outline it with a simple pencil. Next, take a clean glue brush, pick up orange paint and, holding the brush vertically, begin to apply the very end of the bristles from the head, gradually moving towards the tail. I try not to go beyond the contour. Then I’ll finish drawing the cat’s eyes, nose, and mouth. This is what I got in Lukomorye. And now each of you will make your own Lukomorye. You can start working.

I'll see you off individual work:

Help in creating a pattern;

In the selection of elements, color range;

Individually with Alena, Sasha, Ksyusha I work on developing technical skills: the ability to hold a brush vertically, paint with the end of the bristles and the entire surface.

As the children complete their work, I blur the drawing with water.

I’m conducting an analysis of children’s works: - Look at what Sasha’s Lukomorye turned out like: the oak tree is so spreading and the cat is just like a real one – fluffy, fluffy. Do you think it’s good for a cat to live in such Lukomorye?

I take one or two more papers and also do a detailed analysis.

Today in class we painted Lukomorye, and for this we used different drawing techniques: foam rubber, a glue brush, and even thread. And the work turned out wonderful. Now all our cats have their own home - Lukomorye.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the middle group.

Subject: "Bakery” (modeling from dough).

Program content:

  • expand children's knowledge about the process of growing bread;
  • learn how to make a variety of baked goods: rolls, pretzels, cheesecakes, etc.;
  • learn to use techniques for transforming a cylindrical shape in your work: twisting, folding into a ring, etc.;
  • learn how to transform a disc-shaped shape: twist, fold, etc.;
  • consolidate the ability to decorate your work with small details, use a stack;
  • encourage any manifestations of creativity, cultivate respect for the work of the baker.

Previous work: conversation with children on the topic “Where does bread come from?”

Progress: Music sounds...

Guys, aliens visited us this morning. They learned that we have an unprecedented product on Earth. What do you think this product is? Do not know? Then now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you’ll immediately understand what I’m talking about.

Raised, raised,
They beat, they beat,
Crushed, crushed,
Baked in the oven
They were served to the table.

Right. This is bread. Where do we get bread from? It probably grows on trees, and people collect it and sell it? No? Indeed, this is the hard work of people. Let's remember together what needs to be done to grow bread. So what should you do first? Plant the grain. What happens next? What do people do when the ears of corn have grown and ripened? That's right, they're reaping. So what is next? The ears are threshed. Then the grain is ground in millstones into flour. And the baker makes dough from flour and bakes a variety of baked goods: buns, cheesecakes, braids and much more. So today you and I will be real bakers and make different dough products. There is a piece of dough on your tables. Divide it into two equal parts and make any two baked goods. In order to get a bagel, you need to roll out the cylinder and connect the two ends, if you twist the cylinder, you get a braid, if you roll it up, you get a bun. And if you roll it into a cylindrical shape, you get a roll. Now each of you will think carefully about what he will sculpt, and after that you can start working.

Independent work of children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table.

I carry out individual work:

I remind you of sculpting techniques;

If necessary, I use repeated demonstrations, verbal encouragement, and praise;

Help in decorating the work small details.

I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.

I analyze children's works. I involve the children themselves in the analysis: I suggest they find the most original work. I ask, what did you like about the work? Is the work decorated with small details? What's interesting and unusual about your work?

Let me summarize the lesson: - Today in class we remembered how people grow bread, we tried to sculpt it ourselves from dough. I liked the work of Sasha, Masha, Katya: they showed creativity and independence. And Vadim and Sveta will try harder next time and they will come up with different original products.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the senior group.

Subject: “Portrait of my dad” (modeling using bas-relief technique).

Program content:

  • introduce children to a new method of modeling using the bas-relief technique;
  • teach how to make a portrait of the pope, passing it on individual characteristics: color of eyes, hair, presence of mustache, beard, etc.;
  • learn to apply plasticine in a thin layer, use various techniques sculpting: rolling, unrolling, flattening, etc., when sculpting eyes and eyebrows, use a stack;
  • learn to maintain consistency in modeling: from general to specific;
  • encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards loved ones in the image, to cultivate a desire to talk about them.

Previous work: acquaintance with various genres of painting.

Progress: On my easel there are several works made in different genres. Find the portrait genre among them. Well done! How did you guess? Right. In such works, the face occupies most of the page; the eyes, nose, and eyebrows are drawn very accurately and correspond to a particular person. In addition to the face, the shoulders are also visible, but there are no arms, legs, or torso in the portrait. Let's see, who is depicted in our portrait? Who knows what holiday our men will have? Let's make a gift to our dads, grandfathers, brothers today in class and draw their portrait. But let's draw in an unusual way, and in the technique of bas-relief with plasticine. Look, I'll show you how to do it.

I am performing a partial demonstration of how to draw with plasticine: eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips.

Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and remember what kind of eyes, nose, straight or wavy dad has, and whether there is a smile on his face.

Let's repeat once again what we do first, what then, and how we finish our work. Those who have already remembered can begin to implement it.

Independent work of children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table.

I carry out individual work:

Help when applying plasticine to cardboard;

In clarifying the proportions of the face;

In mixing plasticine to obtain the desired shade;

If necessary, I use repeated demonstrations, verbal encouragement, and praise;

Individually with Alena, Sasha, Ksyusha, I strengthen the ability to use the stack correctly.

I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.

I analyze children's works. I invite one child to tell about his dad, what he is like, and whether he managed to portray him the way he wanted. I note the positives in the work, but also mention the shortcomings.

Let me summarize the lesson: - Today, each of us gave a gift to our dad - we drew his portrait. We will frame these portraits and give them to dads for the holiday.

Program objectives of the lesson:

- middle subgroup- to form the ability to artistic perception works of art; develop imagination and independence when used in drawing expressive means; develop a cognitive attitude towards environment;

- senior subgroup- generalize children’s ideas about winter phenomena, forest life, and the culture of behavior in the forest; develop the ability to create three-dimensional picture using various materials; enrich the pupils' vocabulary; improve the ability to use in speech Various types proposals; cultivate neatness.

Material and equipment: a magic wand, sheets of white paper for the game, a basket, a Lesovichka-artist costume, Christmas trees for decorating a clearing, paper snowflakes, colored pencils, wax crayons, paints, brushes, jars of water, tinted sheets of A4 paper according to the number of children, crushed eggshell, cotton wool, semolina, rice, glue, napkins, pre-rolled paper tubes (for tree trunks), reproductions of paintings: “Winter” by I. Shishkin, “Winter Landscape” by I. Grabar, “ Winter's Tale"D. Aleksandrova, photographic materials about winter, audio recordings: "Winter's Tale" by L. Vakhrusheva, " Magic melody"Ya. Leshchenko, "Fur Elise" by L. Beethoven, "Winter" by A. Vivaldi, "The Seasons" by P. Tchaikovsky.

Preliminary work: learning poems, listening musical works on a winter theme, observing winter phenomena in nature, looking at reproductions of paintings about winter.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). It's nice to see your kind, gentle eyes and smiles that lift your spirits. Guys, I suggest you listen to the song.

The song “Winter's Tale” by L. Vakhrusheva is playing.

IN. What is this song about? (Children's answers.) How did you know it was winter? (Children's answers.) Do you want to visit the winter fairy forest? (Yes.) A magic wand will help us get into it. (Shows the children a magic wand.) But even in such a forest it is necessary to follow the rules of friends of nature. Let's remember them. (Do not break branches. Do not cut down trees. Do not make noise. Do not light fires. Do not leave behind garbage. Do not damage the bark of trees.) I see you are ready for a forest journey. Close your eyes.

“Magic Melody” by Ya. Leshchenko sounds.

The teacher says magic words, waves with a magic wand, and the children find themselves in a snowy clearing.

IN. Here we are in the winter fairy forest. Guys, look how many snowflakes are under your feet. Let's collect them.

Game "Winter words"

Children take a snowflake, approach the teacher, make the right combination with the words: “winter” (for the middle subgroup); “winter”, “winter” (for the older subgroup) and put it in the basket.

Enter Lesovichok the artist.

Lesovichok is an artist. Hello!

IN. We want to see a winter fairy forest.

Lesovichok is an artist. I will show you my forest only after you play with me. We will play like this: I make riddles - you guess them.

Game "Forest Winter"

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house -

You will see miracles in it! (Forest.)

V. Fetisov

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Fur tree, pine tree.)

They scattered along the edge of the forest

Girlfriends in white dresses. (Birches.)

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow.)

Not snow and not ice,

And he removes trees with silver. (Frost.)

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm muttering,

I don't want to know anything. (Blizzard.)

The blizzard has a friend

Call this friend... (snowstorm).

White flakes are flying from the sky -

In our forest... (snowfall).

Silvery and light

Fairytale winter

What kind of miracle moths are they?

Are they circling above you? (Snowflakes.)

V. Yurchenko

IN. Lesovichok-artist, the guys guessed your riddles. Can we come in now?

Lesovichok is an artist. Yes, well done! I invite you to my forest. I depicted him in paintings.

To the music of L. Beethoven’s “Für Elise,” children admire reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin “Winter,” I. Grabar “Winter Landscape,” D. Alexandrov “Winter’s Tale,” and photographic materials about winter. The teacher asks the children questions: did you like the pictures? What did you like most? What season of the year did Lesovichok the artist depict? What do all the paintings have in common?

IN. Listen to poems about winter.

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine tree has tied up.

S. Yesenin

Which painting can these lines be attributed to? Why did you decide so? (Children's answers.)

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border,

The leaves have blossomed

White fringe.

S. Yesenin

IN. What picture does this poem fit into? (Children's answers.) Lesovich-artist, now we will teach you how to make snowballs out of paper.

A physical education session is held to the music of A. Vivaldi “Winter”. Children crumple snowballs from paper and throw them into a basket.

IN. Guys, a blizzard is about to hit. It's time for us to get ready for the journey before the path is completely covered up. Let's thank Lesovich the artist and say goodbye to him. Close your eyes.

magic wand

One two Three -

Us in kindergarten return it.

So we're back. Where have we been? (Children's answers.) Let's also make an exhibition of paintings in the group winter forest. What is needed for that? (Children's answers.) We turn into magical artists and depict a winter forest. Let each of you select the necessary material for it.

Children select materials for future work.

IN. Guys, tell me, how can you depict a forest using these materials?

Children of the older subgroup. The tree trunk can be made from a tube, or you can draw it. We will depict snow on the trees using cotton wool, egg shells, and wads of napkins. Let's draw the snowdrifts with rice and semolina. The sky and clouds are like shells.

Children of the older subgroup are encouraged to take everything they need for work. With children in the middle subgroup, the teacher repeats the rules for using glue, paints, and scissors. For their work, tubes, cotton wool, napkins, and shells are offered.

They perform work to the musical accompaniment of “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky. The teacher provides individual assistance.

At the end of the lesson, the drawings are hung in a pre-prepared place.

IN. Well done guys, everyone did their best! We got a real one Art Gallery winter forest. Now tell us about your forest, and the drawings will help you.

The teacher and the children recall lines from poems about winter.

Summary of a drawing lesson for the preparatory group
Topic: “Spring motives”
Goal: Use children’s emotional experience in art classes. Techniques of non-traditional techniques in drawing.
Objectives: To form in children a warm, reverent attitude towards inanimate images of nature, the ability to feel its beauty and perfection. Convey in the drawing the joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring. Learn to blend colors.
Materials: album sheets, cotton swabs, watercolors, brushes No. 3, No. 1.
Preliminary work: observing children's phenomena spring nature on walks. Reading poems about spring, looking at illustrations, paintings, postcards.
Progress of the lesson
1. - Children, have you noticed what has changed in our office?
- It shines in the morning bright sun. It is warm and affectionate. What's your mood? (joyful, cheerful)
- And why? (spring has come). The children come to the window and observe what color the sky is, what the horizon has become, and the snow in the distance is getting darker.
- Because thawed patches have appeared.
- What are thawed patches?
- The snow is melting in some places and black spots appear.
- Let's remember how you went to kindergarten in the morning, what special things you saw, or maybe heard.
- The sun is shining, it is warming, puddles appear on the sunny side.
- Buds appear on the trees.
- Birds are chirping (what kind). - Have you noticed how the air has become? It is special, spring, fresh.
- Nature comes to life after the winter cold.
Reading the poem “Spring” by I. Tokmakova.
Spring is coming towards us with quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible in the fields.
That's right, spring has very warm feet.
2. Invite the children to draw a picture about spring.
- How can you depict spring in an interesting way?
Progress show:
Moisten the sheet with a cotton swab, then top part we contribute blue paint(the color should spread in spots). We paint the lower part with red paint (the sun is rising). Immediately draw bush branches on the damp background. The result is a blurry image in the drawing.
-The morning is early, foggy, the air seems to sway warmed by the sun's rays.
We draw kidneys ( White paint) apply index finger(smear) .3. Children do the work on their sheets. Ensure that children draw smooth transition paints
4. Analysis: children look at their drawings and talk about their impressions. They choose the most successful works and why they liked them.

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Summary of the integrated lesson in mixed age group"Meeting with a cheerful wizard"

Kravchenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of MKDOU Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 7, Buturlinovka, Voronezh region
Description: This lesson summary will be useful and interesting for preschool teachers

Target: Development creativity children
- Strengthen children's knowledge about parts of the human body
- Teach to understand a person’s mood, activate words in children’s speech: joy, sadness, anger.
- Develop children’s ability to decorate the plane of a sheet (square) geometric shapes, make a pattern, highlighting the middle, sides, corners. Develop children's speech and reasoning skills.
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, the desire to please them, cultivate polite communication.

Preliminary work:
Considering patterns of human mood – joy, sadness, anger.
Game with a mirror “Show your face reflection” (joy, sadness, anger)
Game situations

Progress of the lesson:

Greetings: Children stand in a circle. (A circle is an opportunity for everyone to look at each other, hold hands and feel like they belong among their peers)
We are happy to see each other
We are all like one for each other,
And we will always be friends,
And cherish our friendship!

The children take their seats. There is a knock on the door and the postman hands the children a package.
Educator: Guys, look again we have a gift from our mysterious friend. Do you like receiving gifts? (yes) How do you feel when you receive a gift? (joy)
Let's see what's there!
The teacher opens the package, takes out the letter and reads:

“My little friends! I give you magic markers.
If you rub them with a cloth,
See my trick!

The teacher hands out markers to the children and invites them to the table, which contains everything needed to conduct the experiment.

Children rub felt-tip pens with a cloth and they attract small pieces of paper (geometric shapes cut out of colored paper)

Educator: Guys, what geometric shapes did your magic felt-tip pen attract to you?
Children: Circle, square, triangle, oval
Educator: Let's use these geometric shapes let's make a pattern on a large square of white paper, glue it and then give it to our mysterious friend.

Children make a pattern of geometric shapes, glue it, decorating the corners, middle and sides.
Educator: Guys, our gifts are ready. The works turned out to be interesting and very diverse, but for some reason our mysterious friend did not appear. Who will we give them to? He probably continues to play with us. Maybe he's hiding somewhere in our group?

The game "Hide and Seek" is played.

Children look for and find another letter in a large envelope in the group. Together with the teacher, open the envelope and read:

"If you want to know who I am,
So think a little.
I will appear only then
If you fold me,
From these paper forms,
The most diverse!”

Children take out human body parts from a large envelope and use them to make a person on the carpet.

Educator: Guys, who do you think we got?
Children: Wizard, magician, storyteller.
Educator: What is missing from his image?
Children: Faces.
Educator: Guys, look how many cards I have with pictures of faces. Let's choose a face for our wizard.
Shows children pictograms with emotional state faces

Educator: What does this facial expression tell us? (anger) Do you think our wizard could be evil? Why do you think so? What would happen if he were evil?
Children's answers.
Educator: What does this facial expression say? (sadness) Can our wizard be sad? Why do you think so? What would happen if he was sad?
Children's answers.
Educator: What does this facial expression tell us? (joy). Can our wizard be joyful and cheerful? Why do you think so?
Children's answers.
Children leave this expression on the carpet.
Educator: So our cheerful wizard friend appeared.

Let's say hello to him.
Children say hello.
Educator: Now let's thank him for magical gifts which he gave us.
Children say words of gratitude.
Educator: Now let's give him our patterns and invite him to stay and play with us in the group.