Semolina porridge: calorie content, nutritional value and glycemic index. Semolina

Semolina is the same wheat grain, the particle diameter of which does not exceed 0.75 mm. It is actively used in cooking, not only in the form of semolina porridge and dumplings, but also added to various soups and salads.

Composition and properties of semolina porridge

Semolina is well absorbed by the body. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the intestines and stomach, liquid semolina porridge is even included in the diet for medical reasons. Semolina gives the body strength. Despite the fact that the content of minerals and vitamins in semolina is much lower than in other cereals, it is rich in starch and vegetable protein. Semolina is a source of phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium and magnesium, as well as many B vitamins and vitamin E. Thanks to its quick preparation, semolina retains all the beneficial substances even in its finished form.

Semolina contains a large amount of gluten, or gluten in other words. Quite often, gluten provokes an allergic reaction. In addition, semolina contains a substance called phytin, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. As soon as the level of calcium salts falls below normal, phytin leaches calcium from the bones. Therefore, you should not intensively feed your children semolina porridge several times a day.

Calories in semolina

The rich chemical composition of semolina determines its calorie content. The calorie content of semolina is quite high. The calorie content of semolina per 100 grams of dry product is approximately 330 kcal. How many calories in semolina depends on what it is cooked with and what additional ingredients are added to it. The calorie content of semolina in water is 80 kcal. Therefore, water-based semolina can be included in the diet. semolina with milk a little more, and averages 98 kcal. Butter, sugar, honey, jam, jam, dried fruits and aromatic spices can be added to semolina porridge. With each supplement, the number of calories will change. Eating a moderate amount of semolina porridge cooked in water, without adding sugar, jam or other high-calorie additives, will not harm your figure.

The benefits of semolina

Semolina made from durum wheat is useful for people who are watching extra pounds and paying special attention to the amount of sugar in the blood. Being completely absorbed into the intestinal walls, semolina is useful for people with stomach and intestinal diseases. The large amount of carbohydrates in semolina makes it an indispensable food product for active and energetic people.


Semolina is one of the most common and popular cereals. Who among us has not heard of semolina porridge or soup? And its energy value is primarily of interest to those who are struggling with extra pounds or are simply accustomed to monitoring their weight and counting calories in food products.

So, let's look at a few simple questions: what is the calorie content of semolina, what are the benefits of semolina and whether it has any dietary properties. After all, there are rumors that semolina is part of very effective weight loss diets. So, let's start with the benefits of semolina.

Dietary properties:

Semolina (or, as we used to call it, semolina) is coarsely ground wheat grits. The average sizes of its particles range from 0.25 to 0.75 mm in diameter. It is used in the preparation of a large number of different dishes, in particular semolina porridge and semolina dumplings. It boils well, is easily digestible, and contains very little fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina porridge is included in certain types of diets prescribed for diseases of the digestive canal and during the recovery period after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Semolina is the only type of cereal that can be digested by the lower intestine and only there is it absorbed by its hairs. It gives the body a boost of strength. Semolina is used as a remedy for intestinal diseases; it cleanses the body of mucus.

With a low fiber content, semolina is, at the same time, rich in vegetable protein and starch. But the content of vitamins and minerals in this type of cereal is significantly less than in other cereals.

Semolina contains protein substances, starch, B vitamins, vitamin E, mineral components, such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. This composition largely determines the beneficial properties that semolina has.

Semolina has a high gluten content. This protein is also known as gluten. Many people are intolerant to gluten and it causes celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects approximately one in 800 Europeans. In addition, some of the people are allergic to gluten.

It is believed that semolina makes people more beautiful and removes fat and mucus from their bodies. Porridge is rich in starch and vegetable protein. Semolina contains significantly less minerals and vitamins than any other cereal.

But this miraculous porridge is not useful for everyone. For example, it should not be consumed by people intolerant of the protein gluten (also called gluten), for whom semolina contains large quantities. It is also a well-known fact that cereal leaches calcium from the body. Semolina contains phytin, which, in turn, due to the phosphorus it contains, prevents calcium salts from entering the blood. Other cereals also tend to bind calcium, but not to the same extent. Children who consume several servings of semolina per day are at risk of developing rickets or spasmophilia.

You shouldn’t make semolina the basis of a child’s diet, but this cereal is ideal for adults and especially older people.

Most often, porridge is made from semolina. Manniki (pies containing semolina) and semolina dumplings are also quite popular.

Now let's clarify how high the nutritional value of semolina is.

The calorie content of semolina is 328 kcal per 100 g. product

But a little clarification is needed here. Dry cereal has this calorie content. But the energy value of porridge prepared from it will be several times lower (of course, in the absence of other high-calorie additives). There are hardly any lovers of raw cereals among us.

What is the calorie content of semolina prepared in different ways? And here it is:

Calorie table for semolina, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of semolina prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of semolina (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Effective diet for weight loss:

Is it possible to lose weight with this cereal? Yes, you can. After all, the calorie content of semolina porridge cooked in water is only 80 kcal per 100 grams. These properties of semolina porridge are used in weight loss diets. Maybe this diet will help you too, if, of course, you love this product and your body tolerates it well.

And the simplest diet is that you just need to eat semolina porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Moreover, for breakfast, you can add some fruit to the menu, and for lunch you can treat yourself to a small amount of dried fruit. Only fruits, preferably not very sweet ones. And so for 7 days... But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. It is recommended to use such a diet for weight loss no more than once a month.

Well, what can you cook from semolina at home, just like that, without a diet? Yes, a lot! Here is one of the recipes:

Semolina porridge with carrot juice:


  • Semolina porridge
  • Eggs (egg yolks) - 1 piece
  • Cream – 50 gr.
  • Carrot juice – 20 gr.

First you need to cook thick semolina porridge in milk. This is the basis of our dish. For each serving of hot porridge, take one egg yolk, 50 g. cream, 20 gr. carrot juice. Add these products to the porridge, stirring quickly. Mix it all well and bring the porridge to a boil. That's all! Eat for your health, and the relatively low calorie content of semolina, or rather semolina porridge, will not spoil your figure.

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Semolina (popularly semolina) is a derivative of durum wheat, with a grain size of 0.25 - 0.75 mm. It can be used in a variety of dishes.

It is characterized by quick cooking, good absorption, and low fiber content (0.2%). Porridge in liquid form is used in diets, for problems with the stomach and intestines and after operations on these organs.

Semolina is a unique grain of its kind, processed by the lower intestinal section and it is only absorbed there by its walls. It gives the body strength. It also has an excellent therapeutic effect for intestinal problems, ridding the body of mucus and removing fat.

Semolina can be divided according to the type of wheat into the following types:
M – soft;
MT – soft and partially hard;
T – hard.

Semolina contains little fiber, but it contains enough vegetable protein and starch. And it contains vitamins and minerals in slightly smaller volumes than other cereals.

Rich in gluten. As a result, in people with celiac disease, when consuming semolina, the intestinal mucosa is depleted and the absorption of certain elements, in particular fats, is impaired. This cereal often causes allergic reactions and changes in stool.

Cereals include phytin, which contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. The levels of these salts in the blood should be static - 10 mg / 100 ml of serum. If the salt content is below these indicators, they are washed out of the bones by the parathyroid glands. That is, they lose calcium due to porridge. In this regard, children who use it excessively (2-3 times) often have rickets and spasmophilia.

Beneficial features

Semolina is characterized by rapid preparation, which means it retains all its beneficial properties. The product is endowed with calories and is characterized by high energy value, while the cereal is characterized by digestibility. There is almost no fiber in the porridge, so it is recommended for problems with the stomach and intestines, after surgery.


In addition to porridge, semolina has various culinary uses. Added to soups, salads. Casseroles, pudding, dumplings, cakes and many other dishes are prepared with it. Milk porridges, cutlets and casseroles are made from “M” grade cereals. And sweet dishes, soup filling and minced meat require the “T” brand.

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Semolina is a type of coarse wheat cereal with grains 0.25-0.75 mm in diameter. The product is widely used in cooking; it is especially often used to prepare porridge for children. Due to the beneficial properties of semolina, it is used for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

The product contains vitamins E, PP, B1, B6, B2, H and essential minerals such as magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and cobalt. The porridge contains starches and a small amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the human body during recovery after surgery or following a “gentle” diet.

Semolina is the only grain whose digestion occurs in the lower intestine, where it is absorbed. This is an indispensable product for diseases of the digestive tract; it helps cleanse the body of fat and mucus. Cereals contain phytin, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the human bloodstream.

Vitamin E, which is one of the components of semolina, has a positive effect on brain activity and the nervous system, so it is often recommended for mental disorders. The high carbohydrate content makes the product an ideal option for people who prefer to lead an active lifestyle. Dietary fiber from semolina prevents the development of cancer.

There is an opinion that semolina porridge is very high in calories, although this depends on the additional ingredients. The energy value of cereal is 80 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content increases due to milk, sugar, jam, condensed milk, which are added to semolina.

Semolina: calorie content

The product is not high in calories, but it all depends on the additives.

Semolina: harm

In some cases, semolina can be not only beneficial, but also harmful to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to follow all recommendations for the use of this product.

  1. A large amount of semolina porridge eaten leads to the removal of calcium from the body. Children should not be given more than one plate of cereal per day, otherwise it will negatively affect the child’s muscle and skeletal system. Most often, with a lack of this microelement, spasmophilia and rickets develop in childhood, and obesity and osteoporosis in old age.
  2. Semolina contains gluten and many people are intolerant to this component. In the hereditary disease celiac disease, the substance negatively affects the functioning of the body and is often manifested by diarrhea and allergies. Gluten is not recommended for use by children under 1 year of age.
  3. Semolina porridge will lack all the beneficial substances when the cereal is cooked for a long time.

Compared to different diets, semolina for weight loss is considered the most delicious, healthy and gentle food. The product does not cause health problems, but before using it for dietary purposes, consultation with a specialist is necessary. This low-calorie diet must be followed for a week; after this time, you can lose up to 5 kg. Semolina is consumed three times a day with various additives, but for a better effect, it is better to replace fresh fruits with dried fruits. To prepare a dietary dish you will need to take 2 tbsp. l. semolina for 2 tbsp. low-fat milk and boil everything until done.

Diet 1

Breakfast consists of 1 plate of porridge with milk and 100 g of any fruit. For lunch, milk semolina is prepared and 4 dried fruits are added. Dinner is a plate of semolina with milk and 1 tbsp. l. liquid condensed milk. During the diet, it is recommended to drink as much pure water as possible; you can also add unsweetened tea and coffee to your diet, but no more than 3 cups per day. It is prohibited to eat bread in any form.

Diet 2

For breakfast, prepare a plate of milk semolina with the addition of 2 tsp. jam or marmalade. At lunchtime and in the evening you need to eat a plate of semolina with milk and 2 tsp. jam. For those who do not like jam, it is allowed to replace it with honey.

Preparing semolina dishes does not take much time, and every home has cereal. The diet will remove toxins from the human body. When consuming the product, there is no strong feeling of hunger as well as variety in food. Dietary food is prohibited for those under the age of 18, metabolic disorders, diabetes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity, allergy to milk or semolina.

Semolina porridge in cooking

Most people associate semolina with childhood, when their parents prepared sweet porridge. But the product is used in cooking as a main or secondary ingredient, powder, etc.

Cereals are used as:

  • filling for first courses;
  • breading for zraz, balls and cutlets;
  • component of pudding, soufflé or mousse;
  • Additive to minced meat for cooking sausages and cutlets.

From semolina you can make pancakes, casseroles, dumplings and of course manna. When using cereal, it is worth considering that it quickly absorbs moisture and swells, so its volume increases significantly. That is why the product is added to the dish strictly according to the recipe.

A classic version of milk semolina porridge

Almost everyone loves this dish for its usefulness, speed of preparation and availability of products.


  • milk – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • semolina – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • raisins, dried fruits, salt - to taste.


  1. Water and milk are poured into the pan and set aside on the stove until it boils.
  2. When boiling, sugar and salt are added to the liquids, after which everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Now semolina is gradually poured into the pan, stirring constantly so that lumps do not appear.
  4. When the semolina in the milk begins to boil, add butter and dried fruits and turn off the fire.
  5. Cover the porridge with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.

This recipe is specially prepared for lovers of healthy and at the same time tasty food. This dish can easily be called a dessert.


  • milk 2.5% - 500 ml;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • chocolate – 70 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Milk is poured into the pan, into which, after boiling, sugar and salt are added, everything is mixed.
  2. Then semolina is gradually poured into the milk, stirring constantly.
  3. The chocolate is crushed using a medium grater, and the banana is cut into thin slices.
  4. When the semolina porridge boils, add banana, chocolate and butter to the pan.
  5. All ingredients are mixed, the heat is turned off and the dish should stand for another 10 minutes with the lid closed.

About the benefits and harms of semolina porridge in the following video:

Semolina is a universal product, because it is used as a medicine for diseases of the digestive tract, as a dietary food for overweight, and simply as a healthy and tasty dish. Before eating semolina, you should consult a doctor to rule out an allergy to this product or its components.

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What are the benefits of semolina porridge?

Semolina porridge is one of the most common and beloved dishes by many; semolina porridge with milk is especially loved and respected. Porridge, as a popular dish, is perhaps one of the most high-calorie foods. Maybe for this reason, many people often have questions about what calorie content does semolina porridge with milk have and what are the benefits of semolina porridge. The issue of calorie content is especially interesting for those who are overweight.

Despite the fact that people began to grow wheat in ancient times, semolina appeared much later. On the territory of present-day Russia they began to produce it, and in small quantities, in Old Russian times. Semolina porridge was considered a delicacy, and therefore was intended only for the nobility and the rich.

Semolina became widespread only in the USSR. The cheap, and therefore generally available, product quickly fell in love with millions of Soviet citizens. Most often it was used for cooking, that is, for preparing semolina porridge. This dish has become a key dish in the menu of kindergartens, schools, technical schools, universities and public canteens.

Although modern nutritionists claim that it is almost impossible to gain excess weight from porridge.

This is due to the fact that only cereals from which porridge is prepared have a significant calorie content. And during heat treatment, in this case - during cooking, the calorie content is significantly reduced.

Semolina is made from certain varieties of wheat. The grains are split very finely, resulting in a grain whose particle diameter varies within 0.5 mm.

Depending on the type of cereal, semolina of different categories is obtained. Category “M” means that soft wheat varieties served as raw materials during the production process. The “T” category indicates solid varieties, and the “MT” brand indicates a mixture of them.

Each type of semolina has specific properties, taking into account which you can prepare delicious dishes. Cereals made from soft grains are white in color and have an opaque structure. When cooked, the grains increase significantly in volume, and the finished product is homogeneous in consistency. This grain is best used in mousses, casseroles, and baked goods. Some people prefer to cook porridge from it.

Category “T” semolina is translucent in appearance and has a yellowish tint. Porridge made from this cereal is more crumbly, but does not increase in volume as much as that prepared from the soft variety. This semolina should be added to products that must keep their shape: dumplings, puddings, pancakes.

MT brand cereal contains a mixture of both varieties, but their ratio is 80/20 percent in favor of soft.

Semolina varieties are not always interchangeable in cooking, so when purchasing, you should immediately pay attention to what type of wheat the semolina is made from.

Let's remember the beneficial properties of such a dish as semolina porridge with milk. Semolina practically contains 70% starch. The porridge from it turns out to be very satisfying. It contains vitamins (for example, B vitamins, in particular vitamin B1, B2), and a number of important mineral components. True, in terms of their concentration, semolina is somewhat inferior to other cereals. When cooked quickly, all of the listed ingredients are retained in the porridge.

There is still controversy about this product. Indeed, there are ailments for which semolina porridge will bring undoubted benefits.

This applies, for example, to gastrointestinal diseases. Once in the digestive organs, semolina literally envelops them, soothing pain and relieving spasms. It also heals cracks that can form in the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet of patients with gastritis, ulcers, and other pathologies associated with the digestive system. In such cases, semolina is prepared in water, without salt and without sugar.

There is little fiber in it, which is why semolina is recommended for people who are exhausted in the postoperative period.

In case of chronic renal failure, dishes that are prepared using protein-free cereals are almost always recommended - this is exactly the case when semolina is irreplaceable. For an adult body, semolina porridge with milk is a very healthy dish. But keep in mind that for small children, under the age of 1 year, semolina porridge is not indicated as baby food.

This is due to a number of reasons. Phytin, which is part of semolina, binds calcium salts and prevents them from being absorbed by the body. As a result of regular consumption of semolina porridge, a child’s body may begin to lack calcium, which will lead to bone pathologies. For the same reason, it is not recommended to abuse semolina for people over 45 years of age, especially women, since in this case the risk of osteoporosis increases significantly.

Another harmful factor is high gluten content. This substance can cause severe allergic reactions, especially in children. Over time, the body's sensitivity to gluten may go away, so you shouldn't overload your child's immune system at an early age.

Semolina also contains a large amount of carbohydrates. It is difficult for a child’s body to cope with it, and abuse of semolina porridge leads to rapid weight gain, which soon begins to exceed age norms.

How many calories are in semolina porridge with milk?

There are some points that need to be noted when talking about the nutritional value of semolina porridge with milk. Its calorie content can vary significantly depending on the method of preparation. For example, many people prefer porridge prepared only with high-fat milk and always add butter to it. Of course, such porridge will be very tasty, but there is no need to talk about its dietary properties.

Dry semolina has an energy value of 330 kcal per 100 g. product. Well, what exactly is the calorie content of semolina porridge with milk? And here it is:

The calorie content of semolina porridge with milk is 100 kcal per 100 grams of product

That is, 3 times less compared to dry cereal. Of course, you need to take into account the calorie content of milk. And semolina porridge, cooked in water, and without oil and sugar, can act as the basis for a diet that allows you to get rid of extra pounds. And it doesn’t affect your well-being.

How to prepare this dish? There are a lot of recipes. Here is one of them:

Semolina porridge with milk, recipe:

A recipe for delicious and sweet porridge that is not at all difficult to prepare.


  • Milk -1 liter
  • Semolina - 6 tablespoons
  • Sugar (to taste) - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

The milk is brought to a boil. Slowly pour semolina into it in a stream, stirring. Add sugar and salt. Stir the porridge until it thickens (with these proportions it will not be too thick). By the way, sugar in the recipe can be replaced with jam (any jam of your choice). Done, enjoy the result! Just don’t forget that the calorie content of semolina porridge with milk, sugar and jam will be quite high.