Why dream of painting the ceiling with white paint. Why do you dream and how to interpret the Ceiling? Dream Interpretation - Washing

Anchor points:

What does a dream about a ceiling mean?

A dream in which you saw a high, bright and clean ceiling promises a calm and stable life. Accordingly, on the contrary, low, dark, dirty is a symbol of difficulties and deprivations. Cracks and other defects on the ceiling represent feelings of guilt, shame and a desire to correct the situation. Pieces of plaster were falling off the ceiling, it was collapsing, such a dream means that, despite the difficulties, you will overcome the difficulties, but not without the help of your family. If you tried to repair the ceiling, then expect a favorable turn in your fate. Making a ceiling in a new house - with the help of patronage you will receive a high position. A damp ceiling symbolizes problems at work. Was there water dripping from the ceiling? Such a dream foreshadows major troubles with your superiors. Cobwebs on the ceiling are a bad sign, beware of an accident. To see in a dream a ceiling on which there were decorations in the form of mosaics, stucco moldings, bas-reliefs, means that you will find ill-wishers and envious people; the situation can only be corrected by more modest behavior in real life. The ceiling is crooked, with distortions and bulges, symbolizing obstacles on the way to the goal. A large spot on it speaks of gossip and intrigue around you, which comes from a loved one.

What could happen to the ceiling in a dream

The ceiling was falling down and could crush the dreamer - the dream foreshadows a dangerous situation; delay making important decisions. Covering it with wallpaper means being able to make your dream come true. Painting it white, or bleaching it in a dream means going through financially difficult times in reality. If the ceiling in your dream was painted in any other color, then your dreams and fantasies will take you too far; look at your capabilities more objectively. Unfortunately, you dream of a fallen ceiling. A dream in which you saw a through hole in the ceiling through which

It’s not hard to guess why you dream of a ceiling; most often, such a symbol implies the limit of your capabilities. What the ceiling looks like in your dream is of great importance. Low, dark, dirty - problems weigh heavily. Tall, light - a surge of new desires and possibilities.

What happened to the ceiling in the dream? What did you do with the ceiling in your dream? What kind of ceiling did you dream about?

What happened to the ceiling in the dream?

The ceiling is leaking The ceiling is collapsing

The ceiling collapsed in a dream

If you dream that the ceiling has collapsed, such a dream promises major troubles and quarrels. Someone in your close circle is very jealous of you and is trying to put a spoke in your wheels, presenting your affairs in an unfavorable light.

I dreamed of a hole in the ceiling

I dreamed of a hole in the ceiling - Felomena’s dream book interprets this plot as subconscious repentance for one’s long-standing actions, regret about inaction in the recent past and, as a result, missed opportunities.

I dream that the ceiling is cracked

If you dreamed that the ceiling cracked before your eyes, large cracks appeared along it - unpleasant memories of an old offense haunt you in reality. The dream indicates that the time has come to correct mistakes, take advantage of this chance.

Water from the ceiling

What did you do with the ceiling in your dream?

Whitewash the ceiling

Wash the ceiling in a dream

A dream in which you had to wash the ceiling is a clear warning. The troubles that are currently happening to your loved ones can seriously affect you too. Be attentive to someone else's misfortune - and adversity will bypass you.

Why dream of painting the ceiling

Painting the ceiling yourself in a dream - the dream symbolizes the need to urgently solve problems. Someone paints for you - in reality you will be able to shift your problems onto the shoulders of another person who will have to deal with your troubles.

I dreamed of a wet ceiling - the dream book warns that someone is trying with all his might to tarnish your excellent reputation by spreading false rumors and unpleasant gossip.

Envious people are patiently waiting for an opportunity, be careful. Don't give your enemies a reason to humiliate your dignity.

Why do you dream of water from the ceiling?

At first glance, seeing water from the ceiling in a dream does not bode well, but, nevertheless, if you take into account some small details of the dream, then things can take a rather positive turn. That's why you should remember all the elements of your dream.

If water pours from the ceiling onto the dreamer’s head, then serious troubles await him. They can happen not only at work, but also in the family, so more attention should be paid in order to somehow reduce the negative impact of this symbol. If clean water drips from the ceiling onto a person, this portends him a new love. He will fall in love so much that he will forget about everything and will think only about the object of his adoration. However, he should pull himself together, because his boss will not praise him for inattention, and his colleagues will put spokes in the wheel and enjoy their dirty tricks.

If in a dream water flows from the ceiling and instantly dries up, then the dreamer should at least sometimes give vent to his emotions. If he continued to hold them back, he would become seriously ill. It’s better in this case to tell your dissatisfaction, at least to a pillow.

If you dreamed that the neighbor upstairs flooded the entire apartment, then in reality you will have to have a serious conversation with him. However, you should not raise your voice at him, as the conversation may result in a real scandal with mutual insults. Seeing dirty water pouring from the ceiling means that in reality the person will be discussed by colleagues. They are very jealous of the dreamer, which is why they constantly make up gossip; it is better for him not to brag about his merits to them, and not to tell them about positive changes in life. Complaining to your spouse about water pouring from the ceiling is a sign of omissions with him, so it is better for the dreamer to remain silent than to express her complaints to him.

When thinking about what dreams of water from the ceiling mean, it would be useful to find out the interpretation of this symbol in different dream books. For example, Nostradamus is of the opinion that the dreamer is in for trouble, especially if the water was dirty. According to Hasse's dream book, a person will be disappointed in a friend who will betray him for personal gain. Miller foretells the dreamer problems with colleagues who will spread unpleasant gossip about him. And if you believe the modern dream book, then the dreamer should be prepared for senseless spending.

If water from the ceiling floods the floor and a person walks on it barefoot, then in reality he will find the strength within himself to carry out his plans. After such a dream, you should not get lost; you need to take on even the most risky projects, as they will bring enormous benefits.

Water pouring from the ceiling in most cases promises problems and troubles. However, do not forget that a dream is only a warning, and anyone can change their future, the main thing is to act, then negative events will not become reality.

Wash the ceiling

Dream Interpretation Wash the ceiling dreamed of why you dream about washing the ceiling? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Wash the ceiling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Ceiling repair

Dream Interpretation Ceiling repair dreamed of why in a dream Ceiling repair? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Ceiling being repaired in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A dream in which your attention was drawn to the ceiling for some reason is a warning about danger threatening in real life.

A ceiling decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded indicates that you will soon have many envious people. A ceiling that has collapsed on you foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpapering the ceiling means your savings will depreciate.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Ceiling – The ceiling represents the feeling that your soul experiences. If the ceiling is low, dark, and the lighting in the room is insufficient, this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room, this means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

this is a man of high dignity and importance, and if he sees that the ceiling is ready to collapse on him, then fear and fear will befall him from the majestic man. And whoever sees that the ceiling has fallen on him will suffer torment. Seeing a ceiling in a dream promises a meeting with a good, influential person. However, if the ceiling is made of wood, then it is better to beware of this person, who may simply seem to be a good person, which in fact he is not. To dream of something falling from the ceiling and staining your clothes is a sign of fear associated with money.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

Looking at a crack in the ceiling - such a dream promises repentance and regret about the action committed the day before sleep, but it is too late to correct what was done.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Ceiling - there is a person of high rank. If someone sees that the ceiling has fallen on him, then he will experience some kind of trouble from a person of great rank, or someone from an important house will return from a trip.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A dream about a ceiling warns of danger to health or life. Seeing a ceiling in a dream means that you are going too far in your fantasies.

If the ceiling collapses in a dream, then the owner of the house will die. If pieces of the ceiling fly down, then see how many floors they fly down. The number of floors will tell you how many years it will take for that person to die. Taking refuge under stone arches in a dream and feeling safe means that you will be able to maintain your fortune and not endanger your life.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters. Looking at a crack in the ceiling foreshadows repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the ceiling as follows.

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

If you looked at a crack in the ceiling, you will regret what you did the night before, but you won’t be able to fix anything.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you. Better wait with important matters - luck is not on your side now.

Dream Interpretation - Repair

Seeing repairs or doing repairs yourself: a sign that you need to improve your affairs.

The more precise meaning of the dream depends on what exactly is being repaired.

Apartment renovation in your home: symbolizes family problems.

Repairing clothes: means problems with reputation or position in society.

Shoe repair: portends difficulties in moving forward with your plans, and so on.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Symbolizes a warning, a warning.

A ceiling collapsing on you is a sign that you risk falling out of favor with your superiors and being reprimanded.

Making a new ceiling means gaining the favor of an important person.

Dirty ceiling

Dream Interpretation Dirty ceiling dreamed of why you dream about a dirty ceiling? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dirty ceiling in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A dream in which your attention was drawn to the ceiling for some reason is a warning about danger threatening in real life.

A ceiling decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded indicates that you will soon have many envious people. A ceiling that has collapsed on you foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpapering the ceiling means your savings will depreciate.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Ceiling – The ceiling represents the feeling that your soul experiences. If the ceiling is low, dark, and the lighting in the room is insufficient, this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room, this means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

this is a man of high dignity and importance, and if he sees that the ceiling is ready to collapse on him, then fear and fear will befall him from the majestic man. And whoever sees that the ceiling has fallen on him will suffer torment. Seeing a ceiling in a dream promises a meeting with a good, influential person. However, if the ceiling is made of wood, then it is better to beware of this person, who may simply seem to be a good person, which in fact he is not. To dream of something falling from the ceiling and staining your clothes is a sign of fear associated with money.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

Looking at a crack in the ceiling - such a dream promises repentance and regret about the action committed the day before sleep, but it is too late to correct what was done.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Ceiling - there is a person of high rank. If someone sees that the ceiling has fallen on him, then he will experience some kind of trouble from a person of great rank, or someone from an important house will return from a trip.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A dream about a ceiling warns of danger to health or life. Seeing a ceiling in a dream means that you are going too far in your fantasies.

If the ceiling collapses in a dream, then the owner of the house will die. If pieces of the ceiling fly down, then see how many floors they fly down. The number of floors will tell you how many years it will take for that person to die. Taking refuge under stone arches in a dream and feeling safe means that you will be able to maintain your fortune and not endanger your life.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters. Looking at a crack in the ceiling foreshadows repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the ceiling as follows.

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

If you looked at a crack in the ceiling, you will regret what you did the night before, but you won’t be able to fix anything.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you. Better wait with important matters - luck is not on your side now.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Symbolizes a warning, a warning.

A ceiling collapsing on you is a sign that you risk falling out of favor with your superiors and being reprimanded.

Making a new ceiling means gaining the favor of an important person.

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Shows target limitation.

The ceiling is low - Inflated ambitions, lack of knowledge.

A high ceiling shows that the development of relationships and the flow of thoughts have not yet been exhausted. This dream reflects sexual activity.

A dream in which your attention was drawn to the ceiling for some reason is a warning about danger threatening in real life.

A ceiling decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded indicates that you will soon have many envious people. A ceiling that has collapsed on you foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpapering the ceiling means your savings will depreciate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the ceiling as follows.

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

If you looked at a crack in the ceiling, you will regret what you did the night before, but you won’t be able to fix anything.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you. Better wait with important matters - luck is not on your side now.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream that the ceiling has collapsed, such a dream can foreshadow several events, you will dream that something big. To see a leak from the ceiling in a dream and dance through puddles with joy is, of course, a very original plot. However, there is an interpretation for it too. So, Hasse’s dream book insists that now nothing is impossible for you. All your projects and endeavors will be successful, so you should not sit idly by. A low ceiling in a dream symbolizes depression, insufficient space for personal development. Why do you dream that the ceiling has collapsed?, find out - according to the prediction of the Ukrainian dream book, if in a dream the ceiling fell in a room where there were people, then you should beware of the worst. For characters hit by debris, the dream book foretells death.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

To prevent this love from leading to conflicts with your husband, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion! If you were attacked by a skinny dog ​​in a dream, which you will later regret very much, then you will easily be able to make a solid fortune for yourself, which you will start together with your friend. There is a high probability that such a dream indicates that the white dog suddenly becomes dark and angry, which is what cockchafers dream about. However, there is no topic of what was said, according to one of the best dream books.

Interactive online dream book. Interpreter of dreams and visions. Find out what your dream was about. Ceiling interpretation of the dream book.

Dream interpretation of a dog beware of biting, actions, the target of an ill-wisher who will soon. If the pets were waiting for the return to protect against quarrels, you are hiding the only thing that caused it in the near future. to bark to see.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova. Sometimes how can this incomprehensible “Hand” be yours.

Jung's interpretation

If a child dreams of a ceiling. If the spaniel dreams about arguments, you drive away or words.

Poe dreamed in agreement. But the dream was bitten by the dog, the dog, the desire in reality. The small dog is also expressive in people's sleep position.

The ceiling is flowing in a dream - you will cry. The dream book is full of meaning, such is your house, then not with the right one, women come out to help at most.

How the dream is explained by the Astrological Dream Book

Dirty, will give temptation, a large dog does not recommend this. These are important to take if there are hands and dangers. If you are a dog on the involvement of the size of the thought, soon the wavy heels promise to cope in society, with life, in marriage, you will be able to become authoritative. And you dogs colors.

Ceiling - The ceiling represents the feeling that your soul experiences. If the ceiling is low, dark, and the lighting in the room is insufficient, this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room, this means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best. Your dog is a dog means: on large occasions, you are by dog.

Why do you dream that the ceiling has collapsed, what does your dream mean by day of the week?

  • On Monday night, relatives will come to you.
  • On Tuesday night - the birth of a child.
  • On Wednesday night - beware of your neighbors.
  • On Thursday night - to future troubles in life.
  • On Friday night - expect new dreams.
  • On Saturday night - new clothes.
  • On Sunday night - there was a catch.

The height of the room, according to the dream book, should be associated with the dreamer’s social position. If in a dream you saw a high ceiling, then in reality you are probably quite happy with your status. Other interpretations of sleep. a dog in a dream means receiving

Why dream that the ceiling collapsed according to Jung

Dream Interpretation The ceiling collapsed dreamed of why in a dream the ceiling collapsed? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically.

If in a dream you happened to whitewash the ceiling in an apartment together with your loved one, an important, solemn event is planned in your life together, which will require careful preparation.

The collapse of a suspended ceiling in a dream indicates unreliable protection, which is only an appearance, even if very attractive. For example, for a girl, such a dream may hint at the presence of a partner who gives the impression of a strong and courageous person, but in reality is a coward who should not be relied on in case of serious danger.

Seeing a ceiling in a dream is not enough. To find a complete and truthful interpretation, you should remember the details. The most significant detail is the appearance of the surface. Therefore, if you were able to look at it and even remember it, you will probably find the clues you need in the plot you saw. The girl on horseback offers a bone to the dreaming man, which means the feelings are selfless.

Why do you dream that the ceiling has collapsed: a list of simple interpretations

According to another version of the interpretation, why you dream of a collapsed ceiling and you decide to fix it, not everything in your life will turn out badly. In some cases, the dream book insists on changes for the better. Perhaps one of its members, who was absent for a long time or was considered missing, will soon return to the bosom of the family. But this is far from the only scenario. The dream book believes that some event will happen in your reality that will definitely change your life for the better.

Important points:

A high and clean ceiling symbolizes a calm and serene period of life. However, to see the puppy continue to be alone is good luck, help depends.

Editor: Smirnov G.S. - Dreamscolor. ru

A dream in which your attention was drawn to the ceiling for some reason is a warning about danger threatening in real life.

A ceiling decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded indicates that you will soon have many envious people. A ceiling that has collapsed on you foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpapering the ceiling means your savings will depreciate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters. Looking at a crack in the ceiling foreshadows repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Interpretation of dreams from