Riddle about a notebook for children. Riddles about school and school supplies

Santa Claus's magic bag should contain the following items: a set of pencils, a mirror, a notepad, a comb, a red pencil or felt-tip pen, a book, a set of paints, a notebook, a photo album, a toy car, chocolate, and candy for all participants in the holiday.

Magic bag with gifts
Santa Claus sent to the children,
Its to our school today
The cheerful postman brought it.
Gifts in a bag
Let's be honest, we can't count
For good children
Everything is in this bag,
But in order to take your gift,
The riddle needs to be solved!

(Santa Claus puts his hand into his bag and says a riddle. After the answer is given, he takes out the guessed item and hands it to the person who guessed it.)

This item will be received by the one
Who will call his name?
He is needed so that the world
Became more beautiful and more beautiful,
So that colorful flowers
Our planet has become colorful.
So that children can draw in the album
Adult smiles from ear to ear,
Whoever guesses gets it
Set of pencils)

This is such a miracle, this is such a miracle,
And where did it come from?
I always look at him
Well, I only see myself.
Made of glass, but not a window,
What is this? ... (mirror)

This thing has blank slates,
He silently waits for you to write in it
Something very important not to forget,
And when I forgot to open that page.
But this is not an album or a notebook.
I'll take it out of the bag now
Little... (notebook)

So that people are beautiful
And we didn’t go to the hairdresser,
But they themselves could do it on their own heads
Practice your craft.
Of course, to do any hairstyle,
Without a doubt, you need to take... (comb)

It looks like a stick
And trained in magic,
Graphite artist
Be taught from birth
His brothers have written themselves off
And got lost somewhere
Sorry, maybe he's yours
With a red rod... (pencil)

I have a girlfriend
Although she is silent,
Ready to tell me
Whatever I ask.
And the bear brought it to me,
Did you guess it?! This is... (book)

Everything you dream about
I'll find it in my bag,
And if I can't find it,
I'll give it to you
Magic box
A rainbow lives in it,
She will make it a reality
Fantasy flight
Just take the brush,
And fairy tales come to life.
I know you guessed it
In that box... (paints)

Lines, dots, commas,
The squiggles are not easy.
And the rating is “five” -
This is Vovina... (notebook)

I love looking at pictures
At Kristinka's, at Marinka's,
And yesterday my friend Pakhom
Gave me a photo... (album)

Well, what is this?
This is not something simple
The steering wheel looks like the letter "O"
The same letter is the wheel,
Made from black rubber.
This is a new... (car)

According to the law of mathematics
Lined up into squares
It's wrapped in silver
And he’s been waiting for the guys for a long time.
When you unroll it,
Then instantly you will understand
That a sweet treasure was found.
This is delicious... (chocolate)

Well, for everyone who didn’t have time
And I couldn’t take my prize,
From Frost to you, children,
Sweet... (sweets)

(Santa Claus distributes candies to everyone who is left without a prize.)

Archive of comments to the publication
Magic bag with gifts
08.12.2010, 15:24

I really liked it! Great fun for kids, thanks to the author. 08.12.2010, 15:29

Thank you. Suitable not only for kindergarten and school, but also for home parties. 08.12.2010, 18:03

Great! I’ll definitely arrange such a quiz in new year holidays to their children 12/08/2010, 18:56
Elena Mikhailovna

Thanks a lot! Very interesting material for the New Year's holiday. 08.12.2010, 23:27

It’s very funny and interesting. But I know from experience that there will be dissatisfied children, those who guessed little or nothing, and the candy won’t suit them. You can also make a guess for each one in turn.
This game will be fun for adults too. 12/16/2010, 07:17

Thank you very much!!! We'll definitely play at home in the New Year!!! 12/20/2010, 19:32

Thank you very much! Very cool riddles! It's not a riddle, but a whole competition! No one will be left without a prize! Well done! 12/26/2010, 16:25

Collecting a briefcase using this will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. Children will enjoy these school riddles during developmental classes in preparation for school.

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka –
Wooden shirt,
Where he leads his nose,
He puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Students are sitting behind her
There are textbooks on it,
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but a (desk)

Talk to her more often
You will become four times smarter

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talking to us
With a patient tongue.

In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.

Who am I if I'm straight
My main trait?

magic wand
I have friends
With this stick
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a huge ship!

He confessed to the knife:
- I'm without work.
Give me a whack, my friend.
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.
Be able to write about them!

Its leaves are white and white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy!
I can't get along with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
With her nice picture don't create!
So I cursed the rubber band out loud...

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Just let it go -
Where was the emptiness
There, look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on the six
Smart circles sat down
And they count out loud
All you can hear is knock and knock!

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.

Multicolored sisters
Bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
He carries water with his beard.
And his sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly she sat down on the page.
Because of this mistress
I received one.

White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?...

The white pebble has melted
He left marks on the board.

Students write to them,
Answering at the board.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

You are a colored pencil
Color all the drawings.
To correct them later,
It will be very useful...

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...(Plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack...

I'm ready for training starts,
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every schoolchild understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Will come in handy here...

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys

How boring it is, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own. (Knapsack)

In strict order -
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
Lined cells
So as not to run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)

Riddles about school
Large, spacious, bright house.
There are a lot of good guys there.
They write and read beautifully.
Children draw and...

Riddles about September 1
On this day, a cheerful crowd
Together we walk to school.
(First of September)

Riddles about first graders
Every year the door opens.
She welcomes all children with warmth.
The new settlers are moving in.
Do you know what they are called?
(First graders)

Riddles about call
The students are ordered to sit down.
Then get up and leave.
At school he tells many people
After all, it calls, calls, calls.

Riddles about lesson
Riddle about school
about that same period
Which guys
The bell will ring.
Riddles about school bag
I'm fine inside
In stacks and notebooks.
(School bag, backpack)

Riddles about table-desk
There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Riddles about diary
IN school bag notebook,
What kind of notebook is that is a mystery.
The student will receive a grade in it,
And in the evening he will show his mother...

He will tell you how you study,
All ratings will be shown instantly.

Riddles about school supplies
Riddles about notebook
On her leaves
And the numbers are also in line.
Leaflets in a cage and in a line,
You should be able to write in it exactly!
Riddles about brush
Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.
Riddles about pencil
You will sharpen your nose.
You can draw whatever you want.
There will be a sea, a beach.
What is this?

Black Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
Where the nose will pass -
He puts a note there.

Riddles about handle
With a sharp beak, like
Drives exactly across the page.
And in your notebook
The lines should be smooth.
Riddles about felt-tip pen
Master of drawing posters -
bright, thin...
(Felt pen)
Riddles about eraser
I'm small ,
I wash it diligently.
If you give me a job -
The pencil was in vain.

Riddles about chalk
Melted in the teacher's hands.
On school board left traces.

Riddles about pointer
I'm friends with the teacher.
I'll show you everything on the board.
You follow me without fear.
Do you know who I am? I - …
Riddles about ruler
I'm straight myself.
I'll help you draw.
Anything you do without me
Draw some money.
Guess what, guys?
Who am I? -...

Riddles about book
I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
You need to learn reading.

Wonderful riddles about school and school supplies with answers. Interesting, not complicated, they can be easily answered by students or preschoolers who are about to cross the school threshold. Children will spend their time in a fun and entertaining way. The main thing is that there is benefit from it.

If you went to school -
New status I bought.
There was a child, there was a preschooler,
And now your name is...

Answer: schoolboy

“What kind of nose does a platypus have?” -
I came across this one...

Answer: question

The lessons are over
But we're not going home.
Someone is writing housework,
Here we draw, draw, sew.
Here we are for half a day and then home
Let's go in a crowd.
Stae, Maxim, Alenka are walking
After school...

Answer: after school

I knew him by heart -
I learned it at home...

Answer: lesson

We sat down together at our desks,
Mouths shut:
During recess we made noise,
And now we have...

Answer: lesson

The teacher was strict with me -
I didn't learn...

Answer: lesson

We keep order
We scold the violators.
Today our class is quiet,
Because class...

Answer: duty officer

Our teacher is strict today,
After all, we didn’t come for a lesson.
There is an exam today, no discounts.
And everyone will pull...

Answer: ticket

I write carefully in my notebook,
I want everything to be clear.
I've written too many lines
Only one left clean...

Answer: leaf

I have a clear, smooth,
Andreika’s is crooked,
Natasha's is huge.
Who, children, is he?
I write everything to them - songs, essays.
Did you guess it? This...

Answer: handwriting

The bell rings, and surely
It's coming...

Answer: change

I'll draw summer, mom
And myself. I'm wearing a Panama hat.
Sea, rainbow and house.
Keeps everything inside...

Answer: album

Extends the life of notebooks
And a little textbooks,
They are always fine with her -
Protects them...

Answer: cover

Along the Black Sea
The white boat is sailing.
Where it floats
It leaves a trace there.

Answer: Chalk and board

I'm going out to answer
But I don’t know what to write.
That's why it's empty for now
Our school...

Answer: board

The teacher gives us marks
Everything is always fair and accurate.
He puts them in his diary for us,
For himself - fixes it in...

Answer: magazine

It's not new to her to work,
Not a lesson is lazy.
It's boring for her to lie in her pencil case,
Writes, writes, writes...

Answer: pen

Friend of all students,
She's from school life start
To school graduates
Everywhere nearby. This...

Answer: desk

If a word is not clear,
If I don’t know how to write,
There is no other way out -
I open this book.
Everything here is clear, everything is true...
What's that book? What a miracle!
No, it’s not a wonder, even in old times
That was compiled...

Answer: dictionary

These days we are resting
We don't study, we walk.
Autumn, winter, spring
You and I have them.
And in the summer, I don’t hide it,
I'm taking a break from school.
Please tell me the period
When I don't go to school.

Answer: vacation

It has become a home for little hands.
It's called...

Answer: pencil case

Pencil, ruler, eraser
Will be kept in a plastic box.
It doesn’t matter that it’s very small -
Everything will fit in color...

Answer: pencil case

He shouts: "For recess
Be sure to hurry up.
Now for your lesson!” -
Tells us...

Answer: call

I write all the notes in it -
If I forget, I'll take a look.
He will remind you of things to do,
It will tell you the correct phone number.
He lives in my table
And he's called...

Answer: notepad

The day is scheduled in it hour by hour,
I enter the cases myself.
Where to go, what should I buy,
Something I wouldn't forget.
He helps me in everything
Lying on the desk.

Answer: Diary

Sliding on the board
A hint to all the guys.
Holds in hand
Our teacher...

Answer: pointer

I'm leafing through the book. Like birds
White flutters...

Answer: pages

All the drawings will be erased in an instant,
If she goes ahead.

Answer: eraser

In this establishment
Everyone has been there.
Losers, geniuses
Received marks.
Artists studied here
Singers, artillerymen.
I go here too
And you, my friends.

Answer: school

All the leaves are fastened
They won't crumble.
Holds tightly like a clothespin

Answer: paperclip

The first book that gives knowledge,
The first-grader carries it in his briefcase.
Always and everywhere, today and in the past
The student really needs...

Answer: ABC book

It contains a pencil case, notebooks
And a sandwich for breakfast.
All textbooks are ok
The student carries it to school.
It shines like gloss -
Behind you is a beautiful...

Answer: backpack

He only learns straight A's
He always knows what he has to say.
He doesn’t know laziness, he’s ready for lessons.
Tell me guys, who is he?

Answer: excellent student

Marks, comments
The teacher writes in it.
Lesson schedule
We will find it in it too.
Stores and protects it
An exemplary student.
It's full of "fives"
Like a document...

Riddles about stationery:

for preschoolers 5-6 years old and children of primary school age.

T. Lavrova

My friend, although small,
But he works with his soul.
All the mistakes, squiggles,
What does a pen write in a notebook?
It will clean in one sitting.
He even “eats” blots too!
How good, chewy -
Soft light school...( eraser)

Still life, landscape, portrait
I've been drawing for hundreds of years.
I'm very good with paints
I also serve artists.
Soft like a pussy
Thin...( tassel)

I'm friends with objects
I'll tell you everything about them.
I measure height, length,
Width and depth.
Although the price is a trifle, a penny,
I'm great...( ruler)

What is this strange box?
It contains a ruler, pens, and a stopper.
Simple pencil, toffee,
Last year's note.
Well, guys, did you guess it?
Everything lies in mine..( pencil case)

L. Kusturova

I open the doors to the house.
I check if it contains:
pen, eraser, pencil.
I am your master now.(Pencil case)

N. Afromeeva

I have a cube in my pencil case
Pink colour.
But this is not chewing gum at all,
this is not candy.
The pencil suddenly drew a letter,
like a tadpole.
That's when I'll need it
my helper...( eraser)

G. Puntusova

A familiar thing to everyone -
Simply a wonderful dancer!
Performing a pirouette
Leaves a blue trail:
Letter, letter, squiggle...
“Hello everyone! Yours....( Pen).

S. Neversky

On paper it’s not in vain
you write out the words in paste.
It was more common before
pump ink into it.
Children, what is this thing?!
Come on, together...(Pen)

It's like a magician's wand
just turn your gaze
on cardboard and paper
draw your own pattern.
This Friend in the pencil case is ours.
Children, let's say...(Pencil)

It is of different colors, flexible,
We are not afraid of mistakes.
Everything is in his power to fix.
Children, let's say this is...(Eraser)

We will get our paints -
"oil", watercolor, gouache.
The leaf immediately turned green.
And they will paint it...(Brushes)

She will make it faster
any pencil is sharper.
Multi-colored girlfriend
shavings come out of it.
We say: "What are you, what are you,
You’ll get tired from work!”
She responds with a grin!
Children, this is...(Sharpener)

N. Gubskaya

Without her, I will say,
Straight line
You can't draw a single one
You can't measure the length either.
Answer me quickly!
It's called...( ruler)

We write in her notebook
Letters in order.
Something we really need,
And it’s simply called...( pen)

N. Kechatova

The pencil puffed and scribbled,
He created a long and long line...
Suddenly he wrote in the wrong place - hello!
Come on, where is our nimble...( eraser)

Don't get lost in a bunch
Eraser, pencil and pen,
Buttons, compasses - everything assembled
Loving order...( pencil case)!

To make the circle even,
A faithful friend will help us,
True, a small hole
It will be left on the piece of paper...( compass)!

V. Tunnikov

House for pens and pencils.
It is locked with a padlock for kids.
His schoolchildren take him to school
And they put it in the backpack along with the notebooks.
(Pencil case)

M. Blinnikova

Draw exactly the lines
We don't know how. How to be?
Line like a snake?
Here we need...( ruler)

You can get into the paint with your finger,
only better way There is.
The colors are very tired,
Well, when will you take it...( brush)

A. Chugunnikov

I don't read books at all
And without them I know a lot
I never say
And I create without a voice,
You just have to take it in your hand
And write the words by me.
I'm the goose's granddaughter
And what is my name? ( Pen).

D. Loginov

Two sheets together
He will fasten it, open the cap.
You can smear it, don’t be sorry.
And everyone calls him...?( glue)

Bent wire hook
Connects sheets into a lock
And it holds the leaf very tightly.
We call her... ?( clip).

S. Podgorskaya

The pencil is my best friend
I'll erase the excess around.

T. Efimova

It will crawl across the paper,
It will clean everything up, it will lick everything off,
Like a little toothy one!
Well, of course it is?!

The vase suddenly broke! Oh!
How to cope with trouble here?!
Don't worry and hurry up
Scrape again to super

Guess what kind of miracle?!
I will glue it with this film!
Could easily help
Even glue a book together!?