The technique of three-dimensional paintings from dried flowers. Dried flower panel (oshibana)

If in the summer or early autumn you were not too lazy to collect and, then in a free minute you can make with your own hands amazing ones in their beauty, ease of execution, and flowers on a transparent background.

You can also attract children to your creativity, because making such paintings is no more difficult than the ones they are already familiar with. For most of the “transparent” paintings from our selection, you will only need dried leaves and flowers, double glass and a frame or canvas.

But even if you didn’t have time to dry the leaves and flowers, don’t worry, you still have a chance to make one of these stylish paintings with your own hands. Use the leaves of any house plants and, of course, your imagination!

15 paintings of leaves and flowers that you can make with your own hands

Tropical leaf painting

Photos of paintings made from leaves and flowers with your own hands nodenhome

Photos of paintings from dried flowers Studio Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters

DIY paintings of leaves and flowers

Photos of paintings from dry leaves and flowers interiorsbystudiom

DIY paintings of leaves and flowers. Photo

DIY leaf paintings. Photo

Paintings from dry leaves and flowers

Picture of dried flowers. Canvas

Dried flower painting

DIY paintings from dried leaves and flowers

DIY paintings from dry autumn leaves

Simple Autumn Decoration: Dry Leaves Painting

In order to make such a picture from dried autumn leaves, you will need a color printer.

While walking in the park, collect your favorite autumn leaves. Dry them between the pages of books, then make a copy on a color printer.

Glue copies of dry leaves to the canvas and hang the finished paintings on the wall.

DIY leaf paintings

DIY leaf painting.

You will need:

  • frame;
  • double glass;
  • leaf of your favorite plant;

How to make a painting from leaves with your own hands

Fold the thin leaves at a 45º angle and weave them together as you see in the picture below. Everything is very simple. You can also figure out on your own how to arrange or weave the sheet in your future painting. It all depends on your personal taste.

And, voila, you have a unique, original, and most importantly, hand-made painting of leaves. All that remains is to find a place to hang it.

As you can see, paintings from leaves and flowers are not so difficult to make with your own hands. Even a child can cope with this task.

It’s very sad to watch how autumn comes after a sunny summer: the leaves on the trees turn yellow, it almost always rains, it becomes cold outside, you have to take warm things out of the closets.

Despite this, autumn can also become beautiful and full of colors during the onset of sunny days. Cheerful children run through city parks, play, and collect colorful bouquets from fallen leaves.

At home I start collecting various crafts for school and kindergarten, and sometimes just for myself. There are a huge number of exciting ideas, and our article will be about them.

Leaf crafts for kindergarten

The child loves to take part in creating various crafts. Show him what can be made from the colorful leaves that filled all the streets of your yard, and he will be incredibly happy to take part in it.

Creating crafts is not only fun; thanks to such activities, children can get wonderful, exciting lessons in getting to know the world around them, develop thinking and creativity. The presented options for working in kindergarten will help you with this.

What is needed for crafts from autumn leaves:

  • The leaves themselves, of different colors, sizes and types;
  • Stationery (Glue, pencil, scissors, paper, white and colored cardboard);
  • Threads;
  • Wish.

Possible options for crafts made from leaves

Applique of autumn leaves

It is considered the simplest type of crafts made from leaves. You and your child can easily make an applique in the form of animals or birds.

You can create a lot with dry leaves, PVA glue and paper. To make your work more vibrant, use leaves of different colors.

Crafts from leaves and cardboard

Making a craft from cardboard and leaves is not difficult. You just need to cut out the base from cardboard and glue dry leaves to it.


One of the most exciting and common types of crafts for children is an amateur herbarium. You can collect many types of natural material, which will help your child to study with interest the variety of plants growing in your area. Include as many plant species as possible to create a beautiful herbarium.

Garland of autumn leaves

Dry the leaves, then dip each of them in yellow paint to give the leaves a brighter color. Then we hang the leaves to dry in the form of an elegant garland.

You need to take maple leaves of different sizes and colors, then cover them with transparent varnish. After the leaves have dried well, you need to hang them on strings, decorate them with beads or beads and hang them. The resulting pendant will be an excellent decoration both outdoors and indoors.

Bouquet of flowers from autumn leaves

Flowers created from maple leaves look very impressive.

Vase of leaves

You can use any leaves you like. For one vase you can use several types of leaves, different in color and shape, or you can make them from the same ones.

Instructions on how to make crafts from leaves Applique First, you should prepare all the necessary materials and cover the table with oilcloth.

To create an overlay applique, you should draw the picture itself on cardboard, then put leaves on the drawing, there is no need to cut the leaves, they are used entirely. Anything that is not enough can be painted on with paints or made from other materials.

Silhouette applique is created from cut leaves. The leaves are cut to realize the intended design with their help.

The most difficult way is to create a modular application. It is made from leaves of the same size. Fish scales or bird feathers are made in this way.

To obtain a symmetrical application, it is necessary to select paired leaves that are identical in all respects.


Tape - with its help, many details are created in one drawing.


It is better to collect leaves for the herbarium in dry weather, since wet leaves require additional processing. Each part of the herbarium must be straightened with a cold iron; before this, all creases in the sheet must be carefully removed.

If there is constant dampness outside and there is no time to wait for dry weather, then they should be given the opportunity to dry on their own. After the leaves have dried, they are ironed with a warm iron, placing them between two sheets of paper. There is no need to press the leaves with an iron, just press a little so as not to flatten them.

The prepared elements are placed on a sheet of paper, which will serve as a background and at the same time a frame. Fix the leaves with threads or glue.

Bouquet of flowers/rose

In order to get neat and beautiful flowers, the leaves must be even and clean. Place the piece of paper directly in front of you and fold it in half. Then you need to twist half the leaf into a tube, but do not twist it very tightly, the flower should be voluminous.

The result is the core of the flower; we make the petals from the remaining leaves. The core is placed in the second maple leaf. Take turns folding the edges of the sheet to form petals. The sheet can be secured with thread so that it does not fall apart later.


To make the flower voluminous, you should twist at least six or seven maple leaves in this way, each of which is secured with a thread. To create a bouquet you need several of these flowers.


To make this craft you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Leaves of different colors;
  • An ordinary balloon.

You need to inflate the balloon to the desired size of the vase. Take glue diluted half and half with water. Lubricate one half of the ball with adhesive solution.

Each sheet must be properly glued and lubricated with another layer of solution on top so that the upper layers of the sheets adhere just as well. When you have glued the top layer, it should also be lubricated with glue.

After this, remove the ball for several days until it hardens completely. When our fake is completely dry, you will need to burst the balloon. A vase of leaves is suitable for use. Making such work is not difficult, but it is very interesting, so it is good to do it with children.

Photos of crafts made from leaves


Good afternoon - today we continue the theme of autumn crafts made from natural materials. And today we will make A LOT OF APPLICATIONS from dry leaves, herbs and flowers. We have already done this with you. And in this article I I will show you different floral examples of flower paintings... so that you will be INSPIRED and eager to make the same works of floral art. And I will also tell you HOW TO DRY FLOWERS CORRECTLY, herbs and leaves (three drying methods).

So let's get started.



This method is the simplest. Here you need to dry the flowers without a press and collect such voluminous flowers into bouquets or compositions and place them under a frame with glass. The frame must be of suitable thickness so that the glass does not pinch or break the dry bouquet of flowers and herbs.

Here in the photo below is an excellent example of an autumn picture with yellow leaves, dry white flowers, and green velvet stems.

For such pictures flowers are dried WITHOUT PRESS... hung in a dry room with their heads down... or put the buds in boxes with semolina(and dry in the sun without closing the box). The cereal absorbs excess moisture and allows the buds to dry without crushing their petals. Bulk dried flowers can be used not only for paintings, but and other crafts made from natural materials.

In such autumn compositions you can add pieces of moss, bark, plant seeds, dry fruits, poplar fluff and dry tea, pebbles, chopped twigs, thin branches and other natural material.

Or you can do it yourself small neat flower arrangements for decorating a room in a pastel style, or for wedding decor.

OPTIONS FOR PICTURES made from pressed flowers.

At school and in clubs We've all dabbled in appliques made from floral and foliage materials. Here are some samples in the photo below. such crafts from dry leaves and flowers. We were taught how to artistically arrange flowers and leaves to create a beautiful composition - with balanced proportions and respect rules of harmony of form and color.

Here are simple flower arrangements for small paintings suitable for school use. Just teach children to artistically lay out elements of natural material - so that there is symmetry and a general line of the drawing.

As a background, you can use smooth cardboard or textured (embossed, corrugated) paper.

But I want to show you another version of flower appliques . These are PICTURES OF BOUQUETS IN VASES.

And vases Such flower paintings are also lined with petals of the same flowers, but of a different shade.

I’ll say right away that these are not my works... (no need to praise me) I found them on a foreign language site (you can praise me for this, I spent 3 days digging through the entire foreign Internet on the topic of flower appliqués... I was already desperate to find something worthwhile, but I wasn’t lazy and on the fourth day I climbed... and in the third hour of searching I found it!!!).

As I understand from a quick translation of the article... all this beauty belongs to more than one creator - These are works by different authors of the same creative team. And it’s very GREAT that there are people who get together not to crack seeds and drink beer, but to make such wonderful paintings with their own hands from ordinary dried flowers.

What does the process of creating such a picture from dried flowers look like?

First we draw outline of a vase on paper...cut it out...glue it with dried flower petals...with scissors trim the edges petals that extend beyond the contours of the paper silhouette of the vase.

Glue this vase applique onto a sheet of cardboard and start on it arranging flowers. Place flowers on paper using PVA glue...

That is, they themselves are dry flower buds are placed last– first we create over the vase a halo of herbs and all sorts of plant panicles and frills.

Moreover, you don’t need to put it all on glue right away. FIRST YOU NEED TO TRY ON THE FUTURE COMPOSITION....that is, lay it out without glue... changing the position of the flowers this way and that, until your bouquet arrangement becomes the most successful... AND THEN remember everything (or take a photo on your phone)... remove all the flowers... and start gluing branch by branch, checking with photo memory.

You choose the background color yourself... try matching different colors of cardboard to the same composition to find out against which background your bouquet will shine most brightly. Rich colors look EQUALLY GOOD on bright colored cardboard... and on a light gray background.

Beautiful applications are obtained from orchids and lilies.

And the pale flowers will be asked for applications background of calm pastel shades.

Looks very nice on appliqués dry poppies.

How to dry flowers to preserve their vibrant color.

(4 drying methods)

And of course, this article will not be complete if I do not tell you how to properly dry floral material for such paintings.

Method one - between the pages of books .

Of course, we all think that we are very familiar with this method. But in fact in most cases after drying in a book, our plants look very ugly - everything that was colored becomes brown and dead and decayed. But I want colorful brightness and dry freshness.

ERROR 1. Gloss. If we foolishly decide to put flowers in a glossy magazine, then in the end the delicate petals tightly stick to the gloss. Therefore, we either put flowers between the pages of plain uncoated paper, or we put paper napkin or tissue paper on both sides(tracing paper... wrapping paper from department stores).

ERROR 2. Humidity . In book drying of flowers, one thing is important - to prevent the flowers from starting to ROTT... it is at this moment of debate that the petals begin to rot and turn black due to accumulated moisture. Therefore, we dry it correctly - namely... put them in a book FOR ONE DAY... and then we change the book ... that is transfer them to a new dry book(since the first book has already absorbed moisture from the plants and is no longer able to create the necessary dry mode for quick and comfortable drying of flowers). And in this second book the flowers remain until they dry completely. And it is also important that between each layer of plants there were at least 20 pages of the book.

The second method is using an iron.

An iron is also a fairly quick way to dry flowers. It is important to follow the rule here so that the flower did not burn or cook under the heat of the iron. Therefore, we place the flower on a thick layer of paper - cover it with a paper napkin (to absorb moisture) and cover it with paper on top too (the layer should be thick enough not to allow excess heat from the iron to pass through... or if there is not enough paper, then we do not set the iron at full power).

Heat the iron and apply it to the plant several times. Between the butts - change the dampened napkin for a new dry one... And it is important not to turn on the STEAM MODE on the iron To prevent the flowers from boiling, it is important to heat them and then cool them... then heat them again and cool them. That is, you need to tinker a lot... but you will have beautiful colored buds (bright and vibrant).

And also... IMPORTANT NOTE... take care of yourself - Do not use newspaper when working with the iron. The fumes from hot printing ink contain toxic lead fumes (it’s not for nothing that after three years of work, newsstand workers end up in hospitals with very serious diagnoses... although official medical statistics do not yet take this into account and newsstand workers are not classified as hazardous professions... but that’s because they there is no trade union and there is no one to defend their rights. If you work with newspapers, do a blood test for biochemistry and see which heavy metals are higher in your analysis).

The third method is in the microwave.

Everything is simple here - we make the same press from paper sheets - between them the plant is also layered with a paper napkin (to absorb moisture)... You can probably try to press it all down with a bowl of water to make the pressing heavier... And turn on the microwave....

As a result, our dried flowers are bright and juicy and look beautiful in any picture of herbs, flowers and leaves.

The quarter method is in a homemade oven.

There are special ovens for drying flowers - you can look for them on sale. Or you can make a prototype of them yourself.

We place the flower between two layers of napkin - and place this paper and flower “sandwich” between two ceramic tiles. Now you can put this press down on a gas burner (or in a microwave, or in an oven) and heat... then cool, change dampened napkins... and heat again. Ceramics will allow the plant to breathe and absorb excess vapor.


In addition to bouquet arrangements in floral applique vases, you can make other paintings from floral material.

For example it could be flower baskets...

It could be bouquets in oriental design... Japanese ekibans and other compositions.

You can combine applications from flowers with WATERCOLORS... or with KNITTED LACE.

You can add interesting flowers to a picture origami paper inserts... or inclusions using the decoupage technique.

Can be done PRINTED and WRITTEN TEXT background for such applications of summer flowers.

From dried flowers, herbs and leaves, you can make not only still lifes with vases... but also whole LANDSCAPE PICTURES... with trees made of branches and leaves... grass and flowers. For the background you can use watercolor to paint the background of the earth, water and sky.

You can draw on paper details of gallant ladies and gentlemen(faces, hats, corsets, skirts)... paste them with colored petals and put these colorful puzzles on the picture... decorate everything with floral motifs from flowers (pictured below).

You can use the same technique of “paper contours covered with leaves” to make beautiful autumn paintings depicting birds and animals. In addition to leaves and petals, can be used for applications straws or corn cake. These ideas for autumn applications can be used to make children's crafts for the garden and school. I will publish a more complete collection of ideas for autumn crafts for children in the article “AUTUMN crafts for the GARDEN and school.

You can decorate greeting cards with the same flowers... After gluing the flowers to the surface of the card, you can coat the top with hairspray (or apply stationery acrylic varnish with a soft brush). This will make the flowers stronger and shinier.

Or bookmarks. After sticking flowers on such bookmarks, they can be attributed for lamination - to have the laminating machine seal these flower bookmarks between two layers of plastic.

These are the ideas for paintings made from dried flowers and natural plant material that I have selected for you today.

But that's not all.

While I was working on this article, more material accumulated on the theme PICTURES FROM PETALS of fresh flowers. There will be many more great ideas for DIY appliqués made from natural materials.

Oshibana or osibana is a type of floristry, the art of creating pictures from press-dried natural materials: flower petals, green and yellow leaves, stems and grass seeds.

The material for creating a picture must be prepared, i.e. collected and dried. Flowers, leaves, grass, seeds, and fluff are collected and dried under a press or in a herbarium folder so that they become flat. Leaves and flowers often change color. To obtain the desired shade, heat treatment or other methods of preserving natural beauty are sometimes used. It is important to know which plant is best to collect at what time of year. In addition, you need to collect plants in clear weather so that the plants are not wet.

How to dry plants?

1. In paper under pressure

You can dry flowers and leaves in a thick book, between pieces of tracing paper. If you need a voluminous flower - in a box with sand (daisies can be dried this way by carefully pouring sand over the flower), the dandelion is dried in the opening stage, head down, as soon as the white fluffy head opens, sprinkle with hairspray.

If you do not want to preserve the natural color of the plants, you can dry them with an iron, placing them between two sheets of paper. Just make sure the iron is not too hot, otherwise the leaves will become very brittle. It is better to iron them with a barely warm iron 3-4 times at intervals of several hours so as not to dry them out.

3. Microwave

The herbarium can be dried in the microwave, but the leaves do not always remain even and smooth, so it will be difficult to glue them.

4. In glycerin

Plants dried in glycerin will retain their shape well, but will acquire a greenish-brown tint; however, they can be painted for a decorative panel.

Dilute glycerin (sold in pharmacies) in hot water in a ratio of 1:3. Pour the resulting solution into a container at least 6-10 cm deep, lower the plants vertically, leave for several days until they darken, then dry.

Little tricks for drying herbarium:

1. When properly dried, the top of the whole plant with stem and leaves should not bend down.

2. To make the leaves denser, dip them in a solution of 20% PVA glue and water.

3. Flower buds can be dried in sand poured into a cardboard box. Of the flowers, dried red dahlias or delphinium retain their color better than others.

4. To ensure that dove-blue or bluish leaves retain their hue when dried, dip them in denatured alcohol for 1 minute.

Store plant material in sealed containers, protecting from direct sunlight, moisture and moths. Finished oshibana paintings can also fade and change color over time, so it is advisable to place them in a frame under glass and not keep them in the sun.

Artists attach (glue) dried plant material to a base (cardboard, fabric, wood), and the author creates a work of art using plants. That is, oshibana is painting with flowers and plants.

The art of oshibana originated in Japan approximately six hundred years ago. In Europe, this type of decorative and applied art was widespread during the Victorian era. In recent decades, oshibana has experienced a rebirth.

Floral artists perform in the technique wrong not only ornaments, landscapes, still lifes, but also portraits and subject paintings.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the oshibana technique allows you to create simply stunning paintings. We invite you to admire them with us.

Oshibana is an ancient art of Japan. The available master classes allow you to quickly master this technique, and you will be able to create beautiful paintings from flowers.

What is an error?

This word came to us from Japan, where this art form first originated more than six hundred years ago. Oshibana is called flat floristry. Pressed natural materials are used as the main material. It can be:
  • dried flowers;
  • dried leaves;
  • grass;
  • tree branches;
  • seeds;
  • fruit;
  • Poplar fluff;
  • sometimes - dried fruits and vegetables.
This natural material is dried by placing a weight on top. First, paper is placed on a sheet of plywood, and straightened plants are placed on it. Then, paper is placed on top again, and plywood is placed on it. On which you need to put a weight and dry the herbarium for a week.

Replace the paper with fresh paper daily to allow the plants to dry out. And remove the damp ones.

When the natural material is dry, iron it through a double layer of gauze. The prepared materials are glued to thick fabric or paper.

A distinctive feature of oshibana is that plant materials practically retain their original color and do not fade. This is achieved by pumping out the air between the work and the glass covering it. In such a vacuum, the material is better preserved. Now you can also buy various devices in the form of mini-pumps from us to apply this technique and make your work durable.

You can first come up with a topic for your work, select material for it, or create a composition from what you already have. Once you have prepared everything you need, you can begin.

Oshibana - master class on painting with flowers

To create such a picturesque picture, you will need:
  • dried pansy flowers;
  • dried leaves;
  • PVA glue;
  • tassels;
  • tweezers;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • White paper.
If you have white cardboard, leave it as is; if it is gray, then you need to glue a sheet of white paper on top. Draw on it the features of the future landscape using a simple pencil.

Very carefully, using tweezers and a thin brush, you will transfer the pansies coated with glue to the prepared place. Blot excess glue with a napkin.

In this case, flowers occupy the corner part of the space. Glue the larger ones closer to the corner, followed by smaller flowers. Decorate them with thin leaves or under dried grass.

In another part of the composition there is a butterfly. Make her wings from reddish aspen leaves, and draw her body with black gouache. Using the same composition, make the edging for the wings.

Once the glue has dried, you can frame the picture. If you want, you can first coat it with varnish.

Using the oshibana technique you can create not only paintings, but also decorations. See how the following is formed.

How to make a flower decoration with your own hands - technique

Here's what you'll use for this:
  • epoxy resin;
  • dried plant;
  • accessories.
Follow these steps:
  1. You can use a stencil or take a medallion blank into which you will pour resin. First, prepare this substance as written in the instructions for this material.
  2. If you are using a stencil, then place it on a flat, clean surface, covering it with a file on top. Then you can pour epoxy resin here in small portions and distribute it with a toothpick. Now it is very important to prevent dust and dirt from getting on the wet surface. To do this, cover it with a lid on top.
  3. When the resin dries a little, put the prepared dried flower in it and fill it with resin on top. Then this semi-finished product must also be covered with a lid to prevent dust from entering.
  4. When the medallion is dry but still pliable, make a hole at the top with an awl to insert the fittings here. Attach a chain to it to wear this beauty around your neck.

If you decide to get serious about creating jewelry from flowers and resin, then you can buy special molds, which will make the work easier.

But let's return to the classic mistake. Watch master classes that will help beginners master the interesting art of Japanese masters.

Paintings from oshibana flowers: easy master classes for beginners

It is not necessary to use only flowers and leaves to create canvases. These decorative elements can be used to decorate, for example, photographs of a loved one and give him such an original portrait.

To carry out the work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • photograph of a person;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • dried flowers and leaves;
  • tinsel;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • frame.
Making master class:
  1. If you want to dress the heroine of the portrait at your own discretion, for example, so that the dress is antique, then you will need to cut it out of paper of the desired color. But first draw its outlines.
  2. Glue the portrait to the top of the picture, and the dress below. Arrange dried small flowers in a bouquet, glue its elements so that the heroine of the composition holds this beauty.
  3. Oshibana allows you to create outfit details, for example, this hat. It consists of one large leaf, small flowers and stems. You can decorate your headdress with a piece of fur or feathers.
  4. You can also create a beautiful skirt from flowers. You can take tulips for this. Make a tinsel trim. Glue various flower or paper decorations onto the panel.

Another beauty created using the oshibana technique can be achieved by using flowers.

  1. To do this job, you will need to first dry iris petals, pansies, and various other small flowers. Draw the outlines of the future beauty on cardboard with a simple pencil.
  2. Taking the iris leaves, glue them to the appropriate place. You can also cut out the back for the top of the dress from iris. The sleeves are created from lighter petals, you can even use roses.
  3. Make a head decoration from pansies. Place smaller flowers in the girl's hands to make a bouquet. You can use the same composition idea as in the photograph. Where the girl seems to be looking in the mirror, so she is illuminated from two angles.

You can also create a magical fairy using the oshibana technique. She is almost entirely made of flowers, even her butterfly. Draw the facial features with a colored pencil, and also use a brown pencil to draw the body of the insect.

With your children, collect various leaves in the fall so that in winter you can make beautiful compositions from them. From large ones you will make picturesque hills, and small ones will turn into leaves of various trees. In the foreground you can glue small flowers, which will become a picturesque clearing.

If you have many flowers, then dry them in the shade on a flat surface as described at the beginning of the article. See how they should turn out.

As you can see, this plant material should retain its colors. Now you can make, for example, a vase of flowers. This craft is perfect for beginners.

Create the vase itself from colored paper. Glue the flowers on top so that they form a bouquet and the cardboard is almost not visible through them.

The art of oshibana is the use of other materials. For example, you can take birch bark, remove the top layer from it and apply it. Look how beautiful the roofs of the houses will be.

If you want to make winter compositions, then the roof will look snow-covered if you use birch bark. But you can also create an autumn landscape from these materials. In this case, large leaves will become the outlines of bushes, and small ones will show off on the trees.

Painting made from natural materials

At first glance, it is difficult to guess what this picture was created from. Look at exactly what natural materials were used to create the work using the oshibana technique. Find out what paints for work can be obtained from certain plants:
  1. White - from the leaves of thin corn cobs.
  2. Gray - from silver poplar leaves.
  3. Light gray - from cineraria.
  4. Dark gray - from sedge leaves that lay on the ground and darkened.
  5. Yellow - from the leaves of young willow or autumn leaves of various trees.
  6. Red - from hazel leaves.
  7. Red - from the autumn leaves of maple, viburnum or other trees and shrubs.
  8. Brown - from oak leaves.
  9. Green - from dried currant leaves.
  10. Blue are delphinium petals.
  11. Sea water can be created in a painting if you use the leaves of a young silver willow, and river water can be created from poplar leaves.

To obtain a dark brown color, scrape the pulp from the banana skin and dry the remaining skin completely.

But what auxiliary materials and equipment will be needed to create a picturesque composition of leaves. This:
  • PVA glue, but not stationery glue, but for working with wood;
  • cardboard;
  • tweezers;
  • scalpel;
  • brush;
  • scissors.

Using a thin pencil, outline the outline of the future painting on the cardboard. Draw a horizon line, indicate where the house, mountain, tree will be located.

Now start filling in the background and the largest objects with plant material first. Take the leaves with tweezers, coat one side with glue and apply to the desired place.

Once you have completed this part of the work, move on to smaller elements. Also glue them to the designated place. If you need to create the smallest details, such as highlights, shadows, then cut the leaves of the desired color with scissors and glue them.

See if everything is okay? Perhaps more plant material needs to be added somewhere. Do it.

When the painting from natural materials is completely created, put it under a press overnight. When it's dry, it's time to frame it in a glass frame. It will prevent dust from settling on the work and will make the material more durable.

Floral painting - technique

Trees and shrubs will bloom in spring. Don't miss this time. Hurry up to collect fallen flowers to use them in paintings.

Look how wonderful the cherry blossoms look. It will be enough just to dry them and you can create such a floral composition using the oshibana technique. First, take cardboard of a darker color, for example, blue. Then the white petals will be clearly visible against this background.

You will make buds that have not yet opened from petals, which need to be cut to the shape of a given part of the plant, or take real buds.

If you have an apricot or apple tree that blooms pink flowers, then use this natural material. The result is a delicate picture that will decorate any room. You can make a bird out of feathers and glue it to a branch.

You can take pelargonium flowers, which retain their original color for a long time. But dry them as quickly as possible to avoid losing their vibrant color.

Mistake involves the use of a variety of natural materials. See what interesting work you can create if you use them.

DIY painting “Mill” made from natural materials

To get this composition, you need to take:
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • medical syringe without a needle;
  • sharp knives, like a scalpel;
  • gouache;
  • watermelon seeds;
  • pieces of apple and cherry bark;
  • bamboo sticks for frame;
  • small pebbles, sea sand, crushed stone;
  • thin tree branches;
  • fine vegetable mesh.
First you need to print out the outline of the mill on a piece of paper.

Mix blue gouache and glue in a ratio of 1:10 and apply this solution with a sponge to the base. Use burlap as a base, gluing it to cardboard.

Glue moss onto the walls of the mill using PVA.

Make the mill blades from thin viburnum branches. To do this, draw glue into a medical syringe without a needle, squeeze this substance onto the place indicated on the canvas and attach the branches.

Cut the watermelon seeds in half crosswise to reveal their white interior. These “bricks” will help create the front wall of the mill. Make this masonry by arranging the natural material in a checkerboard pattern.

And you will create a side wall from seeds, the untouched part of which must be placed towards the audience. In this case, the cut rib will be on the canvas.

Make a window frame from thin branches.

Attach flat pebbles to the corners of the walls using glue.

Cut the bark of a cherry or apple tree into strips and glue them onto the roof, starting from the bottom. Moreover, the upper elements of the tiles should cover the lower ones by about half a centimeter.

Generously coat the bottom of the work with glue and add sea sand or small pebbles there.

Transform the vegetable net into a fishing net, as if it had been hung to dry in the sun.

Draw clouds with white gouache or glue poplar fluff.

The dried work can be framed using bamboo stems or other natural materials.

That's what it is - an error that allows you to make amazing paintings from flowers and other natural materials. It is interesting to watch the creation of such works

We invite you to see how a painting is created using the oshibana technique.

Samples of work and useful tips await you in the second story.