Drawing on the theme of a winter fairy tale for children. Drawing on the topic: Winter in kindergarten

Vytynanka for the New Year 2017: roosters, templates

Decorating almost every home for the New Year holidays follows a similar pattern: a Christmas tree is put up, garlands, decorative items and toys are hung, and windows are decorated. After all, it’s much nicer to see not a gray city outside the window, but a real winter fairy tale on the glass. You can do it in several ways, but we will tell you.
The word “vytynanki” may seem strange and not very euphonious to many, but it appeared quite a long time ago, as did the tradition of decorating windows for the holidays. Vytynankas are ordinary paper pictures glued to glass. They are usually made from ordinary paper, so this is a very affordable way to decorate any room for the holiday. Although it seems that there is nothing simpler than gluing paper to a window, this matter also has its own subtleties and secrets that allow you to achieve the best result.

What is needed to create protrusions?

To make vytynanki, first of all, you need paper. You can take sheets that are used for working with a printer, and landscape sheets. For large pictures they even use cardboard, just not too thick. Traditional vytynanki, of course, white. But who said you can't experiment? For pictures on glass, you can use multi-colored double-sided paper, designer paper, and even gift wrapping paper. IN Lately Prints made of gold and silver paper are popular - such pictures look truly festive.
When the necessary paper has been found, it’s time to start developing the concept. Do you need to figure out what will be on the glass? This can be one image, or a whole paper picture made up of different protrusions. If you have the talent of an artist, then it won’t be difficult to draw paper figures yourself, but most often people already find ready-made templates, which you just need to print and trace with a pencil. To make it easier, you can use a ruler, protractor or square when tracing.
If paper pictures have a lot of detail, you will have to spend a lot of time cutting out, and this needs to be taken into account. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself and good tools. This can be either a stationery knife or sharp scissors. And if there are very small parts, then you will also need nail scissors. You also need to find a flat surface on which to cut out the protrusions. After all, if you use a stationery knife, deep scratches will remain.
Experienced window decorators advise printing several protrusions at once, so that there is a possibility of making mistakes, because when cutting out anything can happen. And for convenience, you can immediately paint over the places that need to be trimmed with a simple pencil.
When the protrusions are cut out, all that remains is to place them on the windows. And the best glue for paper pictures is soap solution. To prepare it, you only need a bowl of water and a few drops of liquid soap. Using a dishwashing sponge, you can apply the solution to the glass, apply the tip and go over the top with a dry, clean cloth to remove excess liquid.

Options for New Year's vytynankas

You can glue almost any picture to the window. But, of course, it is worth considering the theme of the holiday. Often images of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden or a snowman are chosen for vytynankas. You can also simply stick snowflakes, Christmas trees or stars on the window. Is it possible to create the whole city- with houses, a month, fir trees in the forest and animals.
Some people choose images of angels, fairy-tale heroes or Santa Claus. But if there are children in the house, then it is better to let them develop a festive design for the window.
People who believe in astrology believe that the most suitable signs for the New Year 2017 are Roosters. Templates with images of birds are easy to find on the Internet. You can make not only white, but also red, orange, and even a multi-colored Rooster with a bright tail. It is believed that a vytynanka in the form of a symbol of the coming year will bring good luck to the house.
And one more piece of advice - it’s great when creating vytynankas is an activity that unites the whole family for several hours. Children can trace and cut out simple pictures and stick them on the window. Then the holiday atmosphere will definitely settle in the house. And if you want the vytynanki to lift the spirits of passers-by, you can hang a garland around the perimeter of the window and turn it on in the evening. protrusions and you will be convinced that magic can be created literally from “nothing”.

Vytynanki: what is it and what are they eaten with?

Despite the rather exotic name, it is just a type of needlework. Its essence lies in the fact that various patterns are cut out of paper, and then they decorate a house (apartment, office). Most often, protrusions are glued to windows. Some craftswomen manage to use blanks from vytynanka to create souvenirs (including themed ones) New Year cards) for your family and friends.

The production of vytynankas was carried out by the Slavic ancestors. However, they are not the authors of this unusual type of creativity. Paper patterns first appeared in China. This is quite easy to explain. After all, it was here that paper itself appeared around the sixth century. Since then, craftswomen began to actively use all sorts of unusual patterns to decorate their home and protect it from evil spirits.

Modern handmade masters actively use vytynankas as a New Year's accessory for decorating windows. To cut out patterns, use regular scissors. “Advanced” masters use a special knife. Either one figure can settle on the window, or a whole mini-story will unfold. Cutting out patterns is a very painstaking and difficult task. Only the person who knows what perseverance is and knows how to use it can cope with it.

What figures can most often be found on windows?

No one New Year Can't do without Father Frost and granddaughter Snegurochka. Vytynanki support this trend. The figures of these fairy tale characters They are most often found on the windows of snow-covered houses.

In addition, you can find other figures:

Christmas balls;
symbol of the coming year (in 2017 it is the Rooster);

The list of figures is endlessly growing. It all depends on the imagination of the master. The whole family can be involved in the production. This exciting activity will unite children and adults, plus, it will brighten up cold winter evenings. It is especially useful to involve younger children in the making of vytynankas. school age. This type of creativity contributes to the formation fine motor skills hands and development creative potential at the baby's.

Technology for creating protrusions

The first stage of work is searching for a high-quality drawing, saving it on a PC and printing it. Then they begin cutting out the shapes. At first, there may be a problem with incorrectly determining which areas need to be cut out and which ones to leave. In this case, it is recommended to paint over the unnecessary parts with a pencil. This will make it much easier to navigate the drawing.

Large printed pictures-templates of New Year's 2017 decorations for windows are cut out with scissors or a knife. Having given preference to scissors, it is best to take manicure scissors. With their help, the finished figure will turn out more even with clearly defined corners.

In order to cut out patterns with a stationery knife, you need to get a small wooden board or plywood. The plywood is placed under the sheet with the pattern and they begin to get rid of the excess. This method is more suitable for complex drawings. Ordinary scissors can easily handle simple ones.
Having gained experience in making simple protrusions, you can begin to create volumetric figures. To do this, you will need to cut out two identical parts and carefully glue them into one.

Where to look for templates?

On the Internet you can find a huge number of templates for New Year's decorations 2017 for windows. Having basic drawing skills, it’s easy to make a couple of templates yourself, using all your imagination, so that you end up with unusual and bright figures.

When choosing a picture from the Internet, you should follow some rules:

1. Once again, it should be recalled that at first the master should give preference to more simple pictures with a minimum number of parts.
2. Multiple circuits should not be combined into one.
3. The drawing should be as clear as possible.

Once the design has been selected and printed, it’s time to start cutting.

Master class on making Christmas tree sticks

Printed templates for New Year's decorations can appear not only on windows. In addition to mirrors, vytynankas can also live on the New Year tree. Such toys are budget-friendly, yet very unusual way how to decorate yours New Year's beauty once or twice.

First you need to select suitable figure. For example, it could be a figurine of an angel or a deer. Then a circle or oval is cut out of thick cardboard. Print out a figurine of an angel or deer, cut it out and glue it onto cardboard. In order for the toy to be hung on the Christmas tree, a small hole is made in the cardboard and a bright cord is pulled through it.

It is advisable to use colored cardboard. Ideal color - gold and silver colors. To make the toys look even brighter, you can stick several beads on them or decorate them with felt. It would be useful to use glitter if there is no gold or silver cardboard nearby. With them it will become truly bright and New Year's.

Vytynankas for interior decoration

Printed templates of New Year's decorations on windows are a common thing. But this is far from the only place where these bright figures can be placed. Great option, how you can decorate your house on the eve of the New Year - hang a few on the walls thematic paintings, made using the vytynanka technique. The work will be carried out by analogy with the creation New Year's toys for spruce. The only difference is that there is no need to make a hole for the rope in the figure.

The finished vytynanka is placed in a frame and hung on the wall. Concerning color range– it can be absolutely anyone. If the color of such an accessory still matters to the housewife, you can choose one of the shades - symbols of the coming New Year, for example, scarlet.

Hanging modules

A hanging module made of paper figures is a godsend for young mothers who no longer know what to do with their curious children. In addition to the fact that such a design will occupy the kids for a while, it will also decorate the room in a very original way. For a nursery, it is better to select figurines of cartoon characters that a boy or girl loves most.

How to glue the vytynanka to the window?

The technology for gluing printed New Year's templates to windows is incredibly simple. It is best to use a solution of laundry soap. First you need to moisten the brush in water. Then run it over the soap. And then walk through the figure. Final stage– gluing the protrusion to the glass. In the same way, you can fix the figure on a mirror in the hallway or bathroom. After the holidays, glass and mirrors are very easy to clean, use a special cleaning product.

If you want to glue patterns to furniture, you should use double-sided tape. To remove the figures after the holidays, just tear off the adhesive tape and walk over the furniture with a soft cloth to remove marks.

Surely, the most favorite holiday for many is not Birthday, but New Year. After all, you see, it’s much more fun to celebrate a general celebration than to have fun at a personal celebration of life. Almost all people celebrate the New Year, both in our country and around the world.

Traditionally, on the eve of the winter New Year holidays, houses and apartments are decorated with garlands (both home-made and purchased LED ones), they put up a beautiful green Christmas tree and decorate it from the trunk to the very top with a wide variety of toys.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate windows with figures cut out of paper. Moreover, the more delicate the figure is, the more beautiful it looks on the window. New Year's stencils for the window for cutting literally fill the expanses of the vast Internet, starting from the beginning of December. And on our website you will find the best templates to create the most interesting compositions. You look at such beauty, and your soul will feel joyful, you will be in a New Year’s mood and will want to come home soon and decorate your window using an amazing technique - vytynanka.

New Year's vytynanki

(stencil, template) is an artistic figured cutting from paper using a special knife or, at worst, scissors. You could say that this is special kind creativity, which is associated with paper and cutting from it.

Often, such protruding stencils decorate the windows of houses, schools, and kindergartens. And, increasing the size a little desired figure, you can wonderfully decorate the stage in the assembly hall of any children's educational institution.

However, not only schools and kindergartens resort to New Year's templates - cafes, supermarkets, small shops and bakeries also decorate their premises with protruding patterns of the most different forms and sizes.

As New Year's decorations for both homes and various establishments, stencils delicately cut out of thick paper stand out among the already rather boring garlands, tinsel and rain.

How to decorate a window with your own efforts

To cut out future decorations for windows, you need to know some rules that apply both directly to cutting out protrusions and to creating real ones. New Year's compositions to the delight of passers-by.

Tools and materials required for cutting templates

Of course, in order to carefully and beautifully cut out the intended figure, taking into account all, even the smallest details, you cannot do without some available tools. For cutting out templates You will need:

  • A4 paper;
  • a special cutting board or mat (for the first time, you can get by with a regular cutting board);
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • a special knife for paper (a stationery knife may also work);
  • scissors (it is better to take thin manicure scissors).

Having collected everything you need, you can begin creative process cutting out New Year's figures.

Creating New Year's decorations for windows

Of course, the easiest way will be to print the stencil using a printer. If this is not possible, then you can easily attach Blank sheet paper to the computer screen and redraw the template, increasing or decreasing it to the desired size (this can be done by holding the Ctrl button and using the mouse wheel). Now place the drawing on the table and make the lines clearer.

Using scissors, you need to cut out the shape along the outside, and carefully trim all the internal recesses with a stationery knife, placing the protrusion on a board or a special mat so as not to cut the tabletop.

It is best to glue the finished template onto the window using a soap solution. Dilute the soap in a small amount of water and, carefully moistening the cut-out figure with the solution, apply the openwork stencil to the glass. If you don’t want to bother with the solution, use small pieces of transparent tape.

To create a truly spectacular composition, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • all bulky stencils, such as houses and houses, a snowman, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snow glades, etc., must be glued to the bottom of your window;
  • It would be good to attach a team of reindeer with a sleigh flying through the air in the central part on the right or left (depending on where the noses of the reindeer “look”, they should not fly directly into the window frame, it is better to leave space in front of them);
  • snowflakes, Christmas stars, angels, Christmas decorations and Christmas tree branches will look great at the very top of your composition.

For the first time

If you are learning the technique of cutting stencils for windows for the first time, take simple templates to start with. After some time, having gained experience, you will be able to try vytynankas that are several times more difficult, and, therefore, much more beautiful.

The most beautiful New Year's stencils for windows

We have tried to collect here a variety for every taste. They are all extremely curious. You can find here complex, but incredibly beautiful vytynanki, and for beginners there are simpler ones - with fewer small parts that need to be cut out.

All you need to do is print or trace the picture you like (or better yet, more than one!) and carefully cut out along the drawn lines.

With the help of protrusions you can create an amazing New Year's atmosphere, which will fill the hearts of not only your family, but also everyone passing by the decorated window, as soon as they take a fleeting glance.

Just a little patience, a little diligence and your own Christmas story ready!

The arrival of a new year always brings with it a huge amount of joy and feeling fairy tale. But the holiday is felt much more strongly if everything around has the same wonderful and unusual look. Decorating the streets for the New Year 2017 plays a big role in the mood of ordinary citizens. However, this is not always enough. Recently, the tendency to decorate your own windows with various snowflakes and entire fairy-tale compositions has come back into fashion, which makes every single home, and even every window, joyful, festive and makes passers-by smile.

Templates for New Year 2017 for cutting out on the window: pictures

One of the most simple ways decorate your own windows new year holidays- origami. Its color is not particularly important, however, white snowflakes look much more realistic than multi-colored ones.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself to simple snowflakes, the manufacturing technology of which is quite old and known to every schoolchild. A sheet of paper is folded in a certain way, small shaped pieces are cut out using a template using sharp scissors, then the sheet is unfolded and a beautiful symmetrical snowflake is obtained.

Modern templates for cutting out onto a window are a much broader concept than simple snowflakes. People interested in the holiday make entire fabulous decorations on their windows with just a couple of tools, paper and, of course, a little personal effort.

How to decorate windows for New Year 2017?

First, you need to decide on the general concept of the composition, which will be located on one window or on a separate sash. These can be interconnected decorations.

Or certain elements of the symbols of the New Year 2017, for example, a rooster, a bell, a Christmas tree, a star, a ball, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, etc.

Templates for New Year 2017

Why is the general concept needed? — So that the decorations look harmonious and beautiful. You can make templates for cutting out windows for the New Year 2017 yourself, find them on the Internet or buy them in a bookstore.

Let's consider the first option in more detail. You can choose a picture for a future template in any book, newspaper, or magazine. Having chosen a drawing, let it be a rooster, you need it in any way in an accessible way move to white paper. There are many tricks on how to do this: place a white sheet under the picture, trace the contours by pressing firmly on the pencil, then find the barely visible contours on the white sheet and trace. You can also take a scan of the image and then print it so as not to spoil the original. One of the most famous methods is to place a picture under a white sheet, attach it to a light window and trace the translucent contours of the image.

The resulting template is then subject to modification. The outer boundaries must be clear, without unnecessary protrusions and sharp points, otherwise it will be very difficult to make a high-quality stencil. The internal area is divided into parts, on which individual elements that complement the image are located evenly (or optionally in one place). For example, if this is the silhouette of a Christmas tree, you need to place several simple toy shapes around its area, for example, balls; if it is a rooster, feel free to draw a few feathers in place of the wing, also a couple of large feathers in the tail and large round eyes. These little things will subsequently add originality and richness to the work.

Is the drawing ready? - Now let's get to the hardest part - cutting. There are also several options here - the borders of the fairy-tale silhouette can be cut out with ordinary scissors, but internal elements(the smaller they are, the more interesting the work looks later) it’s not so easy to remove. Using scissors when working with small parts can only ruin everything by crumpling the paper. An ordinary stationery knife is used, the blade of which must be recently changed and sharp. We carefully draw a knife along the contour of the internal parts, and then, using our fingers and tweezers, we slowly remove them. The result is through-shaped holes, which, if positioned correctly, can give the fluffy rooster a beautiful tail, strong wings and a kind smile.

The next option for cutting out a window for the New Year 2017 is to search for the necessary templates on the Internet. Fortunately, there are a huge number of them in the public domain. The essence of the work does not change - we save the picture, print it out, cut it out, pay attention to the details and here it is - the finished decoration.

It’s even easier to work with purchased kits - you don’t need to print or draw anything. Templates for cutting out windows are sold ready-made, all that remains is to place them correctly. By the way, this is one of the simplest methods and is labor-intensive - cutting out the smallest details requires utmost attention, caution and a huge amount of time, but here everything is ready.

Whatever option is chosen, there remains one more important step - stick all the pictures on the windows, and not just stick them, but arrange them correctly. This is where a pre-thought-out concept comes into play - large, detailed characters are placed in the foreground, small and secondary characters are placed on the sides or on top. In order to make sure that your placement is correct, you can secure the decoration with a small piece of tape, go outside and see with your own eyes what happened, then, if necessary, make adjustments.

How to attach the work to the glass is also an individual matter. One of the best ways- soapy water, which is easy to make (mix a little soap into water) and very easy to wash off afterwards. But, this solution can only hold small parts; large figures should be secured with tape or a drop of glue. Do not forget that glue and tape residues are then very difficult to remove from the glass. The last and most original way- tape a few strings to the top of the window frame with tape, and then attach decorations to these strings. Fixed in this way, they will move away from the draft, creating the illusion of a real fairy-tale life.

Templates for New Year's decorations can be very different, however, do not forget that every person is pleased to see congratulations and happy wishes. Cutting out letters or whole words is much easier than cutting out a picture; it will be a wonderful addition to any decoration and will bring a little more joy to the New Year's mood.

Pictures for cutting out onto windows for the New Year 2017. You can download all these pictures and use them as a template.

Stencil - house

New Year 2019 is coming soon - a holiday of magic and gifts. How to beautifully decorate a house for the holidays is already a pressing question for many. A simple and elegant solution is window protrusions. These paper decorations will help create a New Year's, festive atmosphere in your home and add a touch of joy on the eve of the upcoming holiday.

Using ready-made templates, as well as stencils, it is easy to create fairy-tale themed characters.

Where are they used?

IN kindergarten You can keep your children busy creating a vytynanka on. For kids younger age you need to offer simpler templates, preferably without the use of scissors and other sharp objects. In any case, adult supervision is required (the presence of a teacher or parent nearby).

For older people, you can use stencils with patterns and small details. A stationery knife will come in handy here to cut the product clearly along the contour.

For the upcoming New Year of the Pig 2019, you can create figurines of piglets, pigs, hogs different sizes. It is believed that decorating windows with themed protrusions can bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity. Great amount stencils are offered on the Internet. Just download them to your desktop, transfer them to paper and cut them exactly along the contour. A very exciting activity.

Following tradition, most decorate windows with vytynankas on New Year and Christmas holidays. Beautiful figures They delight the eye not only of the owner of the house, but also of passers-by. Cute applications create a festive atmosphere, filling your home with comfort and warmth.

Professionals in the field of interior design and decoration suggest diversifying paper figures with decorative elements such as artificial snow and ribbon lanterns. The only condition is that everything should look festive and create the appropriate mood.

Snowflakes on the windows

Surely everyone has seen snowflakes on the windows on the eve - it looks cute. But it's not just limited to paper products. There is a separate independent direction in hand mad, when the main task is clear cutting the most complex elements for decorating windows and walls. This type of needlework is called vytynanka. Today, its use is limited not only to decorating windows for the holiday.

In fact, this craft has thousand-year history, going back to ancient Chinese culture room decorations.

Snowflakes, which decorate the windows of houses from year to year, are also protrusions. True professionals in this field create stunningly beautiful and intricately crafted paper masterpieces.

Openwork cutting can be used not only for holiday decoration. There are other options for using them. For example, make a stand for a glass on.

A painting using this technique will complement the room in an original way.

The most best works masters tend, as a rule, to preserve. A great option is to place it in a frame under glass and decorate the walls of the room. It is recommended to make the background contrasting and of the same tone. Thanks to this, the smallest detail of the composition will be visible. An openwork painting carefully placed under glass will last for a long time.

Volumetric postcard

Cards cut from paper (kirigami) - good idea for holiday greetings. Basically, paper products act as additional decorative elements. They look beautiful together with ribbons and paper products created in a different style.

As an example, a greeting card decorated with flowers using the quilling technique. By including fantasy and imagination, you can create a very interesting composition.

Vytynanka: how to draw

Thanks to the developed modern technologies on the Internet, making a vytynanka is as easy as shelling pears. Just find the figures you like, download them to your computer for free, print them in A4 format - the stencil is ready.

How to make a New Year's vytynanka

Creating beautiful paper vytynankas for the New Year 2019 is a fascinating, long process that will require diligence, patience, and attentiveness. The more complex the idea, the more effort you will have to put in.

It's great to be creating holiday decorations on the windows with the whole family, when everyone is busy with their own business and participates in general process. Even the little ones will find something to do here.

The work consists of several stages:

  1. Place a sheet of paper with a template on the layout. Carefully trace the stencil.
  2. Using a cutter (stationery knife), precisely cut out the protuberance in accordance with the contour. Movements should be smooth, from top to bottom. It is recommended to start working with small details inside the layout.
  3. At this stage, the protrusion is cut along the outer borders. Here you can use scissors or a knife. Both items must be sharpened.
  4. For a voluminous protrusion you will need several paper parts. For fastening, regular PVA glue is used.

Decorating the house with ready-made vytynankas

How to secure a paper decoration

To glue paper decorations to glass, use a soap solution or glue. For better subsequent removal of protrusions, it is better to use the first method. It is also easier to stick with soap.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a brush. After running it through the soap, apply it according to the shape on the drawing. At the end of the holiday, such protrusions can be easily removed from the surface of the glass. Just wipe with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth - and there will be no traces.

Here's another one possible variant How to attach a paper decoration to glass:

  • glue the protrusion using soap;
  • make an imitation of snow from a toothpaste solution by spraying it onto the glass with a brush.

Be sure to involve the whole family in the process. This will lift your spirits and create a favorable climate in the family.

New Year's decorations on the windows

Openwork air protrusions can create fabulous atmosphere holiday long before it arrives.

The cutting templates presented below were prepared specifically for the New Year 2019. There are different thematic images here, they can be combined to create unique compositions.

The presented templates can be easily transferred to colored paper, foil or cardboard. As a result, you can create a whole New Year's story: Grandfather Frost surrounded by animals with a reindeer team and a bag of gifts. Don't forget Pig - . Options for stencils and templates are located below.

Snowflakes remain popular. These are obligatory companions of winter time and the New Year. Perhaps snowflakes are the simplest option: you just need to trace the template, carefully drawing all the contours, and glue it to the glass using a soap solution.

To create a real landscape, you need to take a simple toothbrush. Dissolve a small amount of paste in water. The resulting composition is applied to the glass in the form of splashes. To create them, you need to lower the brush into the solution and run your finger along the brush, pointing towards the window. Pair simple movements and there is a beautiful magical snowfall on the glass.

Toy figures are no less popular. There are a lot of options: from ordinary ball-shaped decorations to the most intricate and unusual ones. Don't be afraid to experiment - creativity is more appropriate here than ever. It doesn't hurt to add a golden or silver color to the decoration.

Another one New Year theme- candies and other sweets. They can be used to decorate not only festive table. Protrusions on windows in the form of sweets, gingerbreads, lollipops, and even cupcakes will look good.

New Year's vytynanki on curtains

You can decorate not only windows with vytynankas on New Year's Eve 2019 and Christmas. With the same success they can be used to decorate curtains and curtains. Below are several options for such decorations for the Year of the Pig.

Schemes and templates of New Year's vytynankas

There are many options for decorating windows with protrusions. There are many templates and stencils on the Internet. To make your choice easier and not waste a lot of time searching, the most common ideas are presented below.

In 2019, vytynankas in the form of:

  • five-pointed star;
  • snowmen and snowflakes;
  • pigs;
  • angels;
  • Father Frost and granddaughter Snegurochka;
  • bells;
  • bunnies, bears and other animals;
  • candles;
  • numbers and thematic inscriptions. For example, you can print out the “Happy New Year 2019!”

Vytynanka or in other words, kirigami is a great opportunity to get creative and take a break from everyday affairs. This useful and exciting work will bring several hours of joy and pleasure from creativity.

The activity perfectly relieves stress and promotes relaxation and rest. You should choose a time to work on the protrusions; it is advisable that no one distracts you from the lesson. Approach creation decorative elements You need to be in a good mood, without rushing anywhere.