We paint windows for the New Year with toothpaste. How to decorate windows for the New Year: simple ways to create a fabulous atmosphere

The phone's battery energy tends to run out. It's not always possible to recharge your cell phone on time. Well, if you take into account the fact that you are on a hike and are far from the benefits of civilization, the phone has long since gone out, and the need to call has increased to a critical level, then only your knowledge and inventive genius will help you human mind. Therefore, it will be useful for you to know. We will distribute the methods according to the percentage of efficiency and effectiveness of the result, and most importantly, maintaining the functionality of the battery after forced exposure. So...

1. Where is the outlet in the forest?

Of course, there is no outlet in the forest! But you desperately need to make a call, and the battery shows no signs of life. A fairly simple method based on the transition of energy from one state to another will help you make a short call. So, how to charge your phone without a charger? It’s very simple, take the battery out of the device and vigorously rub it against jeans or other material with a dense structure. How stronger force friction, the higher the temperature of the battery shell and, naturally, the substances underneath it. Thermal energy, converted into an electric charge, will help you dial a subscriber's number or send an SMS message.

2. Losing control is sometimes good.

The method is based on disconnecting the battery control element. In order for the question of how to charge a phone without a charger to be resolved, you need to insulate the battery terminal, which serves as a kind of controller. This element monitors and commands to be displayed graphically on the phone screen in the form of a sensor. Usually this is the middle contact on Samsung and the outermost contact on Nokia. After de-energizing the contact, you can call, but it’s better to send short message, since during a voice call the radio path of the phone requires large energy costs.

3. I finished playing and did not light up, or How to charge the battery without a charger?

You can use the donation method if you have any device that uses regular batteries: a receiver, a flashlight, or another device that consumes electricity. The presence of two short wires is required. We connect the wires from the batteries to the phone battery. It is important to maintain polarity, of course, bypassing the controller. This method will give you the opportunity to make one call and will be a kind of answer to how to charge your phone without a charger.

4. To hit or not to hit?

Hit the battery several times, but without fanaticism, and you will have a chance to make a successful call.

5. Punctured like a hero

Mechanical impact can sometimes provide a useful service, especially when the choice of charger is limited by the contents of the backpack and the surrounding water surface of the coastal forest. In such a situation, it is necessary to pierce the phone battery through and immerse it in water for a few seconds. This will give you the opportunity to make a short call.

Let's sum it up

Of course, some of the methods described are simply barbaric, but nevertheless they make it possible to emerge victorious from difficult situations, sometimes unsafe for the life and health of a person who finds himself without any help and deprived of communication. These methods are designed to help those who really have no time for jokes!

Articles and Lifehacks

at just the right moment?

We are waiting for an important call, from which, one might say, our fate is decided. Suddenly, the phone notifies you with a nasty beeping signal that the charge level is low. We run to get a charger, connect to the network, and OOP! – charging does not occur. Life, like one second, flashes before your eyes.

Now we’ve calmed down and read what can be done in this situation.

What to do if your phone is not charging and how to charge it

First, check the AC power.

Connect any other device to the outlet and evaluate the reaction. The most advanced ones can use a voltmeter.

Then we check the cable and contacts. Possible options:

1. “Contact lost” between the USB slot of the smartphone (its inner surface) and USB cable.
The situation often occurs when charging is actively used.
The solution to the problem is to turn off the phone, take out the battery, and try to pull the top panel of the USB slot up a little.

2. Ingress of debris.
Often the phone is lying around in a pocket, in a bag, or even falls down. Small debris could become lodged in an uncovered slot, preventing normal contact.
Wrap a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol on a thin, long object and gently wipe the slot.

3. Problem with the cable.

Cables can be quite fragile, since some manufacturers make them from environmentally friendly materials (it’s a pity that such charges begin to decompose during use, and not after disposal, as expected). Plus the use of charging in “extreme” conditions with twisting to death.

Or the habit of charging phones “all night”, in which case the electronic part may fly off.

Advice. Don't rush to throw away the cable, test it on another phone first.

How to charge a phone if it does not charge, despite the fact that all the previous issues have been resolved? Perhaps the battery has given up its life.

Typically, the service life of a telephone battery is about 2 years, so replace it on time so that it does not fail at the wrong time, or get a “replacement” in advance.

What else can you do if your phone won't charge?

If the problem with charging your phone is due to a broken cable, you can be helped by:

- “Frog” - a small base for charging a telephone battery, connected to an alternating current network.
- A special adapter that charges the phone from batteries (you can use a 12V battery).
- Charging using solar cells.

Advice. Try to use alternative ways charging only in case of emergency, because they significantly reduce battery life.

I would like to believe that the advice helped and the problem was solved. Otherwise, go to the service center.

  • People who spend a lot of time traveling, or for other reasons are forced to use communication devices a lot, without being able to charge their phone battery as often as they need, are forced to look for ways out of this situation. Many people find a solution to the problem by carrying several phone batteries with them at once (we’re not talking about smartphones with). But sooner or later they will all run out and become useless. Charging each one separately inside the gadget takes too much time; it would be much more convenient to power one battery while the second is charging. In this regard, the question arises - how to charge a phone battery without a phone? You can make the device yourself, or you can buy a special device in a store for relatively little money. If you don’t really mind the battery of your smartphone or tablet, but you need the gadget urgently, there are handy ways to quickly charge the battery.

    Box with batteries

    It is possible to charge your phone battery directly by building some semblance of the now popular mobile charge storage for gadgets - (this, by the way, is the optimal way).

    To do this, take a special box for installing batteries, which are connected to each other and have contact leads outward using wires - you can get it at radio flea markets or in electronics stores, perhaps you have it somewhere in the house. Several ordinary AA batteries are inserted there. You can remove the contacts and connect them directly to the phone’s battery, paying attention to the polarity, or solder a connector to the output hole and charge the mobile phone itself directly.

    Using chargers

    How to charge a phone battery at home separately from it, directly from the charger?

    Make a universal battery power device from any old device for powering gadgets:

    1. Find some charger lying around the house.
    2. Cut off the connector that fits into the socket and carefully expose the wires. They usually come in blue and red colors. Blue carries a charge with a minus sign, and red, respectively, a plus.
    3. Connect the metal ends of the wires to the phone battery, making sure that the polarity of the contacts matches - they must be labeled on the battery, secure the connection with tape or tape.
    4. Wait about an hour until the battery charges, then you can insert it into the gadget and use it.

    How else can I check the polarity of the wires?

    Some chargers may have wires that are not these standard colors, but some others. In such a situation, you also need to somehow determine which sign is which. It's very easy to do. All you need is a glass of water in which you need to dissolve a little regular table salt.

    1. The exposed ends of the wires must be lowered into this glass.
    2. Connect the device to the network (the main thing is not to touch the water or the wires themselves, otherwise you may get an electric shock).
    3. Observe which wire the water began to seethe and bubble. He is negative.

    Charging from pieces of metal

    It happens that you need at least a slightly charged phone battery somewhere in nature, where there are no old chargers or other similar devices. Is it possible to charge the battery in such a situation? Quite if you find more metal objects - pipes, corners and the like.

    1. Take the found objects and stick them vertically into the ground.
    2. Wrap it with wire, preferably copper.
    3. Take out the ends of this wire like wires and connect them to the battery.
    4. Pour the metal part of the structure with an alkaline liquid, which is needed as an electrolyte. As alkali, you can use solutions of salts or soda, or some chemicals, if it is known that they contain alkaline compounds. The more metal there is in the structure, the stronger the current.

    To ensure that the battery lasts at least for a call, you can wrap its contacts with thin transparent tape or other adhesive tape. When you return to your place, this will give you a charge for a couple of minutes of work.


    At higher temperatures, reactions begin to occur that take place when the battery is charged. Therefore, you can try to replenish a small part of the charge this way - by applying the element to something hot or just rubbing it with your hands for a few minutes.


    The most risky method, which in almost all cases leads to further battery malfunction, was seen by many in childhood. Some people bit AA batteries to make them work. The principle is the same here. If you lightly throw the battery against a stone or hit it against some other hard object, a small charge will accumulate, which will be enough for a couple of quick actions or short conversations.

    Homemade wireless charger

    To make it you will need:

    • thin, no more than half a millimeter in diameter, metal (ideally copper) wire;
    • diode;
    • some knowledge of physics.

    What then:

    1. Make a flat coil of three dozen turns of wire.
    2. Secure it with electrical tape or special glue to the telephone battery.
    3. Take a diode and connect the battery contacts to the coil through it.

    Use a ready-made device

    Of course, manufacturers of accessories for gadgets did not stand aside and took care of those who like to recharge batteries separately from their equipment. For such cases, there is a charger for the battery of a phone or tablet that powers it directly, which is popularly nicknamed because of its characteristic shape.

    It's quite simple to use:

    1. Disconnect the device and remove the battery.
    2. Decide where on the contacts positive charge, and where is negative.
    3. Press down on the edge of the frog lid to open it.
    4. Inside the device there are two terminals with marked polarity.
    5. Place the battery with the contacts facing the terminals so that the “pluses” and “minuses” match.
    6. Close the cover, which will automatically lock the position of the battery.
    7. Connect the device to the network and check if the red light comes on. If this does not happen, the battery was placed incorrectly and its position must be corrected.
    8. When everything is connected correctly, all you have to do is wait until the red indicator changes to green - this means that the battery is charged and the “frog” has turned off the power.

    There are many ways to charge the battery from any gadget, but it is better to be prudent and have something with you that will allow you to safely replenish the charge, and not resort to extreme methods at all or only in emergency situations.

    Smartphones have long become an integral part of our lives. Thanks to their versatility, they have long been forced out of use regular phones. After all, a smartphone allows you not only to make calls and send SMS messages, but also to fully use the Internet, communicate in social networks and find out the information you need.

    But almost all smartphones have one significant drawback - the more often you use the phone, the faster the battery runs out. Situations often arise when the device is discharged at the most inopportune moment, and there is neither a charger nor an energy source at hand. But there is a way out of this situation. Now you will learn how to charge your phone without charging.

    What situations might you find yourself in without charging?

    In fact, there can be quite a lot of situations in which you may find yourself without a charger. The first of these is in the event of its breakdown. This gadget is quite fragile. If dropped or handled carelessly, it breaks down very quickly.

    Also, charging may not be useful if you are on the road. In such a situation, if there is no source of electricity, you cannot use it to charge your mobile phone.

    Of course, when such a situation arises, the first thing that comes to your mind is to go out and buy a new charger.

    But what to do if there is not a single mobile accessory store nearby or the breakdown occurred at night? In this case, you urgently need to use a phone that is discharged.

    Note that you can always charge the battery without a charger.

    Several ways to charge your phone without charging

    First way not so versatile, since you will need a laptop or desktop computer for it. But it is quite possible to implement it at home.

    You can charge your phone by connecting it to your computer, tablet or laptop using a USB cable. This cable is always included in the basic package of any smartphone. It is also universal, that is, it fits absolutely all telephones.

    It is worth noting that charging your phone from a computer or laptop will be very slow. Therefore, this method will not help you out if you urgently need to hit the road and always have a working smartphone with you.

    Second way charging can be hazardous. In addition, if you follow the instructions incorrectly, you can damage your phone's battery. However, if everything is done correctly, this charging method will definitely work. It is also not suitable for those smartphones that are equipped with non-removable batteries.

    To implement it, you will need any old phone charger. As a rule, such things remain from old lost devices. From this charger you need to cut off the end that connects to the phone and strip the insulation from the two wires underneath it. These wires will be insulated in two colors: red and blue. Then remove the battery from the phone and use electrical tape or tape to connect the red wire to the contact marked “minus” on the battery. In the same way, connect the blue wire to the “plus”. After securing the wires, plug in the charger. After switching on, do not touch the wires with your hands to avoid electric shock.

    Also, if you are going on a hike or a long trip in which you will definitely need a phone, you can build a charger for it yourself. To do this, you need to take a non-working charger, from which you won’t mind cutting off the part that is inserted into the phone. Next, you will need several AA batteries, which must be connected in series. You need to solder a connector for charging your phone to the resulting homemade battery and use the resulting device as needed. For ease of use, all batteries can be placed in a small box.

    Also very convenient today are external chargers, which already come with a cord for charging your phone. Such devices can be pre-charged from mains power in the traditional manner. They can also be recharged using solar panels. Such accessories will be very relevant outdoors, on the road, etc.

    The small dimensions of the external charger will allow you to always have it with you and use it as needed. Moreover, charging your phone using an external charger will not cause any problems and will not cause injury or damage to your smartphone. It is thanks to their compactness and ease of use that these accessories are actively used by owners of mobile telephones.

    There have probably been cases in every person’s life when they urgently need to use their mobile device, and the battery, as luck would have it, decided to finally discharge at that moment. It’s good if this happened at home, but imagine if it happens in the forest or somewhere on the road! Life is full of surprises, and who knows what will happen to us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Therefore, it never hurts to figure out how to charge your phone without a charger. Here are a few methods that can be very useful.

    How to charge your phone if there is no charger: method 1, computer

    Nowadays, many devices are equipped with a cord for connecting to the USB port of a laptop or desktop computer. By connecting your device to the appropriate connector, you will not only charge your phone, but also be able to backup stored information, update music, photos, etc. Even if such a cord was not included in the kit, it is easy to find and purchase in almost any specialized online store.

    How to charge your phone if there is no charger: method 2, technical

    If you like hiking or outdoor recreation, we recommend getting a modern radio. Most of new models can not only play radio broadcasts, but also charge a smartphone battery. Some receivers are equipped with adapters for various mobile gadgets. And there are those that have their own from which you can also get food. The last option, of course, is far from ideal, and it will not be possible to completely restore it this way, but in an emergency, this solution can also serve well.

    How to charge your phone if there is no charger: method 3, advanced

    Modern technologies have made great progress in terms of creating devices that make human life much easier. And, of course, the developers could not help but create all kinds of devices for restoring electricity. One of the devices of this class is Instant Power GPXPG01. This model runs on regular AA batteries, and thanks to it, the question of how to charge your phone while traveling is resolved by itself. It's even better to have TYN-94 with you - a device that runs on solar energy. With it, you don’t even need to look for batteries - all you need is clear weather in the sky.

    How to charge your phone if there is no charger: method 4, Spartan

    Any useful devices are, of course, good. But what to do if there is nothing at hand, it takes a long time to get to “civilization,” and you need a phone here and now? The most basic and effective solution is to heat the battery. During the day this can be done by simply placing the battery on an open sunlight surface. If there is no heat source or radiator nearby, you can try shaking the battery several times. When there is nowhere to go, the battery can be sacrificed and strongly compressed, for example, with the help of but so that it does not lose its shape. Note that this is the most extreme option, after which you will most likely have to buy a new battery, so there is no need to check it again.