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In 2013. The first launch took place in August. Since then, the app's audience has grown to 100 million people. Scandalous and loudest messenger recent years can now be used on different platforms. Let's find out what Telegram is and how to use it in more detail.

History of creation

The idea of ​​​​creating a messenger with protection from viewing correspondence by third parties came to Pavel Durov back in 2011. Cooperating with his brother, he developed the first version of the messenger and showed it in 2013.

Already in October of the same year, the official version for Android was presented and the official website of the program was opened. Since November, program clients for other operating systems began to appear. By the end of the year, Telegram already had more than 1 million users.

In the summer of 2014, the first official version of the messenger for the iOS platform appeared. At the same time, a version for computers and a web client were released. Because of this, the service’s audience is growing sharply.

In 2016, the owner of the messenger announced that the number of users of the program had reached 100 million. The number of daily messages is 15 billion, which is a record number for its segment of mobile instant messengers. Over the past few years, attempts have been made to buy the project several times. large companies, and the creator was many times subjected to threats and bans from the authorities. However, all this does not interfere with the existence of the messenger for 6 years and active development in the future.

Now you know what Telegram is. And we will tell you how to use it below. Let's take a closer look at the clients for each of the supported platforms.

For mobile devices

The most large audience messenger exists precisely within the framework mobile platforms. The program client can be installed on devices with the Android, iOS, Windows Phone. In all cases, the functionality and interface of the application are almost identical to each other, and the download/installation procedure is approximately the same. Let's figure out how to use Telegram on your phone. The first thing you need to do is install it.

To do this, connect mobile device(smartphone or tablet) to the Internet and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the store Play applications Market for Android, App Store for iOS and Microsoft Store for Windows Phone.
  2. In the search bar of any store, enter the name in Russian or English language.
  3. Go to the app page from the search results.
  4. Click the "Download" or "Install" button.
  5. Wait until the installation of the program is completed and run it.


Now launch the application from the menu or desktop. Next you need to register your personal account. Before using Telegram on your phone, enter your mobile number.

An SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone. Enter it in the appropriate field in the application. All is ready! You can use the messenger.

On the left side there is a menu button through which you can get to settings, list of channels, friends, and so on. On the main screen of the application, click the search button in the form of a magnifying glass icon and enter the name of your friend under which he is registered in the messenger. After that, click on it to start a dialogue.

In correspondence with people you can use:

  • text messages;
  • voice messages;
  • Photo and video;
  • stickers and emoticons.

In addition to regular dialogues with one person, here you have the opportunity to create mass chats, channels and bots. Initially, the application will be in English. You ask how to use Telegram on your phone in Russian? It's simple: go to Settings from the side menu, select “Russian” in the Language field. The changes will be applied automatically.

How to create a chat or channel?

Chat and channel creation is available on all platforms. Chat is a conference for communication between several people. On this moment the number of people can reach hundreds or more. To create such a conference, do the following:

  1. Go to the menu.
  2. Click the New Group button.
  3. Select future participants from the list.

To create a channel follow the instructions:

  1. Access the menu via the side button at the top.
  2. Select "Create Channel".
  3. Enter a name and description for the future channel.
  4. Select the channel type - public or private.
  5. Enter a link that will take you to the channel.

Unlike groups and chats, people will not be able to communicate in a channel. This community is an analogue of public pages from VKontakte: users can subscribe and receive notifications about new posts.

How to use Telegram on a computer?

There are two options for using it on your computer: a full-fledged client and a web version. In the first case, the program is installed on your HDD, and in the second you must go to the site in a browser and log in. Through the web version you are limited in the functional set, while through a full-fledged program you can use all the features, even change the appearance of the interface. Let's figure out how to use Telegram on a computer in both ways.

For the web version, open the link https://web.telegram.org/#/login in your browser and log in. To do this, enter your country and your phone number. A message with an authorization code will appear in the application on your phone. Through the version on the site you can chat with friends and create groups.


To install a full version of the software, go to https://tlgrm.ru/apps and select the version for your operating system. Before downloading, you will immediately see information about the features of the PC version. So you can find out what Telegram is and how to use it on your computer. The PC version does not have secret chats, but all other functionality is in place. After downloading the installer, install the software and log in with your account. The procedure is exactly the same as in the case of the web version of the messenger. Before using Telegram in Russian, install given language in Settings. Official version supports Russian translation.

Why are bots needed?

A separate point worth noting are bots in Telegram, since no other “trick” has such a feature. similar project. They open up new possibilities and practical applications of the messenger. Let's figure out how to use the bot in Telegram.

A bot is a program that performs certain actions at the user's request. In many ways, they resemble bots from the outdated ICQ. Using commands or menus, you can ask it to perform an action. Basically, all bots are thematic: helping drivers, searching for book authors, entertainment, music selections, and so on. However, they are completely safe and are not used to hack user profiles. To join the smart assistant, just find it in the search, go to the chat and click Start or enter a similar command (/start). After this, a tooltip will appear with all the commands and capabilities of this assistant. Now you know how to use the bot in Telegram. There are a lot of such assistants in the messenger, so be sure to try working with bots on various topics!

Bottom line

We figured out what Telegram is and how to use it. This messenger today is the most promising, functional and, most importantly for many users, safe among all competitors. Despite all its capabilities, the program manages to be simple and understandable for every user.

Why do people choose Telegram among all messengers? Because this program passed the vulnerability test and was not hacked even by the best programmers in a competition with a prize fund of 200 thousand dollars (the competition is still open).

What is this?

What is Telegram? The Telegram application is:

  • Messenger for any device (smartphone, computer, tablet...), connection to which is carried out from the most remote places, even with a weak Internet signal.
  • Software that can be downloaded from the popular and widely used mobile online stores Play Market and Google Store and so on.
  • Messages that are sent quickly and can be attached to upper area chat for discussion. If you wish, you can find in a second any of your sent or received messages, no matter how many there are.
  • Possibility of up to 5000 members, moderate messages, pin and delete them. You can also create short and convenient links to chats for new participants and their quick access.
  • The ability to communicate online or after installing the program on your device.
  • Synchronization of your chats on all devices, the ability to create, information about which is not stored, like everything else, in the cloud, so it cannot be stolen by anyone.
  • Send documents of any type and insert pictures and photos directly from the Internet. The maximum size of a sent file can be up to one and a half gigabytes.
  • Security ensured by encryption (MTProto).
  • Possibility of self-destruction of messages in secret chats via certain period time.
  • Storing all information about your correspondence in the cloud.
  • , which allows anyone to see how Telegram works from the inside.
  • An account linked to your mobile number.
  • Faster message delivery (compared to other applications) and smart notifications about new events in the messenger.

  • Servers located around the world for security and data transfer speed.
  • Free to use forever, no ads, and no subscription fees.
  • Storing all messages in a secure place that completely protects them from hacker attacks.
  • No restrictions on the size of your data and chats.
  • A support service that will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation.
  • , which are revealed to all users of the messenger with the help of bots that participate in the creation of copyright collections of stickers and also perform many other tasks useful functions(searching the Internet for information, translation, help, etc.). An example of one of the functionalities is “telegram.me” - this is the ability to send everyone a message, opening which all recipients will see a link to your profile as an invitation to chat. It turns out that you don’t even need to know the phone number of your interlocutor to communicate.
  • Possibility of using both and .

Developers, owners

We created this wonderful and useful program two brothers from Russia - Pavel and Nikolai Durov (Pavel Durov is known as the developer of the very popular social network VKonatkte. This happened in August 2013. At the same time, Nikolai was involved in the software part of the project, in particular, he came up with a unique algorithm that is both open and safe.Telegram's headquarters is considered to be an office in Berlin.

There is also information that this application previously belonged to I. Shcherbovich (his foundation). There were even conflicts over this issue between P. Durov and I. Shcherbovich several years ago. Pavel believed that Ilya’s acquisition of the rights to the company’s logos was illegal. As a result, after an unsuccessful trial, both created their own versions of the program.

It should also be noted that Pavel Durov was not personally involved in this business, but as the head of the Digital Fortress company (also a cloud platform for messenger), which, under the leadership of A. Neff, worked in this area. It was specialists from this organization who were involved in the development of the now popular Telegram application. At first it was called “telegra.ph”.


The creators took care of the issue of saving your data (personal, from your profile, messages, etc.), and used strong protection algorithms to prevent third parties, hide your personal data from curious users of the system, and encrypt messages using several encodings at the same time. At the same time, messages sent in regular chat are stored on servers while the account is active and for another six months after it is closed.

To confirm the fact of the impenetrable protection of messenger Telegram, in 2013 Pavel announced a competition for hackers and anyone else in general, which consisted of finding a gap in the protection of Telegrams and opening Pavel’s secret correspondence with his brother and figuring out email address, which was sent there. Prize fund amounted to 200 thousand dollars. One person was only partially successful (he discovered that the user was receiving parameters to generate DH keys, due to which some data could be transmitted by the server), so he was awarded the sum of 100 thousand, and the small mistake was corrected. In addition, it turned out that when opening and closing a program, information about this is sent (if there is an appropriate subscription available to all users) to other participants in the system.

A high level of encryption does not mean that the messenger is completely safe in terms of protecting personal data and personal information, and according to some experts in this field, the prize may be too small for serious cryptanalysts to want to participate in such a competition, since the costs may exceed the possible reward.

Pavel had to apply censorship in Iran, as the program was used to distribute pornographic materials and aggressive statements about the government. Also, due to inappropriate content, some stickers are prohibited.

Each user can further protect their messages and other information in Telegram by entering a password. For this:

  1. Go to the settings menu.
  2. Select "Privacy and Security".
  3. Next you need to select “2-Step Verification”.

To start a secret chat:

  • on iOS devices - click on the icon in the upper right corner to write a message, select “New secret chat”.
  • - swipe your finger to the right across the smartphone screen, and in the menu that opens, select the command to create a new secret chat.
  • - click on the plus sign in the chat list, tap on the secret chat link.

To select the time on the timer, click on the clock icon while writing a message. When the time expires, the texts will be deleted from all devices. The same operation can be done with photographs: they are deleted in less than a minute, and you can view the image by touching the photo on the screen with your finger (as soon as you remove your finger, the photo will disappear). When your interlocutor tries to take a print screen of the phone screen, a notification about this will be sent to your device. .

Remember! The secret chat will only be broadcast on one device, even if you use Telegram on several devices at once.

About how to install Telegram.

Telegram bots review

Bots are special accounts used in the messenger to receive and process messages, as well as to perform any specialized actions. You can create them yourself or use already programmed bots. Bots can do almost everything: tell you where everything is, give you directions in the city, find information, books on the Internet, make inquiries.

Despite the fact that bots are programs, do not send them your personal and confidential information!

Bots can be used for the following purposes:

  • Integration of Telegrams with other services. For example, this could be sending you notifications after some event has occurred (such as notifications about messages and events from other services).
  • Providing unique user services such as displaying weather forecasts, translation, sending jokes to given topics and so on.
  • Carrying out a match of chess, checkers and many other games.
  • Uniting people into interest groups by creating social networks.
  • Parcel tracking.
  • Providing the latest news.
  • Receiving a questionnaire in your chat with already written answer options to choose from.
  • Selecting a bot (this can be done in a special bot store).

  • Email creation.
  • Have a fun time while playing.
  • Getting help choosing a movie.
  • Searching for educational, scientific materials, photographs, pictures, books, as well as reading them, including a bot that sends parts in separate excerpts.
  • Corrections of errors in the text.
  • Converting a document from one format to another, for example, from text to PDF.
  • Sending files to Telegram.
  • Search for names and technologies of cooking dishes (recipes).
  • Search interesting memes and gifs on almost any topic.
  • Searching for housing that is for rent.
  • Listening to music directly from a social network.
  • Shopping goods on Ali Express, Amazon and other well-known online trading platforms.
  • Learning a foreign language.
  • Find out your horoscope.
  • Download files from well-known Internet trackers.
  • Convert audio files to text format.

Telegram for iPhone was released on August 14, 2013. The alpha version of Telegram for Android was officially released on October 20, 2013. Over time, more and more clients for Telegram appear, produced by third-party developers using an open platform.

What devices are supported?

Telegram can be installed on your phone, tablet, computer or used online. Devices running on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows and many other operating systems are supported. A list of all applications is available on the download page.

You can login Telegram on several devices simultaneously. There are no restrictions on the number of simultaneous sessions.

Who are the creators of Telegram?

Telegram is supported by Pavel and Nikolai Durov. Pavel provides financial and ideological support, while Nikolai is busy with the technical side. A unique protocol was developed especially for Telegram - open, secure and horizontally scalable. As a result, Telegram is the fastest and most secure messenger in the world.

Where is the Telegram team located?

Although the Durov brothers, like some other developers, were born and live in Russia, Telegram is in no way tied to Russia - neither physically nor legally. Telegram's headquarters are located in Dubai.

How do you make money?

We believe in safe and convenient communication, which is also 100% free.

Pavel Durov, who shares our opinion, donated a significant amount through his Digital Fortress asset, so at the moment we have enough money. If they run out, we will invite users to make donations, or make minor paid options.

I found illegal content. Where should I report it?

All chats and groups on Telegram are the private and inviolable property of their owners. We do not accept any requests related to them.

However, sticker packs and bots are publicly available. If you find a set of stickers or a bot that you think is illegal, please write to us at [email protected].

Wait a minute! Are you deleting content at the request of third parties?

Our task is to provide safe method communications that would work for everyone, everywhere, without exception. That is why, in order to provide communication opportunities where it is most needed (well, and to ensure that Telegram is not banned from the App Store and Google Play), we have to remove content at the request of third parties. For now, this only applies to channels, stickers and bots. For example, we remove sticker packs that violate copyrights or remove bots that distribute pornography.

User generated content is not part of the Telegram application. Therefore, we remove all illegal content upon requests sent to a special mail [email protected] And [email protected].

However, we do not engage in censorship or restrict freedom of speech. For example, if criticism of the government is prohibited in some country, then Telegram will not regulate this in any way and delete user content. While we block and delete bots and channels associated with terrorists, everyone else can sleep peacefully - we do not block those who peacefully express their alternative opinions.

My bot or sticker set has been banned, what should I do?

If you think that your channel, set of stickers or bot was banned unreasonably, write to [email protected].

Key Features

Who can I write to?

You can write to everyone who is in your contacts and who has installed Telegram. You can also contact anyone who has Username (username).

You can also create a username for your account. Please note that in this case other users NOT your phone number is visible.

How can I find out which of my contacts have Telegram installed?

Contacts who have Telegram are shown in the Contacts tab. They also have pictures.

How to invite friends?

To invite friends to Telegram, just send a link to download the program to any of your contacts. Once your friend installs the app, he will appear in your contact list.

Why enter the code from SMS?

Your Telegram login is your phone number. To confirm that it is you, you must enter the one-time password that comes to specified number in SMS. If you have not entered an SMS within a certain time, a robot will call you and dictate your password.

Is it possible to hide your online status?

It is impossible to completely hide your online status. However, you can hide information about when in last time you were online. This is done in the settings Privacy and Security(see blog post).

Please note: you will not see Lately in the network of those people from whom they hid theirs. Only an approximate value will be available to you:

  • Visited recently - from 3 days to a few seconds ago
  • Visited this week - from 3 to 7 days
  • Visited this month - from 7 days to a month
  • I've been here for a long time - more than a month. This status is also shown to blocked users.

What do the checkmarks next to messages mean?

Check mark- the message has been sent (and it is on our server, waiting for your interlocutor to open Telegram), and the interlocutor has received a notification about a new message.

Double tick- the message has been read (the interlocutor opened Telegram and opened a dialogue with this message).

Is it possible to save correspondence to a computer?

Unfortunately, this is not possible - Telegram does not provide such a function. All your correspondence is stored only on Telegram servers and on your devices.

Is it possible to make calls via Telegram?

Yes! On this moment calls are available to every Telegram user.

How to divide my contacts into groups (colleagues/friends)?

Unfortunately, such an option does not currently exist. Perhaps in the future such functions will be introduced into Telegram applications.


What is a username? How can I get it?

You can ask yourself public Username (username) on Telegram. After this, it becomes possible for other users to find you by this name - you will be shown as a contact in the global search. Please note that people who find you will be able to message you even if they don't know your number. If you are not comfortable with this, we do not recommend creating a username.

How does t.me work?

This way, other people can contact you on Telegram without knowing your phone number.

What username can I use?

Ranges allowed characters a-z, 0-9 and underscores. Usernames are not case sensitive, but Telegram will save your preferences (for example, Telegram And Telegram- the same user). The username must start with a letter and be at least 5 characters long.

It is necessary?

No. On Telegram, usernames are public and by setting it up, you give anyone the opportunity to find you and send you messages without even knowing your phone number. If you are not comfortable with this, we do not recommend creating a username.

If someone searches for me using my username, will my number be visible?

No. Neither you nor your interlocutor will see each other's numbers.

However, there is one exception: if you have someone's number saved as a contact and you send them a message, then that contact can see your number - just like in SMS. This happens no matter how you start a conversation with this person - through the contacts menu, global search by username, or from the group members page.

How to delete a username?

Go to the Settings section and save an empty username. After this, people will no longer be able to find you through search. Deleting will not affect existing chats.

What should I do if my username is taken?

Usernames in Telegram are distributed according to the principle of “whoever had time, got to eat.”

However, we understand that a username may be an “identifier” of you or your company on the Internet. So we'll be happy to help you get one - provided you have the same username for at least two of these services: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You can contact us through “Support” in the application (Settings - Ask a question).

Channels and groups

Who can add members to a group?

Only the administrator can add members to groups. The administrator can also delete messages and block users.

Who can appoint administrators?

Administrators can only be appointed by the group creator. The creator of the group can also delete it and cannot leave it.

What should I do if I created a group and deleted my account?

If you have lost access to the account from which the group was created, you will no longer be able to manage the group. In this case, there is only one way out - create a new group.

Why did my group not receive notifications that a member has left?

Such notifications appear only in small groups (several people). As soon as the group becomes larger, only notifications about a member joining the group remain.

This is done so as not to clutter the group with automatic messages. You cannot turn these notifications on or off.


If you consider yourself an advanced user, you can read ours.

How secure is Telegram?

Telegram is much safer than other similar instant messengers, such as WhatsApp or Line. Telegram is based on the MTProto protocol (see description and), created using time-tested algorithms, ensuring high speed and reliability. We also constantly work with the community to improve the protocol and clients.

What if I'm paranoid?

That's okay, we can help you. Telegram supports secret chats that use device-to-device encryption, leave no trace on our servers, can self-destruct after a certain period of time, and cannot be forwarded. The only disadvantage of this approach is that if your interlocutor is offline, the message will not be delivered; in secret chat mode, messages are transmitted only directly from device to device.

Enough baby talk, I need technical details!

Well, okay, they asked. We use two layers of encryption (client-server and client-client). Client-server encryption is used in regular chats (including group chats), and client-client encryption is used in secret chats. Please note that all data, regardless of its type (messages, files, audio, etc.) is always securely encrypted.

Can I definitely trust Telegram in terms of security?

All comments regarding Telegram security are welcome at [email protected].

Can Telegram protect me from everything?

Telegram guarantees security in everything related to encryption and transmission of encrypted data. However, it will not be able to protect your correspondence from your wife or other people with physical access to the device.

If you have reasons to worry about your information security, we recommend using only secret chats with , and using only free, open source (or at least reputable) software for chatting.

How does two-step verification work?

If for some reason you do not trust your mobile operator, then we recommend enabling two-step authorization. After switching on, in addition to entering the code from SMS, you will also need to enter an additional password that you can come up with yourself.

Secret chats

What is special about secret chats?

Secret chats are for people who want really safe communication. All traffic is encrypted from device to device. This means that only you and the person you are talking to will be able to read your messages. No one will be able to intercept or decrypt them, including us, Telegram staff. Messages from a secret chat cannot be forwarded. You can also set a time for messages to delete themselves after being read by the interlocutor. Messages will be deleted from both your device and the other person's device.

Another difference between secret chats and regular ones is that they are not stored on our servers. All undelivered messages can only be read on your device.

How to create a secret chat?

Go to the menu and click on the button New secret chat

Remember that secret chats are device specific. If you create a secret chat on one of your devices, it will only be available on that device. If you log out of your account, all secret chats will be lost. You can create as many chats with one person as you want.

How does message self-destruct work?

A self-destruct timer is available in secret chats. To install it, click on the clock icon (located on the top bar on Android, on the text input field on iOS, and on the chat information page on Windows Phone). This timer will start the moment the recipient reads the message (two green checkmarks). Once the specified time has passed, the message will disappear without a trace. both devices.

Photos sent with the timer turned on for a short period (less than 1 minute) can only be viewed while you keep your finger on them. In addition, you will receive a notification if the other person takes a screenshot.

Please note that the timer only applies to messages sent after its installation. It will not affect previously sent messages in any way.

Can I be sure that my interlocutor will not take a screenshot?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% foolproof way to prevent screenshots from being taken (especially on Android and Windows devices). And even if such a method existed, nothing prevents your interlocutor from taking a screenshot with a regular camera (or even scanning it). Therefore, we would recommend that you only share sensitive information with people you trust.

What is an Encryption key?

When a secret chat is created, the devices participating in it exchange encryption keys using the so-called Diffie-Hellman protocol. Once a secure end-to-end connection is established, an image is created that visualizes your chat's encryption key. You can compare this image with the one displayed by your interlocutor - if they are identical, rest assured that this secret chat is safe and a man-in-the-middle attack is in principle impossible.

Why not make all chats secret?

The main idea of ​​Telegram is to bring security to the masses, to those who do not understand anything about encryption and security. Just being safe is not enough for this - you also need to be fast, powerful and convenient. Telegram is just such a messenger.

It is important to understand that All messages in Telegram are always securely encrypted. The difference between secret and regular chat is only in the encryption method: client-client for secret chats, client-server/server-client for ordinary ones. Thanks to this, you can access your correspondence from any device without losing privacy.

Other questions

Why not open-source all the code?

All The source code will be made publicly available over time. We started with the most important part - a well-documented API so that developers can build their applications, and open source clients, the source code of which is available for audit by information security specialists.

Can I use my server to send messages?

Our architecture does not yet support such a function. Telegram is a single cloud service, so creating a fork may result in two users being on two different Telegram clouds. We haven’t yet decided whether it’s worth adding this feature to Telegram.