Message life is short art is forever. Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal”

God bless you, a kind person, otherwise I was completely taken aback and began to select answers, moving my lips and wrinkling my face.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions! It is strange that people do not understand that they have only one life, and not a single person thinks about what he will do, what his thoughts will be about before death. Koi does a lot of work so that a person can get out of the most dangerous situation, because everything there is close to the specifics of the reality of the battle. Sometimes it seems to me that people, out of fear and uncertainty, try to impose the same fears and complexes on others in order to be on an equal footing with each other.

No, guys, only through the efforts you make on yourself will you have a chance to survive in battle, or get ready to be a slave. You need to work on yourself, beat and endure pain. Rising to your feet after a missed shot strengthens your spirit. Respect.

Agree. If you don’t believe in breaking a person, break him with contempt for his attempts!

I already wrote that wild things happen to me. Hit me accurately and powerfully, and I... will stop defending myself altogether. At the same time, I completely stop feeling pain, and only rage bubbles up in my simple carcass. But here, kill me quickly, otherwise I’ll ruin things!

Sincerely, urban madman

Stupid example. Here I have a working tool - a soldering iron, I need it for work, I know perfectly well how to take it, how to use it and where not to put it...

Everyone, I hope, remembers with what imagination people approached this subject, using it when collecting debts? Any invention is only a tool - and nothing more! How and when to use it is up to the individual to decide. So what's the difference between tools needed for work and for safety?

Well done! I immediately imagined a haymower



My style requires speed, speed endurance and explosiveness - a combination that is no longer ideal. Daily low- and medium-intensity training (BI). What technique would you recommend for me to develop strength and mass?

Once again I would like to draw the attention of the respectable public to the indisputable fact that with a relatively identical technical level, the stronger fighter wins. This is very easy to prove by the fact that in absolute weight categories, heavyweights usually win, that is, people who are physically more powerful, although perhaps inferior in speed and technique.

Strength is absolutely necessary, especially at the stage of basic training. It is an absolutely proven fact that with weight loss and subsequent SPT, the speed increases, and with weight gain, it decreases. Don’t even think that you will be able to first throw on your hands, set up strikes and technique, and then pump up strength, much less gain mass, without crippling at least part of your technique. It is at this moment that all the coaches (Bochers, Borbuns, Karatyugs) of the old school make smart eyes and say: “Aha! Stiffened, sack."

It is in this regard that it is preferable for a professional fighter, after general physical training, to move on to wrestling as the most powerful sport, then through the physical physical training stage to move on to setting speed and striking training. These stages can be repeated during the preparatory period in order to cyclically raise strength to a new level, without compromising technique. It's about about the predominance of strength programs in the curriculum, and not about a complete transition to other tasks. Strength is needed, the shortest and most accessible way to it is an elevator.

Sincerely, A. Kochergin - who has begun to move iron in earnest

Here's something else worth adding. In lifting, the standing press is an auxiliary movement, and results in the bench press and standing press tend to differ significantly between lifters of all levels.

For fighters, in general, the standing press is more important for two reasons. It increases upper body strength and is less traumatic. That is, it all depends on the tasks. Lifters have one task, one training approach, athletes have different tasks, a different training approach; for fighters, the lifter’s approach must be modified in one way or another.

Everything is great and, in principle, true, except for one thing. Is the standing press safer than the bench press? What are you talking about?!

I exercise three times a week + lift twice a week + sometimes run on weekends. I am a dreamer by nature, and my dream is to become a super-duper fighter. I went to Koi because I think it’s the best fight. There seems to be some tiny progress, so I decided to add a rocking chair. As I understand from what I read, I need to do lifting, but my knowledge is fragmentary and meager, so for now I’m pumping up my biceps and chest for beauty. I ask you to help me draw up a training schedule for koi plus lift, but please be more detailed. And in general, will I be able to maintain such a schedule? I'm not afraid of difficulties, I chose my path, I just want to develop as efficiently as possible. My dimensions: 18 years old, 75 kg, 184 cm.

And another question. I’ve been at BI for six months now and I noticed that I always run out of steam much faster than others, as if I had twenty kilograms of fat. I have a belly, but it doesn’t seem to be very big. In the Thai race they drove me wildly, there was a lot of physical training and technique development, and still, after three months, I had trouble breathing main problem. And even after three months in Thailand and three months in Koi, this problem still remains. Of course, it got better, but it seems to me that I just learned to save my energy. When I don’t save money, I die after two rounds of tag, and if I give it my all in the third, then I almost choke to the point of vomiting. I don't know why that is. Maybe a weak heart? All my life I led an extremely sedentary lifestyle and was fat. What do you think is the problem, do I have a chance? I apologize for the clumsy story - I'm stupid...

1. What is the most main part all training? Functional! How exactly do the heart-liver-kidneys train? Run, just run! Question: how exactly does the elevator affect the functionality? No way! As long as it doesn't bother her!

2. Based on the above history, it is worth leaving one day for the elevator and two days for cross-country and swimming. Run, but don't overload your heart; heart rate - no more than 120, swimming at a steady pace no more than 1 km.

3. Diet! This is necessary for specialists, but it is already clear that nothing fried, more stewed, replacing meat with poultry and fish. More greens - especially cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, and, of course, sauerkraut. Yes, and buy a gas mask!

4. Medication support. Mildronate, cigapan, olive oil, vitamins B, E and C, succinic acid, before training - Eleutherococcus!

And you will be happy!

Good morning! This thought struck me when I was comparing the competitive movements of both types. Elevator is a slow absolute force, where the emphasis is still on specific groups muscles, unlike weightlifting, where all muscles work together. The coordination, required flexibility and speed in weightlifting movements are much higher, the style of lifting the barbell is explosive. Compare the bench press and the clean and jerk. All movements in weightlifting are performed as quickly as possible - this does not depend on the weight of the barbell. I read the opinion of a man who achieved success in the elevator and in pankration. “It is fundamental to seriously engage in two things at the same time. different types it is impossible, it is necessary to determine what is basic and what is used as general physical training. The basis of any martial arts is endurance and speed; powerlifting excludes both. When I competed in mixed fighting, I would hardly have bench pressed more than 140–150 kg with a weight of 105 kg. I calmly ran 10 km in the morning, but what kind of squats can you do if you run? Now performing in lifting, with a weight of 125 kg and a bench press of 200 kg, I hit weaker, and most importantly, slower than then, my muscles are taut. Besides, I'm unlikely to be able to fight intensely for more than 3-4 minutes. So you have to choose one thing, at least for a period of 4-5 years.”

Today in class we got acquainted with the aphorisms and sayings of ancient philosophers. Among them there is a saying that sounds like: Life is short, but art is eternal. We have to speculate on this philosophical thought in our essay, trying to understand how correct the thought of the ancient sages was.

Life is short, but art is forever: essay

When I became acquainted with the statement of ancient philosophers, I immediately wanted to speculate on my own whether this was really so. Is it really true that a person’s life ends with his death, while art continues to live?

In general, the saying: life is short, but art is eternal is correct, and it is relevant in our time. Suffice it to recall the world's cultural and architectural monuments, famous ancient temples and castles. And look at the famous pyramids of Egypt, which have been admired for thousands of years and are just as attractive to tourists in our time. An example of eternal art can be paintings by artists. The same Smile of Mona Lisa, Black Square and this is the very least of famous masterpieces, which allow us to assert that art is, after all, eternal.

With works of literature it is a little more complicated. After all, those works that were real bestsellers in their time are now losing their popularity, but meanwhile, they continue to live. Among them are the works of Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Shakespeare, Cervantes and other world classics, whose works are still read, and most importantly, the problems raised by the authors of the problem are still relevant. It turns out that literary art also eternal, as evidenced by the second part of ancient thought.

Returning to the first part of the statement, which states that life is short, we can confidently say that the expression is correct. After all, human life has its end. Someone can live up to a hundred years, while others die in the prime of their years. But in the meantime, even in this short time, you can leave a deep mark, as they did famous writers. It would seem that life is short, but there is one thing. Any creation, be it a literary work, an architectural monument, a painting, music or a creation of another type of art, has its own author, who managed to create something beautiful and eternal during his life. He put part of his soul into it, and together with his work of art he left behind eternal memory. A person will live as long as the memory of him remains in the hearts of people, therefore our life may be short, but the memory of a person is eternal.

Essay “Life is short, but art is eternal”

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Essay on the topic: the business to which I want to devote my life The state does not exist to transform earthly life to heaven, but in order to prevent it from finally turning into hell. ON THE. Berdyaev


“Life is short, art is eternal,” as the ancient Romans said. This expression means that the values ​​embodied in works of art are eternal and do not lose their significance. Looking at the greats architectural structures past, you are convinced that this saying is absolutely true. But what about the works? verbal art?

English novelist and playwright William Somerset Maugham I once noticed that the eternity of any literary work is measured in several centuries. For example, average modern reader It’s hard to get someone to read François Rabelais’s wonderful novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel,” full of evil satire and tart humor, which just a few centuries ago was a bestseller, like “Harry Potter” is now. However, you shouldn’t go looking for such distant examples. The novel "Eugene Onegin", which was super popular in the first quarter of the 19th century, has today turned into educational material for literature classes, and few adults reread it. So, it turns out that works of literature age faster than ancient temples and statues?

The secret of the fragility of literary works is that the material from which they are created is short-lived, or rather, changeable. Language is changing rapidly, absorbing new words and getting rid of old ones. The same process of mastering the new and abandoning the old occurs in the mind of the reader. But at the same time, such “obsolescence” and “update” cannot be considered absolute, because there are literary works, which will not lose their value for many centuries.

« Eternal images"in fiction are few. Let's name Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet, Cerventes' Don Quixote, and Goethe's Faust. But for real " eternal themes“And even less: love, death, feat in the name of humanity - that’s probably all.

Works that reflect " eternal themes", destined long life. They continue to excite minds, finding more and more new incarnations in drama, fine arts, music. Let us remember the milestones on the path of “eternal” literary works.

Engravings by Gustave Doré illustrating " Divine Comedy» Dante Alighieri.

The opera Faust by Charles Gounod, which uses the same plot as in Goethe's Faust.

The ballet "Don Quixote" by Ludwig Minkus, based on novel of the same name Cervantes.

A production of Shakespeare's Hamlet by the Meyerhold Theater, as well as a film adaptation of the famous tragedy by the Russian director Kozintsev.

And these are just a few examples of how masters of art are mastering the heritage of the literature of the past.

Apparently, continuity is what makes literary works eternal. The language changes fiction, writers of each era bring something of their own to prose, drama and poetry, but the themes and images born of the genius of the great masters of the past remain eternal.

It turns out that the “eternal” themes and images have already been fully developed? Are there really no works being created today that will eventually become classics and enter the “golden fund” of world culture? In fact, “eternal themes” are eternal simply because they do not exist in time. And today literary works are being created that deserve to remain for centuries. Life is short, art is eternal, and they cannot exist without each other.

The age of man is short, and especially the age of the poet. After all, the poet lives in two dimensions: in everyday life, like everyone else normal people, and in art, where he comes into contact with the secrets of the universe, listens to the most subtle movements of the soul, and feels a deep kinship with all living things.

The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin lived only thirty-eight years. “By reading his works, you can magnificently educate a person within yourself,” V. G. Belinsky wrote about him. The whole of human life, its dreams and seductions, its hopes and sufferings, exuberance, the pressure of young feelings and sophisticated maturity pass before us in the works of A. S. Pushkin:

And I heard the sky tremble,

And the heavenly flight of angels,

And the reptile of the sea underwater,

And the vegetation below the vine...

These words of Pushkin’s “Prophet” can also be attributed to the author of these lines himself. ABOUT " worldwide responsiveness"A. S. Pushkin was written by F. M. Dostoevsky. Life for the poet is an unconditional and absolute value, it is a unity in which there is nothing separate or superfluous, and even its finitude is accepted by the poet:

And let at the tomb entrance

The young one will play with life,

And indifferent nature

Shine with eternal beauty.

What grace, subtlety of feelings, a truly great union of “magical sounds, feelings and thoughts.”

M. Yu. Lermontov lived twenty-seven years. His “iron verse, drenched in bitterness and anger” sang the inner freedom of the human personality, spoke of tragic loneliness and the harmony of nature, unattainable for humans:

God's garden was blooming all around me;

Plants rainbow outfit

Kept traces of heavenly tears,

And curls grape vines

Weaving, showing off between the trees...

Nature in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov is full of animation, huge and mysterious life. The voices of nature “speaked about the secrets of heaven and earth.” Only man does not feel complete fusion with nature, and therefore his lot is tragic.

And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to

In a moment of spiritual adversity.

Desires? What good is it in vain to wish forever...

The lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov are the confession of an infinitely lonely, courageous and rebellious soul.

The life of the outstanding poet of the 20th century S. A. Yesenin was short - only thirty years.

Reading his poems, we admire the beauty of greenery, experience great love to the homeland, to life, to everything living, we feel a blood connection with the world around us.

O Rus'! - raspberry field

And the blue that fell into the river.

I love you to the point of joy and pain

Your lake melancholy.

The greatness of Yesenin’s poetry lies in its utmost sincerity, in the sharpness of its philosophical and moral problems, is that in every line, in every word you feel something very close, dear.

The life of the poet N. Gumilev was tragic. He lived only thirty-five years. He is a romantic and a dreamer, a singer of conquistadors, captains, and warriors. He dreamed of exotic grottoes, African giraffes, fairy-tale pavilions:

Among the artificial lake

The porcelain pavilion went up,

Arched like a tiger's back,

A jasper bridge leads to it...

But harmony and beauty turn out to be fragile and transitory. In many of his works one can hear despair, breakdown, and a premonition of death:

Signboard... bloodshot letters

They say green, I know, here

Instead of cabbage and instead of rutabaga

They sell dead heads.

In a red shirt, with a face like an udder,

The executioner cut off my head and...

The poet’s life was short, but it was not in vain: his descendants will forever remember him. Art is living memory, it transmits from generation to generation thoughts and feelings, pain and joy, gains and disappointments - everything that a person lives with.