I do not want and cannot believe that evil is the normal state of people. “I do not want and cannot believe that evil is the normal state of people...” (Dostoevsky)

“Man and Salt” - Calcium carbonate is also found in nature in the form of limestone, chalk and marble. Usage. Since oversalting necessitates new expenditures of time and products. Salt. Nitrates are mostly used as fertilizers in agriculture. Example: Na2CO3, K3PO4. Salt and health. Nomenclature. The presentation was prepared by chemistry teacher N.A. Roshchepkina for the 11th grade parallel.

"Good and evil" - a kind person will come as if it will bring light. Good word heals, evil cripples. V. Hugo. The evil one cries out of envy, and the good one cries out of joy. Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova. Evil – 1) Something bad, harmful. 2) Trouble, misfortune, trouble. 3) Annoyance, anger. Do good things, make yourself happy. An angel is a symbol of goodness and mercy.

“Man is a hero” - But not everyone. Plotnikova Marina Vladimirovna 5/11/1974 - 07/1991. Fundamental question. Turkin Andrey Alekseevich 10/21/1975 - 9/3/2004 Hero of Russia. Marina Vladimirovna Plotnikova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero Russian Federation. You could run alone into the street for help. Heroes of the country.

“People's needs” - Recognition. Responsibility. Need for security. Need for status. Working conditions. Punishment. Company policy. Physiological needs. Social connections. 3 basic needs. Motivating factors. The stability of a person's preferences regarding a specific outcome. Success. Fading.

“Good and evil lesson notes” - Frontal Individual Group ( creative project). During the classes. 4. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson by students. 5. Design and research activities. Shape moral position students. The project is intended for teachers teaching “Fundamentals” secular ethics" An empty argument will quickly lead to a quarrel. Foster collectivism and the ability to work in a group.

“Salt and Man” - Experiment 2. Some sayings about salt: It grows on trees. In Sol-Iletsk, for example, the thickness of the salt layer exceeds one and a half kilometers. Here are just a few of the more than 10,000 uses for salt. Epsom salt crystal. A fresh egg goes to the bottom. Salting products. Don't skimp on the salt - it's more fun this way. Salt is food and seasoning.

“I don’t want and can’t believe that evil is the normal state of people...” wrote the great Russian thinker Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the 19th century. A century later, similar questions worried the remarkable writer, film director and actor Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Shukshin directed all his strength and feelings to confirm his faith in people, in victory in the world moral feelings person.

The collection of stories “Conversations under a Clear Moon” describes the life of a new type of hero - the weirdo. Shukshin’s weirdos are people who live simply, naturally, for whom it is important to live in harmony with themselves and other people, without doing evil (these are the heroes of the stories “Microscope”, “Crank”, “Master”). The hero of the story “The Freak,” having found a fifty-ruble note, decides to find the owner of the money. But when there is no one, he leaves the money on the counter and leaves the store with a feeling of accomplishment. Everything turned out just fine, but then it turns out that the money found was his own: “It was my piece of paper! - Chudik says loudly and thinks. “But why am I like this?” The hero’s unbearable, incomprehensible timidity does not allow him to take the piece of paper, although a scandal most likely awaits him at home.

The desire to do good to people constantly runs into a wall of misunderstanding, alienation and even hostility (such, for example, is the clash between the “Crank” and his brother’s wife Zoya Ivanovna, who for some reason dislikes the Crank). But, despite their simplicity, the eccentric heroes constantly reflect on universal human problems (what is the meaning of life? What is good and evil? Who is right in this life, who is smarter?). And with all his actions, the eccentric proves that he is right, and not those who consider him an eccentric.

The hero of “Red Kalina” also belongs to this type of hero. Yegor Prokudin in “Kalina Krasnaya” represents the type of person who is trying to crawl out of the abyss of misfortune, to start new life. From a thief, he strives to turn into a decent person, living honestly and modestly. From all life's ups and downs, he brought out an inner sense of justice, honesty and kindness. In the work and love of his neighbors, the hero, it would seem, finds support and sees a way out of the abyss of moral decline. But Yegor’s fate is tragic; he dies at the hands of his prison mate. “And he, a Russian peasant, lay in his native steppe, near his house... He lay with his cheek pressed to the ground, as if he was listening to something that only he could hear.” One feels some kind of uselessness of such a person on earth, despite all his good intentions.

The hero of the work “There lives such a guy...” amazes with his spontaneity and kindness. He is naive, but his soul is beautiful. Vasily Shukshin, showing such people, makes you believe in goodness, in its power. “What is going on with people?” - asks Sashka Ermolaev, main character"Resentment." Ordinary everyday encounters evoke a sharp reaction in the characters and lead to critical reflection on the nature of human rudeness, indifference, and human life in general.

In V. Shukshin’s stories, behind an outwardly simple, unassuming, sometimes everyday fact, lies a broad philosophical understanding of reality; questions arise about the meaning of life, about good and evil, about the human soul. So what should we do? The author himself does not give an unambiguous answer, but, as if by the way, he says: “... After all, we ourselves bred boors, ourselves... No one dropped them on us by parachute...” This means that he leaves the decision on the conscience of each of us. If rudeness multiplies, it is our merit. We calmly look at this and remain silent.

The works of Vasily Shukshin and his heroes are truthful both in social and everyday terms and in artistic terms. “Morality is truth,” - this is how Vasily Shukshin himself defined his main commandment. This commandment was never violated in his work; he did not make any compromises with own conscience and told people the truth, no matter how bitter and difficult it was.

“I do not want and cannot believe that evil is the normal state of people...” wrote the great Russian thinker Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the 19th century. A century later, similar questions worried the remarkable writer, film director and actor Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Shukshin directed all his strength and feelings to confirm his faith in people, in victory in the world of human moral feelings.

The collection of stories “Conversations under a Clear Moon” describes the life of a new type of hero - the weirdo. Shukshin’s weirdos are people who live simply, naturally, for whom it is important to live in harmony with themselves and other people, without doing evil (these are the heroes of the stories “Microscope”, “Crank”, “Master”). The hero of the story “The Freak,” having found a fifty-ruble note, decides to find the owner of the money. But when there is no one, he leaves the money on the counter and leaves the store with a feeling of accomplishment. Everything turned out just fine, but then it turns out that the money found was his own: “It was my piece of paper! - Chudik says loudly and thinks. “But why am I like this?” The hero’s unbearable, incomprehensible timidity does not allow him to take the piece of paper, although a scandal most likely awaits him at home.

The desire to do good to people constantly runs into a wall of misunderstanding, alienation and even hostility (such, for example, is the clash between the “Crank” and his brother’s wife Zoya Ivanovna, who for some reason dislikes the Crank). But, despite their simplicity, the eccentric heroes constantly reflect on universal human problems (what is the meaning of life? What is good and evil? Who is right in this life, who is smarter?). And with all his actions, the eccentric proves that he is right, and not those who consider him an eccentric.

The hero of “Red Kalina” also belongs to this type of hero. Yegor Prokudin in “Kalina Red” represents the type of person who is trying to crawl out of the depths of misfortune and start a new life. From a thief, he strives to turn into a decent person, living honestly and modestly. From all life's ups and downs, he brought out an inner sense of justice, honesty and kindness. In the work and love of his neighbors, the hero, it would seem, finds support and sees a way out of the abyss of moral decline. But Yegor’s fate is tragic; he dies at the hands of his prison mate. “And he lay, a Russian peasant, in his native steppe, near his house... He lay with his cheek pressed to the ground, as if he was listening to something that only he could hear.” One feels some kind of uselessness of such a person on earth, despite all his good intentions.

The hero of the work “There lives such a guy...” amazes with his spontaneity and kindness. He is naive, but his soul is beautiful. Vasily Shukshin, showing such people, makes you believe in goodness, in its power. “What is going on with people?” - asks Sashka Ermolaev, the main character of “The Resentment”. Ordinary everyday encounters evoke a sharp reaction in the characters and lead to critical reflection on the nature of human rudeness, indifference, and human life in general.

In V. Shukshin’s stories, behind an outwardly simple, unassuming, sometimes everyday fact, lies a broad philosophical understanding of reality; questions arise about the meaning of life, about good and evil, about the human soul. So what should we do? The author himself does not give an unambiguous answer, but, as if by the way, he says: “...After all, we ourselves bred boors, ourselves... No one dropped them on us by parachute...” This means that he leaves the decision on the conscience of each of us. If rudeness multiplies, it is our merit. We calmly look at this and remain silent.

The works of Vasily Shukshin and his heroes are truthful both in social and everyday terms and in artistic terms. “Morality is truth,” - this is how Vasily Shukshin himself defined his main commandment. This commandment was never violated in his work, he did not make any compromises with his own conscience and told people the truth, no matter how bitter and difficult it was.

“I do not want and cannot believe that evil is the normal state of people...” wrote the great Russian thinker Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the 19th century. A century later, similar questions worried the remarkable writer, film director and actor Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Shukshin directed all his strength and feelings to confirm his faith in people, in victory in the world of human moral feelings.

The collection of stories “Conversations under a Clear Moon” describes the life of a new type of hero - the weirdo. Shukshin’s weirdos are people who live simply, naturally, for whom it is important to live in harmony with themselves and other people, without doing evil (these are the heroes of the stories “Microscope”, “Crank”, “Master”). The hero of the story “The Freak,” having found a fifty-ruble note, decides to find the owner of the money. But when there is no one, he leaves the money on the counter and leaves the store with a feeling of accomplishment. Everything turned out just fine, but then it turns out that the money found was his own: “It was my piece of paper! - Chudik says loudly and thinks. “But why am I like this?” The hero’s unbearable, incomprehensible timidity does not allow him to take the piece of paper, although a scandal most likely awaits him at home.

The desire to do good to people constantly runs into a wall of misunderstanding, alienation and even hostility (such, for example, is the clash between the “Crank” and his brother’s wife Zoya Ivanovna, who for some reason dislikes the Crank). But, despite their simplicity, the eccentric heroes constantly reflect on universal human problems (what is the meaning of life? What is good and evil? Who is right in this life, who is smarter?). And with all his actions, the eccentric proves that he is right, and not those who consider him an eccentric.

The hero of “Red Kalina” also belongs to this type of hero. Yegor Prokudin in “Kalina Red” represents the type of person who is trying to crawl out of the depths of misfortune and start a new life. From a thief, he strives to turn into a decent person, living honestly and modestly. From all life's ups and downs, he brought out an inner sense of justice, honesty and kindness. In the work and love of his neighbors, the hero, it would seem, finds support and sees a way out of the abyss of moral decline. But Yegor’s fate is tragic; he dies at the hands of his prison mate. “And he lay, a Russian peasant, in his native steppe, near his house... He lay with his cheek pressed to the ground, as if he was listening to something that only he could hear.” One feels some kind of uselessness of such a person on earth, despite all his good intentions.

The hero of the work “There lives such a guy...” amazes with his spontaneity and kindness. He is naive, but his soul is beautiful. Vasily Shukshin, showing such people, makes you believe in goodness, in its power. “What is going on with people?” - asks Sashka Ermolaev, the main character of “The Resentment”. Ordinary everyday encounters evoke a sharp reaction in the characters and lead to critical reflection on the nature of human rudeness, indifference, and human life in general.

In V. Shukshin’s stories, behind an outwardly simple, unassuming, sometimes everyday fact, lies a broad philosophical understanding of reality; questions arise about the meaning of life, about good and evil, about the human soul. So what should we do? The author himself does not give an unambiguous answer, but, as if by the way, he says: “...After all, we ourselves bred boors, ourselves... No one dropped them on us by parachute...” This means that he leaves the decision on the conscience of each of us. If rudeness multiplies, it is our merit. We calmly look at this and remain silent.

The works of Vasily Shukshin and his heroes are truthful both in social and everyday terms and in artistic terms. “Morality is truth,” - this is how Vasily Shukshin himself defined his main commandment. This commandment was never violated in his work, he did not make any compromises with his own conscience and told people the truth, no matter how bitter and difficult it was.