How to draw a Bogorodsk toy step by step with a pencil. How to draw New Year's toys

When there is no one around, but you really want hugs, you can take a simple Teddy bear. And if there is no such thing, then you can draw it. I’ll tell you more about this now, you will learn how to draw a toy. Raising a child is not a science, it is an art. No less responsible than visual arts. There is no need to use different therapies, sessions, different techniques. Instead, attention and patience are required, nothing more. And for this you just need to give a soft, pleasant plush toy and your child will be delighted.

About the soft plush friends:

  • It may seem as if Stuffed Toys have always existed. Even in ancient times, funny stuffed animals were made.
  • Smart people have created an interesting device - a bracelet called PINOKY. It is put on the doll's paw, or ear, or other visible part, and it begins to move randomly. Good way revive old toys rather than buy new and expensive ones.
  • To prove the delusional nature of modern plush dolls, I’ll tell you about Erwin the Little Patient. This is a complex toy in which the belly opens, and there are soft insides. And tell me, will this teach children to be surgeons or rippers? He goes out into the street, sees a cat, and what? He will think: oh, another interesting toy.

Let's start drawing.

How to draw a toy with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's create a blank form that looks like a small bottle. And let's put a cute bear there. Step two. Using round shapes we create all parts of the bear’s body and add a bow. Step three. We outline everything a little tighter, removing unnecessary lines. For decoration, add a butterfly to the neck of the toy. Shade out the nose and eyes. Step four. Let's delete auxiliary lines, applied earlier.
Step five. Let's add shading throughout the body to make it more realistic.
Don't forget to show your drawings of toys later. You can attach them below in the comments, and also write to me what other lessons I can prepare for you. You can do this on the orders page.

There is a New Year's toy in every home. It was she who New Year's Eve decorate the beautiful Christmas tree. Exists a large number of Christmas tree toys. Today we will show you easy ways to draw several types of New Year's toys.

Let's look at the picture below and try to draw it ourselves. For this you will need a pencil and felt-tip pen.

Study the drawing and try to draw a Christmas tree toy with your child. First draw a circle, then draw it out and erase the excess with an eraser.

Let's learn how to draw a Christmas ball toy. It's very simple. First draw a ball, and then a small element on which you can hang the toy from the Christmas tree using a thread. Decorate the ball with stars and circles. Color your creativity. And now the toy is ready!

Draw a circle - the basis of the Christmas tree decoration. Then a small element thanks to which the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree using a thread. Next, let's decorate the ball, as done in steps 5 - 7. Take colored pencils in your hands and give the toy bright shades(see point 8).

You will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. Draw a ball and a hole for the thread. Erase the excess element, draw a hook and decorate the ball as desired.

We bring to your attention a video lesson on drawing a New Year's toy.

New Year is a very joyful holiday, on which it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree, invite guests and give each other gifts. It can be a very original gift beautiful drawing or bright postcard, drawn by yourself. New Year's celebration many people associate with a variety of New Year's decorations- garlands, balls and tinsel. That is why the image of a fir branch decorated with toys will be a great motive for New Year's cards or a drawing.

To depict Christmas tree decorations you will need:

- watercolor pencils,
- round brush No. 6 (synthetic or protein),
- sippy cup with water,
- pencil,
- eraser and thick paper.

1. Draw a small circle;

2. Just above the circle, draw a toy in the shape of a fir cone;

3. A little lower, draw another circle, but a little smaller;

4. Draw tubercles on top of the top toys;

5. Draw metal caps on the tubercles. Draw small highlights on all three toys;

6. Draw branches using light lines;

7. Use strokes to mark the spruce needles;

8. Use an eraser to erase the image so that only light lines are visible;

9. Shade the spruce branches with a soft green pencil, the large ball with pink, the small ball with blue, and the cone with light yellow and yellow. Trace the outlines of the metal caps yellow. Leave the highlights unpainted;

10. Lightly moisten the brush with water and wash it gently first fir branches, and then decorations. Make sure that the colors do not mix with each other;

11. Use yellow and orange pencils to draw the metal caps. Color the cone with light yellow and yellow colors;

12. Using a light blue and cyan pencil, shade the small ball;

13. Shade the large ball with light pink, and draw small circles on it with dark pink;

14. Draw branches with a brown pencil;

15. Green pencil draw the fir needles.

The drawing of Christmas tree decorations is completely ready! It can be an excellent basis for an original Christmas or New Year's card. Now you can start preparing

When there is no one around, but you really want a hug, you can take a simple teddy bear. And if there is no such thing, then you can draw it. I’ll tell you more about this now, you will learn how to draw a toy. Raising a child is not a science, it is an art. No less responsible than artistic art. There is no need to use different therapies, sessions, different techniques. Instead, attention and patience are required, nothing more. And to do this, you just need to give a soft, cuddly plush toy and your child will be delighted. About the soft plush friends:

  • It may seem as if stuffed animals have always existed. Even in ancient times, funny stuffed animals were made.
  • Smart people have created an interesting device - a bracelet called PINOKY. It is put on the doll's paw, or ear, or other visible part, and it begins to move randomly. A good way to revive old toys rather than buying new and expensive ones.
  • To prove the delusional nature of modern plush dolls, I’ll tell you about Erwin the Little Patient. This is a complex toy in which the belly opens, and there are soft insides. And tell me, will this teach children to be surgeons or rippers? He goes out into the street, sees a cat, and what? He will think: oh, another interesting toy.

Let's start drawing.

How to draw a toy with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's create a blank form that looks like a small bottle. And let's put a cute bear there.
Step two. Using round shapes we create all parts of the bear’s body and add a bow.
Step three. We outline everything a little tighter, removing unnecessary lines. For decoration, add a butterfly to the neck of the toy. Shade out the nose and eyes.
Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines drawn earlier.
Step five. Let's add shading throughout the body to make it more realistic.
Don't forget to show your drawings of toys later. You can attach them below in the comments, and also write to me what other lessons I can prepare for you. You can do this on the orders page. It will also be useful for you to read.