Translating an image using a simple pencil. The easiest way to transfer any image to fabric or wood

If you don't know how to draw, but would like to learn, you should start with something simple - copying drawings. To begin with, this can be done using tracing paper. This method is the easiest to implement. Now let's study more precisely how to transfer a drawing from


To transfer an image, follow the steps below:

  1. We select an image and, placing tracing paper on it, draw out all the lines with firm pressure, using a black acrylic pen.
  2. Now turn the tracing paper over and place it face down on the sheet of paper on which you want to transfer the image.
  3. Press tightly and pass over it with a hot iron.
  4. Now we remove the tracing paper and additionally draw insufficiently clear lines.
  5. The image is ready.

This method is used for simple pictures that do not contain a lot of complex details. Now you know how to transfer a drawing from paper to paper in a simple way. Once you try it, you can move on to others.

More complicated way

You can use a copy grid to transfer complex designs. With its help, it is also possible to reduce or increase the scale of the image itself.

  • original drawing;
  • transparencies;
  • paper;
  • duct tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.


To master this method, follow these steps:

  1. We apply a transparent film to the original image, which shows squares of the same size.
  2. We apply the same cell on a blank sheet of paper if the picture is reproduced in the original. How to transfer a drawing from paper to paper when the image size needs to be changed? When increasing, the size of the squares becomes larger, when decreasing, respectively, smaller.
  3. Now all you have to do is move the image across the cells.
  4. When the picture has been completely transferred with a pencil, you can start coloring.

Now you know how to transfer an image from paper to paper. Let's look at other surfaces.

Body as a basis

A tattoo is the highlight of one’s appearance, but not everyone decides to put a design on the skin, realizing that this decision is made for life. For people who are afraid of such an act, but want to decorate their body with a beautiful image, an excellent solution is To learn how to transfer a design from paper to skin, you need to study the following information. The main stage is to clearly draw the contours of the future image.

The picture can be applied to the body using:

  • tracing paper.

First way

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Selecting a pattern, determining the location of its application, disinfecting the skin.
  2. Transferring the image to carbon copy. To do this, place the paper on the original and carefully trace all its contours.
  3. We moisten the carbon paper with alcohol and apply it to the body.
  4. To ensure that the outlines are clearly printed, trace them again through the carbon paper, trying to leave it intact.

Second way

It is based on the use of tracing paper. You need to do the following steps:

  1. We draw the drawing itself with a helium pen.
  2. Disinfect the skin and apply soap.
  3. We apply tracing paper and trace the contours with a sharp object.
  4. Now let's paint over the drawing.

If you do decide to apply a permanent design to your body, approach this very carefully. The main thing is to choose a good salon, undergo an allergic reaction test and check that all instruments have been disinfected.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to glass

To work, take an image with good contours and a roll. To transfer, you need to purchase a felt-tip pen - a marker for glass; it fits well and is easily washed off the surface.


  1. We take the film. Its size should be slightly larger than the drawing itself. The film is attached to the surface, which prevents the picture from getting lost.
  2. The image is placed on film and outlined thinly and very carefully.
  3. Now the film is carefully transferred with the front side to the previously prepared surface. Preparation consists of degreasing its front side. Make sure that the film is completely adhered to the glass and get rid of wrinkles and bubbles.
  4. For a clearer transfer, we trace the image again along the contour with any sharp object.
  5. It's time to get rid of the polyethylene. We do this very carefully so as not to smudge the drawing. If there are inaccuracies somewhere, now is the time to correct them.
  6. Now we draw the outline. This can be done using acrylic paints and a brush.
  7. After everything has dried, carefully remove traces of the marker using cotton swabs dipped in liquid.
  8. Inside, the image is filled in any way. If the technique is stained glass, then everything is poured along the contour.
  9. After drying, the image can be baked or varnished for a longer service life. It all depends on where this item will be used.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to wood

To see your favorite image on a wooden base, you just need to follow the steps below.

To work you will need:

  • drawing printed on a laser printer;
  • wooden plank;
  • acrylic gel medium;
  • flat tool for leveling the pattern;
  • paint and rag;
  • soft paraffin or matte glue;
  • 2 brushes.


  1. Selecting an image. It should be a design that will look beautiful on a wooden base. To give some resemblance to the vintage style, it can be processed in special programs.
  2. The image is printed only on a laser printer, this is the main condition.
  3. A smooth wooden base is selected.
  4. Now apply an even layer of gel medium. It is this that will help the image be transferred to the prepared surface.
  5. We place the drawing with the front side facing the base. At the moment of connection, bubbles appear, which should be smoothed out if possible.
  6. The work is finished for today, leave everything overnight and continue tomorrow.
  7. It's time to remove the paper. To do this, you need to wet it and rub it with your fingers. Right now you are witnessing a miracle - when you remove the paper, you can see how the image remains on the wood.
  8. Now you can use wood paint. Monitor the amount so that the image does not darken.
  9. Now apply liquid paraffin. If necessary, the last two steps can be repeated after the first layer has dried.

Other basics for image transfer

Metal is a base that is also suitable for such “tricks”. For accurate and fairly accurate work, two axial lines are drawn on it or the corners of the image are marked. Now let's look in more detail at how to transfer a design from paper to metal.

The most common is to use carbon paper for this. Since metal is a very hard material, it is coated with white or light paint. The transfer process begins after the varnish has completely dried, which is applied just before the start of the main work.


This method requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. The pattern is very tightly attached to the product. You can use a soap solution for this.
  2. Many craftsmen use a canter for this work. With it, the image turns out to be very accurate - almost jewelry work, which, however, takes a lot of time and requires some preliminary training.
  3. The instrument is taken with three fingers, resting on the ring finger, which serves as a kind of spring. The embossing is located 2-3 mm from the design, its light strokes form a dotted line - the main outline of the image is drawn. The smaller the detail of the picture, the more densely it breaks through.
  4. When all the lines have been transferred, you can wash off the paint.
  5. The image can be varnished.

Now you know how to transfer a design from paper to paper, to leather, to glass, to wood and to metal. Go ahead - get your tools, and good luck in your endeavors!


I checked out this author's book from the library many times and even scanned a number of photographs. All her embroidery is done in silk. You can copy a drawing while holding a book in your hands. There are great large photos there. I have been wanting to buy her book for a long time, but I haven’t decided yet, because... expensive.

Always, when I see pictures of satin stitch embroidery, I begin to feel like a defective, cross-stitch copyist. Maybe this is, of course, because I have never tried satin stitch embroidery and everything seems to be the height of perfection. But what could be smaller than a cross? Maybe French knots, I downloaded a picture of a dog in satin stitch, my husband didn’t believe it was embroidered, those are such eyes!

teach me, plz!

Do your children know that an ink pencil exists? And that it was invented a long time ago? By the way, why was it even invented? My blonde sits with a blue mouth and fingers, trying to figure out the principle of operation. I found (pencil)...


in our childhood it was already a rarity :))
I don’t know why, but it, well, combines the advantages of a pencil (does not wash out with water) and ink (can’t be erased with an eraser)

In our time it was called a "chemical pencil".
I haven’t seen it since childhood, I didn’t even know that it still existed. Children probably don’t know about the existence of this at all.

Children can be very prolific, and often parents do not know what to do with the huge amount of work that little artists bring from kindergarten or school, paint at home and while traveling. How ? Children's drawings: keep or throw away At first I kept every sheet of paper on which my first daughter left her marks, but I soon realized that this was not the best solution. There were a lot of drawings, and many were thoughtless scribbles. Most parents keep the work that they find best and most interesting. I add to such works everything that shows the transition to the next stage - the first circles, patterns or faces. If you do the same, select the drawings yourself and stealthily...

How to transfer a design to fabric? I want to draw something on the top with acrylic paints, so far the only idea is to print it on paper, put it on the top with the printed side down and iron it, I suspect that at least a little bit will remain on the fabric... and then paint it on top. Has anyone tried doing this? Or maybe there is another way? I won’t be able to try mine until Sunday, but I’d like to start doing it tomorrow :)


If you have a piece of plexiglass at home (or any transparent material - I have cutting boards made of transparent plastic), then in the old student way: put plexiglass on a table lamp, put a picture on top, cover it - in your case with a T-shirt, but I’m in institute I translated the drawings - and trace the contours thinly with a simple pencil, paint will cover it anyway, acrylic is thick.

How to pack a gift: ideas with photos

Master class with photos: creating a unique T-shirt with your own hands
...3. Transfer the design to the fabric. Put the iron on the “cotton” mode, iron the colored sandpaper thoroughly - about half a minute. Before removing the sandpaper, check whether the design is printed well, and if not, warm it up again. 4. Voila! Now you have it with a cool textured print. However, before putting it on, iron the T-shirt one more time: place a paper towel on the inside and on the design itself to remove excess wax and set the color. Allow the shirt to cool before wearing....

Name symmetry

An original art project for middle schoolers: draw a mirror image of your name on a quartered piece of paper. Children find this activity very entertaining. Draw diagonals on a square piece of paper and draw a name on one of the segments. Now take transparent paper and transfer the name-drawing onto it. Then combine the tracing paper with each segment and press the contours of the drawing with a pencil. After you remove the tracing paper, draw the pressed lines...

The rattle of a real fan.

A bright, colorful ratchet for the whole family. Make a clapper in the colors of your national flag. With this unique toy, you can show off your country's colors and support your team at the FIFA World Cup or the Winter Olympics. Make your own fun kit with friends or family. All you need is desire and the right Dremel® tool. Step 1 Attach the palm template to the A3 sheet and using a pencil and carbon paper twice...

Stick a cookie cutter into the flat side of one of the halves, let the potatoes cut around the cutter, and when you remove it, you will have a seal. Blot the surface with a paper towel. Pour some fabric paint into a paper plate and dip the potato stamp into it. Place the stamp on a piece of paper to remove excess ink. Then press the stamp firmly to the desired location on the T-shirt and, being careful not to smudge the ink, remove it. Carefully scrape the paint off the potatoes. Make a few more prints with different colors of paint. Ask an adult to cut out the second...


We used our hands and brushes to paint a T-shirt for dad as a gift. But I didn’t think of making stencils from vegetables) I’ll definitely use your idea. Thank you.

13.10.2018 14:08:26, yaridar

Super!!! We'll definitely try it. Thank you!

Drawing with cereals

Drawing with cereals is a very exciting, interesting and creative activity that perfectly develops motor skills in children. There are many ways to draw grains. For example, for very young children, you can simply pour cereal (semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.) onto a surface or tray and invite the baby to simply move his finger over it. Show your child that you can run your finger along the rump and get a line, you can draw a circle on the rump, etc. These are one-time drawings, but you can do something similar...

Let's start with the portrait

Light the mother from one side with a light bulb so that the shadow of her head falls on the wall, as brightly as possible. And so that the mother’s profile appears as a shadow on the wall with all possible accuracy. To do this, you need to ask mom to sit closer or further from the wall so that mom’s profile from the shadow turns out perfectly accurate. We will now outline this mother’s profile from the shadows. View on Yandex.Photos There is an old belief that the first drawing on earth was a line drawn around a person’s shadow...

Unconventional drawing methods. Part 2

In the fall, while walking with your child in the park, you can collect leaves from different trees that differ in shape, size and color. The leaves are covered with gouache, then the painted side is placed on a sheet of paper, pressed and removed, resulting in a neat imprint of the plant. View on Yandex.Photos Example of sheet printing technique: Take any sheet you like. And on a separate sheet of paper, paint it well with gouache using a brush. Try not to leave empty spaces or unpainted edges...

Drawing using passe-partout technique

Passepartout. You can start working with children using the passe-partout technique from an early age. With the help of this unconventional drawing technique, you can turn children's “doodles” into a real drawing, literally giving them shape. In general, a passe-partout is a piece of cardboard or paper with a quadrangular, oval or round hole cut out in the middle for a frame into which a drawing or engraving is inserted so that they can be easily replaced with others. View on Yandex.Photos In our case, the passe-partout...

Bend the workpiece in half. Trim the excess paper along the line. Cracker This snowflake with six rays, cut out of gold paper, combines the silhouettes of a New Year tree and the symbol of the New Year - a cracker. Fold paper into a snowflake with six rays. Transfer the drawing to the workpiece. Cut out the snowflake in the sequence shown in the picture. Unfold the snowflake and carefully straighten the folds. Forest round dance Silhouettes of bunnies twirling in a round dance around a New Year tree are carved on a snowflake with six rays. cut from gold paper. Fold a paper blank for a snowflake with six l...
...Fold the workpiece in half. Trim the excess paper along the line. Cracker This snowflake with six rays, cut out of gold paper, combines the silhouettes of a New Year tree and the symbol of the New Year - a cracker. Fold paper into a snowflake with six rays. Transfer the drawing to the workpiece. Cut out the snowflake in the sequence shown in the picture. Unfold the snowflake and carefully straighten the folds. Forest round dance Silhouettes of bunnies twirling in a round dance around a New Year tree are carved on a snowflake with six rays. The snowflake is cut out of gold paper. Fold paper into a snowflake with six rays. Transfer the drawing to the workpiece. Cut out a snowflake in...

Trim the excess paper along the line. Magic star This snowflake is cut out of gold paper. It has five arms that form a star, each arm ending in a stylized star. Fold paper into a snowflake with five rays. Transfer the drawing to the workpiece. If you are using single-sided paper, the ink layer should be inside the piece when folding. This way you won’t spoil the snowflake when transferring the design. Cut out the snowflake in the sequence shown in the picture. Unfold the snowflake and carefully straighten the folds. Christmas Angels This snowflake is double: the lower part with the Christmas trees is cut out of bright blue paper, and the upper part with the angels is cut out of white. Fold...

Have you noticed? When we are thinking about something, or listening, or just sitting and bored, and there is paper and a pencil at hand, our hand seems to automatically draw lines, then circles (and much more) on a piece of paper. It turns out that such drawings can be deciphered. And not only your own, but also your children’s. And this, according to psychologists, will help you find out what your student is concerned about at the moment. ♦ Little people, caricatured faces or muzzles, haphazardly drawn on a sheet of paper, give off a feeling...

How to transfer a drawing to felt? I couldn't do it with a carbon copy...


If the felt is not thick, or on any ordinary fabric, I personally always use my favorite old method - attach it to the window glass) When it is dark outside, a monitor is great for the same purpose. Or a piece of glass - and a lamp below.
If the fabric/felt is not see-through, I act depending on:
1. If the design is large, I slowly “cut” the paper with the design along the lines, thus gradually tracing them along the contours on the felt fabric.
2. If the drawing is small, I use carbon paper. Of course, here you need to take into account that the copied drawing will go only inside out, because carbon paper dirty the surface... But it’s reliable - time. And two - this is usually how it happens - that there is always a wrong side that can be hidden)
3. If the drawing is very simple, I draw a similar one by hand, looking at the “source” and periodically checking the “contours”, piercing the contour line with a needle and bending the sheet of paper to the side.
Yes, that's what I am, a vandal and a lazy person.

A drawing on paper can be stitched on a machine without thread. You get holes. Then powder, you can just use chalk, and then use a marker pencil, that is, finish drawing everything. Or you can use a white corrector, well, the one that removes mistakes. He will be stronger.

How to transfer a satin stitch embroidery design onto fabric?


My mother would draw on a napkin (if the design was small), baste the napkin to the fabric, and embroider directly on the napkin.
I don’t do satin stitch myself, so I can’t vouch for this method. Just remembered)

If the fabric is thick and dark (like mine - dark blue velvet), a non-woven fabric is glued to the inside, a thin felt-tip pen-marker is used to transfer the design onto it (the non-woven fabric, by the way, is thin, the pattern can simply be transferred by placing a piece of paper with a pattern under the non-woven fabric, and then already solder to the fabric with an iron). And then I transferred the design from the inside to the face, using a regular sewing machine to sew out the entire design with short stitches and light threads. But there is one “but” - if the drawing is simple, with long smooth lines, there are no problems, but if it is a complex drawing, with a lot of small elegant details (in my case - peacocks) - you can shoot yourself!!!

Let’s decorate the box with our own hands using a mosaic of disks! To implement this brilliant plan we will need: a box; unnecessary disks (I needed 4 pieces); sharp scissors; template with a mosaic pattern; disc marker; alcohol solution (erase marker); glue (I used PVA); grout; paper for gluing the inside of the box. Brief explanations regarding tools and materials Instead of such a box (made of a thin layer of wood in the shape of a heart), you can even take a cardboard box for the base of the mosaic. The only condition: the cardboard must be quite durable, do not move back and forth when opening and closing, otherwise the mosaic glued with your own hands will very quickly come off...
...It is best to circle the cut lines several times or simply draw with a fairly thick dark felt-tip pen or marker. Then the details can be more easily transferred to disk by simply placing the diagram on the window first, and the disk on top. You need to draw with a marker on the shiny side of the disk. If you can't see anything through the disk, you'll have to come up with other ways to transfer the image to the disk. Starting with using carbon paper and ending with cutting out each element, placing it on a disk and then tracing over the disks with a marker. When the parts are cut out, you can immediately place them on a box (or other surface you decorate with your own hands), away from moving objects (so as not to turn them over!). Gradually with your own hands...


interesting and bad...
I will give an excerpt:
"Use strong, sharp scissors for cutting. Some people advise taking scissors without plastic rings (they will break), but I don’t insist on this. I myself cut out parts from disks using large scissors from IKEA with plastic rings. My scissors were practically unused before , therefore sharp. The scissors are still functioning, but they are pretty dull.

To make cutting the discs easier, some people recommend heating them. Perhaps this really helps, but I haven't tested it. It seemed to me that heating the discs and then cutting them while hot was even more problematic than working with cold ones. But if you have a really bad time cutting your discs, you can try heating them."
Discs melt when heated!!! It is not the discs that need to be heated, but the knives or scissors.
Some people use soldering irons to make holes or cut.
But heating the discs is such a stink...
And putting them in the microwave is such special effects...!!!
It’s better not to try... Otherwise the apartment will take a long time to ventilate.

We take a drawing of our future mosaic printed on the computer (you can use a sheet from a children’s coloring book or a picture you like from a magazine). Turn the sheet over and rub it liberally with school chalk, blowing off the excess. So the white carbon copy is ready with your own hands. We place it on a black surface, fixing it in several places with tape, and transfer the drawing (with a stick, pen, pencil). We remove our sheet and... oh, horror! It's all white and dirty! Is this what we wanted? Of course not! Therefore, we take a gel pen (they are also called “tattoo pens”) and trace our drawing again. These pens are like...

Coloring books for children, entertainment for young artists


I edited the previous post, otherwise it turned out to be difficult to read.

I will refute the need for coloring books

The child is busy

for some reason it reads like “the child sits quietly, does not get in the way.”

06/15/2009 12:10:09, Dasha79

For young students
asked the artist Tokmakov:
"Who can draw?"
There were too many hands raised to count.

Sixth grades. Tokmakov
and then asked the disciples:
"Well, who knows how to draw?"
About five hands went up.

In the tenth grade of Tokmak
Again he asked the students:
"So who can draw?"
There are no hands raised.

But the guys really
Once upon a time they knew how to draw.
And the sun laughed on the sheets!
Where did all this go?

Poem as an epigraph.

Coloring pages help develop creativity. Children begin to use their imagination, come up with different scenarios and create their own stories.
DO NOT CONTRIBUTE. They kill creativity in the bud. Coloring pages are a dead outline. Children fill it with color and get a beautiful picture. After looking at your own drawings, the desire to draw disappears.

Develops perseverance and patience. Children learn to concentrate.
Looking at blots helps to concentrate - even for children with severe problems: hyperactivity and other things. Figuring out what it could be, etc.

Creative activities allow you to avoid psychological problems.
100% correct statement. Only coloring books DO NOT belong to creative activities. Independent drawing - yes!!! Modeling - from clay, plasticine, wax, paper. Collages and applications.

Fine motor skills of the hands develop, which, in turn, stimulates the development of speech and intelligence, has a positive effect on the overall development of the child, and prepares the hand for writing.
There are many techniques for developing fine motor skills. There is not only drawing, but also games with cereals, stringing beads, embroidery, tying knots, etc. and so on. Give him the opportunity to draw - and he will take advantage of it. Provide pencils, paints, brushes and paper - and the child will begin to show interest in these items. Especially if you praise him. Yes, of course, you can use games like draw a pencil along the path, but this is NOT coloring, this is completing tasks.

The child is busy
- for some reason it reads like “the child sits quietly, does not get in the way.”

And lastly - it would be interesting - are the authors of the article artists??? Because the artists I've talked to, all of them, speak out against coloring books.

06/15/2009 11:56:25, Dasha79

There's a problem. Help me please. There is the text of the textbook online, the pages are photographed, that is, the text cannot be corrected. You can somehow translate this text into Word, so that you can later change it, copy a piece, format it, etc.

First, draw some simple picture on paper, like those shown in the picture. Then secure it with tape on a solid base, and spread a larger piece of plastic film evenly on top and secure it in the same way. "Transparent" projectors are even better because they don't wrinkle when drawing. Transfer the drawing onto a transparent base and carefully color it. First, the colored areas are painted over, and then the black lines are drawn. Do not press too hard on the marker to avoid damaging the film. Drawing black lines requires special care, so this work is best done by adults. Now slightly crumple and then smooth out the foil. Cover the bottom of the plate with it, and wrap the protruding areas around...
...Again, take the (larger) object that we circled first. Attach it to a piece of cardboard and trace it. Cut out a circle and glue it to the back of the craft. This will give the product strength. Be sure to write your child's name and date on the back of the cardboard photo frame. Wrap the craft in beautiful paper and instruct your child to give it to their grandparents for New Year and Christmas! Happy Holidays! Anna Kurskaya (Emily), [email protected], based on materials from the site

Girls, can someone tell me how to get out of the deadlock :) There is a thing knitted in stockinette stitch from 100% wool using knitting needles No. 3.5. Those. The knit is quite large and of medium density. Task: embroider a pattern on it using a chain stitch. Everything would be fine, but I can’t transfer the pattern from paper to woolen knitwear. I tried to put carbon paper on it, but it didn’t draw. In addition, the drawing is not just straight lines, but a rather intricate flower, and it would be necessary to copy it exactly. How else can you translate this drawing? Any thoughts?


Shangri-la, I actually transferred it not to knitwear, but to coat fabric, but the principle is the same, I simply basted the design through tracing paper, removed the tracing paper, and if simple threads were visible under the embroidery, then I removed them in places, if they were not visible , but left...

I’m copying from the “Biblioguide”: It’s now the fashion for publishers to publish huge volumes with the proud inscription “Everything about...” If, say, you are completely delighted with Bianchi, here’s a brick in which this very Bianchi is packed, down to the last letter. It's the same story with the Moomintrolls. Do you want “All about the Moomins”? Please read for your health, if God has not offended you with your biceps. But keep in mind: one caring mother bought such a hefty book and began reading to her child... She feels that something is wrong here...

In the variety of materials used for finishing, wood occupies a special place. This material is notable for its unique texture, environmental friendliness and natural origin. The wood itself, especially when varnished or otherwise decorated, is quite beautiful. However, at the same time, it often becomes the basis for placing certain images. Moreover, the latter can be transferred independently. And there are several ways to do this.

Unlike paper and canvas, painting on wood is something new and interesting in our design. Therefore, such paintings will attract attention, and those people who want to create an interior that can surprise can consider this particular option.

In addition, you can decorate the wood that is used directly in the decoration, making the interior that is familiar to many look completely new. In addition, you can decorate a variety of wooden products in this way, from boxes to furniture.

Finally, transferring an image onto a wooden surface can be a hobby for children and adults, and for some, a way to earn money. After all, handmade things are actively purchased today.

What needs to be done with the drawing and wood before transferring

  • Transferring an image onto a wood surface, like any other, is in some cases impossible without the mirroring effect. In the case of an image, this is not so important, but it is better to initially make letters and numbers mirrored so that after transfer they take on the correct appearance;
  • Any drawing is best transferred in high resolution. During the work, blurriness may appear, and if the image resolution was initially low, this can greatly deteriorate the quality of the final result;
  • The quality of the transfer directly depends on how clean and smooth the surface is. Any contamination is unacceptable, as are unevenness. In the latter case, you can use sandpaper;
  • The color of the wood can also play a role in transfer. It is best to use options that are as light as possible.

Transfer with sublimation paper

A special type of paper that, when heated, can adhere to a surface, such as wood. Anything can be printed on such paper, and the process of transferring an image with its help is as simple as possible.

Ironing paper

It is often used when it is necessary to transfer images to wood for subsequent tracing with a special soldering iron and thus creating a picture. Some people draw by hand, while others prefer this method. However, the method is also suitable for creating final products, and due to its cheapness and simplicity, it is very accessible and popular.

To transfer, you need to print the desired image on a sheet of paper. The sheet itself is laid on a perfectly cleaned and smooth wood surface. In this case, the paper is moistened with a small amount of acetone, which will make the process of transferring pigment from it to wood when heated better.

Important! When working with acetone, all precautions should be taken. Remember that the material has a strong odor and evaporates rapidly. It is best to work in a ventilated area, and you should protect your respiratory system with a respirator or at least a mask. It is also important to have a fire extinguisher on hand to prevent static electricity.

Having stretched the paper soaked in acetone to the desired size, we begin to iron it with a hot iron, and after a while the image will be transferred.

Transfer using decoupage film

Decoupage is becoming a very popular hobby, so many people know how to handle film from it. After printing the desired image on it, also prepare white acrylic paint.

It is necessary to perfectly clean the wood and also give it a smooth surface. Next, we apply pre-slightly diluted paint in two layers. Moreover, the application directions must be perpendicular to each other.

The paint must be allowed to dry. Once this has happened, the dampened decoupage paper (about 30 seconds soaking in room temperature water) is placed on the surface, removing the base and rubbing with a sponge to ensure a tight seal. After waiting for it to dry, you can treat the surface with varnish.

Transfer using PVA or gel medium

Regardless of the material chosen, the process is approximately the same. However, in the case of gel, the application occurs directly on the board, well, the glue is applied to the photograph. The photo itself can be a simple printout on plain paper. If this is important to the image, it is necessary to have a mirrored version of the photo, as later the picture will take on the correct appearance. The following is the procedure:

  • The wood must be thoroughly cleaned and perfectly sanded to create a smooth surface. You can use 120 grit sandpaper;
  • Processing photos with glue or wood gel. In the case of the latter, it is necessary to do everything as carefully as possible, without missing the slightest fragment;
  • The sheet must be glued to the lubricated surface, and then passed over it with a roller for a better fit, absence of folds and air bubbles. This stage is extremely important, since it determines how well the drawing will be translated;
  • Leave the product overnight, then, as soon as the gel is completely dry, wet the sheet and remove it with a dishwashing sponge. The image is translated quite reliably, and it is not so easy to erase it. However, it is still better not to try too hard. However, in the case of PVA glue, it will be more difficult to erase the paper layer;
  • After all the paper has been removed, make sure that there are no traces of it left on the surface, as they may interfere with the next step - varnishing. You can use waterproof or clear acrylic varnish.

For beginners and those who do not understand.

I’ll tell you another time how to transfer a drawing from tracing paper to a blank matryoshka doll or to the hemispherical surface of a box lid. Now, to understand the process, I will show you the simplest technique for manually transferring a drawing from tracing paper to cardboard.

The idea is simple. The transparency of tracing paper allows you to copy a design from one piece of paper to another with sufficient accuracy, maintaining the original size.

Why do you need to transfer a drawing at all if you can color the original sketch with paints? Then, firstly, in this case you save the watercolor paper from endless scratching with a pencil and abrasion with an eraser, while the sketch can be erased even to holes. Secondly, you can also copy fragments if some areas in the sketch seem unnecessary or redundant. Thirdly, if there is a need for rearrangement, then the moment of transferring the sketch from tracing paper to paper is the most convenient.

The necessary tools are tracing paper and two pencils. One pencil is hard and sharpened (2H-4H), the second is as soft as possible (4M-6M) and does not need to be sharpened. You can use charcoal instead of a soft pencil, but charcoal will add a lot of dirt to the drawing. An eraser is not advisable in this case.

So, the simplest drawing with the correct transfer technology. We will transfer a photo from a magazine onto cardboard.

1. Place the image on a flat surface and secure it, for example, with tape.

2. Place tracing paper on top of the image and secure it too.

3. We outline the main contours of the image, as well as all the details that are significant to us.

5. Turn the tracing paper over to the reverse (clean for now) side up.

6. Rub the back side of the tracing paper with the visible design with a soft pencil. The photo shows a graphite rod, not carbon.

8. Attach the tracing paper to the cardboard with the pattern up and the rubbed graphite side down.

10. We remove the tracing paper, we see the contours of the transferred image and a lot of dirt remaining from the graphite.

Advice: To reduce the amount of dirt from graphite, do not rub all the free space on the back of the tracing paper. You can rub only those areas where there are lines of the drawing.

Professional and most accurate approach: carefully outline the outline of the drawing with the softest pencil. Contour only, no chafing.

Unprofessional approach- use a carbon copy. Why unprofessional? Because traces of carbon paper are practically not erased with an eraser.

Tag: Fine arts