Silver aura. Golden aura, what does it mean?

Which carries information about the personality, health, thoughts, emotions and feelings of its owner. Depending on the physical, emotional and spiritual state of a person, the color of the aura may change, which makes it possible for aurography specialists to conduct aurodiagnostics. However, one color in the aura always prevails and does not depend on external circumstances. It is this color that allows us to determine the personality type and characteristics of each person’s worldview.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the decoding of aura colors - knowing this information will help you better understand yourself and identify diseases in a timely manner.

Red aura color

Red is the color of passion, courage, assertiveness and activity. A person whose aura is dominated by this color has ambition, physical vitality, energy and sexual power. In this case, shades of red are of great importance:

  • the lighter the red color, the more unstable and nervous the owner of the red aura is;
  • pure and bright red color is an indicator that a person is in love and full of vitality;
  • dark red color indicates a person’s viciousness and aggressiveness (as a rule, dark red color predominates among criminals and murderers).

By the red spots that are located in the area of ​​human organs, you can accurately determine their condition. For example, if an aura image shows a flash of red color in the jaw area, this indicates that the person is suffering from toothache. A dull red-brown color indicates cancer. In this case, you can accurately determine at what stage of development the disease is: just beginning or already progressing.

Lavender aura color

Lavender aura is extremely rare, as it occurs only in people who have achieved a perfect balance between material existence and spiritual understanding. Most often, the lavender color in the aura appears only temporarily, and never dominates. Experts note that quite often the lavender color predominates in the red aura of adolescents, but this indicates the immaturity of its owner.

If you still belong to the “lavender” people, then pay attention to the shades of your aura: for example, pale lavender color is found in shy people who do not know how to show themselves.

Orange aura color

The color orange symbolizes the healing power of the sun. The predominance of this color in the aura indicates that the person is either endowed with healing abilities, or is in the process of emotional self-healing or physical growth. An orange aura is most often found in energetic, optimistic, healthy and resilient people who are open to new experiences and are constantly in search of change. At the same time, an excess of orange can be a sign of a person’s excessive pride.

Different shades of orange can tell a lot about a person's character:

  • pure orange is the color of ambition and pride, sociability, emotionality and openness, kindness and the ability to feel other people, good health and discipline;
  • bright orange is the color of fun, strong emotions and optimism;
  • dark orange is the color of little intelligence and self-indulgence;
  • muddy orange is the color of irritability.

Yellow aura color

The color yellow is most often visible in photographs of the aura as a halo or halo around the head. This is due to the fact that yellow is the color of the intellect, indicating the process of purification, growth of the mind and change from the unconscious to the conscious. The owner of a yellow aura is distinguished by kindness, optimism, love and compassion for others.

In addition to gold, there may be such shades of yellow as:

  • bright yellow - indicates enormous willpower, high intelligence and cheerfulness. Such people can be trusted unconditionally;
  • dark yellow - speaks of the greed and cowardice of a person whose intelligence is limited to personal achievements;
  • pure yellow - found in people with highly developed intellect, possessing enormous creative potential, intellectual strength and active friendliness.

Green aura color

People with a predominant green color in their aura tend to be harmonious, balanced, able to bring peace, and have a penchant for healing. However, a lot depends on the shade of green:

  • pure green color is most often found among those endowed with special magnetism and healing abilities. Such people are always ready to help and, at a minimum, express sincere sympathy;
  • The bright green color is found in friendly people who are distinguished by their warmth, philanthropy and good health. Thanks to tolerance of other people's religions, tact and politeness, they easily adapt to changing circumstances and are on good terms with everyone;
  • dark green color indicates deceit, selfish plans, jealousy and deception.

Blue aura color

The blue color of the aura predominates in people with a powerful psyche, logical thinking, broad intelligence and the ability to pacify with just a few words. A more detailed description of a person can be given by a shade of blue:

  • sky blue - indicates dynamism and spirituality;
  • bright blue - found among ideological people committed to high ideals (the brighter the color, the more cheerful and healthy the owner of the blue aura);
  • light blue - indicates a lack of strong-willed leadership qualities, so such people need to be “pushed” to take decisive action;
  • dark blue - predominates either among sages who have realized themselves or are in the process of discovering their spiritual potential, or among missionaries who have embarked on this path at the “call of the heart”;
  • pure blue is the color of sincerity, creativity, self-expression, determination, healing, tenderness and gentleness. People with such an aura are always ready to act and are constantly in a state of active thinking.

Blue aura color

Because the color blue symbolizes deep wisdom, inspiration, creativity, self-expression and imagination, people with a predominance of this color in their aura are artistic, altruistic, pious and spiritual. Most often, these are phlegmatic people who are in harmony with nature, and also have a selfless nature and developed intuition. Psychologists have long noted that blue color promotes liberation from fear and anxiety, development of one’s mental abilities and a vivid perception of beauty.

In addition, the shade of blue is of great importance:

  • dark blue - quite often indicates depression, which is aggravated if a person has to defend other people's ideas more than his own. At the same time, dark blue color predominates among people who are distinguished by spiritual aspiration, sometimes bordering on mercy;
  • bright blue - found in people who care about their neighbors and have achieved spiritual insight, and also have a religious sense and responsibility;
  • cloudy blue - speaks of depression, negative thoughts and disappointment of a person.

Purple aura color

Spirituality, achieving goals, personal harmony, patronage of higher powers, compassion for others and connection with divine self-awareness. These are characteristic features of people with a violet aura. In addition, violet people are distinguished by developed intuition, artistry, high sensitivity, mysticism and great ideas.

If the aura is not only purple, but also noticeably enlarged, then this indicates high spirituality and potential wisdom. It is extremely rare, but still there are people whose aura is dominated by the violet-silver color, which is a sign of the highest degree of experience and knowledge.

White aura color

A white aura is a sign of purity, kindness and the highest spiritual achievement, enlightenment and purification. It is generally accepted that “white” people are under the protection of guardian angels, and therefore they are not afraid of any negative influences from the outside, life’s adversities and troubles. Sometimes there are people with a white-silver aura. This color indicates the transformation of a person’s spiritual beginning into idealism, steadfastness and will. Silver inclusions in a white aura can also mean astral travel: it is generally accepted that silver threads connect the physical body with the astral.

However, it is necessary to take into account that the white color in the aura may be a consequence not of enlightenment, but of meditation (for example, it is reliably known that the white color in the aura is caused by transcendental meditation).

Gray aura color

Gray color is usually found in weak-willed people who have poor health. It is the color of boredom, despondency, depression, melancholy, self-doubt and malaise. Gray stripes over human organs indicate their destruction and the need for urgent medical intervention. For example, gray smoke billowing around the head indicates that a person suffers from constant headaches.

Quite often, the gray color masks emotions of fear, anger, resentment, as well as feelings of laziness and anxiety. In addition, depending on the shade, a gray aura can mean:

  • light gray - apathy, unreliability and a tendency to deceive;
  • dark gray - fear and horror;
  • bright gray - lack of imagination and selfishness.

Brown aura color

Most often, a brown aura means that a person has a close connection with the physical level. Therefore, depending on the shade, the predominance of brown in the aura may indicate such character traits of its owner as:

  • hard brown color - selfishness, greed, mundaneness and jealousy;
  • dark brown color – despair and depression;
  • light brown color - greed.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the brown-red color, which symbolizes anger (owners of a brown-red aura most often turn out to be scoundrels, so it is best to stay away from them). Note that this color is also an indicator of the disease of a particular organ: if a brown-red spot appears near an organ, then this organ is sick (if it is a vital organ, then the person will most likely die soon).

What else should you pay attention to?

When determining a person’s emotional state, the location of the primary color of the aura is of great importance. If vibrations predominate in the right side, where the active (male) extroverted principle is concentrated, then by color we can determine the energy that we give to the world around us at the moment. In other words, color flows on the right side of the body speak about the impression that we have about the world around us. Accordingly, the vibrations predominant in the left side, where the feminine introvertive principle is concentrated, make it possible to identify the energy that we are currently receiving.

Based on materials from the works of R. Webster, C. Lebditer, S. Klyuchnikov


Purple color in the aura

Purple combines fiery dynamic red with cold and calm blue. So it is in a person: boiling power inside is combined with external coldness. Bright purple indicates a high level of intellectual development coupled with spiritual knowledge and intuition. Clean and brightviolet And lilac speak of a strong, selfless love for humanity. Darkviolet indicates deep inner feelings and demanding tendencies. Here is a love of secrets, mysteries, unconventional knowledge, secret teachings and mystical abilities. All this supports “violet” individuals on the spiritual path.

Dirty purple most often found in people with mental disorders. Purple is the color of the seventh (crown) chakra. Relevant organs and body parts: nervous system and pineal brain.

Mind and body

Violet type people are dynamic, charismatic and powerful individuals. Their life mission is to inspire and lead humanity into a new age. Most Violets have the intention of doing something important in their lives.

People with a violet aura have both wisdom and powerful intuition. They also contain physical strength and qualities that allow them to radically change their own lives. The violet type combines the features of the blue and red types, creating a certain new level of essence and new vibrations.

“Purple” people are visionaries, futurists. They have high ideals and hopes for the future. In any situation, a complete picture of what is happening is revealed to them and, without delving into the facts, they know everything. They themselves are always interested in this holistic picture and the driving force of events. They can often see the future.

Violet people perceive life through the Third Eye or inner vision, as they have the ability to visualize future events. They don't need to go into detail to achieve their goals.

Their unorthodox, inventive ideas and strange perceptions often seem unrealistic and impractical to others.

On the other hand, purples are theoreticians. They want to know that their ideas and projects work and make a difference. Their psychic abilities allow them to see the reason or structure of a technology, situation or event. Violet easily find the underlying laws and causes of events and intuitively know what next step to take.

Their motivation is self-expression, as well as the desire to live as they see better, realizing their creative potential. The closer their life is to their inner vision, the more satisfied and happy they are. These flexible individuals perceive life as magic and feel like a duck to water in the flow of change and transformation. They adapt perfectly to any conditions.

Since Violets combine the qualities of the Blue and Red types, it is important for them to accept the direction of behavior of both. This dynamic new level blends sensitivity, caring, intuition, all-encompassing love and compassion - the qualities of the blue type, with the physical activity and strength of the red type. People of the violet type often have a strong body and endless energy. They need to realize their physical strength, for example, in sports. But since mental energies are also strong in them, active relaxation is necessary to renew energies at all levels.

Violet people radiate charisma and magnetism. Their emotional depth has an extraordinary impact on others. They know how to make dreams come true. Their mind is a magical space where dreams come to life. Some purple ones live as if in the future.

They intuitively know and feel what the future will bring or what success can bring. The life of violet is in tune with the flow of energy and a sense of intuition. But that's not all. They are even capable of creating and manipulating positive visions that can truly assist humanity in its transition into a more enlightened era of being and self-knowledge.

Violet people love music. They feel the power and vibration of sounds, preferring energizing, quiet and harmonious melodies. Music that is destructive for them (for example, hard rock) can irritate and cause discomfort. For this type, music is a universal language that connects people with each other and the Universe together.

People with a violet aura are very independent and need a lot of space to function. We are talking about huge houses with a lot of open space. Sometimes even a castle is too small for the expansive area of ​​violet energy. Just like physical space, they need emotional and mental space. They feel bad if they find themselves in a small town or community, when in fact their personal space extends to the aisles of the whole world.

Often these people appear to others as cold and distant, unapproachable, but this is only externally. All their strength, passion and energy are hidden within. They are careful in expressing feelings because they operate with sensitivity and passion at the same time. They are easily offended, so their cold appearance is used as a shield. Feigning pride and arrogance does not necessarily mean that they experience the same things internally. They are often simply unsure of themselves or feel in danger.

The biggest challenge for people of this type is to trust their intuition and inner vision. The tendency towards self-criticism and improvement often leaves them alone with feelings of guilt and resentment. Some part of such a person may think that he is able to do something better, faster and more efficiently. Even after completing a successful project, they may find small errors or details that they should have noticed. This may bring with it a feeling of regret.

Being in a state of disharmony, people with a violet aura often ask themselves why they have a strong desire to do something important in life. Sometimes they even wonder why they can’t be like everyone else and just get rid of the obsession. Sometimes they feel unworthy or not fit enough for such a high mission. Successful and famous individuals often face this uncertainty on their path.

In a state of disharmony, violet people can also be arrogant, pompous and narcissistic. They think they are better than other people. Their selfishness reaches the point where dictatorial qualities, nurtured on self-adoration and glory, are manifested in their behavior. During such a period, violets often do not trust their own visions and ideas. The number of ways to resolve the issue is dizzying. At the same time, violet ones become distracted, amazed and embarrassed. They often work on a large number of projects that simply cannot be brought to their logical conclusion. By renouncing reality and going “too far,” violet people turn everything upside down and lose their strength.

If violets have lost touch with their visions and intuition, they often use their charismatic abilities to achieve material wealth or high social status. It is as if they are trying to compensate for the missing spiritual connection with their own strength, success and wealth.

Spirituality is an essential aspect for purples. They see God in everything, including themselves. Their point of view about the nature of spirituality is this: spirituality is a universal or cosmic consciousness that is directly related to us, within ourselves. Violet believe that God lives in each of us, since people are co-authors of their own reality. We are God's creatures.

Following destiny for these people means living a spiritual life. They enjoy being in this magical state of mind, when the Universe itself takes care of them.

Social sphere

Sometimes purples are seen as antisocial. They are much more interested in meaningful conversations and big ideas than in idle chatter with friends about trivial things. Social communication is boring for them and is a necessity unless there is a compelling reason.

Violets are primarily focused on their own visions. This puts them at a distance from their partners and close friends. But still, they need to leave their cave in order to taste the delights of everyday life and not turn into ascetics. Their task is not to let their visions take over.

Violet people believe that they must support society and humanity as a whole. They feel that they are in the service of society, changing lives and improving them. They need a lot of patience to realize that the changes introduced, which require effort and time, will ultimately play their role.

Violet inspires society to find new ways of a harmonious future, where there is no war, and the entire planet functions as a single organism; where all people are the creators of their own destiny. Violet teaches humanity that the universe will take care of us no matter what religion, faith or society we belong to or where we are born.

If we merge into universal unity, catch the flow of life energy and define the “stuff” from which we are woven, and if we join the Universe, there will be no limit to the possibilities.

Relationships and intimate sphere

Relationships do not occupy a very important place in the violet value system. They need partners who can understand their visions, travel together in similar directions and provide inspiration.

People with a violet aura prefer mystical sex, where intercourse and orgasm are the path to enlightenment, the unity of the feminine and masculine principles, where duality ceases to exist. Sexual union represents a cosmic experience in which the energies of two beings merge into one.

In relationships with loved ones, excitement and excitement are important to them. They are also sensitive to their partners and understand them perfectly.

When Violets focus on their partners, they become quite demanding and possessive. Since they blend in so easily with their partners, it is important not to lose their own individuality. People with a violet aura are sometimes so absorbed in their partners that they forget about everything in the world, including friends. In the absence of harmony, they can “suffocate” in their relationships.

If the partners of people of this type do not respond to them with the same strong passion and tenderness, violet people have problems with sex and even sexual disorders. Therefore, it is important for them to create a balanced intimate life that brings satisfaction. They usually look for a kindred spirit in a partner.


Violet's life goes well with those who are passionate and strong. red. A fire burns between them. If the purple ones can accept and appreciate dark green, this will be a great start to a successful relationship. Violet type people need to understand that orange freedom and independence are also necessary.

Orange-yellow They'll make a good match for them. They are very different, but can be a single team, complementing each other with missing qualities. The mystique of purple attracts contacts yellow. Personalities blue they love the company of violet people and are able to become caring and supportive partners for them.

Since violets dominate in relationships, their task is to pay enough attention to their partner. In general, violet people need partners who will support them and provide them with a life filled with feelings.

Career and finance

Violet people need creative activity and want to advertise their visionary and innovative ideas. No matter what field they work in, they will always find a new effective solution that will work.

People with a violet aura do not need a lot of money for personal purposes. They love the luxury that they buy with the money they earn. This substance is considered as a means of influence and separation from the mass. The most important thing is that money provides the strength to carry out global changes on a planetary scale. People with a purple aura are well aware that in modern society we must have money in order to have a certain influence. They are careful with money, and therefore from the outside it seems that they are selfish and stingy.

People belonging to the violet type are born leaders. If they use charismatic abilities for purposes that are good for humanity and in humanitarian projects, and not for the amusement of the ego, then others will take their direction. It is difficult to resist the charm and mystical power of purple.

When they are in harmony, as it seems, the Universe opens all doors and supports them. They possess knowledge of the natural laws of life and wisdom. They teach us to trust our inner feelings. If we are connected with the Universal Energy of life, all boundaries collapse.

Violet people are very intelligent and sensitive. With the ability to study situations deeply, they often see what is hidden between the lines. They are always looking for laws, or patterns, and using analytical thinking to find the cause of things. With the ability to explore most situations mentally and emotionally, intuitively and creatively, they are extraordinary innovative problem solvers.

Violets tend to choose activities that allow them to be independent and creatively free. They have blind faith in the higher purpose of any activity in which they participate. These people often work in the entertainment, media, or communications industries. The reason for this is the magnetic charm and individual style. They know how to use the tools at hand to make important changes on this planet.

Some other areas where purple type people find their place are: philosophy, religion, ecology, music, literature, art, humanitarian organizations, and futuristic technologies, projects and events.

Professional Occupations: Actor, musician, artist, writer, lecturer, designer, industrialist, director, photographer, psychologist, social worker, spiritual teacher, politician, businessman and inventor.

Health and personal growth

People with a violet aura can achieve something worthwhile if they learn to focus their energy, believe and trust their own vision. The excitement arising from the visions and the passion in the heart will lead the search to the goal.

Violet cannot stop their own visions. However, it is important for them to concentrate on several projects at the same time. Making clear plans and organizing each day will help you achieve your goals and fulfill your vision. They will not be happy if they resist the inner urge to live out the mission and dreams.

The Purples' job is to fight any self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness. If they can understand their own visions and reconnect with the Universe, they will be able to focus on a promising future. It is important for them to give themselves enough time to be able to reflect.

Deep meditation to connect with the Universe, tantric yoga and listening to harmonious music are ways to focus. By wearing clothes the color of their aura, surrounding themselves with people of the same type, they become more powerful energetically. In a loving relationship, being with a supportive partner is extremely important.

Violet people have a great passion for life. If the flow of life energy remains intact, they will wield power. Their mission is to remember that the Universe is made of energy and as soon as they reconnect with this energy, grace literally descends on them.

When the violets find their place in the Universe, accept the part they must play in this great cosmic production, and feel an inner connection with the universal force, they find an infinite source of energy. Their success is a manifestation of harmony with the Universe. For the violet type, life is magical, mystical and always a great adventure on the road to self-discovery.

The Typing Info website continues to talk about the colors of a person’s aura and next is a story about the auras of the blue spectrum: blue, indigo and violet.

The color blue has a strong vibrating influence that defines the expression "loyal supporter" and at the same time goes far beyond such limits. The sky is blue, but it changes color from a light shade of azure to almost black at midnight. The mood of the blue vibration also changes. But not only that, it is difficult to find a person whose blue aura contains a constant hue. He can descend to the depths of "the blues" and then rise to inspired heights, which happens "once in a blue moon" (very rarely). So if blue is your color, you should try to find the shade that suits you best and stick with it. In general, all blue colors indicate some degree of devotion. You make friends willingly, but often formally. Blue is a cool color with a certain independence, but people with this aura understand the value of teamwork and are guided by this in their lives. Red responds to a warm, primitive urge, green absorbs the vital forces of nature, while blue looks to the sky and sea for inspiration. In search of supreme depth, blue becomes the predominant color in modern life. In business, social and educational circles, blue far surpasses red as a motivating color, making blue the favorite color of many thoughtful people.

Blue. The color of Vishuddha, calm and silence, precision, prudence, devotion, rationality, discipline, truthfulness and seriousness. This is the color of the wonderful.

People who radiate blue love freedom and variety. They love to travel, change their place of residence and social circle. They always remain young at heart. They are sincere, honest and usually say what they think.

These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events.

The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge of what GOD is. They crave to be loved and may be the one to check in on you. They do not like compliments, do not want to bother others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present.

They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, committed and lonely. They need an emotional connection with children, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives. Temperament-melancholic.

Pure deep blue speaks of religious feelings, but varies depending on the depth of these feelings: they can be sparkling and two-faced, full of selfishness or nobility. Light blue signifies devotion to some noble spiritual ideal. It fades into purple-blue, which characterizes high spirituality and is usually accompanied by golden glowing stars, representing high spiritual aspirations.

Dirty tones indicate painful detachment, isolation from reality, melancholy, depression, resentment, addiction, emotional coldness, and various personality disorders, often very deep and irreversible.

Blue in combination with green indicates that difficulties only strengthen the willpower of a given person.

Blue. Ajna color. The color of infinity, eternity, dreams and rapture. Testifies to the longing for the miraculous and transcendental. Maximum introversion, search for a rational beginning.

Pure tones indicate constancy, fidelity, tenderness, peace, a serious attitude to life, honesty, kindness of feelings, compassion, and charity. Blue is characteristic of selfless natures who sacrifice their “I”. A sign of piety.

Pure tones bring out calmness, contentment, peace, affection, faith, purity, chastity, spirituality and intellectuality.

The color blue is associated with mercy in Judaism and with wisdom in Buddhism. In Europe it means fidelity, in China it means education and a happy marriage. The presence of pure blue color in the aura may indicate the ability of clairvoyance and telepathy.

Dirty shades indicate the presence of a strong irrational principle in a person, head in the clouds, isolation from real life, blocked or upset perception, anxiety, despoticism, timidity, forgetfulness, vulnerability, melancholy, sexual promiscuity, psychosis.

On the eve of illness, the body feels the need for the color blue.

Light shades reflect good intuition, an active imagination, darker shades reflect a feeling of loneliness, sadness, which only at a certain level reflects the search for the Divine. Even darker shades reflect levels of comprehension. Azure shades - honesty, sober judgment. They can indicate a person who is about to find his chosen activity.

The combination of blue and green colors in the aura may indicate a person who feels the need for a calm environment, wants to free himself from conflicts, disagreements, make a good impression and receive approval from others. Dirty blue and green tones speak of touchiness, slight vulnerability, feelings of being underestimated, the need for outside admiration, approval, support, recognition. These are sensitive people who do not miss small details and are able to make every effort to resolve both the current situation and the problems associated with it. However, overexertion can cause a desire to escape from the existing situation.

Azure or sky blue is a truly heavenly shade, which is chosen by those who go ahead of the world and devote themselves to noble deeds. This is a symbol of a non-selfish person, as well as those who strive for spiritual achievements. Dark blue is a dark strong shade that shows devotion, trust and constancy of purpose. In this darker shade there is independence, but always in collaboration. This color characterizes strength and reliability. Indigo or ultramarine are borderline colors with a violet tint. They have the basic qualities of blue, but are inclined more towards love than devotion, finding an outlet for their ideals in helping other people. Attacks of bad mood tend to seize such people more quickly than those who love light shades. Impurities of other colors disrupt the steadfastness of blue.

Proximity to black or brown indicates painful and selfish tendencies. A strong shade of gray creates uncertainty and even fear. Proximity to green, as in some shades of turquoise, indicates impulsiveness.

Blue color has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Violet. The color of sahasrara (red + blue), the color of warmth and transformation, repentance and contemplation. The most mysterious and attractive. Goethe in “The Theory of Color” qualifies him as the most creative. This is the color of the combination of heart and mind, physical (red) and spiritual (blue), reflects independence, intuition, search. Purple shades indicate the ability to manage affairs correctly and practically. Pale and light colors can reflect humility and spirituality. Red-violet - strong passion or great willpower, but can indicate the need for greater individual effort.

Purple is found in people with gender and identity disorders, pregnant women, homosexuals, and the elderly. Dark shades can reflect a tendency towards command, power, the need for sympathy, a feeling of painful loneliness, misunderstanding, sadness, sadness, the pressure of difficult memories from which you want to get away. A person may feel the need to withdraw from worldly life.

Pure purple and red tones indicate a person who is easily and quickly carried away by everything that excites (exciting, exciting, be it erotic or any other kind of excitement). Strives for success without undermining self-confidence. The combination of purple and yellow is found among people with a developed imagination who love to daydream, fantasize, daydream, and compose. These people can be liked by others (pure tones) by the sincerity of their interest in others. Strive not only for the exciting, but also for the interesting.

The combination of dirty purple and red indicates stress (the dirtier the tone, the stronger the stress) caused by unpleasant restrictions and prohibitions, dissatisfaction, excitement, anxiety that cannot be suppressed. In this case, feelings are blocked, mistrust, suspiciousness, suspicion, fear, and jealousy appear. A person is afraid that his gullibility will be taken advantage of; he constantly controls family members and partners. Does not tolerate interference or restrictions, proceeds only from his own convictions.

The combination of purple and green - pure tones - indicates an aesthetic and original person who tries to make a pleasant impression. Dirty shades indicate anxiety, stress caused by disrespect (real or perceived) and misunderstanding from others. A person is dissatisfied with his position, it seems offensive to him; broken by struggle with difficulties; It’s depressing what you want to get rid of, this situation, but you don’t have enough fortitude.

Pure purple and blue tones indicate a person who has a keen sense of beauty and is able to empathize with the feelings of another. Strive for a kind, pleasant, cordial connection and a state of ideal harmony.

Dirty tones indicate anxiety caused by emotional dissatisfaction, which depresses a person, impedes the ability to concentrate and think clearly, causes intolerance, irritability, and sleep disturbances.

Violet is the color of splendor and importance, so it is often too strong in impact. Its very intensity seems to affect people with this aura, and many avoid it as a favorite color, perhaps for this very reason. Like blue, this color has high ideals, but purple is more inclined towards ritualism than devotion. The sense of self-worth is so pronounced that people tuned to this vibration try to influence others accordingly. Sometimes this produces results, but often purple vanity is the cause of its own failures. Usually people who love the color purple are not aware of their own shortcomings, because... They habitually avoid criticism. They transform their idealism into a doctrine of moral improvement, living in their world of illusions, often to their complete satisfaction. For purples, the expression "out of sight, out of mind" applies to anything they don't like.

These people are extraordinary, they strive for freedom and independence. Space is very important. These people experience ups and downs throughout their lives; their lives are replete with surprises and zigzags. Clearly highlighted leadership abilities. They prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often experience a deficit in such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a solution to such phenomena. They have high intelligence, but are physically weak.

Purple is a calming, harmonious color with its contemplative and mystical side. People with a violet aura often have literary, artistic or dramatic abilities. They are often gifted with a rich imagination and the ability to create. This increases their self-satisfaction, and once they realize their talent, they tend to flaunt it. In no case do they strive to stay in the shade; the expression “timid violet” refers only to the flower, and not to the color. Fewer people emanate this aura than any other, but this is another reason why violet people consider themselves exceptional, if not one of a kind. They often tend towards mysticism as it is a shade of twilight, signifying the transition from day to darkness. A common purple activity is turning fantasy into reality. Poor lilac color represents the soft side of the violet nature. People with this aura have a pleasant disposition, but are mannered and punctual. They are selfish, persistent in managing their small possession, trying to make sure that small things are done only for the benefit of their main business, which in itself is often also small. The consequence of this will be their tendency to be demanding and thorough. Pale lilac is often a sign of affection.

Purple is a royal hue, here violet in its full strength, with a predominance of pomp and solemnity. There is no limit to the heights that a person with this aura tries to reach. Indeed, many successful people deliberately adopt a purple aura because it satisfies their sense of superiority. With enough prestige and power, they will lead a similar lifestyle. But if all this is just pomposity, then such people are in a world of empty splendor. Magenta or other colors where violet or purple has a strong shade of red often indicates a practical as well as self-important nature. Such people pay attention to earthly matters, which makes them capable of lofty concepts with practical results, despite their tendency to flaunt their importance.

The bright and sunny orange hue is associated with a great mood, positive emotions and excellent physical fitness.

An orange aura is a sign of a very sociable person who amazes with his care and kindness, level of empathy and sensitivity, and quick recovery from failures. Since such a daring color also denotes the sexual chakra of a person, there is nothing surprising in the attractiveness of the owner of such energy.

Orange aura color: meaning

It is believed that such bright energy refers to divine power in the hands of man. This aura is a valuable gift that gives individuals strength, passion, the ability to defend their Self and outlook on life. People with a similar biofield have high aspirations, independence and pride. Their demeanor is very direct, and therefore they can become influential leaders or simply team leaders. Shades of red in this color acquire noble tones, so there is no usual passionate behavioral reaction here, but there is ambition. Because of this, however, “orange” people may lack warmth.

In childhood, carriers of such energy are constantly looking for adventures and challenging school and other institutions of society. They enjoy the excitement of new discoveries and exploration, so they are often the leaders in disrupting discipline. From a young age, these people must be taught to sense danger and think clearly.

Communication is an important part of success for carriers of this energy. In an effort to gain wild popularity, these people can alienate themselves. In overcoming difficulties, subjects of this type show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

A person in an orange ethereal shell always gets what he wants, because this strengthens his own vanity.

Sometimes such people are not broad-minded because they limit themselves to their own confidence in the correctness of their interests, life needs, and general course.

Among the carriers of orange energy there are many brave adventurers who love adventures at the risk of their lives. Such people love danger, thrills, and competitions of physical endurance. They actively respond to challenges and overcome various boundaries and boundaries. “Orange” also really like to plan their trips, especially to uninhabited corners of the world. They are confident, vital and resourceful.

In their temperament, such individuals resemble a synthesis of a sanguine person and a choleric person, so they do not care about family life and classic marriage ties. First of all, an individual with an orange aura is looking for a person who shares his passion for adventure, who is also brave and reckless. They can climb mountains together or perform risky stunts together. It is interesting that such emotionality and passion have little effect on the status of these people as parents. They only try to provide a decent standard of living for their children, but do not think about close communication.

“Orange” mothers and fathers perceive procreation as a burdensome function, so they are very rarely with their babies.

Such people try to shift responsibility for children to their partner.

For many, orange is a healing shade that carries a masculine element. Therefore, his presence in the biofield characterizes a person as a powerful healer who, first of all, tries to improve himself through all his virtues and self-improvement. Since red and yellow tones come together in orange, a person in such an ethereal shell is very lively in communication and at the same time an attentive and thoughtful interlocutor. The main orange color of the aura allows people to enjoy spending time with friends, showing tenderness.

The orange aura of a person has a very creative, joyful, emotional meaning. People of this energy are warm, brave, compassionate and wise. Sometimes such a biofield arises during the transition to a new type of consciousness associated with the subtle worlds. These individuals know how to devote themselves completely to fun, work, and family matters, because of this they sometimes seem curious and fussy.

Due to their ambitions, individuals with an orange aura can adapt to any situation. If such a person has a lot of pride, he will begin to show nervousness and irritability in the face of unexpected changes.

An “orange” person is naturally endowed with a good inner voice, practicality in his views, a firm position, and balance.

He is always ready to cooperate. If men with this shade of energy are very sensual and intellectual, passionate and erotic, then ladies are courageous, sacrificial, courageous. Just remember that stability in the relationships of these people is a burden; they die in calm and peace. To interest such a person, you will have to be strong emotionally, tough in managing the behavior of such a hot-tempered partner and at the same time respecting other people's independence.

The main life mission of the “orange” is physical experience, overcoming the limits of reality. Such people constantly face the raging elements, they survey uncharted territories, encountering fearlessness every day. All they need to be happy is the ability to confront dangers and physical or mental agility.

Success in the mind of the owner of an orange aura is an unexpected victory, survival and subsequent story about it in his environment. Given such a busy life, it is not surprising that such individuals even perceive sex only as a pleasant way to naturally relax the body.

When solving life's problems, carriers of bright orange energy try to calculate all surprises in advance. They make plans for their entire fate and even for death, but do not waste their time on small matters.

They do not take money seriously, using it as a tool for travel, necessary purchases, etc. Perhaps this perception of the material world is intuitively connected among the “orange” with their daily risk of death. Financial stability is not their strong point; they live for joy, for short-term passions.

They also find working too dull; freelance professions suit such subjects best. But administrative positions are definitely not suitable for them, because they take away freedom of movement in the future. These people can try themselves as rescuers, climbers, racers, acrobats, and investigators.

The physical well-being of such individuals is only occasionally marred by minor injuries such as cuts, burns and fractures.

A large amount of this color in the aura, however, sometimes indicates minor problems with the liver. However, these people rarely succeed in maintaining health until old age, so being attentive will not harm them. These individuals must learn to accept the unity of body and spirit, studying their inner world as deeply as the environment. Only then will their way of understanding life expand as much as possible, and they will have a chance to live for a long, long time, until they acquire truly senile experience and intelligence.

The life of an “orange” person is aimed at creation. These people are very productive, entrepreneurial and creative. The brightest streams of creative energy are concentrated precisely in such an aura, because the red hue at its core bestows dynamics, and yellow gives intelligence and a clear view of the world.

Humanism and respect for society, concern for the happiness of others, ambition, discipline, openness to change and optimism are very noble qualities of the owner of a pure orange biofield. True, an excess of such a bright shade makes an individual extremely proud.

Most of the problems that orange aura carriers face in life relate to the desire to get what they want here and now, regardless of their own strengths.

Sometimes these people also give too much freedom to their partners, losing intimacy. Such individuals can be easily deceived and fooled. Hence not only moral, but also material trauma. With strong character accentuations, these individuals show stinginess, jealousy, and envy.

In some cases, “orange” people may feel their own energy suppressed, which makes them feel irritable and depressed. In this situation, you should reconsider your main occupation, find yourself in something noble and constructive. You should just accept yourself for who you are, while enjoying helping society.

The kinder and more attentive the people around you are, the more joy you will feel from emotional contacts and the bringing together of souls. If sensitivity brings discomfort, you must also turn it to the benefit of loved ones in order to become more confident in your abilities. Orange aura owners must understand as quickly as possible that they, too, have limitations in life, and at the same time, the world values ​​not only intelligence, overcoming oneself and logic, but also unconditional love.

What does orange aura color mean by location?

Pure and bright orange energy reflects an individual's confidence and strength, a positive outlook on the world, sexuality and creativity. But all these characteristics are valid for carriers of a continuous and uniform aura. No less often, there is a concentration of orange color on one side of the body.

  • Orange aura around the head means the enthusiasm of the individual. Ideas are simply boiling in such a person; he knows how to infect everyone around him with his mood. This individual is absorbed by strong emotions, but at the same time clearly understands what he wants to achieve and what needs to be done for this. If the head is surrounded by a dull or darkened shade of orange, the person is confused and cannot bring his creative abilities together. Problems in completing things bring such a person great anxiety.
  • Bright orange color on the left side of the body shows the energy of life, sexual desire. This person may experience big changes in his affairs, the field of business, so he needs to maintain balance within himself and prudence.
    The pure shade on the left demonstrates the process of saturating the aura with forces, which allows the individual to complete old projects and find new perspectives and fresh solutions.
    If a dull and darkened orange color is observed in this part of the body, emotional exhaustion and escape from unnecessary responsibility occur in the individual’s life.
  • Orange on the right speaks of maximum positivity, which helps in creativity. With such an aura, an individual finds joy even in everyday trifles. This is a sign of an excited state before an adventure in which you can achieve not only success, but also universal recognition. But if the right side of the body is pale or dark, the person is in a state of anger, stress, and disappointment. It is difficult for such individuals to communicate and make independent decisions.
  • If the balance of orange or even fiery red hue is shifted to the center of the body, a person experiences an incredible desire for a rich life, fun sociable gatherings, and memorable experiences. In his behavior, this individual relies on his own emotions and internal purity of principles.
  • Pure orange glow in the heart area talks about giving energy to other people. Those around such a person feel joy, warmth, and the power of life. This individual strives to create comfort for loved ones, for which he receives gratitude and recognition. The carrier of such energy is characterized by sexuality. If the dark orange spot is concentrated in the heart, life is filled with fears, failures and nervous disorders. Such a person is irritable and blocks his creative potential.

If you are unsure whether the orange background of your aura is your primary color, you can turn to your inner voice. Ask yourself how you express yourself creatively, how attentive you are to your own physical and emotional desires. Ask the question: do I enjoy the pleasures of life? Think about whether you have a desire to control people and situations, whether you are sometimes too persistent or cruel.

Finally, admit whether it is difficult for you to balance thoughts with emotions and manage them. Even if, as a result of such a conversation, it turns out that you still do not have the temperament of an “orange” person, there is no need to be upset.

Fortunately, the color of the aura can be changed, and to increase the orange hue in the biofield, it is enough to pay attention to communicating with people and satisfying your desires.

Orange aura: the meaning of shades

  1. Brown-orange biofield testifies to the ambition of its owner, but also denotes excessive carelessness and lethargy. In such cases, the individual is depressed by some living conditions, but most often he just likes to be lazy.
  2. Golden shade This bipole speaks of self-control, self-control, and human vitality. This personality is remembered for its high level of pure spirituality. The higher the individual’s intellect rises, the nobler the gold-orange color becomes, and if the subject begins to be content with something personal and inferior, a sharp yellowing of the aura occurs.
  3. Dirty orange color is inherent in the aura of those individuals who simply go with the flow, do not burn with strong desires and perceive the world as a boring and tedious phenomenon. Also, dirty shades hint at a person’s vanity, anxiety, and vanity.
  4. Orange combined with green shows a high level of conflict in a person. If there are dirty divorces in such an aura, the person will quarrel just like that, viewing his whole life only in black and white. Orange-green energy speaks of the callousness and causticity of the individual.
  5. Dull orange tone energy appears when a person is strongly irritated. This is an indicator of an individual’s emotional isolation, blocking of the creative principle. This happens when negative thoughts and bad habits increase.
  6. Dark orange aura, in turn, reflects self-indulgence and low mental abilities. Sometimes dark orange energy symbolizes the struggle for ideals and determination in action.
  7. Bright orange shades They talk about an optimistic outlook on life, a state of fun, and the experience of strong emotions. The light orange color of the aura demonstrates the nobility of human thoughts, self-confidence, and diligence in any matter.
  8. If in the general background of the aura orange-yellow specks are reflected The person is probably very worried at the moment. And a dynamic orange cloud with a brown splash expresses the desire for power in the biofield.
  9. Red-orange appears during emotional upsurge and excitement. On an ongoing basis, this shade is typical for people who want to make an impression and those whose vitality is always in full swing.

There are also a couple of shades of orange that are found most often in people's auras. It is worth paying special attention to such colors.

Bronze aura color

This type of orange energy reflects the tendency towards self-sacrifice and pure humanism in a person. The owners of this biofield are decisive, but at the same time gentle. They help people with joy and ease, maintaining their emotional independence. Such people have a very positive outlook on life, they deserve true happiness, but sometimes they think that they are greatly underestimated.

The bearer of such beautiful energy often relies on the opinions of others, so he needs to get to know himself better, gain self-respect, and pay attention to his own desires. These people are vulnerable and responsive, so they can be exploited, but this state of affairs does not prevent them from moving towards perfection, their ideals. For their kindness, they will always receive a reward from fate, even if they do not expect it.

The bronze aura, due to its compassionate and caring aspect, is characteristic of conservationists.

Creative talents also contribute to the realization of carriers of such energy in the fields of painting, acting, music and literature. And these people also have the gift of healing and clairvoyance, so they become mediums and doctors. In their work, such individuals always help from the heart, without demanding anything in return.

By their nature, “bronze” people are ideological peacemakers. It is very important for them to learn to say “No” so that there is no neglect or exploitation from the environment. Fortunately, such individuals still develop their own beliefs, sooner or later. They serve the highest ideals with great dedication, while showing mercy and humility. Their pure soul constantly requires the development of intelligence and the accumulation of wisdom.

Orange-yellow aura

The pure combination of these colors speaks of joy. kindness, attractiveness of the individual. Such a person has a penetrating mind, which goes well with creative abilities.

Selfless help to people, focus on details, logical and analytical thinking - these are the traits of the owner of orange-yellow energy.

Such a biofield can sometimes indicate shyness, but more often it is a sign of self-control. A dull and dark orange-yellow glow reflects depression, weak will, and emotional withdrawal.

  • If this the shade in its pure form appears at the head, a person conducts powerful mental work. At the same time, he is very scrupulous in his thoughts, always aimed at creating fresh ideas. When the head is surrounded by dull energy combining yellow and orange, one should speak of turmoil in the individual's mind. Perhaps a person has too many projects that require urgent completion.
  • Orange-yellow color on left side speaks of a surge of creative energy. Working in this state is always a pleasure. If the shade has darkened or turned pale, a person should urgently rest, conserve resources and resort to intuitive feelings.
  • Pure tone on the right side- a reflection of creativity and the search for the next adventure. In the dark version, orange-yellow in the aura on the right requires attention to the feelings. Perhaps the person concentrated on thoughts for a long time, which is why there was a breakdown in communication with loved ones.
  • To the owner orange-yellow energy at the heart point Trusted by everyone because he exudes incredible power and sweetness. But if the main muscle is surrounded by a dark and dull shade, the person clearly suffers from a tense relationship with the environment.

The orange aura is one of the directions of red and yellow energies at the same time.

Eastern traditions treat this color of the sun with true respect. The carriers of this energy are truly lucky, because they love all of humanity, make friends easily, and enjoy good health. The correct shade of orange in the biofield guarantees a happy destiny for an emotional, open and respectful person.

This shade of energy is associated with the feminine principle and the magical properties of the moon, being a great rarity for the human biofield.

The silvery color of the aura, in its unusualness and royal significance, is a worthy match for the golden tones of the ether, and its semantic layers are pure and positive in interpretation. Surrounded by energy with shades of silver, the individual lives an amazing life, filled with supernatural possibilities and creative success.

Main characteristics of this biofield

A large amount of silver in energy indicates the mental characteristics of an individual. Since childhood, carriers of such an aura have the ability to telekinesis or levitation. By developing their skills, these people can achieve large-scale astral travel, since it is the silver shell of the subtle body that indicates a strong and safe connection between the mental and physical.

This energy personifies people who are strong-willed, strong-willed and persistent. Such individuals are unshakable in high ideals, and fate helps them, endowing them with an abundance of both mental qualities and material resources. A person in the silver shell of the biofield loves to dream, he has many talents and a pure soul.

Like carriers of white energy, owners of a silver aura live with very developed intuition, and they use it quite often. The downside is that even the inner voice does not help these individuals understand people, and they constantly place false hopes even on those traitors and ill-wishers in whom they have already been mistaken.

People with such a biofield love to make large-scale plans in their heads, they are very ideological in spirit and their imagination is rich and creative.

The spiritual part of life is extremely important for these individuals, so even in their relationships with the world they show honesty, nobility, and gullibility.

Despite their love of fantasy, such individuals are happy to make changes in real life. The highest energy and their multitasking, humanism and idealism help them reorient. A rich inner world requires a certain way of life, and if they stop following it, the silver aura turns into gray and loses energy. In this case, you will have to restore the biofield through faith in your own abilities, extraordinary actions, and worthy assessments of your intuition.

When choosing friends, these people are guided by a creative type of perception. Carriers of such an aura do not like to engage in the practical implementation of their ideas and plans. Sometimes this creates problems for them, so these individuals need to learn to make goals constructive, carefully thought out for further implementation. Success in any project has a positive effect on the silver aura. However, among the close people of the carrier of such a biofield there must be a person who will pull the dreamer out of the imaginary world of dreams and call him to real actions in life.

If this person begins to look at values ​​with a more sober look, she will practically become her own ideal and an example of envy for others. But if the owner of a silver aura completely immerses himself in himself, he will begin to reject the world and society, and without proper communication, not a single light energy can exist for a long time.

Interestingly, the silver color of the biofield often becomes a temporary phenomenon for those who share interesting information with other people, for example, giving a favorite lecture to a large audience. At the same time, the aura begins to expand, because an exchange of energies occurs with the listeners, and for the same reason vibrations are felt in the mental body.

Like the golden hue, the silver color of a person’s aura can often mean healing skills and exceptional qualities of spiritual purity. But most often, the peculiarity of such a person lies in paranormal abilities: reading thoughts at a distance or communicating with dead spirits.

Shades of silver aura

Silver shades often appear in the aura color spectrum, but a solid color of this type is a great success.

  • For example, the silver-metallic tone of the biofield speaks of the importance of care and love in a person’s life, his openness to fresh ideas and unexpected proposals. Such a bright metallic aura is bestowed on those who are not indifferent to the problems of other people, but are always tuned to empathy.
  • If the violet background of the aura began to acquire silver reflections, the highest form of experience and knowledge became available to the person.
  • In turn, the white-silver biofield is found only in completely happy and talented people. But dark silver energy, close to gray, speaks of health difficulties.

Carriers of a silver aura often face emotional overload and nervous tension. In this state, they dominate the environment, creating a feeling of constraint for other people. This problem can be solved by self-hypnosis, meditative practices, and yoga classes. You can also reveal yourself and relax by studying literature, art, and psychology. The main thing is to just learn to relax.

The silver color of the aura is an indicator of the unshakability of high values ​​and priorities, strong will, spiritual wealth, and financial wealth.

The carriers of this energy are very sophisticated in nature and at the same time very flexible for any life difficulties. They need to gain faith in their exclusivity and uniqueness, the confidence that they can turn around any situation if they make the proper effort. If such individuals stop quitting tasks in the middle of completing them, they will constantly stimulate themselves to new achievements and strengthen their spirit.