Space watercolor paintings are not very complicated. Best works for competition #642ideicosmos

"Every atom of our body
was once a star."
Vincent Freeman

A week ago on our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for the best completion of the task from the notebook “642 ideas on what to draw”. The task sounded simple - space. A lot of creative and creative works. You can see them all by tag. We publish the best works and give step-by-step master class how to learn to draw space.

Best works for competition #642ideasspace

“If you can’t fly into space, make it come to you.” Author of the photo - @al.ex_kv.

"And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you..." Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save these somewhere step by step instructions, what and how to do so that it turns out bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn solid with a simple pencil to designate the area that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint flows beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from the site

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions on notebooks “642 ideas, what to draw”, “642 ideas, what to write about” and “642 ideas, what else to write about” (new!). Subscribe to keep up to date with everything creative, interesting and creatively fun.

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Necessary materials:

  • half of whatman paper;
  • watercolor paints;
  • white gouache;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • a glass of water;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • Toothbrush.


To make the drawing unusual, space can be depicted in a circle. To do this, in the center of whatman paper we draw a circle of the required size according to a pre-prepared template. Then moisten the surface of the circle with water using a thick brush - this will allow you to get smooth stains watercolor paint. Draw the center of the circle light shades: yellow, orange, lilac, blue.

Now we add two shades on the palette of blue color: mix one with purple paint, the other with black. Apply the resulting colors to the drawing in small and random strokes. In this case, the brush should be washed after each shade. It is necessary to draw the image from the edges of the circle, gradually approaching the center of the illustration. Try not to apply dark colors over light colors, since it will be impossible to return the original version.

When the circle is completely filled in, you can begin to draw the details of the cosmic landscape. In the center of the circle, where the bright hues drawing, apply red and yellow watercolors with a thin brush.

All that remains is to complete the picture with many bright stars. To do this on toothbrush apply gouache white and, bending the edges of the bristles, spray paint onto the image.

If you wish, you can draw several passing comets and a couple of small planets.

How to draw space with gouache

Necessary materials:

  • hoop with thick paper;
  • gouache;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • white cardboard cutouts in the form of beautiful geometric patterns;
  • beautiful photo card;
  • colored cardboard;
  • printed paper;
  • white acrylic paint.


We moisten the blank in the form of a hoop with thick paper generously with water. Then diluted gouache paints create a blue-violet background. When the drawing is dry, apply white dots with a thin brush. acrylic paint, which will imitate shining stars.

We supplement space landscape geometric shapes– constellations made using a pre-prepared template, fine brush and white paint. Cut out from colored cardboard and printed paper various figures and create a beautiful composition from them, in the center of which there will be a successful photograph. Glue the resulting composition to the image.

Drawing space with gouache is very simple, and even a novice artist can draw beautiful space without having any special skills. Therefore, we will complicate the task a little and draw not just stars, but a more complex composition on the theme of space, from several elements, so that the picture has an interesting plot.

First of all, you need to outline the main details on a sheet of paper with a pencil. To make space look realistic, you can use one or more photographs of real space as a sample. For example, here we are as visual aid They took separate photographs of Saturn, the surface of the Moon and, in fact, space. At the same time, in order for the picture to be complete, and not cobbled together from different parts, one must take into account important point– light must fall on all objects in the same direction. Therefore, we have determined for ourselves the conventional location of the light source that illuminates our planets from the right. And on the left side we marked a shadow by shading it with a pencil.

Next we paint the background. In order to make our space colorful, we will paint the background not just with black paint, but with all colors. After all, the stars located on long distance, although indistinguishable individually, together they form luminous clouds. And, despite the fact that their color may seem equally white to us, they all have three main shades - red, yellow, blue. By the way, these three colors are also the primary colors from which all other colors can be obtained - blue, purple, orange, green, etc.

So, armed with this knowledge, we draw star clusters with all the colors of the rainbow, mixing them separately and directly on paper. We draw denser areas bright colors- yellow, red and blue, with the addition of white, and darker ones - blue and violet, with the addition of black paint. In our case, we draw from a photo our Milky Way galaxy, since we see it from the Earth and from the solar system.

Once drawn dark background, we draw individual stars. To do this, we take a hard brush or toothbrush, dip its tip in white and, running our finger over it, spray the paint over the picture. At the same time, you need to make sure that the paint is not splashed too evenly, because the density of star clusters in different parts of space is different. For example, we intentionally do more stars near milky way and less on the edge. It is advisable to spray in different directions to avoid homogeneity. We also don’t just use white paint, and add a little yellow, red and blue to it. By the way, the brightest stars are usually blue. We will make some stars the brightest by painting them separately with a small brush.

After the stars are splattered, we will color the planets. Planets can be drawn from a photograph or invented, but it is important to remember that the shadow should fall in the same direction. The properties of light in space differ from its properties on Earth, and when drawing space, this must be remembered. Thanks to the earth's atmosphere, light is scattered and, as it were, bends around objects, therefore, we can always see the shadow side of objects as dimly lit. But if you look at the Moon in space, where there is no air, you will only be able to see its illuminated side, while the shadow side will be completely devoid of illumination if there is no other light source there. It’s the same with any other object in space - if no light falls on it, it is completely dark and it is impossible to distinguish any details on it.

But in our case, we will use a trick and draw the shadow side of the planets a little lighter so that they do not stand out on foreground. Although this is not necessary. We also do not forget that if we draw Saturn, then it may have a shadow that it casts on its rings.

After deep space is drawn, we move on to near space and draw the landscape of the planet on which we find ourselves. First, paint over all the illuminated areas with light paint. At the same time, in order to make the landscape more picturesque, it is worth painting not with one color, but constantly mixing different colors.

Further, if we were drawing a landscape on Earth, we would move on to depicting the penumbra, but since we are drawing the surface of the planet without an atmosphere, there is no scattering of light and penumbra, and what is in the shadow is simply black. But we still dilute medium-light paint and paint partial shade. Thus, we depict areas consisting of many small individual shadows and which, at a distance, merge into one spot of average illumination. And we make only the shadow of the craters that are closest to us as dark as possible, because more contrasting objects visually come to the fore.

Well, so that the landscape would not be so deserted and deserted, we will draw spaceship with researchers. We will draw it in the same way as the rest of the celestial bodies: we will outline its outline and color it in the main color, and then we will draw a shadow.

After that, we’ll add a few details and the ship with astronauts is ready to roam the endless expanses of outer space.

We hope that this master class was not only simple and understandable for you, but also useful. Have fun with your drawing!

Painting is a fairly democratic art form. Without any special talents, but with a good command of some techniques, you can quite easily depict what you like, what you want on paper or canvas. Of course, there are tricks for working with pencil, crayons or different types paints Let's look at the gouache painting technique in detail. And the topic of our lesson is space, space landscapes.

Gouache paints

What is this type of paint? It dissolves with water, like watercolor, but is more dense, “heavy”, and opaque. The areas painted with it acquire a dull appearance thanks to the white that is included in the composition along with pigment substances. Along the way, the question arises: how to paint space with gouache, if you need saturated, deep shades? Here they proceed as follows: either apply several layers of paint to the picture, or add additional pigment, or replace white with coal. Gouache was invented in the distant Middle Ages. The name was given somewhat later, in the 18th century, by the French. But to this day, artists and decorators use it with great pleasure, creating paintings, sketches, theater and film sets, posters, and costume sketches. Two types of paint have been developed: artistic and poster. Let's clarify how to draw space with gouache: for the general background, you can take an artistic, calmer, softer one. And for emphasis important details The work is suitable for a poster - expressive, “sonorous”.

colorful glow

A special group is formed by luminous, or fluorescent, gouache. It is clearly visible in the dark, and the paint shows up well under ultraviolet light. In this regard, you can give novice artists helpful advice about how to paint space with gouache. Be sure to mix a little luminous into the usual one - and you will see how much more impressive the image will become. Just remember the rule: fluorescent gouache appears best on white surfaces and in a thin layer. Whereas the ordinary one can be applied as desired or necessary with light strokes to dark ones. The colors won't mix, you just need to let them dry. But let's move from theory to practice and see how to draw space in gouache.

Sketch with geometry elements

In front of you is a landscape sheet. Where will you start your creativity? Naturally, from thinking through the plot of the picture. For novice artists, this advice may be useful on how to draw space in gouache step by step: stop at the symbolic image of the planets against the backdrop of the dark blue or even purple space of the Universe. Take a compass or a small glass, a glass and a simple pencil with an eraser. Draw circles. They will be ours celestial bodies. Remember the real colors of the planets. If you’ve forgotten your astronomy lessons, we can easily remind you of them. So:

  • Rocky Mercury is gray, like the rocks that make it up.
  • Venus is milky yellow. Its color, by the way, is ideal for how to paint space with gouache paints. Whitewash performs a very useful function in this case.
  • Our Earth, as you know, is blue - in some places it is very light, in others it turns into blue and green shades. Brown, sandy spots are also visible on it. But if you use only white, blue and green flowers, you won’t be wrong anyway.
  • Mars looks elegant, red-orange in space. To get the desired shade, mix these 2 colors.
  • Orange and Jupiter, only it is decorated with white stripes - clouds of ammonia. When you paint it, do not wait until the main background is completely dry. Let the boundaries of white and orange appear blurry, slightly creeping onto each other.
  • Saturn appears smoky yellow in telescopes, Uranus and Neptune appear light blue. The latter is slightly darker than the first. And is perceived as brown by the human eye Pluto is the most distant planet from us in the Solar System.

From sketch to painting

Having figured out what paints to use to give color to celestial objects, we continue to paint the cosmos with gouache. Now you can do this: first carefully color the planets. It doesn’t matter if you can’t achieve great realism and believability - after all, you have artistic canvas, not What is the main thing in the picture? That's right, self-expression, and even more so for such fantastic theme. Wait for the gouache to dry. As a rule, with a thin layer of paint, half an hour is enough. Then make several fluorescent strokes on each planet. After that, proceed to the background. Cover the planetary circles with a glass so as not to accidentally touch them, and use several layers of blue or purple gouache.

Finishing touches

Is the paint dry? Does the drawing seem gloomy? No problem! After all, we haven’t depicted the stars yet! To do this, dip the brush into a jar of white gouache, and spray everything you collected over the sheet. Some “blots” will turn out larger, others smaller. This is exactly what we need. And then again you should use luminous paints and put dots on a white background. If you want, you can add an alien silver silhouette of a rocket or figures of astronauts, humanoids - whatever your imagination suggests. It is important that all the details and elements of the picture correspond to each other and form a harmonious whole.

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How to paint space with watercolors?

We will need:

  • thick paper for watercolors (Whatman paper);
  • brushes (thin and thick);
  • watercolor;
  • white gouache;
  • Toothbrush;
  • water.

Drawing step by step

To make it work original drawing, let's depict space in a circle. Take a thick brush, dip it in clean water and go over a piece of paper. This is necessary in order to get beautiful stains. It's best to start drawing space light colors, taking yellow, orange, red and blue. Use chaotic strokes to make the transitions between colors look more natural.

Dilute several rich blue shades on your palette at once, mixing them with purple and black paint. To paint space with watercolors, you need to apply strokes with quick, chaotic movements, remembering to rinse the brush in water for each new shade. This way, the colors of the starry sky will turn out pure and more contrasting, and the stains will look impressive.

Move from the center to the sides, filling the improvised space circle with paints. Don't be afraid to brush over areas that are already dry, modifying the space pattern as you go and adding richness to some areas.

When you fill the entire circle with paints, you can start working on the details. Take a thin brush and go over the red and yellow in the glow area. Color transition will become more interesting, making the star nebula colorful.

Do you want to draw space with millions of stars? Then wait until the drawing is completely dry, take a toothbrush, dip it in white gouache and leave a splatter on the sheet by gently running your finger over the bristles.

To make the space drawing more interesting, you can draw planets on top. To do this, use white gouache to draw circles different sizes. After the paint has dried, use a thin brush to apply colored dot strokes, not forgetting the semicircular shadow on one side of the planet.

Another way to paint space with watercolors

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn with a hard pencil to indicate the space that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint flows beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

Pencil image of space

To decide how to draw space step by step with a pencil and get a high-quality image, you need a little more attention and perseverance.

The technique of drawing with a pencil is a little more complicated compared to paints. As with any drawing, you need to decide on the composition of the picture. To create the background, you will need to draw the right classic strokes that will give the drawing a sense of spatiality. You should start with the darkest strokes, gradually moving to darker ones. light colors. The main thing is to avoid sharp corners and hard lines. We add images of planets, the moon, stars, etc. to the background. The depth, smoothness and softness of space should be reflected in the drawing.

Simple drawing of space with pencils

1. Big solar system consists of the Sun, around which 8 planets revolve. So first we need to draw a big circle.

3. You will need to draw one planet on each line. Each planet has its own size and features. For example, Saturn is in the sixth position from the Sun, and it has a ring system. Uranus also has rings. There are 30 of them in total, but in the figure we will indicate this with one line. Also, let's draw one comet and an asteroid field between Mars and Jupiter (between the fourth and fifth planet). Asteroids will also be depicted behind the last planet. They are called the Kuiper field.

4. We outline each element in the drawing with a black marker.

5. We begin to color the space. First of all, let's give color to the Sun, which needs yellow and orange shades. Red tones in darker places will also not be out of place.

Then, in order, we move on to the other planets and color them with the same pencils. Yellow pencil Let's give color to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. We will also apply strokes with an orange pencil to Venus, Mars and Jupiter. But let's color the rings of Saturn with a brown pencil.

6. Now let's move on to other planets. Let's color them with blue pencils and blue flowers. These will be Uranus and Neptune. But our planet Earth has distinguished itself from others. After all, she will have in herself various shades- and yellow, and blue, and green. Let's color the asteroid belts with a brown pencil.

7. Now let's add color outer space. To do this, we use pencils of blue, blue and violet colors.

8. At this point the drawing of space is completely finished. Of course, there are many details that can be completed here, but let's leave it to our imagination to dream and feel the whole essence of the Universe.

Several interesting drawings of space