Makeup for deep-set eyes. Makeup for deep-set eyes. The choice of shades depending on the color type of appearance

Any makeup is designed to make a woman more attractive due to the fact that thanks to it, some flaws in her appearance are hidden and her advantages are emphasized.

Many owners of deep-set eyes are sincerely upset, considering this a big drawback. This is fundamentally wrong. There is an opinion that the shape of the described type of eyes is determined naturally and therefore is one of the most simple options for applying makeup. If you approach this problem creatively, then the “unfavorable” position of the eyes can easily be turned into an undoubted advantage.

We can also let go of the shadow and simply draw a line of eyeliner - this option is easier for some shoots, more difficult for others - a lot depends on the eye and what we look best at. We illuminate the inner corner and the area under the eyebrow. If we want, we can also use a light mat and light inner part century. We only emphasize eyelashes and makeup!

Small and deeply set eyes. Particularly deep eyes should not be small, but they are "concave" - ​​they do not look large. Very often, small and deeply set eyes can be either wide or narrow. Each of these relationships is important in the context of eye makeup because they must be taken into account in order to make the makeup truly enhance the appearance.

Makeup tips for deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes are a fairly common appearance feature. Women who consider this trait a terrible flaw and envy the impeccable appearance of the stars do not even suspect that many of them also have deep-set eyes. It’s just that skillful makeup reliably hides it from the uninitiated.

What to avoid in makeup for deep-set eyes

What is your eye makeup? Makeup to make your eyes look bigger relies on several tricks and tricks. They are not complicated, but once you get to know them, you will find that you can easily manipulate them and make your eyes big money. To do this makeup, you will need beauty products.

Step by step eye magnification. This is important because eye makeup requires several cosmetics, and during the day without any fixation they can wear off, and the whole will not look aesthetically pleasing. Contrary to appearances, this is not a trivial act in makeup, but a necessary one. Just be sure to highlight your brows correctly, as this will lift, enlarge, and elevate your eyes. Irregular eyebrows make the eyes less noticeable. Time to apply eye shadow. Bright shadow in the inner corner of the eye. Lighting will open your eyes. A little more dark shade, but also a light eyelid from the inner corner to the entire eyelid. In turn, the dark shadow remains. The eye will automatically grow! Shadow compositions such as browns, beiges and other nude shades. If you are using eye liners, draw a swallow line which will open the eyes perfectly. In turn, when you cannot use these cosmetics, stop using them because you can cause more damage by causing the eye to close even more and optically less. Remember to never stroke your eye with a black pencil that is smaller. Choose a white or bare color and pat it with water - this trick will automatically open your eyes. Finally cut the eyelashes. Good mask will become the finishing touch eye opener!

  • Apply foundation under foundation or a special base under eyeshadow.
  • Further, the cosmetics will have better adhesion and will last much longer.
  • Thanks to the base, all your makeup will last throughout the day and even into the night.
  • Use brow liner or eye shadow to outline the brow.
More tips, tricks and tricks can be found on the website.

The main task of a makeup artist performing makeup for a person whose eyes are deep-set is to visually smooth out this difference in depth, widen the eyes, give them expressiveness and openness to the look, raise the eyebrows, adjusting their shape if necessary. The main requirement for applying makeup in such a situation is to use light shadows so that the eyes do not “sink” even deeper. And shadows with mother-of-pearl will help make them more expressive.

As we age, we discover makeup tricks and learn how to hide imperfections or blur physiognomic elements that we are unhappy with. Since a lot has been said about changes and trends in makeup, it would be interesting to talk a little about the evolution of makeup. Both women and men have been using cosmetics for hundreds of years, of course, makeup has undergone significant changes over time. The oldest historical makeup is the first dynasty of Egypt. Here we remember the ointments used by women and men to moisturize and soften the skin.

Which eyes are considered deep set?

Deep-set eyes are those when, if you look at the face in profile, part of the eyelid can be seen at the outer corner of the eye, and it narrows towards the inner corner.

Such eyes are located deep in the eye sockets and appear as if they are pressed into the eye sockets, causing upper eyelid looks short and small. At the same time, the strongly developed eyebrow arch seems to hang over the eyes and the eyelids are not visible.

Egyptian women used a dark gray color for makeup around their eyes, commonly perceived by Jews, and is mentioned in the New Testament. The Roman philosopher Plautus wrote: “A woman without makeup is like salty food.” The Romans used dark colors for the eyes and eyebrows, and the face was chalk white.

Makeup for deep-set eyes

In the sixth century, Spanish prostitutes used pink for makeup, and in Spain, thirteen hundred wealthy women wore only pink lipstick to prove they could afford synthetic lipstick. Queen Elizabeth of England considers the use of cosmetics healthy habit, and women use egg yolk for skin care. This is the golden age of cosmetics manufacturers.

How to properly paint deep-set eyes

  • Everyone's appearance is unique, and after learning the tricks of makeup, girls with deep-set eyes can look no less impressive than those with beautiful, large eyes and a standard eye placement.
  • Use only light shadows. Cosmetics are best pastel shades. This increases the distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, and the look becomes more open.
  • Shadows for deep-set eyes can be pearlescent. A girl with this type of eyes can add glitter.

This is France's prestigious era in terms of elegance, luxury and fashion. He spreads the use of white powder, the eyes are accented with makeup, the lips are painted red. IN Victorian era, who previously worked part-time, was associated with prostitutes or actresses.

Maurice Levy invented the metal lipstick, and George Burkett created the first cosmetic lip tattoo. In the late 1920s, makeup became a necessity for women in the city. Movie stars have become the most powerful fashion icons, starting with their appearance on fashion and makeup trends. Women all over the world imitated them. Remember the famous attractive cast of Audrey Hepburn with deep eyes in the shape of a cat's eye. A few years later she appeared as a sensual heroine, Joan Crawford, Joan Harlow and so on.

What to avoid in makeup for deep-set eyes

  • Dark blue and black shades in makeup for deep-set eyes are contraindicated. It doesn’t matter whether you use eyeliner or pencil – gray and brown shades look softer and more delicate.
  • Owners of deep-set eyes should beware of purple or purple eyeshadow when wearing makeup. Pink colour– the look will seem tired and painful.
  • Do not line the lower eyelid with dark eyeliner and over-color the lower eyelashes.
  • Do not darken the movable fold of the upper eyelid.

Shadow application technique

So, we have already found out that the main shade of the shadows should be light (it is advisable to select the color in accordance with your color type). Before you start directly applying shadows, you need to wash your face and degrease your skin well to avoid uneven distribution of shadows. Apply moisturizer and foundation to your eyelids, blend well and sprinkle with powder (later this small preparatory stage will visually increase the volume of eyelashes).

The lips acquire importance and exceed their normal contour, the hair is semi-naked. Beginning in the 60s, the hype movement brought more freedom in the use of cosmetics, from lips painted in White color face. But slowly we are moving away from the mysterious, artificial genre. The evolution of the concept of beauty is aimed at the natural, natural. And here she looks through all the intermediate types of makeup: Brigitte Bardot, the type of young girl lying on outdoors, her skin is tanned, her eyes are emphasized but with more refined hair, her lips maintain a normal and colorful contour, as close to natural as possible.

Now you can apply the base tone, the application area of ​​which extends to the upper and lower eyelids, the area under the eyebrows and the part of the bridge of the nose closest to the corner of the eye. Next, on the moving eyelid, starting from its middle to the outer corner of the eye, you should apply a shade slightly darker than the base one, carefully blending the border between the two types of shadows, the base one and the darker one. And the finishing touch is to apply the shadows of the darkest shade in the chosen color scheme. This shade can also be used to highlight the corner of the eye by drawing a thin line along the eyelashes.

After 89 in Romania, the emergence of television stars and fashion magazines led to an exponential increase in interest in beauty in general and makeup in particular. Many women have realized the chameleon power of makeup, becoming true experts. And if you have good hand, the prospect of patience and patience, you can achieve true miracles.

When you make a craft a profession, you are dealing with a large number of people, each with their own individuality, whom you must respect so that you do not do your job by reproaching or thanking the subject. With men, things tend to be quite simple. They are mostly docile and don't need too much cosmetic touch-up. The real test the fire passes when you have to do makeup on a woman. You have to imagine how this face will look somewhere between the parameters of perfection, and then go through corrective movements: stretching or losing eyes, hiding circles, ridges, through optical effects, corners of the mouth, etc.


Remember that even perfectly applied shadows will not give the expected effect if the eyebrows are unkempt and are not formed into a clear and correct line that suits your face type. Not everyone can determine the correct eyebrow shape on their own, so it is better to entrust this important task to a professional, and then simply maintain their shape.

If you have turned your passion for makeup into a job, then you can consider yourself lucky: like many other women who courageously switched to this wonderful profession, although for many years they were prepared for economics, chemistry, music, medicine or fine arts.

If you have turned your passion for makeup into a job, then you can consider yourself lucky: like many other women who courageously switched to this wonderful profession, although for many years they were trained in economics, chemistry, music, medicine or fine arts.

You need to select an eyebrow pencil based on their natural color; as a rule, these are hard pencils of brown, black and gray shades. First, you need to draw your eyebrows along the contour with a pencil, emphasizing their shape, and then carefully comb them with a special eyebrow brush.

Eyeliner and mascara

Despite the fact that dark colors are not recommended for deep-set eyes, and eyeliner is usually black, there is no need to abandon them. Just avoid those that are too dark or very bright colors. The eyeliner itself needs to be applied very thin line clearly along the line of eyelash growth.

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes for daylight hours (possible options can be viewed in the video), it is advisable to apply eyeliner under the shadows - this gives the look a softness and naturalness. You can apply eyeliner over shadows, but in this way only paint the outer corner of the eye, drawing small arrows. Applying eyeliner requires strict adherence to the above rules, otherwise, by visually adjusting the shape of the eyes, you can achieve the completely opposite effect - an overhanging eyelid.

You also need to approach the choice of mascara responsibly, because the final result of corrective makeup depends no less on it. It is better if it is a thick mascara designed to give extra volume to the eyelashes. Makeup artists advise curling your eyelashes first and only then applying mascara to them - thanks to this little trick, the eyelashes will rise a little, which will visually enlarge your eyes. In this case, you can completely ignore the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and apply mascara only to the eyelashes on the upper eyelid - thanks to this trick, the look will seem more open.

Finishing touches

Of course, you know that any makeup is not just about applying eye shadow - don’t forget about blush and lipstick. By the way, makeup artists advise girls with deep-set eyes to choose a bright lipstick. rich color. Like these ones simple rules will help you hide your shortcomings and even turn them into advantages. But do not forget that it is not only cosmetics that make a person beautiful - smile more often and the admiring glances of others are guaranteed to you.

Many owners of deep-set eyes are very unhappy with this, because they consider this fact a big drawback. However, there is no harm in this arrangement of the eyes, and high-quality makeup will help correct any upsetting nuances. The main thing is to approach the matter seriously and creatively. And read the material for everything you need to know about makeup for deep-set eyes! Here you will find stunning photo examples for your collection. Go for it!

Makeup tips for deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes are a fairly common appearance feature. Women who consider this trait a terrible flaw and envy the impeccable appearance of the stars do not even suspect that many of them also have deep-set eyes. It’s just that skillful makeup reliably hides it from the uninitiated.

The main task of a makeup artist performing makeup for a person whose eyes are deep-set is to visually smooth out this difference in depth, widen the eyes, give them expressiveness and openness to the look, raise the eyebrows, adjusting their shape if necessary. The main requirement for applying makeup in such a situation is to use light shadows so that the eyes do not “sink” even deeper. And shadows with mother-of-pearl will help make them more expressive.

As we age, we discover makeup tricks and learn how to hide imperfections or blur physiognomic elements that we are unhappy with. Since a lot has been said about changes and trends in makeup, it would be interesting to talk a little about the evolution of makeup. Both women and men have been using cosmetics for hundreds of years, of course, makeup has undergone significant changes over time. The oldest historical makeup is the first dynasty of Egypt. Here we remember the ointments used by women and men to moisturize and soften the skin.

Which eyes are considered deep set?

Deep-set eyes are those when, if you look at the face in profile, part of the eyelid can be seen at the outer corner of the eye, and it narrows towards the inner corner.

These eyes are located deep in the eye sockets and appear as if they are pressed into the eye sockets, causing the upper eyelid to appear short and small. At the same time, the strongly developed eyebrow arch seems to hang over the eyes and the eyelids are not visible.

How to properly paint deep-set eyes

Everyone's appearance is unique, and after learning the tricks of makeup, girls with deep-set eyes can look no less impressive than those with beautiful, large eyes and a standard eye placement.

Use only light shadows. Cosmetics in pastel shades are best suited. This increases the distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, and the look becomes more open.

Shadows for deep-set eyes can be pearlescent. A girl with this type of eyes can add glitter.

What to avoid in makeup for deep-set eyes

  • Dark blue and black shades in makeup for deep-set eyes are contraindicated. It doesn’t matter whether you use eyeliner or pencil – gray and brown shades look softer and more delicate.
  • Owners of deep-set eyes should beware of purple or pink eyeshadow when wearing makeup - the look will appear tired and painful.
  • Do not line the lower eyelid with dark eyeliner and over-color the lower eyelashes.
  • Do not darken the movable fold of the upper eyelid.

Shadow application technique

So, we have already found out that the main shade of the shadows should be light (it is advisable to select the color in accordance with your color type). Before you start directly applying shadows, you need to wash your face and degrease your skin well to avoid uneven distribution of shadows. Apply moisturizer and foundation to your eyelids, blend well and sprinkle with powder (later this small preparatory stage will visually increase the volume of your eyelashes).

Now you can apply the base tone, the application area of ​​which extends to the upper and lower eyelids, the area under the eyebrows and the part of the bridge of the nose closest to the corner of the eye. Next, on the moving eyelid, starting from its middle to the outer corner of the eye, you should apply a shade slightly darker than the base one, carefully blending the border between the two types of shadows, the base one and the darker one. And the finishing touch is to apply shadows of the darkest shade in the selected color scheme. This shade can also be used to highlight the corner of the eye by drawing a thin line along the eyelashes.

After 89 in Romania, the emergence of television stars and fashion magazines led to an exponential increase in interest in beauty in general and makeup in particular. Many women have realized the chameleon power of makeup, becoming true experts. And if you have a good hand, the perspective of patience and patience, you can achieve true miracles.

When you make a craft a profession, you are dealing with a large number of people, each with their own individuality, whom you must respect so that you do not do your job by reproaching or thanking the subject. With men, things tend to be quite simple. They are mostly docile and don't need too much cosmetic touch-up. The real test of fire is when you have to do makeup on a woman. You have to imagine how this face will look somewhere between the parameters of perfection, and then go through corrective movements: stretching or losing eyes, hiding circles, ridges, through optical effects, corners of the mouth, etc.


Remember that even perfectly applied shadows will not give the expected effect if the eyebrows are unkempt and are not formed into a clear and correct line that suits your face type. Not everyone can determine the correct eyebrow shape on their own, so it is better to entrust this important task to a professional, and then simply maintain their shape.

If you have turned your passion for makeup into a job, then you can consider yourself lucky: like many other women who courageously switched to this wonderful profession, although for many years they were trained in economics, chemistry, music, medicine or fine arts.

If you have turned your passion for makeup into a job, then you can consider yourself lucky: like many other women who courageously switched to this wonderful profession, although for many years they were trained in economics, chemistry, music, medicine or fine arts.

You need to choose an eyebrow pencil based on their natural color; as a rule, these are hard pencils in brown, black and gray shades. First, you need to draw your eyebrows along the contour with a pencil, emphasizing their shape, and then carefully comb them with a special eyebrow brush.

Eyeliner and mascara

Despite the fact that dark colors are not recommended for deep-set eyes, and eyeliner is usually black, there is no need to abandon them. Just avoid shades that are too dark or too bright. The eyeliner itself should be applied in a very thin line, clearly along the eyelash growth line.

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes for daylight hours (possible options can be viewed in the video), it is advisable to apply eyeliner under the shadows - this gives the look a softness and naturalness. You can apply eyeliner over shadows, but in this way only paint the outer corner of the eye, drawing small arrows. Applying eyeliner requires strict adherence to the above rules, otherwise, by visually adjusting the shape of the eyes, you can achieve the completely opposite effect - an overhanging eyelid.

You also need to approach the choice of mascara responsibly, because the final result of corrective makeup depends no less on it. It is better if it is a thick mascara designed to give extra volume to the eyelashes. Makeup artists advise curling your eyelashes first and only then applying mascara to them - thanks to this little trick, the eyelashes will rise a little, which will visually enlarge your eyes. In this case, you can completely ignore the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and apply mascara only to the eyelashes on the upper eyelid - thanks to this trick, the look will seem more open.

Finishing touches

Of course, you know that any makeup is not just about applying eye shadow - don’t forget about blush and lipstick. By the way, make-up artists advise girls with deep-set eyes to choose a lipstick of a bright, rich color. These simple rules will help you hide your shortcomings and even turn them into advantages. But do not forget that it is not only cosmetics that make a person beautiful - smile more often and the admiring glances of others are guaranteed to you.