Deborah May pearl mask. Deborah May pearl mask It's good that the sun is shining

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970) - teacher, innovative teacher, practical scientist. He was kind to people and strict with himself, and in his pupils he cultivated kindness and warm-hearted sensitivity, modesty and responsibility, courage and citizenship.

“...society is suffering from a terrible disease - the devaluation of human values.”

“Feelings are the flesh, blood and heart of moral conviction...”

“Without feelings, morality turns into dry words that can raise hypocrites.”

“To miss the younger age is to miss everything.”

“Childhood and adolescence should become a school of kindness, cordiality, and sensitivity.”

“Creating good for people begins with a child’s concern for beauty.”

Sukhomlinsky reflected his thoughts about education, his thirty-five years of experience in his pedagogical writings, and gave his feelings and heart to little children. He composed his fairy tales and stories with the children in the beautiful “School under the Blue Sky.”

“Every evening,” wrote Vasily Alexandrovich, “when the first star flashes in the blue sky, children come to me... The village falls silent, the steppe falls asleep... The whole world around us sleeps, only the star flickers in the sky and the grasshopper sings. This is our School under the blue sky. On these wonderful summer evenings we become poets. We make up fairy tales... Who is their author? This is a wonderful Ukrainian night, and several generations of small children, and me...”

V. Sukhomlinsky

Honey in your pocket

Dima, Vasya and Yura gathered in the forest. The mothers gave them a pie each. The friends wrapped the pies in paper and put them in their pockets.

And Yura’s mother also poured a small bottle of honey. She told her son:

Don't brag to the guys that you have honey. Sit somewhere in the forest and eat one.

Yura put the bottle in his pocket. Friends came to the forest and sat down in a clearing to rest. I wanted to eat. They took out the pies and eat.

Suddenly a bee flew up to Yura. She sat down on her trouser leg and reached into her pocket. Behind her is the second, third. Many, many bees have flown in, and they are all getting into Yura’s pocket.

Dima and Vasya are surprised:

What do you have there?

And the bees keep flying and flying.

Yura took a bottle of honey out of his pocket and threw it into the grass. The bees stuck around the bottle.

Yura lowered his head.

And Vasya and Dima laughed merrily:

There it is!..

I want to have my say

Katerina Ivanovna took her first-graders to the field.

It was a quiet early autumn morning.

A flock of migratory birds was flying far in the sky. The birds hummed quietly, and this made the steppe sad.

Katerina Ivanovna told the children:

Today we will compose an essay about the autumn sky and migratory birds. Let each of you say what the sky is like now. Look, children, carefully. Choose beautiful, precise words in your native language.

The children became quiet. They looked at the sky and thought. A minute later the first compositions were heard.

The sky is blue-blue... The sky is blue... The sky is clear... The sky is azure...

That's all. The children repeated the same words over and over again: blue, blue, azure, pure...

Little Valya stood aside.

Why are you silent, Valya?

I want to have my say.

What is your word about heaven?

The sky is gentle... - Valya said quietly and smiled.

The children became quiet. And at that moment they saw something they had not seen before.

The sky is sad... The sky is alarming... The sky is sad... The sky is cold...

The sky played, trembled, breathed like a living creature, and the children looked into its sad blue-blue autumn eyes.

I'm not afraid of thunder

It was a hot June day. The fifth graders went to the forest for the whole day. It was fun in the forest. The children played, read an interesting book, and cooked porridge.

In the evening, black clouds came from behind the forest and thunder roared. Because of the rain, the children rushed into the hut to the shepherds. Vitya also intended to run. But suddenly lightning flashed and there was such a deafening roar that Vitya sat down under a large oak tree in fright, closed his eyes and almost burst into tears. He had already opened his mouth to scream, calling for help, but he saw his classmate Valya nearby, on the other side of the oak tree.

Is that you, Vitya? Oh, how good it is that I’m not alone! Now I'm not afraid.

Vitya caught his breath and looked around. The forest drowned in streams of rain. Lightning flashed, illuminating the trees and bushes with blue light for a moment. The forest was noisy and groaning. It seemed to Vita that there was no one in the world except him and Valya.

He felt something straighten up in his soul at these moments. He felt ashamed to be afraid. Is it possible to be afraid when there is a girl nearby and you are responsible for her?

“Don’t be afraid, Valya,” said Vitya. - I'm not afraid of thunder or lightning.

Vitya touched her white braid with his hand. Now he was no longer afraid of anything.

Sparrow and fire

The old Sparrow finally allowed her little son to fly out of the nest. Sparrow was delighted, flew out, fluttered around, and kept asking his mother: “What is this? What is this?”

His mother explained to him what earth, grass, trees, chickens, geese, and a pond are. But then Sparrow saw a huge fireball in the sky and asked his mother:

And what is it?

“This is the sun,” Sparrow answers.

What is the sun?

Well, why do you need to know this? - the wise Sparrow answers grumpily. - This is fire.

But I want to know what fire is,” Sparrow chirped and flew up and up, towards the sun and towards the sun. He flew until he burned the thin feathers of his wings. Frightened, he returned. His mother was waiting for him, neither alive nor dead.

Well, now I know what fire is,” said Sparrow.

Petrik and vase

Mom left little Petrik at home and went to the bakery.

Petrik went to the open window. There was a vase on the window. A large multi-colored butterfly sat on the edge of a vase.

Petrik wanted to catch a butterfly. He swung... and hit the vase. The vase fell and broke.

Petrik was scared: “What will happen now? What will mom say? The boy collected the fragments, took them to the garden and buried them in the ground with a small shovel. Then he sat down near the window and began to wait for his mother.

As soon as mom opened the door, Petrik ran up to her and said:

Mom, it wasn’t me who broke the vase, it wasn’t me who took the fragments to the garden and buried them there with a small shovel.

Petrik felt anxiety in his mother’s eyes.

Who broke the vase? Mom asked.

Butterfly... - Petrik answered quietly.

Mom grinned.

How a butterfly broke a vase is understandable... - she said. “But how she took the fragments to the garden and buried them there - I can’t understand that!”

Petrik looked at his mother and began to cry.

Why is the titmouse crying?

A husband and wife lived in a house on the edge of the village. They had two children - a boy Misha and a girl Olya. Misha is ten years old, and Olya is nine.

A poplar grew near the house.

“Let’s make a swing on the poplar,” said Misha.

Oh, how good it will be to swing! - Olya was delighted.

Misha climbed up the poplar tree and tied a rope to the branches. Misha and Olya stood on the swing and let's swing. Children are swinging, and a titmouse is flying and singing around them.

Look, Olya, the titmouse is happy too,” says Misha.

Olya looked at the poplar trunk and saw a hollow, and in the hollow there was a nest, and in the nest there were small chicks.

The titmouse is not happy, but crying,” said Olya.

Why is she crying? - Misha was surprised.

Think about why.

Misha jumped off the swing, looked at the titmouse’s nest and wondered why she was crying.

Ashamed before the nightingale

Olya and Lida went into the forest. After a tiring journey, they sat down on the grass to rest and have lunch. They took bread, butter, and eggs out of the bag.

When the girls had already finished lunch, a nightingale began to sing not far from them. Enchanted by the beautiful song, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move.

The nightingale stopped singing.

Olya collected the remains of food and scraps of paper and threw them under a bush. Lida wrapped the eggshells and bread crumbs in newspaper and put the bag in her bag.

Why do you take trash with you? - Olya asked. - Throw it under the bush. After all, we are in the forest. Nobody will see.

“I’m ashamed... in front of the nightingale,” Lida answered quietly.

It's good that the sun is shining

On Sunday, Yura, a second grade student, woke up early and said cheerfully:

Mom, today we will go to the forest!

“It’s raining,” my mother answered, “it’s pouring like buckets.” You won't go into the forest.

Yura looked out the window. There were puddles in the yard. The sky was covered with gray clouds.

Yura sat down near the table and cried...

On Monday Yura woke up early too. I opened the window. Sunlight flooded the entire room. Yura sat down near the table and began to cry.

Why are you crying today? - Mom was surprised.

Today I have to go to school with a shovel. Dig site.

Mom looked at her son and sighed heavily. Then she said quietly:

It’s good that the sun is shining... If it rained today, how would I know that my son is lazy?

Flower or cleft palate?

Two boys were walking home from school - Sergeyka and Nikola.

Sergeyka had fun. Today the teacher asked him three times. He got an A.

And Nikola was sad. He was called to the board twice. Nikola answered poorly, and the teacher gave him a bad mark in his diary. She also said:

When I meet my mother, I’ll tell her about your studies.

It was a warm spring day. The sun was shining. A white cloud floated in the blue sky. Sergeyka looked at the cloud and said:

Look, Nikola, what a beautiful cloud. It looks like a white rose. Look, the petals have opened - delicate, thin. So they flutter in the wind.

Nikola looked at the cloud for a long time. Then he said quietly:

Where are the petals? Where is the flower? The cloud looks like a wolf. Look, there's a head on that side. The beast opened its mouth - angry, ready to rush at someone.

The boys looked at the cloud for a long time, and each saw his own.

Why weren't you looking for my glasses yesterday?

Misha came home from school today happy. Even at the door he shouted:

Grandma, grandma! Look at my diary quickly, they gave us marks. I have good ones!

Grandma took the diary and wanted to look at Misha’s marks, but her glasses had disappeared somewhere, and she couldn’t see without them. Misha began to look for glasses. He looked at the closet and crawled under the table. And then he climbed under the bed and there, near the wall, he found glasses. Grandma didn’t even notice how they fell.

Why weren't you looking for my glasses yesterday? “I asked you,” the grandmother said reproachfully. Misha was embarrassed.

My mom smells like bread

Two newcomers, Tolya and Kolya, came to kindergarten. Their mothers brought them. The boys met. Tolya asked Kolya:

Where does your mother work?

Didn't you guess it? - Kolya was surprised. - She smells like medicine. My mother is a doctor. If a person gets sick, his mother will cure him. Where does your mother work?

Do not you know? - said Tolya. - She smells like bread. My mom is a baker. She feeds people. No one could live without bread.

And the doctor? - asked Kolya.

And a doctor,” Tolya answered.


In the morning, first-grader Tolya left the house. There was a blizzard outside. The trees rustled menacingly.

The boy got scared, stood under the poplar and thought: “I won’t go to school. Scary..."

Then he saw Sasha standing under a linden tree. Sasha lived nearby. He also got ready for school and was also scared.

The boys saw each other. They felt happy. They ran towards each other, held hands and went to school together.

The blizzard howled and whistled, but it was no longer scary.

Gray hair

Little Mikhailik saw three gray hairs in his mother’s braid.

Mom, you have three gray hairs in your braid,” Mikhailik said.

Mom smiled and didn’t answer.

A few days later, Mikhailik saw four gray hairs in his mother’s braid.

“Mom,” Mikhailik asked in surprise, “you already have four gray hairs in your braid, but there were three... Why did another hair turn grey?”

From pain,” my mother answered. “When the heart hurts, then a hair turns grey...

Why did your heart hurt?

Remember, you climbed a tall, tall tree. I looked out the window and saw you on a thin branch. My heart ached and my hair turned grey.

Mikhailik sat thoughtful and silent for a long time. Then he approached his mother, hugged her and quietly asked:

Mom, if I sit on a thick branch, won’t the hair turn grey?

How happy you are!

Today the kids came to school for the first time. Their mothers brought them and left them with the teacher in a green clearing, under a tall linden tree.

Teacher Ivan Filippovich meets the tenth generation of children. He will bring these kids to the fourth grade, and his work at the school will be forty years old.

The cheerful, friendly eyes of the teacher look into the black, blue, blue eyes of the children.

Children, have you not seen how the dawn rises long before dawn? - asks Ivan Filippovich, and his affectionate smile evokes a response from the kids.

No, we didn’t see it,” the guys answer discordantly.

Have you seen how the nightingale drinks dew?

No, we haven't seen...

How does a bumblebee clean its wings before flying away from a flower?

Did not see...

How happy you are... - says the teacher. - You will see all this later. I will lead you to the shore of the lake, and you will see the morning dawn rising. We will sit in the bushes, hold our breath and watch the nightingale, waking up, drink a drop of dew. Let's approach a large beautiful flower and find a honey bumblebee there: he spent the night in the flower, woke up and cleaned his wings.

In early spring we will stop by a tree warmed by the sun. What is this? Someone alive and fast peeks out from under the bark. This is the “sun”, the earliest bug. It’s hot, she woke up, but she’s afraid to get out: there’s snow all around.

You are very happy, children, you will see all this!

Igor Farbarzhevich wrote an amazing series of instructive and kind stories, uniting them under one title, “Tales of the Little Fox.” These short stories are literally imbued with wisdom, which is more understandable to adult children. Just like you and me.


“Little fox,” said the little fox to the little fox, “please remember that if you feel hard, bad, sad, scared, if you’re tired, just stretch out your paw.” And I will extend mine to you, wherever you are, even if there are other stars or everyone is walking on their heads. Because the sadness of one little fox divided into two cubs is not scary at all. And when another paw holds you by the paw, what difference does it make what else is there in the world?


...when animals die, their souls become white clouds or gray clouds. All “lions”, “cows”, “cats” or “hares” flying above the earth are the souls of animals, hurrying to Eternity...



The time will soon come when, in the Neighboring Forest, wolves and deer will drink from the same stream, and falcons will feed the hares. The time of Enmity is passing.


- It’s so good that you came, son! - the Old Fox rejoiced. — I baked a strawberry jam pie. Let's drink tea.
“Really, we’re almost happy?!” said the Little Fox.
- True, my dear! After all, happiness is when everyone is at home!


“Anything is possible,” the Old Fox smiled thoughtfully, sitting down on the step of the veranda.
- That's it!?
- Of course!.. Much, much can happen?..
“Why can’t it be?” Little Fox’s eyes were already sticking together.
- Boredom and lies... Cowardice and meanness... They may not exist at all.


— Rest is so wonderful!! You can swim in the river!.. pick mushrooms!.. ride in a boat!.. read books!.. And also lie on the sand and count the clouds...


The little fox rushed to her and hugged her tightly by the neck.
“What are you doing?!” Crow coughed in his arms.
“I... love you!” the Little Fox exhaled loudly.
“That’s a strong word,” she agreed. “And most importantly: it’s nice!”

...a little fox can be big and small: in every acorn lives a big tree.


The old fox was happy:

- How nice!.. But where did you go?..
“Nowhere,” answered Echo. “You just haven’t called me for a long time.”
“It’s true,” the Old Fox lowered his head.
- Oh, how funny you all are, adults! - Echo laughed.
“Funny and stupid...” Papa Fox agreed with him and smiled sadly. - Although sometimes I remember how you and I played...


“I’m... not afraid,” answered the Little Fox, although he still got a little scared: his fur stood on end from the back of his neck to his tail. “I always didn’t believe that you... it... disappeared forever.”
“Nothing in Nature disappears...” Mammoth said mysteriously.


“You should know, because you are already an adult.”
The crow was indignant:
- What, I’m an adult every day, or what?


I would like to see the fool who refuses sweets!


...If you ever see a cloud or a cloud in the sky that looks like the Old Fox, don’t be upset: the Old Fox is alive! Fairy-tale heroes do not die if they are dear to you!..

Igor Farbarzhevich. "Tales of the Little Fox"

- How happy you are! – the lady said thoughtfully. – But I recently buried my husband... Forgive me... I shouldn’t have upset you with my grief. But there are no more empty seats in the carriage.

“Please sit down,” William invited. He had already picked up his coat from the floor and, having sat Rita down, settled down next to her, warmly, squeezing her hand.

– Now I’m going to see my son in Colchester. Loneliness has become too tiring,” the woman shared with her fellow travelers the purpose of her trip.

“I know Colchester quite well, I visited there with my friends when I graduated from Cambridge University,” Madox smiled.

- Indeed? – exclaimed the elderly woman, pushing aside her veil. – My son also studied there. His name is Elton Lewis.

“I know him,” Madox nodded. – He studied a course lower. My name is William Madox, and this is my wife Rita.

“I’m Dolly Lewis,” said the widow. - Nice to meet you. Elton now has his own business, although it’s not very large, but it brings in some income. He is also married and already has two children.

“What happiness,” Rita said warmly. - He must be a happy father!

William looked at his wife in surprise.

– And we are not going to have children yet.

At these words, Rita turned to the window with annoyance. He said this as if he wanted to avoid something unpleasant. But what should she do if the baby already lives in her body?

“I wish I had a happier reason for going to Colchester,” the woman admitted sadly. “But the young woman who accompanies the body of her husband probably feels even worse.” Poor thing... Becoming a widow at such a young age is just terrible. Apparently, she loved her husband very much if she decided to ride near the coffin at night right in the luggage compartment. It's so cold and uncomfortable there, and she's dressed quite lightly. Her husband must have been very heavy. I have never seen a coffin so large.

– Did this widow get on the train with you? – William asked with extraordinary curiosity.

- Yes. Although I can’t say that I’ve seen her before in our town.

Madox's eyes widened with curiosity. Rita had the same idea:

- You think?

– Would you like to take a little walk?

- With joy. Will you excuse us? – Rita politely asked the woman.

- Of course. Go and unwind. Otherwise, you will get bored of the sad neighborhood with the old widow.

“Not at all,” William smiled. “Only a rude and ignorant person can call you old.” I am sure that your husband was proud of such a charming and intelligent wife.

She even blushed with pleasure.

“You are a flatterer, young man.” Your wife needs to keep an eye on you!

“I’ll try,” Rita replied, taking Madox’s hand.

– Do you think this is Liliana? – the girl asked when they found themselves in the next carriage. A shadow of doubt about his feelings again settled in her heart, but she tried not to think about it now.

“Of course,” William replied. “It was no coincidence that her things were delivered to the station. Apparently, she did not want to part with them, and her luggage had to be sent directly from Norridge, while the Bronstons themselves secretly disappeared from the city lightly. It’s very lucky that we found her things at the station,” Madox chuckled maliciously. – Leopold was let down by Liliana’s stupid greed. Could she allow him to leave her without her favorite trinkets and clothes?

“I’m sorry, Will,” Rita said sincerely. “I know what she means to you.”

He hesitated to answer, looking at her with undisguised tenderness.

“That means,” he said, emphasizing the past tense.

The girl caught her breath, and in confusion she invited her husband to remember the purpose of their journey.

Before entering the luggage compartment, he turned to Rita:

“It’s a pity that Eliot isn’t with us.” Who knows how Liliana will react when she sees us.

“She doesn’t have to see us,” Rita answered. “You can look through the window on the door and find out if it’s really her.”

“It’s twilight there,” he said. - But I will try. And you stay here.

Madox walked to the door and tried to look through the small window. The curtains on the other side were drawn, but the shaking of the carriage caused them to sway. With difficulty, William made out the huge coffin. Next to him sat Liliana, dressed in mourning attire with a black veil. But the most interesting thing was that the lid of this coffin was open, and Leopold Bronston, sitting on a small pillow, could be seen from it! He was apparently explaining something to his wife, who looked very upset, like a real widow.

William chuckled, quickly returned to Rita and, grabbing her arm, led her back.

“It’s them,” he said almost cheerfully. “Now all we have to do is find Delong’s people,” he paused, lightly snapping his fingers. – Rita, we will have a stop at a small station. I'll go out and telegraph to Ipswidge to have them meet the train there. It would be lucky to find the stolen money with this bastard in order to return it to the affected investors.

- What if he sent them by another train or they are in some bank abroad? – Rita asked worriedly.

- It is unlikely that he sent the money with another person. And Liliana would hardly have gone with him if he had not taken the money with him.

– There is bitterness in your words... Do you think about her?

“Yes,” he looked at her with remorse. – In my infatuation with this woman, I did not understand what she really was like, and for so long I warmed the snake on my chest! They deserve each other!

Her heart began to beat with sudden hope.

“But will it be difficult for you to see her arrested together with her husband?”

William looked at her in surprise.

“It must be difficult...” he said. “But people get what they deserve.”

Rita thought about something for a second.

– Will there be a reward for the capture of the one who embezzled the bank’s money?

- Yes. The bank even announced the amount due to such a person.

She smiled.

“Let me talk to Liliana myself.”

“Never,” he said briefly. “I don’t want to put you at risk.” Bronston may be armed.

Her husband's concern touched her.

“I won't do anything that's risky,” she said, thinking about the tiny life inside her that he didn't know about and didn't want. “I just need to talk to her alone.” I have an idea that could give good results. I'll wait for her in this carriage. For obvious reasons, she will have to go out for a while.

– Do you want to wait for her alone? I do not allow you to be out of my sight, my dear Mrs. Madox. I'll wait with you.

- I will be glad to see your company.

Fortunately, there was a free compartment in this carriage. William sat down next to his wife, holding her hands tenderly.

- Skillful little hands. “They can even drive a car,” he said, kissing her fingers.

Rita smiled at him, all glowing with love.

“They can still cook food,” she looked away. - Although now there is no need for this...

William watched her downcast gaze with concern.

- Rita, I never asked you... Maybe you would prefer to live in some other house? My baby...” he gently kissed her closed eyes. “I know a cozy little house not far from Mrs. Dawes’s house.” They were going to sell it. We could think about decorating it together, like some opulent decorations and decorating the interior with huge crystal chandeliers and gilded statues, if you like.

She laughed, afraid to believe her luck.

- Oh no. Crystal chandeliers and gilded statues are too much luxury for me! “I would like a small house,” said Rita. – If, of course, you are sure that you want to live in it with me.

His hand grabbed the girl's fragile shoulders and pulled her closer to him, pulling her head back so that he could see her glowing face. His hot breath melted the last ice in her soul.

“Yes, I want to live with you,” he whispered passionately. - But not like before. I want to be your husband, darling. A real husband, gentle and caring. I want to hold you in my arms every night and wake up next to you every morning.


1. In this sentence, find a word in which all consonants are voiced

The boys completed a difficult task .

2. In this sentence, find words in which there are more voiced consonant sounds than voiceless consonant sounds.

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he gnaws nuts all the time.

3 In this sentence, find words that have three voiced consonants

Together we can solve any complex problems.

4. In this sentence, find words in which the third sound is a voiced consonant

The waves rustled comfortably outside the window.

5. In this sentence, find words that have four consonant sounds

People call the Volga the mother of Russian rivers.

6. In this sentence, find words in which there are fewer soft consonant sounds than hard ones.

The wood in our stove is burning out.

7. In this sentence, find a word that has more sounds than letters

It is very convenient for the hedgehog to collect leaves.

8. In this sentence, find a word in which the number of voiceless and voiced consonants is the same

In the morning, my grandfather and I walk around the forest estates.

9. In this sentence, find words that have three voiced consonants

A crow can imitate any gait.

10. In this sentence, find a word in which all consonants are voiced.

Dawn gilded the sea.

11. In this sentence, find words that have more sounds than letters

Misha can easily solve the most difficult problem.

12. In this sentence, find words that have more sounds than letters

There is an old rotten log next to our house.

13. In this sentence, find words in which the first sound is a soft consonant

A month hangs on the top of the spruce tree.

14. In this sentence, find a word that has four soft consonants

The grass has long since withered and the trees have fallen off.

15. In this sentence, find words in which the number of letters and sounds does not match

Laughter and cheerful voices were heard from all sides.


It rained briefly all day.

17. In this sentence, find a word in which all consonants are hard

The long-awaited rain began to fall.

18. In this sentence, find a word in which all consonants are voiced.

Run here quickly!

19. In this sentence, in all words, underline the letters that indicate voiced consonants

The water was calm.

20. In this sentence, find words in which the number of letters and sounds does not match

It happens that my mother sends me to the store, and I return home three hours later - I’ll play football and chat with the boys.

21. In this sentence, in all words, underline the letters that represent voiced consonants.

Looks good, but not good for business.

22. In this sentence, find words in which the number of letters and sounds does not match

“How happy you are,” the teacher says thoughtfully.

23. In this sentence, in all words, underline the letters that represent unvoiced consonants.

Winter gives us lush snow, clear ice, and severe frosts.

24. INIn this sentence, in all words, underline the letters that represent voiced consonants.

At dawn the wind is light and fresh.

25. In this sentence, find words that have six sounds.

White feather bed covers the ground.