Essay about teachers “Big things are seen from a distance. Just to be human The heroine of my essay is the head teacher of the school

“I still dream that I’m teaching a lesson, but I can’t do anything.” I wake up and think: how good it is that this is a dream.
Inna Yakovlevna Tkacheva, “Excellence in Public Education”, “Honored Teacher of Russia”, labor veteran, awarded the medals “For the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg” and “For Services to Kronstadt”, celebrated her 80th anniversary on January 29.

She is not just an excellent teacher. Her colleague Galina Borisovna Titova calls Inna Yakovlevna’s 20 years of work as director of school No. 427 “the era of Tkacheva.” Why? Then the foundations of the school’s structure were laid, which made it special. Relationships between students and teachers based on understanding and respect, absence of conflicts, atmosphere of creativity
and support. The teaching staff of school No. 427 is trying to cultivate and maintain this style, this foundation.

About family

Inna Yakovlevna was born into a family of hereditary railway workers. My father had the “Honorary Railwayman” badge and the Order “For Labor Valor.” It was a very friendly family, where the children felt the love and mutual respect of their parents for each other and for them - the children.
Besides me, two brothers grew up - Sergei and Anatoly. I was the eldest. We were raised to be decent and simple people. Simple - in relation to other people, without arrogance and pride. There are no brothers anymore, but I'm still friendswith their families,– says Inna Yakovlevna. – We always loved to gather at our parents' house - this is in the regional center of Khvoinaya, Novgorod region.
We all come from childhood. The way of our parents’ home dictates a lot to us.
– How did I become a teacher? My love for books was instilled in me by my mother, who tried to buy good books wherever possible. She even went to the station and waited for the postal train from Leningrad to get the literature I needed at the Soyuzpechat kiosk. I have loved poetry since childhood. Especially Lermontov, I even fell in love with him - he was so handsome on the cover,in a uniform with epaulettes.
As a schoolgirl, Inna read Chekhov's stories and loved Gogol's stories. And in the 4th grade I took part in a competition announced by Marshak for the best poems about reading. And she even received an award - a book of poems by Samuil Yakovlevich with his autograph.

First time -
to first grade

At school, Inna was a leader, a Komsomol organizer, and a squad leader. Then she entered the Nekrasov Pedagogical College and graduated with honors. Here, according to Inna Yakovlevna, she was very lucky with the teachers. They taught seriously and prepared using the best teaching methods. All this was very useful to her when she started working as a teacher. For the first time in first class! This is what happened to the young teacher when she was entrusted with first-graders in her native village. Then Inna and her husband moved to Leningrad, where he studied at the Military Medical Academy. Then there was a direction to Kamchatka.
– No, I didn’t feel sorry for leaving Leningrad. We were young, we wanted to visit different places.And I just fell in love with Kamchatka,– recalls Inna Yakovlevna.
But my husband was sent to higher command courses at the Medical Academy. And again - Leningrad, working as a primary school teacher, then, after graduating from the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, as a teacher of Russian language and literature. And in 1975, the family moved to Kronstadt, and for 43 years now, Inna Yakovlevna’s fate has been closely connected with the island city.

Mother's pride

Children grew up in the Tkachev family: Andrei and Alexander. The boys graduated from School 427, then from the Higher Naval Diving School named after. Lenin Komsomol and cast in their fate with the Northern Fleet.
Inna Yakovlevna is proud of her sons: Andrey is a rear admiral. He served on the largest submarine cruiser “Akula” and was a commander. After graduating from the Admiral Kuznetsov Naval Academy, Captain 1st Rank Tkachev was appointed to the position of deputy, and then commander of submarine formations of the Northern Fleet. In June 2007, he headed what was once the most secret formation stationed in Severodvinsk - the Order of Lenin State Central Marine Test Site. Then he commanded the division and the Main Naval Test Site of Russia. He completed his service as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.
The youngest son Alexander, captain 2nd rank, also served his homeland with dignity in the Northern Fleet. He began his service in coastal missile units and commanded the rear units of the Northern Fleet. Today he serves at the General Headquarters of the Northern Fleet.

With thanks
to colleagues

Inna Yakovlevna is ready to talk endlessly about her sons and grandchildren. But her own biography was very worthy. Her friends and colleagues talk about this. and, of course, the students. Moreover, they all note not only the professional, but also the human qualities of Inna Yakovlevna. Inna Yakovlevna herself is also grateful to her colleagues.
– When I came to school No. 427, it was headed by Antonina Ivanovna Shkileva, a very strict, kind and wise person. In 1975 I began teaching Russian
and literature, combining this work with the organization of extracurricularand extracurricular activities. In 1984, Antonina Ivanovna transferred the school into my hands. We had wonderful teachers: Angelina Nikolaevna Mikhailova, Natalya Nikolaevna Pfau, Lyudmila Pavlovna Zaikina,Valentina Fedorovna Orekhova.
In those years, teachers did not have today's technical capabilities: only chalk and a blackboard, but their thoughts worked, ideas were born: literary lounges and Poets' Days were held. Children expressed their opinions openly and creative thinking was encouraged.
– I liked Leo Tolstoy’s thought: “If you cannot change society, you need to create love around yourself.” That's how we worked. It’s strange to hear today that a school “provides educational services.” It's a delusion. School develops personality. Fortunately, the term “services” appears to be starting to be abandoned.
Inna Yakovlevna is also grateful to the head of Kronstadt education, Nina Viktorovna Kudrina, who managed to unite school principals into a single team, create a creative atmosphere among them so that there was no envy, but mutual assistance and cooperation. Today Nina Viktorovna heads the veterans’ organization and does everything to ensure that teachers, even in their well-deserved retirement, feel like they are part of a single team of the teaching community.
Former students became doctors and candidates of science, professors, teachers and doctors, military men and engineers, and just good people.
This year the 427th school will turn 50 years old.

Elena PRUDNIKOVA (Leonova), graduate of 1982:
– Kind, wise, a real teacher, Inna Yakovlevna tried to instill in us a love of literature, because this is perhaps the only subject in school that directly touches the strings of the human soul. Fascinating lessons, conversations on moral topics, preparation for a graduation essay, a literary and musical composition dedicated to the work of Sergei Yesenin - in everything we felt the hand of an experienced teacher who loved his subject and his students. Thank you, dear Inna Yakovlevna.

Valentina Fedorovna OREKHOVA, colleague:
– Inna Yakovlevna is not just responsive, she is a compassionate person. No wonder people are drawn to her. She connects us, we love to gather in her house. Inna’s husband is also a wonderful person. This is an amazing couple. This is a very bright, I would even say, ideal relationship. Inna Yakovlevna, being the director of school No. 427, managed to unite the team. There were never any conflicts at school; she skillfully resolved issues. In my opinion, she is a born director.

Galina Borisovna TITOVA, head teacher of school No. 427:
– I can say that I was lucky to meet Inna Yakovlevna. It was the late 80s - early 90s. A naive-romantic time, a time of hope: humane pedagogy, equality of child and teacher. At school we simply bathed in an atmosphere of love and creativity. Inna Yakovlevna knew how to give us this freedom and inspire us. Over the years of work, the position has not spoiled her at all. Example: a student broke a window. One can imagine the director's reaction: bully, come with your parents! And Inna Yakaovlevna immediately asks: did you cut yourself? She is a very humane person. One day I find my little daughter in tears: the stars she earned in class have been lost (they haven’t been given grades yet - elementary school). Inna Yakovlevna: “Well, is it worth crying, let’s sit down and cut them again, as many as necessary.” “Take care of the child’s tears,” that’s what she thought. Infecting by example is her internal attitude. Inna Yakovlevna received the title “Honored Teacher” while being a director, as an ordinary teacher, participating in a competition with a development on the topic “Inspiring Management.” This is how she managed, inspiring both children and teachers, for which we are eternally grateful to her. And the atmosphere she created, the school way of life, has survived to this day.

Alexander SHEIN, graduate of 1982.
– Teachers give students knowledge, skills, wisdom, worldview. Inna Yakovlevna gave us her heart, generously and without reserve. There was plenty of it for all of us, and we loved it. The school curriculum in literature was not just completed, it was lived together with the heroes of Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky. We didn’t invent school essays, we simply wrote about our experiences together with literary heroes. Russian classics entered our lives so organically. Through our love of literature, we acquired not only knowledge, but also a worldview, a civic position, and the ability to make the right moral choice. All this turned out to be in demand in an era of change and urgently needed in difficult moments of life. In high school, Inna Yakovlevna addressedto each student using “you”. We appreciated it then, we remember itand we especially appreciate it now.

Like this: you are going to write about a person, and the essay is populated by many people whom the heroine calls “the team of our youth.” And this is wonderful, because she is celebrating her 80th birthday among friends, like-minded people, family and friends. And their circle is very wide.

Galina Markina

Teacher and good person - in recent calculating decades, unfortunately, these words are not perceived by us as a single whole, but rather as two mutually exclusive concepts. A teacher is a profession akin to a sower: what you sow is what you reap, and good seed will produce an excellent harvest. The capacious word “ascetic” is heard very rarely and has almost disappeared from our oral vocabulary. Larisa Yakovlevna KONOVALOV, a teacher at Belovodsk Secondary School No. 3, can undoubtedly be called an ascetic.

“Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal” - most likely, the heroine of my essay was never guided by this classic call, but life turned out so that the origins of goodness, love of life and selflessness are forever in the souls of her many students.

Larisa was born in one of the remote villages in the south of Kyrgyzstan. Three children in the family were raised in a friendly, creative atmosphere. Until now, Larisa Yakovlevna is immensely grateful to her parents for their invaluable contribution to her development as a person.

The father, an outstanding graphic designer, instilled in his children responsibility, organization, and the ability to achieve their goals. From her mother, a talented lacemaker and embroiderer, Larisa inherited the rare ability to see the beauty around her, patience and the ability to create a masterpiece out of the ordinary. Memories of her home are one of the warmest, most touching pages of her life.

The girl went to study at the Tash-Tube school in the village of Karavan (now the city of Kerben, Jalal-Abad region). Larisa was one of the first in her class - she studied well, took an active part in all school events, and had another important quality - the ability to make friends. A faithful friend from childhood, Nadezhda Petrovna Ignatova (at school - Nikitina) still remembers the inexhaustible enthusiasm of her classmate, and the early formed sense of responsibility, and the ability to be there in difficult times. An easy-going, sociable character and a kind, open heart - these qualities are still appreciated by those who are closely acquainted with Larisa Yakovlevna.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Osh State Pedagogical Institute. Studying at the institute, as well as at school, was easy. Larisa became the leader in all student events and actively participated in them herself. Thanks to her sociable character and good knowledge of the Kyrgyz spoken language, her circle of friends was a real, Soviet-style, united international. The girl plunged headlong into the busy student life: she studied easily, successfully, and during the summer holidays she worked as a counselor in pioneer camps.

After graduating from the institute, she taught Russian language and literature in schools: named after Krupskaya, in her native Tash-Tyubinskaya and in the new school named after. Bokonbaeva. Then, over the course of twenty years, she went through all levels of pedagogical and administrative school work: teacher, deputy school director, district methodologist. But she still devoted her whole soul to teaching the Russian language and literature and generously shared her rich teaching experience with colleagues - she gave presentations at seminars, taught demonstration lessons, her works were repeatedly published in the republican magazine “Russian Language and Literature in Kyrgyz Schools” and the newspaper “ Mugalimder newspapers.”

When the Ministry of Public Education received an order to open classes with in-depth study of the Russian language, there was no question about the candidacy of a teacher. And only with the ministry’s program in hand did we have to organize training from scratch - for the first time, without manuals and developments, from scratch. I had to search, think through, select materials, draw up scripts, and conduct events. Together with the students, we prepared lessons on a variety of topics, held quizzes, conversations, Russian language festivals, and collective viewings of films - adaptations of literary works. Each of the lessons was interesting, understandable and exciting. Larisa Yakovlevna helped students develop personal life positions, independence in thinking, developing speech.

Konovalova believes that students need to be constantly stimulated and connected to everyday life situations so that there is no stagnation in their lives.

We were literally on fire, living with the activities of the school that the creative and active nature of our dear teacher offered us,

— her former students Nurilya Nazarova, Lunara Osmonova, Erkayim Danikulova, Oksana Babich remember with gratitude. It is not surprising that they chose for themselves the profession of teachers of Russian language and literature, they currently teach in schools, and in their work they still use a rich arsenal of knowledge and methodological techniques that their beloved teacher perfectly mastered and passed on to them.

The teaching activities of L. Konovalova are deservedly appreciated by the state. Among her awards are a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Public Education and certificates of honor from local authorities. Larisa Yakovlevna collaborated with the magazine “Russian Language and Literature in Schools of Kyrgyzstan” for many years, being a freelance researcher at the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Pedagogy. The publication of her articles in the magazine became reference books for several generations of teachers in the republic.

Thirty years ago, Larisa Yakovlevna left her native land and moved to the village of Belovodskoye, not far from the capital. She spent more than ten years working at Belovodsk Secondary School No. 3. Here her track record was further expanded: deputy director of the school, head teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1993 she was recognized as "Teacher of the Year".

In 1995, Larisa Yakovlevna’s family, obeying the spirit and demands of the time, organized a peasant farm, and my heroine, with her characteristic enthusiasm and optimism, grew wheat and barley, looked after cows, sheep and poultry, putting her soul, strength and time into this difficult work.

But... As they say, there are no former teachers, like police officers. After a twenty-year break, Larisa Yakovlevna decided to return to school. Having completed training and received a certificate, she is back in action - working as a teacher of Russian language and literature at Belovodsk School No. 3.

Her current pets are kids from preschool and elementary school. She also teaches her favorite subjects to high school students—Russian language and literature. Her lessons are still unusual, very interesting and exciting. In search of non-standard teaching methods, Larisa Yakovlevna herself develops visual aids, comes up with poems, riddles, puzzles, and also illustrates herself - she has an extraordinary talent as an artist.

In addition to the fact that she draws wonderfully, nature has not deprived her of the gift of writing. The fairy tales “Grasshopper Kozu”, “You are my girlfriend”, “Home Yard”, written with enormous knowledge of living nature, with magnificent drawings, were published by Larisa Yakovlevna herself. These books open to children unknown pages of the life of animals, birds, and plants.

Her children - two sons and a daughter - are each creative in their own way. She felt very subtly the soul and abilities of her children, which is why they received professions on the advice of their mother.

The eldest son Nikolai Pyshnoy graduated from the School of Painting. S. Chuikova. He paints pictures, designs illustrations for books (including his mother’s), and carries out private orders. As a child, he received prizes and awards for his talented works in competitions held in the magazines “Soviet Woman” and “Young Artist”.

The youngest son Ilya Pyshnoy graduated from the Music College named after. Kurenkeev and the Kyrgyz National Conservatory. He wrote poetry and music for them, worked in the Philharmonic. Currently, due to health reasons, he has retired from music. But Ilya’s creative talent expanded: he took up carpentry and creates amazing things from wood. The wooden watch made by his hands from the gear to the dial evokes genuine admiration from eyewitnesses. The Megapolis newspaper and the republican Channel 5 spoke about the artist.

Daughter Lydia did not break family traditions: she is also a humanitarian. After graduating from PYRYAL, she received the specialty of teacher of Russian language and literature.

With such a busy life, full of both joys and disappointments, Larisa Yakovlevna, at a very respectable age, did not lose her extraordinary purity of soul, gullibility, simplicity and sincerity in communicating with others. She is still an optimist, an enthusiast of her work, and a leader in any endeavor. She still has the same inquisitive mind, open to everything new, she has not lost interest in life, the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, inconspicuous. As before, every day, every hour, he gives a piece of his soul to his little students and firmly believes that the seeds of sincerity, love for people, nature, and native land will give good shoots.

Happiness and goodness to you, teacher and good person!

Photo from the personal archive of L. KONOVALOVA.

Galina Mikhailovna Remennikova - mathematics teacher, deputy director for educational work of the municipal educational institution "Lyubinskaya Secondary School No. 3", r. Lyubinsky village, Omsk region.

Galina Mikhailovna - winner of the PNPO "Education" "Best Teacher of the Russian Federation - 2007", Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the All-Russian competition "Modern Class Teacher - 2009", Laureate of the National Educational Program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia" 2009, 2010 . Hobbies: floriculture, psychology, poetry.

"A Quick Sketch of a Restless Heart"

The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist.
Jack London

Everyone chooses for themselves

I also choose - as best I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for themselves.
Yu. D. Levitansky

I don’t know why neither scientists nor writers agreed on the age at which a person clearly remembers himself. But whatever the starting point, I remember one thing: the yard children were always in front of me. My friends of different ages still had no idea about teachers and students. I went to kindergarten only a year before school, since there were not enough places in kindergartens. However, this did not make me or my friends sad at all. Of the entire yard team, I was the first to go to school. And then not only I, but also my friends began to clearly understand what school lessons are and who the Teacher is.

I always had a piece of chalk in my hands that I brought from school. There was a cheerful hubbub in the yard, and then, at the signal of a bell brought by someone, it died down, and silence fell. Everyone was seated. And then the letters and numbers I had written appeared in orderly rows. For my friends it was a game. And for me? I don't think I thought about it. No one conducted a professional selection, and this will not happen later. You have to be born a teacher.

We had everything like in a real school: lessons and lunch breaks (they would later be called hot breakfasts). I didn’t have a watch, but I had children’s faces and eyes before my eyes. It is they, the eyes, that teach us to understand a child. Later at the institute, having studied psychology and pedagogy, I learned about cognitive processes and much more... In the meantime... no one was in a hurry for breakfast for another reason. I often treated the children to hot bread and honey. The bread was baked at a local bakery. He was always lush and hot. We inhaled the mixed smell of bread and honey and were happy. This happy world is called Childhood.

My professional choice was quite conscious: a pedagogical institute. In the whirlpool of student life, I didn’t notice how four years flew by. Interesting student life, scientific conferences, student competitions - everything is behind us. I am young, full of energy and creative impulse.

And here are the first lessons.

Every year we meet and see off,
And every day to look into children's souls.
Every hour we feel unity with them,
And it gets better every moment.

My working life was successful and successful. I quickly moved up the career ladder. The year is 1988. I’m still only 26. And I’m already the director of a large rural school in the Republic of Kazakhstan. But!

Following the new historical concepts: “perestroika”, “glasnost”, “new political thinking” others will come - the State Emergency Committee, the collapse of the USSR. In the new system of values ​​there is no place left for the Komsomol, the party...

And I already have considerable teaching experience behind me, experience as a leader, and in my heart there is still the same genuine love and affection for children. But many things collapse so unexpectedly that for a moment you think about the meaning of life and about the seven years spent working as a director. Finding yourself in a difficult situation, you begin to understand: maybe you can start all over again.

Time changes, I change my place of residence, but the main task in life remains unchanged for me - raising an educated, intellectually developed, spiritually healthy person, capable, thanks to the breadth and flexibility of professional training, to strive for creativity and solving non-standard problems. I just really love my job. Remember, I. Kant argued that “Work is the best way to enjoy life.”

We often look at the sky strewn with twinkling stars. But they are so far away, and I always wanted to light up the stars here on Earth.

...After all, if the stars light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?..
...So it is necessary,
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!

In my teaching practice there were and are stars and asterisks, and I am sure there will be many of them. I'm amazingly lucky. They are all different, and in this dissimilarity lies their uniqueness, their individuality. In this dissimilarity lies the uniqueness, creativity and originality, brightness and unusualness of everyone.

I also believe that every person should look back. "For what?" - the average person will ask.

We today are products of the past. We took the main thing from the past - ourselves, our experience. The past is the path along which we came to the present. And this path cannot be abandoned. In essence, we are touching on two life strategies. Let's say someone is more attracted to a character from ancient Greek mythology. Ptolemy (forward thinking) symbolizes the thirst for innovation, openness to an uncertain and dangerous future. Another brother Epimetheus (thinking in the past) wanted to preserve what was, reproduced things and orders that had been well tested by time.

I believe that the past and the future are inseparable. In my practice there were talented and truly gifted guys. They exist now, and I am sure they will continue to exist in my future professional activities.

My students are a special world. I learn a lot from them. The children's world is so rich and diverse! The fates of my former students are always in my memory. Anastasia G. is a talented and capable high school student. But she is deprived of maternal attention and care. For antisocial behavior, Anastasia’s mother was deprived of her motherhood.

Together with my student, I lived a creative life that lasted two years. The girl successfully defended two scientific studies: “Determination of the type of learning situation” and “Schoolchildren’s attitude to learning.” They were noted by the expert commission of the regional scientific and production complex NOU Poisk, and Anastasia twice became a laureate of the conference.

Marina M.'s success in the field of science and creativity was even more difficult. When we met, she was a conflicted and emotionally unrestrained teenager. Perhaps it was due to the fact that for many years she was raised only by her father. But the study “Teaching a Child to Read! How?...” became significant for her. She won, first of all, over herself. I realized that I need to seriously engage in science every day, study, and perceive both failures and victories correctly. I looked at Marina during the presentation of the Laureate’s Diploma and thought about how many young men and women there are in my life who grew up so early because of family dramas.

But three young men stand in front of me: Ivan Zh., Ruslan Yu. and Alexander Sh. I looked at these adult guys and saw that they also had problems. I spent extraordinary hours of communication with them. The study “Cryptography Without a Secret” (or “Mathematical Mysteries of a Detective Plot”) was the first work in my professional practice that allowed me to beautifully combine simultaneously children’s research in the fields of literature, mathematics and computer science. The guys brought back several winning awards from the regional conference and taught me personally many of the intricacies of information technology. Yes, it was recently, it was a long time ago!

Every time I analyze situations and think about what method of raising difficult teenagers I used. What was my next action that successfully influenced the fate, behavior and position of the student? What professional tricks were more effective? And the answer is research. It is this approach that changes views, motives, and behavior, as a result of which mechanisms of self-education and correction of attitudes and actions of the “difficult” are activated.

All life situations are not alike. Each situation gives rise to new techniques. Different students need different parenting techniques. But one thing will remain unchanged - help will be provided.

Children with a crippled fate. "Difficult children." “Risk group”... What is behind this well-known and long-established term? Difficult children are those whose behavior deviates from socially accepted standards and norms. Scientists and practitioners include children of different categories in this group. These include children with pronounced abilities, who are usually called gifted, and children with various kinds of problems.

My entire teaching activity is a large project “Difficult Children”, designed to unite all specialists around this problem. You should not focus on the terms “problem” and “difficult” children; you need to look for the reasons for the appearance of this “phenomenon”. Unfortunately, it must be admitted that most often the cause of this problem is the fault of adults (teachers, parents). And these are not only the results of scientific research, this is also personal work experience. The situation in the state has changed. The problem of the emergence of such a category of children needs to be looked at in a new way. My teaching activity is a constant search for new technologies to resolve complex situations. I am constantly looking for algorithms to work in so-called problem areas.

The research approach that I use in my professional work involves students in the cycle of scientific research, encourages them to put forward ideas, alternative topics that are already known, study and analyze literature, describe and interpret information and observations obtained during the research process. My students master a culture of self-exploration, research into their own educational activities.

I carry out all the work on training young researchers taking into account the individual abilities of children and, above all, taking into account their dominant type of thinking, through organizing training in accordance with the child’s preferred methods of processing material. This wise decision allows me to prepare students for presentations at regional and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences.

School is my life, which does not stand still. Everything here is seething, boiling, spinning, if, of course, you make some effort. Sparkling eyes, surprised and delighted exclamations, joyful smiles - I like it all so much! I want to see and hear all this as often as possible, and you try, you search, you come up with... There are disappointments - I don’t argue. But what kind of life is this without difficulties, without problems?

I help my students get involved in the world of science and acquire research skills, which are so necessary when studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. “If you work hard and hard, success will definitely come,” I tell my students. And now my young researchers have their first publications. “When climbing a mountain, have the courage to walk along a steep path, walking in the snow, have the courage to walk across a slippery bridge,” I remind myself again and again of the words of Confucius.

My students understand that they “should strive for knowledge not for the sake of controversy, not for the sake of profit, fame, power or other goals, but in order to be useful in life. I am always responsible for the fate of a child who will take into the big world not only knowledge, not only mistakes and doubts, but also a part of me.

Teacher! In my professional activity there was everything: ups and downs, rise again, again everyday work, first of all, on improving my professional level. No matter what uncertainties and difficulties I encountered in my life, I never felt even the slightest desire to leave the profession. On the contrary, difficulties strengthened me, my desire to teach and be close to childhood never disappeared. I guess I just love children, because they are so different! I just love my job, because I am supported by the greatest strength - the hearts of my students.

But I know for sure: I wouldn’t work for anyone else! Even now I think: maybe I don’t know how to do anything else - I just know how to teach children. And for me there is nothing more expensive. So I will enjoy my work, possessing the great power of a teacher - to control the hearts of my students!

Tomorrow will be a new school day. And again tomorrow in class the eyes of my students will look at me. After all, I am a Teacher!

You know,
I still believe
what if the earth remains alive, -
the highest dignity of humanity
someday they will become teachers!
R. Rozhdestvensky.

It’s probably time to put an end to the “quick sketch”. But again and again I read into the wisdom of the ancient East.

A student came to one famous wrestling master to learn this art from him. For many years he trained with great diligence, worthy of admiration. “Teacher,” the student asked one day, “is there anything else you could teach me?”

“You have learned everything that I could teach you,” said the master.

From these words, the young wrestler was filled with pride and announced to everyone and everywhere that he was now the best wrestler in the country and could defeat his famous teacher in the ring. Thousands of people came to watch this fight. After a long, calm and equal struggle, the master suddenly, with an unexpected move, put the student on both shoulder blades and defeated him.

“It’s strange,” said the defeated man, taking a deep breath, “I learned everything from you, but how did it happen that you defeated me with a technique that I did not know?”

“Young friend,” said the master, “that’s right! I taught you everything I could. Only this one technique was saved for today.”

I, my colleagues, shared it with you very briefly. The scope of this essay did not allow me to describe the fates of many of my students. But even if there was a possibility, there will always be at least one thing that belongs only to me. That's it.

Nadezhda Alekseevna Durasova devoted forty years to educating the younger generation and working in a rural school. In her work book there is only one entry - about her appointment to work in 1968 at the Novouzelinsk eight-year school in the Matveevsky district of the Orenburg region as a primary school teacher.

Day after day Nadezhda Alekseevna went to teach the children. First to a small wooden school, and then to a new two-story one. I studied until the seventh grade in an old, wooden one. Now that I myself have worked as a school teacher for 30 years, I never cease to be amazed at how an inexperienced, fragile young teacher managed to teach all of us, foolish first-graders, to read, write, count?!.. After all, most of us are even -they didn’t know how to speak Russian - they grew up in Mordovian families. She managed to teach everyone, raised everyone to be good people!.. Nadezhda Alekseevna can tell everything about each of her students. And we remember her too.

This is how my life turned out that I linked my destiny with my native village, with my native school. Since 1980 I have been working as a teacher of Russian language and literature. It is very difficult to start your career in a team of teachers, many of whom taught you at school. What a great responsibility this is - I had the opportunity to experience it in full...

But I was lucky. Next to me was my first teacher Nadezhda Alekseevna Durasova, who taught geography at that time and acted as head teacher of the school. She helped me with everything: how to live in a group and how to conduct the first lesson, how to behave with such different students - after all, I started working in middle and high schools. I took lessons in honesty and kindness from Nadezhda Alekseevna, striving to become a good teacher.

On the long journey of life you cannot do without a guide. Youth especially needs it. I was lucky that Nadezhda Alekseevna was such a kind mentor. For nine years, from 1994 to 2003, she and I were school leaders. Nadezhda Alekseevna is the director, I am the head teacher. A strict daily routine calculated down to the minute, self-discipline, a craving for novelty, activity, high demands on herself and on her subordinates - this is what allowed Nadezhda Alekseevna to not reduce her ability to work over the years and to achieve good, stable results for the teaching staff entrusted to her.

Today, after so many years, those first minutes of meeting with my first teacher, a teacher for life, emerge before my mind’s eye. During class, I admired her elegant appearance. Short high hairstyle, open forehead, brown eyes. We all fell in love with her immediately and wanted to please her so much!

After lessons, Nadezhda Alekseevna hurried home, where her children, husband, household chores, farming, and garden were waiting for her...
She met her husband, Nikolai Filatovich, in our village. For more than forty years they have lived in love and harmony, raised two sons who started their own families, and are already making their grandparents happy with their grandchildren and granddaughters.
Nadezhda Alekseevna is originally from Asekeevsky district. In a picturesque hilly area lies the village of Alekseevka, or Zorkino, as people are accustomed to calling this village. Here, in a family of railway workers, Nadya Polyakova was born. In 1952 she entered the first grade of the Yakovlev eight-year school, graduated from it in 1964 and entered the Buguruslan Pedagogical School.

The love for the teaching profession was instilled in me by my first teacher, and then by my class teacher Boguseevich Raisa Ulyanovna,” says Nadezhda Alekseevna. “I am very grateful to her for her responsiveness, attention, and mentoring. In 1968, I arrived in the village of Novouzeli, where I didn’t know anyone. But I immediately noticed how similar Uzelinsky nature is to Asekeevsky! And I seemed to find myself in the native places of my childhood. That’s why I fell in love with Novouzeli for the rest of my life. The school director, Dmitry Ivanovich Ledyaev, and his wife Tamara Ivanovna, who also worked as a primary school teacher, helped me a lot. I am very, very grateful to them. It's a pity that they left this life so early. The beginning of my working life is forever in my memory.

Since 1977, Nadezhda Alekseevna has been a geography teacher and head teacher of the school. She combined work with studies at a pedagogical institute. Under the leadership of Nadezhda Alekseevna, the students did a lot of work on local history, conducted environmental expeditions, and successfully participated in subject Olympiads not only at the district level, but also at the regional level, taking prizes. Graduates took exams in geography, over ninety points on the Unified State Exam - the result of Olga Ilyina, a student of Nadezhda Alekseevna, who followed in the footsteps of her teacher - graduated from the Orenburg Pedagogical University and became a geography teacher.

Nadezhda Alekseevna instilled a love for the teaching profession in many of her students. Eight of her students chose the specialty of geography teacher! She gave twenty of her students, for whom she was the first teacher, a start in teaching. All of them became teachers and work in different parts of our great country and their native Orenburg region. Among her first thirty-four students, eleven became teachers! Nadezhda Alekseevna’s students covered various teaching specialties. These are four physical education teachers, two history teachers, two mathematics teachers, one physics teacher, three Russian language and literature teachers, and one organizing teacher. Nadezhda Alekseevna can rightfully be proud of them!

Nadezhda Alekseevna is pleased that everything turned out well in life for her students. Her students live in Samara, Moscow, and Orenburg. Chavkin Ivan Il-ich became a candidate of medical sciences, works as the chief physician of the Matveevsky district hospital, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Gorich is a leading specialist in the education department of the Matveevsky district, Marina Leonidovna Durasova works as a mathematics teacher, has the highest qualification category, winner of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year 2009”, winner of the Presidential Grant in 2009 and winner (3rd place) of the All-Russian project competition "Class Teacher of the 21st Century", Tatyana Nikolaevna Durasova, teacher of Russian language and literature, in 2008 became the Laureate of the Governor of the Orenburg Region Award within the framework of the All-Russian Priority National Project " Education", Kabaeva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, mathematics teacher - Laureate of the Governor of the Orenburg Region, leads the teaching staff of the Boriskinsky school, Nazina Elena Vasilievna, deputy director of the Sarai-Gir secondary school, and you can also name many of Nadezhda Alekseevna’s students who work honestly, with high dedication.

Their daily selfless work, dedication to their profession, and immense love for school and children could not go unnoticed. A sensitive and attentive mentor, our first teacher, is the first impulse that forced us all to decide, to make a further choice. It is a great blessing when people like Nadezhda Alekseevna Durasova - the heroine of my essay - appear on your way - wise with experience, responsive and attentive.

I was lucky in this sense. And I don’t regret at all that I work at school, teaching children to be useful in life, as my first teacher taught me.

Nadezhda Alekseevna is a good methodologist. Young teachers learned from her how to organize a lesson rationally. She was a regular speaker at regional methodological associations of geography teachers, meetings of head teachers and school principals. That's how she is - my mentor! She managed to reveal to us not only her first school textbooks, but also her soul - pure, proud, beautiful, brave. We immediately reached out to her.

Nadezhda Alekseevna dedicated her entire life to rural schools and rural children. And now, being retired, he does not sit at home. She often, at the request of the school administration, replaces primary school teachers and geography teachers. Advice from an experienced teacher is a real teacher training institute for young colleagues. Nadezhda Alekseevna always took an active part in the public affairs of the village. Her fate is so closely intertwined with the fates of her fellow villagers that she cannot imagine life in any other place.

For honest and conscientious work, rural teacher Nadezhda Alekseevna Durasova was awarded the “Excellence in Public Education” badge, twice awarded medals from the Ministry and the Central Committee of the trade union “Winner of Socialist Competition”, Certificates of Honor from the district department of education, Certificate of Honor from the education department of the regional executive committee in 1985 for high professionalism in teaching geography , medal of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "Veteran of Labor".

Everyone in the village knows and respects Nadezhda Alekseevna. She is still loved and respected by her teaching staff. This is the happiness of a teacher. Thank you, my dear Teacher, for your selfless service to a noble cause - teaching and educating a person!..

T. DURASOVA (Vasilkina). village Novouzeli.
In the photo: N.A. Durasova.

My post will be not so much about the books themselves, but about the “surrounding landscape”, moreover, with a touch of local patriotism. I apologize in advance to those community members who will not find anything new or interesting for themselves in it.

Teacher Goryunov came to sow the ideas of classroom self-government and self-education not out of nowhere, but in a school with traditions. “A close connection, friendship, a “common cause” was formed between students and teachers... Teachers did not have to impose discipline with strict measures. Teachers could shame a student, and this was enough for the public opinion of the class to be against the offender, and the mischief would not be repeated.”, - recalled school graduate Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev.

But Katya, Tanya, Tamara, Zhenya and their classmates worked in such interiors, only, probably, not so ostentatiously renovated - it is unlikely that by 1947 it was possible to eliminate all traces of the war.

But in the story the recent past is mentioned only in passing, by the way. Whether it was the author’s conscious decision to forget and move on, or it was strongly recommended “from above,” but Leningrad in the book is completely devoid of signs of the post-war period.

The story, the purpose of which was to show that school is not only an educational institution, but also an educational institution, inevitably suffers from edification. The characters of the heroines are very sketchy, not real girls on the threshold of adulthood, but “educational models”. Only sometimes does something living, real break through: in descriptions of domestic relationships, jealous girl friendships, a meeting at the skating rink with guys from the Nakhimov school.
“Igor was clearly heading towards her. Lida changed her mind and hid behind Alyosha. When Igor was a few steps away, they ran away. Igor chased after Lida. She zigzagged, changed direction, but Igor soon caught up with her and lightly tapped her on the shoulder.
Lida decided to tarnish Alyosha at any cost, and he understood this. Seeing that their chances were unequal and that he ran faster, Alyosha began to tease her. He let me get close and dodged. He caught a boy running and, holding him by the shoulders with outstretched arms, covered himself with him. The boy was happy and just squealed with pleasure. Lida looked into Alyosha’s slightly mocking eyes, choosing the moment to rush towards him, but as soon as she made a movement, he, lightly pushing the boy towards her, ran away to the side. We raced for a long time. Svetlana and Igor got tired of waiting, and holding hands they walked smoothly in a circle.
Finally, Lida was exhausted.
- Enough! I give up! - she said.
They gathered again in the middle and took turns making figures.
<...>We returned on foot. Lida took Svetlana by the arm, and sailors walked on her sides. Happy with their youth, satisfied with each other and the time spent, they chatted incessantly, laughed, not noticing anyone or anything."

They really ran to dances with the Nakhimovites, these girls. In Yu. Panferov’s very interesting memoirs, “The Life of a Nakhimovite,” it is said: “In high school, we began to pay more attention to our appearance, which is understandable, because girls from Leningrad schools were present at our dances, with whom we not only danced, but also flirted "Students from school No. 47, located near my parents' house on Plutalovaya Street, were especially often invited."

School N47 is connected with literature not only by Matveev’s story. Alexander Vvedensky studied there, here he became friends with L. Lipavsky and Ya. Druskin, with whom he later created a group of “plane trees” - Oberiuts. There is an interesting essay about the history of the school written by one of its graduates.

This corner of St. Petersburg can generally be classified as literary: at the other end of Plutalovaya Street lived the famous popularizer of science Yakov Isidorovich Perelman, who died of exhaustion during the siege. And the neighboring street will have a terribly familiar name: Barmaleeva. Yes, yes, it was she, as they say, who suggested to Korney Chukovsky and the artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky the image of a ferocious villain, bearded and mustachioed... The gallant and completely kind Barmaley decorated the kindergarten playground on Barmaleeva Street until recently. And you can look at that same book with Dobuzhinsky’s drawings.

There is very little information about the writer German Matveev. In the wake of the success of “Seventeen Years,” he wrote a sequel, “The New Director” (1961), a kind of ideological and pedagogical poem, which is worth reading only out of academic interest. Matveev's most famous work is the spy trilogy "Tarantula".

Another school address, but from a different book: "They studied in Leningrad. Diary of a teacher" Ksenia Polzikova-Rubets.
The book is based on the author's diary, which she kept in 1941–1944. It begins in the last peaceful days of the summer of 1941. And then - war, bombings, a hospital, but already a month and a half after the start of the blockade, a recording appears:
"October 20, 1941. Today I was called to school 239. The head teacher of the school, Antonina Vasilievna, said that classes in Leningrad secondary schools will begin on November 4.
“We won’t wait for this period,” she says. - The children are already tired of waiting. I think that we will have the school ready to open within a week. You will have to take history classes in fifth, sixth and eighth grades. In addition, you are appointed teacher of the sixth grade."

School No. 239 was then located not on Kirochnaya, but in a completely different place - next to St. Isaac’s Square, in the famous Lobanov-Rostovtsev mansion, where “two guard lions stand with raised paws, as if alive...”

Many post-war graduates of the school know the story described in the diary about the lion’s tail, which was knocked off during the bombing and was kept in the school to be glued later:
“Aunt Sasha, the school cleaner, brings from the street the marble tail of one of our “guard lions.” “Let it lie in the closet; when the war ends, they will repair it,” she says calmly.”

This is really a diary, slightly literary processed, but without any artistic tricks. The events described in the book are true, although most of the names of students and teachers have been changed. You won’t find any adventures or heroic deeds in it, only a quiet story about what you experienced, a tribute to the teachers and students who helped each other survive.
At the end of October 1941, 700 children from all over the region were gathered at the school. On January 15, 1942, seventy-nine people came to school.
“Natasha’s algebra grade book says “poor.” Maria Matveevna, a very old teacher, swollen from cold and hunger, says:
- I don’t understand what’s wrong with Natasha?
I call the girl into the corridor.
- Why didn’t you prepare an algebra lesson?
- Ksenia Vladimirovna, I’ll fix it. I answered as if half asleep: my sister died in the morning... She was seventeen years old...
Natasha is crying. I can't give her words of comfort. They are useless here. But I want her to understand that I cannot remain indifferent to her grief, and at the same time I want her to experience it. We must be strong. I put my hand on her shoulder and say:
- Of course, you will fix it. Tell the teacher when you can answer.
Maria Matveevna, having learned about the death of Natasha’s sister, is tormented:
“I myself felt so bad that day that I didn’t think to find out why she couldn’t solve a simple problem.
Misha and Kolya maintain their cheerfulness. Both always want to answer and raise their hands, dressed in warm mittens.
Today in class we talked about the famine in Moscow in 1601.
I know that children at home in cold rooms will read the phrase in textbooks: “Even in Moscow, uncleaned corpses lay on the streets.”
I don't want them to read it alone."

In the 2nd St. Petersburg Gymnasium (in Soviet times - school N 232), where Ksenia Vladimirovna Polzikova-Rubets worked for a long time, they prepared a short biographical sketch. Ksenia Vladimirovna died shortly after the war, in 1949.

The book about the siege school was published in 1948, and a reprint appeared in 1954. That, it seems, is all.
“From the windows of the teacher’s room you can see St. Isaac’s Cathedral. For the first time I’m looking at it from the height of the second floor and so close at that. The granite columns seem even more grandiose, the complex capital looks very heavy and puts pressure on the trunk of the columns. The golden dome is not visible, it is painted over with gray, like our autumn Leningrad sky, paint.
This morning, approaching school, I met a little girl.
“I decided to be the first to come to school,” she says. “I’m not far away, but I’m very afraid of being late.”