How to draw drawings for the New Year with a pencil. How to draw the New Year with a pencil step by step

On the nose New Year and you don’t know how to draw it, then this is the place for you. We will look in detail at how to draw the New Year with a pencil step by step, as well as other possible examples of drawing the New Year, New Year cards.

This is the lesson we will look at. Let's draw Santa Claus on a sleigh drawn by a horse.

But before we get started, let's take a look at what to draw for the New Year.

Here is a very simple picture. , and a bear with a gift go to congratulate the children.

The second option is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with a bag of gifts.

Santa Claus on reindeer.

The silhouette looks very good against the background of the moon; it can be done with white gouache.

New Year is a branch of a Christmas tree with New Year's toys (the Kremlin, of course, you don't need to draw), it's very good if you draw with gouache or felt-tip pens. Ultimately, you can just draw New Year tree with gifts and a number of toys, for example.

We looked at the pictures, now let's proceed directly to the lesson of drawing the New Year.

1. Draw your landscape sheet in half, using only very light lines, they will help us when drawing. There will be a sleigh on one side and a horse on the other. Now draw the snow wavy line and a ski from a sled.

2. Draw a carriage. Our horse is located on the right side of the sheet in the middle; we draw circles indicating the head, chest and back, and the location of the legs.

3. Draw the horse's head and body.

4. Now the legs, hooves, mane and tail.

5. We draw more horse hooves and proceed to. He's standing on a sled, so he should be in this area where I marked it. Draw a hat and collar.

7. We continue the beard, the belt at the waist, the second hand.

8. Draw the horse’s bridle.

9. Wooden mount.

10. Saddle, bag, finish drawing.

11. We write “Happy New Year!” and our New Year's drawing is ready.

There are several more lessons on drawing the New Year. New Year happens only once a year. Adults and children look forward to this holiday, because there are many long-awaited gifts for the New Year, you can have a good rest, eat tasty food, delicious and special, which is prepared only for the New Year. It is customary for us to prepare various salads, for example, Olivier salad and vinaigrette, fry chicken, serve fish, mashed potatoes, pickled mushrooms and much more. Always on New Year's good mood and I want to have fun until the morning. “How to draw New Year?” - you ask. New Year can be drawn in different ways, this is a wide topic for discussion, you can invent anything to the existing drawings, combine them, as the site presents different variants, how to draw the New Year with a pencil, there are branches, and socks, and a Christmas tree, Snow Maidens, Santa Clauses, Snowmen, Sleighs, Christmas decorations and much, much more. Let's say hello, for example, you take a twig with a toy, add more New Year's toys and fireworks and the inscription: “Happy New Year!” and, voila, the drawing for the New Year is ready. There you can come up with many options, depending on your imagination. Also look at more examples of how to draw the New Year with a pencil step by step in pictures for children and adults, step by step, easily and simply.

All children love to draw, and their ability to fine arts appear in most of them from a very young age. Already from about one year of age, the baby takes a pencil in his little hand and begins to draw his first strokes. After some time, he will begin to draw better and better, and his pictures will acquire distinct outlines.

All kindergartens and schools regularly hold various competitions and exhibitions of children's drawings dedicated to the holidays. New Year is no exception. By drawing one or another picture on a New Year's theme, both at home and in a children's institution, a child can get acquainted with the history of this holiday, learn the features of New Year's celebrations in other countries and much more.

In addition, creating any work on the theme of New Year and Christmas can support the magical fairy-tale mood that always settles in the souls of children and adults on the eve of these magnificent holidays. In this article we will tell you what children's New Year's drawings can be made in gouache or pencil, and what themes are most often found in such works.

Ideas for children's New Year's drawings for children

Of course, the most important characters in children's drawings on New Year's theme are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. They are the ones who take part in all theatrical performances on the New Year theme and bring such long-awaited gifts that kids happily take out from under the tree.

You can draw it in different ways. Today, each child has his own vision of these characters, so their image may differ significantly. As a rule, Grandfather Frost is depicted in a bright red fur coat, warm mittens and felt boots, while the Snow Maiden, in turn, is “dressed up” in a beautiful blue robe.

The constant attributes of Father Frost in children's drawings are his long white beard, a staff and a large bag of gifts, and his granddaughter is usually drawn with a long braid. In addition, these characters are often depicted on a sleigh drawn by reindeer.

Another heroine of New Year's drawings is the elegant Christmas tree, which is installed in every home shortly before the arrival of the magical night. The youngest children draw this green beauty schematically, while older children try to ensure that their Christmas tree is no different from a real fluffy forest spruce.

Also, many boys and girls love to draw large and small snowmen. On the face of this character you can depict a funny smile, small eyes and a nose in the shape of a carrot, and on the head - a bucket or any other object that imitates a headdress.

In some cases the topic children's drawing it becomes easy snow pattern, which is most easily depicted using watercolor or gouache. Often similar pictures are drawn on glass or mirrors.

Typically, children's drawings on a New Year's theme, made with paints or pencils, are drawn up in the form greeting cards, which in further child can give it to your friends, relatives or teachers. In this case, the drawing itself can be drawn directly on a sheet of cardboard or the finished picture can be glued to the template. In addition, to create a full-fledged postcard, you will have to add a congratulation text, which can be printed on a computer or written by hand.

In any drawing you can depict not only popular New Year characters, but also plot situation in which they participate. For example, a child can draw other children dancing around a decorated Christmas tree, parents giving a gift to their son or daughter, and so on.

Everyone knows that best gift- This is a gift made with your own hands. Having spent very little time, you can create a beautiful exclusive picture or postcard New Year theme, drawing ideas from our article.

We'll talk about how to:

Landscape is perhaps the easiest option if you decide to draw a beautiful winter drawing. Where to begin? Of course, from the choice of technology:

  1. Pencil or crayons. The most ideal option for the first attempt, since it does not require serious financial investments. In addition, with a pencil you can create New Year's drawings or cards for 2018 simply on a landscape sheet.
  2. Graphic arts. At first glance, everything is simple. All you need is a simple pencil. But in practice this technique can turn out to be much more difficult, since every stroke is important.
  3. Watercolor. In every home where there are children there are also inexpensive ones. watercolor paints, which you can use to draw excellent winter-themed drawings for the New Year 2018.
  4. Acrylic. This is a more serious option. These paints can be used to paint on canvas. They dry quickly. But be careful, because acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Oil– the choice of professionals. Such a picture, painted on canvas, will delight the eye for many years.

We invite you to watch a master class on creating a winter landscape.

You can buy canvas today in specialized stores.

What to draw? Most often, drawings dedicated to the New Year are winter nature, village houses, snow-covered tree crowns, and in 2018 the landscape can be supplemented with an image of a dog.

Drawing New Year's characters

What would a holiday drawing or card be without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! Don't worry, even if you don't know how to draw people beautifully. Portraying cartoon characters is not at all difficult. Here are some quick sketches of the main characters. Advice from professionals will help you create beautiful New Year's drawings in 2018.

We also suggest watching a video that shows you step by step how to draw Santa:

It is convenient that in the analysis the drawing is depicted on a sheet of paper with a checkered pattern. If you are just learning to draw, outline the sheet barely noticeable - this will make the task easier.

The artist's little ones will get great pleasure from coloring New Year's pictures with Santa, Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other characters. New Year's holidays.

You can simply save any drawings of New Year’s characters you like to your computer, print and color them as you wish.

Drawing a dog - the symbol of 2018

A constant element of many New Year's drawings in 2018 will be the symbol of the year - the dog. Although eastern calendar The patron of the year will be a red earthen dog; you can choose a representative of any breed for a postcard or picture, based on individual preferences.

Not long ago, a cartoon about the life of pets that appeared on television screens added a couple more cute faces to the army of favorite children's characters. Thinking over interesting New Year's drawings for the coming year of the dog, in 2018 you can use new characters - Max, Mel, Gidget and Buddy.

Also watch the video detailed analysis how to draw Max:

We also suggest downloading any of the dogs you like and using them when creating your own New Year pictures:

We also offer to get ideas from original New Year cards with a video that details how to create a reactive gift with your own hands.

Create a digital postcard on your computer

2018 is just around the corner, which means it’s time to master more than just pencils and paints. And also graphic editors. In practice create beautiful postcard or drawing original New Year's drawings using a PC is much easier than learning to draw people and animals with a pencil.

To create electronic cards and drawings, into which, by the way, you can add photos or images of your favorite characters, you can use programs such as:

  • Paint is the simplest graphics editor built into Windows;
  • Avatan – online version a graphic environment that allows you to process photos, create collages and a variety of postcards;
  • Online Photoshop is a free online version of one of the most popular raster graphic editors, which does not require installation of the program to use.

Of course, you can install a full-fledged Adobe Photoshop CS6, while gaining a lot of possibilities. But be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to master the program.

We suggest starting with a simple postcard with a photo, which will only take a few minutes to create:

Of course, in this program you can create a wide variety of New Year’s drawings by loading the background of the card and then adding various stickers (don’t forget that 2018 is the year of the dog), inscriptions and effects.

Try it, and you will definitely succeed!

Have you got your pencils and paints out yet? Inspired by the approach of the future winter holidays and are you ready for a new creative impulse? So, let’s start creating the brightest and most colorful children’s drawings for school and kindergarten. Today's step-by-step master classes with photos and videos they will tell you how to draw New Year 2018 and what else children can draw in next year Dogs.

What to draw for the New Year easily and quickly for children in kindergarten

New Year's exhibitions and competitions in kindergarten- an integral part of the seasonal program. And children, meanwhile, adore her most of all. It is not autumn, not spring, or even summer creativity that arouses such a storm of enthusiasm among the children. After all, it is winter crafts that are the most vibrant, varied, and filled with something magical and fabulous. Often, children's New Year's drawings depict fairy-tale characters, wizards, symbolic objects, and the main holiday attributes. All these elements create a pure atmosphere of joy and fun, which is why they most often appear in carefully curated exhibition works.

Do you already know that it’s easy and quick to draw for the New Year for children in kindergarten? If you haven't found an option yet, check out our ideas.

Necessary materials for easy and quick drawing for the New Year in kindergarten

  • thick landscape paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how and what to draw for kindergarten children for the New Year's exhibition

How to draw a children's drawing “New 2018 Year of the Dog” step by step with a pencil

Father Frost is truly the most classic Russian new year character. Not a single matinee, not a single performance, not a single winter's tale. A kind and generous grandfather always hurries to the children with an armful of entertainment and a huge bag of gifts and sweets. And they, in turn, thank the long-awaited guest with poems, songs, dances and beautiful drawings. Boys and girls prepare such gifts on their own in order to deserve the most desired Christmas tree gift. Older children can easily cope with the preparation. And the kids just have to learn how to draw a children’s drawing “New 2018 Year of the Dog” step by step with a pencil.

Necessary materials to draw a children's pencil drawing “New 2018 Year of the Dog”

  • sheet of white landscape paper
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a children's drawing “New 2018 Year of the Dog” with a pencil

How to paint New 2018 Year of the Dog with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for school

Ask your child about his favorite holiday, and you will probably hear the exact answer - “New Year”! In the main winter celebration, children are attracted by literally everything: colorful surroundings, delicious treats, trembling moments of anticipation, favorite rituals, an abundance of gifts, New Year's magic and the most important guests of the holiday - the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. These are the guys who draw with such inspiration in their winter fantasies on a white sheet of landscape paper.

Do you know how to paint New 2018 Year of the Dog with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for school? If not, it's time to learn.

Necessary materials for drawing with paints “Father Frost and the Snow Maiden” for school for the New Year of the Dog 2018

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • gouache paints
  • brushes
  • water glass

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with paints for the New Year of the Dog 2018

What to draw for New Year 2018 for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother

On the eve of the magical New Year's celebration children draw with inspiration beautiful drawings, and not only for a school or kindergarten exhibition. Every child with sincere desire please your loved ones Once again takes pencils and brushes, and draws bright illustrations with the main holiday symbols - Christmas trees, snowflakes, gifts. After all, ready-made colorful images can be turned into cute postcards, hidden in homemade frames, or simply given with all your heart to your closest relatives. See in the next master class what to draw for the New Year 2018 for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother.

Necessary materials to draw a picture for mom, dad, and grandma for the New Year 2018

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints with a brush

Step-by-step instructions on what and how to draw for mom, dad, grandparents for the New Year 2018

If you not professional artist, and don’t strive for perfect compositions and exact proportions, follow our master classes with photos and videos. See how to draw the New Year of the Dog 2018 with a pencil or paint for school and kindergarten. Use simple ones step by step instructions- and the child’s drawing will turn out neat and bright.

What New Year's drawing should I prepare for a competition at school or kindergarten? This question is asked by many students and parents in December. It would seem that there are no restrictions in the plots and you can choose absolutely any one, but not all children are able to effectively depict a bright and attractive picture with their own hands using pencils, markers and paints. New Year's composition. It is for those who are not natural artists that we have put together a collection of lessons showing how to make a beautiful, original and eye-catching holiday picture on paper. After studying the step-by-step instructions, you can easily draw Santa Claus, the symbol of 2017 - Fire Rooster and other thematic images, and the video will tell you how you can create color portraits of traditional New Year and fairy-tale characters, cell by cell.

Step-by-step drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil for beginners

Beginning artists should not immediately take up complex works, requiring careful study and high detail. It's better to try your hand at simple tasks and, so to speak, get better. The lesson below will help with this, telling you how to draw an interesting New Year’s drawing with a pencil step by step.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step New Year's drawing

  • simple pencil HB
  • simple pencil 2B
  • A4 sheet of paper
  • eraser
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil step by step

Drawing step by step for New Year 2017 - DIY Rooster for school

This step-by-step lesson will tell you how to draw a bright, colorful Rooster, the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, with your own hands for school. To create the work you will need a simple pencil, paper and a set of pastels. But if you don’t like to draw with crayons, you can replace them with felt-tip pens, watercolors, acrylic paints or gouache.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step New Year's drawing for school

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil HB
  • colored oil pastel
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Rooster for school with your own hands

DIY drawing for New Year 2017 in pencil - Santa Claus for elementary school

On the eve of the New Year holidays, elementary schools often hold competitions and shows of children's drawings, where children demonstrate their small artistic masterpieces. The subjects for such works can be winter landscapes, fairy-tale characters and traditional New Year's paraphernalia, but the most relevant, of course, will be the image of Santa Claus. Moreover, following the instructions in this lesson, even a child who is very far from painting can easily and quickly draw an active bearded man with a bag of gifts.

Necessary materials for a New Year's drawing of Santa Claus for school

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil HB
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw Santa Claus for elementary school with your own hands

Children's drawing for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten - Rooster step by step with paints

In kindergarten, drawing a Rooster, symbolizing the coming 2017, will not be difficult if you use the recommendations of this simple lesson. The guys from the preparatory and senior groups They can easily cope with such work on their own. Younger children will need a little help from the teacher, but only for last stage when you need to make a clear and neat outline.

Necessary materials for children's New Year's drawing of the Rooster

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil HB
  • eraser
  • paint set
  • brush
  • blue marker

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a Rooster step by step with paints

  1. Create a preliminary sketch of the body on paper. Approximately in the middle of the sheet, closer to the left edge, draw a semi-oval line from top to bottom, sharpen it a little towards the bottom, and then move it up and make triangular bases for the tail. Add to them a more magnificent tail part, divided into feathers.
  2. Draw a wing in the center of the body and make three outlines for feathers on it.
  3. Below, under the body, draw “pants” and legs, consisting of fingers and a back spur.
  4. Draw the neck from two tiers and the head. Draw the counter of the crest on top, and the silhouette of the beak and beard in front.
  5. Paint over the bird's body light orange, the wing is yellow, pink and green, the feathers on the neck are blue and beige, and the head is yellow. Cover the beak, comb and beard with red paint, and draw an eye on the head with black paint.
  6. Shade the legs with a black shade, and the “pants” with light gray.
  7. Decorate the tail as brightly as possible. Cover the base adjacent to the body green, and the edges of the tail are blue, red, yellow and pink.
  8. Leave the drawing to dry very well. When this happens, trace the outline with a thick blue marker.

Drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten - a selection of works

At the end of December, schools and kindergartens always hold a drawing competition for the New Year. Such events give children the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their artistic talents to friends, teachers and guests. Subjects for your works young painters choose on their own or consult with teachers, mothers and fathers. Images of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree with toys, a snowman and various fairy tale characters made with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. Great success They use colorful winter landscapes and compositions where the family celebrates the holiday while sitting at the New Year's table.

No less popular are pictures in which there is a symbolic creature, patronizing, according to eastern horoscopes, the coming year. The approaching 2017 will pass under the sign of the Fire Rooster, which means that bright, colorful images of the magical bird, made by students with their own hands, will be quite appropriate at a children’s drawing competition.

If a child does not have a natural talent as a painter, there is no need to despair. They will come to your aid step by step lessons, With detailed explanation all the subtleties of creating a beautiful and harmonious image on paper.

For those who don’t want to waste a lot of time fiddling with pencils and paints, a video will help that teaches how to quickly and effortlessly create an original New Year’s image, piece by piece.