How to draw a very beautiful postcard. How to draw a birthday with a pencil step by step

    It all depends on who the postcard is for. If this is for a friend, then you can draw these Teddy bears, girls really love these cuties

    If the card is for mom or grandma, then you can draw beautiful flowers and sign, and so, you can draw flowers

    the most popular drawing, with a cake and candles

    And so, you can draw a cake step by step

    Nowadays, adults generally do not make cards with their own hands. They just buy them ready-made. But it’s so nice to receive a card as a gift with so much love put into it. And you can draw anything. After all, now there are no standards for drawing postcards.

    And you can get ideas from here.

    A handmade card will be a unique gift for the birthday of someone close to you.

    Not only a child, but also an adult will be happy with such funny faces.

    And so we take a landscape sheet, draw on it, we are interested in the composition, paint it, and decorate it with a frame. We bend it in half, we also draw a frame inside our postcard, you can decorate one of the corners with a small stamp. And we sign beautifully by hand :) Everything The postcard is ready.

    What can you draw on a birthday card for your loved one that is suitable for this theme.

    For his birthday, I want to please my friend, loved one, dear person something. A postcard made with love with your own hands carries your warmth and tenderness. You can draw flowers, or just a beautiful pattern along the edges of the card, and in the middle there are warm wishes written by your hand.

    For the postcard, use a thick drawing sheet that needs to be folded in half. And then with a pencil we lightly sketch the drawing and inscription. If something doesn’t work out, we correct it, erase the excess with an eraser. Then we decorate with paints, felt-tip pens, and colored pencils. You can carefully paint over the background with a subtle color.

    You can see how to draw some flowers, even a car for a man, a guy, using the links: how to draw an orchid, a tulip, a lilac, a car,

    Drawing a birthday card is not at all difficult (especially if you have the ability to draw). Below I will give several options for postcards that, perhaps, anyone can easily and simply draw. So, let's look:

    If you want to draw a birthday card, then first you need to find or come up with a good card. For example, I decided to draw roses in a vase.

    Let's start drawing.

    First, draw a vase and note how many places the roses will take up. do as we did in the picture.

    Then we start drawing roses. The quantity doesn't matter. the main thing was not even.

    Then we finish drawing the rose petals, and draw beautiful bow on a vase.

    Here we finish drawing the picture, and at the end we draw the leaves of the roses.

    That's all. This is how your postcard will look like. At the end, you can paint the roses burgundy or another color, and paint the vase, for example, blue.

    The symbol of any birthday is cake and balloons. They must be drawn on the postcard. On balloons You can write short congratulations in the form of poems.

    It is customary to give gifts on birthdays, so you can depict a festive box or even more than one on the card. if the card is for a girl, then you can add a drawing teddy bear or a bouquet of flowers.

    It’s a pity that you didn’t specify who the card will be intended for: a child, mom, dad, friend, boss, because the elements that will decorate it will need to be chosen in accordance with the age, hobbies, and position of the birthday person. Let's assume that the card will be for someone close. To draw it, you need to arm yourself with a pencil, eraser, paper, pens, paints, felt-tip pens, if you draw it purely, and if you also want to decorate it, you will need glue, ribbons, rhinestones, glitter, and similar materials. You should take a sheet of thick white paper and fold it in half; you will need to write beautifully and brightly on the cover (first we draw and write everything with a simple pencil) Happy birthday:

    and decorate it with a drawing/several components (balloons, cake, party hats, cartoon characters, candles, butterflies, gift boxes, bows). Let me give you examples:

Sometimes, in a handicraft impulse, you want to make something beautiful with your own hands, but as luck would have it, nothing comes to mind, and so as not to suffer in Once again I decided to put together a selection of examples of how to make a postcard with your own hands. Here different examples postcards and small descriptions of how to make this or that postcard.

I tried to select as much as possible different images both in style and topic, so that there is plenty to choose from. Of course, each postcard is just an example of how you can make postcards with your own hands.

To mom

How to make a card for mom? It’s clear that it should be the most beautiful and touching, but I want some specifics, right? The first thing you need to do is focus on the reason, it could be:
  • an unplanned card for no reason;
  • Mother's Day or March 8;
  • New Year and Christmas;
  • birthday or name day;
  • professional holidays.

Of course, no one can stop you from making and giving your mom a postcard dedicated to the first snow or even the release of your favorite TV series, but in general, the main reasons are indicated quite clearly.

A New Year's card for mom can be ordinary (from the point of view New Year's greetings, naturally), it is not necessary to emphasize in any way special relationship. But birthday or mother's day - special holidays, in which it is worth presenting a personal card with the signature “To my beloved mother.”

How to make a birthday card for mom? Draw a sketch with a simple pencil, add a little color to guide you color scheme and understand what shades you will need as you work. So, you need to buy or find in the bins:

  • a blank for your needlework (thick and thin cardboard is suitable);
  • background image - this can be scrap paper, colored paper, any sheet that you like with an ornament, or you can simply artistically spray paint on a sheet of white thick paper or even use the monotype and marbling technique;
  • chipboard for inscription - it is better to purchase a ready-made one or use a special stapler to decorate the edge;
  • pair decorative elements- flowers, butterflies, beads and leaves;
  • one or two large decorative elements - flowers or bows;
  • decorative tape;
  • good glue;
  • scalloped ribbon or lace.

First you need to glue the background image to the blank, then arrange large flowers, and only then complement the resulting composition with small decor and lace. Dry well finished work, decorate with small decor and sparkles, and then sign - mom will be happy with such a sign of attention.

Now you know how to make a card for Mother's Day, and you can easily figure out what a card for an anniversary or angel's day should be like.

Another original version: the essence is that you need to cut out circles from colored paper, and then cut each circle in a spiral and twist it into a bud, you will get cute flowers with which you can decorate a card.

To dad

A DIY birthday card for dad is always very touching and sweet. Choosing a particular "papal" theme is not too easy, but there is a wonderful straw to grab onto - style. If you make a stylish card, then the father will undoubtedly be happy to receive it, even if it does not contain the usual symbols of “masculinity,” which in our country often include cars, weapons and fishing.

Naturally, if the father is celebrating the anniversary of his driving experience, then a car on a postcard is quite appropriate, but on dad’s birthday it is better to present a neutral and beautiful greeting card.

What kind of cards do men like:
  • not too colorful;
  • in a calm, slightly muted palette;
  • with clean lines;
  • in which a lot of effort has been visually invested.
I would like to say especially about the last point. If your mom liked a card made from a piece of lace, a bow and a beautiful chipboard, then dad will appreciate a hand-made poster from paper with an elegant, lacy cutout - painstaking and graceful.

Men admire the process, so before you make a nice card using the scrapbooking technique, think about how you can put your work into the card? This can be working with threads or embroidery, spirography and paper cutting, pyrography and much more.

Incorporate a few elements of hard work and love into your work and your dad's birthday card will be stunning.

So, we make paper cards with our own hands for our beloved daddy. Start by choosing a plot - it could be some element male portrait- a stylish beard and glasses in the spirit of hipsters, or the silhouette of dad's favorite pipe, you can also make some kind of heraldic flag or symbol.

Choose colors - they should be calm and beautiful, and also look good in harmony with each other.

Make a pattern for the future postcard and get to work - if this is a regular applique, then cut out all the elements and carefully lay them out future composition. And in the case of artistic cutting, it is better to spend time on the pattern and drawing. By the way, for this work you will need a good breadboard knife.

After all the main elements have been cut out, assemble the card - if you planned it using the scrapbooking technique, then you can simply glue the composition, and if you are trying to create a thin openwork product from cardboard and paper, then select shading colors for each layer - so that the work looked really delicate, you will need to choose shades that will highlight all the slits.

Make a central element on your card, and then put it under a press - this will help prevent the paper from deforming from the moisture contained in the glue.

In honor of the wedding

Making beautiful cards with your own hands for a wedding is not an easy task, and here it is better to watch master classes.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a young family, and therefore it is not enough just to draw a card, you need to carefully design and package it, and perhaps supplement it with some other elements.

How to do beautiful postcard for congratulations on your wedding day:
  • come up with an idea;
  • ask the bride and groom main color weddings, or the main theme of the celebration;
  • look various options postcards - using scrapbooking techniques, with embroidery, ribbons, and so on;
  • choose several interesting lessons;
  • make a rough postcard from paper and cardboard (and if you are not sure of your result, then it is better to do this step several times);
  • make original cards with your own hands;
  • choose packaging and make it a little more unique;
  • label the envelope and postcard.

Other occasions and recipients

Be sure that hand-made cards for birthdays will delight the recipients - after all, this is not just a DIY card made according to a master class, it is the real thing man-made miracle, which holds a piece of the soul.

You can make cards for mom and dad with your own hands, or you can delight your friends before every holiday with a custom greeting - all you need is free time, good master classes and a little patience.

3D postcards look especially impressive. How to make a three-dimensional postcard? Come up with (or look at experienced authors) an idea on how you can shape it so that you get voluminous postcards. You may want to use more decorative elements, or you may decide to make a simple DIY birthday card with 3D elements.

By the way, if you are wondering how to make a postcard for your mother or friend with voluminous paper elements, take a closer look at children's books. Surely you still have several copies, when opened, carriages and castles, trees and horses appeared between the pages.

Take a close look at how these elements are made and glued together - you may be able to reproduce this in your sketch.

Or try to do something in the shabby chic style and scrapbooking with your own hands - it’s not as difficult as it seems, the entire main volume effect is created by layering elements. By the way, flat cards are also good. :)

I think now you have enough ideas for creating greeting cards, postcards and tags - craft for your own pleasure and bring joy to your loved ones!

Moving card - “Waterfall of Hearts”:

Some more ideas for inspiration:

Now you will learn how to draw a beautiful birthday card step by step with a pencil. Birthdays happen only once a year, and for some people it can happen twice, there are many different circumstances and reasons for this. A birthday is always fun, joy, gifts and a birthday cake, what would you do without it? I came across this picture by chance and really liked it, a teddy bear with a cake.

And this is what we should get.

We draw an oval at a slight angle, draw a curve in the middle (show where the middle of the head is), then draw the muzzles and nose, all also in the form of ovals, only of different sizes.

We paint over the nose, leaving a large highlight, then we draw the eyes and mouth, then the ears and eyebrows. Erase the auxiliary curve and we must draw lines for sewing the head, it goes almost in the same place, only we need to draw from the middle of the nose to the middle of the mouth, from the middle of the head to the middle of the nose, only not to the nose, but to the muzzle, and the curve under the muzzle.

Let's draw the body.

One leg.

Then the second leg, erase the part of the previous leg that is in this one. Further to the left side of the head at the level of the neck, which we cannot see, draw a plate.

We draw three parts on the plates, the higher it is, the smaller it becomes. Erase all the unnecessary lines (part of the bear's head) that are in the cake. We draw the front paw that holds the plate. Step back a little from the contour of the body to the left and from the head down - this is the beginning of the arm.

We draw the cream with elongated wavy movements from the top of each cake.

Draw the second arm, which is only slightly visible, and the stitching lines on the body and paws. I showed with a dotted line that there is only one curve, but there is no need to draw a dotted line, this is for visualization, so that part of the seam is not unclear where it is.

Now let's move on to the background, here you can stick whatever you want. It's our birthday, and on this day there are a lot of things. I attached one ball with a rope to the bear’s ear. And the hearts and circles are for beauty, so that the background is not empty, and if it’s all painted in color, it will be absolutely beautiful. That's it, the drawing for the birthday of your mother, grandmother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, friend is ready. You can also give this drawing to your mother on March 8th.

Beautiful card with flowers - great gift for any holiday, and if you draw it with your own hands, then there is simply no price for such a gift, because so much warmth and care will be invested in this gift that cannot be contained in a hundred purchased postcards. Since not everyone can draw a beautiful postcard, this master class is for those who are at least a little familiar with a pencil and brush. However, if the postcard doesn’t come out exactly as you would like, remember that the main thing is attention to your loved one.

To make the postcard we used:
two sheets of watercolor paper; scissors;
double sided tape;
watercolor paints;
brushes (kolin, squirrel or nylon);
container with water;
a simple pencil;
figured hole punch;
red felt-tip pen;
black gel pen.

How to draw a postcard

1. Fold a sheet of paper in half;

2. Using a pencil, draw the outlines of the poppy; If it seems difficult to draw on your own, you can print out our drawing and color it;

3. Using a gel pen, carefully outline the contours;

4. Using a pen, draw a small bud next to the flower head;

5. Use an eraser to erase all pencil lines;

6. Get a kit watercolor paints, brushes and container with water;
7. Color the background of the card blue. Then set it aside to let the paint dry a little;

8. On the second sheet of paper, draw a small oval with a pencil;

9. Cut out this oval with scissors;
10. Color the oval, combining yellow paint with pink;

11. Use a figured hole punch to make a bird-shaped puncture on one side of the oval (if you don’t have a hole punch, you can cut out an arbitrary pattern using a paper knife);

12. On the oval, write words of congratulations (for example: “Congratulations” or “Happy Birthday”) - a red felt-tip pen was used here;

13. Paint the flower stems with green paint;

14. Color the middle of the flower brown, and the petals are red;

15. Once the card is dry, deepen the colors using darker, richer shades of red and burgundy;

16. Turn the oval over to the reverse side. Cut a small piece of double-sided tape;

17. C reverse side Glue this piece into an oval;

18. Glue an oval with an inscription above the flower.

The postcard is completely ready. Now all you have to do is write beautiful congratulations.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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In stores today you can find New Year's cards for every taste. But the editors website believes that homemade ones are much warmer. After all, when we make something for someone with our own hands, we put our love into it.

Below we have collected ideas that are beautiful, original and, most importantly, “fast” New Year cards, the creation of which does not require any rare materials - beautiful paper, cardboard, and colorful ribbons and buttons lying around the house.

Volumetric Christmas trees

Volumetric Christmas trees made of white and colored paper are so simple in execution that you can make them in last moment. Read more on the Bog&ide blog.

Making 3D Christmas trees even faster. All you need is a ruler, sharp scissors and cardboard. This blog shows you how to cut them.


We really liked this penguin, well thought out. You will need black and white cardboard(or White paper), a triangle made of orange paper and 2 miniature snowflakes, which we all know how to cut out. The eyes are, of course, the highlight of the postcard, and you will have to look for them at a hobby store (or tear them off from an unnecessary children's toy, with the consent of the children, of course).


This cute and simple card requires 2 sheets of cardstock, a ruler, scissors and glue. And also pieces of wrapping paper that you have left over from gift wrapping, ribbon and ribbon. The manufacturing principle is very simple, but for those who want more details, we recommend taking a look at this blog.

Santa Claus

A friendly Father Frost (or Santa Claus) can be made in just half an hour. The red hat and pink face are strips of paper pasted onto a card or gift bag. The fur of the hat and beard are made like this: you need to take drawing paper and just tear off the strips the desired shape to create jagged edges. Place on the card over the red and pink stripes. And then draw two squiggles - a mouth and a nose - and two dots - eyes.

Simple drawings

An idea irresistible in its grace - to draw black gel pen Christmas balls with patterns. The main thing here is to draw the correct circles and mark the lines for the patterns. Everything else won't be difficult - stripes and squiggles that you draw when you're bored.

The same principle that underlies the postcard with black and white balloons. Simple silhouettes, painted with simple patterns, this time in color - this is best done with felt-tip pens. Warm and very cute.

Many, many different Christmas trees

A couple more ideas from the Bog&ide blog. For the first, you will need decorative tape or colored cardboard (with or without glitter - now you can easily buy these at an office supply store or in hobby stores). For the second - elegant straws for drinks and good glue.

This is where patterned paper or cardboard left over from children's crafts or wrapping paper for gifts will come in handy. The Christmas trees are sewn in the center - this is not at all necessary, you can glue them on. But if you really want to, you first need to make holes with a thick needle along a ruler, and then sew with thread in 2 rows - up and down, so that there are no gaps left. Draw a snowball with white gouache.

A laconic and stylish idea is a grove of Christmas trees, one of which is glued to foam double-sided tape (and therefore rises above the rest) and decorated with a star.

This card requires 4 or 3 layers of cardboard (you can do without the red one). You can use paper rather than cardboard as a color layer. In the top, white one, cut out a Christmas tree (a stationery knife will do this well) and glue it with double-sided tape for volume.

A round dance of Christmas trees made from various leftover cardboard, scrapbooking paper, and wrapping paper, tied with a simple ribbon and decorated with a button. Try playing with colors and textures - here you can find an incredible number of options using different color ribbons, paper and even fabric.

Wonderful watercolor so in the spirit of New Year and Christmas! A simple watercolor sketch can be done by anyone, even those who last time painted with paints in school years. First, you need to outline the patterns with a pencil, color them, and when dry, carefully erase the pencil sketches and complete the patterns with a felt-tip pen.

Winter landscape

For this postcard, it is better to use structured cardboard, but you can get by with regular, smooth cardboard - it will still turn out impressive. Cut with sharp scissors snowy landscape and the moon and paste it on a black or dark blue background.

Another, white-green, option for a winter landscape that will take a little more time. If you find velvety cardboard (remember, back in school they made crafts out of this), it will be great; if not, you can simply color the Christmas trees with a felt-tip pen. Snow - polystyrene foam disassembled into peas. You can also use a hole punch to make circles out of cardboard and glue them to the card.

Hugging snowman

The author of the blog My kid craft made this snowman with her children. The snowman throws his arms up in joy when the card is opened. You can write your wishes inside. Children will be interested in making an applique (and painting their hands and hat), but for those who want everything to be done quickly, the blog has ready-made parts that can be printed on a color printer and simply glued together.

More snowmen

Snowmen peering inquisitively into the starry sky will look better if you can find a bright ribbon for a scarf.

For that postcard on the left, You need unpainted cardboard, white drawing paper and foam tape to glue the snowman with. Drifts are made simply: you need to tear off the drawing paper so that you get a ragged wavy edge. Fill it in with a blue pencil and blend it with anything, even with your finger or a piece of paper. Also tint the edges of the snowman for volume. For the second You will need buttons, a piece of fabric, eyes, glue and colored markers.

You will want to keep this card for a long time. All you need are circles made of cardboard, a nose and twigs made of colored paper. All this must be assembled using double-sided bulk tape. Draw eyes and buttons with black paint, and a snowball with white gouache or watercolor.


Balls are one of the main symbols of the New Year and Christmas. These are made from velvety colored paper and ribbon. But balls are such a win-win option that you can allow yourself to fantasize: make balls from patterned paper, wrapping paper, fabric, lace, cut out from newspaper or glossy magazine. And you can simply draw the strings.

Another option is to stick patterned paper on inner part cards, and cut circles on the outside with a sharp stationery knife.

Volumetric balls

For each of these balls you will need 3-4 identical circles of different colors. Fold each one in half and glue the halves to each other, and the two outer halves to the paper. Another option is colored stars or Christmas trees.

Multi-colored balls

Wonderful translucent balls are obtained using a regular eraser on a pencil. It’s worth starting with a pencil to outline the outline of the ball. Then dip the eraser into the paint and leave marks on the paper. Fun and beautiful.

Cards with buttons

Bright buttons will add volume to the cards, and will also evoke subtle associations with childhood.