Competition for the bride and groom. Original wedding games

A wedding is the most important and significant event in the life of any person, which remains in memory forever. They prepare for it in advance, carefully, thinking through every step down to the smallest detail. It’s not in vain that 2 months are given from the moment the application is submitted to the registry office. And not a single wedding is complete without a competition program, which is the key to a successful event.

Who are the competitions aimed at?

Competitions are designed for almost everyone, they are held:

Important! Competitions should not hurt the pride of any of the guests!

Why are competitions needed at weddings?

Contests play a certain role in the wedding scenario. They relieve the tension that may arise due to the fact that many of the guests do not know each other, they aim to amuse those present, unite relatives of each party, and most importantly, they make the wedding unforgettable, leaving a sea of ​​positive emotions.

So, the main people at this wonderful event are, of course, the bride and groom, and most competitions are dedicated to them.

Competitions for the bride

The bride is the personification of beauty, purity and fidelity. But the competitions intended for her are not nearly as harmless as she herself.

A gift.

This competition is a kind of draw for the bride. During some break, the guests quietly take the groom out of the hall, the main thing is that the bride does not notice anything. The fun continues, music plays, everyone drinks and behaves as if nothing had happened. Suddenly the sounds of the music stop, and the presentation of the next prize is announced, and... the groom is absent, the bride will participate in this ceremony alone. A large box is brought into the hall, but it will only be given back when the girl guesses what is in it. And here the futile attempts and assumptions begin.

  • - This is TV?
  • “That’s not right, but you won’t get bored with him either.”
  • — Is this a refrigerator?
  • - No, but he’s big too.
  • — Is this a dishwasher?
  • - No…

This dialogue can continue endlessly until the bride gives up. And when the box is opened, the groom will come out, who will be a gift for her.

I kiss your hand

The bride goes to the center of the hall, the host blindfolds her. The essence of the competition is that she must identify her beloved, but not by touch, but by kiss. She stands, waits, sees nothing, the singular groom comes out and kisses her hand several times, but tries to do it in different ways. After this, the participant is asked to guess what kind of person her chosen one was. This competition is very interesting for the audience, they will laugh at any of her answers.

All from nothing

It's no secret that a woman can make almost a masterpiece out of nothing; her ability to so deftly make something serious and big out of little things will be useful to her in this competition. The presenter hands the girl a whole roll of toilet paper and informs her that she must use this material to make her fiance a wonderful tie of any shape and size. But there is one catch - she must use all the paper. When the bride begins to create, everyone quietly counts how many times she wrapped her lover’s neck, the number of times she will have to kiss him when she finishes.

Feed your husband

The bride comes out into the hall, sits on a chair, and there is another chair next to it - for the groom. He cuts off a piece of cake and puts it on a plate and gives it to his chosen one. The girl is blindfolded and must spoon-feed this cake to her groom. He, accordingly, will help her with words and direct her in which direction to bring the spoon. To keep your suit clean, it is better to wear a bib. It’s very funny to look at this process from the outside; as a rule, after this competition, both young people end up covered in cream.

Get to know me darling

The bride is taken to another room while the competition is being prepared. Males of all ages, including the groom, line up in the center. The task of the bride, with her eyes closed, is to determine which of these young men is her favorite. It is allowed to touch only the hand from which jewelry, if any, has been removed in advance.

There are many competitions for the bride that will amuse not only the audience, but also herself. But at any wedding the groom will not be left without attention.

Competitions for the groom

Firstly, the groom is a man, and therefore most competitions for the groom require male strength and endurance. It is advisable to conduct such competitions before he is unable to demonstrate his power.

You can choose a gift for the bride and groom.

Complaisant groom

The host announces the task for the groom. He must take his beloved in his arms and carry her to the appointed point. But at the same time he will answer simple questions from the presenter. With each affirmative answer, the groom takes a step forward, and with a negative answer, he takes a step back. Therefore, it is in his best interest to always say yes. The questions should be something like this:

  • — Will you clean the house?
  • -Are you going to do the laundry?
  • — Will you wash the dishes?
  • —Are you going to iron the clothes?
  • - Will you cook?

After all the positive answers, all this is written down on paper and given to the groom for signature, of course, in a comic form.

Pranked groom

The groom is called into the hall and, as it were, taken hostage, his head is placed on a chair, as during an execution, and instead of an execution weapon, a jug filled with water is taken. And only the bride can save him with her accurate and correct answers. If she does make a mistake, then the water will immediately pour out on her chosen one. You need to quietly replace the jug of water with exactly the same one, only filled with candy. No one knows about the substitution, and the competition begins. The girl begins to be asked simple questions about her fiancé, and she answers each one with ease. Example of similar questions:

  • — What date and month did you meet?
  • — What does your fiance like most about food?
  • -What is his favorite color?
  • - And etc.

The bride relaxes, because the questions do not cause any difficulty at all, but the last question sounds something like this:

  • — What are the names of the groom's parents?

She, of course, calls, but this is the wrong answer. And the correct answer should have been:

  • - Mom and Dad.

And after this phrase, the contents of the jug are poured onto the frightened guy. What a surprise he will be when instead of water, candy sprinkles.

A kiss for your beloved.

The groom is taken to another room while preparing for the competition. In the meantime, all female representatives leave prints of their kisses on a piece of paper; males can also be involved in this competition, if they do not mind. When everything is ready, the groom is brought in, and he must find out from the lipstick mark which of these lips belongs to his beloved. This is also a very fun and interesting competition, especially interesting for young people.

Find out my love

This competition, which must also be held for the bride, is very popular with the guests, and what to hide, and with the participants too. Several girls of all ages line up in a row, including the bride, and extend their hands forward, naturally, having first removed all the jewelry. The groom is given the task: with his eyes closed, determine which of the fair sex is his chosen one.

How much do you know your beloved

A chamomile is prepared in advance, cut out of paper, with certain numbers written on each of the petals. The groom's task is to take one petal at a time, name the number and indicate what it means. The options here can be completely different: the bride’s height, weight, age, date they met, etc. If the groom suddenly finds it difficult to answer, the bride will tell him.

Competitions for the bride and groom together

Undoubtedly, the main heroes of the occasion are the bride and groom. There are a lot of competitions for them, we will present the most interesting ones.

The main tradition at a wedding is, of course, passionate kisses of the newlyweds accompanied by loud cries of “Bitter!” This is what this competition is dedicated to.

Your wedding will require glasses for the newlyweds, we suggest you familiarize yourself with them as much as possible.

The torment of the young.

The presenter reads the following text: “Many years ago there lived a young guy and a girl and they were a couple, they got married and gave birth to a baby. The girl, of course, wanted a girl, but a boy was born, and at first my mother was sad (everyone shouts “Bitter”, the young people kiss). The boy was named Petya (the groom's name). He grew and developed very quickly, and now the time came for him to go, he took the first step and fell. How sad it is. Several years passed, and Petya went to first grade. His parents taught him everything they could, read books, and counted together, but on the first day of school the boy got a bad grade. How sad it was for mom. Petya graduated from school, met his love and now you are here, you are leaving the family, and therefore the parents are bitter.” And every time the guests hear the cherished word, everyone shouts “Bitter!” together, and the newlyweds have to kiss.

The next competition is aimed at identifying the skills of young people.

Skills of the bride and groom.

Through this competition you can learn a lot about the participants.

There are a lot of options here to think about. For example, the groom needs to be shown how he can fulfill his direct duties: nail a nail, fix a toy car, light the stove, cut a log, etc. You can invite the groom to swaddle the doll, thereby checking whether he can cope with the child.

The bride, in turn, is invited to show her skills: knit a scarf, sew up a sock, prepare a salad, dress a child for the street, and, finally, take care of her husband. Then the young couple is offered tasks to complete together: stage a quarrel and find ways to stop it, ignite a family hearth.

Another competition intended for two young people at once is who is the boss in the family.

Who's in charge

To determine the head of the family, the standard method is to use a loaf of bread, which the bride and groom take turns biting. Accordingly, whoever bites off the larger piece will be more important. This competition is usually held when young people just arrive from the registry office, but this can be done right at the table, along with other exciting and interesting competitions. But this is not the only option for identifying the head of the family. To do this, it is advisable to organize absolutely any competition. The one who wins is the one in charge.

A very interesting competition is one involving questions and interesting answers.

"Question answer"

All guests can participate. You need to prepare questions and answers on identical cards and divide them into 2 decks: question - answer. Participants sit in this order: man - woman - man - woman. Everyone takes turns taking a card, the first one reads the question, the next one reads the answer. During the game, everyone is having a lot of fun and interesting time. Examples of questions:

  • How do you feel about cheating?
  • Do you want to kiss a stranger?
  • Do you like to drink?
  • Do you want to steal something from a store?

And others, the main thing is that they are compromising. And, accordingly, interesting answers:

  • This is all I live for.
  • Only when I get paid.
  • Just not in this room.
  • You can also try.

And similar answers, the funnier the better.

To decide who will manage the family budget, you can hold such a competition.

Family budget

The presenter reads the questions prepared in advance, and the young people answer; whoever answers quickly and correctly will receive one point.

  • What is the price of a kilogram of sugar?
  • What are the prices for nails?
  • What is the price of a loaf of bread?
  • What price are the socks?
  • What is the price of the blush?
  • What is the price of gasoline?

The more questions you have, the more interesting it will be.. When the young people complete the task, points are calculated; whoever has the most will manage the family budget.

At a wedding, as a joke, you can determine the gender of the unborn child through a competition.

Gender of the child

The host takes 2 hats and walks around the hall past the guests, one hat for the girl, the other for the boy. Guests place money in one of the hats, thereby betting on the gender of the child. When everyone has deposited money, the amount is calculated, and where it is greater, a child of that gender will be born to the young couple.

Intimate competitions

The longer the guests sit at the wedding, the more relaxed they become, and you can begin to hold competitions of an intimate nature. Here are the most interesting examples of such competitions.


Of course, the hottest and most intimate competition at a wedding is striptease dancing. Several people are called, the music is turned on and the fun begins. The winner in this competition is the one who goes the farthest in undressing. At the time of this competition, all guests will not mind participating.

Another equally interesting and funny intimate competition is kissing.


One participant is selected, preferably without a partner, and he is blindfolded. He sits down on a chair and everyone takes turns coming up and kissing him on the lips, the hotter the kiss, the more interesting. His task is to guess who it is. The competition is interesting because everyone kisses the participant: both boys and girls.

Many weddings are not limited to one day. Everyone wants to continue, that's why there is a second wedding day.

Second wedding day.

This day is no longer celebrated so vigorously, en masse, only the closest relatives are present. But still, entertainment is not absent here; competitions also take place on the second day of the wedding. Here are some examples of such competitions.


The husband and wife are given potatoes and knives. The task of the competition is to peel the potatoes, but not just - you need to peel the potatoes thin and long. Whoever has it thinner and longer wins, and is appointed chief of potato peeling.

Young parents

The newlyweds are given a doll and a diaper. The purpose of this competition is to find out who will have the status of the main nanny in their family. They swaddle the doll for a while; whoever is more careful wins.

And, of course, one cannot do without compliments towards the young.


The newlyweds must think of a letter, first the wife, then the husband, and the guests give them compliments on these letters; it is imperative that everyone says something. The guest who gives the most compliments wins.

A wedding is, of course, an important event, but also very expensive in terms of finances, so it is usually held on one day. It is rare to find people who honor the traditions of antiquity and celebrate over several days. But no matter how long your wedding lasts, you will never forget it.

A wedding without competitions and entertainment is like a joke without humor. It is the entertaining moments that create the overall atmosphere of fun and real celebration. Well-chosen competitions will not make you blush the next day, but on the contrary, they will give you wonderful memories of one of the best weddings in your life.

For convenience, we have divided 13 ideas into groups.

Competitions for guests

1. Impromptu “Welcome Guests”

The host asks what the guests wish for the young intangible values. The following will definitely be listed: happiness, health, success, luck, joy, warmth, mutual understanding, harmony and, of course, love. Everyone who guessed correctly is given cards indicating the role and phrases. The text is read out. Participants must say the phrase immediately after mentioning their character.

Roles and phrases:

Love:“I’ll warm your blood!”

Happiness:"Here I am! Hello everyone!"

Health:“I’ll add to my genealogy!”

Success:“I’m the coolest among you!”

Luck:“I’m coming to join you!”

Understanding: “Just a moment!”

Patience:“I’ll tell you the solution!”

Harmony (all guests in chorus): “Advice and love!”

The day has come when Harmony came to the world. A beautiful woman rules over him Love. Hovering over our young people is huge Happiness. Promises to be in perfect order and cheerful Health. Swears he's just around the corner, loud Success. The inevitable comes to us on the wings of a blue bird Luck. It's serious at the table Understanding. And with it came cheerfulness Patience. This is what we have Harmony. Very loudly promises unrestrained Love. Even louder - persistent Health. The unbelted one tries to keep up with them Success. I'm having fun Harmony. Especially when, while flirting, she said a word Luck, and joined her, winking meaningfully, Happiness. I couldn’t stand it because of the abundance of emotions Harmony. She just burst into tears from wild Happiness. But here it came to the rescue with adventurous intonations Patience. The drunken man understood him without a word Understanding. Everyone came to the conclusion that the main thing among them was the Caucasian Health. And you just need to raise your glasses to him. Mutual understanding and Patience, Success and Luck, Happiness and Love and, of course, Health wish our newlyweds that there will always be absolute Harmony in their family!

2. Wedding forecast

The presenter offers to give everyone a gift-wish to the newlyweds, using certain gestures. The text will contain key words, upon hearing which you need to show the indicated gesture. Before starting, rehearse each gesture.

Love– married ladies draw a heart in the air.

Happiness– unmarried girls blow a kiss to the newlyweds.

Health– married men, bending their arms at the elbow, show their biceps.

Wealth– unmarried guys show the young man the “yes” gesture, lowering his arm bent at the elbow down.

Passion– everyone together shows the “Wow!” sign with both hands, extending them towards the young people.

We will read you the forecast
For the next hundred years.
How to live them is not a question,
We have the answer to everything!

A hurricane is waiting for you love,
Torrential downpour from happiness,
AND wealth on a way,
AND health, sea passions.

will become happiness Sweet home -
U love he will be a prisoner
AND wealth will be in it
AND health, undoubtedly!

Passions there will be a typhoon in it,
Happiness will be with children's laughter.
AND Love among the lagoons,
AND wealth, and joy!

Will always serve you
AND wealth, And health.
Passion, Love you won't survive -
Happiness will be at the head!

3. Flash mob of love

During the dance break, guests are invited to make a flash mob for the young people. To a cheerful, rhythmic melody, tell the love story of the newlyweds in dance. The presenter shows and rehearses the movements - first without music, then with it. The young people are shown an already rehearsed number.


  • Went- rhythmically step from foot to foot.
  • Saw– hold your palms clenched into a fist with your index and middle fingers extended (“V” gesture) in front of your eyes.
  • Fell in love– draw a heart with your hands.
  • My head is spinning with happiness – turns around an axis with arms extended upward: first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Started to soar on the wings of love - the same thing, just swing your arms like wings.
  • Made an offer – put your hands to your heart and spread them to the side: to the heart – to the left side – to the heart – to the right side.
  • She agreed– bend your elbows, move up and down, simultaneously turning in one direction or the other.
  • Air kisses to the young.

Repeat movements 4-8 times. You can “tell” the story 2-3 times in a row, but reduce the number of repetitions.

4. Body designers

Two teams of 7-8 people are recruited. No inventory. They are given tasks to depict a certain object as a team. Each team has 3-4 tasks. For example: teapot, car, bouquet, window, multi-armed Shiva, airplane and so on.

5. Rainbow of wishes

Competition to unite related teams.

7 people each from the bride and groom participate. Participants randomly pull out one ribbon of a certain rainbow color, 1 m long, from the bags. Next, the teams line up opposite each other. The presenter suggests castling and uniting in pairs of participants with the same color of ribbons.

  1. Educated couples must tie their ribbon to what they consider to be the more attractive part of their partner’s body.
  2. All couples become a semicircle - facing the young people. Excerpts from songs are played (20-30 seconds), in which one of the colors of the rainbow is mentioned. Participants with the same color ribbons come forward and dance. The most active dancing part of the body should be the one on which the ribbon is tied.
  3. By applause A winner is selected for each pair.
  4. Everyone dances together to a common song about a rainbow.

Props: two bags, 7 pairs of ribbons 1 m long.

Recommended songs: “Orange Sun” (Paints), “Blue Frost” (Prime Minister), “Yellow Autumn Leaf” (Hummingbird), “Blue Eyes” (Mr Credo), “Red Dress” (Shtar), “Don’t Hide Green Eyes” (I. Sarukhanov), “Purple Powder” (Propaganda), “Rainbow of Desires” (E. Lashuk).

6. Spy at a wedding

Participants are called who, after the question “who considers themselves sober?” raised their hands. They take turns blowing into the “tubes.” After each time, the “breathalyzer” comment is voiced.

Comments must be recorded in advance, using the program to change the voice to a funnier one:

  • This man is completely sober! Urgently check for spy equipment!
  • There was not enough scale to determine It wasn’t enough, it wasn’t... Hasta la vista, baby!
  • I have no strength to hold on anymore. Put the client on the sofa!
  • Blood alcohol level is below the legal limit. The client violated the main rule of the feast! Give the penalty immediately!
  • Oh! Even I felt unwell. Have you tried a snack?
  • I don't understand anything! Did you just snort alcohol all evening? Three free throws!
  • The client is half drunk. And the better half. Keep it up!

Props: Whistles with retractable reed for each participant.

7. Quiz “Guess the melody”

Collages of photographs are shown on the screen, from which you need to guess what kind of song is encrypted in the image. After the answer, a fragment from the song is played. Compositions should be taken well-known and popular. For example, a collage of 4 photographs: blue carriage - accordion - crocodile - pipe. It's very easy to guess.

The quiz can be made in PowerPoint (version 13 or later).

Competitions for newlyweds

8. Beautiful life

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter asks those gathered what material values ​​they can wish for the young people. Someone will definitely name: house, car, yacht, dacha, money. Those who guess one of these words must raise their hand.

At the end of the survey, those who guessed correctly and the newlyweds are invited to the center of the hall. Each participant must show what he wished. The presenter asks first to demonstrate how they will show it and to direct the process. Each participant has their own short excerpt from the song. During the action, the young people take pictures with the competition participants.

  • House. The participant must stand behind the young people and make a roof over their heads with their hands. Music track: “Under the roof of your house” by Yu. Antonov.
  • Car. The participant sits on a chair and pretends to be a driver. Driver gloves and a helmet can be used as props. Music track: "Crazy Frog".
  • Yacht. The participant portrays the captain of the ship, standing at the helm. You can use a smoking pipe and a captain's cap. Music track: “Yacht, sail” by V. Strykalo.
  • Country house. You need to depict something dacha - digging a vegetable garden, for example. Props - a children's shovel or rake, gloves, sunglasses and a hat. Music track: “What a wonderful day, I’m not too lazy to work...” from m/f.
  • Money. The participant is given a wad of “money”. He can scatter it over the heads of the young, making it “rain money.” Music track: “Money, money, money” gr. ABBA.

At the end of the competition, you need to take a group posed photo with the track “We wish you happiness.”

9. School of etiquette

The presenter explains that there are different situations in life. Conflicts arise in which it is important to find a compromise. The main thing is not to stoop to throwing hurtful words in the heat of the moment, which you may later regret.

Newlyweds are invited to undergo a crash course in etiquette. And, if there is a bad word on the tip of your tongue, replace it with the name of the flower. To do this, young people, with the help of tips from guests, write 5 names of flowers on a piece of whatman paper. The groom – with feminine names, the wife – with masculine names.

For the bride

For the groom

Competitions for parents

10. Anecdote from life

Ask parents to tell one by one the two funniest incidents in the lives of their children. The winner is determined by applause, but in the end, friendship will win, of course. At the end of the competition, you can give each couple a notebook and pen to record the future “exploits” of their common grandchildren.

11. Guess

Parents from both sides are called. On a projector screen or on a large plasma screen, group photos of the bride and groom are shown one by one: kindergarten, school, graduation, group at the institute. The bride's parents find the groom, the groom's parents find the bride.

Props: stopwatch. But more for show. One big family must win.

Competitions for witnesses

12. Telepaths

The presenter asks the young people how well they know their witnesses: how long have they been friends with each other, do they know hidden secrets, can they understand without words. Then he announces to those gathered that the witnesses, it turns out, are telepaths. And he suggests checking it out.

The competition is held on the principle of the game “Crocodile”. Each witness is given a sheet with 7 actions that every man (for a witness) or woman (for a witness) must be able to do.

Game principle: without words or pointing at objects, show the action so that the team guesses correctly. The opponents are silent at this time. The witness team is the bride and all the women. The witness team is the groom and all the men.

Tasks for the witness:

  • hammer a nail;
  • to plant a tree;
  • drink beer;
  • to play football;
  • build a house;
  • control yourself;
  • Earn Money.

Tasks for the witness:

  • bake pancakes;
  • make eyes (flirt);
  • walk in heels;
  • make a scandal;
  • bear a child;
  • do makeup;
  • wash the floors.

13. Sprinters

To a cheerful tune, each of the witnesses must choose one person. They, in turn, must bring one more. And so on until there are 7 people in the team. The quantity may vary depending on activity and the number of guests.

Each team must come up with a name for itself. Commanders are witnesses. They are given a list of tasks. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


  1. Bring a man whose first or last name begins with the letter “A”.
  2. Find and bring the item, whose color is the same as the scallop of this year's symbol.
  3. Find something round.
  4. Bring something starting with the letter "S".
  5. Bring an unmarried woman girl.
  6. Bring a married man guy.
  7. Bring a glass colorless liquid.

At the end, you can ask both teams to make an artistic composition from the collected material and give it a name. An unmarried girl can be made into a model for a composition.

Props – 2 trays for teams.

All presented competitions are selected in such a way that they can be held without a presenter. A little imagination, a creative approach to playing out situations, witty comments - and the wedding was a great success! Have a bright and wonderful celebration!

Traditionally, the entertainment program of a wedding celebration includes games and entertainment that are held specifically for the newlyweds and in which the bride and groom are the main participants. As a rule, these games are related to the theme of love, fidelity and skills for the upcoming married life. And even if the newlyweds prefer not to participate in active and piquant entertainment and trials, you can always choose something to suit their taste. Our selection is lyrical and funny wedding games and competitions for newlyweds, where you can find something that is suitable for completely different holiday programs.

1. Wedding competition for newlyweds “Who will settle the quarrel”

Very relevant for future family life about how they will cope with misunderstandings and conflicts.

The essence of the competition: The leader places a stable candle in the middle with a fairly thick wick, then asks the young people to move away from the candle in different directions (at an equal distance) and lights the candle. Then he announces that this candle symbolizes their first quarrel, and quarrels are extinguished by compromises and the one who is wiser is the first to make peace. Now we will see how our young spouses can do this. You can only approach the candle step by step and at each step, you need to “sacrifice” something, take something off yourself, whoever gets there first extinguishes it.

Depending on the result, the presenter gives his comments, for example, the groom arrived first, which means that with the wise head of this family nothing is scary, but even wiser is the wife, who not only sacrificed a shoe, beads, etc. in order to quell the conflict. - she lists, but she wisely gave up the palm to her beloved. If the bride was the first, then the comment is also positive, but the emphasis is placed differently.

2. Fun wedding game "Route of Love"

In order for the young spouses to be the center of attention once again, we suggest playing the “route of love” game with them. As a preamble, the presenter can note that all men are real Schumachers at heart and really love cars, speed and obstacles. But now they are newlyweds - one team, one crew, so they must understand each other not just from half a word, but from one sound.

After this introduction, the newlyweds must agree on what sounds they will use to indicate different directions. For example, “to the left” - with the sound “beep-beep!”, “to the right” - “fir-fir!” and so on.

Then the young spouses are taken to different sides, the husband is blindfolded, and an obstacle course is set up between them, chairs and guests are arranged in disarray in unusual positions. The main task of the newlywed is to carefully avoid all obstacles, guided by the prompts of his wife, who can only “beep” and “snort.”

It turns out to be very fun: the guests and the newlyweds themselves laugh heartily.

3. Game "Bound by One Thread"

The presenter tells those present a beautiful legend about the ancient god of love, who at birth connects boys and girls with an invisible thread and their whole life is just a constant search for the one who is at the other end of the thread. This search, of course, is very difficult, but it is the invisible thread that prevents people destined for each other from making mistakes. Our newlyweds were lucky, the toastmaster continues, the thread of love did not let them down, and they found each other. Let's check how strong this invisible thread is!

After such a proposal, the host ties a scarlet or gold one to the waist of the bride and groom. satin ribbon (as long as possible) and separates the lovers to opposite ends of the hall. The conditions of this peculiar game are as follows: the presenter takes turns asking the young people questions, and if the answer is correct, each of them makes one turn towards the beloved so that the ribbon is wound around the waist. The presenter will need a total of at least six questions, provided that the length of the tape is three meters. The questions should not be too tricky, otherwise the “meeting” of the young spouses will not work. Who needs this on their wedding day?

Question options:

(to the bride) What does her husband usually say to her when they meet?

(to the groom) When is his mother-in-law's birthday?

(to the bride) What kind of bread - white or black - does her lover prefer? And so on.

When the newlyweds have finally “attracted”, the host announces the dance: the couple waltzes, entwined with a scarlet ribbon. By the way, a great moment for photographers.

4. Game "Family Ties"

It is quite acceptable to do something like this - the host asks them to go to the center of the hall and clasp their hands tightly (the groom gives his left, the bride - her right). With a quick movement of his hand, the presenter puts toy handcuffs on their hands, personifying the strong bond between the young spouses. Then the toastmaster blindfolds the newlyweds and invites each of them to cut out their big loving heart from sheets of red cardboard.

Having freed the newlyweds from bandages and handcuffs, the host invites them to write their declaration of love on their hearts and exchange these unique messages. “In moments of joy or failure, in moments of quarrels or special love, when it is difficult to find words from excitement - you can read what you have written now,” concludes the toastmaster.

5. Game "Tender words"

Both the bride and groom are given a sheet of paper on which the phrases “I am always with you, beloved!” are written along the left vertical edge. and “I’m always with you, my love!”

The task of the newlyweds is to select for each letter that is part of this phrase an epithet or an affectionate word that begins with this letter: “I” - “my clear”, “v” - “magnificent”. Of course, the letters “y” and “y” can be omitted, although if the spouse works as a doctor, then it is quite possible to caress him with the word “iodide”.

This game really relieves the tension when everyone is tired of loud words and wants to have a lot of fun. By the way, the host should not interfere if guests suddenly come to the aid of the newlyweds and offer a few kind words, because there is always something to learn from older comrades.

6. "Lucky" drawing of young people

For this prank, the host asks the newlyweds to approach a free wall, turn to face it and rest their hands on it at waist level. Then the rules of the game are explained: the toastmaster asks a question and, if the newlyweds answer “yes,” then each of them takes a “step” up with one hand.

The presenter must prepare questions that will require only “yes” answers (will you live in peace and harmony? Are you planning to have children? and so on). And when the spouses are already standing on tiptoe, they are presented with the last question: are you happy today? Trying to give a positive answer, the young people, with all their strength, reach up with their hands.

Do you want to answer yes? - the presenter is “surprised”.

Yes! - the spouses exclaim.

Then why are you climbing the wall? - Then the newlyweds realize that they have been played and, happy, drink to their happiness.

7. Comic gifts for newlyweds “Collar and pipe”

Some may find this prank game fun, but others may not. Therefore, we advise you to discuss its contents with the newlyweds in advance. Of course, in this way the wedding host seems to enter into a conspiracy with the newlyweds, and they have a common goal of shocking the wedding guests.

What's the matter? The toastmaster solemnly announces that the lovers have also prepared gifts for each other and, naturally, want to give them to them. To the surprise of all those present, these will not be sentimental and romantic gifts, but a collar - from the bride and a pipe - from the groom. The collar can be depicted in the form of a silk ribbon with a bell suspended from it. By the way, a young woman can justify her gift by the ancient tradition of newlyweds, when there were no rings in sight, of giving their other half a collar.

Showing his dissatisfaction with the ringing structure in every possible way, the groom gives his betrothed a pipe, while commenting on his gift: it is to this that you will dance!

The newly-minted spouse immediately demonstrates the wonderful properties of the pipe (instead of playing this instrument, a soundtrack of an incendiary song sounds). And the bride, as if against her will, starts dancing.

Of course, the guests will understand that this is all a joke, and the host can safely invite everyone to come out and dance.

8. Game "Common Points"

Wedding competitions for the bride and groom are comic tests for young people in preparation for family life. Tasks are carried out in the form of fun games. The newlyweds must show their skills, which will be useful in everyday life, establish leadership in the family, demonstrate caring attitude and love for each other.

Wedding competitions can be romantic, extravagant, funny and lyrical. Let's look at examples of interesting competitions for weddings.

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Testing the skills of the bride and groom

The purpose of this group of competitions is to find out the skills of the bride and groom. Very often, thanks to various tasks, you can find out a lot of new things about the bride and groom.

The newlywed demonstrates her skills in sewing, knitting, cooking, and caring for her husband and children.

The young spouse shows the ability to perform purely male duties around the house: repairing, making something, chopping wood, lighting the fireplace, etc. You can also find out whether the future dad will be able to swaddle the baby, get the child ready for school, kindergarten or for a walk, braid his daughter’s hair or tie a bow, etc.

The newlyweds can demonstrate the coherence and compatibility of the couple in such tasks as: lighting a family hearth together, putting out the first quarrel (a candle, a torch that is set on fire at the right moment and with the right words). In addition, the newlyweds will have to be resourceful in order to pay it off faster.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

With the help of the following selection of games, newlyweds will be able to distribute their responsibilities in family life.

Family responsibilities. Option 1.

The host brings pieces of paper with responsibilities written on them that may fall to the bride or groom. Each piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible to anyone, and placed on a tray.

The young people must take turns taking pieces of paper and reading out what fate is in store for them. Moreover, each duty is accompanied by the words: “I will...” - and what is written will become a continuation of the phrase.

Responsibilities may include:

  • wash the dishes,
  • taking out the trash,
  • Earn Money,
  • lying on the sofa,
  • mend clothes,
  • go on picnics
  • wash diapers,
  • chat on the phone
  • go to restaurants and cafes,
  • prepare delicious dishes,
  • go to the beach,
  • wash,
  • iron,
  • give birth to children,
  • To do nothing,
  • babysit children
  • watch TV,
  • vacuum,
  • watch "M-TV"
  • raise children
  • do shopping,
  • to drink beer,
  • teach a child to read,
  • wipe off the dust
  • knit socks,
  • do makeovers.

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Wedding game - Chamomile, duties of husband and wife (19 RUR)

Family responsibilities. Option 2.

Various things are hung on a rope to symbolize different responsibilities.

For example:

  • frying pan - who will have to cook food;
  • empty beer bottle - who should drink beer;
  • iron - who will do the ironing;
  • a pack of washing powder - who will do the laundry;
  • children's book - who will raise the children;
  • wallet - who will become the money earner;
  • skewer - who will go to the barbecue;
  • spool of thread - who will mend clothes and darn socks, etc.
The bride and groom are blindfolded, after which the presenter explains that each of them will need to remove six items. After this is done, the bride and groom are untied.

The presenter, taking each of the removed objects in his hands in turn, explains their meaning, starting with the words: “The husband will…”, “The wife will…”.

Family responsibilities. Option 3.

The toastmaster says to the bride and groom:
Dear newlyweds! In life you will have to perform many household responsibilities, and let fate now distribute them among you. Magic balls will help us in this competition.
10 balls and 2 pins are brought out.

The bride and groom take turns choosing and popping balloons, and reading out the responsibilities that fall to them.

Before reading the text of the card, it is advisable for the bride and groom to say the following:

To the groom:

My only one! For the sake of your smile I am ready...
To the bride:
My dear! I love you so much that I agree...
Phrases for cards:
  • Making money - I can do that.
  • Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht - I’m not averse to doing this.
  • Playing sports in the morning - This suits me, brothers.
  • My job is to relax, lying on the ottoman to read.
  • Play in the casino until nightfall - I love this job very much.
  • I will go shopping, so be it.
  • I will wash, and do laundry, and clean the apartment.
  • Mushrooms, fishing and hunting - this, friends, is my job.
  • I will bake pies only on holidays.
  • There is no more beautiful job - making compotes for the winter.
  • I will take the children to the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum.
  • I say in front of everyone, friends, I will tinker with the children.
  • Digging a garden at the dacha I will, but how else?
  • I'll serve you coffee in the morning in your bed.
  • Pouring yourself in a bath afterwards - This is a wonderful job.
  • I will eat the harvest in the garden, everything is fine here.
  • I'm not too lazy to make my bed in the morning, even every day.
  • Throwing trash out of the house - I am familiar with this matter.
  • Giving gifts and flowers You will be in our house.
  • I can fix the bell or the door, believe me.
  • I can nail a shelf to the wall. I can do that quite well.
  • I’ll go on vacation at the seaside, no need to argue.
  • Dressing only according to fashion - I think I can do that.
  • Repairing the car in the garage - I will, of course.
  • Travel the world - I will, how sweet it is.
  • Renovating an apartment - I will be amazingly different.
At the end the presenter says:
Family responsibilities are distributed, but I am sure that you will help each other in difficult family work.


  • 1. Dolls (Ken and Barbie) - 2 pairs.
The bride and groom stand with their backs to each other, each holding a pair of dolls that symbolize the bride and groom. The presenter names different family responsibilities. The newlyweds raise those dolls that should do this.

The competition is very interesting not only for the guests, but, first of all, for the bride and groom.

Examples of family responsibilities:

  • I will ask my parents for money.
  • I will earn money.
  • I will spend money.
  • I will be involved in raising our children.
  • I will give birth to children.
  • I will drink beer with friends.
  • I'll serve coffee in bed in the morning.
  • I will go to the dressmaker.
  • I'll take out the trash.
  • I will cook and eat.
  • I will lie on the couch and watch TV.
  • I will clean the apartment.
  • I'll hand over the bottles.
  • I will wash the baby's diapers.
  • I will go to football.
  • I will go to the theater.
  • I will walk with the child.
  • I'll wash the dishes.
  • I will drive the car your parents give you as a gift.
  • I will be repairing our car.
  • I will go fishing.
  • I will go to the resorts.
  • I'll play on the computer.
  • I'll wash my socks.
  • I will embroider and knit in the evenings.
  • I will carry my wife in my arms.

Wedding competition: Get to know me, darling

Bride's Leg

  • 1. Scarf for eyes.
  • 2. Stockings.
The ladies, including the bride, sit on the chairs, 4-5 people. They show the groom that his wife is sitting among them. The groom is blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. At this time, the bride is replaced by another girl. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets the groom in with a bandage. He is squatting, touching everyone's bare leg with his hands in turn, and must recognize his wife. Men can wear stockings to hide hairiness. There are many options.

Bride's hand

Several women come out, preferably of different ages, from girls to grandmothers. They remove all the jewelry from the hand. The groom must guess his betrothed while blindfolded.

Kiss the Bride

Recognize the bride by a kiss (the groom is seated on a chair, three girls are called, he is blindfolded; only the bride always kisses).

Wedding competition: Guess me, my love!

Groom's ear

The bride is blindfolded. You need to recognize the groom by his earlobe or nose (five men).

Find out by voice

  • 1. Balloon filled with helium.
Take a balloon filled with helium. First, the bride is blindfolded or turns away. Then several men should come out and take turns saying “I love you” to the bride, changing their voice with a balloon. Among these men is her husband. The bride must guess the voice of her lover.

Wedding competition: Choosing the head of the family

  • The newlyweds must break the bagel. Whose half is larger is the head of the family.
  • The two of you break a loaf of bread. Whose half is greater is the head of the family.
  • There is a coin hidden in a loaf of bread, whoever finds it first is the master of the house.
  • Two glasses, one filled with vodka, the other with water. Whoever chooses a glass of vodka will be the head.
  • A strip of paper with a penny stuck in the middle. The newlyweds take the strip by the edges and, at the command of the host, tear it. Whoever has a coin left on the piece of paper will earn money for the family.

Wedding fortune telling for a boy-girl


  • 1. Cabbage.
  • 2. Coin.
There is a coin hidden in the cabbage. Who will find her first? If the groom is a boy, if the bride is a girl.


  • 1.Children's toys.
  • 2. Scarf for eyes.
Children's toys are laid out on a tray - those that belong to girls - a doll, knitting needles, some kind of decoration, and those that belong to boys - cars, pistols, etc. The groom is blindfolded and asked to take a toy at random from the tray. On this subject they wonder who will be first.

You can let the bride take part in fortune telling. Then the newlyweds, blindfolded, take turns sorting out the toys and, based on the last toy, determine who will be the first to be born in the young family.


A delicious compliment

The host asks the bride the names of the dishes that she will prepare for her beloved for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For each dish, the groom must say an affectionate word to his wife, beginning with the same letter as the dish:

Potatoes are my beauty, cutlets are my kitten, salad is my sexy...

Wedding game - Compliment (RUB 19)

Affectionate hedgehog

  • 1.Apple.
  • 2.Toothpicks.
Stick more matches into a big beautiful apple. The newlyweds should take turns pulling out these matches and saying sweet words. Whoever has the most matches wins.

I am always with you

  • 1. Sheets of paper with inscriptions.
This game involves the bride and groom. Its essence is that on a large sheet of paper the sentence “I am always with you, beloved” is written in a line. The paper is cut into strips, each of which corresponds to one of the letters of the inscription.

The bride and groom take turns tearing off strips of paper and choosing affectionate words for each other that begin with the letters that make up the phrase.

Wedding competition: "Darts"

  • 1. Game "Darts".
  • 2. Inscriptions on paper.
Test for the groom. You need to prepare the game "Darts" in advance. Glue strips on the field with the names of the benefits that he can present to the bride in the first year of marriage - “trip around the world”, “car”, “dacha”, etc.

Well, groom, tell everyone,
Show in the test -
What about the first year of life?
He will bring it to your bride.
There's a lot on target,
What can you give her?
Gather your strength, come on,
Aim your arrows accurately.

Wedding competition-raffle: Question-Answer

  • 1. Cards of the bride and groom.
Make cards for the bride and groom (separately). Everyone draws out a question, reads it out, and then draws out and reads out the answer.

Questions for the bride.

  • Will you call your mother-in-law mom?
  • Do you want to have three children?
  • Are you into the Kama Sutra?
  • Will you look at other men?
  • Are you going to feed your husband a three-course meal?
Bride's answers.
  • I wouldn’t mind, but I’m afraid of the team’s condemnation.
  • This is my secret passion.
  • As a rule, I want more.
  • Yes, I consider myself quite prepared in this matter!
  • I'm scared to even think about it.
Questions for the groom.
  • Are you capable of spending your honeymoon without leaving your bedroom?
  • Will you give your wife expensive gifts?
  • Are you going to take your wife on vacation to the Bahamas?
  • Will you look at other women?
  • Do you want to have many children?
Groom's answers.
  • It all depends on how many dollars are in your pocket.
  • This is great, but comes with some risks.
  • Only with proper nutrition.
  • Just for the sake of great love.
  • I dream about this at night.

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Summing up the results of wedding competitions, the host should focus the attention of the guests on the victory of cohesion and understanding of the new young family. The main task of competitions and tasks for newlyweds is to show the talents of the spouses, their willingness to help each other, arrange their life together, respect and love each other.

You can purchase all these and other Games for the feast in a special:
Online store of wedding accessories

Tell me, who among us has not dreamed of a wedding that will bring a lot of pleasure and be remembered for a lifetime? Every girl dreams of walking down the aisle with her prince. Moreover, although men do not say out loud that they dream of a memorable wedding, deep down they dream about it. After all, this is not only a trembling event - it is the first and main step into a new life.

Then there will be many steps together, but this one will be remembered in a special way.

Organizational issues come first

The wedding must not only be held, but also properly organized, taking into account a lot of traditions, rituals and competitions, the main role in which is played by the ringleader-toastmaster, and it is he who will be assigned the role of entertaining the people with fun, jokes and, of course, competitions.

The host at a wedding party is the person who is absolutely responsible for selecting and organizing a variety of playful and fun activities. Such entertainment can perfectly lift the mood of all guests, attract them to direct participation and set a positive rhythm. On the eve of the wedding, the newlyweds can turn to the host for help and draw up a wedding script according to which everything will happen. The wedding should be remembered not only by the newlyweds for the rest of their life together, but also by all invited guests. And various fun wedding competitions will help a lot with this.

Variety of wedding games and competitions

There are a lot of games and competitions that will appeal to everyone present; newlyweds simply need to carefully and responsibly approach the wedding scenario, which will depend not only on the sense of humor and imagination of the newlyweds, but also on the age category of the guests. Wedding games and competitions can involve both individual tables at the event, bringing together and uniting guests into a team, and individual people like the groom and witness, or the bride with her bridesmaids, or the parents of the newlyweds. Anything your imagination can come up with can serve as an award, from sweets and all sorts of trinkets to souvenir medals and various certificates.

A wedding toastmaster can conduct such games, or you can entrust this to someone of your friends, for example, a witness, the main thing is that the ringleader has a wonderful sense of humor and a good tongue, and can also skillfully present this or that competition. It is important to try to ensure that everyone invited takes part in the games, and competitions for the bride and groom must also be included in the program.

Individual approach

It should also be taken into account that all guests are individual, which means that everyone has their own humor. It is important that everyone understands the competitions and that no one is left offended because of an unsuccessful prank or joke. And no one has yet canceled the sense of proportion, so don’t overdo it. Young people can play some games on their own, for example, an auction for the sale of invitations to a golden wedding anniversary, or bottles of wine with photos of the newlyweds.

Cool wedding competitions for the bride and groom, guests and parents are divided into several separate groups, and here it is very important to take into account that each point must be implemented in the scenario and all guests must have time to play, laugh and, of course, before the end of the event , have a hearty meal. And pleasant souvenirs will remind you of this wonderful and unforgettable day for many years to come.

Well, we can talk about wedding traditions endlessly, so it’s better to consider wedding competitions for the bride and groom, groomsmen and groomsmen. And, of course, for family and friends. And let's start looking directly at competitions for the groom at ransom.

Not a single wedding can do without a bride price; often the bridesmaids and the witness prepare the script for it. Despite the fact that the entire event will be conducted by the toastmaster, the ransom is precisely that part of the wedding where the bride’s friends or relatives can show their ingenuity.

What tests can you come up with for the groom?

Game “What to call your future wife”

Different women's names, preferably unusual ones, are written in advance on small sheets of paper; each sheet is rolled up and placed in an inflatable ball. The guy must burst the balloons and read the names that fall out. If he does not like the name drawn, he is asked to work off the penalty in the form of a poem, dance or song.

Another version of this competition: names are also written on leaves, each leaf is turned over, and a piece of lime is placed on it. To read the name, the groom must eat a lime, and then, if he makes a face, he must pay; if the name does not suit him, he must pay twice.

Game "Sweet lips".

The bridesmaids should take a large blank piece of paper and leave a lot of lipstick marks on their lips on it. Among them, one print must belong to the bride. The groom's task is to recognize the lips of his beloved. For every wrong answer he is fined. Competitions for the groom at the ransom, as a rule, force him to show his wits and please his betrothed.

Game "Secret Signs".

This riddle is perfect for either a buyout or a general event. The host names different dates and numbers associated with the bride, and he needs to guess what they mean. Such numbers can be: date of birth, age, date when they met, when mother-in-law was born, etc.

Game "It was not."

It can also be held at a ransom or at a general event in a restaurant. As a rule, everyone likes this competition. The host reads various facts from the bride’s past, and the groom must answer whether it was real or just fiction. Also, this competition can be held mutually for young people, the presenter reads the facts one by one, and they answer them.

Fun competitions for groomsmen

So, a competition for the groom's friends "Who knows the newlyweds better."

When preparing the script, the toastmaster prepares questions to ask the newlyweds.

Examples of questions:
What color are the bride's eyes?
What brand of cars does the groom like?
Flowers that the bride likes?
Where did the young people meet?
What sport does the groom enjoy?
When did a guy propose to his beloved?
Where will the newlyweds go on vacation after the wedding?
How tall is the bride?
What shoe size does the groom wear?
How many children do the newlyweds plan to have?
What floor does the bride live on?
What films does the groom like?
What hobbies do newlyweds have in common?

After which, having prepared answers to questions at the celebration, the toastmaster asks them to his friends, and here, as they say, it’s either hit or miss.

My friend and my friend, what about your competitions?

Traditionally, the target of any wedding celebration is the groomsmen and groomsmen. They also take an active part in various exciting games, lifting the spirits of the guests.


As part of this game, none of the invitees should be left without a kiss. The groomsman should run around the hall and kiss all the male representatives, and the groom's friend should kiss all the girls and women. Cheerful music comes on and full speed ahead. Many people make a mistake in this competition, leaving the musicians, the toastmaster, the bride and groom, and even the photographer without a kiss. And you need to kiss everyone. If a friend or boyfriend misses someone, then as a penalty you will have to kiss everyone again. This is such a loving competition.

Another “Find it without looking” competition.

To participate in the competition, six more people must be selected to help the witness and witness. You will also need a scarf or silk scarf. Among the guests, several women are selected in the company of a witness. The witness must find exactly the friend among the beauties standing in front of him. Hands are tied behind the back, a scarf is knitted over the eyes.

Game "Skill".

To play you need two chairs. This competition is open only to witnesses. At a wedding celebration, the new wife is often kidnapped, and her boyfriend must return her. To this end, he needs to do the following. Two chairs are placed in the center of the room opposite each other. The witness stands on one chair, and the witness must move her to another. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, since you need to rearrange your friend using ten different ways. The accompaniment should be energetic and cheerful music.
As a rule, on the sixth method of transferring the friend, the fantasy ends and the guests begin to take an active part and suggest how else they can transfer it.

Mobile competitions for weddings

Not a single traditional wedding celebration is complete without torn button accordions. Yes, without accordions, of course, they are a relic of the past, against the backdrop of modern technology, but if it is available, then it simply needs to be used for its intended purpose. Wedding competitions for the bride and groom and all the guests always touch the heartstrings when the phrase “Who is faster, who is more ....” is heard: absolutely everyone participates here.

Competition "Guess the song."

A lollipop is placed on the table, players stand on both sides of the table, and a song begins to play. When one player understands what the melody is playing, he quickly grabs the candy, the music stops, and he says the name; if he answers correctly, the candy goes to him as a prize; if not, the candy returns to the table, and the stopped melody continues to play.

When the winner is determined, the player can be changed. For the game, you can make two groups of people, for example, the bride's team against the groom's team. A game played in team mode looks much more impressive and easier for the participants than if guests play alone.

This competition can be slightly diversified so that one group asks a question to the other team in the form of a line from a song. The task of the second group is to answer with a line from a different song, but suitable in meaning.

You don’t have to count the right and wrong answers, it’s enough to do without it, the main thing is that the audience has fun. Based on experience, a well-tuned audience will actively take part in these types of competitions.

Game "Diary of Music Records".

During the competition, one group of guests are maximalists, and the second are minimalists. The first sing songs about everything large, big, the second - about everything small. These competitions for the groom and witness, and bride and witness are a real find, simply because there will be no one left indifferent to them in the hall.

Consider cool competitions for the groom

"Test of wit."

In this competition, the groom will have to show not only his ingenuity, but also his ingenuity. He needs to take out of the box several sheets of paper with words written on it, and then formulate a short text from them. The toastmaster can ask the husband to make a pleasant proposal to the newly-made wife, describe their future life together, and so on. And you can be sure that your wife will be satisfied.

"Checking the compatibility of a couple."

The husband is obliged to prove that he suits his beloved much more than anyone else on earth. On the table, a photo of the young wife is placed in the center, and about fifteen photographs with other men are laid out face down in a circle, including a photo of the husband. The groom takes the photographs one by one, turns them over and places them next to the bride's photograph. If the elongated photo is not of his face, he must come up with three reasons why this man is not suitable for the bride. After the photo is removed, the groom takes the photo again. When a guy comes across his photo, he must provide irrefutable facts why he is the perfect match for the bride.

To make it even more fun, you need to select photographs of radically different men, from celebrities to ordinary people and children. If at any stage of the game the groom’s ingenuity and imagination have run out, he must fulfill the bride’s wish to remove the opponent’s photo.

Alternatively, you can put a photo of the groom in the center, then it will be a competition for the bride at the wedding, the principle of the game will remain the same.

Original competitions for the groom have no limits to imagination

"Love letter".

The names of individual parts of the body, which have a plural number, are written in advance on small pieces of paper.

For example: legs, arms, eyes, fingers, shoulders and so on. The leaves are placed in a hat, bag or box. The groom's task is to read a love letter to his beloved. While reading the text, he takes out one sheet of paper with a word from the hat and adds it to the spaces.

Example text with spaces:
Honey, I really want to look into your clear (blank) eyes and say how much I love you! Do you remember the day we met? You were very worried at our first meeting, and constantly embarrassed, tried to hide the beautiful ones (blank). It was cold, I took off my jacket and put it on the elegant ones (space), after which we admired the sky for a long time, and I gently touched yours (space). Then, when I gathered up my resolve, I hugged you by (blank) and touched your velvet (blank). That night I couldn’t close my eyes, your amazing (blank) flashed before my eyes again and again. I still can’t believe that today is our wedding day, and I will be able to admire your unearthly beauty every day!

"Description of the Bride."

As part of this game, the groom must tell about all the best qualities of his beloved. He whispers to his friend any advantage of the bride, and he, in turn, without uttering a word, through gestures and facial expressions, must show this advantage to all those invited. If the audience cannot guess, the young groom moves on to the next quality.

Five or six qualities are enough for the game; if there are fewer of them, the groom must kiss the bride’s hand.

Wedding competitions for the bride

Wedding competitions for the groom are, of course, good, but the bride should not be discouraged. What competitions can you hold with a young woman?

Game “Get to know me, honey!”

To play, we call the young one and close her eyes. After which we take the young man and four other guys from the tables and seat them on chairs. Assignment for the bride: with eyes closed, recognize your lover by his nose or earlobe.

You will need a new wife and a helium balloon. The bride is blindfolded or turns her back to the guests. After this, men are called out of the hall one by one, saying three simple words “I love you”, changing their own voice with the help of a helium balloon. Among the men summoned there should, of course, be the groom. The main task of a bride-to-be is to recognize the voice of her betrothed.

Game "Out of nothing something".

Everyone knows very well that a girl is capable of building something significant out of nothing; her ability to masterfully build something significant from small parts will come in handy in this game. The toastmaster solemnly gives the bride a roll of toilet paper, preferably thin enough, and from this wonderful “raw material” she needs to make any tie for her husband. There is one trick: to make a tie, she needs to use up the entire roll. While the bride is making a tie, the audience quietly counts the turns of paper that she has made on the groom's neck, this number will mean the number of kisses that she will have to give him.

Everyone’s favorite competition “Feed Your Loved One.”

Not only newlyweds, but also additional couples from tables can take part in this competition. There are as many pairs of chairs placed on the stage as there are pairs that will play. The young woman and other girls are sitting on one chair, the young man and the rest of the guys are sitting on the second. The young man must take a piece of the pie, put it on a dish and give it to his beloved. The bride must feed her husband this pie while blindfolded. Naturally, he will tell her exactly where to take the pie. To keep the costume clean, it is recommended that the groom and other participating men wear bibs. This looks comical; usually after such a game everyone involved ends up covered in cream, even despite the precautions taken.

In conclusion, I would like to say that weddings are different, some have a traditional wedding, others have a thematic one, so the wedding script is the first thing you need to worry about.

But the main thing is not to forget that this is perhaps the most important event in the life of every couple in love, which they want to happen only once in their life, so you need to work hard to organize the event as fun and eventful as possible. And wedding competitions for the bride and groom will greatly help you with this. Your games and ransom will remain in the memory of all your family and friends, and photos and video materials will help remind you of this bright day again and again.