We have been learning to draw for 7 years. Teaching children to draw a person: simple diagrams and recommendations

It turns out that the human figure is drawn according to the rules. If you follow them, the drawing turns out to be quite reliable. How to teach a child to draw people and lay the foundations of artistic literacy?

Drawing a person's face

Ask a child what a person's head looks like, and he will answer that it is an oval.

  • Draw an oval, slightly narrowed downwards.
  • We mark the oval into four equal sectors (draw lines crosswise). Divide the horizontal line into 4 equal parts. Vertical (its lower part) into 5 parts.
  • The pupils are drawn at the side points symmetrically from the center, directly on the horizontal line. The tip of the nose is the second line from the top, the mouth is the second line from the bottom. Teaching a child to draw a person is not so difficult - as you can see, so far everything is simple.
  • Draw the upper eyelids and finish the lips. An equilateral triangle lies between the outer corners of the eyes and the center of the lower lip. The height of the ears is equal to the length of the nose. Mark the contours of the hairstyle.
  • Finish drawing the eye - finish drawing the lower eyelid and the upper (its lower border). Draw some eyelashes.
  • Eyebrows begin to be drawn at the level of the inner corner of the eye. The form is arbitrary. At the same stage, the width of the bridge of the nose is outlined. Shade the dark areas and leave the illuminated areas light.

How to teach a child to draw a person? Before teaching your child, practice yourself.

Change the shape of your mouth, eyebrows, chin. “Customize” the model in a new way. Make sure you get a new face each time. It is important for a child to understand the location and proportions of the parts of the face.

Remember, that:

  • a woman's nose is smaller than a man's
  • men's eyebrows are wider and lower
  • women's lips are more voluminous
  • the male chin is more angular and slightly larger
  • women have thin necks
  • the female eye is more expressive, this difference is conveyed by the eyelashes
  • Women's upper eyelids are larger than men's
  • a man's mouth is wider and his lips are narrower

How to teach children to draw a little person, their own age? The image of a child's face has its own differences:

  • a child's neck is thinner than an adult's
  • the face is smaller in relation to the head
  • ears are disproportionately large
  • round cheeks
  • lips are fuller
  • eyelashes are longer and eyebrows are thinner
  • snub nose
  • Create a drawing of a human figure
  • Modern canons of beauty require certain relationships between parts of the body: the human head (its height is the unit of measurement for artists) fits eight times the height of a person (from the top of the head to the floor).

    How to teach a child to draw a human figure with a pencil? We will start with a simpler plot - a man stands straight, facing us. Let's mark the head at the top of the sheet.

    Draw a straight line perpendicular to the floor, measuring the head 7 more times. Next, we make markings, marking the main milestones of the figure directly, counting units of measurement from the top of the head to a certain point:

    • to the center of the chest: 2 units
    • to the navel: 3 units
    • to the pubic bone: 4 units
    • to the middle of the thigh: 5 units
    • to the center of the knee: 5 units and another part from the crown to the eyes
    • to the bottom of the knee: 6 units
    • to the middle of the shin: 7 units
    • to the floor: 8 units

    How to teach a child to draw a person? By studying the proportions, we found that the length of the torso holds 3 units, and the length of the legs holds 4 units. The width of the leg at the beginning of the thigh accommodates one unit.

    The hands also correspond to the established proportions:

    • from the line corresponding to the center of the chest, 3 three units are placed
    • The width of a woman's shoulder and the width of her head are equal
    • The width of a man's shoulder is equal to one unit
    • Schematic figure of a man

      How to teach a child to draw a person who moves? Now that we are familiar with proportions, we can try to draw a diagram of a moving person.

      For the diagram of a person who is facing the artist, the conventional designation of the pelvis and torso is accepted - an equilateral trapezoid. Although this is not necessary. In order for female and male figures to differ, it should be remembered that:

      • a woman's trapezoid-torso is narrower than her trapezoid-pelvis
      • the trapezoid-torso in a man is wider than the trapezoid-pelvis

      The smaller bases of the trapezoids make up the waistband of the figure. A figure drawn with trapezoids looks like an hourglass.

      When a person is turned sideways, the torso and pelvis are indicated by ovals.

      When drawing schematic figures, follow some rules:

      • the elbow is at the level of the beginning of the thigh
      • arms and legs located closer to us partially overlap the ovals of the torso and pelvis
      • the oval, indicating the torso, is larger than the lower one, indicating the pelvis
      • when the body position changes, the angles between the lines change

      After the “skeleton” of the figure is ready, it is covered with muscles and clothing. They complete the details of the face and hairstyle, and add the necessary items: a bag, sports equipment, furniture.

      Before teaching a child to draw a person step by step, observe people in different situations. It would be nice to invite a model - a family member or a childhood playmate.

Drawing lesson for children. How to draw a person to a 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 year old child with a pencil step by step. The lesson is very detailed, you will succeed.

Draw an elongated oval, this will be the head, then draw a small neck at the bottom and draw a rectangle. The neck should be strictly in the middle of the rectangle (upper body).

Even lower, draw a rectangle of the same width, only longer (this will be the lower part of the body). On the sides of the body we draw arms, also rectangles, only very thin and they end below the 1st, but not very low, but a little bit (see picture). Then we make curves from the neck to the arms, i.e. draw the shoulders. We divide the lower rectangle in half, these will be the legs.

Take an eraser and erase some of the lines on top of the shoulders, we don’t need them, under the shoulders and under the shirt (the places are shown with a red eraser). Then draw a neckline, not completely the line where the sleeve connects to the main part of the jacket, then from the beginning of the legs from the top, a line at an angle, but not completely to the left and right, i.e. you should get the shape of a slingshot, draw the fly a little higher. Next we draw the boots and hands. The sequence of drawing hands is shown on the right. We did it, well done.

Now let's take care of the head. Now we will draw the shape of the head more clearly and erase unnecessary curves. With a cross in the head we show where the middle of the head is and where the eyes are located. We draw small arches, this will be the top of the eyes, two points are the nose and the bottom of their mouth. Also draw the ears, which are located at the level of the eyes and nose.

Under the arms, draw the same ones, only in reverse, we will get eyes, then draw circles at the bottom, draw a line very close to the top of the eyes, this is a fold, look at yourself in the mirror, then draw eyebrows and bangs, make the shape of the head wider.

Erase the unnecessary lines on the head and you can also draw folds on the clothes, it’s very easy, just draw oblique lines, as in the picture, you can detail the shoes. The drawing of a person for children is ready.

Growing up, your baby learns to explore the world in new ways and learns a lot of interesting things. There are also improved opportunities for communicating your thoughts and observations. By learning how to teach a child to draw, you will help him with this.

Drawing techniques and methods

Children develop their first interest in fine arts quite early. At 2-3 years old, children begin to actively use improvised means to create pictures. During this period, it is important for parents to develop the child’s interest in drawing. This provides a number of advantages:

· the baby develops fine motor skills;

· learns to express one’s thoughts, observations, experiences;

· throws out accumulated grievances, negativity, fears;

· learns new colors, paints, textures;

· develops imagination and intelligence.

You can choose a specific teaching method at an art school, using the advice of teachers, or online, where the achievements of foreign and domestic experts are presented. It is important to take into account the capabilities, interests and desires of your son or daughter, and not fashion trends and trends.

How to teach a child to draw with pencil and paints?

Before starting classes, you need to prepare a place and supplies for work.

When choosing pencils, choose ones that are not very small so that your child can hold them comfortably in his hand. For kids, it is preferable to purchase thick triangular pencils (the thumb, index and middle fingers are naturally located on three sides); older children can already be offered thin hexagons.

As for color, it is better to take a set of 12 primary colors - this will be enough for both simple tasks and real masterpieces.

Many stores offer pencils with double-sided sharpening. It is better to refuse this option - it is difficult for small children to navigate colors, and for children it is not at all safe.

When buying pencils in opaque boxes, do not forget to buy a pencil case, otherwise they are easy to lose and break. You should not skimp on educational supplies; they must be of high quality and reliable.

If you have chosen paints for creativity, then also monitor their quality, shelf life and the presence of harmful substances in the composition. Preschoolers are most often recommended to use gouache, which has a dense texture and is inexpensive and safe to use. In addition, it can be easily washed off from any surfaces or the young artist’s hands.

Popular and fashionable among modern parents, finger paints are perfect for the youngest artists, as they develop motor skills and imagination.

When choosing finger paints, pay attention to their composition: apart from food coloring, water and salt, there should be no impurities.

Out of curiosity, a child may decide to taste the paints, so you must be sure that they are absolutely safe for the baby.

Don’t try to buy a large number of flowers - for the first time, a pack of 4 colors will be enough. And so that your child does not paint all the wallpaper and furniture, organize a space for creativity and buy whatman paper.

Before starting work, you should tell your child about the secrets of this type of art, offer to try each type of instrument and choose for yourself what you like.

How to teach a child to draw a circle?

Drawing circles, triangles, squares and other geometric shapes is an important skill for a young child. With the help of these figures in the future you can create interesting compositions, favorite characters and animals.

And the instructions for creating a drawing of a turtle from a magazine will show how you can combine geometric shapes and lines to create a funny animal.

At the beginning, it is better to teach how to draw a circle and its friends step by step, cell by cell, so that the child remembers their location and shape, and then you can move on to a more complex level - unlined white sheets.

How to teach a child to draw a person?

In most cases, the child, having received a piece of paper and a pen, tries to portray those whom he sees every day - mom, dad, brother, doll or princess from his favorite cartoon. Drawing a person seems difficult even for an adult, let alone a child.

If we approach the process schematically and step by step, we will see that there is nothing complicated about it.

We divide the sheet into three parts: the head (small oval), body (rectangle) and legs. Schematically, we have a little man. We add hands and ears to him, work on the details of the portrait and get a pretty good image. While working on the face of a drawn doll, we tell the child about the proportions and location of each detail, thus studying the structure of our body.

How to teach a child to draw a house?

The ability to depict a house is very important for a little person. Psychologists say that such a structure symbolizes protection, safety and family comfort in the understanding of the baby.

First, tell us what shapes the house consists of, what sizes each part is and where they are located. Then proceed to a step-by-step drawing, cell by cell, to demonstrate all the nuances of the drawing. For convenience, advise your daughter or son to use pencils or felt-tip pens, because it is difficult to draw all the small details, as well as the room and furniture in it, with paints.

How to teach a child to draw a tree?

Trees, flowers, mushrooms and landscapes are the children’s favorite theme. Therefore, in class it is worthwhile to dwell on these subjects in more detail.

Step-by-step instructions from the magazine will help you draw a beautiful tree. Starting with drawing simple details and gradually increasing the complexity of the composition, your child will be able to develop their skills and create a beautiful drawing.

First, step by step, disassemble the tree into its component parts: crown, branches, trunk. Think about what geometric figure each object resembles (rose, mushroom, chamomile or bushes) and transfer your observations to a piece of paper. The trunk of a tree, for example, is a long rectangle, the branches are lines in different directions, and there will be foliage in the shape of a cloud around them. As you can see, this type of art is quite interesting if you give free rein to your imagination and imagination.

How to teach your child to draw a car?

The passion for vehicles is interesting for both girls and boys, so it’s worth learning how to draw cars, airplanes and steamships.

First, as usual, we will understand the proportions: circles, triangles and squares. The picture should have two circles (these are wheels) and rectangles of different sizes (the smaller one is the cabin, the larger one is the trunk and hood of our vehicle) as the basis of the car. If we need a truck, then we draw the cabin in the form of a square.

How to teach a child to draw a Christmas tree?

A beautiful and fluffy Christmas tree is a favorite of children, so very often they want to transfer it to a sheet of paper. To learn how to draw a forest beauty, you need to remember a few simple rules:

· the trunk of the Christmas tree is a long brown rectangle;

· schematic representation of branches - triangles that decrease in size towards the top;

· toys, decorations and pine cones are added in such quantity and form as our imagination allows.

A beautiful snowflake, bunny or Santa Claus can complement the winter landscape.

How to teach a child to draw animals?

Everyone knows that children love animals. No one will be surprised if your child asks you to draw a bunny, fox, bear, dog, cat, fish, horse, bird, elephant or cow.

Don’t let such a request scare you, because transferring these animals onto a sheet of paper is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the basic principles of depicting animals. Each drawing is based on an understanding of the proportions of the body and the main figures that demonstrate them.

For example, you can draw a kitten using several ovals of different sizes located next to each other: the head is a medium-sized figure, next to which there is a larger oval - the body. Four small ovals are the paws, and a long and thin oval is the tail. The child can depict the ears, nose, mustache and eyes at his own discretion, allowing his imagination to run wild. This also applies to the color of the animal - do not set any frames or restrictions, allow the child to express himself on paper by drawing domestic and wild animals (tiger, frog, elephant, butterfly or dinosaurs).

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to draw a person step by step. You just need to take into account that you can’t immediately start with such complex drawings, you need to start with something simpler that’s easier to understand, for example, a flower.

The benefits of step-by-step drawing

Parents should understand that it is much easier to teach a child to portray people using sequential actions than through observations and sketches. In addition, you need to remember the benefits of this method of drawing:

  • developing the ability to follow clear instructions;
  • the ability to separate an entire object into individual parts;
  • the ability to bring your own vision into the picture;
  • manifestation of independence.

Required Tools

Before creating your first painting, you need to make sure you have the necessary equipment:

  • a workplace with good lighting;
  • a simple pencil, you can immediately purchase both a soft and hard version, for a small child - preferably with edges;
  • paper - individual sheets or album;
  • eraser;
  • sharpener;
  • colour pencils.

Age characteristics

You can start drawing people step by step until you are four years old. The main thing is that the baby can already hold a pencil and be familiar with the existence of simple geometric shapes. What are the features of drawing at different ages:

  • up to 3 years old, a child will be able to draw a basic man if he uses a prepared template;
  • from 3 to 4 years - you can start drawing a person with an image of a snowman or matryoshka doll;
  • from 4 to 5 – complicate the picture, add detail to your nesting doll;
  • from 5 to 6 – draw a person using simple shapes: ovals, circles, rectangles, lines;
  • From 6 years old you can begin to depict people in more detail, draw them in different poses, in motion or at rest.

Simple algorithm

If you are wondering how to teach a 5-year-old child to draw a person, especially if he has no previous experience in such drawings, then you should start with a simple plan of action. Moreover, it will be correct if you first show how to portray a person, and then, if necessary, guide the baby’s hand, helping to repeat the sequence of actions and the correctness of the lines.

I’ll tell you about myself: I’ve never been able to draw people, or maybe I just didn’t want to learn it. Animals, nature, still lifes - that's it, please. My son also has not yet shown interest in this kind of drawings. He loves to depict various types of transport, buildings and nature.

Basics of Proportions

How to teach a 7-year-old child to draw a person if he already has good experience behind him? It's time to introduce him to the correct proportions of the human body.

  1. The head is outlined.
  2. A vertical line is lowered, which will include seven more ovals of the same size.
  3. The center of the chest is at a distance of two measured units (ovals below the main one, which is the head).
  4. Three units will lead to the navel.
  5. The pubic bone is marked after four units.
  6. The center of the knees will be indicated by a measured area of ​​five heads and the distance from the top of the head to the future eyes.
  7. The middle part of the shin is 7 units.

It is also important to consider the following points:

  • the width of the head and the female shoulder are equal;
  • The shoulder width of men is equal to one measured unit;
  • the width of the chest corresponds to three units;
  • the elbow of the person depicted should be at the level where the thigh begins;
  • the oval, which represents the torso, should be larger than the one that represents the pelvis.

Drawing of an experienced kid

Older children who understand what human figures are like will be able to draw more detailed pictures with a pencil.

Parents should understand that teaching a child to draw a human figure can be a difficult task. In this case, the following points must be observed:

  • do not push the child, do not expect quick results;
  • do not criticize his first attempts, much less laugh at him;
  • diligence and consistency of actions, regular training will bear fruit;
  • you must always follow the algorithm of actions, do not change points;
  • during your first attempts, you can use a template, then samples, and then move on to drawing on your own;
  • Praise your child even for the smallest victories.

Now you know how to teach a child to draw a person. Remember the need for consistent training. Never put pressure on your child, demanding quick and high-quality results from him. Do not force drawing if the child does not like this type of activity at all. Creative impulses must come from the heart and be filled with the emotional experiences of the little one.

A child develops every minute from birth. A mother’s natural desire is to help the baby in his endeavors. Drawing is a great way to prepare your little one for preschool education.

When to start?

You can instill a love of drawing in babies as early as 9 months, when they are already sitting well and confidently, giving them a brush in their hands or creating wonderful drawings simply with their hands. At this age, the baby is very curious and explores the world with the help of tactile and taste buds. Bright jars of paint will undoubtedly attract his attention. At this age, he will not create an ideal landscape, but the abstraction will certainly be bright and will delight the baby. In this case, it is not the result that is important, but the process of introducing the child to paints, their consistency and capabilities. This will teach your child to draw like real artists do. From the age of one year, or even earlier, you can give him a brush, colored pencils or markers so that he can see the difference between colors.

The child begins to create images with meaning, close to the general understanding of the drawing itself, after two years, closer to three. To develop artistic abilities even earlier, direct interaction between parents and children is important. Mom should set an example, draw an object and voice out loud what she is doing and how. This will be a great start to teaching your child how to draw simple drawings.

First steps

When you decide to introduce your baby to colors, you need to be patient. To begin with, you will need good quality finger pigments. In any case, the baby will want to taste the new substance. Special finger paints are given a characteristic bitter taste so that you will not want to eat them. You can draw in a regular album, but it is better to unfold a large Whatman paper or get a roll of old wallpaper. The more space available for play, the less likely it is that surrounding objects will get dirty. It is better to dress the child in household items that you don’t mind getting smeared with paint.

After 3 years, children become even more interested in drawings; they crave a variety of materials - paints, pencils, markers, pens, crayons. It is necessary to give the little person the opportunity to develop his imagination, using various techniques. By combining a few simple elements, it is easy to teach a child to draw a person. As soon as he is able to draw on his own, the tasks need to be gradually made more difficult. All classes should be conducted in a playful way, but in no case in the form of training sessions! If the baby is not in the mood, you should not force him - this will only make him alienated from creativity.

Simple techniques for kids

To fully express emotions on paper, there are many different drawing techniques, the choice of which depends on the quality of the canvas and the shape of the brushes. In addition, the choice of tools determines how smoothly the paint will lie on the paper.

In addition to creative talents, drawing develops fine motor skills, speeds up the process of learning colors, develops horizons, sensory and eye skills. Don't overload your baby. A couple of flowers on the palm is enough for the first acquaintance with drawing.

It’s time to introduce a growing child to various techniques. At about a year old, the baby is ready to pick up a brush and make a variety of strokes, strokes, and lines. It's better to draw while playing. To do this, use cotton swabs, lids, sponges and other available materials with which you can truly show your imagination. There are a lot of options: spraying with a toothbrush, “stamping” with a foam sponge or champagne cork, using applique elements and plasticine.

Painting with paints

It is better to start drawing lessons with paints. They are bright, have an interesting consistency, and you can draw with them without much effort. Children have poorly developed fine motor skills, so they may not hold a brush or pencil, but create their masterpieces directly with their fingers.

Initially, after applying paint to the child’s palm, it is important to monitor his reaction. The task of parents is to help the child in an unfamiliar matter. First, palms and fingers leave imprints on whatman paper. Ideally, mom does the same. At first, three colors are enough. The lesson should end before the child gets bored, otherwise he may refuse to draw next time.

To develop motor skills, you can give your baby a cotton swab or sponge. It should be interesting for a child to dip an object into paint and get different prints. In addition, the process itself develops not only fine motor skills, but also concentration.

After one and a half years, acquaintance with figures, objects, and animals begins. By combining elementary circles, squares and triangles, you can teach your child to draw simple drawings step by step, for example, a man or animal faces.

Children's creativity with pencils

It is necessary to use a pencil to get acquainted with new drawing techniques - shading and outlining figures. If the brush falls down with any pressure, then drawing with a pencil requires effort.

The main condition for the development of creativity of a novice artist is to create optimal conditions. You can’t interfere, you need to give the child freedom of action. Basically, the subject of creativity depends on his age. Younger children try to imitate the sun and flowers. Older children try to draw princesses or cars. From the age of 5, full-fledged children's pictures already appear, the child begins to pay attention to details. He draws not only the main characters, but also the background.

Fine art for kids

Getting a 2-year-old interested is quite simple, just like teaching a 3-year-old to draw. A personal example is needed. It is not enough to explain to a child how something is drawn, it is important to show it. The ideal time for classes is the first half of the day, when he does not want to sleep, eats and is still full of energy. The themes for the drawing are first determined by the mother. Most often these are ordinary lines and toys. The child will trace the figures with interest or connect them using shading. In this way, he gets acquainted with the figures and trains to control the pencil to the fullest, concentrating on his own actions.

As soon as the initial stage is completed, the simplest elements learned are used to create full-fledged simple drawings. Soft triangular pencils are suitable for learning. They contribute to the formation of the correct grip of an object in the hand. If you give your child bright markers at first, he may later refuse to draw with pencils.

Basic techniques for children

How to teach a child to draw simple drawings step by step? To begin with, it is important to know how they are created correctly.

For a child to enjoy drawing geometric shapes, he must be interested in the task itself. If you simply say “connect the dots,” there is a high probability of receiving a refusal. But “help the little dot catch up with the big one” or “connect the dot-mom, the dot-dad and the dot-baby” are much more interesting. The child will be more willing to take on this “mission.”

In addition to the correct drawing technique, you need to pay attention to painting. For the first tests, shading is suitable. It is imperative to remind the child not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing. It is important that the mother herself shows how the color and appearance of the drawn object changes if the pencil is pressed harder or weaker. You can compare the drawings and ask your child to explain what the difference is to make sure that he understands the essence of the rules and the meaning of painting.

Drawing animals and humans

If parents expect to immediately see a full-fledged portrait, then they will be disappointed. Initially, these may be schematic images of lines and geometric shapes, perhaps not even connected to each other. The easiest way to teach a child to draw a person step by step is to use lines and a circle. When creating the desired image on paper, it is necessary to explain to the baby which part of the body is conveyed by one or another line. If an activity is difficult for a child, it is worth inviting him to cope with this task through joint efforts.

Creative activities with preschoolers

By the age of five, a child’s imagination is actively developing. This gives him the opportunity to express his fantasies. Parents need to know how to teach their child to draw at the age of 4 and convey their wishes on a piece of paper. Acting as mentors, they must help children open up. At this stage the child learns:

  • rules for mixing basic colors (red, yellow, blue);
  • ways to sketch the background;
  • criteria for combining several materials;
  • technique for making drawings realistic.

You should not dictate your rules to your child. It is better to follow the flight of his imagination, offering your ideas in the process. It is advisable to be close to your son or daughter when creating the first drawings, so that the children can voice their actions. Mom should ask leading questions that will help reveal the image and may require additional touches. In this unobtrusive way, the child’s imaginative thinking develops, his vocabulary increases, and his oratory abilities emerge.

Full drawings

Having understood the colors and shapes, the child will be able to draw independently. He will be ready to depict not just figures, but entire artistic compositions. If the mother regularly worked with the baby and was able to teach a 4-year-old child to draw, as a rule, he will then become familiar with various techniques on his own initiative. The main thing is to fuel his interest in this activity. The child must use various elements, details, sketch the background, learn to select shades, use several techniques in one drawing (prints with palms and cotton swabs, contours of tree leaves and splashes). The result should be a full-fledged drawing with meaning. Let it be simple, and let the objects be distorted or poorly painted. The main thing is the effort and development of the baby.

Most likely, the first drawings that a mother gradually taught a 4-year-old child to draw, as well as the subsequent ones, will be dedicated to nature or family members. Later, the child himself will choose a theme for his creativity, trying to depict everything he sees around him.

What do children's paintings say?

A child’s drawings, starting from the age of 4, convey his inner world. Children themselves are very impressionable. It is in the drawings that their main experiences are reflected. Psychologists often turn to this technique, associated with drawing, to understand the mental state of young patients. After all, the main thing is not how to teach a 5-year-old child to draw step by step, but how to understand the meaning of his drawings. When embodying his fantasies on paper, nothing limits the baby; he can express what he is not able to say in words or show with gestures.

It is worth paying attention to what colors and shades the child usually chooses and what techniques he uses. It is important to determine the location of the main characters, their mood, and what impression is left of the drawing as a whole. All this will help you understand the child’s emotions.

Art studios

You should not burden the little ones with additional activities. The attention of parents at home is quite enough. Only after 3-4 years can you send your child to an art studio or club if the child has a craving for creativity.

At this age, he will be interested in studying along with other children; he can imitate them and try to keep up. Classes are conducted in a playful way and do not overload the child’s body at all, but only have a positive effect on his psychological state. Following the advice of leaders, parents should help their child develop his abilities at home.