The name of Hermione's cat from Harry Potter. Why does she always get special treatment? Why is she so rude to Professor Trelawney

The history of mankind is full of mysteries and secrets. People have always been attracted to the unexplored space of oceans and seas. Legends were compiled based on travel and research. Ancient maps depicting various sea monsters have survived to this day. Times change, but the mystery Bermuda Triangle remains undisclosed. His glory is intertwined with mysticism and anomalies. Scientists of several generations are trying to explain the essence of this phenomenon. But no matter how technologies and research methods develop, not a single person knows the truth about the mysterious Triangle.

Discoverers of the anomalous zone

The anomalies occurring in the Atlantic Ocean are quite ancient phenomena, although in ancient times it never occurred to anyone to give their location a name. People who had just begun to discover new countries did not think about in which ocean there was a frightening place that is now called the Bermuda Triangle. For the first time, information regarding the mysterious Triangle and acting as a sensation appeared in the second half of the 20th century; in 1950, the American E. Jones used this phrase. The published brochure had 17 pages and 6 photographs. Then no one paid enough attention to this information, and over time it was forgotten.

In 1964, another American named Vincent Gaddis wrote about the existence of a mystical place in the Bermuda region. His article contained several pages and was published in a famous magazine. Later, having collected more information, he devoted an entire chapter to the phenomenon, publishing it in one of the popular books called “Invisible Horizons.” This gave impetus to anomalous zone became interesting to ordinary people: everyone wanted to know as much as possible about the sensation.

Real stories

1945 - a military squadron with an experienced crew suddenly disappears in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a normal flight over calm sea in clear weather. The pilots managed to report that the navigation instruments had failed and spatial orientation had been lost. Panic, unusual for these people, was heard in the voices. They said the ocean looked unusual. The crew flew either west or east, but never found land, although the search took almost three hours. When land appeared, it seemed strange, and they did not land. The pilots talked about white water, that everything around was scary, later it was said that the water was not white, but green. The search for the squadron did not yield any results, and during the events another plane disappeared.

Late 60s - early 70s - interest in what was happening in the area where the Bermuda Triangle is located increases. Every day there are publications in which new and forgotten secrets of this phenomenon appear. The anomalous zone is beginning to be attributed incredible stories. The disappearances of ships, people, and planes that once occurred in that area acquire a mystical component. The public is interested in the question of what the Bermuda Triangle is and where it is located. Fans of the mysterious place appear who put revealing its secrets above their lives.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle on the world map

The anomalous zone is a water area in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, which is limited by three symbolic peaks - Bermuda, the southern cape of Florida (Miami). Puerto Rico. The mystical place has the following characteristics:

  • the area of ​​the water area (if we take the classic boundaries of the triangle as they would pass on the map) is more than one million square kilometers;
  • most of the bottom is shelf, where drilling was once carried out in the hope of finding minerals;
  • water temperature and current vary at different times of the year;
  • all natural data, including the movement of air masses over the ocean and salinity, are well studied and included in specialized catalogs.

The area where the mysterious Bermuda Triangle is located is no different from other geographical places. However, the fact that ships, people and planes disappear there gives the place mystery and mystery.

Construction in the ocean

1992 - scientists unofficially explore the bottom of the anomalous water area. In its very center they find a pyramid of impressive size, three times higher than Cheops. The study of the artifact lasted about a month. It turned out that its surface is completely smooth: there are no shells or algae, as well as traces of a long stay in a salty environment. Even division into blocks was not detected. The surface of the find consists of a strange material that is unknown to mankind - something between polished ceramics and glass.

Location of the anomalous zone: differences of opinion

On the world map, the area where the Triangle is located is not indicated in any way. It actually has this shape if you draw lines from Bermuda to Puerto Rico, from there to Miami, and then back to Bermuda. The boundaries of the Triangle, also called the Devil's Triangle, are not indicated on the world map; they are considered conditional, since mysterious disappearances are also observed outside the zone.

Scientists argue about the correct distribution of even the visual boundaries of the Triangle on the world map. Gulf of Mexico and northern Caribbean Sea are also ready to be attributed to the anomalous zone. Disputes arise as to which ocean the Bermuda Triangle is located in. In publications one can find the opinion that the boundaries of the anomalous water area are moving far to the east of the Atlantic Ocean (to the place where the Azores begin). Ardent fans of the phenomenon are ready to extend the boundaries of the zone far to the north. But still, most researchers, when asked in which ocean the Bermuda Triangle is located, firmly answer - in the Atlantic.

If an ordinary atlas map can show where the Bermuda Triangle is located, then it is much more difficult to explain in words. Considering the desire to expand the boundaries of this place, we can say that the anomalous zone does not have strict geometric outlines. Therefore, its boundaries are symbol the place where the phenomenon is localized. Thus, it cannot be classified as a geographical area.

Theories of the origin of the anomalous zone

There is a consensus on how the Triangle, which frightens many sailors and pilots, appeared - as a result of geological activity. In fact, there is nothing mysterious about the appearance of this place. Researchers put forward other opinions, but all of them were criticized by scientists. Over the past 100 years, about half a thousand planes and ships have disappeared in the zone of anomalous phenomena, so we can say: something strange is in this area, and it is causing the death of people, sea and air transport.

Let's pay attention to some theories, attempts to explain what is happening in the anomalous zone:

  • the cause of the disasters is giant wandering waves up to 30 meters high;
  • infrasonic waves are generated in the ocean, causing the crew to panic - people rush into the water;
  • in the mystical area there are so-called blue holes, the remains of tunnels through which you can move in time;
  • gigantic gas bubbles filled with methane form in the ocean. Once inside, sea and air transport goes to the bottom, since the density of the air or water inside the resulting bubble is low;
  • the mystical water area is the place where the lost city of Atlantis was once located. If you believe the legend, the crystals were the sources of his energy; they send waves from the bottom of the ocean that disable the navigation equipment of planes and ships;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions in the water area occurs due to the presence there of a powerful warm current Gulf Stream;
  • the area of ​​mystical incidents - the place through which aliens get to Earth;
  • the impossibility of detecting the remains of air and sea transport that have suffered a disaster is due to the peculiarities of the relief that is characteristic of the bottom of the water area - it is too confusing;
  • air and sea transport disappears as it is subject to attacks by pirates and as a result of unofficial military actions;
  • in the area of ​​water there is a curvature of space and magnetic fog occurs.

Complete fiction?

Those who believe that there are no anomalies are ready to prove: it is the human factor that leads to the death of air and sea transport and crew. Even a professional can become disoriented in space; the most reliable equipment sometimes fails. All this leads to disasters and accidents - there is nothing abnormal about this.

There is also an opinion that all theories concerning mystical place in the Bermuda area are based on prejudice. This allows us to speculate on this topic and keep humanity in suspense. There are publications that indicate that all theories are based on legends and tales of sailors. Take the same Christopher Columbus, who described dancing lights on the horizon and flames in the sky, and navigational instruments continually stopped working. Enthusiasts interpreted these records in their own way and continued to develop mythical stories.

Concerning modern look in Columbus's recording, the lights he saw were the flames of fires in a Taino village. The compass did not work because the movement of a certain star was calculated incorrectly. And the flames observed in the sky were meteorites.

Disputes regarding the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle continue. The disappearances of people, ships and aircraft in this area are not fully explained. Maybe someday the answer will appear, but for now we can only wait.

– which aroused genuine reader interest.
People have always been interested in secrets. And what could be more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle?
And so I decided to analyze various sources information, weed out obvious nonsense and bring everything into a digestible form. The result is in front of you.

The Bermuda Triangle is believed to be located between Florida, Bermuda, the Bahamas and Puerto Rico, but a number of disappearances have occurred outside these conventional boundaries. Some are in the Gulf of Mexico, others in the north Atlantic, and others near the Azores. It is therefore quite acceptable to include in the triangle the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream, which has a key influence on the characteristics of the entire water area.

Of course, many planes and ships cross this area every day, and all of them remain unharmed. But the number of disappearances in these places is higher than the expected probabilistic indicators of disasters. And the difference between the concepts of “suffering a catastrophe” and “disappearing without a trace” is fundamentally important. In the first case, debris and bodies remain on the water, and in the second - nothing.

The writer L. Kushe, in the book “The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Solved” (1975), “exposed” the mystery of this place: “The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is an artificially fabricated hoax. It arose from carelessly conducted investigations, and then was developed and perpetuated by authors who, intentionally or unintentionally, used incorrect theories; erroneous documentation and all sorts of sensational revelations. This legend was repeated so many times that it was eventually accepted as true.”However, at the same time, Kushe and other skeptical authors selectively reject some cases and circumstances, leaving “overboard” those for which they could not provide explanations.

Here are the most mysterious cases.

Pictured: the ship Mary Celeste

The Seabird was discovered in shallow waters off the coast of Rhode Island. There was coffee on his galley stove and plates on the table. The only living creature on board was a dog. Not a single person was found on the ship. The cargo, navigation instruments, maps, sailing directions and ship's documents were in place (1850).
- The Bella sailed from Rio de Janeiro to Jamaica, but never arrived at its destination port. Nobody heard from him again (1854).
- Brigantine "Mary Celeste" "was discovered 800 km west of Gibraltar, under sail, without any damage, with the table laid in the wardroom and without crew members (1872).
- The training sailing ship “Atalanta” (290 crew) disappeared without a trace on the way from Bermuda to England (1880).
- The trading bark “Freya”, sailing from Cuba to Chile, was found damaged and without a crew: on its side, with broken masts, an incompletely drawn, loose anchor was dangling from the bow (1902).
- The famous captain D. Slocum, who was the first to sail around the world, disappeared together with his yacht after sailing from the island. Martha's Vineyard (1909).

- The cargo steamer “Cyclops” (309 people), transported manganese ore from Barbados to the USA. The ship was 180 m long and was one of the largest in the US Navy. The search for him did not yield results (1918).
- The schooner Carol A. Deering was found on a sandbar off North Carolina, with sails up, food in the galley, and two live cats on board, but no crew (1921).
- The cargo ship Suduffco was sailing from New Jersey to the Panama Canal and disappeared without a trace along with its crew of 29 people. (1926).
- The schooner Gloria Colita was sailing from Alabama to Cuba, and was discovered by the Coast Guard, without a crew, although obvious reasons there was no way to escape from it. The foresail was not raised and was torn to shreds, and the remaining sails were lowered (1940).
- Two ships at once sailing from the Virgin Islands - first the Proteus, and a few weeks later the Nereus, heading to Portland and Norfolk with a cargo of bauxite, never arrived at their destination, disappearing without a trace (1941).
- The ship "Rubicon", in in good condition, but without lifeboats and with a torn tow rope hanging from the bow, was found without a crew off Florida. The only living creature on board was a dog (1944).

However, of all the mysteries associated with the Bermuda Triangle, there is none more impressive than the mystery of “Flight No. 19” - a group of US Air Force aircraft that disappeared during training flights on December 5, 1945. This event is worth dwelling on in more detail.

At 14:10, five Avenger-class torpedo bombers that had passed pre-flight inspection took off from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to the east. Each vehicle had a crew of 3 people. 4 officers and 9 crew members were led by an experienced pilot, Lieutenant C. Taylor, who had 2.5 thousand flight hours. The fuel supply in the tanks was sufficient for a 5.5 hour flight. The weather at the time of departure was ideal. The estimated flight duration was 2 hours: 256 km to the east, 64 to the north, to Bermuda, and back.

After execution educational task at 15:35 the flight headed back to the southwest. At 15:45, a radio message was received from Lieutenant Taylor at the base:“We have an emergency situation. Obviously, we've lost our way. We do not see the earth, I repeat, we do not see the earth. Everything was mixed up. Even the sea looks somehow unusual..."

The response to the base's request for the coordinates of the link was as follows:“We cannot determine our location. We don't know where we are now. We seem to be lost...”This was hard to believe, given that there was not a cloud in the sky, and Lieutenant Taylor was an experienced pilot. And besides him, the crews included several experienced pilots, even older than him in military rank.

The controllers had difficulty catching snippets of radio conversations between the pilots:“We don’t know where we are... It must be about 225 miles northeast of the base...”

At 4:45 p.m. Taylor reported:“The ground is below me, the terrain is rough. I'm sure it's Kis...”(Apparently, Taylor decided that he was seeing one of the Florida Keys islands). At the base, however, they considered this information erroneous and advised them to head for the setting sun, believing that the flight was still east of Florida.“We don't know which way is west. Nothing works... Strange... We can't determine the direction. Even the ocean looks different than usual..."

After this, the base completely lost contact with the planes, but continued to hear the pilots’ conversations. It turned out that the wind was picking up overboard, it was getting dark, and the magnetic and gyroscopic compasses, tested many times before departure, were out of order (the needles “danced like crazy”). The fuel in the tanks was running out. For some reason, the pilots did not see the setting sun, lost orientation in space and were on the verge of collapse. Someone shouted:“Damn it, if we had flown west, we would have gotten home!”Then came Taylor's reply:“Our home is in the northeast...”... After a while, someone said: “Both compasses are out of order... I’m above the ground, it’s uneven. I’m sure these are Florida reefs, but I don’t know the height...”

At 5 p.m., Lieutenant Taylor began preparing the flight for splashdown:"All planes stay close... When the first one of you goes down, the rest of you need to do the same."At 17:22 Taylor announced:“When someone has 10 gallons of fuel left, we’ll splash down!”Apparently, the planes splashed down soon, because at 18:02 they heard at the base:“We could drown at any moment...”

On alert, the search seaplane “Martin Mariner” (crew - 13 people), equipped with all life-saving equipment and capable of splashing down even in very high wave. After some time, the crew confirmed that they were approaching the incident area. But suddenly the connection with this plane was interrupted - it disappeared.

5-day full-scale rescue operation ended in vain.

The official version was that all the Avengers crashed into the sea, and the rescue plane exploded in mid-air due to design flaws. But no evidence, however, was given. It is also strange that they did not pay attention to the fact that on the morning of December 5, 1945, another training flight took place. The pilot who made it also reported a temporary failure of the compasses and an emergency landing 80 km from the base.

However, let us return to the list of the most noteworthy cases of disappearance in the triangle. We especially note that in all these cases there was no SOS signal.

The pilot of the Star Tiger plane, flying from England to Bermuda, reported his coordinates (380 miles from the islands), confirmed that everything was normal and the board was on schedule. This was the last heard of this aircraft (1948).
- The Dakota 3 plane, flying in normal weather from Puerto Rico to Miami, suddenly disappeared just before landing along with 27 passengers. At 4:13, the flight commander, Captain R. Linquist, called the Miami airfield control service, reported that everything was in order on board, and asked for permission to land. After that, the connection was cut off - almost just before entering the airfield area. The rescue efforts ended in nothing; they did not find the accumulation of sharks and barracudas that usually occur at the site of the disaster (1948).
- The Star Ariel transport plane (the same type as the Star Tiger) took off from the airfield in Bermuda and headed for Jamaica. After an hour of flight, the flight commander got in touch: “We have reached cruising speed, the weather is good. Must arrive in Kingston on schedule.” After this, Star Ariel disappeared (1949).
- The cargo ship "Sandra" (120 m long), sailing from Georgia to Venezuela, disappeared without a trace (1950).
- The Southern Districts tank landing ship, converted into a sulfur cargo ship, disappeared en route from Louisiana to Maine. Subsequently, only the lifebuoy was found (1954).
- The US Navy aircraft “Super Constellation” (42 people on board) disappeared north of Bermuda. Searches for the wreckage yielded nothing (1954).
- The fishing vessel "Snoboy", which was making a passage from Kingston to the Pedro Keys Islands in calm and clear weather, disappeared along with 55 people. on board (1963).
- The pilot of a private plane, Ch. Vokely, flying from Nassau (Bahamas) to Florida, flying over the island of Andros in the evening, at an altitude of 2 km, noted the glow of the wings, the “jumping” of the compass needle, an incorrect indication of the fuel level in the tanks, and others strange phenomena. Suddenly the autopilot failed, and the plane began to enter a deep turn, which forced it to switch to manual control. The glow from the wings was so intense that it interfered with control. The contours of the wings gradually became blurred, and the pilot stopped seeing the stars. This state lasted about 5 minutes. After this, the glow weakened and soon stopped, the compass needle calmed down, and other instruments also began to work normally. Subsequently, the flight proceeded as usual (1964).
- A twin-engine C-119 plane, taking off from Florida to the island of Grand Turk, disappeared without a trace 400 km east of Miami with 10 crew members (1965).
- A small Beechcraft Bonanza plane took off from Miami for the Florida Keys, but disappeared somewhere south of Florida. And three days after that, a small Piper Apache plane disappeared without a trace during a flight between Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. In both cases, no traces of the disaster were found (1967).
- The Soviet An-22 cargo plane, heading to Peru, disappeared without a trace over the Atlantic. Last time I was contacted within 47 minutes. after departure from Iceland. The cause of the disappearance could not be established (1970).
- Large (113 m) cargo ship "El Carib", sailing from Colombia to Dominican Republic(crew - 30 people), equipped with an automatic signaling system, which in the event of an accident independently sends a distress signal on the air, disappeared without a trace (1971).
- During a training flight, the US Air Force KA-6 bomber lost radio contact with the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy 100 km from Norfolk, and disappeared from the radar screens. No trace of him was ever found, the pilots did not eject (1978).

The above list, of course, can still be supplemented and continued, since small private planes, yachts, boats and motor boats disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. But big picture clear. It is clear, however, that the number of disappearances has decreased since the 1980s. Until now. This is clearly related to both scientific and technological progress in the field of navigation systems, as well as with increasing safety standards in shipbuilding and aircraft construction, sea and air transportation. But even today, less often, strange incidents happen. Noteworthy is the disappearance of the cargo ship Genesis, sailing from Trinidad and Tobago to St. Vincent. And although in last message the ship spoke about problems with the bilge pump, this did not mean an emergency. The search for traces of the ship was in vain (1999).

So what exactly is going on in the Bermuda Triangle?

Many different hypotheses have been put forward. Let's consider only the most realistic ones.

Academician V.V. Shuleikin proved that when the wind sweeps over the crests of the waves of a stormy sea, low-frequency infrasonic vibrations are excited in the air, spreading hundreds of kilometers from the storm. Infrasound is characterized by biological activity, which is based on the coincidence of its frequencies with the alpha rhythms of the brain. When the frequency is below 7 hertz and the resonant frequency of vibrations of the ship’s hull coincides with the frequency of infrasonic waves acting on the ship, it itself becomes a secondary source of infrasound, much amplified. It is known that with oscillations of 6 hertz a person becomes terrified. In this state, people can hastily launch boats and leave the ship, or simply throw themselves overboard. This hypothesis, in principle, sheds light on most of the events in the triangle.

According to researcher A. Jad, methane is released from the bottom soil, which rises to the surface and further into the atmosphere. Any ship in the ejection zone loses buoyancy (the density of the water decreases) and sinks like a stone. Then the methane rises to altitude and causes planes to crash. This version is convincing, but does not explain why the crews on abandoned ships disappeared.

In 1950 W.B. Smith discovered anomalous spherical areas with a diameter of 300 m, extending to great heights.“...When these invisible and unmapped areas of anomalies of magnetic-gravitational forces enter these invisible and unmapped areas, without knowing it, planes [and ships] come to a fatal outcome.” “...Whether these areas are moving... or simply disappearing is unknown... After 3-4 months, we again tried to find some of them, but there were no traces...”
In development of this version, one can cite the opinion of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.I. Elkin, who discovered that according to statistics, disappearances occur at the moments of full moons and during periods highest value precessional forces; and it is known that magnetic anomalies arise due to the movement of ionized magma in the bowels of the Earth, caused by lunar-solar tides.

When researcher I. Sanderson mapped the places of the most frequent disappearances of planes and ships on the world map, he noticed that most of them were located in 6 regions of the planet. They are located between the 30th and 40th parallels north and south of the equator, at 72 degrees in longitude, and their centers are 66 degrees in latitude from each other. Together with both poles, they form a network covering the entire Earth.

Most of these areas are located in the eastern parts lithospheric plates, in places where warm northern and cold southern currents collide. These areas coincide with places where the directions of deep and surface currents are different. Variable powerful underwater currents under the influence of different temperatures form magnetic and possibly gravitational “funnels” that disrupt radio communications, which, according to Sanderson, when certain conditions can transport objects in the air or on the surface of water, to points located in another time (and back).

According to measurements from space, the level of the water surface in the center of the Bermuda Triangle is 25 m less than the general level of the World Ocean. This proves the presence of gravitational disturbance in this place.

The Bermuda Triangle, of course, is the most famous (apparently because other anomalous areas lie away from the lines of intense traffic of ships and aircraft). Only one, called the “Devil's Sea” (between Japan, the Philippines and the island of Guam), can compare with it in terms of evil fame. It is similar to the water area of ​​the triangle in that it represents the western periphery of the northern subtropical anticyclonic gyre formed by the North Trade Wind Current and an analogue of the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio Current. Therefore, here, too, although less frequently, magnetic-gravitational anomalies occur. There is information about the disappearances and crashes of dozens of ships and aircraft in the area, but they need careful verification.

Thus, the solution to the Bermuda Triangle problem is still ahead.

The abode of Satan himself, the sea cemetery, the horror of the Atlantic - all these terrible epithets are used to describe the mystical zone in the Atlantic Ocean. Every year in the Bermuda Triangle mysteriously ships and planes disappear. What is this - the sick imagination of journalists or a truly dangerous and mystical zone, shrouded in mystery and enigma?

The first mention of the devil's zone

The Bermuda Triangle in the ocean is a sensation that has been exciting humanity for half a century. This anomalous zone was first mentioned in 1950. An American researcher named E. Jones wrote a short article, formatting the material in the form of a brochure in which he placed several photographs. But at that time almost no one paid attention to this. Until, in 1964, another American researcher named V. Gaddis wrote about the Bermuda Triangle. He told about the real danger that this mystical area conceals. But the real fear for the average person was brought about by a book called “The Bermuda Triangle,” written by Charles Berlitz. Since then, this topic has not ceased to be relevant throughout the world.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Conventionally, the symbolic peaks of this mystical zone are the following areas: Bermuda, the southern cape of Florida, Puerto Rico. The marked points are unofficial, since the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are constantly being adjusted, moving them, for example, closer to Gulf of Mexico or joining the Caribbean Sea. Many researchers also attribute part of the Azores Islands to the anomalous zone, near which many incredible events took place. Therefore, it is still impossible to get a definite answer to the question “where is the Bermuda Triangle?”

The most common theories regarding the phenomena occurring

There are several dozen versions as to what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle. Some of them are incredible and defy logic, while others, on the contrary, are more rational and almost scientifically based. We will consider a few assumptions below.

Mysterious gas bubbles

For the first time in 2000, several physicists in laboratory conditions decided to find out what was happening to an object located on the surface of boiling water.

After conducting a series of experiments, they came to the following conclusion: when bubbles appear in the water, its density decreases significantly and the level rises, while the lifting force exerted by the water on the ship is minimized. Therefore, if there are enough bubbles, then the ship may well sink.

The description of this experiment, carried out in laboratory conditions, and its results have long been published. But can bubbles actually sink a ship? large sizes? This is still unknown, because such studies have not yet been carried out under so-called field conditions, that is, directly in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Insidious algae

There is a version that ships supposedly “suck” huge algae into the water column. This opinion is as implausible as the idea that the devil himself lives here. This is explained by the fact that the water area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is comparable to the Sargasso Sea, the flora of which is rich in various algae. Sailors who are not accustomed to such a sight are simply frightened and use their developed imagination.

Lonely waves

In 1984, a competition between sailboats was held in Spain. The route ran from Puerto Rico through Bermuda. A 40-meter ship called the Marquez, built in 1917 in Spain, led the race, ahead of ships leaving Bermuda. This is where the trouble happened. A strong squall hit, which tilted the ship, and at that moment, out of nowhere, a gigantic wave arose and hit the ship on the port side. This case is one of the few that has excited the public.

Such waves can reach 30 meters in height. They appear unexpectedly and can instantly drown big ship. The wave that hit the side of the Marquez covered it with a wall of water, and soon a second one followed - deadly. It was she who decided the fate of the ship. 19 people died.

In the Bermuda Triangles, such waves are caused by the Gulf Stream, which lies near the United States. The reasons for their formation are simple: the waters of the Gulf Stream, flowing from south to north, meet a storm front moving from north to south.

Waves form behind the storm front and travel in the same direction. The waves formed by the Gulf Stream are moving towards them, to the north. After their collision, a huge mass of water rises up. And when there seems to be no sign of danger, waves 3-5 meters high suddenly turn into 25-meter “monsters”.

Unfortunately, today there is no device that would monitor or predict the occurrence of such a destructive phenomenon.

Alien Invasion

Some claim that this territory is controlled by aliens who are trying to study our planet. They allegedly destroy ships and planes so that no one will ever know about their visit.


This version is the most common and quite plausible. Constant weather changes, unexpected storms, storms, and hurricanes become dangerous for any type of transport.

Clouds with mysterious charges

This version has also been considered by scientists. Many pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle area claimed that they found themselves in the center of a black cloud, inside of which lightning discharges and bright flashes sparkled.

So, the missing “link 19” before its crash conveyed a message that they were enveloped by a certain dark cloud, due to which visibility was significantly impaired.


There is a version that in these areas a sound appears that terrifies all passengers and forces them to leave the vehicle.

During underwater earthquakes or landslides, powerful infrasonic vibrations occur on the ocean floor, but scientists have proven that they cannot in any way be associated with a danger to life.

Relief features

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the complex terrain of this anomalous zone is to blame. This is explained by the fact that under the Bermuda Triangle there is a deep-sea trench, mountains that reach a height of 150-200 meters, and cone-shaped hills with a diameter of tens of kilometers. Therefore, finding shipwrecks in this area is almost impossible.

If you look under the water, Bermuda resembles a huge dormant volcano. A depression extends from it to the north, the maximum depth of which reaches 8 km. It is in this area that most of the terrible incidents occur.

It should be noted that Puerto Rico (deep sea trench) is the deepest part of the entire Atlantic (8742 km). Therefore, finding a sunken ship or a crashed plane here, again, is simply unrealistic.

The Bermuda Triangle, whose secrets have not yet been revealed, has the Blake Escarpment in the west - these are the steepest cliffs in the entire mystical Atlantic region. Some of them reach a height of two kilometers. And the continental plume is divided in two by the most active current in the world - the Gulf Stream.

But even such unusual features of the relief cannot fully answer the questions that arise among pundits and ordinary people and shed at least a little light on these mysterious phenomena. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle still remain beyond the bounds of reason.

Mysticism at the bottom of the mysterious triangle

The well-known legend about a city that disappeared along with its inhabitants is no longer a legend at all. So say Canadian scientists who found a sunken settlement at the bottom of the Atlantic. This city is located off the eastern coast of Cuba, 700 meters from the most mystical zone in the whole world. The Bermuda Triangle was explored underwater by a robot that dived to depth and photographed the surrounding area. The images were subsequently studied by Canadian researchers who made an incredible discovery. What does the Bermuda Triangle hide from people's eyes? Photos showed that at its bottom there are buildings, pyramids and figures, on the walls of which there are unfamiliar writings. According to experts, the discovered buildings are very reminiscent ancient architecture. The city at the bottom was discovered by a Canadian scientist couple. In fact, they encountered the pyramids lying at the bottom of the triangle 10 years ago. At that time, the couple worked for the government, studying the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and searching for sunken ships and missing treasures.

At the end ice age The water level has risen significantly, which is why many cities, islands and even continents found themselves at the bottom of the ocean. The discovered settlement, according to scientists, is one of these.

There is an opinion that American researchers noticed this city back in the late 50s, but did not tell anyone about the find.

It is also known that the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not yet been studied by scientists themselves, so we will wait for new discoveries.

Mysterious disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

Over the past 50 years, the Bermuda Triangle has acquired a terrible reputation, which is why many are afraid to travel in these parts. They try to bypass the anomalous zone using the tenth road. Gained wide popularity sad story"link 19". Shortly after the disappearance of the 5 Navy bombers, observers began to notice something strange. But first things first.

On December 5, 1945, 5 torpedo bombers, crewed by 14 people, were preparing for a routine flight from a Florida airfield. In accordance with the plan, the bombers were supposed to fly to the Bahamas and conduct target practice there - the remains of a sunken ship. They flew over the ship several times and turned north towards the Bahamas. The detachment acted in accordance with the plan. Soon, the crew of one of the planes, led by pilot Taylor, reported that they had lost their route. All his navigation devices have simply failed, and he cannot find a landmark. Meanwhile, the weather began to suddenly change. The wind changed its direction and began to blow from the north.

The control tower tried its best to send them along the right route - towards Florida, but Taylor was completely confused and refused to listen to the controller. The pilots circled over the water in despair, trying to find at least something resembling land. But the weather got even worse. Later the radio connection was completely cut off. The last thing they heard from one of the pilots was the words “white wall” and “strange water”.

The next day, the search for the missing planes began. Several helicopters went on this dangerous mission. But something strange happened here too. One of them disappeared in the same mysterious way. But later, rescuers still managed to find out what happened to him. The sailors of a ship passing very close said that they heard a strong explosion high in the sky.

But neither the wreckage of the missing bombers nor any remains of the “search engine” were found. What happened to the planes? Where does the Bermuda Triangle hide its victims? No one knows the answers to these questions yet.

Have the planes of “link 19” been found?

In 1991, British scientist Graham Hawkes made a real discovery. He claimed to have found five planes from “flight 19.” Quite by accident, while searching for a Spanish galleon, he, along with other participants research group allegedly stumbled upon the wreckage of fighter jets. Observations were recorded.

This story made the headlines of all newspapers and magazines, and also created a stir among journalists and ordinary citizens. Graham promised to sort out this curious story within 2 weeks. Because submarines were incredibly expensive big money, the scientist decided to use an underwater camera, which was controlled by a special wire. After viewing the resulting images, the researchers concluded that the planes did not belong to “link 19”, and became even more confused.

After some time, Graham decides to go into this himself mysterious place to understand what kind of planes these are. One of the relatives of the missing Flight 19 pilot follows him on the search.

Having descended to the bottom of the ocean (to a depth of 220 meters), they notice an object similar to the disappeared fighter.

The discovered plane was broken into 2 parts, the wing and tail were completely torn off. Researchers found out that this fighter took off from Fort Lauderdale (from where “flight 19” also departed), and they determined this by the first letters (FT 23). But such meager information was clearly not enough to fully identify the aircraft.

After some time, Graham and his team descend to the bottom again to find some more evidence and discover the remaining 4 planes. On one of them, the researchers noticed the inscription “FT 87” and saw an open cabin, which means that the team could get out. Near the window, the researchers find a number on the wall of the plane (23990). At that time, similar numbers were assigned to each fighter, so with its help it was easy to find out what kind of object lay at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Later, researchers came to the conclusion that 4 aircraft definitely belonged to “link 19”. What about the first find? Perhaps this is the same missing search engine.

But many questions still remain. How did the Bermuda Triangle, the photo of which evokes terrible thoughts, “absorb” all 5 planes at the same time? And why did such an experienced pilot as Taylor make a fatal mistake, because the radars of neighboring aircraft were still working, and it was possible to contact the dispatchers? What was going on in his head, what was he thinking about at that moment, why did he turn in the opposite direction if there were only 20 km left to his destination? All these mysteries still remain unsolved.

Having examined the situation from all sides, psychologists concluded that Taylor was influenced by some psychological factor, for example, spatial disorientation, which did not give him the opportunity to save himself and his crew.


In 1918, an American ship called the Cyclops disappeared. This is the most significant loss, because along with him 309 people disappeared without a trace.

This ship was a cargo ship that carried fuel during the First World War. The length of the ship was 165 meters. Therefore, everyone is still perplexed, how could such a colossus disappear without a trace in the depths of the ocean?

In 1918, the loaded ship set sail for the United States, but never returned. Cyclops was last seen in Barbados. No one sent any messages from the ship, therefore, everything went according to plan. But the connection was suddenly interrupted and... the end.

Later the Navy organized the largest search operation, but neither the wreckage of the ship nor the remains of the crew were ever found. Researchers believe that the wave is to blame, completely engulfing the ship and sending it to the bottom. But why have no traces been found yet? The answer, again, remains a mystery.

What is the Bermuda Triangle? Is the mystery solved or not? What does this anomalous zone contain? Are the events taking place in this place really mystical? Or everything can be found logical explanation? Who knows whether humanity will find answers to all these questions... And whether the future will throw up other mysteries?

Today, like 50 years ago, the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle excite the minds of the public. Will we ever be able to solve this mystery, will we be able to predict the natural anomalies occurring in this territory? Let's hope we find out about this in the near future.

Chapter 0. Prologue

Well, how strange you wizards are! You can’t even get to know each other normally. To speak to the opposite sex, you need enormous courage, great endurance and enormous self-control. Not like for us cats and cats.

It’s just that I’m a cat, my name is Crookshanks, and I’ve been living with Hermione Snape for many years.

Oh!!! It seems I let it slip. Well, it’s okay, I think you already guessed everything. Now I’ll wait for the correspondent and tell you a story about the life of my mistress after graduating from Hogwarts.

Chapter 1. Quarrel with a correspondent.

Woman, who do you want? Yes, I'm Hermione's cat Snape. To me? Correspondent? Where? From the newspaper? From yesterday, perhaps? Like why from yesterday? You are too rumpled for today.

Ah, from the Daily Prophet! Where were you just now? Snape's? And did they interview him? Hmm, why are you so disheveled then, your skirt is wrinkled, and your blouse is not tucked in? It's not my business? Well, please! You only have a blouse on top
fasten the buttons and adjust them. That's better!

What? To give an interview? Well, come on in, sit down. Where are you? A! Already seated! Would you like something: tea or coffee? Do you want a bathroom? Well, will you wash your hands? This is correct: you need to write clean hands! Maybe you want to lie down? And then, I see you
After meeting Snape, you won’t come to your senses? What? This is not a hint, this is a statement of fact!

Well, just kidding, just kidding! Don't you understand jokes? Where are you hiding the papyrus, ugh, parchment? Well, take it back and start recording! What? I didn’t give orders. This is me, training.

Okay, okay - peace! Come on, take out your pen and scribble, scribble! Otherwise I will speak quickly further. Why fast? Well, it's just dinner soon. And if I’m late, then I won’t see him like my back paw. What? I don't say vulgarity
I haven't even started. So, well, are you going to ask your questions or not? Hmm, then you will! Okay, I'm ready.

Chapter 2. Feline sclerosis.

So, let's begin! What are you asking? How it all began? Well, it’s as simple as that. We met, kissed... Glen, do people give birth to children from kisses? How is it - NO? And that’s exactly what I thought! Shame on my gray head. Glen is mine
wife, she’s in the next room with the kittens. Imagine, cats have wives too! She is smart and beautiful, although extremely jealous. She and I have many wonderful kittens. Stuff... oh, I forgot! Oh, how can I do this? Imagine, I forgot!
Shame on my four paws, tail and two ears. Glen, would you happen to tell me how many kittens we have in total? Yes, I remember, I just forgot everyone’s names! Yes, here, so, the correspondent is interested. Ah... twenty! Hmm, strange, why then with us
only three live? What?! Hermione gave it? When did she do this? What, that summer? Strange, how did I not notice this?

Would you like coffee and tea? With sugar or cookies? With cognac?! I'll find now. Oh, have you already found it and poured it?

So where are we? Oh yes, on Severus and Hermione. What, you ask, how many children do they have? Why don't you ask them yourself? A! Surprise! Personally, I love surprises! Something like a dead mouse on a string or a ball on a string. Hermione used to spoil me with this often. Yes, Good times were, and most importantly, we were young. Yes, old age does not suit us. Either the ears are cold, then the tail is aching, and sometimes sclerosis appears. He will sit, drink some tea and then begin his journey.
going to. Children! Yes I remember! Now I’ll tune in and tell you.

Chapter 3. And the cat is paranoid!

They have two children. The eldest, Sevelion, is already eleven years old. This morning he received a letter from Hogwarts. Oh, the screaming, the noise was terrible! Everyone was so happy, I don’t understand, well, what’s special here? As if they might not have sent him a letter. Ha, how come? exact copy father. No, not just in appearance: he also loves potions. At all,
he is a very capable and diligent boy. And he never tormented either me or Glen. He is very kind and caring, which cannot be said about his sister. She's just a hurricane, a whirlwind of energy that she doesn't know where to put. And anyway, if you ask
me, then I think that she was very spoiled as a child. Everyone fussed with her, nursed her, told her fairy tales when she couldn’t sleep. It's all my father's fault. Yes, Severus spoils her too much, too much. She is his favorite. No, he loves his son too. But you understand, a son should grow up in strictness, and a daughter...

And what? Oh yes! Now I’ll gather my thoughts and continue. So, I got ready, glued everything together and continued. The youngest, Selena, is already four. If you see her (especially when you turn into a beetle), then run as fast as you can. And if she does catch up, then my
Advice for you (I experienced it the hard way): don’t twitch and freeze. She will play with you, see that you are dead, and let her go.

Reporter, am I annoying you? How why? You're looking out the window... What, do you want to go home?

Oh, what is that rustling noise? Do you hear rustling? No? Strange? So it showed up. Yes, here with my owners you will become paranoid. What? Well, of course! The owner is a potion master. And this is the eternal stench of herbs and potions. The housewife is a scientist - a pile of dust and books. And children -
monsters, but kind and sweet. Especially when they are SLEEPING. Shall we get down to business? What's the point? Oh yes! The wedding of Severus and Hermione. Okay, listen.

Chapter 4. Memories - you can even shed a tear.

Oh, wedding! How I love weddings. Glen, do you remember our wedding! These gifts and... What? Are you not interested in our wedding? So you yourself asked to tell us about the wedding? Aaaaand, you wanted to know about THEIR wedding! Well, okay, so be it, I’ll tell you!

The wedding of Hermione and Severus was very modest. Just a couple hundred guests. Who was there? Well, Dumbledore, of course, accompanied by such a kitty! Meow... In the guise of a cat she is simply irresistible! But in the human - brr. Well, a little old... maybe, just a little.

So, I say... Where are you, correspondent? Oh, on the balcony. Do you smoke, or what? No? Why did you go out then? What? Should I breathe some air? Well, breathe, breathe! Just be careful! Why? Well, just a balcony - favorite place owls! So what's better
come back quickly. Where did I stop... Oh, yes, McGonagall.

Glen, stop it, there was nothing between me and McGonagall. Stop hissing at me! I had nothing with her! Maybe they yelled a couple of times in March! That's all! And cats, by the way, scream in March for the sake of respectability. Is that clear? That's it! Go
Better go to the kitchen and ask Twinkie when is lunch? Because I was kind of hungry. Yes Go! Ew... You see how jealous she is of me. Horrible!

Where did I stop there? On a visit! Well, the Weasleys were the whole family. Potter - where would we be without him? Also me and Glen. And also the parents of the bride and groom. And a lot of people I don't know. The wedding itself took place at Hogwarts right above the Quidditch field. Well, Hermione just wanted romance, so Snape asked for the ceremony to take place on brooms in the air. Of course, no one told Hermione. You should have seen the look on her face when Severus invited her to sit on his broom. Oh, how is it
it was beautiful! It’s a pity that no one took us on their brooms, but we sat on the stands on best places! Oh, Merlin, what a delightful bride she was! What? What was she wearing? She was wearing a long white dress with a train. Her whole dress was covered
azure sparkles and beads. Naturally, there was a veil on the head, on top of which there was a wreath of living lilies. Hermione had her hair down and neatly styled down her back. Wait! I can’t tell you anymore, tears are welling up in my eyes.

Okay, that's it, I came to my senses. Yes, he definitely came. Just these memories, here we go again! Well, that's it, that's it, I'm ready. Hmm, the ceremony itself was magnificent: red and white rose petals fell from the sky onto the heads of the wizards sitting on their brooms. Dumbledore was hovering over the center of the Quidditch field, the newlyweds were positioned in front of him, and the guests were in a semicircle behind Severus and Hermione. And when the headmaster said that the groom could kiss the bride, Severus flew up to Hermione and accidentally touched her broom with his knee. The bride could not stay on the broom and fell down.

I was so scared that I even bit my lip from fear and it bled. Everyone was shocked, but Snape and Harry were the first to come to their senses. Severus swooped down, but did not have time to catch his wife, because Potter had already picked her up. The wizards slowly began to come to their senses and rushed to congratulate Harry, who was holding Hermione in his arms - she was unconscious. Dropping to the ground, Harry handed Hermione over to Severus, who carried her to Hogwarts. I even have a photo! Show? Cool photo, right? What then? Then the newlyweds left, and the guests went to Hogwarts to celebrate.

Oh Glen, you came, so what? When are we going to eat? What? How is everyone seated already? Why didn't they invite me? That's it, please forgive me, Miss Skeeter, but food is sacred! What? How is it that I didn’t tell you anything? Check the parchment, there it is
so much has been written! All! I don’t have time to chat with you, otherwise I’ll be left without dinner.

Goodbye! Yes, and one more thing! Don't write anything but the truth, otherwise I know you, correspondents, will write something that will never wash off. And I don't like to wash. I'm very afraid of water. So let’s write without embellishment, okay? Well, that's great!

Chapter 5. Epilogue

The next morning at latest issue The Daily Prophet flashed the headline in big letters on the front page:

How Professor Snape took the girl away from Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived!

The sinister truth is revealed after eleven years! The poor boy was never able to recover from such a shock. That's why he's still not married...

Beneath the title was the very photograph that showed Severus at the moment when Harry handed Hermione over to him. The groom's face was
distorted with rage and anger at his student. Harry's hair was disheveled after the difficult turn, his tailcoat was a little wrinkled, and it seemed that he really had been fighting with his teacher.

Here you go! I wanted the best, but it turned out as always!

What are you talking about, Glen? Throw away the newspaper and run before the owners wake up and start beating you! And if not, then what?

Stop interfering in other people's lives? What, when did I meddle in someone else’s life? How is this always? But not always! Example? Just wait, let me think! Well, okay, I agree, I got in sometimes, but so what? Yes, I already see what! Okay, I convinced you, I won’t do it again... honestly, I won’t!

Everyone, Glen, let's go have breakfast, let's see their reaction! What? Come on, Glen, I gave you my word! Have you forgotten? I'm having no luck! Now, if I stick my nose anywhere, I will be reproached. Like, you gave your word what kind of cat you are, and everything in the same spirit. Well, let him be angry! And I will come close to her, purring words of tenderness. She will forget and give up. That's it! Learn.

Hmm... slapped me in the face. Bad luck! Okay, I'll try again later. No, these women are still strange, you just can’t understand them...