Sinkwine on the theme of Eugene Onegin. Lesson on Russian literature on the topic A.S. Pushkin novel Eugene Onegin images of the main characters

Consolidation of the lesson. "Graphics test».

1. Name the years of life of A.S. Pushkin.

A) 1802-1841
B) 1789-1828
B) 1799-1837
D) 1805-1840

2. In what city was A.S. born? Pushkin?

A) St. Petersburg
B) Moscow
B) Kyiv
D) Tula

3. How old was Pushkin when he became a lyceum student?

A) 10 years
B) 8 years
B) 12 years old
D) 11 years old

4. What date associated with the Lyceum appears more than once in Pushkin’s lyrics?

5. What poem did Pushkin read before Derzhavin during the exam at the Lyceum?

A) “Licinia”
B) “Memories in Tsarskoe Selo”
B) “Town”
D) “Village”

6. Which of the named poets was not Pushkin’s lyceum comrade?

A) I. Pushchin
B) A. Delvig
B) V. Kuchelbecker
D) P. Chaadaev

7. In what year was the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” written? ?





8. From what verse is the line: “We wait with languid hope / For the holy moment of freedom...”?

A) “To Chaadaev”
B) “Liberty”
B) “Poet”
D) “To the sea”

9. Which verse by Pushkin goes back to a biblical source?

A) “Poet”
B) “The Poet and the Crowd”
B) “Prophet”

D) “I am a monument to myself...”

10. Genre of the work “Eugene Onegin”?

A) story

B) story

B) poem

D) a novel in verse


1-c, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-b, 6-d, 7-a, 8-a, 9-c, 10-d

Creative form of reflection –Sinkwine

A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in concise terms. The word cinquain comes from the French, which means "five". Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines.

Rules for writing syncwine:

In the first line, the topic is named in one word (usually a noun).

The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words (verbs).

The fourth line is a four-word phrase showing the attitude towards the topic (feelings in one phrase).

The last line is a one-word synonym that reiterates the essence of the topic.


Fashionable, lonely

Walks, squanders, yearns,

Can't find anything to do


Subject: Novel "Eugene Onegin". Summary lesson

Lesson objectives:

    contribute to the generalization of students’ knowledge of the novel “Eugene Onegin”; repeat the poems of A.S. Pushkin;

    continue to work on characterizing the images of the main characters, trace their relationships, help determine their life values, similarities and differences between them;

    develop oral and written speech, the ability to speak expressively by heart, promote the development of critical thinking, the ability to work with text, and work in a group.

Expected Result: Develop skills in working with text and editing; develop the speech culture of students.

Teacher activities

Student activities


3 min.

I. Organizational moment. Greets studentschecks readiness for the lesson and wishes success.

Students reflect on the goal.


5 minutes.

II. Motivation to learn new things.

Using leading questions, the teacher leads students to the topic of the new lesson.

Studentsanswer the teacher's questions.

Greetings. Wishes.

I. Updating knowledge

A minute of poetry - students read their favorite poems by A.S. Pushkin.

Test (based on the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin). student assessment.

Literary controversy surrounding the novel “Eugene Onegin”

(Write on the board)

Belinsky: Onegin is a “suffering egoist” who is stifled by “the inactivity and vulgarity of life.”

Herzen: Onegin is a “smart uselessness”, a hero of the time, whom you constantly find near you or in yourself.

Pisarev: Onegin - “Mitrofanushka Prostakov of the new formation.”

Whose position is closer and clearer to you? Explain.

I . Stage "Comprehension"

Work in groups.

Find passages in the text describing your characters, write down key words and create a poster

Group 1: Onegin and Lensky
2nd group: Tatiana and Olga
Group 3: Olga and Lensky
Group 4: Onegin and Tatiana

(After 5 minutes of discussion and preparation, each group prepares a collective answer

and protects posters).

Venn Diagram Strategy

10 min.

IV. Consolidation of the lesson.

Cinquain strategy

(work individually, in pairs, in groups)

For example:


Fashionable, lonely

Walks, squanders, yearns,

Can't find anything to do


    Reading Tatyana’s letter and discussing it in groups(Gauhar).

Each group receives a card with questions for discussion.

Card 1.

Tatiana's unexpectedly flared up love for Onegin - a true feeling or book romance?

Card 2.

What features of Tatyana are revealed in her letter to Onegin?

Card 3.

What does Tatyana doubt and what is she sure of?

Card 4.

Is the letter to Onegin a rash and reckless step on the part of the heroine?

Discussion of answers. Opinion exchange.

Conclusion: Tatyana, endowed with a passionate imagination, felt the similarity between herself and Onegin and decides that they were made for each other. trusting and sincere, yet fearless. She is a dreamy person.

5 minutes.

V. Lesson summary. Reflection stage:
Briefly write down the most important thing you learned from the lesson.

What did the lesson teach you?
- What impression did you get from the lesson?

Evaluate the work of their classmates


2 minutes.

VI. Homework.Explains the specifics of doing homework. Essay essay.

Record homework in diaries.

differentiation. How do you plan to support students? How do you plan to encourage bright students?

assessment. Formative and summative. How do you plan to see students gain knowledge?

interdisciplinary connections, ICT. Connections to values


What did students learn today? What was the purpose of the training?

Did the planned differentiation work well? Was the training time maintained?

Conducts reflection.

What goal did we set for today's lesson?

Have we achieved the goals we set at the beginning of the lesson?


And the literature of the OSM named after S. Sifullin

SKO, Ordabasinsky district

Lesson topic: “Was happiness possible?... Onegin and Tatyana”

Continue to develop students’ knowledge of the novel, identify the reasons for the unhappiness of the novel’s heroes and, through the course of the study, find out whether Onegin and Tatyana had the opportunity to be happy.

Development of students' oral and written speech, the ability to think critically, observe, and work with text;

To promote the development of a correct attitude towards universal human life values.

Lesson type: combined, lesson - research

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, search, research.

TRKM techniques: “Associative series”, “Fishbone”, “Sinquain”.

Forms of work: group, individual

Equipment: textbook, text of the novel, illustrations for the work, notebook, multimedia presentation “Images in the novel “Eugene Onegin,” computer and video projector with a demonstration screen.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Organizing students' attention to the perception of educational material. Division into 2 groups (Mosaic method)

Psychological mood. (Video “Waltz of Rain”)

I. Stage "Challenge"

Teacher's opening speech

You have just listened to very gentle and beautiful music. I am sure: it touched the subtle strings of your soul... After all, it is about love...

At your young age, you have often thought about what happiness, friendship, and love are. What is the true beauty of a person? How to find the very happiness that every person dreams of, that Pushkin’s heroes dreamed of...

So what is happiness? Using the technique of word associations, we will explain what happiness is. (Cluster scheme)

Happiness is a peaceful life, love, home, family, children, a sense of accomplishment, service to the Fatherland. Did Evgeny Onegin, the main character of the novel, have all this? What was valuable to him? How did he feel about love?

What is love for you? (a feeling that inspires, brings hearts closer, gives strength, makes you suffer, suffer, worry...)

What is this word associated with?

Were the heroes of A. Pushkin's novel able to withstand the test of love?

Was it possible for Onegin and Tatiana to be happy?

We will find the answers to these questions by doing a little research.

II. Stage "Comprehension"

The class was asked to work in groups on the task: to trace the movement of the images of Onegin and Tatiana from the first chapter to the last, using a characterization plan, questions, the text of a work of art, their own observations and reasoning.

Compiling a table “Similarities and differences in the characters of Tatiana and Onegin”:


Tatiana's originality, Onegin's “inimitable strangeness.”

Tatiana's closeness to the “folk foundations of life” and Onegin’s isolation from folk roots.

Her dreaminess, his “involuntary dreams”


She is bored in society, he is unsociable.

Simplicity, gullibility, inability to deceive -

Tatiana’s knowledge and life experience

He “was sick of hard work”

And “her pampered fingers knew no needles.”

Tatyana was never disappointed, Onegin was chilled, fed up with life, and disappointed.

In books.

Tatyana finds her place in life, but Onegin failed

To do this.

Love story in the table:

The “Double Entry Diary” (DDD) strategy is dividing the sheet into two parts, on the left side students write down phrases from the text that they consider the most important for themselves, and on the right side they write comments on them.

Fundamental phrase

A comment

I would choose another one if I were

How are you, poet?

Right Tatiana amazed him with her depth

spiritual peace, poetry, closure

tediousness. Onegin saw his resemblance to her.

And a thought sank into my heart;

The time has come, she fell in love.

She imagined him as the hero of her novel; Onegin was not like those people who surrounded Tatyana in the village

With whom does Tatyana share her secret? Why?

But the nanny does not understand Tatyana, since she did not marry for love, her feelings have long faded away

It is destined in the highest council...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours;

You had to love it very much to decide to write first. Tatyana believes in his nobility, otherwise she would not have written. Her action was quite brave.

Your hateful freedom

I didn't want to lose.

He preferred cold peace and freedom to the joys of love.

And it starts little by little

My Tatyana understand

The one for whom she sighed

I realized that Onegin is selfish, over-

changeable, disappointed in life, in people, but at the same time suffering from his

disadvantages, lonely, needy-

a person in love and support. But she is unable to stop loving him.

for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal...

“My mother begged me with tears of spells.”

No, see you every minute.

Follow you everywhere

A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes

Catching with loving eyes...

He saw a lot, experienced a lot, love came to him for the first time. IN

Tatiana is in love like a child...

I love you (why lie)

But I was given to someone else

And I will be faithful to him forever

Confesses her love for Onegin, but honor is more important to her

A poetic moment. 1. Expressive reading by heart of an excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”. "Tatiana's letter."

Did Tatyana surprise you? What do you think of her brave act? Do you approve or condemn? What feelings are conveyed in the letter?

2. Reading Onegin's monologue.

Why did Onegin reject Tatiana's love?

3. Reading Onegin's letter.

Why did Onegin reject the love of the “district young lady” and so passionately

fell in love with Tatiana in St. Petersburg?

Is love for Tatyana saving or destructive?

Whose letter do you think is more tragic? Why?

(It is more difficult for a mature person to love. It is difficult to write such a letter to a person whose love he has rejected. And Onegin has a presentiment that his confession may not be understood).

Problematic question for groups:

The problem of happiness is one of the most pressing for humanity at all times. What prevented two lovers from being happy? Was happiness possible for Onegin and Tatyana?

Fishbone technique. Work in groups.

Find the problem and figure out the cause-and-effect relationships.

The upper fins are arguments or reasons.

The lower fins are facts from the work that support the arguments.

Conclusion: Their happiness did not materialize for many reasons (mistakes that both of them made): a tribute to fashion; Tatyana’s ignorance of the laws of social life, her carelessness; the desire to be free from family ties as Onegin; duel; Tatyana's marriage.

III. Reflection. Reception "Sinquain" is an individual independent task.

Write a syncwine dedicated to your favorite character from the novel “Eugene Onegin”


· Draw the happiness of Tatiana and Onegin

· Try to write an essay (6-7 sentences, very subjective, in a conversational form): How do you see modern Tatyana Larina or Evgeny Onegin?

Master class Open lesson based on A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” teacher-methodologist I. V. Kozitsyna, principal. school named after M. Gorky, Klaipeda, Lithuania

Topic: It used to be that a fiery creator showed us his hero as a model of perfection. (Based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).”

If genius is a piece of God...and cannot be solved, one can only get closer to this mystery. (V.V. Kozhinov)

Based on slides, illustrations, the text of the novel and critical articles, students will: Remember the images of the main characters of the novel Onegin and Tatyana and conduct a comparative analysis of them; working in groups, expand their own understanding of the images of the novel; They will create a cluster and a syncwine and, making their presentation, will discuss the results of the work

Based on these articles, draw a conclusion: which opinion is closer to you and why? 1. Two views on the character and personality of Onegin. (V. Belinsky and D. Pisarev) 2. What is the most important thing in the nature and fate of E.O.?,...for the secret of human existence is not just to live, but in WHY TO LIVE? (M. Dunaev).

V. G. Belinsky - portrait of D. I. () Belinsky - portrait of Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev

Cluster (Sequence of actions) in the middle of a blank sheet of paper, write a word or sentence that is the key topic; around write words or sentences expressing ideas, facts, images suitable for this topic; As you write, the words that appear are connected by straight lines to the key concept. Each of the “satellites”, in turn, also has “satellites”, new logical connections are established

Cluster analysis: 1.Tatiana, Russian soul... 2.,...and... everyone decided that he is the most dangerous eccentric. (Analysis is carried out differentiatedly in groups)

Rules for writing a syncwine: Line 1: topic in one word - noun Line 2: description of the topic in two words - adjectives or participles. Line 3: description of the action within this topic - three verbs or gerunds. Line 4: attitude to the topic, feelings, emotions - a four-word phrase. Line 5: repetition of the meaning of the topic in one word or phrase - synonym

Tatiana. Sinkwine. Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why) With her cold beauty She loved the Russian winter. ... Thoughtfulness, her friend From the most lullaby days, The flow of rural leisure adorned her with dreams. Her pampered fingers knew no needles; leaning on the hoop, she did not enliven the canvas with a silk pattern. For a long time, heartache had oppressed her young chest; The soul was waiting... for someone,

Onegin. Sinkwine. Here is my Onegin free; He had his hair cut in the latest fashion, dressed like a London dandy, and finally saw the light of day. He could express himself perfectly in French and wrote; He danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease; What do you want more? The light decided that he was smart and very nice. How early could he be a hypocrite, conceal hope, be jealous, dissuade, force to believe, seem gloomy, languish,

The main evaluation criteria: cluster number of concepts logical completeness literacy syncwine accuracy of description accuracy of description compliance with the number of parts of speech compliance with the number of parts of speech Logical completeness