A brief analysis of the story by Asya. The beginning of a sad story

The story “Asya” was written by I. S. Turgenev in 1857. The characterization of Turgenev as an artist given by Dobrolyubov can be applied to this work: “Turgenev. talks about his heroes as about people close to him, snatches their warm feeling from his chest and watches them with tender sympathy, with painful trepidation, he himself suffers and rejoices along with the faces he created, he himself is carried away by the poetic atmosphere with which he always likes to surround their. And this passion is contagious: it irresistibly captures the reader’s sympathy, from the first page chains his thoughts and feelings to the story, makes him experience, re-feel those moments in which Turgenev’s faces appear before him.” With these words of the critic, it is interesting to compare Turgenev’s own confession about his work on “Asya”: “. I wrote it very passionately, almost in tears. “

The writer really brought into the story a lot of his own, personal, what he himself experienced and felt. Remarkable in this sense is one place at the end of the fourth chapter, when the hero of the story, on his way home, suddenly stops, struck by the rare smell of hemp in Germany. “Her steppe smell instantly reminded me of my homeland and aroused in my soul a passionate longing for it. I wanted to breathe Russian air, walk on Russian soil.” “What am I doing here, why am I wandering around in a foreign country, among strangers?” - he asks himself, and the reader clearly discerns in these words the expression of the feelings of the writer himself, with his passionate, with spiritual love to his homeland, to which he devoted his entire life.

To the hero of the story, Mr. N.N. Asya at first appears to be a capricious creature, with strange manners, “a capricious girl with a forced laugh,” he is ready to consider her behavior on a walk indecent. With slight condemnation, he notes that Asya “did not look like a young lady.” Indeed, many things distinguish Asya from a “well-mannered young lady”: she has neither the ability to hypocritically hide her feelings, nor calculated coquetry, nor stiffness and affectation. She captivates with her lively spontaneity, simplicity and sincerity.

At the same time, she is shy, fearful, because her life has developed unusually: the transition from peasant hut to her father’s house, where she could not help but feel the ambiguity of her position as an “illegitimate” daughter, life in a boarding house, where the rest of the “young ladies. they stung her and pricked her as best they could,” all this explains the unevenness and impetuosity of her behavior, now cheeky and blind, now restrained and withdrawn.

Telling the story of the awakening in the soul of this girl of a strong and deep feeling of love, Turgenev, with the great skill of an artist-psychologist, reveals Asya’s original nature. “Asa needs a hero, extraordinary person“, says Ganin about her. She naively admits that she “would like to be Tatyana,” whose image attracts her with its moral strength and integrity; she does not want her life to be boring and colorless: she is attracted by the thought of some “difficult feat,” of a bold and free flight to unknown heights. “If you and I were birds, how we would soar, how we would fly.” - Asya says to the man she fell in love with.

But she had to be bitterly disappointed: Mr. N.N. is not one of the heroes capable of a brave feat, of a strong, selfless feeling. He is sincerely passionate about Asya in his own way, but this is not real love free from doubt and hesitation. When Ganin directly puts the question to him: “You won’t marry her?” - he cowardly avoids a clear answer, because “the inevitability of a quick, almost instantaneous decision” tormented him. Even alone with himself, he does not want to admit that he is frightened not only by the wild temper of the seventeen-year-old girl, but also by her “dubious” origin, because lordly prejudices are too deeply ingrained into his nature. In the scene last meeting with Asya, Turgenev debunks his hero, painting him as an indecisive, morally flabby, weak-willed and cowardly person. The author ultimately reveals the failure of Mr. N.N. in social terms.

Recognizing that “the character of the hero is true to our society,” Chernyshevsky in his critical article“Russian man at a rendezvous” notes the typicality of the pathetic figure of Mr. N.N. with his indecision and “petty-timid egoism.” With greater harshness and adherence to principles than the author of the story did, in the epilogue he somewhat softened the image of his hero, Chernyshevsky pronounces a merciless sentence on all public group, which is represented by the hero of the story.

L. N. Tolstoy said about the work of I. S. Turgenev that he used his talent not to hide his soul, as they did and do, but to turn it out. Both in life and in writings, he was driven by faith in goodness - love and self-sacrifice.

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Turgenev reveals the character of his heroes in the personal, intimate sphere... “He subjects them to the test of love, because in it, according to Turgenev, it is revealed true essence and the value of any person.

Turgenev expresses his view of the hero through the plot itself—the choice of the situation in which he is placed.”

Turgenev brings his heroes into contact with the eternal sides of human existence - nature, love, which always changes a person. The main characters of Turgenev’s story “Asya” are precisely tested by love.

The first episode under consideration turns out to be important in the overall structure of the work. What happens before it?

Before this episode, until chapter 9, where the first conversation takes place in private, we read wonderful chapters when peace, friendship, and love reign in the lives of the heroes. Here are the words of Mr. N., which confirm this: “This strange girl attracted me”; “I liked her soul”; “an alarming revival seemed to be everywhere”; “The thirst for happiness was kindled in me”; “I didn’t ask myself if I was in love” (then he will start asking and consulting with Gagin, putting everything in order); “My heart sank under this mysterious gaze”; “Does she really love me!”

One step to the song of triumphant love!

Psychologism - image in literary work inner world a person, his thoughts, intentions, experiences, emotions, conscious feelings and unconscious psychological movements(through facial expressions, gestures, mood).

Turgenev's psychologism is called “secret”, because the writer never directly depicted all the feelings and thoughts of his characters, but gave the reader the opportunity to guess them by their external manifestations. Turgenev reveals through portrait details and actions internal state hero.

Analyzing the dialogue, I observe how Asya reveals herself more deeply and beautifully: now she dreams of wings, now she is attracted by the sacrifice of pilgrims, now she wants to become Pushkin’s Tatyana.

This conversation takes place against the backdrop of nature. Asya's soul is revealed. It is especially unique, rich against the backdrop of fabulous nature. In general, Turgenev’s landscape plays a big role in creating the image of the hero. Details: mountains, river, clear Sunbeam, “everything shone joyfully around us, below us - sky, earth and water, the very air was saturated with shine.” Keywords: shone, brilliance, clear sunlight. This helps the author convey Asya’s state. He masterfully connects natural phenomena and the feelings of the characters. A “light” appears in the heroine’s soul, which illuminates her entire life. Asya began to hope that Mr. N. might love her or has already loved her.

And what does Mr. N. feel, how does he behave? He understood something that had previously confused him: the inability to control himself, the inner restlessness. He felt very sorry for her. She attracted him, he liked her soul. But during the conversation he does not quite understand her. She doesn’t understand why she laughed when she saw him, why she wants to go with the pilgrims, why in the lines from Onegin she replaces the word “nanny” with the word “mother.” (“Where is the cross and the shadow of the branches above my poor mother today!”) Her question about what he likes in women seems strange to N.

She behaves unusually, Mr. N. is interested in this unusual.

It is in this episode that the idea of ​​mutual misunderstanding, of different perceptions of the same phenomena and things is laid down. And Asya guesses about it before the hero, that’s why I didn’t dance a second time.

I draw conclusions about Asya’s condition: most of all she is now afraid of Mr. N. This is proven by the verbs: “she was trembling, breathing quickly, hiding her head...”. Her body did not obey her: “I couldn’t look, I tried to smile, my lips didn’t obey, my voice was interrupted.” Turgenev uses expressive comparisons: “like a frightened bird; like a leaf of a trembling hand.” The image of the bird becomes key in these two episodes. It helps to understand the writer’s thought: it is not destiny for them to be together, in chapter 9 - she strives to fly away, to gain wings, and in chapter 16 - “hides her head like a frightened bird” and her hand was cold and lay as if dead. In the reader's imagination there appears image of the dead birds. Reception, this word is used with diminutive suffix: “bird”, that is, small and defenseless. The epithet “frightened” once again proves to us that Asya is afraid. What? Misunderstanding, refusal on the part of Mr. N.?

Comparing these episodes, I come to the conclusion that they are in opposition. The setting of the first conversation (chapter 9) and the second (chapter 16) are built on the principle of antithesis and help the author convey the state of the characters. The first conversation takes place against the backdrop of nature (everything was shining joyfully, below - sky, earth and water, the very air was saturated with shine), and the second in a dark room (a small room, quite dark, that is, an enclosed space). In the first episode, Asya seems to glow under the rays of the sun, and in the second she is wrapped in a shawl, as if she is hiding from what she is about to hear and experience.

Ivan Turgenev revealed to the world a unique type of Russian girl, later called “Turgenevsky”. What is its peculiarity? These are extraordinary individuals, strong, smart, but at the same time vulnerable and naive. Asya from the story of the same name - shining example Turgenev's young lady.

Still from the film

The writer worked on the story “Asya” for several months and at the end of 1857 published it in the Sovremennik magazine. The idea for this book arose, according to the author, during his stay in a German town. One day his attention was attracted by two women (old and young) who were looking out of the windows of their apartments. Apparently, there was something unusual in their views, because Turgenev thought about what their fate could be and wrote a book about it.

It is unknown who was the direct prototype of the main character of the story, but there are several versions. Turgenev had a sister, his paternal half-sister. Her mother was a peasant woman. The writer himself also had an illegitimate daughter. Therefore, the story of Asya’s origin was not fiction for the writer, but a well-known story.

The meaning of the story's title

Turgenev names his story after the main character, using a diminutive form. Because at the beginning of the book, Anna was still a naive child, and everyone simply called her Asya. Why does the author put the name of the main character in the title, since this is a story about the love of two people? Perhaps because it's not classic story love, as in “Romeo and Juliet,” but rather a story about discovering the identity of a growing woman. Asya, thanks to her first love, reveals feelings and strengths previously unknown to her. She goes through a difficult path from Asya the child to Anna the woman.

The plot of the work

The exposition of the story indicates that the narrator is already a mature person. He recalls a love story that happened to him in his youth. The main character is hiding under the initials N.N. He begins the story by saying that in his youth he traveled around the world and once stopped in a German town.

The plot of the work: at a student event in European city Mr. N.N. meets two Russian people - the friendly young man Gagin and his companion Asya. They, as it turns out later, are brother and sister on their father's side. Friendships begin between the narrator and new acquaintances.

Development of action - Mr. N.N. and Asya get to know each other better. The young man is amazed by the girl’s spontaneous behavior. She is very different from society ladies with whom he was accustomed to communicate. Asya sometimes behaves strangely: sometimes she plays pranks like a child, sometimes she withdraws into herself and runs away. The reason for this behavior was first love.

The climax of the story: Asya’s declaration of love to Mr. N.N. The girl, despite her young age, is full of determination, because she is confident in her love. However, Mr. N.N. too “prudent” to give in to feelings. He hesitates, that's why he doesn't say anything the right words Ase.

The denouement of the story says that Mr. N.N. realizes the mistake and runs to the Gagins, but it’s too late - they left. The main character never saw them again.

Theme, idea of ​​the story “Asya”

The main theme of the work is the love story of people from different worlds. Mr. N.N. - a secular young man, Asya is the illegitimate daughter of a landowner and a simple peasant woman. The main character is 25 years old, Asya is only 17. But this was not the main obstacle to love, but the indecision of Mr. N.N.

The main idea is to show how love affects a person’s personality. Mr. N.N. did not pass the test of love, but Asya matured thanks to her first feelings.

The story “Asya” was written by I.S. Turgenev in 1857. The characterization of Turgenev as an artist given by Dobrolyubov can be applied to this work: “Turgenev... talks about his heroes as people close to him, snatches their warm feeling from his chest and with tender sympathy, with painful trepidation, watches them, he himself suffers and rejoices along with the faces he created, he himself is carried away by the poetic atmosphere with which he always likes to surround them... And this passion is contagious: it irresistibly captures the reader’s sympathy, from the first page chains his thoughts and feelings to the story, makes him worry, to experience those moments in which Turgenev’s faces appear before him.” With these words of the critic, it is interesting to compare Turgenev’s own confession about his work on Asya: “... I wrote it very passionately, almost in tears...”

The writer really brought into the story a lot of his own, personal, what he himself experienced and felt. Remarkable in this sense is one place at the end of the fourth chapter, when the hero of the story, on his way home, suddenly stops, struck by the rare smell of hemp in Germany. “Her steppe smell instantly reminded me of my homeland and aroused in my soul a passionate longing for it. I wanted to breathe Russian air, walk on Russian soil.” “What am I doing here, why am I wandering around in a foreign country, among strangers?” - he asks himself, and the reader clearly discerns in these words the expression of the feelings of the writer himself, with his passionate, spiritual love for his homeland, to which he devoted his entire life.

To the hero of the story, Mr. N.N., Asya at first appears to be a capricious creature, with strange manners, “a capricious girl with a forced laugh,” he is ready to consider her behavior on a walk indecent. With slight condemnation, he notes that Asya “did not look like a young lady.” Indeed, many things distinguish Asya from a “well-mannered young lady”: she has neither the ability to hypocritically hide her feelings, nor calculated coquetry, nor stiffness and affectation. She captivates with her lively spontaneity, simplicity and sincerity. At the same time, she is shy and fearful, because her life took an unusual turn: moving from a peasant hut to her father’s house, where she could not help but feel the ambiguity of her position as an “illegitimate” daughter, life in a boarding school, where the other “young ladies... were sarcastic to her.” and injected as best they could,” all this explains the unevenness and impetuosity of her behavior, now cheeky and blind, now restrained and withdrawn.

Telling the story of the awakening in the soul of this girl of a strong and deep feeling of love, Turgenev, with the great skill of an artist-psychologist, reveals Asya’s original nature. “Asa needs a hero, an extraordinary person,” Ganin says about her. She naively admits that “I would like to be Tatyana,” whose image attracts her with its moral strength and integrity; she does not want her life to be boring and colorless: she is attracted by the thought of some “difficult feat”, of a bold and free flight to unknown heights. “If you and I were birds, how we would soar, how we would fly”... - Asya says to the man she fell in love with.

But she had to be bitterly disappointed: Mr. N.N. does not belong to the number of heroes capable of a brave feat, of a strong, selfless feeling. He is, in his own way, sincerely passionate about Asya, but this is not true love, free from doubts and hesitations. When Ganin directly puts the question to him: “You won’t marry her, will you?” - he cowardly avoids a clear answer, because “the inevitability of a quick, almost instantaneous decision” tormented him. Even alone with himself, he does not want to admit that he is frightened not only by the wild temper of the seventeen-year-old girl, but also by her “dubious” origin, because lordly prejudices are too deeply ingrained into his nature. In the scene of the last meeting with Asya, Turgenev debunks his hero, painting him as an indecisive, morally flabby, weak-willed and cowardly person. The author ultimately reveals the insolvency of Mr. N.N. in terms of public.

Recognizing that “the character of the hero is true to our society,” Chernyshevsky, in his critical article “Russian Man at a Rendezvous,” notes the typicality of the pathetic figure of Mr. N.N. with his indecision and “petty-timid egoism.” With greater harshness and adherence to principles than the author of the story did, in the epilogue he somewhat softened the image of his hero, Chernyshevsky pronounces a merciless verdict on the entire social group that the hero of the story represents.

L.N. Tolstoy said about the work of I.S. Turgenev that he used his talent not to hide his soul, as they did and do, but to turn it out. Both in life and in his writings, he was motivated by faith in goodness - love and selflessness...

Very touching, lyrical and beautiful from the point of view literary art The story "Asya" was written in 1857 by Ivan Turgenev. Millions of readers were literally captivated by this work - people read, reread and became engrossed in "Asey", it was translated into many foreign languages, and critics did not hide their delight. Turgenev wrote an attractive and simple love story, but how beautiful and unforgettable it turned out! Now we will do a short analysis of the story "Asya" by Ivan Turgenev, and in addition you can read a summary on our website. In the same article, the plot of “Asia” will be presented very briefly.

Writing history and prototypes

The story was published when Turgenev was almost forty years old. It is known that the author was not only well educated, but also possessed a rare talent. Once Ivan Turgenev went on a trip to Germany, and fleetingly saw the following picture: two women looked out of the windows from a two-story house - one was an elderly and decorous lady, and she was looking from the first floor, and the second was a young girl, and looked out she's on top. The writer wondered - who are these women, why do they live in the same house, what brought them together? Reflections on this glimpse of the picture prompted Turgenev to write the lyrical story “Asya,” which we are now analyzing.

Let's discuss who could become the prototype for the main character. Turgenev, as you know, had a daughter, Polina Brewer, who was born illegitimate. She is very reminiscent of the timid and sensual main character Asya. At the same time, the writer had a sister, so it is quite possible that Turgenev could have considered Varvara Zhitova as a prototype for Asya. Both girls could not come to terms with their dubious position in society, which worried Asya herself.

The plot of the story "Asya" is very short

An analysis of Turgenev's story "Asya" will help you better understand short retelling plot. The narration is from one's own perspective main character. We see the anonymous Mr. N.N., who traveled abroad and met his compatriots there. The young people made acquaintances and even became friends. So, N.N. meets the Gagins. This is brother and him stepsister Asya, who also went on a trip to Europe.

Gagin and N.N. like each other, they have a lot in common, so they communicate, relax together and have fun. In the end, N.N. falls in love with Asya, and main character experiences reciprocal feelings. They declare their love, but misunderstandings in the relationship lead to mixed feelings and awkward conversation. Asya and Gagin abruptly leave, leaving a note, at the very moment when N.N. decided to ask for her hand. He rushes around in search of the Gagins, looks for them everywhere, but does not find them. And the feelings that he had for Asa will never be repeated in his life.

Be sure to read Gagin’s characterization, and it is important that we examined the plot of the story “Asya” very briefly, because this makes it easier to carry out further analysis.

Asya's image

Asya seems special to us and an unusual girl. She reads a lot, draws beautifully and takes what is happening to heart. She has a keen sense of justice, but as for her character, she is changeable and even somewhat extravagant. Sometimes she is drawn to reckless and desperate actions, as can be seen from her decision to leave her relationship with N.N., with whom she fell deeply in love.

However, an analysis of the story “Asya” shows that the girl’s soul is easy to hurt; she is very impressionable, kind and affectionate. Of course, this nature attracted Mr. N.N., who began to spend a lot of time with his new friends. He looks for the reasons for her actions and is sometimes perplexed: should he condemn Asya or admire her.

Important details of the analysis of the story "Asya"

When Asya begins to communicate with the main character N.N., incomprehensible and previously unknown feelings awaken in her soul. The girl is still very young and inexperienced, and does not know how to cope with her emotions. She is afraid of this state, this explains her strange and changeable actions, which can hardly be called ordinary whims. She wants to arouse sympathy from N.N., to be attractive and charming in his eyes, and in the end she opens up to both him and Gagin.

Yes, this is a childish and naive act, but here she is - sweet, kind girl Asya. Unfortunately, neither Gagin nor N.N. appreciate Asya’s frank and temperamental behavior. Her brother thinks she is reckless, and the main character reflects on her character, thinking that it is madness to marry a seventeen-year-old girl with such a character. In addition, he found out that Asya was illegitimate, and such a wedding would have caused misunderstanding in secular circles! Even a short analysis of the story “Asya” showed that this ruined their relationship, and when N.N. came to his senses, it was already too late.

Of course, we have something to think about: could Gagin reason with his sister, whom he loved so much, and whose whims he always fulfilled, and convince her not to rush things? Or maybe Gagin should have talked more openly with N.N.? Should Asya have made such a hasty decision and left the relationship? Wasn't this cruel to the main character? And Mr. N.N. himself - was he ready to fight for his love, go against secular rules, put his feelings above? Well, there are a lot of questions, but can anyone give clear answers to them? Hardly. Let everyone find the answer for themselves...

You have read the analysis of the story “Asya” by Turgenev, also in this article the plot of the story was presented very briefly, a description of the image of Asya and characteristics of all the characters.