What does the phraseological unit mean: dark water in the clouds. The water in the clouds is dark - what does it mean? Prp

Dark water in the clouds

Dark water in the clouds
From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). In the Old Testament, the Psalter (Ps. 17, v. 12) it is said about God: “And he laid his cloud, his village was around him, the water was dark in the clouds of the air.”
Russian translation: “And He made darkness His covering, surrounding Him the darkness of the waters and the clouds of the air.”
Allegorically: something incomprehensible (ironic).

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.


See what “The water in the clouds is dark” in other dictionaries:

    It is unknown, this mystery is great, covered in the darkness of the unknown, unclear, history is silent about this, a mystery covered in darkness, unknown, incomprehensible, this mystery is great is a Dictionary of Russian synonyms. the water in the clouds is dark adverb, number of synonyms: 9 ... ... Synonym dictionary

    DARK, oh, oh; dark, dark, dark. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See unclear... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999 ... Synonym dictionary

    Book Joking. iron. What's l. about? incomprehensible, tricky, unclear (statement, text, idea, etc.). F 1, 69; BTS, 139. /i> Turnover biblical origin. BMS 1998, 87; FSRY, 73; DP, 849... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    dark water in the clouds- book. About what is unclear, incomprehensible, mysterious... Dictionary of many expressions

    Dark is the water in the clouds (heavenly)- DARK WATER IN THE CLOUDS (HEAVENLY). Book Express Completely incomprehensible, unclear. Dunya spoke about the Khlyst faith, without, of course, mentioning either Saint Martin, Ton, or other mystical writers. She knew that all this was for Agrafena... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

    The water is dark in the clouds of air. See TRUE NEWS... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed. Whether or not the ministers want to pay attention to this later, I will present them with the facts. This, brother, is still dark in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you... Pisemsky. People of the forties. 4, 21. Wed. Why was the road built, how long in... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    The water is dark in the clouds of air. Wed. “Whether the ministers wish to pay attention to this or not, I will present them with the facts.” This, brother, is still dark in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you... Pisemsky. People of the forties. 4 … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Y, wine. water, plural waters, waters and waters, waters and waters; about the waters and about the waters; and. 1. Transparent, colorless liquid, forming streams, rivers, lakes, seas and representing chemical compound hydrogen with oxygen. Rechnaya v. Marine v. IN.… … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • “Dark is the water in the clouds...”, Vl. Gakov. Around the so-called unidentified flying objects (UFOs) a wide variety of speculations, superstitious ideas, and mystical speculations have arisen. Do UFOs really exist? And if…

St. Athanasius the Great

And cover Your darkness, that is, the invisible and invisible presence of the Savior with people. Around His is His settlement. In words: His village- means the holy Church in which he promised to dwell. Around Him, according to what was said: where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them(Matt. 18:20). He says this because of the darkness of what was said about Him by the Prophets, who are also called clouds.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

St. Neil of Sinai

What is said in the seventeenth psalm: “cover your darkness” (Ps. 17:12), - means that the abysses of God’s judgments are incomprehensible, unsearchable and not understood.

Letters to different topics. Markian.

St. Simeon the New Theologian

And cover thy darkness: his village is round about him: dark is the water in the clouds of air.

But lest you think that just as you were sitting in the darkness, so the Lord entered into the darkness and hid (became covered in darkness), for this Saint David also says: around His village is His. Settlement St. Paul calls this light: in the living light we are unapproachable(1 Tim. 6:16) . However, both of them, the Prophet David and the Apostle Paul, when, wanting to show that His Divinity is incomprehensible, they say alone that around His village is His and the other that He lives in the light unapproachable, they either show that God is somehow limited and described, but they use such a figurative expression for the inquisitive, as if saying to them: O foolish inquirers, do not think that our Lord and God, having ascended, entered into some darkness and hid . He always abides in the glory of His Divinity, which fills everything and is more (more expansive) than everything in which glory He abided before everything happened; but may we not perish completely from the lightning flashes of His Divinity, He laid darkness for His shelter, which covered not Him, but us, for our God, says the Scripture, eat fire(Heb. 12:29) not the righteous, but sinners.

Words (Word 45th).

Blzh. Theodoret of Cyrus

And cover thy darkness: his village is round about him: dark is the water in the clouds of air.

Evfimy Zigaben

And put it down(did) tmu for shelter(bedspread) mine.

By darkness we mean that which cannot be seen. So, the Lord created an invisible cover for himself or around himself, that is, having ascended into heaven, he hid from the eyes of the apostles. Or by darkness we can also understand the human flesh of Jesus Christ, since His Divinity was hidden in it.

Or: put darkness, i.e. He made his Divinity inaccessible to our knowledge, so that darkness strikes everyone who tries to penetrate with their minds into this depth of divine knowledge.

Around His village(canopy) His.

The prophet calls our flesh, taken by the Lord, a village, which the Lord Himself called His temple (John 2:19), because He lived in it not only ghostly, but actually, ineffably dwelling in it, as omnipotent. And the prophet said this here in order to show that Christ ascended to heaven along with his flesh and did not leave it on earth, as some false teachers unjustly claimed. Or: the prophet calls the village of God the unapproachable radiance of His Divinity, since God is in the Holy. Scripture describes, among other things, dwelling in the inaccessible light that surrounds Him, in the light that closes the being of God from us and makes Him inaccessible to those who want to contemplate Him with their own eyes.

The water is dark in the clouds of air.

The prophet calls the mystery about Christ water, the prophecy about Him clouds; Thus, his words receive the meaning that the prophecies relating to Jesus Christ and contained in the Scriptures of the prophets are generally dark and difficult to understand during their fulfillment. The prophet calls this mystery water because it has a refreshing effect on those who have hitherto been mired in error. He called prophecies clouds for the reason that they, as if in some fog, usually hide within themselves what they are talking about. Word air added to them in order to express the purity of their contemplation. However, in St. In the Scriptures, prophecies in general are sometimes called clouds, and not even rarely. So, for example, the prophet Isaiah, having called the house of Israel a vineyard in one place, immediately mentions the clouds to which God’s command was given so that they would no longer give rain to this vineyard (Isa. 5, 6 and 7), i.e. the prophets ceased their prophecies among the people of Israel.

Prot. Sergiy Ternovsky

Art. 12-14 And set His cover in the darkness: His village is round about Him: the waters are dark in the clouds of the air. From the shedding before Him came clouds, hail, and coals of fire. And the Lord roared from Heaven, and the Most High gave His voice

You see a dark, thick cloud; it seems that it has crushed your feelings, the life of nature is lurking in some mysterious silence, everything is gloomy, you want to see, you don’t see and seem to be giving yourself up to sleep. Suddenly lightning flashes and thunder shakes the air; it awakens the life of nature, softens the air and fertilizes the earth; awakens you too. You see a light that calls you from the earthly to the heavenly. So it is in the matter of our salvation: faith, like an impenetrable cloud, hides secrets from you heavenly life; as if it lies on your mind and suppresses its activity; everything seems gloomy to you, everything is incomprehensible, but suddenly, like lightning, some extraordinary feeling flashes in your soul; at the same time it awakens you, brings you into fear, and gives birth to joy. Then what seemed incomprehensible to you is revealed to you more clearly; It’s as if you see the Lord before you, then you can say: we believe in Him! Some light shines on you; He is together and creates the meek your heart, and awakens in you the power to do good. Hold on to this feeling; by the grace of God, it will be repeated and will lead you to the beatific vision of the Lord.

It seems that St. was in this position. the prophet, when he says: close your darkness, the water is dark in the clouds of the air, because the clouds before him have been shed. And the Lord roared from heaven, and the Most High gave His voice.

Cover your darkness around His village, the water is dark... His village is surrounded by darkness air water, or gloomy clouds. This prophet depicts the incomprehensibility of the being of God. According to Theodore, bow the heavens means the descent of God onto earth; summer, summer on the windy wing, the sudden appearance of the Lord: the clouds were shed. Afan. Alexander. words: the waters were dark in the clouds of the air; from the shedding of the clouds before Him came the clouds, hail and coals of fire, explains as follows: dark water in the clouds of air- He says this because of the darkness of what was said about Him by the prophets, who are also called clouds. From the leafing of the clouds before Him came- the light of His coming made the prophecies clear. Hail and coals of fire- and since there are also threats in the prophecies, he presented this too under the image of hail and coals. Just as from the illumination of the sermon the apostles passed before Him like clouds and watered the world, so the hail serves as an image various executions, defined by unbelievers, which after the ascension of the Lord actually comprehended His enemies, I mean mental enemies. For just as, liberating the Israelites from Egypt, he rained hail and fire, so, liberating all nations from working for demons, he rained hail and coals of fire. And these were the punitive forces with which he overthrew the mental Egyptians: Tv. St. Rev., Part IV, Art. 89. Art. 46. The sons have fallen into need and are lame from their paths. Calling themselves my sons, they made themselves sons of strangers, they became weak and strayed from the path of righteousness.

Interpretation of special sayings in the Church Psalter, set out according to the guidance of the holy fathers of the Church.

Dark water in the clouds
From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). In the Old Testament, the Psalter (Ps. 17, v. 12) it is said about God: “And he laid his cloud, his village was around him, the water was dark in the clouds of the air.”
Russian translation: “And He made darkness His covering, surrounding Him the darkness of the waters and the clouds of the air.”
Allegorically: something incomprehensible (ironic).

  • - Wed. “Whether the ministers want to pay attention to this or not, I will present them with the facts.” - This, brother, is still dark in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you... Pisemsky. People of the forties. 4, 21...

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  • - From the Bible. In the Old Testament, the Psalter, it is said about God: “And he laid his darkness, his village was around him, the water was dark in the clouds of air”...

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  • - The water is dark in the air clouds. Wed. “Whether the ministers want to pay attention to this or not, I will present them with the facts.” - This, brother, is still dark in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you.....

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - THE WATER IS DARK IN THE CLOUD. Book Express Completely incomprehensible, unclear. Dunya spoke about the Khlyst faith, without mentioning, of course, either Saint-Martin, or Ton, or other mystical writers...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

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    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TRUE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Vulg.-simple. Joking-iron. About low-calorie, meager nutrition. Sl. Akchim. 1, 137; Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 96...
  • - Book Joking-iron. About smb. incomprehensible, tricky, unclear. F 1, 69; BTS, 139. /i> Turnover of biblical origin. BMS 1998, 87; FSRY, 73; DP, 849...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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    Synonym dictionary

"Dark is the water in the clouds" in books


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0 Every day people are faced with incomprehensible phenomena that often baffle them. In general, in Lately the popularization of all kinds of psychics, witches and sorceresses, is gaining and expanding, while normal person understands that they do not exist. However, this is not about this, but about the fact that people simply adore everything strange and mysterious, and this has been going on since ancient times. In general, that’s not the point, and I won’t go deeper and tell you “fucking stories” at night, since this article is not about that at all. Today we will decipher another interesting saying that troubles the souls of many young people. As you may have already guessed, we are talking about the expression Dark water in the clouds, which means you can read a little lower. Add our useful but brave resource site to your bookmarks so that you can visit us from time to time.
However, before I continue, I would like to show you a couple of our interesting publications on the topic of sayings and phraseological units. For example, how to spell Damn it; what does Good Intentions mean? meaning of the expression Boys have bloody eyes; which means: Having burned yourself with milk, you blow on the water, etc.
So, The water in the clouds is dark, meaning?

Dark water in the clouds- this ironic statement is used if something is incomprehensible or unclear to a person, and he states this.

Synonym: Dark water in the clouds: This is a great mystery; covered in the darkness of the unknown; history is silent about this.


Yesterday my wife left me, today she came and asked for forgiveness, the water in the clouds was dark.

You didn’t see where my sock went, yesterday it was lying on the radiator, oh, the water is dark in the clouds.

Yesterday Lenka sent me to ignore, but today she wrote to me. Oh, these women, the water in the clouds is dark.


This phrase is first mentioned in the Bible, and written in Church Slavonic ( closer to Bulgarian than to Russian). If we open the Old Testament, then in the Psalter ( ps.17, art. 12) you can find the following text: " And cover your darkness, his village is around him, the water is dark in the clouds of air"(And they laid covers of darkness on the village and its surroundings, air clouds filled with water).

After reading this short article, you finally figured out the meaning of phraseology Dark water in the clouds, and now you can explain this tricky saying to your loved ones and friends.