The water in the clouds is dark, the meaning of the phraseological unit is brief. Evgeniy Peremyshlev

They are known in trouble, but not everyone sorts their comrades according to this principle. It often happens that they penetrate into our lives random people who apply for the role of such a person are trusted infinitely, carry out everything free time with him, and then face the most vile betrayal.

One young man became friends with a friend from a neighboring house. Sasha was younger than him, but much more agile and cunning. He enjoyed manipulating a guy who was older than him. At first, Sasha persuaded his friend to do petty pranks, joint hikes going out and buying beer. Then at some point the guys didn’t have enough adrenaline - and they decided to steal a chocolate bar as a bet. Only it was stolen by an older comrade, who was quickly taken, and Sasha instantly paid for the mineral water - and went home with a clear conscience. Sasha only said that they were best friends forever, and he himself provoked his comrade to commit a crime.

A little time has passed - and it is clear that friends are known in trouble. Only in this case did my mother come running to help. She begged forgiveness from the store security guard, bought chocolates, and took her son home. He sat in silence for a long time, agreed with his mother’s arguments, but then still continued to communicate with his friend. It’s just not clear how, after what happened, you can trust a person, talk to him normally, and still consider him your best friend.

It’s just that some people don’t understand that you shouldn’t add the first person you meet as your friend. The young man was approaching thirty, but he had neither education nor real friends. He communicated with very dubious personalities who preferred evenings in the halls to work. slot machines. They got their friend hooked on gambling- and he regularly demanded a new portion of cash injections from his mother. When she refused to give money, he literally beat it out. When the son brought some strange man into the house, the poor woman began to rebel. Only her son consoled her with the fact that friends are known in trouble. A couple of days passed and new friend committed a robbery, and beautifully blamed everything on the guy who sheltered him. As a result, the guy has been in prison for the second year, and his mother sends him parcels from her meager teacher’s salary. Of course, at young man By this age you should have your own head on your shoulders, but you shouldn’t see a friend in every passerby either.

The girl studied at a pedagogical university, where she had two girlfriends. One of them was clearly quirky, but the second friend was particularly righteous. She was so honest and correct that no one expected trickery or betrayal from her. With such friends, Asya never thought about how to become best friends because she already had them. The time for distribution has just come - and Nastya, who got married, receives a free diploma. Fair and always correct Olga showed her true face when she was assigned to a remote village. She was indignant, screamed, cried, and then spent the rest of the time doing nasty things to her friend. So it turns out that true friends are known in trouble and in joy. It just often happens that false friend enjoys the fact that another person feels bad.

If you consider a person to be your friend, then wait for the next tests. They can come into your life in the form of a common cold, when you just need to go to the pharmacy. They can come in the form of a wedding celebration when needed close person for advice. If a person stays with you under any circumstances, then he can safely claim to be a true friend. It’s better to simply weed out the rest of your comrades, since you will never know when a traitor’s stone will fly at your back.

Cool! 11

I once heard the words that a friend is a friend in need. Then I didn’t quite understand how it was. And why does a disaster have to happen in order to know a friend? I didn’t even understand that I still needed to get to know my friend. I thought that if this is - a true friend, then he became like that precisely because you already know him well. But time passed and I understood these words.

I have a friend, Vasya. We became friends with him for a very long time. And we always enjoyed spending time together. It turned out that we have the same interests. And we look at many things the same way. Of course, we also had disagreements. But we decided that friendship is more valuable than any quarrel.

And then one day my dog ​​broke off his leash and ran away. I called Charlie, but he didn't listen to me. I couldn't catch up with the dog. I told Vasya everything. My friend reacted very strangely to my words. He didn't console me. All he said was that I should find a photo of my Charlie and come to his house.

That's exactly what I did. It turns out that Vasya wrote an advertisement where he described my dog ​​in detail and asked those who found it to call. Together with the photo, the ad looked very convincing.

But Vasya did not want to stay at home and wait for someone to will find the dog and will call. He offered to go together in search of Charlik. And although it was not so easy to look for the dog, it helped that we did it together.

Charlie has been found. He was in next door. But I was also pleased that I realized that Vasya is my true friend! I expected him to support me only verbally. And Vasya actually helped. He understood how to act correctly and organized a real search service.

Now I know for sure that a true friend will not brush you off when you have problems. He will do everything to get these problems resolved. Even if he is very busy, or he himself is having a hard time, a friend will never remain indifferent to the fact that you feel bad. He will help in trouble.

Essay for grade 5 - A friend in need is a friend

Every person is surrounded different people. Be it comrades, neighbors or just acquaintances. Among these persons there are close people. These are my friends. Not everyone can be a friend.

I used to think that I had many friends. But after a while I realized that not everyone can be called this word. I always heard from my mother that a friend is always in trouble. One day I was sprayed by a car. The guys walking nearby laughed. But only my close friend Vova took a handkerchief from his briefcase and offered to wipe his face. Even then I wondered if this was what my mother was talking about. After all, when I invite everyone to my birthday, they come. Because this is a joyful event. But as soon as I needed help, everyone turned away from me. That day it was autumn weather outside the window. It was quite cool. By the time I got home wet, I was very cold. The next day I wasn’t feeling well and stayed home sick. When classes ended, I thought the guys would come to see me. They'll bring it homework. And then the doorbell rang. Vovan was alone behind the door. I was extremely happy for him.

That day I decided for myself. A friend is not the one who walks and laughs next to you, but the one who comes to Hard time. Since then, I have explained my mother’s words to myself. And now I know for sure, a friend is known in trouble.

We flew by
hiding the sun
like different centuries,
like little fish
in the lake on the bottom,
like holy thoughts -
Seeing the forms, the promises,
painted with the brush of the breeze,
in Greece, Egypt,
people fell in love with clouds.
Dressed in white robes,
returning to home from afar,
keeping wonderful hopes,
We used clouds for comparison.
Whitewashed with snow,
the appearance of a shade in the heat,
Ascension and Transfiguration -
clouds came in handy everywhere...

This description of the water cycle in nature, the spiritual and poetic perception of clouds is offered to us by Hieromonk Averky (Belov). Honestly speaking, in colloquial speech I had never heard this, so I started with a poem by Father Averky, which also concerns clouds.

- The poem is wonderful. And the fact that the phraseological unit is dark water in the clouds is not used in modern Russia, to be honest, I was surprised: this is what our grandmothers and great-grandmothers said when they wanted to talk about some secret, something unsolved, unknown to us. For example, even in an everyday situation, when it came to theft or a bribe and it was not really clear what happened, they could say: “Well, what happened there... You know, the water is dark in the clouds - we won’t know it, we won’t understand it.” This is a very deep expression, and its roots lie neither in popular speech nor in fiction, but in the Holy Scriptures.

It is in the context of Psalm 17, which opens the third kathisma of the Psalter. This expression directly refers to the description of God’s condescension on earth; it is a figurative description – as is usually the case in the psalms – of the Nativity of Christ. The 17th Psalm was written by David when the Lord delivered him from the hands of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. First, David says that there was trouble - an invasion of many enemies, and the Lord heard his voice and delivered him from them. And suddenly further on there seems to be an insertion that biblical scholars who study the psalms as literary work, considered the most ancient. If, as they say, one can doubt that David himself wrote the psalm, then regarding the middle part, which includes the phrase “dark is the water in the clouds,” there is no doubt about the antiquity of the text, written by David himself or his contemporaries. This is the most ancient part of the psalm.

After David reports that he called to God, and the Lord heard from the temple of His Holy One (a phrase also probably known to church people), and saved him, some phantasmagoric scene is described, it seems that this is from the prophet Ezekiel - about the descent God's to earth. Here is how David writes: “And the earth moved and trembled, and the foundations of the mountains were shaken and moved, as if God was angry with it. The smoke of His wrath arose, and the fire from His presence was kindled, and coals kindled from Him. And bow down the heavens, and below, and darkness under His feet. And climb up the Cherubim, and fly, fly on the winged wind. And put Your dark cover, His village is all around Him, dark is the water in the clouds of the air. From the shedding before Him came clouds, hail, and coals of fire. And the Lord and the Most High roared from Heaven and gave His voice” (Ps. 17: 7-13).

This description seems to us simply an Old Testament description of bad weather - a storm, a thunderstorm, but there is also a feeling that with a storm, with rain, the Lord could help David overcome his enemies. This is a rather superficial interpretation, which, by the way, is limited to the “Explanatory Bible” by Professor Lopukhin.

If we turn to the holy fathers (in particular, I really love Athanasius the Great’s “Commentary on the Psalms”), the secret of these words will be revealed to us - there is some kind of deep secret here. The Monk Athanasius the Great, a holy father of the 4th century, explains these words, and we find out that the mountains described are false prophets and false teachings, which were in abundance before the Coming of Christ, people committing all kinds of sins, who are in the darkness of paganism and idolatry. The Lord was angry at the wickedness of people, and this preceded His Coming to earth, as Athanasius the Great explains. With the fire of His Divine Coming, the Lord burns another fire - the fire of passions and sins.

As we have already said, Divine light and Divine fire are one and the same. Simply, as St. Gregory the Theologian says, for some it is light, and for others it is fire, depending on what the Lord finds in a person: for people good life This is a light that enlightens everyone, and for the evil, for those who gravitate towards sin, this same light turns into fire. Here is precisely a description of how fire descended from the Face of God onto the earth and burned up everything sinful. The coming of the Lord was a test for people. That is, what will this Advent turn out to be for you? Will it turn out to be light - and will you follow it? Or will it turn out to be a fire that will scorch and burn your passions and unrepentant sins?

“And bow down the heavens, and come down”: The Nativity of Christ is the union of Heaven and earth; The sky bowed to the earth, and the Lord came down. "...and darkness is under His feet." Darkness, which in Russian is called darkness, is a state where there is nothing and the Lord is present there. The holy fathers, ascetics, elders, not only the ancients, but even the modern ones, say that if you seriously engage in the Jesus Prayer, a moment comes when you feel emptiness - all thoughts go away. After all, when we pray, our thoughts swarm like mosquitoes and flies. By the way, by this you can determine what you are spiritually ill with: if a person likes to regret the past, then during prayer he will most likely come to some thoughts, associations from the past, sometimes even pleasant ones, but distracting from prayer. If someone is very worried about their life, about the future, then they will most likely have thoughts that they need to urgently call somewhere or do something. But when the holy fathers, ascetics, elders cleanse their hearts with tears, repentance, prayer - these serious spiritual exercises, then they come to a state where they have no thoughts during prayer. Silence falls, and they seem to descend into darkness, not darkness. In Russian, this is precisely darkness - a state where there is nothing, the Lord descends in that silence (but not “darkness”, which means something ominous, including in Russian)…

“And set Your darkness close around His village...” Athanasius the Great says that His village around Him is the Holy Church, and in this he refers to the apostles. “...dark is the water in the clouds of air” - all this is unknown to us, not understood, wonderful, we can only believe in it and give thanks for it.

Let's return to our phrase “dark is the water in the clouds of heaven.” Why the image of clouds? It is clear that the image of clouds, clouds carrying us water, which gives life, is also an Old Testament symbol. But the Holy Spirit often descended in the clouds. We know that He descended in a cloud on Tabor, and the top of Sinai was also covered by a cloud. Athanasius the Great calls the apostles and prophets clouds and says that sometimes the teachings of the prophets are dark for us, but by the Coming of Christ they are revealed to us and many of their words are explained, which we did not understand before. That is, the saint offers a very multifaceted understanding of clouds.

It was not by chance that I suggested this phrase. I read this psalm three days ago and saw “waters in the clouds” (besides, we had rain recently), and for some reason I immediately thought about the Baptism of the Lord, because the life-giving waters of the Jordan are also an amazing symbol: the Jordan is not lives without the water falling from these clouds, rainwater nourishes it, otherwise it will dry out. It overflows very much in winter and dries out greatly in summer. In addition, the very image of life-giving water, which, although dark, is present. Indeed, we know that in church hymns, stichera and troparions of Baptism, the Jordanian waters are called flowing into eternal life, and the Lord said: “I am the source of living water.”

Water, a symbol completely understandable for our region, receives a completely different meaning in the Holy Scriptures, mysterious, mystical.

Yulia Podzolova

From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). In the Old Testament, the Psalter (Ps. 17, v. 12) it is said about God: “And he laid his cloud, his village was around him, the water was dark in the clouds of the air.” Russian translation: “And he made darkness his covering over the canopy around... ... Dictionary winged words and expressions

It is unknown, this mystery is great, covered in the darkness of the unknown, unclear, history is silent about this, a mystery covered in darkness, unknown, incomprehensible, this mystery is great is a Dictionary of Russian synonyms. the water in the clouds is dark adverb, number of synonyms: 9 ... ... Synonym dictionary

See unclear... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999 ... Synonym dictionary

Book Joking. iron. What's l. about? incomprehensible, tricky, unclear (statement, text, idea, etc.). F 1, 69; BTS, 139. /i> Turnover biblical origin. BMS 1998, 87; FSRY, 73; DP, 849... Big dictionary Russian sayings

dark water in the clouds- book. About what is unclear, incomprehensible, mysterious... Dictionary of many expressions

Dark is the water in the clouds (heavenly)- DARK WATER IN THE CLOUDS (HEAVENLY). Book Express Completely incomprehensible, unclear. Dunya spoke about the Khlyst faith, without, of course, mentioning either Saint Martin, Ton, or other mystical writers. She knew that all this was for Agrafena... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

The water is dark in the clouds of air. See TRUE NEWS... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Wed. Whether or not the ministers want to pay attention to this later, I will present them with the facts. This, brother, is still dark in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you... Pisemsky. People of the forties. 4, 21. Wed. Why was the road built, how long in... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

The water is dark in the clouds of air. Wed. “Whether the ministers wish to pay attention to this or not, I will present them with the facts.” This, brother, is still dark in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you... Pisemsky. People of the forties. 4 … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Y, wine. water, plural waters, waters and waters, waters and waters; about the waters and about the waters; and. 1. Transparent, colorless liquid, forming streams, rivers, lakes, seas and representing chemical compound hydrogen with oxygen. Rechnaya v. Marine v. IN.… … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • “Dark is the water in the clouds...”, Vl. Gakov. Around the so-called unidentified flying objects (UFOs) a wide variety of speculations, superstitious ideas, and mystical speculations have arisen. Do UFOs really exist? And if…
  • The water in the clouds is dark. Science fiction novel, Alexander Fedorovich Tebenkov. New novel is a continuation of the SF novel “Dreams in Dreams and in reality”. In a provincial laboratory, Barinov comes close to unraveling some of the abilities of psychics. Similar studies in... eBook

Gakov Vl.

"The water is dark in the clouds..."

(Conversations about the world and man)

Around the so-called unidentified flying objects (UFOs) a wide variety of speculations, superstitious ideas, and mystical speculations have arisen. Do UFOs really exist? And if there is, then what are they - fantastic ships of “aliens from outer space”, optical illusions, unusual atmospheric phenomena or just newspaper sensations? The reader will find the answer to these questions in the scientific and artistic book of Vl. Gakov, tearing off the mystical veil from the “mysterious” UFOs. The publication is intended for the general reader. PREFACE The number of different publications in the world, more or less dedicated to the “UFO problem” (unidentified flying objects), is close to a thousand. The nature of this literature is extremely diverse: from quite serious books, which provide a systematization and analysis of the available data, which, by the way, is very small, to outright hackwork of various sizes, which, unfortunately, is presented very widely. If not for this circumstance, then such an extensive bibliography would be the envy of many areas of fundamental science. scientific research. What is the reason for such massive interest in this issue, which at times turns into hype? It is probably simply impossible to give a definite answer even to specialists who are quite familiar with the history of the problem and current state business As for the ordinary reader, his position in the labyrinth of contradictory ideas about “flying saucers” is generally unenviable. In our country, only one book by D. Menzel was actually published on this topic. Published a long time ago, in a small edition, and it cannot be classified as best works on the issue raised, since it orients the reader very one-sidedly. Several journal publications small chapter in the book by V. 8. Rubtsov and A.D. Ursula “The Problem of Extraterrestrial Civilizations” and part of the book by G. Hoefling “All Miracles in One Book” - this is, perhaps, the entire list Russian literature by UFO. Moreover, rumors and the notorious “lecture notes”. What is needed is a detailed, objective presentation of the essence of this “problem of the century.” The complexity of such a task is obvious. A reader who is more or less familiar with the “UFO problem” will easily notice that two main directions can be distinguished in it: the analysis and interpretation of observational materials, which is almost entirely within the competence of the natural sciences, and the study of the origins of mass interest in the issue, which does not subside for several decades now. In this book the author to a greater extent tries to analyze the range of issues related to the second direction, although he also provides the results of a study of the nature of the observed “objects”. However, this is done in a rather concise form, so a few small clarifications may be useful to the reader. About terminology. The combination "UFO" is used, depending on the context, in two senses - as observable objects or phenomena and as some synonym Vehicle aliens from other worlds. But the researcher deals only with eyewitness reports, which are the subject of study for him. In other words, reality is a set of descriptions of certain observations, and until their analysis is carried out, an object can only be spoken of in the sense of “object of observation.” Subsequent examination of messages makes it possible to filter out descriptions of known natural or anthropogenic phenomena and identify observations not identified with them for further analysis. The unexplained category mainly includes phenomena whose descriptions simply contain too little information. If, say, a paleontologist can reconstruct the entire skeleton from one bone and appearance fossil animal, then for reliable identification various processes observed by eyewitnesses, brief description individual fragments are often not enough. A few words about eyewitness reports. A number of authors, either explicitly or implicitly, make the assertion that all or at least most of the descriptions are the result of a joke, a practical joke, or a figment of a diseased imagination. This is wrong. The overwhelming majority of correspondents honestly describe the events they actually observed, but the assessments they give are often heavily burdened by errors associated with subjective perceptions. Moreover, it is interesting that, with rare exceptions, these reports do not claim that the author observed a “flying saucer”, “UFO”, etc. Such an “interpretation” arises after appropriate “processing” of the collected materials. By the way, I cannot help but note that, for example, the USSR Academy of Sciences did not receive descriptions of various adventures involving aliens, and the reliability of such stories is, to put it mildly, surprising. However, the book talks about this in some detail. Not long ago, a correspondent with whom correspondence took place on the “UFO problem” wrote the following in his letter: “Whatever you say about the absence of any reliable facts, I believe and will believe in UFOs..." I really want this person to carefully read this book and think about the origins of his beliefs, and with him those who, to one degree or another, share his views. He who can read, let him read Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences YU. PLATOV - What are you doing? - Writing a book. - Congratulations. About what? - About flying saucers... - By admiring glance interlocutor, I guess that I’m saying the wrong thing. - Well, not exactly about UFOs, but rather about everything that’s around them, about the hype... - I see. You will expose... - In the eyes of no longer the interlocutor - the prosecutor, a whole range of feelings: from suddenly extinguished interest and disappointment. to the point of direct condemnation. It is clearly pointless for the future author of the book to make excuses. Really, what is this book about? And who is it intended for? I would venture to say that many people are interested in the phenomenon encrypted in the letters UFO to varying degrees. The excitement around “flying saucers” (this designation has entered everyday language as firmly as “robot” or “astronaut”) flares up and then goes out for a while, only to flare up again with more greater strength. Many people, it turns out, are concerned about the pressing question: is there a UFO, and if so, what is it? spaceships aliens, optical illusions, some kind of atmospheric phenomena or just a newspaper "duck"? And there is almost no literature in Russian. The authors of rare articles in periodicals almost do not touch on the history of the issue, and if they refer to foreign sources, they often casually, as if by the way, giving birth in the soul of a reader who, at the very least, has heard a lot about the UFO “boom” in the world, even more doubts... This book is an invitation to a conversation that, truly, is overdue. Moreover, the information vacuum, unfortunately, is quickly filled with disinformation. Mass consciousness spontaneously saturates itself with “information,” often unverified and unsystematic; sometimes it is simply falsified information gleaned from at least dubious sources. Many probably remember how, quite recently, they were passing around from hand to hand, retyping and rewriting by hand illiterate “lecture notes” about UFOs, abundantly dotted with vague references to foreign sources, how much noise they made then, what rumors they caused, planting seeds of doubt in the soul the most sober-minded people! And it was difficult to expect a different result. Well, let’s say that scientific “blunders” would be noticed by a reader who has a higher education diploma. educational institution. But what do you want to do with these bewitching spells; “an American magazine...”, “in a Parisian newspaper...”, not to mention the “testimonies of astronauts” who were allegedly forced to keep their mouths shut? Therefore, almost all of my book, with rare exceptions, is based on foreign material. I tried, as far as possible, to provide verified, reliable information and present it in a meaningful and systematized way. In the book, the reader learns about the origins of the hobby, which in the West was called “ufology” (from UFO - English abbreviation, corresponding to our UFO). I will tell you about some memorable milestones during its short but turbulent historical path, I will introduce you to the most interesting representatives this mass hobby, with their “hypotheses”, “versions” and “theories”. The book does not pretend to cover all the enormous amount of information on the UFO problem. Yes, this is impossible. Even one person cannot comprehend all the information on this topic. I just wanted to tell the reader some facts, to give him something to think about. There will be a lot of facts, figures, and names in the book, but if they are not cited, then such a book is worthless. There is nothing worse than dismissive excuses; they say, is it worth understanding such nonsense in detail? Meanwhile, this “nonsense” occupies thoughts and answers some hidden aspirations of tens of millions of people on the planet. Ufology has been attracting attention for almost 40 years. 40 years, during which humanity went into space and began a systematic search for brothers in mind in the Universe. It’s calmer to brush it off, of course. But to figure it out... I have no illusions: those who believe in “flying saucers” will obviously not be convinced by any numbers and facts, no matter how many of them you report. There will always be opponents who will stubbornly try not to notice a thousand facts, but will counterbalance them with “the thousand and one.” This is a real problem; anyone who plans to destroy a legend will certainly encounter it (those who created it will not be meticulously checked). Here, the coldly dispassionate search for scientific truth is intruded by a blind and reckless desire that breaks all the barriers of reason - the desire for a miracle. A few words about what material I used. Literature on UFOs only at English language- mountains. The widest range: from capital scientific works to frivolous tabloid books and religious brochures, in which it is a rule of good manners to “forget” to give references, to remain silent about the point of view of opponents and, in general, about any facts that contradict the author’s reasoning, and simply invent. Moreover, the reader is unlikely to...