Illusion of a rainbow with a black dot. Optical illusions

-Hi guys! We are glad that you came to Sasha’s birthday today! Do you know who else came? (showing the minion toy) Do you recognize?..... HIS name is Kevin.

Kevin for a long time spent in Grew's laboratory. And today he is at the holiday for the first time. He doesn't know how to play or have fun at all. Let's teach him. To warm up, I suggest you learn some words with Kevin, otherwise he’s not good at explaining himself in our language.

(This very big-eyed minion was tied up and hidden on the top shelf. And Sasha found it. He had never climbed so high. And then I decided to climb once and found it... I was just happy. He named him Kevin and has already worn him out. That's why we temporarily placed him on a small Christmas tree. To live to see the DR. BB turned the photo upside down...)

The leader walks around the circle and asks questions. The one to whom he asks them can answer them, and all the guys should help in unison. Gradually (this is the responsibility of the leader), more and more guys answer. And the word “The End” should already be said by the whole hall.

I'll say the word "high"

And you answer - “low”.

I'll say the word "far"

And you answer - “close”.

I'll tell you the word "full"

You answer - “hungry”.

I'll tell you "hot"

You answer - “cold”.

I'll tell you the word "lie down"

You will answer me - “stand up.”

I'll tell you later "father"

You will answer me - “mother”.

I'll tell you the word "dirty"

You will answer me - “clean”.

I'll tell you "slow"

You will answer me - “fast”.

I'll tell you the word "coward"

You will answer - “brave”.

Now I'll say "beginning"

You answer - “the end.”

This is the end of the poem, but with us everything is just beginning! Now let's dance with Kevin!

Dancing potato to the song from the movie "Despicable Me"

Everyone knows the game “Hot Potato”: holding a hot potato in your hands hurts, so it’s better to give it to a friend. Here the principle of the game is the same, only the game is played during the dance. The guys pass some object (for us it will be Kevin) to each other. The music suddenly stops. The one who has this item left is eliminated from the game, and the dance continues. If the dancer drops an object, he is also eliminated. The luckiest and most attentive player wins.

Guys, Kevin secretly told me that he wants you to draw a portrait of him, look, here someone started drawing and didn’t finish it... (there’s a poster hanging on the wall). I suggest you glue the missing parts, but blindfolded.

BB stubbornly turns the photo over ((

Do you know that Kevin doesn’t know animals at all, he has only seen a strange dog that lives at Gru’s house... Therefore, I propose to introduce the minion to animals. They're hiding n It's in our bag.

Guessing animals blindfolded. The last one we take out is the hedgehog, I hope it will be difficult to guess....or I’ll ask an adult to guess so that he doesn’t guess))))))...

Guys, you see how difficult it is to recognize a hedgehog in a toy, why do you think?

That's right, because the needles are soft...

Let's make hedgehogs with stronger needles...


Thirty clothespins are attached to a 1.5 m long rope. Two guys hold it above their heads. Two teams of children run up to the rope one at a time, like in a relay race. They take off one clothespin at a time and rush to the “hedgehogs” sitting on the chairs. Adults can act as hedgehogs. Children grab clothespins, run to their parents and attach them to any part of their clothes or to their hair. The team whose “hedgehog” bristles better and who has the most clothespins wins.

Then, perhaps, we’ll relax and dance…. Or we’ll continue right away, I’ll look at the children.

Oh, guys, Kevin received a message from Gru that the villain stole Sasha's cake! How will we celebrate the holiday without cake? But to return the cake, you need to go to the North. Kevin will help us. Do you agree?

And we are going to the North

The presenter addresses the two teams: “Guys, we have received a telegram that our expedition needs urgent help at the North Pole. We need to send two brave, and most importantly, hardy guys to the north.”

When worthy guys have been chosen, the presenter says: “Now we need to dress our envoys so that they are not cold at the North Pole. After my command “Start!” Participants must dress their future polar explorers in the warmest clothes in 2-3 minutes. It is better to use only the clothes that the children are wearing. The result is two funny buns, which are very fun to take pictures with. You can also identify the winner by counting which team managed to put more “extra” clothes on their polar explorer.

Well dressed up! But we need to hurry. Kevin is ready to help us, he gave us walking boots.

Walking boots

The two competitors are given very large adult boots. Children drown in them and really look like little boys in running boots. There are chairs in front of them at a distance of 3-5 m. At the leader’s command, the children “run” to the chairs, go around them and run back. The one who arrives first wins.

This competition can also be held as a team relay race. Then each player, when he comes running, must take off his “walking boots”, and the next one must put them on. Only then can he set off on his journey.

Hooray! We've reached the North! There is a lot of snow here. Let's clear it up a little?

Throw the ball

The guys are divided into two teams. Between the teams there is a ribbon stretched at the height of the players' faces. There are 5-10 balls on one and the other side. The players' task is to throw all their balls to the opponent's side. It is forbidden to throw the balls to the wrong side under the tape. At the leader’s command “Stop,” children must freeze and put their hands behind their backs. The presenter begins counting the balls. Which side has fewer balls wins.

The game is very fun, dynamic, and evokes a storm of emotions that children sometimes cannot cope with. Therefore, the presenter must warn that if after the command “Stop” the children continue to throw the balls with their hands or push them with their feet, the offending team will be considered a loser. During the game, the balls often burst mercilessly, you don’t need to pay attention to this. The main thing is the end result.

(And here the Angry Birds come to us with tasks))) I wanted to “find a chamomile under the snow,” but Sasha said that he also wanted birds. He first wanted an Angry Birds themed birthday…. Then I fell in love with minions. That's why yesterday my dad and I were drawing))))

Look who came to us! It’s not just that, the birds and piglets brought with them tasks that we must complete. And then the birds will give us a hint where to look for the cake.

Children take turns choosing a bird, each has tasks written on the back:

You are a mirror, repeat the actions of those who look at you;

Take a pencil in your teeth and draw a portrait of the birthday boy;

Name your favorite song. Now grunt her;

Without words, show the animal that the birthday boy wishes for;

Repeat the tongue twister with lollipop in your mouth.

Birds give a hint where to look for the cake.


Show your wits and find the treasure in the apartment!

This is not a treasure, but a fairy tale! Where is he? Here's a hint:


He will hiss and arch his back as soon as he sees a dog nearby.

Sneaks after the sparrow, gently rubs against our feet,

Loves to bask by the window, catches mice, this is...

2. TV

There is a large and magical screen in the house.

In it you can see animals from distant countries,

Cartoons and news. Even

He will tell you how to cook something!

My dad often watches football there.

But this screen is black during the day.

Since there is no one around - they haven’t turned it on yet!


To see yourself, look at him,

I won't say anything more about him...


Where can you walk while sitting?


She washes the clothes white. It turns white like a snowy peak.

How difficult it would be for mom without her! Did you find out what it is?.....

6. REFRIGERATOR (corny, of course...)

I'm standing in the corridor,

I give people cold.

I protect the products

I help people.

That's all! We sit down at the table. Let's eat and congratulate the birthday boy.

Birthday script in the style of "Minions". The main characters Kevin and Stuart are celebrating. Competitive game program Designed for preschool and primary school age.

The song sounds "Banana"from the film "Minions" the exit of Kevin and Stuart.

Kevin: Pivet, Pivet, pivet!

Stuart: They don't seem to understand us.

Kevin: Let's talk humanly then. Hello!

Stuart: Hello!

Kevin: Guys, we are minions. Do you know who minions are? (Yes)

Stewart: They know us!

Kevin: We are the minions of every villain since the creation of the world. We've helped a T. rex, a caveman, Napoleon and even Scarlet Overkill! It was like that before, but now we will no longer serve evil! All our round people consulted and decided that now our master will be the Name whose birthday is today! Where are you, master, come out to the center quickly!

Fanfare sounds. The birthday boy goes to the center.

Kevin: (puts a crown on the birthday boy) Now you are our king, Let's clap for the king. (All guests clap and chant “Happy Birthday”)

Stewart: only the evil Scarlett Overkill captured all the minions, hid them in the basement of her castle and now won’t let them out. Will you help us save our friends? (Yes) Will your friends help? (Yes)

Kevin: Great then let's go!

Stewart: (scared) what already? We haven't prepared yet.

Kevin: What are you afraid of?

Stuart: no... I just think we need to get to know the guys before we go to the right... well, save the minions.

Kevin: you're right. We will introduce ourselves in Minion style. When I lift right hand (raises his right hand) the boys shout their names, and when I raise my left hand (raises left hand) The girls shout their names.


Kevin: Now it's time to go!

Stewart: wait.

Kevin: what else?

Stuart: We haven't done our special minion warm-up for the mission yet.

Kevin: ok let's warm up.

Stuart: guys, let’s all stand in a circle and repeat the words and movements after me! Our previous owners taught us this warm-up. When the tyrannosaurus woke up in the morning he did this (raises his crooked arms above his head and growls) We repeat. When I woke up Caveman he did this (beats himself on the chest with his hands and makes a hum) We repeat. When Napoleon woke up he did this (jumps as if sitting on a horse and clicks) We repeat. Great. Everyone remembered. Now I will name the names of the villains and you show how they wake up. Be careful, I might confuse you.

Minion workout. Minions call the names of the villains and show movements. When the guys remember the movements well, the minions begin to confuse them and show the movements in reverse.

Kevin: Now you can go on your mission. Look here, we have a map of Scarlett Overkill's castle. (Shows map)

Kevin: Here we can see how to break into the castle.

Stuart and Kevin: (look at the map) Bananas!

Stewart: She has a banana grove. Let's go here!

Kevin: ok. Do you guys like bananas? (Yes) Then we stand in a circle. I will put bananas in the middle of the circle. It seems that there is less of us here than there is for everyone. We will divide the bananas like Minions. While the music is playing, we walk in a circle holding hands, as soon as the music stops, everyone grabs one banana. No pushing, pinching or biting! The one who does not get a banana takes the banana from one of you and leaves the circle. The one who gets the last banana wins.

Competition "Bananas"

Kevin: (shows map) Guys, look guys, the villainess’s garden is mined. This means that moving along it is very dangerous. If you step on a bomb it will...

Stewart: (simulates a bomb explosion) Bdysch! Tydykh! Bam!

Kevin: We need to be very careful. We form a column one after another. We will go through the field one at a time. Look at this mined field Scarlett, you and I will take turns walking through it. The main thing is to remain silent. As soon as you hear a rustling sound, it means the bomb has been activated and you need to urgently run away from the field. The winner is the one who crosses the field without activating a single bomb.

Competition “Minefield” The minions lay a large piece of fabric 2*2 m on the floor. On the other side, bags with rustling packages are sewn to the fabric. The children walk along the fabric in complete silence. The rustling sound can also be enhanced by the sound of an explosion.

Kevin: what awaits us next is a complex castle. He doesn't have a key. You need to find a code for it. The code consists of three symbols: rock, scissors, paper. As you all probably know, the rules of the game are simple: the stone breaks the scissors, the scissors cut the paper, the paper covers the stone (shows on hands) In order to choose the right combination, we need to divide into two teams and stand opposite each other. (Divide into teams, line up) So. Now I give each team ten seconds to choose the symbol that you will show. At my signal, the teams turn and show the symbol they have chosen. Rock, scissors or paper.

The “Rock Paper Scissors” competition is held in three stages.

Stewart: (holds card) There's an armory here! I won't go there.

Kevin: don't be afraid Stuart, we didn't come empty-handed either. We took electric balls with us. Anyone hit by the electric balls will be paralyzed for several hours. The main thing is to get there.

Stuart: I'm not confident in my accuracy.

Kevin: It's time to practice. We divide into two teams. Each team forms a column behind each other. I give your teams baskets of electric balls. On my command, the first team members need to take the ball and throw it at the targets that Stuart and I are holding.

Competition "Electric Balls".

Kevin: don't be afraid of anything, Stuart, friends understand everything without words! The main thing is to stick together and move more. We all stand in a circle. We walk in a circle and repeat the movements and words after me.

Competition "Freezer". The song “Banana” from the movie “Minions” is playing. Minions and children sing along.

Stewart: Banana, banana, banana, banana .

Oh my hands are frozen

Kevin: Squiggles (bends his arms at the elbow, presses his hand. Walk in a circle without straightening his arms)

Pitcher neck (purses his shoulders, draws in his neck. They walk in a circle with with bent arms and retracted necks, sing)

Banana, banana, banana, banana.

Crooked legs (put your feet with your toes inward. They walk in a circle with their arms bent, their necks pulled in, their feet pointing inward, and they sing)

Banana, banana, banana, banana.

Freezing knees (bend knees. They walk in a circle with their arms bent, their necks pulled in, their feet pointing inward, on bent knees, singing)

Banana, banana, banana, banana.

Language Kuzyk (they stick out their tongue and bite. They walk in a circle with their arms bent, their neck retracted, their feet pointing inward, on bent knees, and sing)

Banana, banana, banana, banana.

The back is cold ( lean forward. They walk in a circle with their arms bent, their necks pulled in, their feet pointing inward, on bent knees, leaning forward and singing)

Banana, banana, banana, banana.

Kevin: (shows map) wow, we have the best ahead of us difficult stage- grate. To overcome it we need to be very fast.

Stuart: you guys are fast (Yes) But not me.

Kevin: nothing Stuart, we'll train you! We divide into two teams and line up against opposite walls, shoulder to shoulder of a friend and facing the enemy team. (Divided, built) Let's join hands. Now the teams will go towards each other, repeating the words after me, and the first participants on the right, you and you (shows participants from two teams from two opposite ends) will run to the opposite end of the column. The participants' task is to run between us before the bars close. The task of the columns is to close on the last words.

Competition "Lattice"

Stewart: One two three four five

Time for the minions to run away

Five four three two times

And now the time has come to escape.

Stewart: Hurray! We did it!

Kevin: wait Stuart, look what's on the map? (Shows map)

Stuart: I think it's some kind of puzzle. We need to put the pieces together to understand what is drawn there.

Children and minions put together a puzzle.

Kevin: Look, it's the Statue of Liberty!

Stuart: does this mean all minions can be free? Forever?!

Kevin: And now we don't need a master. We can live on our own. And we decide for ourselves whether we should be good or evil.

Stewart: (scared) but this is a very big responsibility. Will we make it?

Kevin: of course we can handle it because we are brave minions. Really guys? Freedom!

Fanfare sounds. Kevin raises the card up and shouts “Freedom.” Stuart throws out a lot of yellow balls without attracting attention.

Kevin: here are our friends! Now we are free and it’s time to celebrate the birthday of our birthday boy, who gave us freedom (Hands out balloons). Guys, do you know what minions love most? Of course dancing! So take your balloons and let's dance the minion dance. Now, while the music is playing, you will need to throw the minions up and under no circumstances let them fall to the floor, throw them up with whatever you want with your feet, hands, heads, but don’t let them fall. Ready? Let's start!

Minion dance.

Kevin: We wish you a happy birthday and on behalf of all our Minion people we wish you happiness, fun and good friends always ready to help.

Stuart: Happy birthday! (Minions and boys clap and chant "Happy Birthday")

List of props for a Minions birthday: crown for the birthday boy; toy or real bananas according to the number of participants; fabric 2*2 with sewn rustling bags; two soft targets; 5-10 balls clinging to targets; statue of liberty puzzle.

Pranksters, inventors, restless banana lovers with funny faces are like children themselves, and therefore so attractive to children of all ages. Birthday in the style of minions will be an unforgettable gift a little fan of a big crowd of weirdos.


The main advantage is the elementary forms, Many decorations are easy to make with your own hands. But the characters at the party should be recognizable, so you still need to make an effort. For example, it is better to print glasses and glue them to the decorations, because... the drawn eyes do not look entirely authentic (the similarity is lost).

The traditional colors for a Minion-themed party are sunny yellow and denim blue. This is the most popular option, bright and positive, just right for a children's party.

Just two colors at a party is boring? Add green or orange orange. Green will refresh, orange will add juiciness and energy.

If you mix all the shades together, the minions will get lost against the “rainbow” background. Let the third color emphasize, but not overlap the main combination.

Blue jeans can be replaced with pink pants or flirty skirts if it's a Minions-themed party for a girl. You can leave a few boys for company or keep the whole design in sunny pink tones.

Funny weirdos make great party decorations in their own right. That's why complex ideas It’s hardly worth inventing, especially a child’s birthday. But there should be a lot of decorations - the more, the merrier!

  • the party will be bright if you use a lot of textiles. Fabric suitable shades you can close literally everything - windows, floor-length tablecloths, covers on chairs, curtains on the walls;

It is advisable that the background be a little lighter than the scenery, otherwise you won’t be able to see the minions on it. Don't do it to everyone identical smiles- let them make funny faces, wink, and be surprised.

  • Instead of textiles, you can hang circular fans made of corrugated paper on the walls. Attach figures, phrases in a fictitious language (there is a dictionary online) and the signature “Banana!”, “BEE-DO BEE DO!”, “Bello!” into the center of large fans;
  • on the ceiling - helium balloons with polka dots and bright one-color. Glue glasses onto some balls and draw hairs. Any paper decor will fit into the theme of the party - flags, corrugated pompoms, lanterns;
  • For your birthday, make a sign in the style of minions. For example, weirdos hold hands, letters of congratulations on their pants. Or triangles, inside there is a picture of a minion holding a letter;

  • hang the tapes vertically from the ceiling. Attach figures with outstretched arms at some distance (as if they were holding onto a ribbon). Hang the same minions on the “tails” of the balls;
  • hang horizontal garlands everywhere in the form or with pictures of characters. Don't forget to decorate the tablecloth skirt, curtains, chandelier. Cardboard “bunches” of bananas, garlands of pineapples and mangoes;

Flags, garlands and other minion-style decor can be ordered online. And spend the freed time on large decorations, which are much cheaper to do yourself.

  • the largest ones are wall decoration(hang on a fishing line or support). Medium figures will be useful for photos, so it is advisable to have a support (otherwise you will have to hold them in your hands).

It's easy to make them: draw on whatman paper everything except the eyes (glue on the glasses), cut out and stick with double-sided tape on cardboard/plywood. The glue and paints will make the cardboard soggy and lose its shape! Make several other life-size characters, at least the sisters (especially if the party is for a girl) and Gru.

  • don't forget about the numerous vivid images– fireman, maid, superheroes, etc.. “Invite” a few of your purple brethren to the party. Let them interact - make faces at each other, fight, chase a crowd of one. Such mini-scenes “revive” the decor.


The easiest option is to print ready-made templates with an empty text box. The choice is large, bright and funny for children, blue and yellow for boys, pink for girls. You can get an idea and draw a flyer in FS.

An original invitation to a children's party in the style of Minions - a half-peeled banana. These postcards are easy to make with your own hands:

  • Cut out the peel from thin thick cardboard. Glue the two parts along the edges, leaving a gap at the top (like a pocket);
  • write the text on a white cardboard in the shape of a peeled fruit, insert the card into the peel;
  • glue an oval with a character in the center of the peel (like stickers on bananas).

You can make invitations in the shape of a minion, different for all the guys. Or place the card in a decorated box full of sweets. Box templates are also available online.


Don’t overdo it - clothes should be comfortable, not hot, and not restrict movement. Therefore, it’s hardly worth dressing a child in a life-size minion costume, except perhaps for memorable photos.

Comfortable clothes in the theme - a yellow T-shirt and blue jeans or denim overalls. In warm weather, shorts; for girls, a sundress or skirt (denim, fluffy tulle). T-shirts can be easily decorated in the minion style - by gluing an applique onto a web or sewing it on.

Hoods with faces look funny - sew on eyes and hair. You can make “bespectacled” hats from thin fleece for all guests. The glasses themselves are also not difficult to assemble - there are dozens of economical MKs made from cardboard, plastic, and metal online.

Prepare accessories for the photo:

  • glasses with eyes and sponges expressing different emotions (on stick holders);
  • character masks;
  • multi-colored caps with muzzles;
  • life-size cardboard bananas (photo hugging the coveted fruit);
  • purple fluffy wigs.

Menu, serving

For a Minions-themed birthday, there are no restrictions on the menu - everything you usually prepare for children's parties. It is desirable to have bananas, ice cream and colorful jelly, the rest is to taste.

The tablecloth is better blue, the plates are yellow - against such a background the decor will be clearly visible. You can buy stylized disposable tableware, napkins, and tablecloths. Or decorate the dishes with your own hands - glue pictures, paint glass stained glass paints or acrylic on a stencil.

  • to decorate desserts, use mastic, glaze, chocolate to melt blue and yellow color(you can buy it or paint it yourself, which is cheaper);
  • Pour dragees or candies wrapped in the main colors of the party into transparent containers;

  • cut out cards for skewers, straws and toothpicks, buy matching cupcake skirts;
  • bake oval-shaped cookies/biscuits, decorate in minion style;
  • re-label bottles of drinks, pack chocolates in stylized “wrappers”.

The characters are very simple, there shouldn't be any problems with the design. The only difficult part is the cake. If you lack experience, it is better to order it from a professional.


A script for children should include some kind of plot, but long explanations and complex summaries are hardly needed - they will get bored. We offer a simple minion-themed birthday script for children younger age. Competitions can be changed to more “adult” ones if schoolchildren gather at the festival.

According to the script, it is desirable that one of the parents play purple minion. If there are no helpers, you will have to make a toy cover with disheveled hair (put it on a regular minion) or cut out a purple one from paper and cover it with a normal one.

Leading (further B) greets guests, tells the reason for the party. Congratulations, invitation to the table. Then someone comes up to the presenter and whispers in his ear.
Q: Guys, something terrible, very terrible happened! El Macho added some kind of bad stuff to Kevin's lemonade, which made Kevin turn purple, shaggy, and even bite! You don't know how to help him?

Children either remain silent or talk about the antidote, remembering the plot of the cartoon.

IN: Exactly, an antidote. But El Macho won’t give it to us just like that... Hmm, I have an idea! I saw Kurito walking nearby. Let's catch her and exchange her for medicine for Kevin! Can you help?

Catching Kurito

For this entertainment you will need at least three sticks from children's pyramids + three “steering wheels” made of cardboard. Glue chicken figures onto sticks. The goal is to throw the ring on Kurito in three attempts, or until they have played enough.

IN: Well done, how many chickens did you catch! But which one is Kurito? Look carefully, maybe you'll figure it out? To me, they all look the same, that is, have the same beak.
Write the letter “K” on one figure.

IN: That's right, she is! Why didn’t I notice right away, because the look is so angry, wow... Let’s put her further away, otherwise she’ll peck at her. You take a break, and I will send a letter to El Macho with our exchange proposal.

IN. after a break at the table: Guys, this harmful fat man doesn’t want to give up the antidote even in exchange for a pet. Like, first pass the tests and show how brave, dexterous and cheerful you are. Otherwise, he says, I’ll keep Kevin for myself, because minions don’t need boring friends.

Further entertainment and competitions in the style of minions. After each, as a reward, give out 1 component of the antidote - multi-colored juices in syringes without a needle, closed jars, flasks. Juices of such shades that you can make a rainbow from syringes/jars.


The line for V. is like for a lambada, sandwiched between bodies air balloons. Under cheerful music The presenter moves slowly at first, and then increasingly faster, around the hall. Children follow in a “caterpillar” fashion, holding each other by the clothes or waist, trying not to drop the balls with eyes.

For attentiveness

Five bananas on a tray, kids remember the location. V. turns away and changes something (puts it differently). Now we need to guess what has changed. To make it fun, Once again instead of changing position:

  • stick eyes on the banana;
  • replace the fruits with peeled ones;
  • slurp loudly with a calm expression as if your mouth is full (remove one banana).

Wake up the minion

Draw on whatman paper or make a figurine + cardboard eyes. WITH eyes closed stick the glasses as close as possible to where they should be. Attach with a button, double-sided tape or on a magnet (“school” board).


Plastic bottles or aluminum cans wrapped themed pictures. Knock down bottles with a rubber ball (bowling). Place the jars on a stool in a pyramid and knock them down with soft balls. You can shoot balls with suction cups from a bow or a pistol, or play darts (depending on age).


Dance competition with repetition of commands. But you need to do everything the other way around, like the naughtiest minions! V. speaks arbitrarily, accelerating his pace:

  • handles down (raise your hands)
  • handles up (lower)
  • stand up (squat down)
  • sit down (stand up)
  • we jump on the left leg (i.e. on the right leg, and vice versa)
  • dance to the right (that means left, and vice versa).


Ovals as a base, boots, hairstyles, glasses, pants - everything is different, to choose from. Using a glue stick, double-sided tape and the suggested “parts” you need to create your own minion.

Competition option: prepare a sheet of Whatman paper divided in half by a line. Draw a lot of ovals in advance, give the children markers, and divide them into two teams. You need to draw everyone’s faces on your half of the Whatman paper faster than your opponents.

Gru is coming!

Just fun romp towards the end of the party or in teams, then you need sheets of two colors. Large box with holes, place it against the wall or place it on the floor. Crumple the pieces of paper in advance (an equal number per team), and spread a border tape in front of the box. The goal is clear - quickly get rid of the “garbage”, otherwise Gru will see.

Another option is to throw Balloons to the side of the rivals. On the command “stop”, count whose half has fewer balls (they win).

This birthday scenario includes seven competitions, not including catching the chicken. Now you need to guess in what order to mix the resulting components (according to the colors of the spectrum, each hunter...). Pour the juices into paper cup and call Kevin.

“Kevin” enters, jeans, purple T-shirt over a yellow one, glasses hidden under a shaggy wig. Of course, he doesn’t want to drink the antidote - the children chase Kevin around the room, catch him and persuade him to take the medicine. The weirdo winces funny, makes funny sounds and makes funny faces - he transforms, taking off his T-shirt and wig.

If there is no assistant, V. pretends to give medicine to a toy, changing it to a yellow one. Or play with “reincarnation” in any other way.

The finale of the plot part of the party is the ceremonial removal of a minion-themed cake and gifts from Kevin, who is grateful for saving him. Gifts: stylized cups for toothbrushes, mugs, lunch boxes, T-shirts, headphones, toys, sweets in a themed box.

Minion - French word, which can be translated as “cutie” or “baby”. Once upon a time (in the 16th century) this was the name given to the favorites of high-ranking persons. But today, most people know minions as cartoons - little yellow men with big eyes. Children love them so much that they often ask their parents to throw them a birthday party in a similar style.


You need to prepare properly for the party. What needs to be done?

  1. Draw or layout on a computer in graphic editor and print them out and distribute them to your little guests. The simplest thing is to make blue and yellow cards, stick or draw eyes with big glasses on them, and write the invitation text inside the card. A more complex option is a postcard with images of several characters at once.
  2. Come up with an appropriate costume for the birthday boy: boys have a yellow T-shirt and blue (denim) overalls; girls can wear a sundress instead of overalls. If you plan to attend your mother’s party, then she should take care of her outfit - blue dress with yellow beads it will be quite appropriate.
  3. Decorate festive table and the room where the party will be held, accordingly.
  4. Create a menu that matches the theme of the holiday.
  5. Write a script that will include games and competitions in the stated style.

To ensure that all the children’s guests remember the celebration, the children can be given memorable gifts at the end of the event. As holiday gifts, they make boxes in the shape of little yellow men, where they put a banana (the minions’ favorite food), a coloring book with these cartoons and, for example, a suitable magnet or badge.

Party decoration

To decorate a room, you should use two primary colors: blue and yellow.

  1. You can lay a plain blue oilcloth on the table, and put yellow plates and glasses on it (or vice versa). Be sure to take care of straws for drinks. They are decorated with images of cartoon characters.
  2. Garlands of flags in one of the primary colors are hung on the walls or along the table, with the words “Happy Birthday!” written on them. or just the name of the birthday boy. You can also hang photographs of the hero of the occasion and his friends in yellow and blue frames.
  3. They inflate yellow balloons and draw on them with a black marker. big eyes spectacled. The balloons are filled with helium and released to the ceiling or tied to the back of a chair.
  4. For guests you can make funny caps with eyes in glasses.

In general, all the furniture in the room should be covered with pieces of blue or yellow fabric, and if desired, even sew covers for chairs. Glue together large bows or flowers from colored corrugated paper and hang them on the wall next to the flags.


Be sure to take care of the appropriate treats. It is worth choosing the buffet option, because it is unlikely that small children will sit at the table. What dishes are suitable for this occasion:

  • orange or pineapple jelly in small plates;
  • small canapés with cheese and olives;
  • bananas (can be covered in chocolate, caramel or glaze);
  • oranges and tangerines;
  • corn sticks or popcorn;
  • multi-colored dragee;
  • cupcakes;
  • cookies with icing, etc.

You should definitely order a large birthday cake, which will depict a scene from the cartoon about the Minions or the character himself. Or maybe you should make a cake in the shape of a big banana.


To prevent children from playing around, it is better to think of interesting games for them.

"Eyes are in place"

This game is suitable for small children under 5 years of age. For it you need to print images of minions without eyes and separately eyes with glasses. A printed cartoon body is attached to a wall or other vertical surface. The children's task is to attach their eyes to the glasses with their eyes closed. Right place to the body. So that you can then evaluate the work of each participant, back side cardboard with eyes you need to write his name.

"Special Language"

In the cartoon, the minions speak a special, incomprehensible language. You can invite the children to come up with the same language and congratulate the birthday person in it. To do this, you need to give each guest a card on which the words “congratulations,” “wish,” “happiness,” “health,” “success,” etc. will be written in a column. Let the children come up with their own special “translation” for each word. and read congratulations in the resulting language.

"Blue and Yellow"

Children are divided into 2 teams: “blue” and “yellow”. Each team is given balloons of the corresponding colors, and the players stand opposite each other. Their task is to throw their ball, blow on it so that it ends up behind the opponent’s back, and at the same time they must “fight off” the opponent’s ball in the same way.

"Share a Smile"

Children are given a plate of cut lemons. Everyone should take a piece into their mouth and, while chewing it, smile and recite poems for the birthday boy.

In principle, if you take any game or competition as a basis and carefully watch a cartoon about minions, it can be easily remade in the desired way. Even “Traffic Light”, popular among children, or “Edible - Inedible” are quite suitable for the holiday.


In addition to games, the children should just have a pleasant time. To do this, you should choose suitable music for a children's disco, print out coloring pages with cartoon characters, give children paints and pencils so that they can draw if they get tired of jumping and running, etc.

You can also make it popular in Latin America entertainment called piñata. This big doll, made from paper, cardboard and glue and filled with a variety of sweets. The children’s task is to take turns hitting it with their eyes closed (so as not to injure each other) until sweets, dragees and lollipops fly out of it in different directions.

Guests should also be offered face painting. Many children love face painting, and for such a party you don’t even have to invite an artist, because, perhaps, any parent can cover their entire face with yellow paint and draw big glasses.

Throwing a Minion-themed birthday party is not an easy task, but if you start preparing for this celebration in advance and take into account the wishes of the birthday boy, you can count on success.

Blue and yellow minion themed birthday party

A birthday in the style of minions is a joyful, cheerful holiday, like the minions themselves, which will be remembered for funny jokes, wonderful photos in a brightly decorated photo zone and an abundance of two colors - yellow and blue.

Decorating a room in the style of minions

Perhaps the most impressive combination is an electric blue tablecloth and yellow plates, mugs and cutlery. Yellow and blue cocktail straws will also complement the decor.

If the holiday is celebrated indoors, the table can be decorated with yellow candles different heights, also painted with acrylic paint in the theme of the event.

Well, what to do with walls or trees if the holiday is celebrated outdoors? The same balls will help color range. Having hung them everywhere, by the end of the celebration you can allow the friends of the hero of the day to decorate the balloons with colored felt-tip pens.

It is also easy to make your own garland of blue and yellow flags with congratulations for the birthday boy, which can be hung on the wall or stretched between trees in 2 rows.

Outfit for mom, birthday boy...and guests!

On such a mischievous and cheerful day, everyone wants to be minions - funny, friendly and very kind.

Therefore, you can think of simple and inexpensive costumes for all participants of the holiday:

  • Birthday boy: the hero of the occasion should be dressed in a yellow T-shirt and blue overalls, and, as an option, put a yellow one on his head construction helmet with a glued round eye. And don't forget about shoes: simple yellow moccasins, painted acrylic paints a la Mignon, they will definitely create a sensation.
  • Mom: any outfit in blue and yellow colors - a blue dress and yellow accessories, a yellow blouse and blue pants or a skirt... but what about a manicure?!

Your child will be delighted when he sees that mom has a cheerful minion face on every nail.

  • Dad: there are 2 ways here - hard and easy. Let's start easy - just dress dad in a bright yellow T-shirt and blue sweatpants. Well, the second option is a complete transformation into your child’s favorite hero. To do this you will need a sheet of foam rubber 1.5 meters long and about a meter long. We will wrap it around dad, make round slits for the hands and eyes, and shape the top of the head in the form of a rounded cone. All that remains is to sheathe all this beauty yellow cloth by making an application on it of blue color in the form of a jumpsuit. Don't forget to add a smiling mouth and eyes.
  • Guests: Dressing up your guests couldn't be easier. We just order bright yellow T-shirts from the nearest printing company with different images minions. And, by the way, these same T-shirts will then remain with the birthday boy’s friends as a souvenir.

Thematic competitions: have fun until you drop

Well, minions certainly know how to have fun and enjoy life. Therefore, parents will have to work hard to come up with a holiday scenario and reckless competitions. Entertainment can be like this:

  • Pinata minion

Making a piñata with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, and how much joy the birthday boy’s friends will have when they can burst it and enjoy the goodies hidden inside.

First, we inflate 2 balloons, put candies and small sweets in each, connect them together, and then cover them with newspapers. We decorate the resulting cylinder on top of the newspapers with blue and yellow colored paper, glue on eyes and a mouth, so that in the end we get a real minion.

All that remains is to hang it in the yard and give little guests the opportunity to find out what’s inside.

  • Miniono bowling alley

Now we need 10-15 1.5-liter eggplants. We will print out images of the minions on a color printer (one per sheet) and paste these sheets onto the eggplants. And then the most interesting thing: a competition to see who can knock out all the minions with one hit of the ball?

  • Artists

We will prepare as many bananas for this competition as the number of friends of the birthday boy who will come to the holiday. We will also prepare markers in white, blue, red and black in advance.

Attention! Competition! Who will draw the most beautiful and similar to the original minion...on a banana!

  • A good old-fashioned spoon-carrying contest involving, minions!

For this difficult, but very fun test, we will prepare empty yellow Kinder Surprise eggs and blue plastic dessert spoons. You will need to glue eyes and a mouth onto each plastic egg, and then distribute 1 egg and 1 spoon to each guest and, of course, the birthday person.

The children are required to carry the egg in a spoon from one end of the platform to the other, holding this same spoon in their mouth and not holding it with their hands. Although, if the birthday party’s guests are just kids, you can make the task easier by allowing them to carry a spoon with kinder in their hand.

The one who completes the task the fastest without dropping his minion wins.

  • Let's make minions...from colored salt dough!

You can also use plasticine. Each participant in the competition is given salty dough or plasticine of yellow, blue, white, black and red colors and the task is given to mold the most believable minion.

Souvenirs, gifts for guests and treats in the style of Minions

As already noted, guests can take T-shirts with them as souvenirs. As an alternative, you can order mugs with Despicable Me cartoon characters painted on them. Almost all printing houses carry out such orders today.