How to determine which hair shade suits you. How to choose hair color

Either it changes your life for the better, or it ruins your mood for a long time. In order for the reflection in the mirror to match the picture in your head, you need to choose your hair color in advance. Read about this in the ELLE instructions.

Natural does not mean perfect

To remember the hair color received from nature, many will need to look at an album with childhood photographs (it’s good if they are not black and white). In most cases, the natural pigment is the best option for most of my life. However, the older you get, the softer and lighter your hair color should be. In addition, there is a small percentage of those for whom, as they age, it makes sense to seek help with choosing a tone from a colorist. As you get older, your skin may become darker (as a result of pigmentation) or redder (from rosacea), and your eyes and lips, on the contrary, may become lighter. The shade of the curls will depend on these variables. Next - about what is correct.

Eye color matters

Let's start with how to choose hair color based on eye color. Here you need to be guided by existing axioms, combining cold tones with cold, and warm with warm. Baby blonde suits blue-eyed and gray-eyed people. If your eyes are brown or hazel, add sun-kissed highlights. The green iris will become brighter next to soft copper accents.

The main rule: no rules

Girls of the Scandinavian type are traditionally recommended to have cool shades of blonde; sultry brunettes are most often painted in equally hot colors with a red undertone. However, in in this case, unlike the example with eyes, it is the juxtaposition of like with like (for example, warm skin, brown eyes and honey blonde) that does not look natural. If fair-haired girls with golden skin change their shade to platinum, the result will be gorgeous. Therefore, breaking the rules and playing with contrasts allows you to achieve a truly individual shade, and not look like a model from a box of hair dye. However, when thinking about what hair color to choose, the main thing is not to break all the rules and not always, in order to ultimately achieve a complimentary and not a strange result. It is better to entrust all this to a professional.

Determine skin tone

It is the nuances of skin tone and undertone, and not just knowledge of your belonging to a certain race, that allows you to choose the color of hair dye as accurately as possible. There are several ways to figure this out. Let's play hot and cold.

1. If the veins on the inside of your wrist are blue, you are a cold type. Girls with warm skin tones will have greenish or brownish veins.

2. Try the jewelry trick. If silver earrings make your face brighter, you are a “cold” young lady. If gold adds a well-groomed and radiant look, your skin belongs to the warm range.

3. Place a snow-white T-shirt on your face. Has your skin turned blue? You are a cold type. Has it turned yellow? To warm.

4. Do the same trick with colored fabrics. You will notice that some decorate you, others do the opposite. If you like yourself in black, grey, blue and white, choose cool shades for your hair. If your clothing colors are brown, beige, red, orange, wear warm colors.

Skin tone is not a constant and can change depending on age, health, and season. The simplest example: in winter, the skin is paler than during the period of solar activity. If this difference is clearly noticeable on you, change the saturation and depth of hair color based on the time of year.

How to match skin and hair color

Skin tone and hair color should live in peace and harmony, emphasizing each other's beauty, and not pulling the blanket over themselves. Therefore, girls with warm skin should not wear too dark colors. Their hair should be lighter than their skin, otherwise their complexion will appear dull and sallow. Snow Whites should choose with caution bright shades: red (if it is not natural), red, strawberry blond, chestnut and, especially, gothic black. All of them will “overwhelm” the skin and give the owner a faded look.

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Attention to detail

There is no need to strive for monochromatic coloring: let's leave this technique for wigs. It's all about placing accents based on the chosen color. Copper always looks most natural against a blonde background: from light to dark. And on brunettes it looks unnatural and rough. Using 2-3 shades of paint, a competent stylist can even improve the shape of the face. So, if you have a round or square face, lighter strands above your forehead will visually elongate your face.

Makeup, clothing, accessories

When going to the salon for a radical change of image, do not forget to go shopping afterwards: most likely you will need to update not only your wardrobe, but also your cosmetic bag. Otherwise, the “new” hair will be perceived as alien, and you will fade against its background and feel insecure. Therefore, a bright hair color requires support with one or two catchy accents. For example, cool blonde is perfectly complemented by orange (for blue eyes) and hot pink (if brown eyes) colors of clothing and lipsticks. And having chosen a warm dark hair color, wear a pale pink blouse, silver eye shadow, and white gold jewelry.

All women know the rule: “If you want to change your life or just cheer yourself up, change your hair color.” Of course, fighters for naturalness often claim that a natural shade is most suitable for a woman. Nature is by no means stupid, and, lovingly creating a person, thinks through all the details in his appearance. But practice shows that the right hair color can significantly change your appearance. better side. How to choose a hair color to suit your face, read below.

Determining your color type

Stylists gave conventional names to certain ones depending on the shades of the face, hair and eyes. As a matter of fact, there are only four options: Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn. Each color type is suitable only for a certain set of hair tones. If you make a mistake, you can cross out all the advantages of your appearance. So stand in front of the mirror and look carefully at your reflection. If you have already experimented with hair, then it is better to find your childhood photographs to build on natural shades. How to choose suitable color hair depending on your type?

Spring women - warm color type

Distinctive features: In most cases, a spring woman has hazel, green or golden eyes. The skin also has a warm peach or yellowish tint. Natural hair color varies from light brown to brown.

Wrong hair color: Spring beauties are not recommended to choose ashen light red and blue-black colors. All these tones will make your appearance nondescript, and your eyes will completely fade.

How to choose hair color to suit your face? If you are one of them, feel free to dye your hair brown, chocolate or red. We do not recommend choosing these for those with thin skin and slight blush, as they will only emphasize the vascular network on the cheeks.

summer girls?

Appearance features: Sunny beauties have light eyes (blue, gray, dark blue) and snow-white, almost transparent skin. The hair is also usually a very light tone ranging from blond to light brown. Often summer women are unhappy with the natural color of their hair, which some call “mouse.”

Errors in choosing colors: Black, dark brown and red hair can drown out the natural tones of your appearance. Too light eyes in combination with dark hair become completely colorless. But red curls sometimes give the skin of summer beauties an unhealthy blush or yellowness.

Which color should I choose? We recommend dyeing your hair blonde with a slightly golden tint. If you want to slightly darken your hair, then opt for a color reminiscent of milk chocolate. Any light chestnut shades will also suit you.

How to choose hair dye colorwinter girl?

Appearance features: The colors in the appearance of winter women are very contrasting. You can easily find a combination of black hair. However, most often they are brunettes with brown eyes.

Which paint should you not choose? Snow-white curls, red curls or cold chestnut tones are unlikely to suit you. This is especially true for those with very fair skin.

What hair color will you look great with? Deep and dark chocolate color great fit winter women. If you want to make your image even brighter, then opt for black shades. To add a playful touch, we recommend adding a few red strands.

How to choose hair color to suit your faceautumn beauty?

Distinctive features: Eye color varies from light green to dark brown. However, the color of the iris is always warm, sometimes with golden flecks. Natural hair color can be either light brown or brown. But the skin usually has a golden, yellow or dark tone.

Wrong color: Blonde rarely suits this color type. Typically, too light a hair tone can contrast with dark skin.

Which paint to choose: All chestnut, chocolate and red shades are your option. Also autumn women Tones of mahogany and copper are suitable. Hollywood stars sometimes they choose a fairly light blonde, but dilute it with brown strands.

Girls love to change their image because they want to look even more beautiful in the eyes of others. That is why representatives of the fair sex are constantly experimenting with clothes, makeup, hair color and accessories.

However, it is very easy to ruin your appearance, for example, if you choose the wrong hair color. The expressiveness of facial features depends on the color of your hair, but sometimes you can only emphasize certain flaws in your appearance if you choose the wrong color. In this article we will figure out how to choose perfect color hair depending on skin type, eye color, eyebrow expression and other features.

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Let's choose the right color!

On this moment all girls are divided into blondes, redheads and brunettes. But still, girls try to play with hair shades and create something new, of course, men don’t see the difference. Girls name their hair colors differently, some say they want to have platinum or chocolate color, but don’t fully know what it should look like. It is best to contact a competent stylist. All stylists have a very simple classification for finding hair colors; they divide women into warm and cold. Of course, this depends on the shade of your hair, skin color and eyes.

Warm women are distinguished by peach or golden skin and green or amber eyes. Their hair is brown, but there is a copper tint. Warm girls include: famous actresses like Angelina Jolie and Penelope Cruz. When choosing a shade, you need to focus on red, nutty and golden. Under no circumstances should you dye your hair light brown, platinum or ash color - this makes the girl look older. If you want to see what this looks like, watch the movie Broken Brothers with Penelope Cruz. Looks good, but very reminiscent of a cabaret dancer.

The director of Wella Profeshion states that blonde can suit any girl, but provided that all possible shades are considered. The choice largely depends on skin color, for example, if you have very fair skin, you need to choose blonde hair. You can trace the smallest differences in hair color among Kate Moss, Jennifer Aniston and Anya Rubik, despite the fact that they are all blondes - the color is completely different.

Cold women are distinguished by grey-green, brown and blue eyes. Their skin has a pinkish or light tint. Hair color can be either ashen or black. Light brown, black and platy suit them perfectly new color. You can experiment and repaint it red wine or mahogany, but you need to do this very carefully. Under no circumstances should you paint yourself in golden-red shades, this will affect your complexion.

Selecting a color by color type

Before choosing a hair color, you need to decide on the color type of your appearance, and it largely depends on your complexion. The color type is divided into four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Of course, this is done solely for convenience, and the climatic conditions of the seasons do not play any role. The season refers to the color of the eyes, skin and hair. Summer and winter are classified as cold color types, respectively, autumn and spring are classified as warm color type. Below we will tell you in detail about how to use color types when choosing a shade for your hair.


This color type can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • The hair is light, with a yellowish tint;
  • The skin is light, also has a yellowish tint;
  • The eyes are yellow-brown, yellow-green or turquoise.

Choosing a hair color is very simple; you need to dye it in warm colors: yellow-brown, beige or red. You cannot wear platinum blonde, shades of ash and red. The fact is that these tones emphasize the yellowness of the face, and the image becomes unnatural.


  • The hair is light, but has a gray tint. For example, brown, linen or light brown;
  • The skin has a light blue, light olive or light pink cool tint;
  • The eyes are light gray, green or blue, with a dark tint.

It is advisable to dye your hair cold and bright hues. For example, in shades light brown, light brown, ash or platinum. You cannot dye your hair yellow or red; this will only emphasize the pronounced bluish or olive tint of your facial skin. This can cause your skin to look unhealthy, such as a sallow complexion.


The color type can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • The hair is dark brown and has a yellow tint;
  • The skin is dark, has a light bronze tint;
  • Eyes are brown, yellow-green or turquoise.

In this case, the following color shades are best suited: red-brown, yellowish-brown, rose hips, and so on. You cannot paint in cold shades, for example, the color of mahogany. Because of this, the bronze tone of the skin increases, making it unnatural and unhealthy.


Girls with this color type look very cold; there are two types of skin color: pale pink and dark olive. Define this type possible according to the following characteristics:

  • Hair black or dark brown;
  • Eyes are dark brown or black.

The girls are distinguished by their bright and contrasting appearance. You need to give preference to cold and dark shades of purple, ripe cherries, mahogany, light brown or brown colors. If a girl has olive skin color, red color is contraindicated for her, as her hair may take on a green tint. Much easier for girls with pale skin, they can choose any of the colors that we have listed. If you wish, you can dye your hair platinum blonde.

You can determine your own color type using simple test. To do this, you need to check the color of your lipstick. Autumn girls use brown lipstick with shades of red. Summer girls- lipstick with pink, and winter ones – raspberry lipstick, which has a cool red tint. But if you are still in doubt, contact your stylist. Below we will talk in detail about the advice of professional stylists.

Firstly, you need to remember that if your skin is covered with freckles, you cannot paint yourself the color of a burning brunette or platinum blonde. These colors are only suitable for girls with clear skin. In addition, these colors are very undesirable for adult women, as they emphasize wrinkles.

Secondly, you should not emphasize the redness of the face of girls who blush too often. Colors such as red wine and mahogany are completely prohibited. But girls with cool skin colors can wear them; the following colors suit them best: mahogany, red wine, ash blonde, black and dark brown.

Thirdly, girls with “peach” skin should not wear cool colors, such as ash blonde. This will make the skin appear very pale and unhealthy. Honey, dark and ginger shades work best. You can experiment with red shades, but it is advisable to consult a stylist.

Don't forget to take into account the color of your hair, skin and eyes. If you have Blue eyes and pale skin - dye your hair light. If the skin is tanned and the eyes are brown, the color is dark. Those with dark green eyes and fair skin should wear a light color, but you need to look at the different tones; the darker the skin, the darker the hair color. For girls with a slight tan, it is better to wear light brown hair if your eyes are blue or light green. For heavy tanning and dark eyes It’s better to paint yourself brown-haired, but again main role shade plays.

You cannot hope that the color on the dye box will be the same after application to your hair. It is best to check color shades using samplers. Sorry, not on the boxes. complete information, only hair color and shade are indicated. Sometimes a tone is indicated, for example, golden or ashy.

Never take risks and try to completely change your hair color. You can change the color by several shades or just paint over the gray hair, but it is better to dye your hair from blonde to brunette in a beauty salon. The stylist will definitely take into account the color of the skin and eyes, select the appropriate one and highlight the facial features.

Sharing our experience

Before choosing a shade, read the main rules:

  • Never repaint your home a different color. It should be borne in mind that the first hair coloring is the most important, since the shade changes for a long time, and in in rare cases- forever. A professional can completely change your hair color the first time, this is better than coming to the salon after an unsuccessful dye job and spending extra money due to the complexity of recoloring. It’s better to pay once and enjoy your new look than to overpay and walk around with damaged hair;
  • Change the shades gradually, after a while you will achieve the desired color. Girls often cannot choose a color; someone wants to dye their hair brunette, being the owner of blond hair. It is better to change the color by several shades, get used to it and gradually make it darker or lighter. Remember that if you immediately dye your hair black, you will have to work hard to make it as light as before;
  • Repaint yourself in other shades, being in the spectrum of your color range. The main hair colors are chestnut, black and blond. In all categories, it is possible to enhance the shade, make it more pronounced, or, conversely, weaken it. For example, dark brown can be lightened with a light brown shade, but dark blonde will not affect your hair color;
  • Be sure to compare your natural hair color and the sample presented on the dye box. The fact is that dye pigments affect the natural pigments of the hair, so the hair can change color forever. It is very important to get it right, otherwise you will have to wear this color for a long time until you disguise it;
  • Don't go to a salon if you only want to dye a certain part of your hair. The fact is that stylists dye hair completely, because of this, already bleached hair becomes discolored. This affects the health of the hair as well as its color. At home, you can determine which part of your hair needs to be dyed, so your hair is not damaged by chemicals.

There are several colors that are very difficult to repaint. For example, black, golden, bright red and chestnut.

Golden color

Often the golden color of hair resembles dry straw, although the color result was very attractive on the box. This is because bleaching dries and damages your hair. Be sure to use a balm or conditioner to avoid excessive dryness. Never dry your hair with a hot hairdryer, as this causes severe brittleness and dryness of your hair.

Remember that the most important thing when painting golden is the choice of tone. Too warm tones can cause an orange tint, so it is better to prefer ash tones. Don't wear very light colors if you have pale skin. It is also worth remembering that the roots are quickly protected due to the fact that they are warmed by the scalp, so you need to dye your hair from the bottom, gradually moving to the middle and ends. Then paint top part hair and roots. This way you will distribute the paint evenly along the entire length.

Bright red color

The main disadvantage of red is that it fades quickly. The thing is that the molecules of this dye are very large, and the hair cannot hold them. Girls with red hair also lose the intensity of their shade over the years, so they use special shampoos and conditioners that maintain the shade of their hair. But using tinted shampoos all the time is not recommended. Also, the disadvantage of red is that it does not cover gray hair, but makes it pink. If you have gray hair, you need to take a closer look at red dye with the addition of a copper-gold shade. Of course, the hair will have a red tint, but the gray hair will be completely covered.

Chestnut color

Often, repainting it chestnut color gives a completely different result than was planned. Hair can turn red or auburn, so it is better to buy a dye with a cool shade of chocolate or nut color. Warm shades make hair too bright and red. During coloring, the roots may become too dark or light, but you can judge the severity of the color of the roots only after washing your hair. Please note that if you are dyeing your hair for the second time, you need to start dyeing from the roots, and then move on to the middle and lower parts of the hair. You can reduce the amount of color that is absorbed into the ends or roots by simply wet your hair slightly to prevent it from penetrating too deeply.

Black color

Girls with pale skin should not dye their hair black. Also, this color is not recommended for adult women, as it emphasizes skin imperfections. To put it simply, the color black ages a woman. But a girl with perfect tanned skin and dark eyes can dye her hair black, but you need to take into account the expression of the eyebrows.

The above will be complemented by a video that will reveal the features of choosing a new hair shade.

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Women love to change their appearance. They always want to try something new, to surprise their friends and, of course, their man. The least difficult and expensive way to change your image is to dye your hair a different color.

Often, following our own mood, we change our style too radically, and as a result we discover that it doesn’t suit us at all.

What hair color suits you? I suggest you look into the details. And if you want to once again make sure that your choice is correct, take the simple “Which hair color suits you” test.

To avoid unexpected effects, it is best to choose based on your color type. I’m sure you know about this, however, I think it wouldn’t hurt to remind you again.


Leather. Winter skin color can be of two types:

“Snow White” is white, clean, literally transparent skin (as they say, porcelain), very rarely with a slight blush.

Southern woman is dark-skinned, sometimes with an olive tint, and tans well.

Eyes. All shades of blue, violet, gray, black, brown.

Eyebrows and eyelashes. A dark shade close to the natural hair color.

Which color suits you? Dark blond, brown, chestnut, black. You can dilute the main color with shades of green, blue, purple, red, and ash.

There's no need to choose too light tones and colors with a copper tint.


Leather. Pale with a slight golden tint, delicate peach blush, sometimes brown-golden freckles.

Eyes. Light blue, gray-blue, bright blue, gray with green, brown with a golden tint.

Eyebrows and eyelashes. Light or brown.

Blonde with a golden or reddish tint, light brown with a golden yellow tint.

N not worth choosing bright red and dark brown colors.


Leather. There can be three types:

“Porcelain” is a pale, even shade.

Light pinkish, almost transparent.

Light cool - olive shade.

Eyes. Grey, blue, blue with lilac or green tint, brown and dark brown.

Eyebrows and eyelashes. Ashy hue, golden never occurs.

Light colors with ashy shades. If you want to touch up brown tones, still choose a lighter tone with an ashen tint.

Avoid red and yellow shades.


Leather.“Autumn” can have 2 main skin tones:

“Ivory” is pale, warm in tone with a golden tint.

“Peach” is a bright color, peach or beige-golden.

Freckles that are yellowish-brown or reddish are common.

Eyes. Brown colors(walnut, amber, etc.), green, turquoise.

Eyebrows and eyelashes. Eyebrows match the color of the eyes or are slightly lighter (if the eyes are brown), mostly light.

Bright, rich red and red-golden tones, reddish shades, brown and red.

N It's not worth experimenting with light tones, especially cold ones (ash, platinum).

Test “What hair color suits you”

To get the answer, you need to answer the questions. Then count which letter you have the most answers to.

Question 1. What is your natural hair color?

A) Red or chestnut

B) Dark brown

B) Light brown

Question 2. What shade is your skin?

A) dark

B) Light with blush

B) Not to say light, but not dark either

Question 3. What color are your eyes?

A) Brown or black

B) Gray or green

B) Blue or light blue

Question 4. Your age

A) Under 30

B) Under 50

B) Over 50

Question 5. Do you often color your hair?

A) No, I’m going for the first time

B) Sometimes I do highlighting or dye several separate strands

B) I paint all the time

Question 6. Which image seems closest to you?

A) an obstinate stubborn brunette

B) red-haired beast

B) fatal blonde

Question 7. How often do you visit the hairdresser?

A) Very rarely

B) Two or three times a month for special occasions (fix haircut, style for a banquet)

C) Regularly, at least once a month

Question 8. Where do you dye your hair (or are you going now)?

A) I paint houses myself

B) I prefer to do it at the hairdresser

Q) This is a very important step, and I trust hair coloring only to the best and trusted hairdresser.

Question 9. What does the concept of “hair care” include for you?

A) Wash your hair on time

B) correctly, with shampoo and conditioner for my hair type and additionally make a nourishing mask every week.

C) Take care of your hair with all possible means.

Question 10: What does fashion mean to you?

A) Absolutely nothing

C) Fashion is everything to us!

You counted more options A. It is logical to assume that you are a brown-eyed brunette with dark skin. Dark chocolate shades will suit you. If your hair is already dark, add a little plum.

You better not choose light colors. If your soul desires a “light highlight,” dilute your hair with a few light strands.

If you have an uncontrollable urge to touch up your makeup... light colors(provided that the native color is dark), do not rush to do this at once, such procedures are carried out in several sessions. With your good self-control and sufficient qualifications as a master, you may well turn out to be a beauty with dark or light brown hair.

You counted more options B. Your skin is most likely pale and your eyes are brown or green. will suit you bright colors with a red and ginger tint.

Another nuance - if you have long hair it is better to choose more saturated and dark shades redhead.

You counted more options B. All “blond” shades are at your service. If you have a tan or dark skin, you can choose a color with a golden tint. If it’s pale, it’s better to exclude golden.

If you are over 50, you should avoid platinum shades.

I hope the test confirmed that your choice, as always, is correct. If not, well, it doesn’t matter. In the end, each of you has enough experience and taste to resolve this issue, and if you intend to change radically, then it is better to consult with your master.